December 21: Not the end of time, just the beginning of another cycle

Mexican children meditating

As we draw close to December 21st 2012, I would like to reassure everyone that this date is not marking the end of the world, or the end of time as popularly believed. It is the end of a cycle and the beginning of another.

December 21 2010 was a very important date in the history of the world, as what was prescribed to happen on December 21 2012 actually happened then. Transformations happened in quick succession with flooding, riots, earthquakes, blizzards, tsunami and many other upheavals took place right after that 2010 eclipse.

The eclipse of December 21 2010, the date of the Winter Solstice, the first day of winter, and alignment of the earth with our galactic center, is a very important date in all ancient literature. The reason this was so important to the Mayans, is that this happens only once every 25,600 years (five periods of five 5,125 year cycles) where we have the sun changing direction on the solstice at the same time it is going through the galactic plane. This is why the Mayan Calendar ends at this time. The center of the galaxy was always very significant to all ancient cultures as the source of life. It is called Hunabku by the Mayans, and Vishnu Nabhi (navel) by the ancient Vedic Seers.

From December 21 2010 to now, there has been a phase transition from turmoil going more and more to peace. On December 21 2012, the children of the Mayans will stage a rare celebration of the end of their calendar and usher in a new cycle, a new time in human existence. It is not a doomsday time, it is rather a change over to a time of tolerance, compassion, virtues, less stress, violence and upheavals.

“In southern Mexico and Guatemala the indigenous students, teachers, parents and school authorities of 54 schools have received training in the TM Sidhi programme including Yogic Flying. The major tribes of the area will come together at their ancient holy city on Monte Alban on the 21st of December for that great celebration. On that day, the calendar of the indigenous people of the area ends, and a new time starts. Local tradition holds that this new time coincides with the start of a new, more uplifting and comprehensive type of education, which is the basis of a new era of much improved quality of life for society.

“The project of TM Sidhis in the schools is seen by the parents, students, teachers, and elders as the fulfilment of their personal and community Dharma. (life purpose or duty) They are all developing this project together—the education authorities are organizing the gathering of the school children.”

Of the 80 schools where the Transcendental Meditation Technique has been taught, 54 schools have received the advance TM Sidhis Programme. The 20th of December marks the end of the academic year, plus the Winter festival is the next day on the 21st, plus the calendar of the indigenous people of the area ends, and a new time begins. This new time coincides with the start of a new type of education, which is characterized by a new role for education, and a new quality for society.  The project has been basically arranged by parents, and they see it, together with the children as the fulfillment of their personal and communal Dharma. (life duty)

May everyone enjoy the waves of coherence, peace and God’s Light which will be radiating   from the children to the world. 8000 is a significant number because it is about the square root of 1 % the world’s population.

school children practicing transcendental meditation

The Sacred City of Mount Alban in Southern Mexico, site of the celebration by more than 8000 students.


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  1. Justice and Truth
    December 24, 2012

    I was not concerned about what the Mayans stated. I noticed for the past few weeks in Toronto, the skies have been generally cloudy with very little sunlight. We had some rain rather than snow. It was also windy to this day. It is winter and this is expected be it attributed to global warming – I do not know. Someone attributed this and sadly so to the 20 innocent children of all who were murdered in Newton, Connecticut. I thought how it hurt the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
    Christians should not worry about those people who say the world will end. We do know what Our Lord Jesus Christ said that “Only our Heavenly Father knows when this will occur.”
    The ungodly will believe anything as this to the point of selling all their belongings and not tilling the land, the latter which occurred among the Irish in those days when it was predicted that the world will end. Many died of famine in that era.
    We who are in the twenty first century are more educated and advanced people and should be. Surely we would not believe that a mere mortal will proclaim that the end is near or is here. If we do, then we are not living a genuine Christian life.

  2. Reflection
    December 23, 2012

    This is the sixth time since 1973 that I am aware of that the world was to have ended. The 6th time! and given the nature of mankind, I am sure that there will be many more in the centuries to come. Thank God that He is God!

