Major international brand partners with Silver Beach Development

Officials at the launching ceremony on Monday

A 200-room five-star hotel to be developed under the Citizenship by Investment Program (CBI) has announced a partnership with a major hotel brand.

On Monday the Silver Beach Resort and Spa, to be built in Picard Beach in Portsmouth, said it will be partnering with Marriott International. 

The announcement was made at a ceremony held at the State House on Monday. The hotel will be developed by Alick Lawrence and family.

Director of Silver Beach Development, Dr. Michael Lawrence, who was addressing the ceremony, said one of the core objectives of this development is to provide jobs for the people of Dominica, “and to assist in improving the economy of our beloved country.”

“The project will create hundreds of jobs for Dominicans during the construction phase and the post-construction phase,” Dr. Lawrence stated.

Moreover, he said, entrepreneurs and vendors will have the great opportunity to establish partnership with the management of Silver Beach to provide goods and services to the hotel.

“More importantly Silver Beach will provide for the training of Dominicans, locally, regionally and internationally to provide the skills required for employment in the hospitality industry,” he explained.

Dr. Lawrence mentioned further that the hotel will establish partnership with local farmers, providing them with another market for their produce.

Dr. Michael Lawrence is Director of Silver Beach Development

“As we are sons of the soil Silver Beach will be deeply entrenched in the community and provide assistance to different social projects,” he said.

Dr. Lawrence pointed out that Silver Beach Resort and Spa is his family’s way of giving back to Dominica, “what Dominica have invested in us.”

He went on to say that many persons have benefited greatly from Dominica, despite its few resources.

“Growing as children in Dominica we were blessed with free healthcare, free primary education, free secondary education, all paid for by the taxes of the people of Dominica,” Dr. Lawrence explained. “We then received scholarships to study at Universities and Colleges overseas that have helped to shape our careers and molded us to be the professionals that we are today.”

He said Dominica now has the ability to potentially reach out to 100 million travelers and encourage them to visit Dominica and the Silver Beach Resort.

“Our mission at Silver Beach is to have the world experience the uniqueness of Dominica, that’s exactly like none other in the world,” Dr. Lawrence stated.

Meanwhile; Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit said, “it is important that we do everything in our power, as a nation, to have this project started and completed on time, so that the Marriott brand can be used in the marketing of our country the world over.”

According to him, nature’s natural attributes have served Dominica well over the years, “but we believe that the incorporation of international brands such as Marriott, shall aid greatly in defining and redefining our island as a must-see locale in the Caribbean and the western world.”

Skerrit added that project could not have come at a better time for Dominica.

“Global events are creating an environment in which small island states like Dominica have to look within to craft and develop a formula for progress and success,” he explained. “Great Britain, Canada, the United States and several countries in Europe and Eastern Asia are in transitional and transformational mode. It will be a while before their focus moves beyond the bounds of grappling with and managing their own social, geo-political and economic challenges.”

He continued, “Dominica, I am satisfied, is up to the challenge of rowing its boat ashore. We will continue to form alliances and to enhance relations with friendly nations, but we shall also roll back our shirt sleeves as a nation and get on with the job of building and developing this country of ours.”

The Prime Minister noted that 2017 will be a year of acceleration for several of the mooted projects and programs his government has been articulating in recent years.

“We have had our challenges and our setbacks, but I am satisfied that the resilience and determination of our people, will see us through this period of global uncertainty,” he stated.

In fact, Skerrit, said the decision of Marriott Resorts to affix its luxury brand to a property in Dominica ought not to be trivialized and it speaks volumes of the high esteem in which Dominica is held by objective thinkers and observers in North America and the international community.

“Such decisions are based on hard and studied facts and not impressions. Decisions to invest in a country and to lend one’s name to an Island are taken after long and careful thought, evaluation and consideration of all prevailing factors. We view this investment as a vote of confidence by Marriott in Dominica and we pledge, as a nation and as a government, to do all in our power to justify the confidence shown,” he remarked.

He stated further that very often the government has asked the Private sector to step forward and step up to the plate.

A rendition of Silver Beach Resort and Spa to be located in Picard

“Today, we are seeing a classic manifestation of this and I salute all concerned with bringing this project to the point of official launch today,” Skerrit said. “I also want to implore other Dominicans to let this be a source of inspiration to you to step forward and take the leap into entrepreneurship. This is our country and we need, as Dominicans, to take it where we want it to go!”

Silver Beach is among major hotels being developed under Dominica’s CBI Program. A 160-room Cabrits Resort Kempinski is presently being constructed in the north of the island. It was also announced that Hilton Worldwide will be developing Tranquility Beach Resort in Salisbury.

Silver Beach Resort and Spa is being developed by Oriental Developers (Caribbean) Ltd., headquartered in Dominica. The company is locally owned but has a reach that extends into mainland China, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East.

Government officials at the launch

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  1. Congrats
    January 14, 2017

    Congrats Michael. Blessings and peace.

  2. Dominica
    January 11, 2017

    Isnt Marriot a Franchise company. Who will be the owners when we are using CBI money to build a Marriot. It is confusing. Can someone explain.

    • Tony
      January 22, 2017

      Hello and good morning my people. Well Marriot is a franchised branding company which receive a fee for the use of their name. Based on the article the Lawrence family will be the owner but this must be false because they were born in Dominica so they can’t invest in the CBI program. Now I was told by an inside source that the way the Prime Minister is looking to get around that is by saying Mr Lawrence who’s a doctor gave up his Dominica citizenship therefore he can invest in the CBI program.

  3. tru d bino q la
    January 10, 2017

    Let the games begin!……May they soon end!

  4. Mango Boy
    January 10, 2017

    I am so dejected by this fallacies. Why are people led to believe that what Alick and Bright and Skerrit are doing with this Silver Beach thing is novelty in the area. 20 years ago the very same location had Coconut Beach and Portsmouth Beach Hotel plus there were a few small joints operating in the vicinity. As a young boy in Portsmouth these beaches were swinging. There night outs weekdays and weekends at the hotels; live bands, prople coming from the neighboring islands on the weekend via sailboats, and speed boats. People in the area selling fruits, fish, lambi.Then there was the yacht regatta event and these hotels was buzzing. Today the place is dead and this government want ys to think that they are innovative. What we should be having is additional hotels due to a sustainable development not a haphazard type approach.

  5. Zicack
    January 10, 2017

    Bright is director of hotel. Dies Bright have any experience directing hotel or any business of that sort. Just look at Bright energy level. Dont be fooled Michael Lawrence is Alick Lawrence’s big brother

  6. Jon Jones
    January 10, 2017

    What will be clear at the end of this administration will be the fortunes some families of those in power will have made at the expense of the ordinary Dominicans.

    January 10, 2017

    i have one question…. who is the real owner of coconut beach property?.

