COMMENTARY: Does Dominica have a color problem?

Dr. Irving Eipigh Pascal

Nowadays in Dominica, our daily wardrobe choices have become ‘identities’.  I notice that when I wear blue or red people comment as if they have the power to influence my wardrobe choices.  It seems that “Eipigh” the human suddenly becomes invisible in their eyes.

Instead I’m replaced by a color-coded, party-political identity UWP-ite or Labour-ite.  Friends tell me they often make a conscious effort to wear ‘neutral’ colors.  Blue and red have become definitional.  They’re suddenly more than just colors.  They do more than indicate what political party you may support. They now ‘identify’ you and mark you as potential friend or foe.

The use of colors in political symbolism is not new.  On the killing fields of ancient politics where power was brokered primarily through war (or the threat of violence), colors were often used to distinguish one army from the other.  The practice continues though less bloody modern day equivalents such as team colors in sports.  Nevertheless, whether it is war, sports or politics, the use of color to identify opponents, enemies or ‘the other side’ only accentuates division and conflict. This activity eventually dehumanizes by reducing people to oppositional existences.

These days blue and red flags litter the aerial landscape making our Nature Isle a “war –zone” of colored flags.   As I drive daily thru St Joseph, Mahaut, Massacre or travel around the country, I ask myself who will clean up this rubbish? Just as seriously I wonder, who really benefits from this escalating ‘color-consciousness’ as the flags get more numerous and indiscriminate.

I know that 500 years of physical, mental and economic oppression tends to make us feel somewhat uncomfortable with our identities, as people of either Afrikan or Kalinago descent. Then and now empowering information is kept to a minimum whilst negative images and stereotypes are still regularly used against us whether on the streets, in the classroom or in the media; moreover, we often buy into this dehumanization ourselves.

Small wonder then, that we so easily accept the blue or red “pseudo-identities”that those purveyors of influence enthusiastically promote at election time and beyond.  What does it really mean to be a, uwp-ite or a labour-ite in 2014?  Who benefits from these blue and red  pseudo-identities?  Who benefits from the buying and selling of the colored party-political ‘identity’ paraphernalia ie; billboards, flags, t-shirts, caps etc.

Ultimately, the profit ( political and economic) largely goes to the heirs locally and overseas of those people who bought, sold and enslaved my ancestors. We have forgotten that the identities of our ancestors (Kalinago and African) were falsified in similar ways to dehumanize, enslave and control them.  Color coding was also effectively used against them especially where social cohesion threatened the welfare of those convinced of their divine right to control.

In Dominica, the imposition of party colors to the level of static identities (uwp-ite, labour-ite) is troubling.  I find it objectionable how these political pseudo-identities are used to divide and rule a people who share common histories and common interests regarding economic independence in an environment that is especially hostile to agricultural production and self-definition. The use of colors, are a means of non-verbal communication and color-coding is utilized in the modern political arena where voter illiteracy is high.

What this means is that most political parties tend to downplay engaging with voters through meaningful dialogue in forums that allow for exchange, learning and sharing of information on policies and plans.  Instead these political parties resort to mega-rallies where the main objective in order of priority is a colored body-count, name calling and labeling. The result is “no questions asked, no answers given.”

The danger of fabricated party political pseudo-identities means that we can easily turn a blind eye to people; to shared interests, to common futures, to the possibility of working together.  The mind of the beholder uses color and other labels to objectify  (remember the 2008 infamous Tony Astaphan’s “cacador” speech) rather than humanize by seeing one another as a sister, brother, neighbor, friend or partner.

History has shown that depersonalizing and objectifying people makes it much easier to commit acts of physical and non-physical violence against them. That was also the strategy used to legitimize,  the injustice and barbarity of the Trans-atlantic slave trade and colonialism for over four hundred years.  More recently, the massacres in Rwanda, Bosnia and elsewhere have been linked to the systematic depersonalization of one group by another.

In my opinion only a small manipulative elite, truly profit from such political strategies which emphasize antagonistic pseudo-identities. In the process the “psyche” of the Nation is infected and permanently scarred; and when the fallout comes as usual it will be our brothers and sisters who have internalized these false identities who will suffer the most. We must remain eternally vigilante to identify and expose those who would want once again to use this false “colour-consciousness and pseudo-identities” to divide, violate, dehumanize and rule over us.

