Dominica undertakes its first contrast cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


Doctors and technicians celebrating the first contrast cardiac MRI. Right: Dr. Dexi Wu, Mr. Yusnier Garay Valdes, Left: Dr. Yang Peng, Mrs. Genise Pascal

A report from the Chinese Embassy states that Dominica has undertaken its first contrast cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

According to a press release from the Chinese Embassy, the MRI test was successfully done on July 19, 2023 by Radiologist Dr. Yang Peng, Cardiologist Dr. Dexi Wu from the First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, the People’s Republic of China, and Cardiologist Dr. Rachel Andrew, Mrs. Genise Pascal, Mr. Yusnier Garay Valdes from Dominica-China Friendship Hospital.

The patient was a 53-year-old male with a history of Hypertension and Diabetes. His Echocardiogram showed heart dysfunction. Furthermore, the contrast Cardiac MRI revealed extensive left ventricular subepicardial fibrosis, probably due to myocarditis, enlargement of the left ventricle and left atrium, and reduced LVEF. The Cardiac MRI examination is good for optimizing his treatment plan.

Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive test that applies a powerful magnetic field, radio waves, and a computer to produce detailed pictures of the structures within and around the heart. Doctors use it to evaluate the heart’s anatomy and function. A cardiac MRI can help your doctor diagnose many different heart conditions, such as tissue damage from a heart attack, inflammation in the myocardium, problems in the aorta, diseases of the pericardium (outer lining of the heart muscle), heart muscle diseases, such as cardiomyopathies, heart failure, cardiac tumors, heart valve disorders, and congenital heart problems.

After Dominica-China Cardiovascular Imaging Center launched on July 7, 2023, MRI Contrast Agents and Injection Systems, an advanced MRI workstation donated by the Chinese government have been equipped in DCFH. In addition, the MRI training program for DCFH staff in China is going to kick off soon. More academic collaboration between China and Dominica has been progressing in improving healthcare for Dominicans.

Dr. Yang Peng (Left) and Mr. Yusnier Garay Valdes (Right) implementing MRI imaging sequences scanning


Dr. Yang Peng (right) and Mr. Yusnier Garay Valdes (left) doing Pre-Scan Preparation.

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  1. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    August 17, 2023

    Gary, the teaching from the word of God is: pick; pluck the mote out of your eye, before you pluck mote out of someones eye.

    You are one of the most involved in partisan politics on this site; than anyone you can imagine. In that context you are a committed sucker, and follower of Roosevelt Skerrit.

    You strongly support Roosevelt corruption, and are reluctant to compromise with any political opponents who dare expose Roosevelt crooked and corrupted behavior!

    How can you of all persons talk about partisan politics, unless you do not know the meaning of the word!
    Gary, you could not write a balance comment about anything pertaining: Something as simple as this.

    I can say Roosevelt is a very bad man, but all things about him are not bad!
    That is a balance tone, a balance statement: you may contend everything about him, and everything he does are good.

    That is partisan support, the latter in your case would be construed as political partisan!

  2. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    August 16, 2023

    You are really ignorant guy!
    Don’t you know I have a background in medicine: I majored in Health Science also; I just did not stay long enough to obtain a medical degree.
    If you think that anything I write is stuff I google, you do the same and contradict me with your truth on any subject; you are like a thorn in peoples flesh, talking crap, defending corruption and thievery!
    You are a sick useless uneducated nobody!

    Add this to your crazy mine: when Paul in the Bible spoke about a throne in his flesh, some people, even preachers thought he was speaking of some sickness, indeed he was talking about a demonic person sent by the devil to plague him!

    You are a throne sent by Satan to corrupt this site talking nonsense!

    You are only making a fool of yourself, there is no competition between you and I academically; you never set foot into a college or university for one single day; I am both college and university educated.

    Keep on babbling continue to expose your…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      August 16, 2023

      And that response was to that dog mess ds, oui!

      Shut up ds, you are nothing more than a tool of Satan supporting corruption, you are a thorn of Satan!

      Vade retro me satana.

      Since you smart translate the Latin into English, and be quiet!

      Anyway for the understanding of all hopefully “Vade retro me satana, means “get behind me Satan; you are an old devil ds.

  3. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    August 15, 2023

    And in conclusion boy; any idiot who believe that MRI machines are not very inexpensive at the moment, and believe they can refute the figures I quoted.

    If that idiot had any sense all they would do id do some fact-checking, prove me wrong or a liar and then tie a rope around my neck and hang me!


    While you like Rumpelstiltskin dancing around on one foot lying talking about what you do not; seek the truth and ye shall find it!

