Chinese-funded housing project for Roseau coming

Julius Timothy

A Chinese government funded housing project for Roseau could get underway the end of 2011.

Urban Renewal Minster Julius Timothy says housing for Roseau is among several projects to be developed under a $40-million dollar loan from the Government of China.

“We expect within six months to commence the housing (project) in Roseau. We want a lot of the junior clerks to be able to afford an apartment. They don’t have to be bused up and down,” he said.

According to Timothy, the main construction will be in the Pound area.

“When you move them out of Pound, you must put up a few buildings in order to house them,” he said.

Timothy was speaking on the Government In Focus program.

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  1. Steven
    March 30, 2023

    Dominicans, open your eyes! You are selling your souls to China along with your homeland! Wake up before it’s too late and you become their slaves!

  2. ***G
    July 9, 2012


  3. Standalone
    June 28, 2011

    We all acknowledge China is not a role model for individuals to express an opinion or criticize their political leaders, but when it comes to business and making money all the democratic countries turn a blind eye to human rights abuse the Chinese Nobel prize winner Lu Xiaobo and Ai Weiwei China most famous artist were both detained for criticizing their government. So we must stop whingeing about Dominica accepting economic assistance from china, in a globalised economy that worship free market people will do business where money is, that’s what the first world called capitalism, historically the American have always hated the communist system, but don’t have a problem borrowing $800 billions dollars from China the cash shortage government of Dominica welcome China as a benefactor it is fair to ask what is motivating China. China have aided 161 countries around the globe 30 countries in Asia, 51 in Africa, 18 in Latin America, 12 in the Caribbean, 12 in Eastern Europe, so who is to blame as China strengthens it’s influence in the Caribbean, the American and other western countries have neglected us because we don’t have oil, the IMF forecast China will overtake the US economy by 2016 and become the biggest industrial country in world, we know when ever the Chinese offer assistance they don’t create jobs for the local people because they bring their own labour force it’s cheaper.

  4. Anonymous
    June 28, 2011

    Dear Mr. Timothy

    It is 6:26am and I took tome to write this short note to you. Some time ago your government announced loans through GHLB to Public Officers on the low income end. Will you please inform the nation how may officers were able to benefit from this?

    And when you speak of housing for Junior Officers, will you please inform the nation what the average salary of a Junior Officer is and what is the expected cost of these houses? And will they be the steel framed ones with sheet rock or plastic?

    I need a house – but do not want to hang my heart where I cannot reach it.

    Thanks much for a truthful and timely response.


    I Am Dominica – Are You Mr. Tim?

  5. -Rebel With A Cause-
    June 28, 2011

    There is a need for proper housing in and around roseau. It’s very difficult to find decent accommodation in the city especially when one comes from the country areas and has to seek permanent installment in the city for work and education purposes. Even for residents of the city itself, housing is stretched and youngsters seeking to leave home and become independent face serious limitations with alternative accommodation and to compound the situation, rents on existing properties are exorbitant.

    There is definitely an urgent need to improve housing and i am sure that such a move by government is one that will be very much welcomed and will go a long way in remedying the troublesome housing situation existing in and around the capital city.

    Government must however ensure that the necessary instruments are put in place to ensure that these dwellings are built to satisfy the needs of Dominicans and that safety standards are of the highest. i would suggest supervision by credible local engineers as the chinese are known for erecting cost effective buildings but which lack in structural integrity. I would also suggest that local labour be used to undertake the construction since locals are already experienced and understand our terrain and conditions in relation to construction and this would also provide a measure of economic relief to a section of our skilled but currently unemployed labour force.

    With major projects such as these, one would hope that Dominica’s best interests are looked after.

