Dominican medical doctor makes strides in male-dominated specialty

Dr. Kymora Scotland

Dominica-born Director of Endourology Research at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Dr. Kymora Scotland, was awarded a 2023 Urology Care Foundation Humanitarian Grant to provide urologic screening events in South Los Angeles.

Scotland’s clinical expertise is in kidney stone treatment and benign prostatic hyperplasia management; a male-dominated specialty.

 Her current research focuses on understanding kidney stone pathogenesis and the role of bacteria in this process.

According to, Scotland said her long-term goal is to identify therapeutic targets that will improve stone management to help enhance quality of life for the rising percentage of the population with the disease.

 “Early screening is key to prostate cancer treatment, and discussion of diseases such as kidney stones, incontinence, and erectile dysfunction can have a striking effect on quality of life for those suffering with these conditions,” Scotland said

 “I hope to use these screening events as a way to educate the population and provide them with the tools they need to obtain the appropriate care.”

Scotland is also an assistant professor of urology and an associate director of the Endourology Fellowship Program.

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  1. Dominican psychotherapist
    September 10, 2023

    marvin, skerrit has nothing to with my neice not returning home. skerrit scholarship didn’t send her to college and medical school. You all need to stop making everything so political in Dominica.
    congrats again to my neice.

  2. Marvin Philbert
    September 1, 2023

    Well done Dr Scotland! It’s people like you who make us proud to be Dominicans. I believe that we need more professionals returning and practicing in our homeland but it is not that simple. So Dominicans, please dont misinterpret miss Popo’s comments. Our government is to be blamed for this “brain drain” we’re suffering from right now. Some “poto” supporters are just too hard headed to admit that our pros are not being appreciated here in lovely Dominica. So, Let’s keep our fellow citizens motivated to continue making strides in every particular distinction and hopefully at some point we shall reap the right benefits to ensure a healthy and prosperous island nation.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
  3. Have a seat!
    August 31, 2023

    You sound very bitter and ignorant…sad reallt.

  4. Christine
    August 31, 2023

    You’ve always been a high achiever Kymora….forget the haters and keep shinning…happy for you.

  5. Tyrone Nicholas
    August 31, 2023

    Kymora, When we were growing up as kids, we never knew where life would take us but you have dared to live your dream and we all bear witness to your achievements, let me say hats off to you and please do continue to inspire us that somewhere on this earth, we all have a place where we are needed and where we can truly soar. Congratulations.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
  6. Lin clown
    August 31, 2023

    Frank n Stein you and that Patriot lover are aholes There a thousands of Dominica,who have no choice but to live overseas.There are professional Dominicans all over the world.I once met a Dominican engineer,a Prevost guy,running underground cables in the bowels of NewYork.What is this guy going to do if he return to Dominica.There is a female Dominican doctor,a bone specialist from Roseau who can remove ever bone in a body and put them back.These people and many,many more would like to return,but there is nothing for them to do.Dominica is too small and under populated for these people.They are the Dominicans who UWP and there supporters are harassing.

  7. Delia Cuffy-Weekes
    August 31, 2023

    Congrats Dr. Scotland. May you continue to be a shining example to Dominican youth of what can be achieved when the right environment exists.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 1
  8. Baba Louie
    August 31, 2023

    Ma Popo, your mean spirited and venemous diatribe is good reason why any sensible provider would not want to serve you and like minded Dominicans.

    I guess your heart is too bereft of any good sentiment to allow you to simply say congratulations, well done or nothing at all.

    I will digress now and wish the Doctor a long and successful career and pray she is bigger than me by ignoring venom spewers like you.

    I sincerely hope the Doctor considers being a service provider some time in the future to Dominican men who are disproportionately afflicted by prostate problems for which many have to seek treatment abroad.

  9. On friday we wear green
    August 31, 2023

    The start of this article reads – Dominica- Born….
    Does this mean that she is now a dual citizen?
    A firm foundation had been set for her at CHS, she excelled and went on to further her studies in the USofA and continued to achieve greatness. It is good news for her as she’s making strides in America but what it also means for us (DOM) is that there is nothing here for her to come home too. Her knowledge and achievements are more useful elsewhere.
    I long for the day when our people can return to the soil and be of great use in their own country.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 1
    • Putin
      August 31, 2023

      What do you mean “there is nothing here for her to come home too?” Dominica is inhabited by humans. Her area of expertise is treating ailments in humans. What is stopping her and others like her from returning to Dominica to treat human beings like those in the “Great Ole USA?”? Many doctors and specialists now in Dominica had/have also the opportunity to seek more prosperous clients in lands faraway but they have remained in Dominica, and still prosper. She can do likewise if she wishes.