May the spirits of my ancestors, be pleased.

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    June 5, 2014

    People minds are small they only care about the next event and whats happening. Its not like in the past where we were able to separate politics from daily life. People these days are looking for the next excitement or action and if colors give them a brand or identity then you automatically become part of that identity. Reason being there are men and boys, women and girls… a man knows that his opinion is just that an opinion its not fact! A woman knows that what she feels is just what SHE feels! Boys and girls think that what they think is real and so it must be real for everyone else. Most of us haven’t grown up. Its about what you know not what you think! Reality is knowledge and fact thinking is opinion and thoughts. Separation of the two is what separates an man and woman from boys and girls!

  2. June 3, 2014

    Hello and good afternoon my people. Well I am coming home for the Creole Festival and are you telling me that I can’t wear my Red or Blue Alfani or Sean Jean dress shirt. I never voted in Dominica and I have no intention of voting rather I just want to enjoy myself and be free of Politics. Well I will change my Red Shirt to Orange and my Blue Shirt to Yellow and thanks for the article.

  3. jahjah
    June 1, 2014

    Well said Doc Dominicans open your minds and understand and satand for what is right

  4. JoJo
    May 31, 2014

    Well, I’m not flying red or blue or green flag.. Politicians too smart ,especially those who think they know psychology. Divide & rule is their strategy. I am flying the Dominica flag only, it is multi-cloured and can not divide us. Problem solved.

  5. Ex Labourite
    May 30, 2014

    That’s what happens when you stop supporting a political philosophy which is designed to keep people poor so they can be exploited – you see the light and you are now able to critically analyze the issues

  6. Sane
    May 30, 2014

    Ex – labourite ?? Lolol
    You are too smart to be an ex – labourite.
    You only know my opinion is “RED” because the good Dr injected his article with BLUE!

    • Ex Labourite
      May 30, 2014

      That’s what happens when you stop supporting a political philosophy which is designed to keep people poor so they can be exploited – you see the light and you are now able to critically analyze the issues

  7. May 30, 2014

    I think your discussion here seems to be an exercise in writing a paper for an examination. While you might get an A+ on this paper, have raised the consciousness of, and educated your readers on the effects of color coding, the reality of such a discussion is not merely writing about it. It should also be a discussion of a solution and how we as humans can rise above the political jerry-meandering that is used all over the world. You have failed to mention any concrete solution within your discussion. So, I ask you: what is your solution or the solution to this dilemma?

    Colors are part of the flamboyance that accompanies the garments that we wear in a civilized society: even in the animal kingdom, colors differentiate males from females, old from young, this group from that group, and colors denote geographical locations.

    Just as car manufacturers use a sophisticated coloring system in the making of their vehicles for sale to the general public, they too know which are the best colors, or the fastest selling colors buyers would prefer. Color coding for them is also two fold. While it expedites sales, it also serves as protection for the buyer, and will guarantee that their vehicle will last a very long time, and will not rust nor corrode overnight. The same can be said about clothing. Regardless of color, it also serves as protection from the elements, insects, and decency. As much as you would want us to believe in your quest to associate/identify with your ancestors, I bet you would not wear tribal (primitive) wear as your choice of clothing for either your work or casual attire.

    Color coding, icons, images, and symbols are still the most widely used political gimmickry in most parts of the world when it comes to campaigns. It will take a gargantuan effort to reverse this physiological/psychological phenomena. It starts with those educators, leaders, doctors, lawyers, and politicians who are bold enough to demand change. It is always easier for that trend to start in the bigger countries and trickle down locally. It will not be an easy feat to accomplish and certainly not attainable in our lifetime.

    At least the discussion has started. I hope that it did not start solely because color was used to measure crowd participation, and those who seem to be at a disadvantage in the measure decided it is about time to take up this mantle to find fault with the color coding, or as your termed it “colour-consciousness and pseudo-identities”.

    • JoJo
      May 31, 2014

      Boy, you are making it even more “learned” than Doctor Eipigh. How is the average Dominican going to digest that? The majority of voters are not intellectuals you know. Their eyes will glaze over before they come to the end of your thesis. Enough respect but please keep it simple.