  6. Truth, Love, Peace
    June 28, 2011

    Some great comments which made me laugh. :lol:
    I do endorse that certain areas of Roseau as Pound are in need of a face lift, new housing. It is more than time.
    Timothy has not outlined what type of housing. Will it be for rent or purchase?
    He stated that the young clerks who work in Roseau will not have to be bused to Roseau. Was a survey conducted of how many young clerks who reside out of town and who have to travel to Roseau?
    Is this the only reason and a reason for constructing new housing? I view it as an extremely poor reason.
    Nothing was stated about those who are permanent residents in that area, Pound. Surely this new housing project should house them as well.
    Residing in Canada, just as in the U.S.A. or Europe of all, it could take some of us approximately two hours, probably a little less “one way” to and from work. This depends where we reside, how far or near to our work place or place of residence. We bring snacks and lunch with us or purchase them. This is a way of life in a big country. We are not complaining about that. Our government and employers are not concerned about where we reside. They could not care less. Our employers’ sole concern is that we arrive at work on time and fulfill our duties.
    It may take more time with heavy traffic during rush hours as we term them and slow downs, be it due to accidents and in winter during storms to get to and from work. Due to this there are times we may be late through no fault of our own. Those who work on a temporary basis and on contract do not get paid for working time lost due to slow buses, trains and traffic for whatever reason.
    The commuting time, waiting for buses and trains to arrive which are on schedule and sometimes off schedule increases the length of time it will take to arrive home specifically in the evenings. The same applies for those who drive and traffic is slow for one reason or the other.
    I stated this to indicate that those “young clerks” are fortunate that the government is concerned with their traveling to Roseau and living accommodation.
    In those days some of those who resided out of town boarded and lodged in Roseau. What is wrong with them doing so in these times?
    Will the housing project decrease their cost? Will they not have to pay rent or mortgage for this new housing?
    If it is subsidized, they will have to pay a certain portion of their income.
    Generally office hours of work in Roseau are from 9:00 am to 4:00 p.m. The stores are probably opened from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,on Saturday by 1:00 p.m. Correct me if I erred.
    Times have changed in Dominica from what it was in those days. Today, traveling in Dominica by bus is much better than what it was in those days by trucks. Traveling time has also decreased due to improved roads and new ones. Buses operate after 6:00 p.m., if not later in Dominica. Am I correct?
    How long does it take to travel to Roseau especially in neighboring villages even some which are further?
    Now that this housing project is approved and underway, I do hope it will benefit those who are in need of it.
    Timothy, think primarily of those who have resided in Pound for years. I do think it is high time that they should have decent housing.
    I am pleased that Dominica is progressing. I am certain that every Dominican resident or not, the latter at this time will welcome feasible changes of enhancement in Dominica. In many respects it is encouraging.

    • Ratatat
      June 28, 2011

      Boring as usual.

  7. rats
    June 27, 2011

    whiles we on the reconstructing/renovating road lets not forget de ol blue n white building on 24 king george v street…..cause der full roaches!!!! health

  8. baby
    June 27, 2011

    good developement comes first

  9. Anthony P. Ismael
    June 27, 2011

    This is backward thinking by Tim Tim and his crew. Develop Stock Farm and other areas outside of Roseau, now that the roads will be much improved shortly.

    Leave that space for a grand building or buildings capable of housing a movie theater, restaurants, offices, a decent tourism welcome center and a new library.

    Offer affordable loans to government employees and give them an opportunity to construct their own homes.

    One more question for Tim Tim. What ever became of the sporting facility in the Grammar school grounds that you promised a year ago? I’m still waiting for an a start date of the said project.

    • Dragon
      June 28, 2011

      Very intelligent contribution. For too long our governments have been just to impulsive. They undertake projects without carefully assessing the pro, cons, viability or liabilities. A prime area like the pound location should be explored or developed for commercial purposes. Take for example the growing parking problem in Roseau, the need for more commercial real estate. The pound area could help solve this problem.
      I question whether there is a comprehensive plan for the area.
      Our biggest problem in Dominica is the lack of intelligent , experienced, innovative people at the decision and legislative levels.The problem starts with the quality of people that we elect and the detrimental act of allowing these unqualified individuals to lead government ministries.

      June 28, 2011

      Politics aside, I totally agree with Anthony Ismael. I can only hope that Tim rethinks his plan. Central Roseau should be set aside for Commercial, Educational, Tourism, Parking purposes especially if we are serious about boosting the economy in Roseau and bringing more business to Roseau. Central Roseau should be commercialized. All areas like Pound in Roseau should be demolished and the Lot cleared and designated for commercial purposes, like building Office buildings, Restaurants, Shoppes, Theatres, Medical Centers, Banking, Schools, Stores, Centers and so on. The outskirts and surroundings of Roseau like, Newtown, Citronier, Kingshill, Goodwill, the Valley, Morne Prosper, Fond Cole, Yam Pit, Canefield, Bath Estate, SockFarm, Giraudel, Eggleston, Castle Comfort, Pottersville we should continue to develop for Residential Housing and Recreational purposes. Where are our degreed planners in Roseau? What are they doing and saying? Since the Canefield Airport is not profitable, then we need to turn the airport into both a Residential and tourist attraction and put all the monies and equipment into Melville Hall Airport and the road leading from Canefield to Melville Hall Airport. Then and only then we can truly say that Roseau is the Capital City of the OECS. JULIE, think before you leap.