    Awesome Creator! Not having the finite mind of the human that He created.

  3. December 23, 2012

    The world will eventually come to an end; however, noone knows when. God is the only one with that knowledge. We must repent and be baptized in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We should be prepared for that moment and not speculate.

  4. J.J.John-Charles
    December 22, 2012

    The God of the bible is not looking 4 human beings to defend Him.Sinners who are saved by the wonderful grace of God are not called upon to take up arms against those who criticise the holy bible.No,no, the God I am serving is able to defend Himself.
    Friends, you remember the book entitled “Satanic Verses”,written by Salman Rushdie.He wrote some things critical of the Muslim religion.A ransom of thousands of dollars was offered to any one who kill him.Not too long ago,just September an Egyptian living in the U,S.made a video, again not favorable to their prophet or their god Allah.There were riots and burnings even death all over especially in the Muslims world.
    When Muhammad moved to Medina and gain control there. He taught his followers in Surah 9:29 (qur’an) to fight against those from among the people of the scripture(Book)who do not believe in Allah…who do not forbid what Allah and his messenger have forbidden,and do not adopt the religion of truth- until they pay the tribute out of hand utterly subdued.
    By the way when Muslims conquered a people-group or nation they gave the people three choices: (i) Become a Muslim (2)Annually pay a very heavy tax.(3)Lose your head.

    Now here is the deference.God wants us, his followers to be witnesses of His love and goodness by Blessing those who persecute us,Romans 12:14,,,Asking us not to pay back evil with evil and to live in peace with all men Rom.12:17-18,,,He also wants us to Do for others what we want them to do for us Matthew 7:12

    The Savior is saying to all those who are weary, come to Me for rest. He fed the hungry multitudes,Opened the eyes of the blind. Caused the lame to walk.Just before He closed His eyes in death He said “FATHER FORGIVE THEM,THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY DID”.(Referring to those who killed Him.)
    This God, this Jesus,you can call Him the white man god if you want.But one thing I know, He saved me 42 years ago and without a shadow of a doubt, I know he can SAVE YOU TOO.

    • Justice and Truth
      December 24, 2012

      This is why Christians are peaceful people and strive for peace. Generally, we do not fight back. Our Lord told us to turn the other cheek and said, “Vengeance is Mine. I will repay.” As we pray we leave all in his hands who rewards the good and punishes the wicked.
      Our Lord Jesus Christ also told us: “My peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled neither be afraid. Believe in Me…You will be persecuted for My sake…!
      In order to get to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Our King, Lord and Saviour, it is imperative that we live loving and peaceful lives.
      It is also stated, “Strive for peace for without that holiness no one sees the Lord.”
      Those who do not cultivate, promote, project and practice “peace” are deceiving themselves for our loving God is a God of peace.
      Christianity is 2000 years old. Muslim beliefs commenced 600 years ago. Mohammed does not save people; has not saved anyone and is incapable of saving anyone. He is a mere human being who was judged by God. I wonder where his soul is in eternity.

  5. Forever Faithful
    December 22, 2012

    No one has to belive it. However some persons support different beliefs based on the thinghs that they have been tought,all you have to do is be ready for when the Most High comes.

  6. December 22, 2012

    It is not my intention to comment on this article for many reasons. However as I read the comments I notice that the majority of the sentiments are spoken with much disrespect for God, Eternal Spirit, who is of Holiness and Love.

    I just want to remind you people that you exist to speak those blasphemy against God, because of His covenant through the Son, His Person of Love–the Man who is Jesus Christ.

    In other words the Human Person (Jesus) in God Almighty, Eternal Spirit, is He who shields you guys from God’s Holiness, but by His Love—otherwise no one gets away with such
    “disrespectfulness” which is spoken here, towards God. As “human beings” we are called to “Fear God and obey His commands”.

    The God of Holiness never intervened directly with mankind from since He sent Adam and Eve of the Garden of Eden.