  10. A Patriot and Lover of Honest Dominicans
    August 31, 2023

    The comments by some Dominicans degrading the achievements of our own are pretty frightful, where not downright shameful. We should all be proud of those with links to Dominica who, by their superior conduct, intelligence, and achievements, burnish the image of our country. Today, Dominica is associated with criminals, gangsters as ambassadors, and corruption in office. Is it not time to show the world that we can do better by highlighting our people’s stellar accomplishments on and off our island? We can do better where we boost our fortunes by partnering with the brains of those in our Diaspora, not just those who allow themselves to be bribed to come home and vote. Well done, Dr. Scotland. You are an excellent ambassador for our nation. Intelligent and honest Dominicans are proud of you and all those at home and abroad who try to show us off in the best way.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 1
    • Zandoli
      August 31, 2023

      Well said.
      I know many very accomplished Dominicans who live in the US and Canada and they could not be more proud to be Dominican.

      • Ma Popo
        September 1, 2023

        To all you haters and bootlickers out there, appreciate that a meagre 0.09% of Dominicans have fatal trouble with their prostate compared to the 100% of us who have problems with our cost of living and the perils of living in a dictatorship. My issue with this doctor is that she is generally irrelevant to the current priorities of Dominicans and appears to be full of herself in celebrating her “success” in a male dominated speciality. Who cares about that! If she is that successful and doing so well, show us that she is a “Dominican” by contributing some money and her time to our most pressing priorities. For one, I am fed up with Dominicans abroad who have nothing better to do than to tell us how clever they are and at the same time are doing nothing to help the country they came from.

  11. Ma Popo
    August 31, 2023

    Why all this boasting, who cares. So she got someone to pay for her education – lucky her! If she is that good, why is she abroad helping foreigners? Shouldn’t she not be in Dominica helping us?

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 33
    • Zandoli
      August 31, 2023

      @ Ma Popo
      This comment reflects very poorly on you. That is all I have to say.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 2
    • Frank n Stein
      August 31, 2023

      Because the PM you love did not see it to fitting to out equipment in the moguepital for her to use.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 3
      • Putin
        August 31, 2023

        The one whom you cheer was there before the present. Did he “see it to fitting to out equipment in the moguepital?” All you juss like to speak from your you-know-what!

    • MEME
      August 31, 2023

      @Ma Popo
      Why are you sounding so desperate? The lady has achieved, and she is still achieving. I salute her and wish her well in all her endeavours!
      Good to hear that people like her keep positively selling the name Commonwealth of Dominica!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        September 1, 2023

        MEME this person is not only desperate, the smelling rat is a hater; if she could kill that lady because of her accomplishment, she would murder her for no other reason than for what she has in her head!

        Every human are born with a clean slate: we are all born with nothing in our head (brain) until we begin to develop, our intelligence by learning.

        Some of us learn slower than the other person, but we all do have the potential to accomplish something educationally, though not in the same field.
        We simple have to find our niche and concentrate on that of which we are endowed!

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      August 31, 2023

      You are a very stupid person, who appears to me is consumed with jealousy!
      What does it matter how she got the money to pay for her education?

      The problem with many of you; you sit your behind in Dominica begging Roosevelt togive you all Scholership, simple to say “de government give me a scholarship; probable to Cuba, and now China.

      Why should you be so damn jelous of this young lady?

      In America all it takes is one will and disere to become sombody, one can work as a janitor or baby sitter, and use the few dollars they get to pay their way to college and Univrsity.

      Some of you even when you an opportunity comes around and you get here all you do is party, and live off welfare, leave the lady alone; she is young and beautiful too! The only thing I don’t like about the article is that the writer claims that UCLA is located in South Los Angeles, that is not true.

      I own property walking distance to UCLA, and they are not in South Los Angeles!
      The zip code is not a…

      • Putin
        September 1, 2023

        FET, you seem to be a very accomplished man. What advice do you offer the youth today for upward mobility and prosperity?

        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          September 1, 2023

          When you use the term upward mobility, I get the impression that you are thinking of moving to a higher social class; acquiring wealth and status!
          If that is the idea, you could well run into many obstacles, especially in a place as Dominica. Nevertheless, even if academic education does not grantee one a bed of Roses in life, I think that is the key to success.
          Mind you an academic education does not mean any government must provide a job to the academically educate person; I do believe such persons should think in terms of using their education, to invent, and create industrious jobs for themselves, and the less fortunate.
          Education does not mean working for corporations, and government!

          I.E this lady at UCLA is an asset to our country, in research she can do many things, at some point and time she may be the one to find a cure for diabetics, or aids.
          Accomplish small things Leeds to larger, hence fortune and fame follows!

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