DSC graduating class challenged and encouraged towards nation-building by Dr Peters

President of the DSC- Dr. Donald Peters

President of the Dominica State College (DSC) Dr. Donald Peters has encouraged the 2023 graduating class of the DSC to lead the charge in uniting as a people while putting their energy and skills into nation-building. He was delivering remarks during the DSC graduation ceremony held at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium on Friday.

“We need to unite as a people, put away our differences, and put all our energy and skills into nation-building,” he said. “And I charge you with that responsibility.”

He continued, “And I am charging you, new graduates, with the responsibility to be our future.”

Dr. Peters advised graduates to find a job, “If you cannot find one, create one.”

“We have given you a higher education, use that education to work and create a future for you and your family, or if you wish to go on to get added skills that you will have to get jobs to become economically independent,” he encouraged.

He believes that as college graduates, they should not be dependent on anyone.

“So, in order to become successful, you must be prepared to work,” Dr. Peters stated.

Furthermore, he pointed out that the students are graduating at a time when there are many challenges around the world.

“There is a war going on in Eastern Europe which has impacted the world’s economy, including the price of gas in Dominica,” he explained. “We have to understand that as a small country, we must do everything to develop our nation so one day we will be a fully developed country and can call the shots also.”

Dr. Peters went on to state that Dominica, although a small country, is doing better than most of its sister countries, particularly in Africa.

“We have no wars, education is still free, health is still free, we have a strong democracy with the same freedoms guaranteed in all democracies…,” he stated.

He also told the graduates that they are graduating at a time when there are tremendous opportunities for builders, contractors, supply chain managers, and farmers to supply many new hotels with their products.

“The opportunities are endless and require you, who just graduated from college to be creative and innovative in finding and maintaining jobs,” Dr. Peters advised.

He called on graduates to focus on discussing ways to keep the environment clean and not on the World Creole Music Festival (WCMF) lineup.

“We should not waste time arguing about Creole Fest line-up, instead let’s spend time discussing how we can clean our environment and keep it clean,” he remarked. “How can we invest in our country? By buying local, this is how we build the nation.”

He said Dominica is doing well for its size and economy, “so be optimistic, take on the challenges in your workplace, in your villages and towns.”

“Don’t listen to cynics who never set foot in a college, but are experts on everything and think that only the government must be the ones to develop Dominica,” Dr. Peters warned. “I want you to choose hope and perseverance over cynicism and empty talk.”

He added,” When you step out of here today, I want you to embrace hope, optimism and start working more and talking less.”

While the DSC remains a tuition-free institution, Dr. Peters is encouraging parents who plan to send their children to pursue an education at the DSC, to consider paying a small fee.

“This my people is a cornerstone, value, and principle of nation-building,” he noted. “There is no major challenge. I know you are graduating, but I want you to encourage people in your neighbourhood, the parents who are beginning to consider sending their kids to college to think about offering or volunteering to pay a small fee. If you do that, I thank you and that will be a step in helping build our nation.”

He also took the opportunity to thank the Government of Dominica for their continued funding of the state college and look forward to their continued support. Meanwhile, Technology Entrepreneur, Davidson Edwards who presented the featured address told graduates that they should not take the resources in Dominica for granted.

“You’ve been born into an amazing country. We have water in abundance, we have lush forests and beautiful beaches we can freely access,” he said. “St Martin has no forests…”

He continued, “We have soil fertile enough to feed the whole Caribbean. The sun keeps us warm, while Europeans shiver and pay to heat their homes during winter.”

Edwards boasts Dominica as having a strong social fabric that keeps crime low and connection and community high.

“Almost none of us has seen true poverty as exists in parts of Africa and Asia where a whole family might share a toothbrush or a child might die from something that we are all vaccinated against,” he explained. “We have internet coverage better than parts of the US and roads spanning every part of the country. Don’t take any of these things for granted, because none of them are.”

He said all of these blessings were either built by Dominica or preserved by them, “And the country you were born into is not poor, it is very much middle income, but the question is, how will you improve Dominica? So, tell me how you are going to start a business that creates a thousand high-paying jobs?”

Additionally, Edwards pointed out that, “We have a culture where we do not trust each other enough to work together, so tell me how you will start a new union in the company you join or organize a movement across the whole island?”

Over 300 students graduated from the DSC this year.

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  1. October 10, 2023

    As an old Grammar School boy i was hoping that you would have held on to the 0le school motto “mens sanna in corpore sano” but alas like some others you choose to join the cabal and exploit the vulnerability of our less than educated and dottish people; the saying is true “ignorance and stupidity are really first cousins”.

  2. Raj Raheem
    October 10, 2023

    “Nation building” still? After 20+ years we are still in the building stages? It should be “Rebuilding the Nation” after all the human destruction the Nation has faced and is still suffering. This man’s face needs rebuilding as well as his pseudo intellectual ego.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
  3. Keith
    October 10, 2023

    Only if those ideas of nation building would hold true for Peters-

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
  4. Truth Be Told
    October 10, 2023

    If only you Labour cabal would practice what you preach? Who created this political tribalism in Dominica? Was Dominica so politically divided with hatred before this Labour party?
    And who created dependency in Dominica? Was any government of Dominica handing out free money, free house, cool-out, red clinic and so much largess for party supporters like this Labour party?
    Dr. Donald Peters, I would suggest that you sit down with the Prime Minister, his ministers and supporters and give them that speech!

    • Shaka Zulu
      October 10, 2023

      it is weird this guy is speaking with his back turned to the students who are graduating. Is he addressing the students or the crowd? am I missing the wider view? communication is not just about words. Body language, body position, eye contact, clearing throat while talking are all examples of communication and mean more than what is being said.
      Donald Peter’s is nothing but a misfit and a fraud. for someone who is so morally and politically compromised to be leading our highest learning institution is a shame. Butt kisser in chief.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
  5. Francisco Etienne-Dodd Telemaque
    October 9, 2023

    Shut up, you old ram goat, you are one of the old hypocrites setting discord, and division in the country.
    No point of you pretending you want unity when in fact you are aiding and abetting in political victimization of people who do not drench themselves in the color red and worship the corrupted crook and dictator Roosevelt Skerrit.
    You are the same old little rat who weeks ago said that: if in the process of implementing change to bring about electoral change if they remove our clean the list with the names of dead people, you that ole clown will challenge the cleaning of the list in court?
    Who are you a nobody to such crap, and now trying to gain recognition in your old washed up days looking as if you have one foot in grave, and the other out side talking crap about unity.
    “Things,” like you; and I am deliberately about classifying you as a thing: in reality a puppet and hypocrite, why don’t you just crawl under some rock and continue dry out and out of people’s face?

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 5
  6. Workers of Iniquity
    October 9, 2023

    Who can Donald Peters challenge or inspire about nation building for DNO to even use as a headline “DSC graduating class challenged and encouraged towards nation-building by Dr Peters”?
    Everyone has lost respect for the man and as for me, I would more respect a convicted rapist than to listen to Donald Peter because this selfish and greedy man doesn’t care a damn about nation building as he is only there to defend Skerrit as he destroys Dominica. I don’t know if this man is related to the “drum stick “ AG but since they carry the same last name and they both are on the same mission I do believe these two men will have some serious questions to answer when Skerrit falls. Well maybe they might both do like Judas Iscarriot.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2
  7. JAH KAL
    October 9, 2023

    Man you are a disgrace, Guys like you have no shame. Look behind you Peters and tell me what you see? you see young men and young women a you an example to them? plenty of them gonna be on the unemployed line pretty soon, your face tells a thousand word. P, P.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 3

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