    It took Him 400 years before He chose “Moses” through whom He would interact with His own chosen people–the ancients Israelites. Until then they had no etiquette of God who was of Spirit and Holiness—they had to be trained and disciplined, that He might live among them, through Moses.

    After Moses, other prophets, judges, and Kings were chosen, that God would work through them, for the Salvation of His people—but all were human beings as well, nothing worked to God’s satisfaction.

    You people speak your filth freely against God’s Holiness, and you think that because you are not instantly stricken by the words of His mouth, you are the great ones, but know that you are protected because you live among God’s chosen people, whom He is protecting—God’s time for you will come.

    God promised Abraham that He would not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, if He would find five good people among them. But He didn’t; hence He destroyed those two cities by His own hands.

    For those you who think that God does not have a hand—as you claim that He is all in our mind, those of us who have accepted Life in Him—you all better keep in mind that your time is coming–whether you are dead in your grave or that you are wandering like a coffin with a dead soul within you, in this world.

  7. Dr. Lucia john
    December 21, 2012

    To Mwenmem, I thank you for your comment, and I thank you everyone for your comments too. You make it a joy to sit and write the articles. It is significant, that you ask for a study of the Bible on this day, the first day in the new cycle of the Mayan Calendar. Even if you do not understand the Mayan Calendar or their way of life, this does not mean that they are insignificant. These ancient civilizations had knowledge to calculate eons. That’s how advanced they were in their mental potential. Humanity is one, regardless of where on the globe we are located right now. Regardless of what geographic and or climatic conditions we are being exposed to, We were placed there for a good reason. It is up to us to seek and find that reason and fulfil that purpose. This is our work on Earth. Right now, we are trying to develop ourselves again to the level that Christ wants us to… Christ means Cosmic. He said it Himself, ‘I and the Father are One, and The Father is ALL.

    One of the most significant sayings of the Bible is the Golden Rule. ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ This is an order. It is a command. How do we accomplish that? It seems simple, yet it involved everything that we are to actually do it. We have an explanation to that;
    ‘whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto Me.’

    Some persons may not believe in the Bible or in Religion and I respect the views of everyone. This is why we are here discussing, trying to make sense out of the whole thing. I think that something good will come out of it as it started on a very auspicious day. The day that the light of peace really begins to shine on Earth. According to the Mayan Calendar.

    Most of us do not act, we react. We do not have the mental strength to act. If someone does something to us, we do not have the strength to ‘turn the other cheek’ Acting means having compassion even when everyone else hardens their hearts. Acting means going the extra mile to save someone’s life. Acting means being our brother’s keeper. Acting also means making a decision and following through. look at our society today, we see the great work that is ahead of us.

    • Mwenmem
      December 22, 2012

      Dr.John! Please my response to your piece is not an attack on you or the Mayan culture which I believe have profound scientific value. Every culture on earth provides temporary benefits to humanity. I don’t have to know Mayan, Greek or Kalinago culture to know that. The problem lies in finding the eternal truth to the question. Where did I come from, what am I doing here and where do I go from here. Every culture has tried to answer it in its own way. The answer could only come from the Creator. (Only the creator of your car knows how best to care for it. Everyone else will try.) That answer came 2000 years ago in the form of Jesus Christ. We were created by a loving God to fellowship with Him eternally in love. Period. Every culture tries to worship something in an attempt at reaching that God. Why? Because a true God to be worshiped does exist. The reason you feel hungry is because food exists. It is not a figment of your imagination. The reason the Mayans worshiped their Gods is because the one true god exists. He came down and divided both time and space by starting the calendar (dividing time) and by dying and ressurecting. (He divided space). You like me are in search for the truth. He is that truth. Find Him woman, find Him and you will find not just truth, but truth, freedom, peace and joy.
      The hapless Mayans were as lost as you are and as I was years ago. You however can find the truth, it is available to you. The Mayans died in their ignorance. You are without excuse. I pray that he reveals Himself to you. Amen.

