Level of Dominica’s GDP increased, statistician says

Dominica’s economy has made progress, new statistics show.

According to figures revealed at the launch of the National Accounts and Consumer Price Index Wednesday, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in current market prices is up, more than 30 percent higher than it was in the 2000-2009 period.

The data also showed that real growth in Dominica has increased slightly over the years, with an average 1.79 percent over the 2001-2009 period compared to 0.68 percent in the previous period.

Statistician Lorna Prevost-Stevens described the figures as “remarkable” for Dominica’s economy.

The indicators reflect a modest decline in poverty levels in Dominica, government senator Alvin Bernard said.

Bernard represented finance minister, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit at the national accounts and consumer price index launch at Fort Young Hotel this morning.

GDP is described as the total market value of goods and services produced in a country within a year or a certain period of time.

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  1. A true domincan
    February 17, 2011

    Why aren’t Sprags, Ron, Eddo and the rest streaming to the media to make political mileage or rather political suicide as they continue to do with this.

    • jay
      February 17, 2011

      U so dunce I wonder if u understand the article!

  2. Present at this event
    February 17, 2011

    I am glad that i was invited to and sat through this presentation. This story is so far from what was actually presented. The long and short of the presentation is that GDP in Dominica will now be calculated using a new base year, 2006 as opposed to the old base year, 2001. Now that a new base year is used and all the GDP figures have been recomputed for the last 10 years, new numbers have been submitted. These new numbers show that the level of GDP is in fact higher using this new base year. The story gives the impression that the rate of GDP growth in this decade is higher than the last. Even if this may in fact be the truth (i do not know for sure) this was never presented on Wednesday

  3. Its not TV
    February 17, 2011

    When we say that the statistics are a lie then we are saying that the entire statistical department is liars. Some of them might not be supporting the gov’t. The PM was not the one presenting this information, it was not do by the DLP, it was done by ordinary Dominicans who work in the statistics department some of them maybe long before DLP came into power.
    Why do we do that to the very same country some of us say we love and fight for on a daily basis. We are saying to the world and any potential investor that they should not trust information from the gov’t because it might be fraudulent. We are not hurting DLP we are hurting Dominica. When then we successfully remove the DLP, by bringing Dominica down to the gutters and our party comes in power, they then have to work twice as hard because our country is tainted.
    If Dominica is doing well, then we should all be happy and hope for the best. Although it might make it difficult for the other political parties that we support to get into power, we should be happy because the only reason we support parties in the first place is because we think they are the best to develop Dominica or i hope that is why we support parties.
    If we say we LOVE this country think before we write all these stupid comments.

  4. Change we can believe in LBP
    February 17, 2011

    How ironic this data interpretation is seen as being remarkable. How does one look at 1.79% in that manner? As the statistician, can you shed light on the actual debt to GDP ratio? Showing the GDP as a stand alone data does not help lay people like myself to understand just how deep a hole ALL these loans, and deferred loan payments are affecting our country credit rating to attract future loan request from banks like IMF and CDB. I mean mention is made of slight improvement in poverty level, but it would be interesting to note which group of people fall within this group; this would be helpful especially for persons like myself trying to get out from the “Rat Race”. I await a revision with information that are in bit size for the common man/woman in Dominica.

  5. Brain Damage
    February 17, 2011

    Skerrit must be smiling at that. I am making Dominicans happy with my lies!

  6. Conscious
    February 17, 2011

    Why is 1.79 % growth remarkable? This is way below the 3 % target the Govt has set. The Dominica economy needs to grow by at least 6 % in real terms per year to significantly dent the high unemployment rate among the youth. With a 1.79 growth rate, it will take almost 40 years for the growth rate to double. Our young people are not waiting for these 35 years to come; they are migrating.

    The article reports that the level of GDP is 30 percent higher than the level for the 2000-2009 period. What is year is being compared with 2000-2009?

    It is important to note that that the 30 percent increase reflects increases in prices not in production volume.
    GDP (value of output in a domestic economy) = Price X Quantity. The increase came from prices.

