Former drug addict pleads for rehabilitation centre in Dominica

Girl Guides building off High Street where Joseph has set up the shelter

Self-confessed drug addiction survivor and humanitarian, Vanley Joseph, has called for the establishment of a rehabilitation centre for drug addicts in Dominica.

Joseph currently operates a shelter for drug users and the physically and mentally impaired, from a dilapidated building on High Street in Roseau, known locally as the ‘Girl Guides Building’.

Speaking on Q95 FM’s ‘Matt in the Morning’ on Wednesday, Joseph claimed that he has approached the government, advocating for the establishment of a rehabilitation centre for addicts.

“There are people who really want to leave crack cocaine, and the avenues in Dominica, we don’t have it,” he said. “I’ve been lobbying with the government… There is a need for a rehab centre in Roseau, because right now the epidemic of drugs in Roseau, it is too high… The situation, it is sad… So, I’m just urging the government. Prime Minister, we really, really need a rehabilitation centre in Dominica, please.”

Joseph revealed that he is a reformed addict, who still struggles with his vices. Thus, drugs are not permitted on the premises.

“I am addict— once an addict, always an addict. It only takes one use, and you’re back…” he divulged. “I do [get tempted]. That’s why I have to tell those guys ‘Don’t come up at the centre and smoke or drink. Stay away’.”

Commenting on a stabbing incident which took place on Monday, December 31, 2018, in Roseau, Joseph sympathized with the man who committed the crime — an alleged drug addict, who was said to be under the influence of a drug at the time.

“When I heard the guy was so high on drugs, I know what is… I have been high on drugs and hallucinating myself… You have no feelings. The body goes numb. To do anything is nothing…” Joseph elaborated. “Addiction is a disease of the brain. When you’re extra high on drugs, it takes over the brain, and you have no control over yourself, absolutely no control. “

Meantime, Parliamentary Representative for the Roseau South Constituency, Joshua Francis, pleaded with Dominicans to contribute to Joseph’s worthy cause.

Also speaking on the Q95 program, Francis stated that he gives what he can to the men in question, and asked that others do the same.

“[There is] no roof. Basically, when it rains, they get wet,” he explained. “They are short on food, short on finances; they get wet when it rains, and this gentleman, Vanley, he basically cares for other gentlemen, including those who are physically disabled… If they are ill, he has to get medication for them; if he has to take them to the health clinic, he does.”

He continued, “So, this man is a hero to those guys. Whenever he comes to me, whatever I have, I have to give it up… They need care, they need attention, and in whatever little way we can assist, we must do so.”

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  1. January 3, 2019

    It happens right here in the richest country in the world, America. People are homeless and hungry. Some bring it on themselves. Why blame Skerrit for everything. Nobody blames the United States government for those things. Why Skerrit?, you haters. You all will never get into the White House, no matter how hard you try.

  2. Shipahoy
    January 3, 2019

    So jushua so long u aware of this y your team didn’t take up that project and seek help from government now u opening your mouth saying u have been giving. All now they should have a roof over there head you there giving a pound of sugar and flour.
    And the government self shame on you. Spending so much money to bring sinach and people in that state. Well I know is votes u interested in anyway hence the reason u brought her.
    Anyway give those people a house eh doh wait for sikiri and his team to beg again just dish out de cash and install people in the place. So many councellors looking for jobs give people real work man. Gosh man.

    • %
      January 3, 2019

      Why should Joshua do it when the international community has given the state (Dominica) so many tonnes of building materials to do projects of that nature? Many people who are not in need of the building materials have them stored at their homes. So why is Joshua that have to repair the building,? Why not the state? Let Joshua do exactly what he is doing..God shall bless him.
      Skerrit Must Go
      Skerrit Must Go
      LAZY Skerrit Must Go Now

      • Man bites dogs
        January 4, 2019

        @ % you …. learn to read between the lines you Ixxxt. What Shipahoy was saying if that layout guy call Joshua wanted to help why didn’t he come on board when the government asked those lazy bunch of wormbags to help out and they turned down Mr Skerrit request. A new year message to that good for nothing conmen, next election we will have lots of jobs for Linton and his Rabbits working as fishmongers Roseau, Marigot all over the place. As for you %, Viewsexpressed, Francisco and Ebola get back to where the sun never shine!!!!

  3. jamie
    January 3, 2019

    Dominica is doomed,we cast these people out like they are not human,but Skerrit agenda,is to make himself rich,help the people fool.

    • %
      January 3, 2019

      Skerrit is just a wicked and evil leader. Nothing more,nothing less. His so called ministers are just the same. MISLEADERS I call them.
      Skerrit Must Go
      Skerrit Must Go
      LAZY Skerrit Must Go Now

    • Man bites dogs
      January 4, 2019

      Jamie you keep saying Dominica is doom where ever you are, well why don’t you jump back into that smelly hole that you came from and leave us alone instead of making a ahole out of your self!!!