  8. Conscious African
    December 21, 2012

    I have read some comments and I was not surprised that my own people sound so ignorant. The comments by Faith in Christ,CHRISTIAN ALWAYS, and D/can Abroad were all comments based on speculation and faith but not logic or philosophy, therefore ignorant comments. The European man has perverted the ways of life and has propagated their faith on the world.” To have faith without knowledge is to be ignorant” J. Asar. Jubal. And because my black people have not disavowed this European faith they have fallen into a religious doctrine full of speculation. The life of Jesus can be compared to astronomy.On December 24th the east star, Sirius, aligns with the three stars in Orion’s belt. The three stars are the three kings and all those stars are aligned with the sun on December 25th. When you say Jesus is the son of God, it really means The SUN of God. That whole statement I just made explains the three stars, Sirius, and the sun in relation to the SUN of God, the three kings and the star in the east which, according to you christian folks, is the star which the three kings followed to get to Jesus. Also during the winter solstice the shortening of the days and the expiration of the crops symbolize the process of death. It was the death of the SUN, not Jesus. Now the sun moves south for six months starting from June to December. On December 22nd the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky and stops moving east for three days. The three days of the sun resides in the vicinity of the southern cross (crux). On December 25th the sun moves one degree up. It was the resurrection. You don’t celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on December 25th because you celebrate it on the spring equinox or as Europeans promulgate “Easter”. The reason you celebrate it at this time is because the sun overpowers the darkness by daytime being longer than the night. This is why people say don’t look at the stars for it is demonic. They want your mind in a box so you stay cooped up in your faith. Blacks practicing European faith benefit this mutanoid, underdeveloped, non-melanated, white man. WAKE UP MY BLACK; AFRICAN PEOPLE WAKE UPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!.

  9. Faith in Christ
    December 21, 2012

    DNO I am asking again where is my comment about the coming of Christ? Why is it that I cannot see it along with the other comments?

  10. out of south city
    December 21, 2012

    Earth Loving, I second the motion. Our people need to be exposed to truth. Their minds are clouded with religion and a false god that cannot save them. We are still serving the white man through his religion, christianity.

    December 21, 2012

    another cycle, enh beh look it, more stealing, lieing, cheating, plundering, satanist cycle

  12. love
    December 21, 2012

    o plezzzzzzzzzzzzz give a break in mi young life

  13. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    December 21, 2012

    The Sun is NOT the centre of our Galaxy. :?:

    • anonymous2
      December 21, 2012


  14. Faith in Christ
    December 21, 2012

    DNO where is my comment concerning the coming of Jesus Christ???

    • anonymous2
      December 21, 2012

      Jesus and Christ are synonyms for “the sun.” Substitute ‘sun’ where you see either of those 2 words in the Bible. The Bible is the history of people living during a time when phenomena were explained in terms of fear.

  15. Faith in Christ
    December 21, 2012

    Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ should focus there attention on the coming of the Lord.
    There will be a display of the power of God in the earth through His Church, before the return of Jesus Christ.
    At the same time the evil one will empower his agents in the earth to try to counterfeit the power of God.
    But just as the snake of Moses ate Pharoah’s snake so in the end time will the manifestation of the defeat of the evil one be actual.
    He has already been defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ through his death, burial and resurrection!! The actuality of this occurrence will be on display to the whole world. Then will the Lord appear!!

    • Tim Tim
      December 21, 2012

      Tim Tim, Bwa Shesh!
      To some, these sayings and “biblical phrases” sound good just like Santa stories or folk-lores. But they are just that, a bunch of big made up stories indoctrinated into us from infancy by our colonial masters. Stop repeating this load of crap in the name of your white god!

  16. why tea
    December 21, 2012

    I truly believe something today[O]. Today is the shortest day of the year, the beginning of winter, and from today,the daylight will begin to be longer, starting by the minutes to hrs. Tired of the late mornings darkness and and early afternoons nightness.

  17. jax
    December 21, 2012

    well I woke up this morning, so I guess I’m still alive.

