Letang wants to see growth in Dominica’s economy

General Secretary of the DPSU, Thomas Letang
General Secretary of the DPSU, Thomas Letang

The Dominica Labour Party has been advised to implement measures and policies geared at generating growth in Dominica’s sluggish economy.

That advice is coming from a leading trade unionist in Dominica, who believes that Dominica has failed to take advantage of the opportunities presented by globalization.

Thomas Letang, who heads the Dominica Public Service Union, was responding to statements by Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit that a 1.5 percent increase public servants’ salary would be difficult for government to dish out, against a global crisis.

Letang said consultation is needed to brainstorm ideas on how to build the country’s economy.

“We really need to do more to grow the economy. We cannot just look at the negative globalization has brought forth. We need to look at the positives too,” he said.

Letang said stakeholders must come together, “to look at the state of the economy to see what we can do to reduce our import bill and increase exports,”.

Letang said unless drastic measures are taken, “I see Dominica in the same place it is now, in the next five years”.

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  1. Merina Mckenzie
    February 18, 2013

    Shame!Letang Shame!
    Can’t you see Skerrit grin and body language?
    How can that be amicable-you were properly played and beaten. Economic growth on 1.5%. The joke is on you. How can you put “red” before your members.
    It will be very interesting to see how you will negotiate after they lose the election.

  2. Greg
    February 18, 2013

    Letang is lke Krammer in Seinfield – cut a deal for free cup of coffee everyday rather than millions of dollars in settlement.

  3. lock him up
    February 17, 2013

    Dominica is in the same place now as it was 10 years ago…..nothing has changed…same different date……

  4. zammy
    February 17, 2013

    Imagine trade union giving the Government advice. One would have thought that they had a plan as outlined by their manifesto during the campaign. They won with an overwhelming majority, why can’t they move the economy and make things happen for Dominica…..
    Any honest person would concur that all isn’t well in Dominica and especially with the economy. Hardly anything is happening to get money in the people’s pockets.. I even find folks in Dominica could be paid much more money for services rendered. Why is it that this caring government increasing their salaries and allowances and the other cant be treated in like manner.
    They were always singing something happening! Their song for election was: something happening! Yes something is happening and one would suspect the something is nothing nothing nothing happening . And pressure and more pressure everyday……Pocket to mouth, pocket to mouth, pocket to mouth… like a road march…
    Everything sluggish in Dominica, sports, culture, agriculture,and the list goes onnnnnnn…………. For a lack of vision a People perish……
    Where is the audacity of Hope in such hopeless times?
    NB: Its not about party so party supports have to be objective with truth and not bias and ignore truth for falsehood and lack of critical thinking…….

  5. Anonymous
    February 17, 2013

    according to the reality on the ground the economy has hundreds of jobs the only thing is they are chinese jobs, now we may see the effects that these projects are not having the impact they should on the economy since the money stays with china and we still have to remove money from this dead economy to pay them back but the who cares. now we must all pay for the decisions of this incompetent administration who are only interested in their own gains since they are the only ones gaining from this chinese deal.

    • TKH
      February 17, 2013

      that is so tru ,y is the gorvernment not like Guadeloupe u can open ur buisness but u hire my locals,we need more local buisnesse in Dominica this will keep the money flowin in the country

  6. Anonymous
    February 17, 2013

    it’s your job to come up with some sort of solution to the problem, all people like yourself are doing is talk about what you want to see, let us hear how and execute.

  7. Zarla
    February 16, 2013

    Not sure why would Letang wants to see Growth

    Dominicans are not smart minds Period, they are Surely Contented with the status on island…

    So speaking about wanting growth is not part of the Dominican mindset…

    Dominicans are a strange bunch, they have that Slavery mind still…it wont ever change..

    Typical Dominican….Grabbish Ideology!!

  8. MIB
    February 16, 2013

    We will never have economic growth as long as big government and socialism combined with corruption continue to run the country. For growth to take place, we need less regulations, lower taxes, and less government.

    • Voila
      February 18, 2013

      This is republican talking points against Obama…less regulation lower taxes smaller govt….mib is crazy

      What kind of regulation that prevents growth in DA

  9. Anonymous
    February 16, 2013

    You know what. Letang knows his people. If he called for any sort of action against this 1.5% most of the public service would say the sun too hot ore it raining. Everyone looking for someone else to fight their battle and then reap the benefits. Why aren’t people making more noise as to the inability of the government to raise their salaries? Guess the next election will tell me how much we like 1.5%.

  10. Anonymous
    February 16, 2013

    it seems letang and skerrit change roles. skerrit negotiating to public servants letang trying to pay attention to national growth. way papa.

    • ()
      February 17, 2013

      I LIKE THAT ONE, and the blogg that called Letang Sir Dwight Venner. KOSHONYEE alone Dominica has.

