Dominica memorializes Fidel Castro

PM Skerrit and Cuba's ambassador to Dominica enter the church building
PM Skerrit and Cuba’s ambassador to Dominica enter the church building

Today the Govt of Dominica and Officials from Cuba and the General Public gathered at the St. Alphonsus Roman Catholic Church in Roseau to memorialize the late Fidel Castro Ruz, former President of Cuba. 

The congregation at the memorial
The congregation at the memorial

Go to to view more pictures of the event.

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  1. Reasoning
    December 5, 2016

    I want to remind those who thinks that Castro was a good man because of the handouts he gave in exchange for support to remain in power,that Pablo Escobar was also a so-called good man by some in his country because of the handouts he gave,while he killed many and raped many innocent virgin girls. All the money Pablo Escobar earned was by illegal and criminal means of dealing with cocaine. He would kill all those who would speak against his cocaine activities.Now tell me how good was he :?: The same applies to Castro :?:

  2. Reasoning
    December 5, 2016

    Fidel castro was a dictator inspite of all the so-called good he did! Anyone imposing themselves on a people to stay in power without giving the people a chance to decide who they want as their leader is a dictator! Some are boasting of the good he did. I’d like to ask about his motives and reason behind all the so-called good he did? Was it to gain support by poor countries like Dominica? Instead of depending on handouts scholarships from Cuba, why can’t the governments do the same? It’s strange how human beings are,for receiving pittance,they won’t care at what cost! Now see the hypocrisy and evil from the roman catholic church and the so-called leftists anti-roman catholic? This same religion and Castro were at odds to the point of wanting each other destroyed!!

  3. Smicks
    December 4, 2016

    Rest in peace fidel Castro El maestro.. you helped many of us in Dominica with eye care and scholarships and much more.. we will always remember you

  4. Pres_Donald_Trump
    December 3, 2016

    History always repeats itself: The first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.” — Karl Marx

  5. Tjebe fort
    December 3, 2016

    And who officiated at that ceremony? A certain monsignor of a certain political color who thinks he is the real bishop of Roseau? Boy, birds of a feather really flock together.

  6. brit
    December 3, 2016

    It you let the western media tell you who Fidel Castro was, you would believe that he was a cruel dictator that oppressed his people and etc. The funny thing is thats the pot calling the kettle black. Fidel Castro is looked at as a cruel dictator because he didn’t play nice with the United States.
    For the record, he helped as many black people as he could while in power. He helped end apartheid in Africa, he allowed for black people to go to medical school for free, and he tried to even help with Hurricane Katrina (but the United States blocked him from doing that.
    Case in point, Fidel Castro should go down as a hero to black people. Don’t let your oppressor tell you who to celebrate. After all, they did murder almost every hero that we have ever had. Remember that.
    Via: Urban Intellectuals

    • The UK Contingent
      December 3, 2016

      Love this post! To repeat your words…we must NOT let our oppressors tell us who to celebrate! Venceremos!!

    • viewsexpressed
      December 3, 2016

      There seems to be a constant repertoire that Fidel Castro did exceptionally well for the poor people of Cuba etc. People who stay in power for over 5oyears did not do so or merit this office if they dictated to the people under a one party state where other views are not allowed to be critical. We see similar happening in Dominica. He brought universal education and health care to Cuba, trained many students of other lands, but that was done at a price where he killed, caused to be executed poor Cubans who challenged him, deferred, asked questions and today at 90 he is gone, you are are telling us that this man is an absolute hero. Go tell this to the suffering, the families of the executed, (not USA), those who flee, risked their lives in open boats to Miami. Yes, I gave Fidel praise for education, health, he should have taken his people, all of his people with him. That failure will be his legacy. I abhor Skerrrit rubbing shoulders just to be part of that framed picture take. Oh God

    • The Truth Be Told
      December 3, 2016

      The Western Media is very good at criticism. Fidel Castro did many good deeds in his lifetime. You observe how he would dress. Hardly ever in suit and tie, placing himself above every one.
      He bore the cost of all those he sent to assist the poor and those who he educated.
      From what I know and have heard/read about Fidel Castro, I would celebrate his life more so than Obama and Hillary Clinton. These latter two will never get my compliment.
      A few years ago I taped a half-hour radio program information about the mercy of God by the late US Archbishop Fulton Sheen. I typed it. The length is five pages. I could not possibly place this on DNO.
      God will consider all the good deeds Castro did during his lifetime. God rewards good deeds.
      My heart soars that God forgave Fidel Castro for any wrong he did in those days much of which were necessary to keep the peace and safety. I hope I am correct.