    • Difffent Take
      May 31, 2014

      I read the author’s and yours along with those of the dull ,ignorant and the savvy not not to leave out those who are colour -conscious and have false/pseudo identities.- politically skewd call em what you may.
      All ur political & pseudo description has not change anything IP’s point out. Are you colourless? certainly not.! you have your veneer you pose as a pale one but tinted you weather-cock! your deviation is is not cogent enough it a deviation to the actual intention of the theme..
      Reading your contribution lack of it, is truly amusing contrary to your belief the objective of colour to use your analogy and marketing strategy concept “Just as car manufacturers use a sophisticated coloring system in the making of their vehicles for sale to the general public, they too know which are the best colors, or the fastest selling colors buyers would prefer. Color coding for them is also two fold. While it expedites sales, it also serves as protection for the buyer, and will guarantee that their vehicle will last a very long time, and will not rust nor corrode overnight. The same can be said about clothing. Regardless of color, it also serves as protection from the elements, insects, and decency. As much as you would want us to believe in your quest to associate/identify with your ancestors, I bet you would not wear tribal (primitive) wear as your choice of clothing for either your work or casual attire. Just as car manufacturers use a sophisticated coloring system in the making of their vehicles for sale to the general public, they too know which are the best colors, or the fastest selling colors buyers would prefer. Color coding for them is also two fold. While it expedites sales, it also serves as protection for the buyer, and will guarantee that their vehicle will last a very long time, and will not rust nor corrode overnight. The same can be said about clothing. Regardless of color, it also serves as protection from the elements, insects, and decency. As much as you would want us to believe in your quest to associate/identify with your ancestors, I bet you would not wear tribal (primitive) wear as your choice of clothing for either your work or casual attire.”
      No wonder the Commonwealth of Dominica has become rancorus,ravaged, heedless,niche,eremite moreso pseudo Carmine economically hence politically ran by pales like you. who are able to dye selves when and where necessary. There blatant ej like our holders of the highest position on island. Even the opposition emanated from a different colour . People like yourself read Malcolm to suit yourselves power greed by any means necessary .Hey ! you pale one???? I recommend you get reeducated or be real.

  8. fedup
    May 30, 2014

    Thanks Doctor for expressing what I have felt anxious and frustrated about for quite some time now, to the extent that I have now put my blue and red dress shirts back in the closet. They will no longer form part of my work uniform. I understand my right to wear what I own but I am equally as fed up with ludicrous statements and remarks by my friends about what you so aptly describe as this “false colour consciousness and pseudo-identities”

  9. blessings
    May 30, 2014

    We are really living in the last dayzzzzzzzz. Dominican does take politics so seriously that it amazes me. wether some one wants to wear red or blue is their choices to vote who they wants. haters hating on each other for the sake of politics is a real cancer for the country and be it labour or uwp in power things will never get better in society NEVA NEVA NEVA. not unless we allow christ to be the leader.Man will always fail us that is why the bible warn us not to put our trust in mankind.

  10. SBM
    May 30, 2014

    My partner, what is clear is that our brothers and sisters are so intellectually, spiritually and morally bankrupt that they easily subscribe to any and all suggestions of their perceived new masters. You must have also noticed that those who wear the colours proudest and loudest are the ones most victimized by this system that they perpetuate. Their economic, social and emotional depravity are in full display, so thinly veiled in their blue and red rags.

  11. Francisco Telemaque
    May 30, 2014

    “Friends tell me they often make a conscious effort to wear ‘neutral’ colors. Blue and red have become definitional.”

    You see sir, that’s what happens when the people of a country allow themselves to become political pawn of some dumb political party or politician. Worst than that there are some people in Dominica who will not allow themselves, to make economic progress simply because they dressed up in a certain color, associated with a certain political party.

    I can testify to such stupidity; there was someone in a certain village fifteen years ago, who added a piece unto their house, the UWP was in power then. Because of the people’s effort to enlarge their house, supporters of the Labor party immediately tagged the family “UWP” the fact remains they are supporters of the Labor Party to this day. Here is another example. I have a sister right there in Wesley. She has a very small house, one of her daughters tried to get the house wired electrically, my sister was adamant that she did not want any electricity in the house because she is a poor labor!

    Whatever she meant by that is hard for me to define. Meanwhile she gallivanted behind the Labor party candidate Gloria Dods Shillingford who happens to be our very close relative, nevertheless when her old house got damaged by the hurricane, the Labor Party party through Gloria, who’s late father was our uncle, and our late mother, Gloria’s aunt ensured that they gave my sister “one single sheet of plywood, and one single sheet of galvanize” to repair all of the damages to her house.