  4. Bob Denis
    January 3, 2019

    The perils of Drug abuse , practically destroys everything that goes into making a Human being , particularly in the small undeveloped Islands , Dominica included . Having the resources needed and able to implement is a whole different matter. What part do the Churches play in Counseling ? in most National anti-drug initiatives , the Church allied with Gov’t together with the private sector , usually have a part to play . Eradicating drug use in Dominica may be very had to come by , if the Crack is being controlled from high places , the mis-guided young man/woman and some well to do in the society will be trapped . With Alcohol and Beer is added , the Social structure can be severely affected , e.g Crime in all its forms .

  5. Frank N Stein
    January 3, 2019

    This is a good opportunity for the opposition to show their metal and take up this project. Seek sponsors far and wide the same way you all are able to raise money for court fees you can do it. Yes we know skerrit wasting money but at least show the people that you can do better. Just sitting there talking 24/7 and doing nothing crying about skerrit earns you no points. Take this up and start there, let us see that you are not just waiting for power but you actually want to work.

    • REAL!!!!!
      January 3, 2019

      @ Frank N Stein , I believe your call is a genuine one but this not a football field or basketball court project.

      This has to be done properly with a long-term view and would require significant financing for building a structure, buying land, employing Drug Rehab professional/ management and paying for DRUGS…….., this will need a yearly budget with ongoing financial support. Therefore it should be part of our National budget as a benefit to the tax payer’s of this country.

      Every-time these things comes up, Rehab Center , Marigot Hospital………Etc, it seems there is an easy tendency to ask the Opposition to do it when the DLP GOVT has our TAX Dollars.

      If this is a CANNOT do GOVT then change it rather than ask the Opposition to do it!!!!!!

  6. globalcitizen
    January 3, 2019

    Forget about skerrit and politics for a while. As global citizens why not do our part?
    We can come together to help make the building structure a little better. Help them with some mattresses and linen. Buy some dry goods. We can prepare food for them one day and bring to them. There are so many possibilities. Too much idle talk and no real efforts being made. We don’t need to rely on govt for everything while we waste time pointing fingers on who should be doing what, we could be helping them.

  7. Mahaut
    January 2, 2019

    I want to know if there is a government in dominica..poor city. The people are so síos to wake up black of education.

  8. Not A Herd Follower
    January 2, 2019

    That is not a rehab facility. However, I appreciate the efforts of Mr. Bonti Liverpool, Mr. Vanley Joseph and others for bringing attention to the dire and scandalous situation facing persons with drug and drug-related problems. Shame on the powers that be for not attending to the serious matter of rehabilitation.

  9. Wendy M. Williams
    January 2, 2019

    Addiction is a disease like all others. Person needs medical/ mental health attention and in many instances medications to alleviate/calm the cravings. It is categorized as mental illness and as such it should be treated that way, They need counselling, behavioral support and a safe place for at least 2 weeks away from the temptations. They should attend daily classes. Psychiatrically trained Social Workers, Nurses and Counsellors preferably rehabilated addicts like Mr. Joseph (they are best, they recognize game better than a lay person). The addict needs structure. They need to learn to be productive learn a trade. Build up their self worth. Where I currently work, rehabilitated drug addicts are called Ambassadors. They are greeters, transporters, groundmen, drivers, escorts etc. I would love to see a program like this in Dominica. I’ll help. I’ll come back home to make a difference if I am wanted.

  10. Ahh
    January 2, 2019

    We need as a nation to allow the government to do the things that they must! Our personal needs should not be met by the state when so many are suffering in a myriad of ways. The need for a rehab center is sorely needed. The need for more mental health professional is paramount. It cannot be that rum shops are occupied at seven o’clock in the morning. Our people are struggling with life, and the safety networks that should be in place aren’t because some people feel tat because they are supportive of the government, and they have jobs mind you, the government should furnish their houses for them to move in. This is wrong!

  11. Trail walker
    January 2, 2019

    That caught my attention , Building a center for that purpose would be a great move , Its a must .

  12. REAL!!!!
    January 2, 2019

    Skerrit and his boys have more money than sand on the beach and this is how our Drug Rehabilitation center look like in DA…Plus take a look at the roofless state of Public Library near Fort Young.

    Look FLOW is pledging USD200K to rehabilitation the Roseau Public Library as it seem the GOVT will not repair it….SMFH

    The money the police get from the drug burst and drug fines why is the DLP GOVT not using it to finance a Rehab Center.

    • Ibo France
      January 3, 2019

      Your last statement is so valid. The forfeiture of money and property from drugs dealers should go directly to build and fortify the drugs addicts rehabilitation system. It’s mind boggling to me that in this country, anything to be done to help the poor is met with stubborn resistance and refusal from the powers that be. Many of these drug addicts can be rehabilitated and become law abiding, productive citizens again, but the will and effort of the government and society is crucial. The government cannot do everything but at least they can lead. In Dominica, leadership, wisdom, and compassion are lacking at the top. Where wisdom is lacking, everything is lacking.