    • Pastor John Bertrow, DD
      December 5, 2016

      Some Revolutionary!

      He helped America to run Gitmo right on his doorstep.

      This 33 degree Freemason was an undercover Illuminati agent who, like the Roman Catholic Church, was a snake in the grass to his people.

      What did he do for Cuba besides impoverishing his people so that they risk their lives to leave that desolate country on a day, by day basis?

    • anonymous
      December 5, 2016

      Fidel Castro did good by ending one dictatorship but also started his own! He delivered the Cuban people from a level of oppression and continued into another. let us not forget that Cuba a country with a major part of it’s population being black, was not reflected in the Cuban government, which only had one black person, for which Castro came under fire for from the international community. People don’t realise it but Castro had his agenda, which he went to great lengthens to protect and propagate. it was a war of ideology, where he was bent on proving that communism is a better system than capitalism and in so doing did all sorts of things to gain such a recognition on the international scene. if he was so much the hero of black people why did he not reflect it in his government?

  7. The Truth Be Told
    December 2, 2016

    Our Lord Jesus Christ said to St. Faustina Kowalska of Poland, then a holy nun:
    “I demand from you deeds of mercy which are to arise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to excuse yourself from it.” Even the strongest faith is of no avail without works. If the soul does not exercise mercy in some way, it will not obtain My mercy on the Day of Judgment.”
    Matthew 9:13 – It is mercy I desire, not sacrifice.
    The Beatitudes – Blessed are the merciful. . . .
    We know the above is for each one of us, God’s created children.

    Therefore, do not judge.. Leave the judging to God.
    Some of you who once practiced the Catholic Faith knew about Purgatory. Even though God forgave souls, this does not mean they will enter Heaven immediately. Atonement/purification/cleansing is necessary. This is making reparation.
    Those of you, once believers who now deny it, pray to God for this enlightenment.

  8. The Truth Be Told
    December 2, 2016

    He may have been a revolutionist. God and God alone is the Judge. I pray God had mercy on him.
    I missed that part of the news in Toronto. I heard through someone that when he ousted Battista, he went to the US for help for Cuba and nationals. He received none. They ignored him. He turned to Russia and this is where he became a communist and/or ruled Cuba with a communist hand. You know when certain countries offer help, they will eventually expect those countries to fall in line with their ideologies.
    As I heard/read on the Toronto news, he sent doctors overseas to help the poor. As we know, D/cans have scholastically benefited which I need not elaborate on.
    Castro changed a bit in his latter years. He welcomed Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, Emeritus and Pope Francis I twice. He attended the Catholic gatherings, those he could.
    As Pope Francis said, “Who am I to judge?” : lol: This should also apply to Fidel Castro. May his soul rest in peace.

    • December 4, 2016

      Re: Your last line.

      Tell this to the families of those he murdered, threw in prison, drove off the island, confiscated their belongings, and bull dosed their homes.

      Whatever good he did and whoever he helped it was self serving and done to enable him to reach his goals which was to bring soviet style communism into the Caribbean beginning with Cuba. I personally know families who were victimized by this tyrant. Those who currently side with Castro are doing it for the same reason; because they think it is in their best interest.

      Interesting to see him having a big Roman Catholic funeral. The same applies :!:

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

  9. The truth
    December 2, 2016

    I really cannot understand what is going on. Yes I believe in God of Radical Mercy, jesus and the Prodical Son but its while we are alive. Well, well Lord have mercy on us.

    • The Truth Be Told
      December 3, 2016

      God is a God of mercy. There is hope as long as we are still alive.
      While we are alive and while we are dying, Lord, have mercy on us.
      A short Catholic prayer which I remember from childhood: “Sacred Heart of Jesus, once in agony, have pity on the dying.”
      Make note of it and pass it on. It is an efficacious prayer. It matters not where in the world people die. Consider how many souls we could help God to save for His Kingdom. We will be the beneficiary of our prayers. Jesus never forgets.

  10. Doc. Love
    December 2, 2016

    The man went to memorialize all the money he has received from Fidel and Cuba and hope the show he has put on in Cuba and Dominica will bring him much more in the future.