    The last time I saw her; she was still dressing in Red, so last week when she had a cousin called me and let me speak with her, she reached out to me for some finical help to repair the house which is now in a dilapidated state. I immediately wired her some money. I told her emphatically if I am ever informed that she puts on one piece of red garment this election I will not give her a single dime for the rest of her life, and that is as long she is not in dressing supporting any dumb politician or the labor party.

    I mean she has the right to own a red dress, as long it does not represent politics, and if the color was blue, and used to make a statement, I would have told her the same thing. This foolishness of identifying one’s self with a color is stupidness, and that practice is only found in communist countries, of which there are not many left except China, and Cuba. I been living in the United States for more than thirty years, lived in England, and Germany too; I have never witness a political meeting in the streets of any of those country’s nether, have I seen people making fools of themselves dressing up in colors of red green, blue, or yellow.

    Only in the Caribbean, Dominica in particular this thing has become more a plague more than anything else. The color identification divides the nation, sets family against family, it is nonsense, total nonsense.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • May 31, 2014

      AND YOUR POINT?You are exhibiting the same disfunctional attitude that the wise doctor is speaking against .you are no better than those you speak about. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :?: :lol:

  12. May 30, 2014

    Great commentary, Dr Pascal.
    Sometimes one tends to wonder if you will be ridiculed by the comments persons make against you wearing a particular colour. Today, when they see you with Blue, you are a POTTO, tomorrow with Red, you are a CROOK. But plenty of them keep on judging you by the colour you wear and yet still,, they don’t even know where they are. Who are the real crooks? Singing for their supper. Good thing I eating under ME.

    • JoJo
      June 2, 2014

      That is the epitome of PREJUDICE! There, I said it, why should you all be the only ones to show you can use expensive words hmmm?

  13. AdultED
    May 30, 2014

    I do think colour has its place for all practical purpose in usage in differentiating teams! The problem is not the colour but the attitude of those wearing the different colours. In Dominica its come down to difference in opinion on political issues. Given the level of literacy in Dominica people often tend to be easily fooled or persuaded by what they hear. It dose not come down to whether what was said is true or not but whether they like you as a person or not! If they are not in favour with you it is an opportunity to pull you down!

  14. Color Colour
    May 30, 2014

    These pieces of cloth are often hung on trees in the middle of villages along the main roads and are not removed afterwards, making the landscape very untidy, yet we promote our country as the nature isle.
    How many of these politicians litter their plot of land or homes like this? Do you see all these trash being hung in Morne Daniel, Baubois or Belfast?
    My advice to all the politician of blue, red, green, yellow colors or colours please CLEAN UP after yourselves and STOP LITTERING… whatever happened to the LITTER ACT?

  15. View
    May 30, 2014

    Very insightful article. It is thought provoking thus forces us to evaluate ourselves and our politics. good job Eipigh.

    May 30, 2014

    I. P. , you almost got 100% for this article. You “dirtied” it with the mention of what Mr. Astaphans said and no mention of what the “others” said. Impartiality requires that you either:
    1. mention TA and the “others” or
    2. don’t mention either.

    That said, a most provocative and thought provoking piece!!
    I am your fellow Marigotian, the one who taught you how to access our AFRIKAN cultural consciousness.


  17. Zootie
    May 30, 2014

    Thank you Doc! I must say you spoke on my behalf! U are my voice through this well written article. Who have ears let them hear, who have eyes let them read!!!

  18. Non Voter Rasta
    May 30, 2014

    …one love, one heart, let’s get together and feel all right….
    long time I’ve not heard that song over the radios…. :roll:
    Good article Doc. I ‘n I on guard and vigilant. 8) The blogger “smh” made a comparison to Crips and terrifyingly true!!!

  19. Anonymous
    May 30, 2014

    We were once judged by the color of our skin and not the content of our character. Today, it’s the color of the clothes and not the content of our character. People, when are we going to free ourselves from this slavish mentality?

  20. Anonymous
    May 30, 2014

    It so happened me and a family member went into church on the Sunday before elections in blue – just by chance. You should have seen the looks. I wasn’t even voting blue. Very sad to take this even in the church. no one will put me off what I feel like wearing and no one will drag me into their politicking with them. My mind is bigger than that – it is filled with God.

