Layou farmers and fishers get compensation

Remants of Mathieu Dam

Layou farmers and fishers who were affected by the collapse of the Mathieu Dam on July 28, 2011 are being provided with 60 percent of their loss.

Parliamentary Representative for the Layou Constituency Kelver Darroux said fishermen have already received in excess of over $160,000 in relief efforts.

He said $60,000 is now in place at the St Joseph Village Council and farmers can collect their cheques today.

“We made a commitment that we will provide to the fishermen of Layou 60 percent relief efforts of the losses. Some of them suffered losses in terms of their nets, canoes, outboard motors. I can report that the fishermen have received in excess of over $160,000 where over 25 fishermen of the Layou have benefited from that. We have also provided-through the ministry of agriculture, through the St Joseph Village Council, an amount of 60,000.00 that will benefit over 120 farmers in the Layou Valley area where they will receive $500 each. This is a commitment that we made to the farmers because as a government we saw that their lives were affected having now to traverse through the Warner area to access their farms,’ he said.

Darroux said Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit should be thanked for the incentives especially during difficult economic times.

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  1. angel
    November 9, 2011

    What is $500.00?

    • ?????????????
      November 9, 2011

      Well what is $500.00? You not serious, You can give them more so do that and say nothing because you can hardly give them each $1.00 and you won’t either but you are so unthankful for small mercies. therefore if you are not thankful for small mercies then you can not get a bigger portion since you are already ungrateful.

      Now put your money where your mouth is and give them something that is more than the $500.00, I waiting for your comment.

      • ?????????????
        November 9, 2011

        Since you are an ‘angel” I expect you to come to their assistance with something substantial! LOL

  2. resident farmer
    November 9, 2011

    Mr. Parl Rep did the ministry of agriculture extension service provide the NAMES of one hundred and twenty (120) farmers who were affected in one way or the othe after the passage of the event. I doubt that very much!!!! If i am wrong did these 120 farmers receive equal damage to property. Why would EACH then receive a $500.00 ASSISTANCE package. what a policy!!!!

  3. Sout Man
    November 9, 2011

    Am I the one missing the point? Everyone dwells on the $500.00. Note that $160 000.00 is given to 25 fishermen to meet 60% of their losses. The average per fisherman is $6400.00. Some will get more while others will get less, depending on their previous investments.

    The $500.00 per farmer is simply ‘GAS MONEY’ since “farmers now have to traverse through Warner to access their farms”. These farmers cannot use the damaged Layou bridge to get to their farms. They spend more gas or bus fare going through Warner. Their farms are not damaged. There may be a couple damaged ones in the river valley but not the 120 mentioned.

    • 1979
      November 9, 2011

      go comment about the HIV that playing hop scotch in your community and leave this one for people who are concerned about the dignity of the layou farmers. maybe your employers should chuck $500 dollars in your hand and send you to live an entire month….or what about the workers at PWC today is the 9th and no pay, this will go on to the end of time because of apologists like you and two face traitors like thomas letang who is being paid to be the voice of the working class but instead waiting by the edge of the plate for what that might fall….

      time will tell

  4. DA man
    November 9, 2011

    why should we thank skerrit for a $500 dollers for the layou and st.joe people, the money is not skerrit own that’s the dominican tax payers money.all you think skerrit is god, the sad thing is our children that will pay for all you nonesence we should thank the tax payers not skerrit

  5. True
    November 8, 2011

    Common people. A help is a help! But people need to look out for themselves. Get insurance. Insure your property.

    Many dominicans refuse to pay property taxes and don’t value insurance, but when something happens, everyone wants a hand out.

    • 1979
      November 9, 2011

      go see how aome of these people are living and then watch them in their face and tell them that. 8)

  6. What?
    November 8, 2011

    Those negative comments sound like is the PM that cause the natual disaster!Those who receive should be thankful.Half a loaf is better than no bread.Those who wanted more should have insured their belongings and property.

  7. serio
    November 8, 2011

    In the mean time there was some mysterious happenings in the interior of the island that caused the massive flooding during the passing of Ophelia. I believe this needs investigating for sure. the materials that were washed to the coastal areas came from the interior not from the coastline.

  8. mouth of the south
    November 8, 2011

    this is clear proof that our leaders don’t think much of agriculture… they don’t think much of the people who put down work on the farms or in the sea…

  9. Anonymous
    November 8, 2011


  10. Heart Broken
    November 8, 2011

    What a frigging insult. I understand that people were getting that much during the red clinic. Oh boy oh boy what a travesty. It is now four months and now they are flaunting and bragging at $500 dollars. How many of us spent $500 dollars at one night at the Creole festival. Now that these farmers are forced to buy more imported foods $500 dollars cannot fill a grocery bag. So let us see how fair that is ; The politicians take home 6-10 thousand not counting their over blown expenses ; constituent allowances etc and the blowing a trumpet at $500 dollars that they give to some farmers. Do we remember the days when the farmers were the backbone of our economy; Back then the farmers would make that much money in a day now these people are reduced to such level of insult.
    If you Labor Party idiots expect some of us to say hooray not that some of us value our pride and dignity and that some of us refuse to become dependent on handouts and therefore we know the value of our sovereignty and right to be independent.