  10. passingthru
    June 27, 2011

    Why dont you all think of increasing the salary of those same junior clerks so that they can invest in a peice of property and build their own houses. Dont you think these young persons want to own something of theirs one day? And invest made wisely rather than a rented apartment. Come on you all need to think better than this? However, are there arrangements made for the present residents of the area which is to be developed? People need answers minister and not just temporary solutions to permanent problems.

  11. 4th. class Dominican
    June 27, 2011

    Dominicans remember Skerritt mentioned that China was giving Dominica $300,000,000.00 in aid for projects as a result of an agreement between the two countries? Skerritt up to now has refused the Dominican public to see or be informed about that agreement, the MOU.

    So the stadium and the west coast road rehabilitation (highway????) together cost all that money? $100,000,000.00 West Coast road + $30,000,000.00 Stadium = $300,000,000.00?

    But Govt has borrowed $27 million + $40 million now from China although millions still remain from that $300 million? Something strange is going on. Dominicans are totally in the dark about those national issues. Having refused up to this time to make the MOU available to the Public, the Chinese have all the TRUMP cards, and Dominicans are just bystanders in that whole affair. Dominicans will end up as 4th. class citizens in their own land. Our Sovereignty is at stake. INEQUALITY will rise. A NEW kind of SLAVERY. COLONIALISM in another FORM.

    Local businesses cannot compete with Chinese and will continue to close down and be replaced by Chinese businesses in Roseau and other areas in Dominica. Because we are seen as BEGGARS with empty hands outstretched in front of the Chinese, they will put more BUTTER around our mouths and you know that proverb goes. Total control. Lose of sovereignty. The DLP Govt. have ridiculed the local people in favour of the Chinese. Didn’t you listen to Tim-TIM about Blenders and if it wasn’t Chinese Bla, Bla, bla?

    Money make the DEVIL DANCE. GREED and selfishness have turned many of my fellow men and women into ZOMBIES who have lost all their sense of REASON and love for our beautiful Dominica.

    June 27, 2011

    AS I WAS SAYING : This is the same TIM TIM who said thanks God for the Chinese because Dominicans can now have BLENDERS AT THEIR HOMES ?????? I REALLY USED TO THINK THE MAN WAS AN EDUCATED AND DIPLOMATIC MAN.. !!!!!!

    • largest
      June 28, 2011

      I agree with your take I am also very disgusted by Timothy’s comments. I sense that the condescending attitude from Timothy- essentially what Tim is saying is that now that Chinese are importing their cheap inferior and duty free blenders Dominicans are happier. Note he did not use the phrase ” We Dominicans” because he is not part of the struggling population.

  13. June 27, 2011

    I wish we would use Roseau as a City for commercial businesses and an attraction for visitors to Dominica, and to put those houses outside of the City or further in the rural areas.

  14. Lavie Dominique!
    June 27, 2011

    They should build a housing project for the Chinese workers to because soon there will be more Chinese workers than Dominican workers, They could well be housed there instead of the desecration that is taking place at the Presidents’ housing grounds currently. I hope is all you wives, mothers and daughters that all you will sell to pay back the Chinese. Who are we kidding they hold the title for Ma Dominique already. The title is attached to the MOU! According to Pastor BJ Zor de zor sort!

  15. TEXAS
    June 27, 2011


  16. amazed
    June 27, 2011

    Who will buy these homes if people don’t have work?

    In City planning should you have so many people living in the center?

    what about true sustainable development?

    Should there not be a focus on Development of industry and Business opportunities?

    Is this administration only interested in reelections or development?