  13. Nature Island Angel
    January 2, 2019

    Please… Stop the politicking of every issue. Kudos to Mr. Joseph for doing a challenging, job. I would have liked to at least seen who he is so the public can see who is doing this to help drug addicts. While the current administration… any government administration can assist with a rehab structure for drug abusers, we must also remember Drug addicts have to take responsibility for their situation. This would take serious financial resources and be properly organized, if it is to be a REAL rehab centre and should NOT be in Roseau. Why must everything be in Roseau? Because the addicts end up in Roseau most of the time, they come from many communities and only come to the capital because they can survive due to the large population. Even though the Guides building was ok it would not be the best location. They need a green space where the rehab environment is peaceful, relaxing and surrounded by nature with other facilities. That would have to be outside of Roseau.

    • Ibo France
      January 2, 2019

      Politics affects every aspect of life in any country. It’s imperative that we agitate for at least a decent shelter for the disabled and the addicts. They are human beings too. Government should work for everyone including those who have fallen on bad times. This should be a monumental national scandal. It takes just a few thousand dollars to repair the roof and renovate the building. The Skerrit-led Cabinet has given millions to at least one local hotel owner from the CBI funds. This businessman could have been given tax exemption and duty free concessions for a period of time. He should have then taken out a loan from a private financial institution to get his business up and running. This current government has failed the people. They just act like a junta. Every little skirmish with the citizens, they use the military might of the State to intimidate, make false arrest and try to suppress the indomitable spirit of the aggrieved agitators. Out with them next elections!

    • Paix La
      January 2, 2019

      You must be a demon and not an angel. Issues that affect society and the nation ARE political issues. Governments are put in place to take care of such issues. You so fast, you want to see the person face. Beff you like! His face is of no consequence. The issue at hand is to build or provide rehab facilities for drug addicts. Yes! It is the government’s responsibility. You think they need green space? Oh yes. Is Eggleston good enough for you? I don’t like when people are so obsessed with party that they lack objectivity. You are to quick to defend. The fact is the facility is needed and someone is making an effort to request it. As we have seen over the past years, house building all over the place for lazy people. Give one for a good cause.

  14. Heartbroken
    January 2, 2019

    What hurts the most is seeing the families who are ruined by these things and the people who are selling the drugs are living their lavish lifestyles. Their family members driving the most expensive vehicles. Their children spending money like money grows on trees and their side chicks blinging in Roseau with a different weave every week. All of this lavished living is at the cost of poor families. And the police and them know who they are but they prefer to keep quiet.. and this is not only happening in Dominica. It’s sad!

    • %
      January 2, 2019

      The police as an institution has failed Dominica also.I have said/blogged that on this medium ad nauseum. CanIn fact I believe that the CDPF needs a cleansing at all levels.The role of a police force cannot be to subjugate my right to gather/assembly, while drug dealers and white collar crimes abound and there is not a glimmering of effort to halt them…
      Some of these men/women are not deserving to be police officers.
      I just informed three of my cousins to check our where our drug addicts are being rehabilitated
      under Skerrit’s leadership.
      Skerrit Must Go
      Skerrit Must Go
      LAZY Skerrit Must Go Now

  15. Pipo
    January 2, 2019

    This is so painful, shameful an embarrassing. Right round the corner from our State House, the President residence of opulence. Our country such a contrast of misery and plenty. Are we truly christian nation? Well ourconstutution says we are.

    • Made in China
      January 3, 2019

      It’s not about Christianity. It’s matter of Social Responsibility, this is a clear picture of what DA Human Services looks like.

  16. Mahaut Voice
    January 2, 2019

    This is a total disgrace to see where the folks who have feel short on making the right decisions in life are living today.
    Once agin I blame the Governmant for this poor conditions. becuase , while some of the ministers even have enough extra monies to buy land and build houses for their outside women , they do not see it fit to supprt a worhy cause.

  17. %
    January 2, 2019

    If anyone wants evidence of how Skerrit and his wicked bunch of MISLEADERS have abandoned the citizens of Dominica,here it is! To call what governs Dominica a government,is really a misnomer.Thi
    Those evil ones boast of how much money is available to them by our passport sales,but citizens are languishing in all different forms,shape,manner and way…This is wicked not to have a rehabilitation center on island in 2019..
    Don’t worry people you will see it soon in their manifesto… Remember their forte is deceipt and deception.
    Skerrit Must Go
    Skerrit Must Go
    LAZY Skerrit Must Go Now

    • Ibo France
      January 2, 2019

      I am with you % on this one. Their modus operandi is to deceive and rule . Do these people in authority have consciences? Do they sleep comfortably at nights? My heart weeps for these people knowing that the government has the wherewithal to assist and turn around at least some of the lives of these hapless gentlemen. We can tell the kind of government we have by looking at the way it treats the less fortunate in our society. Who can give this government a passing grade? Does a leader of a heartless, clueless, totally careless government deserve an honorable doctorate? Think about the treatment meted out to these poor brothers. When there are heavy and consistent downpours in the middle of the night, with no electricity, their homes roofless, how do these people even manage to survive? No food, no proper shelter, no electricity, no running water, no medication, and the government ministers drive by with their windows up, deliberately oblivious to the people’s pain and suffering.

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