  8. January 10, 2017

    Why isn’t the Director sitting at the center. One can hardly see him.

  9. Real recognize Real
    January 10, 2017

    How can u build a house on a hill-top and no road to access it… Yes the house might look nice but friends will surely be reluctant to visit. :lol: Fellas make a damn international airport first.
    Take d passport money and start one, countries will help when they see allu cannot finish.

    • riley
      January 11, 2017

      We need the infrastructure first to accommodate the guests first before transporting them here.

  10. GrandBayrian
    January 10, 2017

    Wow! De Ja Vous, all over again. How many Hotels have been completed? is one after another, but not one has ben completed. I can see another Layou River Hotel saga in Dominica many times over., When are we going to stop putting the cart before the horse? are that backward thinking? we have abandoned the Agriculture industry, and we tugging at the tourism industry, ground breaking ceremony everywhere there is soil, and a shovel. I wonder how the tourist getting to Dominica?, with “next level” service from LIAT. I guess they are building airports at each of the new Hotels. Papa look Snakes in the chicken pen.

  11. ye yep
    January 10, 2017

    You mean even Marriott cashing in on our passport money?
    Why is Mariott associating itself with this corrupt scheme.?
    Marriott has its reputation to protect.

  12. January 10, 2017

    Good job PM. Keep the CBI money in the family!!!

  13. Bravo
    January 10, 2017

    How many 200 hundred rooms hotel can DA take again…All lawyers that are friends with the PM turn investors. They are not in court anymore that’s why cases get push back all the time.. De Country Really Nice Boy..

  14. Wa-a
    January 10, 2017

    How about a 100 room Mariott hospital for Marigot as a bonus for Lennox constituency?

  15. viewsexpressed
    January 10, 2017

    Bunch of …..sitting there, preying on the poor people of Dominica. They travel the world nicely and really believe in their hearts that they are developing Dominica. How hypocrite can Skerrit and his corrupt labour party and idle friends be? These guys live and operate in a Fools paradise.

  16. J.John-Charles
    January 9, 2017

    Last week I said on DNO, “selling passports is the main source of government’s revenue.” and minister Blanchard proved me right.She said “CBI is not politics, but economics,”Here is the sad part she went on “What will we do then,if we lose the C.B.I ?”
    It looks like we are entangled with C.B.I,you remember when the democratic party in the U.S. put the final nail in the coffin of the banana industry,? Don’t forget president Bill Clinton gave us C.B.I.Caribbean Basin Initiative.
    Hello, do not ID me as a worker,because I am not.

  17. Tony
    January 9, 2017

    Hello and good evening my people. Well according to the article Silver Beach is being developed by the Lawrence family, a Doctor and an Attorney who are citizens of Dominica by birth. Further down in the article, the second to last paragraph said that the hotel is being developed by the Citizen by Investment program. If this hotel is being developed under the CBI program then how can the Lawrence family owned this hotel when they born in Dominica. Based on the information provided then this hotel should be owned by the Government. This also seems to be a relaunching of this hotel which was previously launched in 2015.
    It seems to me that since Mr Linton spoke to 60 Minutes New Program ,funds from the CBI program are being mention as being used to fund projects ,ect, Youth Program, Soap Factory and now Hotel.

    • Tony, sometimes the truth usually slip out of the mouth of liars you know. Everybody can see the lie in that. How can people born in Dominica be building Hotel under economic citizenship, when that sort of program was supposed to attract foreign investors into the country.

      “Well I is from Wesley a forging State within Dominica”, so since I am a foreigner, maybe Skerrit should give me some money to buy a commercial DC 5 Cargo Jet Aircraft to fly tourist to Dominica to fill all the five star hotels they are building. Poor fools don’t five star’s are not built, but rated after they go into operation!

      These people are so as you said a family is involved, all of a sudden they are talking about people in the Middle East, China and out hell are involved. Boy I pray for the day to come when Dominicans will wise-up and vote some honest people into government who will investigate all this corruption and put some in jail!

      Skerrit is giving money to those people, however, the nation…

    • Continue:

      Skerrit is giving money to those people; however, the nation do not know if it is a loan, or just free money, one must assume it is free money how can this be?

      How can they suggest there is transparency in what these people do when all we hear is that they are building hotels under economic citizenship: without telling the nation if the money they get from the sale of passports will be repaid to the government treasury!

  18. cyril
    January 9, 2017

    The realization behind your premise is that UWP political operatives and supporters(family members)will never see success in our beloved Dominica. They want to dip into the cookie jar once more. The very program (CBI) they claimed are making millions of dollars annually is very program they managed FOUR (4) years with very little to nothing to show. SO, what happen to those millions of dollars? Well, it’s been a while since these political operatives hands are out of the cookie jar, the money, hidden under their mattresses with no investment, eventually almost done hence the desperation by any means necessary. Let’s look at the people behind sabotaging Dominique. Pay close attention. Beside Mr Economist, who I think is on the wrong side of the river, is capable of leading Dominica? Capable to bring investors? NONE!
    Dominicans at home, don’t be distracted by all the negativity in attempts to sink Waitukubuli for a their personal gains. Help her stand proud, smile in the caribean…

    • Jon Jones
      January 10, 2017

      I’m sure you understand exactly what you mean but I wish you could write in clear English so that I might do the same. Whose premise are you talking about? Are you Russian?

      I hear big talk of investors but I see abandoned projects, hear false promises and recognise a pattern of deceit and corruption.
      When you speak of capability to bring investors, please remind me who is funding Nassief?

      • cyril
        January 11, 2017

        J. J, for your information, I have family members on BOTH SIDES of the political spectrum in Dominica. To me, this isn’t about politics nor getting financial gains. To me, this my future retirement settlement place, like many Dominicans living abroad. Unlike you, I have NO FINANCIAL BENEFITS in any political party,hence my continuity for financial stability/security here in the US. Look at the many post you continue here on DNO? Why? CLEARLY THERE’S FINANCIAL INTEREST. I have read some of your post. The idiocy behind them are uncanny. Do you take Dominicans for ‘fools’? Sadly, I believe you do.

  19. %
    January 9, 2017

    Honourable Linton has them BAR ZOO DEE!!!Headless chickens they have become after this CBS programme. Thank you Sir for your love for country!!!

  20. Passport for horses
    January 9, 2017
    St Vincent PM Ralph Gonzales, who once told us in Dominica that we did not need an airport and secretely got the same Taiwanese to build one in St Vincent, refers to his passport as the highest office in the land and is therefore not for sale. But what does Skerrit say about our passport? Does he think of it as the lowest commodity in the land and therefore he and his friends can sell them and start hotels? Open link above and judge for yourself

  21. Passport for horses
    January 9, 2017

    In Dominica Hon. Lennox Linton is being crucified and Lavelle as “traitor” and in some cases some have called for his execution and that of his family, for saying he so not want just passport sold. But didn’t PM Ralph Gonzales say more than Lennox Linton and made more damaging statements than Linton? But why the likes of Tony, Vince, Skerrit, Sam, Nassief and others not calling him traitor or write open letter to him? Here is Mr. Gonzales: “The highest office in the land is that of citizen; higher than prime minister, higher than Governor general…it is not for sale. The passport is the outward sign of the inward grace of citizenship, and that too is not for sale. When people tell me I can make lots of money from it -there are lots of things we can make money from which we will not necessarily get engaged in…”. I concur Mr. Gonzales because I know I can sell drugs and make lots of money but I will not engage myself with drugs.