    It is imperative that we increase our production and export volumes. Relying on foreign governments to finance our consumption is not sustainable.

  7. Go to hell with allu bogus stats
    February 16, 2011

    Stats tell lies. Ej if one banana boat ( ej Gueest) plies Portsmouth Dominica to Portsmouth England in 4 days how many days will 4 boats take? Skerrit and his phony stats personnel will want us to beleive the answer is 1 day. Drug money, remittances (from the diasporands who can’t vote unless smuggled in planed in) chavez payments on bird island ,Chinese consumption of our passports the 100,000 sold at what ever figure is given back to us as grants even soft loans,is what accounts for our survival and the few fowls pigs,goats manicou gouti grand pa can still raise and catch the green fig ,yams and dasheens have us surviving.

  8. Jude Nicholas
    February 16, 2011

    It seems to me that if the Opposition gets into Power every public Officer will be fired immediately because all of us are a bunch of liers. Nothing good should come from Dominica.

  9. Dominican Woman
    February 16, 2011

    If the results had shown a decline , the very same people now crying down the GDP would be saying that it is an accurate measure. We all see what we want to see. It doesn’t matter what the truth is so let’s stop acting like we want the truth – continue to spin the facts to fit the opinion.

  10. lowly
    February 16, 2011

    If Tony Astaphan come out and tell us how great dominica is doing we would believe that to. I am no skeptic but one thing I know for sure is that the GDP of the poorest countries in the world is ALWAYS over stated due to little or regressive dynamics in the economy.

    In simple terms – growth of who and what? Is the economist GDP measurements a real indicator of growth – let us see.

    The GDP doesn’t take into account the distribution of income, as all tides don’t lift all boats.

    GDP: Overlooks the Disadvantages of Financing the Economy through donations
    We depend on hand me down and VAT to sustain the economy. VAT and hand me downs This activity contributes to the GDP; Dominicans only consume imported goods and services and we have no capital investment So where is the growth

    Consequently, the GDP is used whimsically by government and politicians to portray an unrealistic view of the health and wellness of the people they are suppose to be serving .

    There are measures available that can reflect the true picture of the Dominican people. After all, we and our children have a stake in the well being of our country we desire and deserve information critical to the resent and future generations of Dominicans.

  11. lowly
    February 16, 2011

    My heart aches when I see people being taken to the slaughter. How many of us in here really do understand the concept of GDP.

    • AC
      February 16, 2011

      Not I…Said the cat
      Not I ..Said the cow

  12. desie
    February 16, 2011

    all who want to open there donkey mouth and bray go ahead that’s what donkeys do
    because it looks like every ting skerrit saying is a lie
    just like the west coast road he making maybe that’s a lie to
    and the stadium i doh think he make it lie mister lieing
    and i doh believe he even PM

  13. AC
    February 16, 2011

    We all know that you can make the numbers paint the type of picture you want them to, so to jump and say this is all great news might not be the best thing to do. At the same time, it is not fair to say that the government is lying. I would suggest we seek second and even third opinions and possibly look at ALL the numbers for ourselves before we start screaming RED or BLUE.

    For me, these numbers are not clear. For example, the article stated that real growth increased by an average of 1.79% over the period 2001 – 20009. Is that 1.79% per year over the 8 year period, or 1.79% for the entire 8 year period? That makes a huge difference. Regarding the same statistic, it said previous period had a 0.68% increase. Was that per year over a two year period, a similar 8 year period, a 10 year period, a 20 year period? Is it annually or for the whole period? These things make significant differences.

    Another question: Less than a month ago, Dominica’s own IMF economist, Dr Thompson Fontaine reported that Dominica is producing much, much less than it exports, citing reduction in banana and other agricultural production. Has the government generated its own statistics to prove or disprove Dr Fontaine’s claim? I would like to hear or see the government’s take on the doctor’s statement. After all, he is among the world’s best in his field.

    Are these reports available online for review by the general public? Just axxxxing..