  18. Mwenmem
    December 21, 2012

    Dr. Lucia John! Beyond the astronomy or geography information, everything else regarding Mayan culture, I respectfully say is utter nonesense. The true God revealed Himself, in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. Thereby freeing us of all the speculation on purpose and destiny. A cursory study of the Bible would be of greater temporal and eternal benefit to your readers, than this Mayan nonesense.

    • Tim Tim
      December 21, 2012

      Tim Tim, Bwa Shesh!
      To some, these sayings and “biblical phrases” sound good just like Santa stories or folk-lores. But they are just that, a bunch of big made up stories indoctrinated into us from infancy by our colonial masters. Stop repeating this load of crap in the name of your white god!

  19. TeteMorne I from
    December 21, 2012

    Well, there are going to be millions of disappointed folks when the 22nd of December arrives. LOL

  20. Dr. Lucia John
    December 21, 2012

    When Transcendental Meditation came to the schools in Southern Mexico, they had the same problems that we are experiencing in our schools and even more. As the children began to meditate and experienced peace of mind and the ability to focus again on their school work, more and more schools asked to start, and soon, 80 schools were meditating.

    The change was so profound, from violence and hyperactivity, to calmness, dedication to school work and respect for parents and teachers – the cities themselves became calm, crime rate fell dramatically, health improved, the quality of life changed profoundly from pain and violence to happiness, creativity, and success, they knew that they were in possession of something special.

    Transcendental Meditation is just a simple technique that enables us to experience the silence that we all have deep within us. This is the most effortless technique of meditation, and it has existed for thousands of years. It may be new to us, but it is as old as time.

    You the reader, ask yourself what is that silence that you have deep within you. Ask yourself why when you are not experiencing inner peace you make mistakes more, and that is when stress gets to you and creates havoc in your body, mind and emotions. Ask yourself also why is it that when you rest and eliminate the stress, your body experiences better health, your emotions are more balanced and your mind is clearer.

    Transcendental Meditation gives the deepest rest possible, pure silence, pure transcendence, stillness, while the mind is fully aware, awake. On returning to activity, you feel energized. It is just a technique that anyone can use, regardless of race, colour, creed, belief or lifestyle, to enliven the silence within and let it be lived in daily life.

    • Mwenmem
      December 22, 2012

      Madam any peace not founded and anchored on Jesus Christ is a counterfeit peace and will soon be overthrown. Its like the joy found in alcohol. It is transient and fleeting. Permanent peace and joy only comes from the creator of all that is. The Lord of all. Can’t you see how unfair the world would be if true joy and peace could be available to some because of race, economics, politics, wealth or location? But a loving God made true joy and peace be available to all. Ask Him what this miserable person is talking about. Is that true? He will answer you in His time and you wont be dissappointed. I was like you searching for the truth. Not in a million years would I have believed it to be in Christianity. If your education did not take you to God. It is a disservice and a fraud. God bless you lady. Now and always.

  21. J.J.John-Charles
    December 21, 2012

    I don’t know about tomorrow.
    I just live from day to day
    I don’t borrow from it’s sunshine
    For it’s skies may turn to grey.

    I don’t worry o’er the future
    For I know what Jesus said
    And today I’ll walk beside Him
    For He knows what is ahead.

    Many things about tomorrow
    I don’t seem to understand
    But I know who holds tomorrow
    And I know He holds my hand.

    Every step is getting brighter
    As the golden stairs I climb
    Every burdens getting lighter
    Every cloud is silver-lined

    There the sun is always shining
    There no tear will dim the eye
    At the ending of the rainbow
    Where the mountains touch the sky.

    Many things about tomorrow
    I don’t seem to understand
    But I know who holds tomorrow
    And I know HE HOLDS MY HAND.

    Amen and Amen.

  22. (.) (.)
    December 20, 2012

    What’s this on DNO? ….. We turn Mayans now?