  22. treasure
    January 9, 2017

    BUT skerite them doe have good head… Who goin in them hotels therr all you building all over the place ??? No international airport… No marina… But what the hell is wrong wit mr them

  23. %
    January 9, 2017

    I am profusely THANKFUL to our fine and brilliant mind HONOURABLE (LLL),Leader Lennox Linton..You have them by their SLLAB, keep on squeezing..DON’T RELENT..CAVAL!

  24. January 9, 2017

    OK, so let me see if I get this right. Our newly coined “Citizens” do not want to visit much less invest in their new “homeland” where they acquired citizenship by “INVESTMENT” so the passport peddlers are now taking up the mantle of “major investors” in the CBI program right? Yet, when references are made that it’s like a mail order passport we start foaming at the mouth, calling each other traitors and even go as far as requesting the immediate execution of our elected Officials, right? With thousands and thousands of passports sold why can’t we find at least 100 to 500 serious investors? Ohhhh sorry…I misunderstood… these passport holders have already made a one time investment into someone’s pocket! I get it now! My fellow Dominicans is it foolish of me to think that something is seriously wrong with this picture? I mean “pay your money take your passport and run”? Does that sound right to ANY of you? Please reply yes or no and why!

  25. January 9, 2017

    Oh yes he was commonly known as Avandale aka Bright of Zicack Portsmouth who studied medicine in Cuba in the 80’s.

  26. %
    January 9, 2017

    A few seconds of honourable Linton, an accomplished gentleman,patriot
    and champion of the poor and dispossessed ,,,,Has an entire CABAL spending CBImoney now.
    I want a name change..I want my name to be Lennox Linton #2..This is OPPOSITION OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY…If this is what a novice can do I want to be a novice…DOCTOR MY FOOT…A hiding doctor!

  27. Fedup #1
    January 9, 2017

    Where is Dr Aly in all of this now that he has turned advisor to the gov’t? When this resort was 1st launched in Dubai early in 2015, it was Alick Lawrence and Dr Aly. A year later it is Alick Lawrence and family. And the other players yet to be named and never to be publicly disclosed sit quietly by or occupy seats in the gathering and remain silent about their involvement.
    Keep bleeding the country boys!

  28. January 9, 2017

    Dr Michael Lawrence is Alick Lawrence elder brother. He attended the Portsmouth Secondary School and obtained a Scholarship to study medicine in Cuba through the help of Rosie Douglas. He worked at PMH for a some time

    • Lagaroooooooh
      January 10, 2017

      … THE DOCTOR know the CRISIS SITUATION at PMH ..AND he taking Dominica passport money FOR VANITY HOTEL PROJECT…instead of using it to give better care to the critically ill and sick who have to sleep on the floors in corridor because there are no beds…..I don’t know how them people can sleep at night!

  29. January 9, 2017


  30. viewsexpressed
    January 9, 2017

    There is a reason why the UWP government lasted only 1 term; they could not accomplish there many promises, with this very program in place.
    Cyril, that is not true, within four years the UWP achieve a lot to day bringing god foreign currency and exposure to the world of our cultural ARTS., THE world cREO9LE music FESTIVAL. iT IS NOT CORRUPT, IT IS SAFE. What has Skerrit invested in Dominica lately that brings in foreign currency. Maybe nothing, but some PEOPLE ENJOYING BIG GAINS WITH SALE OF OUR PASSPORTS, NOT Dominica.
    the creole festival is open and transparent and Accountable, the passport saga is not. That is the truth you don’t want to hear.

    • You see, when people do not know they believe anything!

      The UWP wanted hotels; they had places earmarked for the building of Hotels; and certainly they had no plans to sell and destroy our national historic land mark Cabbrits in Portsmouth. However, the idea was to first build an International Airport first, which is essential in the development of the nations infrastructure, which includes hotels.

      The UWP spent less than five years in power, just over four years, and no one lived on handouts in their time; but within that time they accomplished more than the coalition and Skerrit accomplished in twenty years! And remember the UWP did not lost the election outright; neither did the Labor Party won. There was no majority winner. However, you can ask Athie Martin to explain to you what he did to defeat Edison James. Hence to this day the Labor Party has become an obstacle in the way of life of the people and country.

      They can build but they will remain empty; the stable will…

      • You know why your name is Man Bite Dog?

        I suppose you do not know so I will tell it is because since Skerrit destroy Dominica leaving fools like hungry, the only way you could survive is to become a cannibal, you are the worst carnivore alive, and you could not resist eating the dog Skerrit gave to you.

        Hence, you become Man Eat Dog, because under Skerrit he hungry

        Guy, if I wanted something from politics, in Dominica I would be there; maybe I would start a revolution ensuring I get Skerrit and those who are destroying Dominica, and living on the blood, out of the way, and ensure the live in jail forever! My purpose at the moment is to enlighten idiots like you, who smell your own fart and believe is Skerrit’s fart you smell.

        I am not looking for money; I have all the money I want; my source comes from God, and my intelligence, and hard work! You nasty dog eating human!


    • They can build but they will remain empty; the stable will be built, but the horse will never arrived!: Where is the International Airport?

      I mean there are some so called Hotels in Dominica, with only five rooms even they remains empty now matter what kind of festival Skerrit throws. I was told the some of the rooms are used to accommodate Band instruments. And don’t forget also what you see they say it is a Rendition, the rendition of something does not mean reality!

      Is is simply a dream of what someone hope it will look like! We see many of that in the past; its just another dream chasing a wild goose.

      • Man bites Dog
        January 10, 2017

        Francisco : you are a sick old bag lier, you hate Dominica and keep on saying all sorts of crap about Dominica, just like your blue ass fly cousin whatever is in it for you Francisco, you not get a penny because workers party will never win an election again have you forgotten when workers were in government people could not get paid or pay their bills and food to eat the banks would lend workers party any money,you don’t come with your nasty mouth dirty crap old man. :twisted: :twisted:

      • Dog eating man if you read above you might see why your name is Dog eater, you hungry piece of leach; you are a parasite, who lives on my shadow; but no matter how much blood you try to suck from my shadow; is the more hungry you will be, because a shadow, has no blood.

        All you are doing is simply sucking air, you are sucking the wind, because my shadow is not even a true reflection of me, you dunce idiot!