  21. Trudy
    May 30, 2014

    Lest we forget…well said, our country requires serious healing Dr Pascal

  22. Anonymous
    May 30, 2014

    Unfortunately we are devoid of real leaders and instead the majority of us are misguided and left to follow mediocrity across the board.

    Public sector, religious, private sector, and political leadership (Linton inclusive) are failing the masses and morality is in rapid decline.

    The Caribbean is a moral mess and only we can change that. Arrogance, ignorance, and a lack of moral wisdom guidance is like a cancer eroding society.

    For a so called religious nation the way we interact is disgraceful. The youth are being misled by poor role models and the list goes on.

  23. NEG
    May 29, 2014

    Well that’s why I wear the Rainbow!

  24. Nzingha
    May 29, 2014

    I agree. How come they never put up all these flags and litter St Aroment, Beaubois,Belfast, Morne Daniel,Castle Comfort and the like.How come?

  25. Mweh meme
    May 29, 2014

    Good article, but to be balanced you should also have a quote from the “blue” side… I have placed the blame for the Rwanda
    horrors at the feet of Bill Clinton, the US dragged their feet on assisting Rwanda because the country had no riches for them to plunder….there are many articles espousing that truth.

  26. Alliswell
    May 29, 2014

    I can understand that you support your party with the colors during rallies or gatherings. Am I color blind? I’m a Dominican woman. We like colors. It blends so well with our complexions. Is it in the Dominica constitution to wear a particular color? No crime committed? Blood is red. The sea and sky are blue? The good Lord made them all. Dr. Pascal, you look good in white. Wear whatever you want.

  27. A Doubting Thomas
    May 29, 2014

    I read the article and I found it very interesting, because we all know people have chosen colours even to the galvanize on their roof. Red, green and blue, homes are painted this way also; so it is not only the clothes we wear.

    What surprises me in an otherwise well written article; an article I thought was meant to make us think of what this party colours are doing to us is that, the article was dated today, May 29th. Considering all what was said and going on this week, the only person’s name named in this article is Tony for something he might have said; when? 19 Karnel? In 2008?

    Everything good in the article was diminished in my view in this one sentence. Because we’ve heard worse things this month of May 2014, the very month this article was written.

    And why is this?

    • Anonymous
      May 30, 2014

      You have made a strong point, but the context of the article stands. I think no names were required; we all know Tony is not alone, there are many examples of poor statements from both sides of the political divide.

    • Sane
      May 30, 2014

      I totally agree with you Doubting Thomas.
      The good Dr just could not resist showing the hypocrisy and “colored” intention of his article.

    • Ex Labourite
      May 30, 2014

      You are entitled to your RED opinion “something he MIGHT have said” ?. I’m not surprised that pseudo -intellectuals like you would attempt to diminish such a well written article

      • Sane
        May 30, 2014

        …….. and you are too smart to be an ex – labourite.
        You only know my opinion is “RED” because the good Dr injected his article with BLUE!

  28. IDEAL
    May 29, 2014

    This is one of the most interesting and truthful article I have read on DNO..Dr Pascal, my fellow villager I commend you on writing the truth. Your ancestors will indeed be pleased as all of us are..Thank you for this and hoping to see more thoughts provoking articles in to you

  29. Mcdoe
    May 29, 2014

    Such insight is long over due. Thanks for speaking out about this form of “politcal tribalism”. It perpetuates the “divide and rule” strategy that has kept many of our people deprived and our country under-developed. It only suceeds in undermining national unity which is most urgently needed for the development of the country.

  30. Fil
    May 29, 2014

    People supposed to wear what ever color clothing they feel to wear so why judge people by the color of their clothing.

    • Anonymous
      May 29, 2014

      I am judged by the colour of my car

  31. Not surprised
    May 29, 2014

    Great Article

  32. did
    May 29, 2014

    Well it has to do with the person that’s wearing the color.

  33. ?
    May 29, 2014

    Teach me teacher

  34. Praying
    May 29, 2014

    Let him who has ears to hear. ……Thanks Dr Pascal for taking time off to address us

  35. LISTEN!!!!!
    May 29, 2014

    Good writing!!!!!
    I am very pleased you brought this important issue to the forefront and also outlined it potential mischief.