  4. Robertson
    August 13, 2023

    What’s the use of medical diagnostic equipment if we have no specialist medical professionals who can follow up the diagnosis. The fact remains that every Dominican requires to be flown of island to receive specialist health care. Can the average Dominican afford to do so? Of course not, only Skerrit and the Cabal can afford to do so. Bottom line, a machine that in reality doesn’t help the average citizen.

  5. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    August 13, 2023

    ds, people like you Man Dog, Gary and all of you who prefer to crawl on your yellow hungry belly, with a bit of red wool over your eyes, need to remove that red blindfold and see what damage Roosevelt has done to the country.

    Wake-up and discover that Roosevelt has sold Dominica to the Chines, and he Roosevelt has become a token puppet to the Chines, useless, and powerless; he is under the feet of the Chines; Dominica is now a communist state in silent taken over by the government of China!

    Wherever you are ds, go to Dominica now and get offended by a Chines, and try to speak up for your rights; you will find they will report to Roosevelt who will sic his police on you and they will demand you apologize to the damn Chines foreigner. and you cannot say that never happen!

    Roosevelt is a puppet of the Chines regime.

    If the sale of the botanical gardens was not a reality, why did dunce Melisa had something to say about it in parliament recently?

  6. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    August 12, 2023

    Here is the concept: Magnetic resonance imaging a noninvasive nuclear procedure for imaging tissues of high fat and water content that can’t be seen with other radiologic techniques: i.e what can’t be detected, and recorded with an X-Ray machine can be clearly recorded with an MRI machine.

    The MRI image gives information about the chemical make up of tissues , hence making it possible to distinguish normal, cancerous, atherosclerotic and traumatized tissue masses in the image. Here is how the procedure is conducted. The patient undergoing the procedure lies in the bore of the cylindrical MRI machine; therefore, the test can induce claustrophobia, as the person must lie motionless, during the duration of the test which could last between 15 to 90 minutes.
    Claustrophobia patients how cannot tolerate the tedium of lying still, in confined space, a sedative can be given without compromising the test result.

    Note: Chines did not invent the MRI Machine: It’s American Technology!

    • August 15, 2023

      We can google all that. We do not need your definitions. In every home in Dominica is the internet. What do we need you for? Stay in LA and fight crime and poverty in the richest country in the world. What a shame! LA is riddled with crimes, poverty, homelessness, gangs, social problems, hunger, panhandlers, and the mexican cartels.

  7. Death penalty
    August 12, 2023

    I am still wondering what role Skerrit and China played in the early retirement of my friends Rosie and Pierro which paved the way for Skerrit to jump as junior minister to prime minister within months? So really can I trust what Skerrit and China are saying and doing?

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      August 15, 2023

      Nonsense, neither Rosie, nor Charles retired from politics; they both died while in office!

      Rosie Douglas died from chronic hypertension (high) blood pressure; Charles also had some chronic physiological medical problems.

      Roosevelt is a bad man eh, but I would not take it that far as to blame for the duo death!

      Now I doh know if is China man kill dem eh; I doh putting anything past dem China-man!


  8. Lin clown
    August 11, 2023

    That is all these blue aholes do,gossip and criticize.A simple leadership problem they cannot solve,vilifying,backstabbing,betraying and undermining each other.How many CHINESE have you seen lying at the DCFH with a tube running up their penis or down their throat?How many CHINESE are employed at the DCFH?Lazy blue baboons fooling themselves,with the head buried in the sand.They believe because the cannot see,other people cannot see.STUPIDITY.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 17
    • Ibo France
      August 11, 2023

      Why don’t you call it off? No sensible human being even the you a carry glance. Only your ignorant bosom buddies like Dog Abuser, ds, Gary, Fake Putin embrace your nonsense. Birds of a feather truly stick together.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3
      • August 11, 2023

        Ted Daley has always been the Bosom Buddy. Nobody else.

  9. Ibo France
    August 11, 2023

    Is all this medical jargon intended to impress or confuse the majority of the populace? I am shocked it hasn’t been said that this procedure was the first ever to be performed in the Caribbean.

    Just an observation. In order to communicate your infirmity to the medical staff at the hospital in Roseau, you most definitely will have to know Mandarin. The Chinese are rapidly becoming the majority population in Dominica.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 5
    • jaded
      August 11, 2023

      Ibo France – Imagine if UWP was in power right now; then you would certainly be praising this milestone in Dominica. Blanket default criticisms like that from you and your ilk deprives you of any integrity or credibility. Can you ever be objective?