        Maybe you will be better off if you start dressing in blue!

  31. DA citizen
    January 9, 2017

    All i will say here is THANK YOU MR LENOX you have them trembling.

    • %
      January 9, 2017

      This is OPPOSITION to the highest degree..I want honourable Linton to demand the preliminary steps for construction of an International airport as soon as possible..The CBI money is our money,use it to advance the doggone country..THANK YOU HONOURABLE LINTON!

  32. papa
    January 9, 2017

    Guess the tourist will come on the leeXpress where is the airport for that

  33. St Joe Massive
    January 9, 2017

    Hotels building” tout pas tout” and no one seeing it fit to reestablish Castaways Hotel on the best piece of hotel real estate in DA at Mero beach so we can eat a bread too Parl Rep??? It’s crazy .SMH.

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      January 9, 2017

      You guys really believe that Skerrit care about all you. What a joke. Wait until the next election when free cane rum, plywood and galvanize will be given out for votes. That’s when St. Joseph will get its share. Every minute he promising a new project and not one of them finish yet. What a joke. :-P :-P :-P

  34. Nac Vibes
    January 9, 2017

    Citizens By Investment, the clue is in the name, you would like to be a Citizen of Dominica and you don’t qualify by birth or otherwise but if you are prepared to invest a certain amount,, you can obtain citizenship.
    How then does this work if you are already a citizen? Wake up people, you are being sold down the toilet.

    January 9, 2017

    I guess if you’re going to build an international airport, the increasing number of visitors Will need places for people to stay and spend money.
    there is also a thin line between development and selling the country piece by piece.

  36. Riviere
    January 9, 2017

    Well, the program is booming and there will always be people who need passports, so the money to finish the hotel will keep flowing. And if the customers stop coming, there is enough money in the treasury from prior sales to take care of that. Don’t worry, be happy.

  37. Mannie
    January 9, 2017

    So many unfinished hotels in DA why build another one?

    • Rabbit Fest
      January 9, 2017

      Where are all these hotels located? The morroco start back ….

    • Jon Jones
      January 10, 2017

      To add to the collection

  38. freegid tree
    January 9, 2017

    What did my girlfriend say concerning “sucking salt?” In you face ish ca-val. Is all you wat vote for eem! So take it like men. :twisted:

  39. Locs Girl
    January 9, 2017

    I’ve lost count of the amount of hotels being built on the Nature Island. How many is that now?

    • J .....
      January 9, 2017

      Somewhere about 9.

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      January 9, 2017

      Don’t worry about that. Just know not one of them finish yet. :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

  40. Anthony P. Ismael
    January 9, 2017

    I am challenging all the blind Labor Party Supporters to name one “New Hotel” with 100 rooms or more that was successfully completed within the last 15 years?
    This is a simple challenge. Just a one word answer will suffice here.
    60 Minutes did a piece on the passport selling business and within days of its airing, passport selling business projects are being announced like hot bread and butter. First it was the reopening of the soap production business and when all else fails, hold a big meeting and announce another hotel that cannot start or yet to finish. Skerrit should seriously consider writing fictional novels when he’s done with politics. This guy would earn tens of millions of dollars as a novelist. He knows how to hold his supporters attention. It’s like a magician waving his magic Labor-Wand. I’m loving it. The sad part is, the poor are being fooled, while the boys continue to live it up. Up next will be a boat for farmers to export agricultural produce overseas…

    • Optimist
      January 10, 2017

      you forget that the boat was one of the failed promised of last term.. :-P :lol: :mrgreen:

  41. Anthony P. Ismael
    January 9, 2017

    I find this post laughable as always. Dominica now has the capacity to attract 100-million tourist and encourage them to visit Dominica. How will they get there? With the ATR- Turbo Prop airplane sitting 50 that equals some 2000 flights into and out of Charles Douglas Airport.
    As long as Nassief remains influential in Dominica’s tourism business, the myopic, self-centered and me first attitude will remain. There is no way that any of these hotels if they are “First completed” and that’s a big “If” will be successful if they can’t attract regular clients into and out of Dominica via air travel at a reasonable cost. Unless you’re catering to high-end visitors only who are looking for something different and who are willing to entertain LIAT and their foolishness, these hotels have no chance of being successful. Stay-over numbers have been low recently, so what changed in the market place to increase them? Mere construction alone will not do it.

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      January 9, 2017

      100-million flights divided by 50 passengers per aircraft= 2,000,000 flights into and out of Charles Douglas Airport and not 2000. There is no way in hell, that this is remotely feasible. I sometimes wonder what type of psychological conditioning has the Labor Government done on Dominicans that they can utter ridiculousness and continue rolling on. Drigo said last week that we exported over 1-million pounds of fish last year. He provided no statistics from the Fisheries Department. Mercy Father, Mercy on their poor souls.

      • Jon Jones
        January 10, 2017

        I also wondered about the volume claimed for fish exports.

  42. Dan is de man in de Van
    January 9, 2017

    Lets call their bluff. A survey will be done in order to determine how many promised hotels would be constructed and up and running within the past 10 or more years Labah is in governence. Then and only then we will know that we are Bering fooled and taken for a ride…….

  43. Tj
    January 9, 2017

    I to would like to applaud the develers of this project. However, if you cannot bring the users of this worthwhile venture because we do not have an airport capable of long range flights what is the use? We will have a first class hotel and the guest and diaphragm DA people cannot get here.

    • Jon Jones
      January 10, 2017

      “diaphragm DA people”??????

  44. Lagaroooooooh
    January 9, 2017

    Alas…This project says more about the personality, ego and irrationality of the developers than it does about good business planning! that passport money would help give our aged folk the care they need….it would help educate our youth and give them the hope OF A BETTER LIFE they crying for…it would help give people the care they need at Princess Margaret Hospital…it would help build and operate a new hospital in Marigot…it would help give venture funding for our ecotourism and small luxury boutique hotels…but instead another white elephant!

  45. Fedup
    January 9, 2017

    Atlantique hotel just there, they can barely keep afloat. U putting more hotels within such close proximity, why? Will never understand these government. Have they done any assesmnet to find out why our hotels are always half empty. Baffled as to the big picture

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      January 9, 2017

      Don’t worry about Atlantique hotel being in close proximity to this new one, because it will not finish just like the one in Portsmouth.

  46. freedom fighter
    January 9, 2017

    Boy them fellars not easy, after much public outcry over conflict of interest concerning Slick Lawrence as owner of silver lake hotel, they get his brother to come on board as owner/developer, boy look roro

  47. freedom fighter
    January 9, 2017

    Boy them ministers don’t have work tto do, all them man doing is have big ceremony there, here and everywhere.

