Dr McIntyre commends China for ‘resilience and unparalleled growth’ at PRC 74th anniversary event

Dr McIntyre addressing the gathering

Dr. Irvin McIntyre recently lauded the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) for its unwavering determination, resilience, and exceptional growth that have garnered global recognition, leaving an enduring mark on history. He shared his admiration during a special reception marking the 74th anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 2023.

Reflecting on China’s remarkable 74-year journey, Dr. McIntyre praised the nation’s cultural and economic strength, technological innovation, efficiency, and foundational values of family, harmony, and shared purpose, which he says have contributed to a cohesive society.

Addressing the gathering on behalf of Dominica’s prime minister, he highlighted China’s role as a model of progress and development in a world marred by challenges like climate change, financial instability, war, and disease. Dr. McIntyre emphasized that China’s modernization and rapid growth have created social and economic opportunities, especially for small developing nations, who have benefited from the Asian country’s genuine friendship, even during difficult times.

Underlining the strong bond between Dominica and China, forged nearly two decades ago when diplomatic relations were established, Dr. McIntyre stressed the relationship’s growth based on mutual respect and trust.

“Over the years, we have been on the receiving end of China’s unwavering support, and goodwill through the many infrastructure projects, partnerships in education and health, or in those times when we face nature’s fury, disease threats, or economic uncertainty, and needed [a] helping hand. For all of these gestures, large and small, we say thank you,” the minister stated.

Dr. McIntyre reiterated Dominica’s commitment, dating back to 2004, to be a steadfast friend of the People’s Republic of China, working together to enhance the well-being of both nations. He affirmed Dominica’s recognition of China’s one-China policy and its pledge to stand in solidarity with China.

Looking ahead, he expressed aspirations for stronger China-Dominica relations, focusing on shared goals for prosperity and sustainability, “As together, we confront a new era of global challenges and opportunities.”

“We look forward to further collaboration, be it in the realm of sustainable development, technology, education, or cultural exchanges,” he stated.

Dr. McIntyre also expressed gratitude to the Chinese Ambassador for China’s keen interest in Dominica’s social and economic affairs, reaffirming Dominica’s commitment to strengthening the bilateral relationship for the mutual benefit of both countries.

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  1. Raj Raheem
    October 2, 2023

    Some government officials would do us a favor by just migrating to China and leave us alone. I’m actually getting sicker by the day and my stomach hurts. I’m pressed to say something on DNO but I know full well it won’t be published. I need these Chinese poppets to know that what they keep doing to our country is not Okay. Most of them hold US Visas and it would be better for them if they leave our for us. It’s no more their country. Because, as one contributor said, “they have sold their birthrights.” To L with Dr McIntyre. Your Bozo.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0
  2. Magway ca
    October 2, 2023

    You mean the same china that is using propaganda to hide the fact that there economy is failing and companies are leaving for India and Vietnam in droves ?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 1
  3. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    October 1, 2023

    To the day scum bags like you topple six feet into your hole you will continue to bow low on your slimy belly, crawling on it like a two-tone snake you are with a yellow streak running down the middle of your back kissing Chinese behind while they fart in your face.
    Only then you will find out how much resilient they are when they take Dominica for the debt you owe to them.
    Right now you are a second class citizen in your own country and don’t even know it.
    I bet you anything, when any dirt ball Chinese call you Irvin McIntyre without handle, honor or title to your name, like a dam little boy you must answer him by saying, yes Sir, with a capital letter!
    If you do not, the bit of slime will slap your blind face!
    How does it feel to be a nobody in the country of your birth?
    In the Bible a man sold his birth right for a bowl of bean soup! Roosevelt sold all of Dominicans Birth weight to Chinese who hate Black people for nothing; zero, zip, zilch, nada, nill.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 1
  4. October 1, 2023

    (Me too i’d like to commend them, but what did you “condemn” them for Dr; i have a short list for you (1) not employing local Dominicans on their many projects in the country and interfering in our local elections (2) not condemning Russia for the invasion of a sovereign state Ukraine instead they formed an alliance with Russia and North Korea (3) paying lip service as far global warming is concerned (4) respecting human rights and the rule of law. The list goes on bro, and China’s only ambition is to dominate the world order and keep us as pawns in their quest to achieving their evil goals.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 1
  5. Rasta Pasta
    October 1, 2023

    Today’s cartoon:
    While the Foo dog stomps on Taiwan’s head, a mosquito pats him on the shoulder saying “Good job, Big guy” as the Eagle hovers overhead in apprehension.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 0

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