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 8
      • Ibo France
        August 11, 2023

        Jaded, clear the fog that surrounds your brain. You are definitely suffering from cognitive dissonance.

        Look, any information coming from this baited administration would e treated with strong skepticism. Their modus operandi is the whole sale deception of the unsuspecting like you.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 4
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 13, 2023

        What mile stone are you talking about guy, MRI is old technology, medical science has moved beyond that there are other tools used in diagnosing different forms of disease.
        In the late 1950’s we had X-Ray machine , the cost for an X-Ray then was 0.50 cents. thanks to the the British colonialist.
        What happened after independence?
        The theory goes it takes a nation twenty-five years to build itself, unless it is plundered and fleece by thieves. Prior to Roosevelt Skerrit the country was moving along, okay!
        Prior to the late Patrick John, the nation made crawling progress, but we had a market for our agricultural products; by the time John came one of his first endeavor was to create a nation development Bank, to help the would-be entrepreneurs with loans to invest into some business that would have created jobs.
        The same bank at whatever name called by Roosevelt became his personal piggy bank; while progress went into oblivion.

        MIR might be a milestone only in Dominica.

    • Gary
      August 11, 2023

      Why don’t you take stock as to what your partisan politics has done to you, lol. You are supposed to be an intelligent person, and this is the nonsense you are writing. What is the medical jargon portrayed in the above press release from the Government on such achievement. You are achieving nothing writing such comments.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 10
      • Ibo France
        August 11, 2023

        Gary, getting you to see the light or to learn anything is like trying to brush the teeth of an alligator or attempting to nail Jello to a tree in temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 7
        • Gary
          August 13, 2023

          Lol, what do you know about LIGHT, telling me I need to see the LIGHT, you are so ignorant, it is pitiful and laughable. I told you already that you need to distinguish between your political partisan beliefs and the reality as to what is taking place in The Country. I’m never surprised by your silly allegorical representation
          of me, so long.

  10. Putin
    August 11, 2023

    Ah, DNO! Where is our “applause” button?! This is excellent news. We have come a long way. Bravo to the team. Bravo to our Star Boy, Roosevelt Skerrit, and his team for their leadership.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 11
  11. Marie
    August 11, 2023

    Now wait for the government mouthpieces to come on the scene. Nothing but STATE OF THE ART we will hear.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 8
    • August 14, 2023

      I wonder whether your physique looks state-of-the-art. Maybe not. That is why you don’t like state of the art stuff. Lennox face is not state of the art because he is just as ugly as ugly Willy and your clothes that you wear may not be state of the art because you bought them all at thrift stores.

      • Marie
        August 15, 2023

        Don’t you worry about my physique or clothes. In the words of your political prophet: none of your damn business! God only knows what you look like and smell like after a day diving in the white mens latrines. Disgusting is probably too mild a word. Now get out of here, you simply haven’t got what it takes to make the grade!

  12. Skerro
    August 10, 2023

    That is a news an old cheap machine that is over sixty years old but where I be there na country bookie

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 8 Thumb down 7
  13. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    August 10, 2023

    So, what is so special about that?
    That’s very old medical technology.
    Magnetic Resonance has been around for more than sixty years.
    Dominica is always last behind in everything, except the only and the first existing resilient place on the planet!
    And so they are building homes and roads in Dominica that can bend and return to its original state based on science and technology known only to Roosevelt Skerrit and his resilient engineers from the planet of invisible little green and yellow men.
    Dominica is the only place where even the earth is resilient to falling rain, floods, and fire.
    Even bananas and all the agricultural produce are resilient too.
    That’s stale medical technology, that has been in small Antigua for more than thirty years, on other islands of the Caribbean.
    According to Austria “Dominica is last kaka-rat.
    “Last feces rat.”

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 11
    • Frederick Elwin
      August 11, 2023

      The concept of Magnetic Resonance, May have been around for sixty years, however the first clinical use of MRI, meaning when it was actually approved for use on persons, was in the 1980’s.
      The fact that it is actually available, in our homeland, should be embraced, and not criticized. We do not have to travel to other environs, unless we choose to do so, in order to have said type imaging, to assist in our medical diagnosis and treatment.
      I guess the words of our national anthem, ‘all for each and each for all’, do not wring true with you.
      One Love.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 12, 2023

        Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was invented by Raymond Damadyan in September 1971, who developed a mechanism to encode spatial information into an NMR signal using magnetic field gradients. He published the theory behind it in March 19731. The first images were produced in the early 1970s, and the first live human subject was imaged in 19772. Damadian filed the first patent of MRI technology in 1972, and upon approval of his patent in 1974, he designed and built a full-body MRI machine34. The first MR scanning machine, which he called “Indomitable,” is now in the Smithsonian.