  23. D/can Abroad
    December 20, 2012

    If one read and believe in the word of the Almighty Yahweh one would not fall for crap like this. Prophesy has to be fulfilled and it hasn’t

  24. out of south city
    December 20, 2012

    We have followed the ways of the slave masters who kidnapped our ancestors from Africa and brought them to the west to work as slaves to fuel their imperialistic system. We were named after the slave masters, ate their food, dressed like them and served and still serve their god. That’s why we cannot identify with the Mayans who have the connection with mother nature. It hurts me when I see so much ignorance depicted here on DNO. Our people are so closed minded and not willing to change or do any research of any kind that will enlighten them. We seem to see ourselves in every body’s image but our African image. we have been taught to hate ourselves so it is not surprising to me. That is why someone said if you want to hide something from black people put it in a book. We don’t seem to want to change our ideology at all. All we have to do is believe and every thing will be alright. The only book that we like to read is the one that the slave master has given to us and that is the so-called holy bible. That’s why we cannot resurrect as a people and shake the shackles off our minds because we have been controlled and brainwashed. I don’t see us improving under the master’s domain but rather our race is being killed, are on drugs, committing crime and violence more than ever before. Homosexuality (population control)is rampant, divorce and you just name it. Yet still we continue to call on Jesus and we are worse than ever before. It is high time to awake out of sleep my people because Jesus is not coming back for anyone.
    We need to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery, slavery of the mind which is as a result of religion. No religion can save anyone.

    • anonymous2
      December 21, 2012

      Religion is created by man to enslave man…..regardless of color.

  25. adjournment
    December 20, 2012

    what utter rubbish is this? what does the mayans believe have to do with us that worship a living God and not the sun,moon,river, etc etc

    • Freethinker
      December 21, 2012

      What does your worshipping a “living” god have to do with anyone who doesn’t worship any gods at all? The sheer arrogance of you people is amazing. Believe it or not–I know this is hard to grasp–there are people in the world who think and believe different things from you.

    • Q
      December 21, 2012

      at least they had their own beleifs unlike you who serve a roman beleif… what did the romans have to do with us. dumb fool! if ur THAT ignorant online i dont want to know u personally nah.

    • Rebekkah
      December 21, 2012

      Did the living God not create the sun and the universe? Does the living God not want his children to live in peace? What rubbish YOU speak!

    • Earth Loving
      December 21, 2012

      Utter rubbish? Partner, you have the audacity to call other people religion rubbish when believe in this man-made deity in the sky, colonial driven god? The article tells us that the Mayans celebrates nature and a new time in human existence, a time of tolerance, compassion, virtues, less stress, violence and upheavals…and you there still believing in a theoretical white god that only exist in the minds of dreamers and fools!

      Please first examine your own beliefs before you cast a stone on others! The Mayans were an advance people who observed and appreciated the environment they lived in. They accurately calculated many calculations which are still being used today such as a year having 365 days. They were a practical people instead of a colonial brain-washed fool that was taught to bark when needed and believe in a made up god!

      • ????????????????????
        December 21, 2012

        EarthLoving a ?? for you? Do you believe that there is a superior being who created the Heavens and the Earth? Do you think that the earth just came into being? Don’t you think that some super being must have created the Universe. Do you think the Universe just fell out of nowhere? Sit and meditate and I am sure you will humbly say there is a greater and superior being than I am and this is not anything to do with White, Black, Mayan, yellow why because this super being is the one who created the heavens and the Earth and all and sundry (no matter what culture, colour , creed should give homage to this great being. Isn’t it Ms or Mr “Earth Loving”??????????

    • Gary
      December 21, 2012

      Why do you condemn something you know nothing about or ignorant off. First off these people, the Mayans do not worship the Sun as God, the Sun is symbolic.The Sun is the light of the world not the Son,the Sun is the giver of life not the Son, the Sun is also the center of the Universe. These ancient people new the significance of the Sun and what it represents.