  11. December 2, 2016

    I guess memorializing a tyrant who murdered over 10,000 of his fellow citizens, brought economic ruin to a beautiful country, enslaved millions while taking criminals and the mentally insane to get on boats and go across the straights in rickety boats, seize millions of acres of personal property, support terrorism throughout the America’s and Africa deserves to be memorialized. Oh I forgot, he provide “free” healthcare and “free” education (unless you peel back the onion and realize that the the only real healthcare was for the rich and the education bought you nothing unless you fled). Good job Dominica, way to encourage more despotic nations who enslave their people. Next up, praising Maduro when the masses take him out.

    • The Truth Be Told
      December 3, 2016

      Consider how many hate and harm others during their lifetime, some of whom did nothing to them, even on this Website. Look to yourself.

    • Pastor John Bertrow, DD
      December 5, 2016

      A brilliant post that puts all these fawning idiots in their place.

      Of course Skerro will pay homage – wait to see the backhanders from the ruling elite there that will come to him for doing this. IN OUR FRI***GING NAME!!!!


  12. Dominican
    December 2, 2016

    Not bad for a serial philanderer, who fathered at least ten children, not all in wedlock, and who was excommunicated by Pope Pius XXIII in 1962 for oppressing that very catholic church.
    This goes to show that church is also a secular state that makes accommodations with all and sundry if it suits their purposes. They even found a justification for slavery. Confession is a wonderful invention. All is forgiven and one can start afresh.

  13. megso
    December 2, 2016

    That sound You hear in the background is the sound of Mamo turning in Her grave…

  14. Jammin'
    December 2, 2016

    LMBO…. should we the general public take this seriously????? If this man truly understood what occurred with religion during the rise of communism in Cuba, this so call memorial would never have taken place. He is so just oblivious to everything and the simplest things.

    SKERRIT DOING DE MOST!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

  15. wwfgid trey
    December 2, 2016

    If I was jobless I would serve under Scare-it. He is not qualified, (in my view) to be nothing else than a class III secretary at a grocery store. :twisted:

  16. wwfgid trey
    December 2, 2016

    The whole congregation needs a Coo-Aid drink. They follow this man like he is their shepherd! :twisted: Come-on peoples, you all can do better. I know a few of our people went to Cuba to study for free, (even-though most of them walk on campus hungry). But this Fidel was a bad man! Yeah, say he is in heaven looking dong on you all. Some of you there in the church not of your own will; but you want to please little fidel, else, you’ll lose your job. Eh heh.

  17. WeNiceMan
    December 2, 2016

    It”s ironic that Roosevelt and co goes to a Catholic church to memorialize a man who suppresed that very church in Cuba.

  18. Vaffanculo_PM
    December 2, 2016

    Communism is a pernicious philosophy of evil that has resulted in millions of deaths worldwide. :cry:

  19. December 2, 2016

    Boy you all bad! Was this man ever believe in God? What’s wrong with you all and especially the catholic church? Which i am a member of . I know we all need prayers, but when we alve not dead..

    • jazz53
      December 2, 2016

      It is obvious you know nothing of Fidel views on religion.Take the time to inquire!

      • wwfgid trey
        December 4, 2016

        Who mentioned “religion?” Oh you!!! God is not religious. Take some time to read the scriptures. There is God, and there is religion. Two different entities. Like the good book says, “Render to Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and to God, the things which are God’s. Cant mix the two together. So, one may have a world of religion; Yet, could be void of God. Eh heh…

    • The Truth Be Told
      December 3, 2016

      I suggest you read a real religious book as Divine Mercy In My Soul. You may be able to Google some of the information. This should tell you much about the mercy of God.
      Some of you know absolutely nothing about the mercy of God, His compassion and forgiveness. Do not play God.
      You should know that Our Lord said: “Judge not that you may not be judged accordingly and two-fold.”
      Our Lord also said: “Prostitutes are getting into Heaven than you” and, “The last will be first.”
      He also said: “Everything is impossible for humanity. Nothing is impossible for God.”
      Take note. Let God do His work. He is judge of the heart and soul. It includes yours.

    • The Truth Be Told
      December 3, 2016

      You are not a learned Catholic. This is why some of you renounce your faith. You lack knowledge of the faith and also the mercy of God.
      God knows how well or not you live the faith.
      It is obvious you are not a true Catholic How well do you practice the faith and pray? How often do you go to Church?
      If you did and also read Catholic information/books. listen to Catholic Radio and TV as Eternal Word Global Television Network and relevant tapes you would learn much. You would not make such an ignorant and unenlightened comment.
      Do you ever need to cultivate your faith and its religious practices which means the Doctrine of the Faith and its religious teaching.
      When last you read/studied Holy Scripture? You should ask God to help you learn more about your faith and to help you not project your ignorance of it.

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