  48. blog
    January 9, 2017

    Good. Allow Lennox to continue exposing the hell out if these and more development will surface. Thank you Lennox linton. These are sellers of Dominica’s Passports, now posing as developers. They are bloody lawyers posing as developers. The people who are buying the passports should be the ones investing in the country, not the sellers. Sellers could invest their own cash but don’t pose as CBI investors. this is a scam and must be called out for what it is. Come clean with the people for God sake.

  49. The Gov't: One Man
    January 9, 2017

    3 hotels in Portsmouth, 1 in Salisbury 2 or 3 in Soufriere … No guarantee of improvements in LIAT and no international airport. That is poor planning. I wonder if they are thinking of the soon to be flourishing Cuban Tourism Market. The Government is putting all its CBI eggs in the hotel basket. While building branded hotels is an investment, don’t we think investing in our agricultural infrastructure with a refrigerated boat, a fruit processing plant to be leased to Bello and Dexia to manage production contracts with teeth to farmers would be a progressive move to bring employment to the many young men and women on the blocks all over Dominica?

  50. Jacinta
    January 9, 2017

    Where is the international AIRPORT we need one.

  51. Wow
    January 9, 2017

    :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

  52. free
    January 9, 2017

    This is a laughing matter!!!! Lol

  53. οἰκονομία
    January 9, 2017

    What sense it make for Alick Lawrence to spend years at University studying law and now he in Dominica selling passports people don’t need to go to University to sell passports anybody can sell passports.

    • Jon Jones
      January 10, 2017

      There just might be more money to be made in selling passports as he is building a hotel with his spoils.

      Please note that this hotel is a private venture not a national asset. Therefore his family and investors will be the main profiteers whilst the average Dominican might at least get some work to scrape by on minimum wage as opposed to a handout.

      This whole Govt is setting themselves up as a future elite class of wealthy businessmen by exploiting the the ignorance of the average poor Dominican.

      You can only fool some of the people some of the time, you cant fool all of the people all of the time.

  54. Pal_lotte
    January 9, 2017

    All of a sudden you hearing CBI projects……. Thank You Lennox!!

  55. Legion
    January 9, 2017

    This gang must stop with all these white elephant hotel projects,this is not funny anymore. The PM must also do some research and know that Mariotte also have it brand on hotels in despotic countries like Zimbabwe. Smh

  56. Music Producer
    January 9, 2017

    8-O 8-O 8-O Boy, you see why I must stay overseas? :lol: :lol: :lol: This cow dung aint right man!

  57. January 9, 2017

    As a Dominican living outside Dominica for over forty years I am heartened by what i see happening in my country at the moment. I was in Dominica recently and visited the construction sites of Kempinski.Hotel, Portsmouth Hotel and Spa and the New Jungle Bay site where the land is being prepared for construction.
    Never in our history have we had so many projects being built at the same time. Today I heard of SilverBeach Resort and Spa and can only say “wow:. I am heartened,encouraged with some confidence that Dominica is on the right track and must commend our government who took the initiative as you cannot always wait on investors to invest if you can do so yourself. Having completed these projects ,and with some additional airlift our international airport should be next.
    great work Prime Minister Skeritt
    Great work Dominica. OUR BEST DAYS ARE AHEAD OF US.

    DOminica,Our best days are ahead of us.

    • viewsexpressed
      January 9, 2017

      Clayton Felix, The local hotels are empty and some has closed. That you happy about in place of foreign people now accommodating….where is your damn loyalty and pride?
      Best days ahead have been told to us since Skerrit came into office. He created the Red Clinic, with people queing in his office for hand outs cash, what an insult, ignoring the role of welfare division and local government.

    • Jon Jones
      January 10, 2017

      Some people believe Santa Claus is real too

  58. Shaka Zulu
    January 9, 2017

    First off all Marriot is in the process of making Money selling it’s brand. With enough money Marriot would sell me thier brand to stick on my home. All it does is to give visitors the feeling of brand familiarity, like Trump, Hilton, etc. Granted thier are standards but these brands don’t have much to do with operations of the hotel.
    Secondly, if this hotel is going to be successful why are our financial institutions like aid bank, CDB, National Bank not jumping onboard and finance. Is that not how they invest for growth. I will say again government should not be in business especially when they cannot manage simple gov functions. People don’t visit an island just to stay in a hotel because I can tell you the whole east coast and west coast of Florida plastered with hotels, Jamaica, Barbados, BVI, USVI, and other Caribbean countries plastered with all inclusive and other resorts. They all have very easy access. What are the quality of our attractions? Great intention flawed…

    • Shaka Zulu
      January 9, 2017


  59. Here We go
    January 9, 2017

    Is this Hotel #3???, I am so confused. When will 1 be completed???

  60. %
    January 9, 2017

    Is this the same hotel that ALLDominicans know an agent,a Lawrance guy was talking about?.If it is, this again gives correct thinking people to question this CBI programme,and how it operates on island

  61. Fedup #1
    January 9, 2017

    Wow. Just 4 months ago, passport seller/attorney emerged as the developer. After cries of conflict of interest another one emerges to take the centre stage and create the impression that it is the 1st time we are hearing about Silver Beach Resort. BTW, I challenge the real owners (yet to be named or mentioned) to stand up! Stop taking Dominicans for a ride. Just to refresh your memories: see story and comments –

    • Fedup #1
      January 9, 2017

      BTW DNO, never realised until visiting Silver Beach Resort site a minute ago, that the country claimed to be ranked #1 in the OECS in terms of revenue in the citizenship by investment program has decided to drop its already low fees/requirements effective 1 December 2016. Makes no sense to me: . It appears that this is now a dog-eat-dog industry.

    • Eyesopen
      January 9, 2017

      Check their surname both are Lawrence,brothers.

  62. Pres_Donald_Trump
    January 9, 2017

    Well if the FBI has arrested a Volkswagen executive on charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, it is just a matter of time for dem to whole dem fellas on charges of posing a security threat to the United States.

    • just saying
      January 9, 2017

      Lè ou sé on sot ou sé on sot.

  63. Push ON
    January 9, 2017

    what about the other hotel…you know, the one that has now developed its own biodiversity as it has become a habitat for insects, vermin, rodents (you name challenge in 1, 2, 3) …….you guys know the AKA mosquito hotel ……..ummmm the one that so many possie folks were enrolled in some training programme to commence working in….yeah that hotel, the white sinking obstruction that caused major harm to coastal environment at Cabrits!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO IT???

    i’m tired of you Skerrit lift my hopes of creating a boost in DA’s economy…I CAN’T AFFORD TO MAKE A PROPER SHOPPING IN THE SUPERMARKET, I CAN’T AFFORD TO PAY MY BILLS, CAN’T AFFORD TO BUY A SECOND, THIRD OR FORTH HAND TRANS….I’M LIVING FROM BARELY HAND TO MOUTH (i say barely hand to mouth, because the amount I’m making barely makes it to my hand since all my bills take it muchless to make it to my mouth)

  64. Jabal
    January 9, 2017

    IMatt continue to play a clipping from Ralph Gonzales where he criticize the CBI program and all those UWP supporters happy Gonzales made that statement but that is the same Ralph Gonzales who said Dominica didn’t need an International Airport and build his International Airport in St. Vincent years latter. So Matt has proven once more he is a politician and not a journalist. Those same supporters criticized Gonzales back then today all you praising his statement like a gospel truth, It is the same Gonzales that want the other Caribbean leaders to legalize marijuana. So Matt and the other UWP supporters must stop being a hypocrite, Matt must go back to the ackies and get the recording where Gonzales discourage the Labour Party from building an International Airport. It is so strange of Party supporters when it fits them they push their agenda and Matt is helping to do just that for the UWP.

