Dominican woman’s son disappears in Antigua without a trace; she suspects he was murdered

Noah Hurst

A Dominican woman has been crying out for help in Antigua and Barbuda after her son went missing on May 23 and has not yet been seen since/

Maria Hurst from Dominica, who has been living in Antigua and Barbuda for many years, is blaming police in St. Johns for what she said has been their lackadaisical behavior towards the investigations into her son’s disappearance.

On June 19, police in Antigua found a partly decomposed body at the Diamond Estate, and Hurst believes there is a 95 percent chance that those human remains belong to her son.

She said she recognized the clothes shown to her by the police, including the hair on the body found, which was braided.

“They showed me some clothing; I know this is my son’s clothes. I am 90 to 95 percent sure because I know his clothing. The braided hair as well…I saw that. My son has long thick hair, and I am the one who braided his hair so I recognised that as well,” she said.

Police have told Hurst that they need to await forensic confirmation before the body can be properly identified.

“But I know my son, I know my child. Noah lived with me, he is my only child…I know his clothes, and I know his hair,” she added.

The Dominican woman believes he was killed.

“I knew something was wrong when I couldn’t find Noah. I just want to know why they killed my son. Am I a mother dog? Should they kill my child and throw him in the bushes like a dog?

“They could have killed him in front of my yard and left him there for me…What was the motive for killing my only son?” she questioned.

“I kept going to the police station over and over. They treated me like I was being disgusting. Their body language was telling me, she again? They don’t care. It is like nothing to them.

“From the beginning, I have been going to them, and they treat the situation like I made a report that cucumbers were stolen from my yard. They treat the matter as if it wasn’t a human being that is missing,” she said.

The woman is calling for answers about the motive behind the alleged killing of her son.

“His phone has a pin pattern, and we couldn’t crack it. We gave the police the phone and the phone was just sitting there. I took an entire week off from working, walking up and down to find answers,” she said.

Police say their investigations continue and that several persons have so far been interviewed.

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  1. October 4, 2023

    Hello and good afternoon my people. Well this article is disturbing but it’s relatively simple in determining if it’s her son. The Antigua Police Department used the British Government lab to conduct DNA Typing but they aren’t releasing the results if they have it. This lady should hire a pathologist to conduct an Autopsy to determine the cause of death and send blood or other body fluids for DNA typing and she should have her DNA test conducted. Since the Police isn’t giving her any information she can get a court order to have t to those test perform.

  2. October 4, 2023

    something is fondermently wrong between young Dominican and Antigua. i am reading stories like these for too long . way to meny unsolved merders. i think the authority from Dominca need to step in and find out what is going on.

  3. SMH
    October 4, 2023

    @ibo u live for politics I suspect

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  4. Lin clown
    October 3, 2023

    Ibo is a complete lunatic.The UWP won election in 1995 the population was 69,000.When they lost the election less than 5 years later the population was 68,000.The population had dropped by about 1,000.The record is there to see.Ibo in his madness has become DON KEY just braying.

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  5. StandCorrected
    October 3, 2023

    Sometimes you may need to just read a story and don’t comment.

    Just because you embellish your posts with colorful words doesn’t mean that it make’s sense.

    Not defending this administration but our young men(and women) have been flocking to neighboring countries like Antigua since the 80’s. St. Maarten, Guadeloupe(“back door”), Tortola.

    There is a reason why TK is arguably the “biggest band” on the road for Antigua carnival. And a lot of these young(er) people are actually first and second generation Dominican-Antiguans.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 1
    October 3, 2023

    Good thing is not Skerrit that is Antigua’s PM!

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 8 Thumb down 10
    • me
      October 3, 2023

      @LITTLE KID!
      Well you are just not informed at all. No wonder you are a KID, with less than a kid’s mind and IQ. Didn’t you know that Gaston Brown and Chi-Chi Skerrit are the two most corrupt political figures in the Caribbean? You didnt, but now you know! So the same things which happens in Dominica, happens in Antigua. No surprise!

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 5
      • Shu fly!!!
        October 4, 2023

        So if they are why is the Tortola PM under FBI watch with ankle chains. Last I heard it was corruption. Back out PM for a season such nastiness. You can hate who you want but A Half Truth. Is a LIE. May you be judged by every idle word you speak.

  7. Ibo France
    October 2, 2023

    There is a huge exodus of young Dominicans to foreign countries near and far. Too many have either died or disappeared without a trace. Young Dominicans see no future for them in the country of their birth under a corrupt, doltish, demonically evil junta by the ballot box.

    Dominica is being depopulated by the horrendous policies of this evil administration. The RLP is an existential threat to the citizenry of this bruised and battered jurisdiction.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 9
    • Go figure
      October 4, 2023

      Where is the empathy? What does this have to do with anything? Can you send love or pray for the woman missing son? People like you that have the country like this not the PM

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