    • Truth B Told
      February 16, 2011

      Excuse me, who told you Thompson Fontaine is “among the world’s best in his field”?

      I have never seen his name mentioned in any of the world’s leading financial/economic publications. He is mearly a low-level bureaucratic functionary at an international organisation. Not that we as Dominicans shouldn’t be proud of his accomplishments. But it doesn’t make him a leader in his field.

    • karma
      February 17, 2011

      reading is understanding please reread u will get the answer because its quite clear

    • Concerned
      February 17, 2011

      The IMF reports are available online. Just put in the right search words: IMF Country Reports Dominica…or something similar. It should be noted that there have been some adjustments in the base year figures that are used to generate the numbers. I believe it was reported that the base year is now the year 2000. This would have had an impact on the reported figures. There has been a significant expansion in government spending over the last three to four years (EU/ Government infrastructural projects)…which is likely to be the primary sector of growth. I don’t think you would see a similar marked improvement in the productive sectors – Agriculture/ Tourism…the lastest reports will likely reflect this belief. Attention should also be paid to IMF risk assessment vis-a-vis the vulnerability of the economy over the last few years given dependence on foreign grants, etc…their recommendation being similar to what is suggested by the Dr. that we look to more sustainable areas of growth.

  14. The truth
    February 16, 2011

    Well done to everyone who contribute towards making my home my Dca a better place and we will keep on moving. This is only the beginning.

  15. Mikes
    February 16, 2011

    OK! Can the statistician keep this a little simple for those of us that are not economists but understand English and numbers? Can we be told for example what the GDP figures were for 2010 and 2011, say 2.8% and 3.6%?
    It’s my belief that most of us can understand that kind of language better that what’s above. Leave us to work out the increase or decrease as the case may be. I want to know, what Dominica’s GDP was for 2010 period. Educate me in language I understand.

  16. mouth of the south
    February 16, 2011

    hhhhmmmm i’m waiting to feel it on the ground,,,, so far i haven’t felt it,,, the vendors on the bayfront haven’t felt it,,, the farmers haven’t felt it,,, no hotel have felt it,,,, and the majority populace haven’t felt it,,,, so if this is true then it gives support to say dominica is corrupt,,, because the distribution of wealth is not diverted properly,,,, that’s how u know when a country is corrupt,,, one set shall eat all

  17. the philosopher
    February 16, 2011

    Boy Dominicans just cannot hear a good thing about Dominica eh. Everybody there playing smart blablabla percent blabla gdp.The news item said it has risen from 0.68 to 1.79 which means good in the terms of there is hope for progress.I am a shame of those Dominicans just there hell bent on bringing the nation, they raise up in, down shame.Am glad to hear this news onwards like all you i can cal. gdp and all that nonesense and i have been following or progress and what the lady said accurate.

    • Conscious
      February 17, 2011

      Some of us went to university and have been trained to analyse economic statistics. So, when we who have some knowledge of economics ask pertinent questions in seeking to better understand what is being reported, you should not berate us. Okay. Asking genuine questions have nothing to do with bringing the nation down as you protest. I hope you are sufficiently open minded to tolerate informed perspectives?

  18. Jolly Brown
    February 16, 2011

    Great staistics….Reminds me of the saying that there are LIES, DAMNED LIES ansd STATISTICS! This report fits this saying every wit, because those of us on the ground in Dominica KNOW beter!

    • Truth B Told
      February 16, 2011

      C’mon brethren, everyone knows Dominica is developing, and at a faster pace than our neighbors. It is just foolish to say otherwise. Open your eyes and you will see Dominica is definitely on the right track.

      Since the corrupt and incompetent UWP government was removed after just over 4 years of killing the Dominican economy, we have been improving rapidly! The damage they did is all but repaired now.

      Labour is working the others are just walking and talking!

    • Anonymous
      February 17, 2011

      If the statistics showed that there was a decline in GDP then it would be Good?