  65. truth21
    January 9, 2017

    everything for them is hotel, hotel hotel. the one cabrits yet the finish. they start one bell hall it not finish . hotel with road that still mashing up. build entertainment centers. we cant even have a big theater. hotel my ass. then they landing in a small airport , then on old road that dont even have good pedestrian crossing with red and green light. let my view move. is the truth

  66. Vaffanculo_PM
    January 9, 2017

    You selling our passport to build a resort with no risk or capital investment of your own but u giving back, Sukie giving back he not selling any passport and taking all risk without anybody. Hypocrites

  67. Tenderizer
    January 9, 2017

    More i hear of development more i see the country becoming underdeveloped. Seems like when persons travel they always tend to have major ideas, but never really research the hard work and effort in maintaining.
    Everything needs fixing in that country, roads need to be fixed so that we can travel to these hotels….we need flights coming into Dominica to help fill the hotel…..and we need farmers to be better able to produce food at low cost to be able to feed the people in the hotel. So we need to fix all the links to sustenance before we go ahead and invest in such grand masterpiece.

  68. Fils Étoile
    January 9, 2017

    So none of those investors want to invest in anything but hotels??? What about factories? Nobody wants to open a plant? Nobody wants to open a rehab center for all those paros??? A patchay hotels that starting and not finishing… Choops!

    • Fedup #1
      January 9, 2017

      Fils Etoile: those are not real investors. The hotels are the attraction as they are using the passport money as the investment, not theirs. And they stand to make a fortune. If they wanted to really give back, then they would consider one of the options you provided. It is called GREED!

  69. January 9, 2017

    what about the hotel in salsburry the write place to build this hotel is in cabana in londonderry close to the international airport all we herein of is hotels hotels what about building factories so every one can benefit

  70. cold hard truth
    January 9, 2017

    Lennox pls tell 60 mins that one

  71. Smile People
    January 9, 2017

    Why is everyone in attendance looking so miserable for such a wonderful occasion?

  72. jihan
    January 9, 2017

    All of sudden,200 room hotel after the CBS report on the passport scandal,Thompson will be exposing the names next week,This whole passport scam is dangerous for Dominica.How many hotels have started and cant finish.

  73. Fools Gold!
    January 9, 2017

    First of all, back packers, scuba divers, and hikers do not stay at star hotels. Secondly, if there are 5 star guests interested in visiting Dominica, how exactly are they going to get here without an international airport? Thirdly, those that do chose to engage in the triathlon necessary to arrive here, what do we have to offer them when they decide to leave the hotel? A round of golf, nope not one single golf course in a Dominica. An elegant night life? Nope. A high end boutique shopping district? Nope. Can someone even go to a movie theatre to watch the latest blockbuster anywhere in Dominica, absolutely not but here we are building another 5 star hotel likely to become yet another white elephant. That money would be better spent on a marina facility, international airport, and golf course at the very minimum before a hotel should be considered, the existing hotels, as is have a less than 30% occupancy rate…

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      January 9, 2017

      I heard the weekly “Red Clinic Party,” is a grand affair. Guest visiting Dominica could attend that on Friday. No need for any movie theaters or golf courses. The Red Clinic Affair is all the rave. :-P :-P :-P :-P

  74. Maffia
    January 9, 2017

    Can I put this one in the archive? Like this one ( May 8th, 2013 at 9:05 AM. Almost four years now since that article. How many more years, how much more money, should be invested. Where are we really in Dominica?

  75. Lypso
    January 9, 2017

    We getting there you know. Slowly, but surely. Let’s work together better nuh… All of us love DA wi

  76. Just Passing Through
    January 9, 2017

    Two different views of the CBI in Dominica. I have been to a few Marriott Hotels and II am happy we can be part of a chain of this hotel. For love of country, i certainly like to see my country viewed this way with a sense of pride; because I loathe the way my country was portrayed on a 60 Minutes segment on January 1st.

    Congratulations and best wishes to the Silver Beach Hotel management team. Go Dominica Go!!

    • Armchair critique
      January 10, 2017

      I agree . This is an internationally recognised brand. Why are people so angry that a quality hotel is being built on our beautiful island.

  77. Curious me
    January 9, 2017

    Another hotel? Have the investors/owners done their market survey to figure out who will occupy those hotel rooms, coming on stream one after the other, considering the present occupancy rate?

    How will the many visitors get here? Have you checked out the airport facility to find out just how many folks can arrive in any single day?

    Just being curious……………

  78. rf
    January 9, 2017

    Thats great news that new hotels are being built, i hope they have plans on how they will fill the hotels once they are built.

  79. Liam
    January 9, 2017

    All well and good but we should ensure that certain things are in place before project completion; reform and enhancement of emergency response (police, fire, ambulance); – reform and enhance protocol and procedures for police department; better management of solid waste (landfill is very near capacity); access and benefit sharing protocols for natural resources; expansion of travel services (international flights, more airlines, related infrastructural development); hospitality training for all service providers, not just at the resort. People do not travel to places to stay in one place

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      January 9, 2017

      Garcon Charles Douglas can connect you to any part of the world without difficulty. When it rains heavily, that place is like a fortress, no flooding whatsoever. LIAT has an impressive record with their flights. They are always on time. No worries.

  80. Another one!
    January 9, 2017

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  81. Charles Wallace
    January 9, 2017

    How are all these people going to get here sir? I have enough trouble coming home with a small family…

  82. Honest John
    January 9, 2017

    Lets be real Dominicans. Since the Labour Party came to power. How many Hotel projects have they mentioned? How many of them have been completed? 0.

    • viewsexpressed
      January 9, 2017

      Zero…it is a lying government. No wonder labelled as the most corrupt government ever in Dominica. What the UWP achieved in 4 years, they have not achieved not one in over 10 years.

  83. truth , shall set you free
    January 9, 2017

    Just look at the expression on little skeritt face ,You can almost recognize him saying, What kind of thing alic have me in nor? I already have so much on my account ,I cannot breathe , I vex you know boy I vex you know , ,I just feel like running out of here you know, More lennox catch me ,is more those guys deeping me in more hot water,,Boy,Boy Boy,BOy, I vex you know ,Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  84. Practical
    January 9, 2017

    Hotel again?
    What do you mean under the Citizen by Investment Program?
    Can any of these hotels complete and see guest coming in?