  11. 4u2c
    February 16, 2013

    Zimbabwe wit Mugabe still balming the world economy. It was reported his Finance Minister stated that the country only have $214.00 in its treasury…..Keep blaming World economy while we steal, cheat and suck the country dry of it resources. No production No cash! Stealing what little is produce leave the masses poor and desperate….DLP need to go! Young men with NO VISION, NO DREAM for Dominica. They have perfected the art of corruption and has given GREED, and stealing for self and friends and new level to reckon with. We know better, we can do better , we had better!!

  12. Anonymous
    February 16, 2013

    Thomas is a weak leader. he should be fired immediately. Ask him who owns the security Firm providing security services for D IPO and Electoral Office!

  13. ME
    February 16, 2013

    what they need to do is lower the cost of customs and also lower the cost of power generation on the island those are the 2 things thats keeping dominica behind i have talked to my economist friend that works for the eastern caribbean central bank and she has said the exact same thing the cost of customs is cripling the country

  14. Black Panther
    February 16, 2013

    Every body is such an expert of how to make Dominica prosper but they are not being fair or realistic. Frustration do cause people to say and do alot but also cause them to be unrealistic and unfair. My saying so is not to support any political party, put down, make excuses or discourage anyone but is to state the reality. Hate for each other, ignorance and high levels of stupidity as a black race are amongst our problems, it may not dirrectly be through our fault but we need to correct it.Unless we accept and understand that as a people change may take forever, it’s as they say if you don’t accept you made a mistake it will be impossible to fix it. People always say we are the poorest in the Caribbean. Is that really true and if we are why? We are challenged by being the biggest island in the Winwards but smallest population, the most rugged/mountainous with the most rain fall and more rivers and valleys while good but have to build more briges. People always talk about agricultrue and how we have good soil, maybe so but the hardest to cultivate because its very mountainous and difficult to get workers willing to work it or even the farmers own devotion. Therefore when the few who work the land, the produce are expensive but even so the farmer still never gets the worth for the work he puts in and the high risks in loosing. Young people by that are not encouraged into farming, I know because I am in it and face alot of these challenges. Then you have tourism where an investor would prefer spend money in the other islands where it’s flat and they can get the worth for what they spend and not just in preparing the difficult land alone. We need to stop hurting ourselves into thinking that our problems are Governments and it’s so easy just by changing them and problem solve without getting the true piture or being realistic. In my view none of these so called more developed countries than us are at all developed and am reffering to the ones black controled and mainly black populated. The only solution to our black countires is time, not talk, lots of time. When one, or countries in Africa through change of mentality can rise like a China, Brazil, Japan or even the great US and the tradition will trickle down these small black islands. To think it’s going to come from this little poor black caribbean islands is fooling yourselves while the white slave masters are still in full control.In the mean time everyone needs to do what they need to do as hard as it is to develop themselves and stop blaming another black man for their failure.

  15. Anonymous
    February 16, 2013

    If you want to stimulate the economy here, do away with all of these import duties and taxes at the port for a year. Then you will really see things start to move. Taxing stifles the economy.

    • JC
      February 18, 2013

      I agree with you 100%…Import duty are just too high(one of the reasons for stagnant growth)

    • megatron
      February 19, 2013

      I agree with you 200%.
      You get so discouraged having to deal with with customs dept, the ridiculous duties, fees and times wasted dealing with paperwork.
      Streamlining some of these processes, reducing import fees is a good start. But there are other creative ways to generate cash. When u have incompetent people running for government red, blue green…..thas what you get

  16. critical thinking
    February 15, 2013

    we will always have an increase in imports due to the countr’s economic setting. One of the important point which should be brought to the table is the formation of a National wholesale association which will serve to facilitate the local manufacturers. Our main problem in that area is marketing of local products. Go up to statistics department and the Dominica Manufacturers Association and get the facts as to the number of producers in Dominica. We need that association to market our products regionally and internationally. What a great impact that would create.

  17. Lol
    February 15, 2013

    You will stop taking my 20 dollars every month. At this stage here I need it to eat. And I trump u any day. I cannot stay hungry while u taking my money and not giving me representation.

  18. Anonymous
    February 15, 2013

    ????????boy u make no sence.how do u expect Mr Letang and the DPSU to continued fighting for more than 1.5% if the economy is not growing Letang is damn right.I do not support the Labour Party but it is time when we review the DPSU position that we accept that the union did well .Did youwant the union to strike making a very bad situation worse.You and the rest of you stop being silly .This man letang is smart and educated not empty like you.Well done PSU ,Letang And Joseph

  19. Anonymous
    February 15, 2013

    Yeah Right! And you going to get that with Neg? Continue to dream on people.