  19. Lord Blackstone
    February 16, 2011

    But wait, what kind of statiticians we have in DA noh no wonder we last in the OECS. 1.79% remarkable maybe mamsel should go back to school to learn the flaws in GDP calculations

  20. Muslim_Always
    February 16, 2011

    How has the GDP risen? You have an economic recession where spending power of tourists have been reduced; Dominica hardly exports anything, how has the GDP increased? On what basis? Secondly, if that’s the case, there is something really wrong about the distribution of wealth here. What is the percentage of unemployed persons here? According to the politricks, the VAT was supposed to reduce the cost of goods here. Once again the people of Dominica are continuously lied to. Many Dominicans see these lies but are hypocritical and wicked then you all talk about God. When you believe in God you have to stand up against injustice even if it involves your family.

    It seems to me that the government is releasing this information to bypass the main issues affecting the nation.

  21. DA to the bone
    February 16, 2011

    thank you very much ..that is what we need to hear …we are moving foward not backward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • observer
      February 16, 2011

      A fool who thinks he is clever.

    • ok
      February 16, 2011

      sorry i meant to click on dislike

  22. Bushmaninda
    February 16, 2011

    I don’t believe it . Credibility,the single most important asset of those who report the stats, is not there. The administration is not above lying and cooking the books in order to present the image of an improved economy.

    Can anyone say that Dominica’s real production has improved. within the last 12 to 18 months. I don’t see it on the ground. There is less Dominican construction, less agricultural production, is there more manufacturing, what about tourism, has it improved. I don’t know, and I don’t believe them. This is truly sad.

  23. The Star
    February 16, 2011


    • lol lol and more lols
      February 17, 2011

      you that blind open your eyes you need some wisdom Dominica is not improving these statistics are not factual i bet go study economics

  24. Tim
    February 16, 2011

    More good news Hooorah!!!

  25. negre marwon
    February 16, 2011

    Tell the statistician to explain that to the people on Skerrit’s plantation who see gas ,food,and
    consumer goods prices going through the roof while wages are stagnant.This is just Mombo Jombo
    voodoo economics from the House Slaves on Skerrit’s Plantation.

    • ROCKSY
      February 16, 2011

      You surely don’t live on this island, if you do go ask the hiatians how they doing.

      Whilst you at it ask them what they doing why they not complaining like you!!!!

      • Voice of reason
        February 16, 2011

        Thanks Rocksy – spot on :wink:

      • Funny
        February 16, 2011

        :-D That’s a good one… I like so true. Hiatians making in Dominica and Dominican can’t make it in there own country. Look jokes

      • Anonymous
        February 17, 2011

        They stuggling like everybody else. That’s what they’re doing. Not that they don”t complain they just do what they have to to survive!

    • Just giving my two cents
      February 17, 2011

      In many countries – the growth and rate of inflation is significantly higher than the growth of one’s wages. In fact, it is not only in Dominica that there is inflation and “everything going up” It is all over … the cost of living and inflation do not meet the threshold for affordable living in most countries.

      I believe that Dominicans have the expectation that the government needs to provide everything they want and need., when in reality – we each have to max out ourselves. Perhaps the Haitians are not complaining like Anonymous said because they are doing what they need to, to survive.

      Some people too pwejejay/stooch and think that certain jobs are beneath them. Then again, if you want to live above your meand or have a lifesytle not befitting your income – i guess 1 can become a BB girl of BB boy.

      That’s the Dominican mentailtiy – easy does it – its no longer about hard work and self sufficiency first.

      Maybe they should learn form my Dominican mother who immigrated and did what ever it took, legally, to make me have a future… INNOVATION rules the world – so Dominicans need to become innovative

  26. de caribbean change, BBA, MBA, CPA
    February 16, 2011

    Tell Jeffrey that. He needs to relax and control his blood pressure.

    • ROCKSY
      February 16, 2011

      Not Jeffrey is Jerry!!

      • Pepper
        February 17, 2011


    February 16, 2011

    Well is now UWP just going to explode…Lennox and Matt, please throw some more fire on them.

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