DOMLEC’s General Manager submits her resignation

(L-r) Bertillia McKenzie, Adina Bellot-Valentine

General Manager of Dominica’s sole electricity company (DOMLEC), Bertillia McKenzie has tendered her resignation to the Board of Directors of the utility company.

Dominica News Online (DNO) was informed that Mrs. McKenzie made the announcement to DOMLEC staff this morning.

McKenzie was appointed as General Manager in September 2014.

Recently, there has been talk on social medias of the possible resignation of Mrs. McKenzie.

During a press conference held by DOMLEC last week, McKenzie was questioned about resigning from the company.

This was her response: “During my tenure at DOMLEC I have thought on several occasions, for whatever reasons, personally and otherwise on whether I should resign or not and I have been at DOMLEC for 26 years.”

Her resignation is expected to take effect in March 2024.

McKenzie’s academic background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the City University of New York and a Master of Business Administration, Distinction, from the University of the West Indies.

Meanwhile, DNO can also confirm that DOMLEC’s PRO, Adina Bellot-Valentine has also tendered her resignation, which is expected to take effect at the end of January 2024.

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  1. Galileo
    December 6, 2023

    Jaded, that’s absolutely nonsense. Such an asinine comment. Praise God you’re not a manager. The issue here is shareholders employ a manager because of their skill set which will ensure that things don’t go wrong and the company is profitable. When allu hear big people talking go and study allu book or even better, go and sleep.

  2. December 6, 2023

    Well papa oh instead of the country’s infrastructure to improve is electricity and water supply problems. The jobs in the country are being distributed overseas. At one point i held the Prime Minister to high esteem after the housing development until I learned of the fecal problems some of the occupants experience. When will my people pull their heads out of the horses as.. You enter the hospital walking and leave in a body bag if you lucky. Take notice of what is going on. These days all the young people just sitting around doing absolutely nothing because there is nothing to do

  3. LifeandDeath
    December 5, 2023

    Signs without wonders!! Speak up Dominicans. Dominica is being destroyed.

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  4. Zandoli
    December 5, 2023

    I think she did the honorable thing to resign. If you are the most senior executive of a company and you cannot perform to the best of your ability because of political considerations, and you cannot function effectively, unless you are just putting in time to get a paycheck, if you have any spine or integrity, you will resign.

    I applaud her for taking this action.

    At the company where I work, I had a frank discussion with the CEO a few years ago and I was very clear. I work on my terms and the moment the job becomes burdensome, they will see the back of me.

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  5. Galileo
    December 5, 2023

    If this wasn’t a serious matter I would have laughed because I do not understand why all of these congratulatory messages for Mrs. McKenzie. The lady presided over a utility company with aging infrastructure and equipment for many year; a situation which led to great suffering to the inhabitants. She never came to the public and said she was going to resign because she wants to make changes but her hands are tied because of the major shareholders. She stayed in her job like all was well until the weakness was make clear to all with the outages. Now her ineffectiveness as a leader is exposed, and she has to go you all are congratulating her. Highly ridiculous.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 10
    • Putin
      December 5, 2023


      The woman presided over a company with an aging fleet of generators and did nothing during her more than two decades there to remedy that problem so that we are not where we are today. Nothing!!! She sat there knowing that the key elements in the production of the service that her company offers were collapsing and yet she did nothing, zilch! She should have been fired.

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    • Jaded
      December 5, 2023

      So what you are saying is if you are the head of a company, you will jump ship as soon as the company starts to experience trouble. Then you are a weak leader and a coward.

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  6. December 5, 2023

    Great. You just cannot continue to deliver lies to the people from the podium for your master Skerro anymore. Your prayers have been answered. I am with the hope that many more will follow your trail. Time will tell.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 1
  7. SIA
    December 5, 2023

    Everything Skirrit touches turns to dust. Then again Dominicans are not too smart because a lot of them still want him for PM. As for the UWP they were once a roaring lion that has become a meowing one month old pussycat.

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  8. We Know Better
    December 5, 2023

    If you think it’s political, then the opposition should organize itself. No more of that Possie is theirs, not supporting Hanbag, not contesting election. Don’t just keep coming to us with mapuis about how bad this mam is, and what he do. It’s all science.
    Geothermal being tossed around like a rag doll, she knows the dreaded rate hike is coming, and, it won’t be pretty. A no-brainer.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 3
  9. Truth Be Told
    December 5, 2023

    We are waiting for the resignation of the man who run tings and destroy tings in Dominica! Only in Dominica a Prime Minister can mess up the economy, society and politics of the country so badly and negatively and those dumb supporters still love their PM!
    It is not DOMLEC or DOWASCO or DASPA that have Dominica so, it is the man who run tings, the world boss, the starboy of stupidity, Prime Minister Dr. Dr. Roosevelt Skerrit! According to Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit we need a reset, Dominica needs a reset. I agree with him, he was right, but the reset can only begin with PM Skerritt gone, not just the ministers that he dismissed but he needs to fire himself! Enough is enough!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 4
  10. storyline
    December 5, 2023

    All the best to you Mrs. McKenzie I know for sure your staff will miss you badly. I know some that was sadden by the news of your resignation, but it is what it is. so now ti mal, The last election that happen there correct me if I wrong, every craziness that happening in Dominica, that was one of the many as part of the “National Reset” skerrit was talking about man? Boi hate him or love him, tbh I wasn’t a fan and supporter of Lennox Linton, but I can tell you I have de utmost respect for him because everything Mr. Lennox Linton bring out to the public about that government in the past is de truth eh. de evidence just humongous that government need to throw. But anyways, Mrs. McKenzie big up yourself wish you all the best!