  20. Anonymous
    February 15, 2013

    Problem: Black people

    Solution: White people or any other race

    If you want more reference look to Africa The so called mother land of we blacks.

    • Dominiquen
      February 16, 2013

      So, you want a return of slavery……Idiot!!! :mrgreen:

      • Black Panther
        February 18, 2013

        Dominiquen, maybe you should look at what no name said from a different angle because it seems you are confirming that black people have issues, since no name can’t share his view without insults. The point am getting here is we black people have too many hate and bring down with each other and that contributes to the great reason why we are not moving ahead as a people.

    • Dredd
      February 16, 2013

      You should be ashamed of yourself and your comments sir/madam! If I knew who you were I would cast you off on a small boat off the island and send you to Russia or China where that has little to no blacks.

  21. ()
    February 15, 2013

    Yes Mr Dwight Venner… Go and give your members proper representation, and stop this crass nonsense.

  22. anonyme
    February 15, 2013

    While I agree with you MR Letang it is useful when makinlg pronouncements to cite some of your own examples of the positives of globalization. In this way you will be perceived as leading the discussion rather than anchoring it. That said we can begin by really propelling a knowledge based economy. We have the brilliant minds among us who capable . We just have to stop with this me against you mentality and we will be fine.

  23. Lougaoo Mem
    February 15, 2013

    High taxes, big government, out of control trade deficit, corruption, cronyism and nepotism are a perfect recipe for a sluggish economy.
    The above represents the state of affairs of our country today.

    • IPO
      February 15, 2013

      When I these word, I say Lougaoo living in big country man….High taxes, big government, out of control trade deficit, corruption, cronyism and nepotism are a perfect recipe for a sluggish economy.

      • Malgraysa
        February 16, 2013

        Your eyes finally opened IPO. All these unwelcome attributes apply to our very own country of course. What are we going to do about that in Dominica IPO, never mind other countries?

    • Merina Mckenzie
      February 18, 2013

      Well said my brother. Kudos!
      In addition, the civil servants acted as fools so Letang treated them as fools-1.5 percent, $350,000
      for 4000 members medical assistance. What a joke.

  24. ????????????
    February 15, 2013

    Stuppessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Isn’t this the same person who accepted the insultive 1.5% salary increase for its members, in an economy the PM has touted time and time again is one that is doing wonderfully well?In fact we were told that we are sending money to struggling people in the USA, Europe,Germany, France, Belgium,Madagaska,Burkina Faso,Banda Aceh, Phuket, and the world over.
    So Mr Letang don’t put growing the economy as an excuse for your failure when the PM has told us that the economy is buoyant.

    • Merina Mckenzie
      February 18, 2013

      The members are not suffering. If they were, they would act as they did in the past. That is -reject the offer(that is a nuisance and insultive) to hard workers. What happen to the days of “sickout” “go slow” and “strike”.
      Mr. Letang cannot accept an offer on behalf of the civil servants if they do not agree with it.
      Civil servants are scared of Skerrit and the gang.
      He will order his cronies (police force) to shoot them down. They can never repeat a 1979 under Skerrit. I dare them to do so.

  25. Malgraysa
    February 15, 2013

    Oh |Mr. Letang, now you have become an economist? Brother, we lost faith in you long time.

  26. blessed
    February 15, 2013

    Letang resign! thats all i am saying

  27. lol
    February 15, 2013

    Talk talk talk and more talk. In Dominica all we do is talk and give speeches.

    • Anonymous
      February 16, 2013

      Amen to that. Time to close the mouth and start moving.

    February 15, 2013


    Thomas Letang knows it as many of us do.
    The country IS NOT growing. That’s why he took the 1.5% salary deal. But some of us just don’t want to admit it.I said so in my last article but I was told by some;

    **go back to school
    **don’t be silly
    **I feel sorry for you. I’m talking nonsense.

    Here is basically what I wrote;



    The country is not making any new income. Yet public servants always want increase. At the same time the regular workers from the private sector is NOT getting a salary increase at their job.

    This means that if an increase is always given to the public sector workers then it’s the regular worker/private sector who will be squeezed for more money.

    I’m not saying that some of the public sector do not deserve an increase but some of the private sector workers ALSO deserve an increase too.

    It’s a tough situation. We are all in the same boat!!

    Let’s all be mindful of that!!


    Now in addition. I think we had enough of the excuses from the PM. As he say “1.5 percent increase public servants’ salary would be difficult for government to dish out, against a global crisis”.

    Mr.PM enough with the excuses. Stop blaming the global crises for the governments lack of vision,creativity & ability to grow our economy.


    • Ideall
      February 16, 2013

      agree with you thinking the same thing

    • Dominiquen
      February 16, 2013

      If big countries in Europe are suffering, what more power does little Dominica has in vision,creativity and ability to grow our economy?

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