  85. January 9, 2017

    Thats no gonna shift the focus from those …………, sucking the life from our beloved country

  86. Ooh La La
    January 9, 2017

    I welcome all development to this island, so if this comes through, I’m happy. However, is it me or does the artist rendition look very much like Sandals LaSource Grenada? :?:

    • Liam
      January 9, 2017

      Not really.

  87. All Crime is crime
    January 9, 2017

    These days they building hotels all over, though no new hotel has opened for the past 15 years They looking for every reason to justify the sale of our passports, but like Hon. Ralph Gonzales, I ask if there is nothing else they can sell? As for me, I too can sell cocaine and weed to make money and build hotel but I will not do it though I know it is less harmful to my country than the sale of our passports. If I am caught selling drugs I and I alone will get affected. But I need Nassief, Vince and Sam Raphael to think of how Dominica would be affected if someone with a Dominica passport attacks America, France, Canada, England or anywhere in the world. They all talking about due diligence but does someone have to have a criminal record to commit a hate crime? Do they know what people planning in their heart? Selling our passports putting Dominica in far more trouble than selling crack and I thank Linton for standing up in the diffence of our country.

  88. truth , shall set you free
    January 9, 2017

    weh,weh ,weh, Last month contract was sighned with Alic lawrence, This month ceremony took place with DR LAWRENCE,Oh GOD ,DONINICA , what is really happening?and who does this hotel belong to? Alas Dominica, Alas

  89. Real!!!!!
    January 9, 2017

    Can we confirm whether the agent selling passport for the development of Silver Beach Hotel is a lawyer Mr. Lawrence?

    Also is this lawyer the major shareholder Silver Beach and or Oriental Development?

    I hope the DR. Michael Lawrence knows what he is getting himself into….not sure what his relationship is to the lawyer Lawrence.

    And by the way when will the Moroccan Hotel in Portsmouth be finished a project which has been going on over 6years?

    • brandon joseph
      January 9, 2017

      its a family affair.thats alick brother

  90. Da overs
    January 9, 2017

    we need the international airport .

  91. Bayfront
    January 9, 2017

    lol look jokes….lol ability to potentially reach out to 100 million travelers lol lol..

    not at that shed they have as Melville Hall Airport….there isn’t anything to do in Dominica.
    No Golf Courses or High End activity….this is just pure “LIE” and Deception!….

    It won’t happen folks this Regime operates falsely thus the economy is DEAD under their watch….they keep fooling the highly ignorant citizens in Dominica!

    If you have all those monies,why not give the Public Servants a increase, u know Dominicans are not smart…haha… least St.Kitts gave their Public servants a double across the board, why are u making Dominicans Poorer Skero,…life will not be good to you in the end!!

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      January 9, 2017

      Who told you there’s nothing to do in Dominica? You can dress in “Red” every Friday and head on down to the be next contestant on the “Red-Clinic-Giveaway.” :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

      • samantha
        January 9, 2017

        Oh god, I lie down flat. That is funny but true,,,, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • derp
      January 9, 2017

      true, you need to have an ecosystem to sustain the hotel, what the people going to do pull up in hotel and beach 24/7 Dominica has no recreational activities for the current clients they want to bring in

    • On The Beat
      January 9, 2017

      In response to the 100 million travelers, they were referring to the market and not people flowing in Dominica directly. Would be able to tap into the market which is over 100 million

  92. January 9, 2017

    Boy look hotel with no ?! No airport and no good port. Oh sorry !! They will be coming by the way of train in the sky. They still won’t come because, it won’t finish just like the one in purpe turle. The ghost town.

    • DA Girl
      January 9, 2017

      Well the cart cannot go before the horse eh. Where you going to put visitors when you build an international airport before infrastructure? Roads have to be repaired, hotels built, entertainment has to be there, tour guide operation has to be in tip top shape, persons have to be trained etc. Furthermore we need the proper medical institution to bring visitors. So the new hospital has to be fully operational. There is a lot you have to put in place before we have an influx of visitors. Persons have to be trained in hospitality and customer service cause jah knows the kinda kabwit we have in this country. How they ignorant is so they stupid. So there’s still a lot to be done. I am in fullll support of building an international airport but we have to work smart man.

      Furthermore you can’t just build an airport and expect to get international certification. There are wind test and the likes which have to be conducted over a 5 year period and many others. So meantime we build, and…

  93. Unknown-Ish
    January 9, 2017

    That Silver beach again – how many times i hear about that thing their launching. i don’t think any other hotel has had as many “launching” as this one,

    Its one thing for someone to be a humanitarian Dr Lawrence and a completely different thing for a man to use a profit making business to declare himself a humanitarian. You are not GIVING back to Dominica what it has given to you – you are or will be running a business, in which employees will work and get paid and guests will stay, receive a service and you will enjoy the profits. That is not “Giving back what Dominica has given to you” that is “BUSINESS”.

    • MI
      January 9, 2017


    • DA Girl
      January 9, 2017

      No one goes into business to make a loss. So of course he has to have benefits. Secondly he is giving back in the hundreds of jobs that the hotel will provide. Yes he is giving back in the form of international recognition that Dominica will receive with the opening of this five-star facility. Our tourism industry needs a boost. YES he is giving back. Giving back is not just about putting hard cash into someone’s hands (although the job creation is doing that). We have to look at the intangibles of the project man. Corporate tax, hotel tax and whatever other taxes a hotel has to pay. Think of the invaluable training and knowledge our people will get. The training one can receive working for a five star hotel they can use anywhere. Certified training. Come on man.

    • Legion
      January 9, 2017

      Well said

  94. john paul
    January 9, 2017

    good work minister,but we need word on the international airport.we cannot have ralph gonsalves laugh at us.

    • Jay
      January 9, 2017

      Yeah, bigger and better

    • Kweh kowh
      January 9, 2017

      Ralph laughing at himself because he opening an international airport that not internationally certified and announcing a chartered flight while the carrier has no knowledge of that flight. Saying only chartered flights will land until the airport certified..waste of money and a bunch of maji. What’s the point of incurring overheads of that magnitude and international flights cannot come in? Just wait for the certification. St. Vincent cannot touch us. Don’t be fooled. Papi show alone that there.

  95. San Antonio Tx
    January 9, 2017

    A letter will be forwarded to Homeland Security Dept, soon after the 20th of Jan 2017
    Re the concerns of overseas Dominicans and the Diplomatic Passports handed out by Dominica…

    We must take this by the horns this Program Must be and shall be shelved Period!