  17. Cerberus
    June 27, 2011

    The U.S.40 million soft loan from China always incorporated a provision for housing development in Roseau. I don’t think anyone would argue that the Pound area is not in serious need of rehabilitation – it is an eyesore and worse! However:

    – where are you going to house the current residents if the new housings is to be used predominantly,for Govt. employees?.
    – are these plans hatched out of true social concerns? The fact that the rear- facing offices offices at the Finance Centre give a grand stand view of this slum (because that ‘s what it is) must be a source of embarrassment to those , who are confronted with this, and their visitors.You can’t have the blinds pulled down all the time!

    Who will be the developer of this project?Our Chinese friends again? Will the planned housing units be for sale or for rent, and if so at a subsidised rate?

    Nothing wrong with improving the city but I am genuinely concerned about the destiny of the current occupants of that deprived are.

  18. Afronago
    June 27, 2011

    Wéh papa ! Olyou have ideas wi !!
    Olyou want to turn Dominica into America !!
    Pollute Olyou looking to Pollute Mama Waiti Kubuli with dat development hungry money greedy way !!
    But her wrath will blow that away with one cough !!

    BE CAREFUL, RESPECT HER and our children will inherit her refuge just like our ancestors did.

  19. la beauty
    June 27, 2011

    dats a very good project tim tim..a lot of the young people from the country area can’t find housin when they start workin in’s very bad and when u do get a house, the rent is very high and cant afford it..good project again..i welcome it greatly :)

  20. What a fake
    June 27, 2011

    one day we are gonna open our eyes and see that this country will no longer be Dominicans but Chinese. every time they “fund ” a project they bring their own people and own equipment. and those fools on government that claims to care about Dominican. not one of them fighting for locals to get the jobs.

    Let me guest they going to say what. They need the Chinese to build the house to.

    the excuse for the road project was that it was a grant. Fine
    Now its a loan and since its the tax payers that have to pay it back let me see if its not those same payers that will get the jobs to do it.

  21. tech kid
    June 27, 2011

    “We expect within six months to commence the housing (project) in Roseau. We want a lot of the junior clerks to be able to afford an apartment. They don’t have to be bused up and down,” he said.

    According to Timothy, the main construction will be in the Pound area.

    “When you move them out of Pound, you must put up a few buildings in order to house them,” he said.”

    Can someone please tell me what this man is saying? What is the context? What is the essence of this? You are a minister for crying out loud…

    • Jade
      June 27, 2011

      wat he is sayin is that the houses will NOT be for Roseau ppl because Roseau ppl don”t take bus to come Roseau…simple

  22. Anonymous
    June 27, 2011

    YES MR TIM TIM MET MARTI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Jade
      June 27, 2011

      And he can never tell the truth..all how u go and see him is a new lie…oh it finishin nex week..and nex week..a nex week dat neva reach

  23. Physical Planning
    June 27, 2011

    Where is the plan Timothy. I could think of a few things that would serve us much better – A paid parking garge that would employ people; installation of parking meters to generate income; paid wash room facilities around Roseau; enhancement of our tourism image with an upgrade of the welcome center and the old Roseau market;

  24. Pastor Abortion
    June 27, 2011

    zort mi sort Dominique. I guess the bus drivers will park their buses there too.Are these guys really thinking priority. Can somebody explain to me the urgency. Maybe it would be better to use that money to provide cheap and affordable housing loans for Dominicans.Allow that money to circulate in Dominica. Is that another China loan where the Chinese will be the judge jury and executioner?
    Timothy sound so idiotic -it is sad to see What this man has become. He justified the state house by saying that the state house will generate revenue when tourist come by to see the state house. Allah Allah Allah.

  25. civil servant
    June 27, 2011

    This is housing revolution in action, not giving plywood and galvanise to repair shacks and a few years later government have to repeat the same thing, if this project comes on stream to completion a commendable effort by the minister of urban renewal

    • Anonymous
      June 27, 2011




      • Jade
        June 27, 2011

        i support u 100% Anonymous…they cannot finish wat they start but they want ton take on new projects

  26. namich2008
    June 27, 2011

    I hope our fellow Dominican nationals: contractors and skilled construction laborers will be given the opportunity to get some employment on this project. After all it is a loan and not a grant… which mean we have to repay it and thus should mean we deceide who going to do the work…. I hope the government comes good on this project for Dominicans.

  27. June 27, 2011

    Another one again? Oh Mi Laaaad Oh

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