  36. Anonymous
    May 29, 2014

    Psyco babble, or is it intellectual gymnastic?.

    • %
      May 29, 2014

      @Anonymous It’s intelligent gymnastics, that pierces a hole in the heart of the accessories of corrupt practices by corrupt leaders.

    • winston warrington
      May 30, 2014

      You choose to pay Dominican-style homage to an educated professional who has thoughtfully and diligently presented his analysis of our version of political hysteria. This boorish sarcasm and woeful disregard for truth magnifies the rift created by color fanaticism paraded in this forum everyday.

  37. Barbara Saunders
    May 29, 2014

    More on the colour matter. I have always refused to allow people to terrorise me into discarding items of my wardrobe. I wear all possible colours and leave all parties to agonise about where I am. “In doubt about you” is a good place to be as far as I am concerned. This party thing is now becoming cult-like and I refuse to be drawn into it.

    We need to speak to our leaders and high level members of their groups also who make enemies out of people who have been life-long friends because they choose to remain independent minded and not run blindly with them whether they are right or wrong. The constitution about which we speak so glibly gives people the right to independent thought as does the democracy which we love to champion when it suits us. Please let me enjoy my wardrobe.

  38. Anestine LaFond
    May 29, 2014

    Indeed all of your ancestry should be pleased…. sincerely hoping that professional media in all its forms choose to add that type of content as it moves stories forward. This color syndrome phenomena is worthy of a documentary….all is not lost

  39. natural choice
    May 29, 2014

    male universally wear blue a common and comfortable choice,the sky the seas are blue. blue is really a natural and optimistic well one think of blood, danger,domination,boldness and these sorts of perdtions

    • Anonymous
      May 30, 2014

      Blue also means dull, under the weather. Blue is the colour when someone turns when they die, when they choking, when they are starved of the red blood carrying oxygen. I am not for any political party, not even voting, just showing how distorted and biased people’s views can be.

  40. gwaj
    May 29, 2014

    Very impressive article, Doc. You raise some salient points that could help elevate the level of discourse taking place especially during the election season. Thanks.

  41. Barbara Saunders
    May 29, 2014

    Very interesting piece which I hope is meant for all political parties as they all engage in this activity. I also hope that we are as concerned about the 2014 infamous statements both locally and overseas as we are about the dated 2008 Tony Astaphan episode. It is uncanny that the Rwanda massacres referenced in this piece have been foremost in my mind in recent weeks as I witness the increasingly hate-filled diatribes which are now the order of the day. My greatest nightmare is the thought of the impact of these utterances on the simple-minded who may be unable to distinguish selfish, destructive ambition and guile from altruism. I keep praying for God’s intervention for all Dominicans to “look beyond what they see and hear”.
    Looking beyond

  42. huh.
    May 29, 2014

    Thank you Dr. Pascal. Great insights! Can you please write a version for the not so literate voters so they can understand as well? They are the ones that need to understand this the most as they make up a very large portion of the voting community.

    • Don Keyballs
      May 29, 2014

      @ huh. It is not for Dr.Pascal to write a version (watered down) for those “not so literate”. However those of us with family or friends who fall into the class of “less literate” should try to explain to them the important lesson that the Doctor is trying to get across. That would make more sense, I believe.

    • Intellect
      May 29, 2014

      Maybe he should illustrate it using pictures???

  43. Donkey
    May 29, 2014

    Very minor, but shouldn’t it be “colour?” It makes me wonder about the direction our language and grammar will go in when I see our English becoming more and more Americanised. It’s neither good nor bad; it’s just an issue of consistency.

    • Anonymous
      May 30, 2014

      I always say this. But alas consistency is not a strong point here. We follow too much USA vibes these days.

      A crass classless culture that looks great on the outside but not so good on the inside. It is not serving us well at all.

    • May 30, 2014

      America dropped the “U” in all the words that we still use in our spelling.

  44. LetsFaceIt
    May 29, 2014

    We the people allow color to identify and divide us.
    And the politicians, use that to divide and rule. They encourage and thrive off our pettiness.
    I used to consider the fact that some relatives and friends would automatically have a blood pressure spike based on the color I wear. But I no longer let their preferences influence my dress code.
    It appears that the Color consciousness in Dominica’s society today borders on a Gangster Mentality.
    And to think it’s welcomed and encouraged by those who are, or strive to be our Leaders!