    • cyril
      January 9, 2017

      Assassin statements like these really gets me aggravated. This writer is so proud of his foreign identity he labeled himself as such. I am pretty sure he’s a US citizen, of which I am, and loves his country, of which ALL Dominicans on every foreign soil. Now take a close look at his statement. If what he’s asking for comes to existence what’s going to happen to my people, our people, our country? Please, lets not make this a political issue. This program has been going on for years. There is a reason why the UWP government lasted only 1 term; they could not accomplish there many promises, with this very program in place.
      If you have visited Dominica recently and states you don’t see where the CBI monies go, take into consideration ALL the natural disaster that have plague our country lately, i can sincerely say you’re making a non objective statement. Remember when hurricane David hit our beloved country? Do you remember how long it took us to recover fully?

      • cyril
        January 9, 2017

        Dominica has, for now, few natural resources. We’re living in a different world than our parents and grandparents. We have to have ideas of ingenuity. We need to invest in citizens,economy, elderly,, entrepreneurs, educations, etc, etc. and if all these are taking place, then this program is doing its part. Entrepreneurs, if the government invest in you,please use it wisely. Reinvest into your business. DO NOT go in dept living an abstract lifestyle.
        Mr Prime Minister, I have met you at an airport last year. You seem like a humble, sincere, genuine citizen who cares for people, be more forceful presenting your message, or have someone do it for you. Politics is not the faint at heart. Need a reminder? 2016 US presidential election. The majority of Dominicans are with you for now. Keep them there. Continue investing, putting programs in place so when the CBI industry, like bananas, are no longer accessible Dominica will continue to stand PROUD like her CITIZENS.

      • Arte El Labore
        January 9, 2017

        Well said Mr Cyril,one could always tell workers supporters most are uneducated and behaving like hyenas and traitors of their country.

      • The Thinker
        January 9, 2017

        Please do not confuse Hurricane David with Erika.Compare the Quality of the
        Political Parties.We have had over ten years of total corruption in government,the arms of Goverment.Election Bribery,Electirial Role Corrupt.ect.Live the life here not from the states.

      • Concern citizen
        January 9, 2017

        Thank U Cyril,
        People like U that sit in the USA getting paid highly paid for what? the UWP. lasted for only 4.5 years because the goddess of D/ca at the time told her slaves to remove them by any means possible don’t matter what it cost and her slaves did obeyed her If U come to D/ca to see how the UWP develop D/ca in just 3.5 years compeer to what the DFP for 15years and corrupt DFP for almost 20 years I don’t have to call it out for U just come and have a look for UR. self
        The members of UR. parties and them just sit there to make the country poorer and poorer each and every day, if your DLP was a good and popular party they would just win the election with no ragging but SKERRIT can’t win 1 election without having ragging it, ask him to speak the truth to U and nothing but the truth and U will stop belching bubbles, Haven’t you been to the other Caribbean islands to see how developed they are what is wrong your leader?

      • viewsexpressed
        January 9, 2017

        Cyril, Go to hell….go to hell….go to hell…go to hell. You make no sense…..maybe making dollars..?????/

    • Kweh kowh
      January 9, 2017

      You well comfortable in your house in Texas, with the US itself reaping benefits of such a program. We need investors dammit. Open factories, viable businesses, hotels, malls etc. Those in Dominica who playing part rich sit down on their money and not investing. Somebody has to do it. So until our own people can take risks and invest and create jobs pais las. Karl taking som much blows from Dominicans saying how he greedy, oh leave some for somebody else. Leave what?!! The man taking risks and investing and creating jobs and paying taxes while the other set dere playing stoosh and taking advantage of poor people. Vei kor zor la. When you ready to come home and put your money where your mouth is I’ll take you seriously.

      A letter will be forwarded to Department of Homeland Security my ass..I hope you and your cabal legal.

      • Man bites Dog
        January 10, 2017

        Cyril :you are the man, have you ever notice workers party and supporters haters don’t like the truth ,when Mr blue ass fly comes up with lies they all believe him like dummies.

    • Are you an idiot?

      What sending a letter to Homeland Security is going to do? Anybody wishing to enter the United States of America, must first apply for a visitors visa; even if someone living here sponsored; or file for residency for the applicant. If a Dominica shows up at the consulate issuing the visa have grounds or reason not to issue the visa, the application will be rejected.

      It will not be rejected simply because it is a Dominica passport!

      Where do live in San Antonio, I hope it is not any place in the ruins of old The Alamo, I visited in August last year.

  96. Mangolove
    January 9, 2017

    Why are commencing new hotel schemes worth millions of dollars yet unable to complete the ones that
    Are WIP in Cabrits etc. Why are allowing the incumbent government to partly complete financially
    Supported projects and leave them as ” white elephants” scattered around Dominica.

    A 500 5 star hotel is all well and good , but I’m concerned about the following

    1: No quality Airport nor Marina to support the influx of the standard of folks who will stay or reside in a 5 star establishment
    2: All the cream of crop management staff have left Dominica as economic migrants
    3: The infrastructure ( hospitals, entertainment, visionaries etc ) are limited
    4: The large number of foreign staff who will be employed to complete and manage the project , subsequently transferring all equitable cash away from Dominica.
    Call me …maybe I can help
    But good luck Mr Lawrence

  97. john3 16
    January 9, 2017

    Lets go Possie

  98. Five Star Hotels are not built: After a hotel is built, based on its enormities, and service, there is a an organization who rates Hotels according to services and enormities.

    There are five hundred rooms hotels which are not classified a one star, never mind five star. Nevertheless, in Nevis there is a small Five Star Hotel, with less than one hundred rooms.

  99. Stoney
    January 9, 2017

    Don’t worry the CBI Program will soon be dusted off..

    I know the Trump Administration will stifle this loose,cult harvesting of Passports

    Dominica has killed the program, too many agents selling passport and doing massive projects, don’t the know BIG Bro is aware……i wish the Devry Medical School at Possie will feel the Pinch when the Trump gets in……

    Dominicans are dunce and not understanding Global free lunch, no easy money..that’s all the do..the economy is dead, but they keep fooling the labor blind folks, them hungry and still calling..labba………wicked!

    • It is one thing to play politics, its something else to talk stupidness!

      What power will Trump have over Dominica when he becomes President on the 20th of this month?

      None! Dominica is a sovereign country, who answers to no foreign power.

      Nobody; Trump or the devil in hell cannot stop anybody in Dominica from selling passports. The only thing any nation can do is to declare people carrying Dominica passports persona non grata: ” Not welcome in their country” and refuse the holders of Dominica passports entry into their country.

      That presents a problem if the United States or any nation decides to go that way. Canada have done something like a few years ago, by refusing hundreds of Chines which tried to enter Canada in one day, they were returned to China on the same flight the arrived.

  100. Deb
    January 9, 2017

    Boy I see Alick at the head table– ….. CIP is good for some folks eh!!!

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