        So, what happened between 1971, and now 52 years has come and passed; the time that Roosevelt took to tell the lie that Dominica has Hi-Foo machine that can cure all disease without cutting people he should have spoken about an MRI machine, by which time was in use in Antigua, and that was more than thirty years ago!

        Do you know the concept and how it works?

        I do and have the knowledge to repair them.

        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          August 14, 2023

          “March 19731.” that should be March 1973: this; “19772.” should be 1977.

          This: MRI “machine34. ” I don’t know how number 34 got into that eh!

          Anyway there is something wrong with the site in that when comments are submitted in a sequence, the last comes before the first.

    • Matt
      August 11, 2023

      Francisco, you stayed right there in LA collecting your high rent and never got any assistance from the US for your party to look good. Just simply ask America to match this, or do better. Put money where mouth is.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 11, 2023

        My comprehension of the English language must be fading since I am unable to make any sense from what you conveyed.
        In the first place long prior to me migrating to America; I was informed that via hard work anybody can accomplish anything they desire in this country America.
        Be it education, money, and all the materialistic things that money can buy, can be accomplished by working hard.There is a Welfare system in America to help the very poor sick and needy: nevertheless, under normal circumstance government don’t give free money and hoses to people. It’s equal opportunity for all, work and earn everything God allow me to own.
        Ask America to match what?
        Are you insane, or simply inebriated (drunken) or something?
        In what way shape or form can you make any comparisons between Dominica and
        There is: (are) no comparison except humans occupy both places, nothing else.

    • August 11, 2023

      No comments. You are just another jealous jacka.. You can try as hard as you can but, neither Lennox Linton nor Thomas Fontaine will ever be the Prime Minister of Dominica, not on this earth not on the next one. Get a grip, old man. The next machine in line from the Chinese will be one that will help overcome your claustrophobia so you can travel back home to see all the developments that have taken place and are taking place, ………….

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 14
    • Gary
      August 11, 2023

      Why don’t you read and understand something and reply in context
      to what was written, always gibberish with your own spin. Let me ask you something, isn’t there anything positive coming from Dominica
      that you would acknowledge, lol.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 9
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 13, 2023

        Gary; if that question is directed to me or in reference to my comments, my answer you will not like; because my answer is positively no!

        In Dominica only people who are benefiting anything from the country are Roosevelt Skerrit, his family, his passport sales men and women, and the Chines he has given all power over our people.

        Even you Gary, when last you did not honor some damn nasty looking Chines by saying yes sir, and no mam to them?

        Think about that; they do not honor you in your country of your birth!

        They dictate to you what you can and cannot do in your birth country.

        If you don’t believe me go to Marigot and talk to David Shargel, White American born, Dominican citizen for more than twenty years, let him tell you about the Chines who took his land, and when he talked about his rights to his property, showing his title deed, the dirty Chines told him they will tell him of his rights.

        Somebody need to eliminate these people, you Garry are subject to that…

  14. Funeral Home
    August 10, 2023

    I don’t care what these people are trying to sell but any damn thing Roosevelt Skerrit and his Chinese people are trying to promote we should understand that a quick trip to the funeral home is always the objective as both Rosie and Piero would attest to. I don’t trust Skerrit and Chinese who came not but for to steal, kill and destroy Dominicans so that Chinese could take over Dominica according to the secret MOU that Skerrit signed with them

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 8
    • Lin clown
      August 11, 2023

      When Skerrit told the blue ignorant aholes about a HI-FU machine all blue aholes laughed.They said Skerrit was FU.It turned out not even the famous UWP doctor Dale Dangleben knew about a HI-FU machine.Ignorant UWP.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 11
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 13, 2023

        Clown, if you were not ignorant, you would know that the crap Roosevelt spoke about “HI-FU” was all nonsense!
        Some Idiots believe Roosevelt crap about “we have a hi-fu machine that can cure all diseases without cutting you.”
        He so ignorant went on to boast we are the only Islam with one.

        What that Crapaud Roosevelt don’t know is that there are many different types of hi-fu machines costing less than a hundred dollars used in beauty salons.
        The one the Chinese gave to him can only be used on very small tumors!
        I don’t have to elaborate because you without any intelligence will not understand what I disclose.
        So, I’ll simply asks you with the amount of people in Dominica sick with cancer, how many people has Roosevelt HI-FU machine cured from cancer?
        Nobody people like you don’t know idio…believe anything Dominica “head idiot “ says when he a damn dumb dunce doesn’t know what the heck he’s lying about!
        Chinese has long taken Dominica, you are there slave not knowing that!