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  11. juiceman
    December 5, 2023

    Well all the best to them I wish them the best in their future. They did their job well over the years and they knew it was time to leave. But not that wannabe mansa musa there nuh. 39 years as a Dominican, until there is change in that Government especially the head that “run things in Dominica” nothing will never change. The evidence is clear that government need to go. Everything that government touches crumbles. Majority of people fed up, 20 years promise of international airport , 12 years since geothermal building. promise of brand new cruise ship port. That Government tirrrreeeed and they run out of ideas for development is just borbol, frustration, greed and victimization of people pointing out their bulls…. weh boi.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 5
  12. Vwais den
    December 4, 2023

    I applaud Mrs McKenzie for submitting her letter of resignation. I once worked at Domlec as a young man, and one senior manager told me one day that a utility company does not perform well under a government owned franchise. they work best when they are owned by independent investors. he resigned a year after. a few years later, we were told of the government threatening to not provide a long term generating license for Domlec. they said that if they only get less than 10 years to generate then they won’t buy new operating sets. but it was all a ruse for the government of the day to take controlling numbers in domlec. so that they could control it. didn’t they finally succeed? and look at where it has gotten us. so is mrs McKenzie right for tendering in her letter of resignation? 200%. its not domlecs fault it is Skerrit’s ridiculous ambition. everything is going to shambles

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 5
  13. KalingoJustice
    December 4, 2023

    Everyone at de down-let should leave it for the one-man rogue regime to run by himself!!! A cursed rogue is running the slave plantation mentality island to zero!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 4
    • Malick
      December 5, 2023

      What are you all complaining about? You all voted overwhelmingly to re-elect him. So right now you have to take what you get and swallow it until the next election.

      I hope then you will make a smarter choice for governance.

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  14. Massacre
    December 4, 2023

    This was a shocker to me. If those people run then who will remain in this mess ? Skerrit is scorpion and those who think they will not get stung , just wait until you are halfway between the oceans and see who will go down.
    This fake DLP is slowly crippling Dominica.
    Go Skerrit , Go Skerrit before its too late.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 4
  15. Weh
    December 4, 2023

    The pm and his cronies should be submitting theirs as well.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 5
    • Lin clown
      December 5, 2023

      That should have happened a long time ago.Everytime a company fail head should roll.Those aholes sold Domlec to a foreign company for a plate of lentils.The company was making $11,000,000 and $12,000,000 in profits every year,and sending it to Barbados.With all that kind of profit they never upgraded the system.Instead UWP spent $9,000,000 and built a road in Savanne Tarreau with the purpose of building a new electrical power plant.Today the road and power plant has abandoned and look like a creature from the black lagoon.If those aholes with their heads screwed back to front had not sold Dominica’s property the millions of dollars in profit would have remained in Dominica.It is alleged the land on which the power plant was being built belong to the St.Valle family,who was never paid a cent.None of those aholes commenting have been to SAVANNE TARREAU,they do not even know where Savanne Tarreau is.That is the truth DNO fear to post.In 4 1/2 years UWP almost destroyed the country.Crook

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  16. Hmmm
    December 4, 2023

    saw that coming from a mile away. ill make another prediction…. domlec will go to the dumbs and a new entity will rise from it foreign owned. chinese or saudi

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 4
  17. Ibo France
    December 4, 2023

    Roosevelt the ship is sinking! Roosevelt you are involved in too much mischief-making! Roosevelt prison is awaiting!

    How many more will abandon the sinking ship? Everything this man chaperons turns to coal dust. DOMLEC, DOWASCO, the US $5M monthly airport fund, feeder roads, public library, CBI scheme, just to name a few.

    Roosevelt you are a colossal embarrassment not only to Dominica but the entire Caribbean. I’m absolutely certain that most CARICOM Heads are praying for December 31 to arrive, to see the end of your chairmanship of this regional organisation.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 3
  18. If we knew better
    December 4, 2023

    My fellow Dominicans, please remember, DOMINICA has to get worse, before it can get better. Take note that the truly professional people are having enough of what’s going on.

    the General Manager and the PR lady are getting out of that nonsense. Seems they no longer want to be associated with this. I wonder which croney they will replace Mrs. McKenzie with. I remember when i first heard abt the government buying DOMLEC. Idiot laborites were praising Skerrit. But i knew exactly where we would end up. Our government cannot afford to operate and administrate DOMLEC. IT happened years ago, thats why majority shares were sold before. But no, everything els Supremo does is the best thing on earth, state of the art, blablabla. Look at DOMLEC, the hospital, cricket, the state of our roads, banks closing one by one, murders and crime rising, decent paying jobs decreasing. But your lord and savior Skerrit Christ is the best thing since sliced bread.

    Like i said. Things have to get worse.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 5
  19. Bwa-Banday
    December 4, 2023

    Life is sweeeeeeeeet in the One-man wealth. Dca is really a whole planet :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Let me repeat a common phrase these days: “Until Skerro goes nothing will change!” What are Dcans waiting for to kick DLP out of office by any means necessary?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 58 Thumb down 11
    • If we knew better
      December 4, 2023

      They waiting for the next cool out to fog up their minds and reelect Skerrit and whoever else he decide to let run elections with him. These days it doesnt even matter who to these people. Once they wearing red and smiling with their PM they supporting fully. fools we have become. laughing stock of the Eastern Caribbean.

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  20. derp
    December 4, 2023

    As if everything that government touch crumbles or doesn’t last?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 55 Thumb down 10

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