  45. Anonymous
    May 29, 2014

    Sounds like the gangs to me!

  46. Background
    May 29, 2014

    Excellent piece. Many have stated that after election they will reopen their closet of Blue and Red Clothing.

  47. Ms Kubuli
    May 29, 2014

    Well written. I had the same question too….”who will clean the rubbish?” No one is going to pass back and say, lemme take down that piece of clothe i tied to the bridge, fence, tree last week… some clean and green nation we are

  48. reflection
    May 29, 2014

    The question is how are we going to change this ” colour consciousness and pseudo identities” in the minds of our people especially those we consider less fortunate, who do not analyze issues but instead follow the leader and who make up the majority of our population. I think there’s a lot of work to be done in convincing them.

  49. carnation
    May 29, 2014

    good commentary Doc

  50. ccg
    May 29, 2014

    i totally agree with your Dr Pascal and can totally relate with you when you said “I notice that when I wear blue or red people comment as if they have the power to influence my wardrobe choices” this is so true, however i am not changing my wardrobe to fit anyones color-coded, party-political identity UWP-ite or Labour-ite.
    the other day i wore a red top i believe at the front is written aeropostale, someone whom i know very well to be following the other party looked at me and said “what does it say on your top,vote for skerrit?” i just looked at her in disbelief. i wore that color because i felt that it fitted my complexion nicely.
    sometime after that i wore a blue top. a grown woman looked me and said “i love the color you are wearing” i replied “me too” cause i really love the color blue, and then she said to me “change is a must” and then i realised she was not complimenting the color color but the color of a political party. i’ve asked this question several times. where did the creator of these colors say blue is the color that i am creating only for the use of the UWP and red for the DLP? ive heard UWPites say “red is such an ugly color” and i’ve heard DLPites say “blue is such an ugly color” NEITHER of these colors are ugly. i know of people who refuse to wear red or blue because of their political affiliations (my family has quite alot of them”.I’m sorry but the creator created these beautiful reds,greens,blues,yellows,blacks,whites etc we should appreciate and accept them unconditionally and remember before the DLP,DFP,UWP,DPP etc these colors existed and after them, yep i said after them cause nothing including these parties will last forever the colors that represents our today political parties will remain.

  51. truth
    May 29, 2014

    Yes doctor Pascal what a thought provoking article. I have been very worried about this colour business in my country, today people identify you by colour and even threaten you. This nonsence most really stop. Ladt election a certain church leader told us do not use colour red or blue if we have to go on the pulpit as church leaders. So what, we are still treated to still have our slave mentality, we most indeed get out of that ideology.

  52. Anonymous
    May 29, 2014

    Good piece….but again it has to be contextualised.

  53. Child of God
    May 29, 2014

    First I must commend you on the spelling of your middle name, then I want to really congratulate you for the uplifting thoughts that you have expressed.
    Having not lived in Dominica for a couple of decades at the time, I returned home on a vacation, I took my sister shopping at one of the local supermarkets and this was during the reign of the late Pierre Charles, unnoticed to me my sister was wearing a red blouse and green skirt which meant something, a young woman and her daughter were also shopping and the little girl asked for some candy, the mother instructed her on what she should get and no more, the little girl took more that she was allowed to and the mother went into a tirade. She began complaining that Pierro did not pay and I noticed that her venom was directed at my sister, I inquired and was told that my sister was wearing the colors of the then coillition government.
    It saddened me that the identity of my people had been reduced to merely the colors that they chose to or through circumstances were forced to wear. The saddest part is how quickly a culture of ignorance and negativity has taken root, and how easily my people (our people) have been brainwashed into believing that if you are a Dominican you have to be Red or Blue, and that is your identity. God Help us if this is fostered to continue to fester and to infect our future leaders and would be free thinkers. I am Dominican so I am Red for the blood of my ancestors who refused to be mental slaves even if they were in bonds. I am Green for the foliage that the Almighty covered my beautiful island with and yes I am Blue for the Ocean that hugs the cost of the nature island of the Caribbean. God bless my ancestors who gave me an identity not of colors, but with all the colors, gave me an identity of a true Dominican.