    • Grandbay
      November 8, 2011

      you are such an idiot

      • opposom
        November 8, 2011

        Is that all you have to say. Heart Broken is making a valid point. Grandbay why dont you come up with a counter argument instead of just saying “you an idiot”. That show s that you have no reasoning ability. I’m not sure if that makes you the bigger idiot.
        Heart Broken is saying what we all know to be true- politicians only care about themselves.I too agree that $500 is an insult when when they the politicians are making X 20. Grandbay open up your mind and be an independent thinker.

  11. People Person
    November 8, 2011

    This is real sad. $500 ?. People lost their motors, nets and survival equipment and $500 should cut it. This is not politics but instead common and basic dignity. It takes more than $100 to fill the gas tank and replacement of the fish nets or motor repair and replacement could cost thousands of dollars.
    Some people may say “it is better than nothing” and my response would be – only in a society where the people are reduced to begging and dependency.
    Again chastise me if you wish but consider these facts ; the Villas cost 8 million; the private residence is estimated at 1.4 million; land ownership worth hundreds of thousand; the secrete Cayman island bank accounts loaded. This is what bothers me – poor farmers and fishermen cannot survive on the 500 dollar handout when at the expense of these very same poor citizens others are raking in and have accumulated more than enough to share with the poor so much so that the poor people can have some dignity.
    This is just me but I would be restless knowing that I’ve accumulated so much wealth and the poor people have to go through such strife. Who the cap fit let them have it and who want to take me to task on what I’ve said I suggest that you go look one of these Layou people in the eye and tell them that the $500 compensation is fair play.

    • ?????????????
      November 9, 2011

      Pay some more taxes or make a huge donation so the government can give them more than $500.00. Do you know how the machination of Government works? No one is saying that $500.00 will compensate them for their loss but half a loaf is better than none at all. It seems that persons like yourself do not listen and read to the World news. If you did you would know that the world is going thru a recession right now. Did you hear about Italy and the Great and Mighty United States and the other 1st World countries are feeling the pinch from this recession.

      Go read the news. Follow on the TV instead of listenning to some propaganda ‘Talk shows” and then you will appreciate that DA is a sweet country and you would be thankful for all the blessings that our Maker and Father has showered us with.

      Get real and educate yourself then you would not make such kind of statements. Make yourself knowledgeable on what is happenning around the world.

      Money does not lie on a tree waiting to be shaken off. On the sidelines, some of us can only talk and talk but I would give you the position to be PM or Finance Minister in DA.

  12. farmer john brown
    November 8, 2011

    so much passport selling, what that qwas money going and do for people??? u ever go and make $200 groceries kelvar? and the other 300 finishing in paying bus alone. pass some of the passport money man U.S $75,000 for an individual plus U.S $100,000 for extended family, that is U.S $175,000 for just two passport…that qwas money we getting bad name and visa restrictions for??? What is $500????

    well thank you still

    • farmer john brown
      November 8, 2011

      and July to now….. u find that is enough compensation for someone livelihood??? school fee for one child is $250 aiiii dominique. Si zor pas conaitre mathematique zor fini bat.

  13. Anonymous
    November 8, 2011

    I guess something is better than nothing (EC$500.00). In any event, gratitude is due to the State…as represented by the Government; unless if the monies came from the pockets of a private individual. :?:

    • ?????????????
      November 9, 2011

      Just as I commented to one commenter who thinks that money is on a tree waiting to be shaken off. No gratitude at all. Yes I would have liked them to have more but half a loaf is better than none at all.

  14. Satelite
    November 8, 2011

    The amount does not seem a lot, but I am sure it will be a good start. Thank you Mr. Prime Minister and your ever working government.

    • opposom
      November 8, 2011

      Why not sell the millions in illegal gain to help those people. One of those door locks on the mansion and villas cost $500.
      Think people think;

      • ?????????????
        November 9, 2011

        Why make such comments. Make yourself knowledgeable about how Government finances work and stop mixing Government business and private business. Zort pas Faib! Your proof and statement of accounts on the “illegal gain” as spoken by you and not “mouth accounting and repeating accounting (what people say without proof). When you want ot make a point then have your facts! Ok and try not to mix matters – it is compensation for Farmers and Fishermen that is being spoken about.

        What an ungrateful bunch of people you all can be!

  15. Food For Thought...
    November 8, 2011

    Well done….
    one observation: As a parl. rep please stop using the term “over” when speaking of specifics.
    1. Kelver Darroux said fishermen have already received in excess of over $160,000 in relief efforts.
    If its over $160,000 just say the exact figure!!!!
    2. We have also provided-through the ministry of agriculture, through the St Joseph Village Council, an amount of 60,000.00 that will benefit over 120 farmers in the Layou Valley area where they will receive $500 each.
    Simple maths: 60,000/500 = 120 Farmers so where the over 120 coming in????
    Anyways keep up the good work for yr constituence!!!

    • :-)
      November 8, 2011

      Exactly! “In excess” what? They’re just trying their psychology on us Dominicans…but we’re not that foolish.

    • The truth
      November 9, 2011

      that is exactly what i calculated and thought when i read this. just say farmers. over lol this is jokes. but at least they doing something. $500 better than $0… at least the people can make a month grocery shopping and breathe for a minute

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