    • Gary
      August 11, 2023

      What this has to do with Chines taking over Dominica and a secret MOU signed by The PM. Your statement suggesting quote, “I don’t care what these people are trying to sell but any damn thing Roosevelt Skerrit and his Chinese people are trying to promote. “If you or your family illness was dependent on an MRI diagnosis, I wonder if you would be making such ludicrous comment. I wonder if you understand the importance of have such Technology in our medical system, lol. Why make your partisan politics take center stage making such nonsensical comment, ignoring such a milestone being achieved by The Government with the help of
      The Chines Government.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 13
    • August 11, 2023

      I hope you got enough insurance money to bury your as. in the funeral home.

  15. Roseau-Chen-Town
    August 10, 2023

    “Its first MRI.” What a disgrace. Such an easy and simple machine to operate; also, an inexpensive machine. Now we are given these young Chinese a solid foothold in Dominica because they are the only ones who can operate the MRI machine. What a shame.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 12
    • Frederick Elwin
      August 10, 2023

      I hate to disappoint you and burst your bubble, because you don’t factually know, who operates the MR scanner. The Chinese offer the medical related consultation , and not the technical. You should also do a cost assessment in order to determine how “inexpensive” an MR scanner is.
      Not just anyone, even someone with radilological skills, can just walk in and operate an MR scanner, proficiently; so I would like to see you try.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 7
    • Radiographer
      August 11, 2023

      Such ignorance on display! If it was so simple and inexpensive every health facility would have one. *rolls eyes*

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 7
      • Lin clown
        August 11, 2023

        That is why those blue baboons are going nowhere.They like,aholes criticize everything in the interest and favour the PEOPLE.Dale Dangleben a so called doctor with years of experience,did not know what a HI-FU machine was,untill Skerrit mentioned it.SHAME.

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 11
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 13, 2023

        But you see you are talking as if you know, the reality is you do not know half of what you have insinuated.

        MRI machines are indeed inexpensive. I one of my submissions I quoted the price of a used one, and completely new ones. Some of us individuals can put our hands in our pocket and buy a new more effective one!

        You concern should be about the maintenance personnel, to conduct calibration perhaps every ninety days.
        Gradient calibration is typical, and if is not conducted over a ninety day period it should be performed annually during routine maintenance by the scanner manufactures.

        ” If it was so simple and inexpensive every health facility would have one. *rolls eyes*” that is nonsense; nonsensical talk; you are are uninformed!

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      August 13, 2023

      Indeed they are very cheap ( inexpensive) these days, unlike the days when some cost more than ten-million dollars. These days a used one may cost as little as $150, 000.00 dollars whereas the price can be as high as one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars; nevertheless, a high end system can cost $3,000,000.00 dollars and up.

      The price range varies depend on brand and maker, and how efficient it is. So, this th boast about MRI machine in Dominica in the twenty-first or twenty-second century is nothing more than a good laugh.

      All the government money used on buying elections could have already bought more than a hundred MRI machines. And they do not need a superman, nor woman to operate them.

      The requirement is to complete an accredited associate degree program in MRI tech or radiography, or earn an associate degree, then complete an MRI tech training program; and pass the certification test.

      To earn an associate degree should take no less than two years! Vocational training…

      • August 14, 2023

        so why didn’t Edisson James get one for the PMH when he was the PM if it is that cheap and inexpensive? He was also involved in Dominica cricket and could not EVEN get a cricket stadium built. He attended the Dominica Grammar School and could not even rebuild a dilapidated high school. A graduate in Agricultural Science and could not get the science to work to uplift the lives of Marigot and Wesley country bookie folks.

        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          August 15, 2023

          My threshold dealing with foolish people has a limit: You ds as you said your name represents dog shi.; that seems to hold true because nothing you say makes any sense!

          In Edison less than four years he served the country, count how many secondary schools he built in the villages, including Wesley, which was part of the International Airport that was in its first stage of construction.
          Count how many villages he ensured got pipe-borne drinking water, where villagers had to fetch their water out of some hole in the ground.

          The very secondary School in Wesley Petter, and Roosevelt allowed to fall into such dilapidated state, that when it rain people children from Wesley got flooded out.

          Boy, you are restless supporting corruption and thievery, and all forms of wickedness in Dominica!

          One wonders your motive; ask me a similar question, I will tell you I want nothing out of Dominica, from anyone, my purpose is to expose the evils of Roosevelt Skerrit!

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