      The Great Pharaoh Arkhenaten was the first person person to bring about the concept of one God which is monotheism and that was long before Christianity existed and that one God was represented as the Sun Amen RA depicted as Sun disk. and by the way that is where the word Amen comes from which is repeated after prayers. The significance of the Sun and it’s properties representing light is something that has been concealed and hidden from the masses.That is why the adepts of the secret Societies acknowledge the importance of the Sun.

      If I had to choose a religion, the Sun as the universal giver of life would be my God. Quote Napoleon Bonaparte

      The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally payed to the sun.”
      ― Thomas Paine

      • Humility
        December 21, 2012

        You talking about Roman Catholicism which is not Christianity. Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

      • Gary
        December 21, 2012

        To Humility

        Wow, I cannot tell you what to believe, But i must say you sound like someone confused, i guess that is what religion does to the human mind.

      • TheMan
        December 21, 2012


        Unfortunately everyone thinks their superstition is authentic and everyone elses is mumbo jumbo.

        Its all one big soup.Respect all or respect none.

        Thomas Paine and the Age of Reason is a good place to start.

        For humility, you need to open your mind more than this ancient concept of God and Jesus Christ. You have been the subject of the biggest mind control experiment known to mankind.

      • ????????????????????
        December 21, 2012

        Don’t you think that a Superior Being created the Sun? Did the Sun create all around us. I ain’t even start to quote from Genesis for you. Just simple logic that someone greater and superior than all of us and all mankind and all elements – sun, moon and stars created all.

    • anonymous2
      December 21, 2012

      Christian religion is a pagan practice of sun worship which goes back hundreds of years.

  26. see
    December 20, 2012

    thats a vibes

  27. gossie gander
    December 20, 2012

    Well if we believe in the bible none of us would pay attention to predictions about the world coming to an end. Because the bible said that no man knoweth the day or the hour when the son of man doth come.

    • Freethinker
      December 21, 2012

      Too bad, then, that Paul thought the world was coming to an end in his own lifetime, and that the bible is so unreliable placed against everything we know now that it’s pointless to look to it for when the world “ends.” I don’t even know what “the world ends” means. The Earth is a nothing part of the universe.

      • ????????????????????
        December 21, 2012

        Our Heavenly Father does not want none not one to perish including you “Freethinker”. So please you have some time to stop being freethinking as you want to be. He sent his son to die for you and for me infact all of us. So ask him to come into your life with wisdom and understanding so you will read the bible and start understanding what God wants for us. He has already paid the price.. You are not guilty… Just open your heart to receive him. Trust him, obey him, believe and have faith in him.

    • ???
      December 21, 2012

      Please spell Bible with a capital “B.” It’s the least you can do.

    • December 21, 2012

      Well said and I do beleive it’s time that people pick up the BIBLE and start reading so they can understand who is in charge and stop this foolishness.

      • Gary
        December 21, 2012

        Why would you advise people to pick up a Bible and start reading it so as to understand who is in charge and stop the foolishness in this world. People have been reading the Bible for hundreds of years and they still have not found who are the people really in charge,and foolishness still continues to this day. There is a saying that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result or change can be described as madness.Telling people go read the Bible and they will understand the root cause of the world with all it’s problems thinking they will go away,how simplistic is this.

        The reason why foolishness continue in this world is simply because people refuse to think for themselves and instead let people do it for them.As to the people in charge, that is exactly what they want.They do not like the masses to think for themselves.The people in charge have no power at all, the reason why they are in charge is because we give them power by accepting what they tell us without questioning them.One of which is the Bible telling us it is the word of God. Why have we not ask which God.

        Most of us go from the cradle to the grave knowing nothing about ourselves and the world we live in and how it is Governed with all the Institutions given to us.Dr. Adam [Spartacus] Weishaupt: “Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible.”

    • ????????????????????
      December 21, 2012

      Ok Gossie Gander tell them again. The most important thing is to live clean and love one another as God loved us and following the Lord’s commandment. Then we would not be so perturbed as to the end or when we die.

  28. The Eyes
    December 20, 2012

    DNO all you doh have nothing better to post than this nonsense. Get some real news toneh.

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