Dominica Freedom Party (DFP) statement on current fuel sector crisis

The Dominica freedom Party (DFP) is deeply disappointed with the current situation facing the fuel sector on island.

By controlling both the retail price and profit margin the government has placed the fuel sector in an iron box where profitable operations are precarious.

Pandemic driven volume decreases, along with wage increases, have pushed these companies to protest that their formerly precarious position is now untenable.

The government is therefore being asked to re-structure conditions so that these companies can continue to offer effective service.  This is not a new concept. Governments around the world have stepped in with plans and packages to ensure the survival of critical sectors in times of economic crisis.

But the current government shows a level of inflexibility on this issue that is revealing. By failing to grow the economy over the past decades, the government is desperately dependent on every penny from taxes imposed on the fuel sector.  It is therefore highly resistant to pursuing reasonable and rational reform proposals.

This economic development failure results in a heavy tax burden everywhere – not just in the fuel sector. VAT, port charges, surcharges, and a host of other taxes on goods and services push the island’s cost of living sky high.

But if only the government could expand the economic pie, then the tax base would broaden resulting in increased revenues – even as individual tax burdens are reduced.  It is this government’s economic development failures then that is most revealed by this fuel crisis – we must not miss that big picture amid all the noise.

The Dominica Freedom party therefore calls on the government to pursue authentic, innovative development and to abandon hand-out economics. If we fail to do so, this fuel sector stalemate will be only the canary in the coalmine signaling other heartbreaking crises ahead.

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  1. Wood
    September 12, 2021

    Is freedom a party na….oh my….next 3 years let me hear your candidates… :-D :-D :-D ..ok….u all need to get in d ring…to try to knock skerro….alas alas.. booso…try that… 8-O 8-O

  2. Gary
    September 12, 2021

    You are the Leader of a Political Party, and you write such childish commentary. I will tell you this. Linton, at least, came up with a solution, with numbers and figures not just words with imaginary nonsense, which I gave him credit for. It is easy to write such commentary when you are not in Government, it’s typical of Political Parties, when they are not in the governing seat, always giving advice and have a solution. You should be working towards formulating plans for your Party, getting candidates ready for the next elections, writing such commentaries is meaningless.

  3. Fact Check
    September 10, 2021

    Mr. Hurtault,

    You write this article without even doing any research on the price buildup of gasoline in Dominica. Do you know that there is no import VAT or Duty on the importation of gasoline? There is no retail VAT either at the pumps? The Government only charges an excise tax which comes up to less than what would be paid if they were to charge duty and VAT. With this knowledge what now is your solution to this problem? If you want to leave the US and come here to be our leader you need to really learn about how Dominica works my brother. I hope you are better researched on our ways here before you write another commentary.

    • John smalls
      September 16, 2021

      If only you knew what you was saying you would keep your mouth shut. Or you just don’t believing in telling the truth just like the prime minister do all them by telling us lies day in an day out.

  4. Lin clown
    September 10, 2021

    I agree with Randolph,that is why these JACKA never had a good leader after M E Charles,they killed the party with their HIGH LEVEL of STUPIDITY.
    RandyX the RT.HON.DR.DR Roosevelt Skerrit PRIME MINISTER of Dominica,and the DLP supporters rebuilt Dominica with their BLOOD,SWEAT and TEARS where were you and the other UWP lazy,lying traitors?CBI,CBI,CBI like a parrot,go ask your lazy,uneducated.traitorous leader about the CBI.Ask him what money built the multi- million dollar Marigot hospital.Ask him where the money came from to build $250,000 and $300,000 houses FREE for the people of Dominica.WICKED.