  54. immigraniada
    May 29, 2014

    Just to give you some idea what ‘identities’ can cause:
    ……The Hutu and Tutsi are two peoples who share a common past. When Rwanda was first settled, the people who lived there raised cattle. Soon, the people who owned the most cattle were called “Tutsi” and everyone else was called “Hutu.” At this time, a person could easily change categories through marriage or cattle acquisition….

    ….Beginning on April 6, 1994, Hutus began slaughtering the Tutsis in the African country of Rwanda. As the brutal killings continued, the world stood idly by and just watched the slaughter. Lasting 100 days, the Rwanda genocide left approximately 800,000 Tutsis and Hutu sympathizers dead…..

    Role of media:
    ..For years, the Kangura newspaper, controlled by Hutu extremists, had been spouting hate. As early as December 1990, the paper published “The Ten Commandments for the Hutu.” The commandments declared that any Hutu who married a Tutsi was a traitor. Also, any Hutu who did business with a Tutsi was a traitor. The commandments also insisted that all strategic positions and the entire military must be Hutu. In order to isolate the Tutsis even further, the commandments also told the Hutu to stand by other Hutu and to stop pitying the Tutsi.
    When RTLM (Radio Télévison des Milles Collines) began broadcasting on July 8, 1993, it also spread hate. However, this time it was packaged to appeal to the masses by offering popular music and broadcasts conducted in a very informal, conversational tones.

    Once the killings started, RTLM went beyond just espousing hate; they took an active role in the slaughter. The RTLM called for the Tutsi to “cut down the tall trees,” a code phrase which meant for the Hutu to start killing the Tutsi. During broadcasts, RTLM often used the term inyenzi (“cockroach”) when referring to Tutsis and then told Hutu to “crush the cockroaches.”

    Dominicans, don’t be fooled there are no any identities in Dominica and no divisions…all politicals parties offer more or less similar things…don’t be fooled and don’t be divided…

    • View
      May 30, 2014

      And I quote “all politicals parties offer more or less similar things” MORE or Less, you did not say there wasn’t. I remind you that there is a very thin line between love and hate. A man have been killed for 0.50 cents in Dominica, and whilst “all political parties offer more or less similar things” some are being brought to courts and are being sued while many of us fear to express our views because of victimisation. Help and jobs can be yours only when you share the same political views as those who hold the power….I ought to know.

  55. lisad
    May 29, 2014

    It is refreshing to read something educational that has no political biasness. Thank you Dr Pascal.

  56. looking
    May 29, 2014

    Thank you Doc, its so refreshing to see an article like this. Its like water in a desert. We should all look within ourselves and bow down our heads in shame. We are destroying each other eventually destroying our country. We should rise above party colors and truly discuss and tackle our issues faced presently. To be honest we have “Gutter” Politics. If we were to put God first and put on God colours we would be raining diamonds and flowing rivers of Gold. At least we have some sanity in the land of the insane.

  57. Anonymous
    May 29, 2014

    I am wearing whatever colour shirt i feel like. People can judge if they wish.

    Christmas is very early with all these flags.

  58. human
    May 29, 2014

    I totally agree. Long ago, it use to be around election time that one had to be conscious of the colours they wear. Nowadays it is everyday.

  59. Grateful
    May 29, 2014

    This is a well written article. Thanks Dr. Pascal, I had a good read.

  60. rat
    May 29, 2014


  61. Oh Yes
    May 29, 2014

    What a powerful insight into a societal Phenomenon that keeps growing and growing with potentially negative consequences on future generations. Unfortunately though, without political education this downward spiral will continue. However, we can mitigate such by having those who seek to represent us first effectively educate and qualify themselves in basic civic lessons, history, social studies, human relations, and develop national pride to foster genuine individual and national respect for one another.

  62. smh
    May 29, 2014

    Boy…WELL SAID! and the funny part is, we remain ignorant about being ignorant of these facts. Religion and politics are tools used to disenfranchise the people and render them powerless by their own doing. We forget our abilities and our ancestry our ourselves and think that the party, or politician or pastor or whatever is bigger, has more value or more important than us as individuals. We put our own destinies in their hands in the name of segregation. Me against you, or them against us. Its all a game that gets us nowhere. so wear your colors with pride and fight against each other like how the Crips and Bloods do… and btw, Crips wear blue, Bloods wear red. Me? i practice my right not to vote.

  63. Gwatelle
    May 29, 2014

    My favourite colour is blue and I do not see that as a problem! :-|

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