    • John smalls
      September 16, 2021

      Jacka.., if you don’t know then let me educate you a little. The hospital is being built and founded by the contractor and 5 years down the line he will be getting pain with 17 percent interest. So when you know nothing keep your mouth shut

  5. Truth Be Told
    September 10, 2021

    Well said Dominica Freedom Party. A very focused, targeted and precise economic analysis summary of the current economic crisis brewing in Dominica! Indeed, an indication of structural economic failures and misguided Labour party policies over the two decades, now exacerbated by Covid-19 pandemic and global economic malaise. Sadly, much worse is still to come from the 20 years of failed Labour party management of the economy of the Commonwealth on Dominica. Abandoning Agriculture for Tourism instead of investing heavily in both from 20 years ago, and the blinded dependency on CBI to grow an economy, is nothing short of national economic suicide – pure madness!
    Giving every Labour party supporter a free this and a free that does not develop a nation or build a sound economic foundation to grow from! Now we all dead, Red or not!

  6. Dreamer
    September 9, 2021

    Governance, ultimately is up to the people. It’s not only hand-out politics that needs to be abandoned, but token-politics with 1970s development criteria (such as: multi-story buildings mean “we advanced” ; a big house that we cannot pay for or maintain = financial security; OR an international airport, under-utilized or not, = progress). Parties or leaders that are willing to cultivate the mix of civic-mindedness and pragmatism needed to survive on terra firme in THIS decade is what Dominica would benefit from. But to get that, enough citizens have to want it badly enough to demand it.

  7. September 9, 2021

    BS statement. That is why this government has been in power for so long. These opposition parties lack vision.

    • %
      September 10, 2021

      @Randolph Joseph
      What exactly is the BS statement??? You should have pointed it out. I doubt you even read what was written though!. If you did read it, you did not understand anything from it. The article makes a lot of sense to me, but Skerrit does not understand the plight of the struggling businesses!! Dont expect this economy to grow under this regime. If it grows, it must be jobless growth.

  8. Jonathan Y St Jean
    September 9, 2021

    The “Santa Clause” government is devoid of real strategic programs for taking the country into the future. It’s based on one man who speaks for every ministry, on giving out goodies to party loyalists, and trying to make party loyalists of all and sundry, for example the current speaker of the house of assembly, the red clinic, the come dressed in red charade for the launching of the so-called international airport, and the next level which killed the young manufacturing sector in the country. Now Santa Clause will take care of you from the cradle to the grave. The productivity of the country has been sapped and a mendicant mentality has taken hold of Dominca. We prostitute our birthright like prostitution and the “dons” are the only ones benefiting. They hide their gains overseas so the masses can’t know what’s the value of going to bed with foreigners. It’s pitifully to say the least. Bring back the milk and honey.

  9. RandyX
    September 9, 2021

    Look it, they finally found their voice. I am impressed. Dominica can’t afford to go on the way it is. This handout economics has to be abandoned and replaced with serious investment in creating sustainable jobs. The current government needs to be replaced. What have they achieved in almost 20 years? Nothing, absolutely nothing. What happened to the proceeds of CBI? Where are the audited accounts?

    • ????????????????
      September 9, 2021

      Where is the fuel sector crisis?
      I don’t understand! Only Rubis has a problem.
      So why make a mountain of a molehill?
      There is no fuel shortage and where is the crisis? Someone tell me, please.

    • Gary
      September 10, 2021

      You have expressed your opinion, that is fine, now who decides the truth as to what you have written, It’s the electorate. When you asked, “What have they achieved in almost 20 years,”(meaning the Government) you said, “absolutely nothing.” really. Did this Government did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in 20 yrs. lol, is this an intelligent observation, what capacity of your intelligence you used to come up with such belief based on your observation.

      Do think you are the only observer. You asked where are the audited accounts. Why don’t you go find it, it is available, if you willfully choose not to look for it when it is available, that is called IGNOR-RANCE, as to the CBI, again remain IGNOR-RANT, it is your choice, the facts are there, they will not disappear on account of your silly observation looking through the partisan BLUE LENS you’re wearing. The electorate of Dominica know what they have seen done in the past 20yrs. Why are you deceiving yourself about
      the reality taking…

      • John smalls
        September 16, 2021

        Dominica is the only island in the Caribbean which has taken steps backwards in the past 20 years. It’s the economy in the western that haven’t grown its economy for 21 years. So tell me, is that progress.

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