Negotiations for another hotel underway – PM Skerrit

PM Skerrit said he is providing jobs for the people of Dominica
PM Skerrit said he is providing jobs for the people of Dominica

Just days after the government announced it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the construction of a high-end hotel in Portsmouth, prime minister Roosevelt Skerrit announced that negotiations are underway for the construction of another in the north.

“We are in negotiation with another group of investors for another 75-room hotel that will be located in the north,” Skerrit said during a graduation ceremony for 119 Dominicans who received skills certificates from the Dominica State College after completing hospitality training.

According to the prime minister all of these are being done to provide jobs for the people of Dominica.

“We do not sit on our hands and complain about the problems,” he said. “I keep saying to my colleagues one of the biggest problems of this Government is that we do not explain sufficiently to the people of Dominica how difficult it is to manage the affairs of Dominica. We do things, and because we do it so well it appears to the world that is easy work but I can tell you as the person who has been in charge of the leadership of the country for the last ten years, Dominica is no easy place to manage. The challenges are many and the resources are extremely limited or even non-existent.”

Skerrit also stated that the construction of a US$50-million hospital will begin soon. “If we do not go and negotiate a gift of the hospital from China how would we be able to borrow US$50 million which is equivalent to EC$135 to build a new hospital because quite clearly we cannot in the second decade of the 21st Century have the PMH as our premier hospital,” he said. “We have to do better than that.”

The hospitality training graduation took place in Portsmouth.

On Tuesday the government announced it has signed an MOU with Dubai-based, Range Developments Limited, for the construction of a 75 to 125-room, high-end luxury brand hotel in the north of the island.

The MOU was the first to be signed under the investment arm of the Economic Citizenship Programme.

A 65-room Morocco-funded hotel has already been constructed in Portsmouth, which according to Skerrit has a conference room which can sit about 200 people comfortably.

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  1. LOL!
    February 26, 2014
  2. Anonymous
    February 24, 2014

    Even though uwp supporters choose to come on this site to criticize the government for ANY and EVERY little thing they do, it is good to know that outside agencies such as the IMF and World Bank have boldly stated that Dominica has made strides forward. Poverty and unemployment have decreased significantly, infrastructure have been developed greatly and Dominica is leading the rest of the eastern caribbean in the utilization of one of our greatest natural resources. This resource named gothermal, when it is up and running, will improve life dramatically for Dominicans and make it much better to do business in Dominica.

    The opposition uwp keep calling for change but they are not trying to implement meaningful change. Although they started their campaign by talking about good governance, accountability and transparency, they continue to operate under a cloud of corrupt and dishonest practices. We the people are still waiting to see uwp lead by example and practice what they preach. Start with the Thomson Fontaine case and do the right thing. also, once in a while give credit where credit is due. And please stop destroying the good name and image of the country just to gain political power. These actions say a lot about you.

    February 24, 2014

    Can someone tell me what the status is on the Castaways Hotel in ST. Joseph, the Layou River Hotel project in Layou, and the construction of a five-star hotel on the Woodfordhill beach. Nothing is being said about these forgotten hotels that are in disrepair or to be constructed. There has been no further talks on these hotels. What is the status, Mr. PM?

  4. in skerrit u trust??
    February 24, 2014

    i hear about skerrit …. and if dominica new block my post and supporting them thing shame on u God is watching ……. soooo now i hear skerrit giving everybody lpo to go by astasphants and astasphants saying we dont have materials… goverment not paying not of dem credit accounts ….. i hear a hotel building and not one of them materials was paid of every thing in credit which de goverment approve ….. goverment boyyy yes iiii

  5. RastarMarn
    February 23, 2014

    Ok so the government structure of Dominica is one of a Democracy which according to:

    Bouvier’s Law Dictionary.

    DEMOCRACY, government. That form of government in which the sovereign power is exercised by the people in a body, as was the practice in some of the states of Ancient Greece.

    Such is the case why doesn’t the Body of people which makes up the Democracy petition for Redress, the Grievances this current administration is inflicting, which is ultimately going to affect the welfare/well being of the People (The Democracy) itself???

  6. Plan Dominque
    February 23, 2014

    We want a 1,000 room hotel on the Islet at Castle Bruce Mr mad PM. It will have Atlantic soround sound. waves

  7. Too Late
    February 23, 2014

    A secret hotel to be built in a secret location for a secret amount of money agreed through a secret MOU by a secretive prime minister

  8. Red Hot
    February 23, 2014

    What! My PM turn blue on me there we. Where is your Red Shirt PM?

  9. Jaime Lewis
    February 23, 2014

    The PM is right on so many counts:
    – Dominica is a hard place to manage. Of course, if you’re trying to manage all by yourself and be a Super Leader, it just won’t work. Now, if the PM worked from a Team perspective, and held all ministers and parliamentarians, civil service workers and supporters accountable, his job would be a little easier.

    Communication is key. What about utilizing the Government Information Service to effectively communicate with the public. What about each Parliamentarian holding a monthly public forum in their constituency. Use the government schools – invite the public to come, share information, and take some questions. Tell us how you’re helping our communities. What is the return on our investment (our vote)? Which bills are you supporting? Are you advocating for feeder roads, employment, computers for our schools, better medical care, plants for beautification projects, clean drains, etc., etc., We need to know how each representative is assisting the constituents. We need progress reports throughout the 5 years, and not only at election time. Don’t forget to serve some squash (lemonade) and soda. Some bakes with codfish or fried fish would even do. That way, every nook and cranny in Dominica would be receiving accurate information. Have the parliamentarians report back to the House of Assembly on their monthly forums. Then we would know that they are working on our behalf, and not only the PM is working.

    Now, more and more hotels…I am assuming that we need all these hotel beds for the Diasporans who cannot use those pit latrines. Considering the government has no clue how many people do not have running water to accommodate WCs (flush toilets and sinks), for the many Diasporans who are ashamed of returning home to use pit latrines, they can make reservations at those hotels. So come on Diasporans, start making plans to bring your foreign born children home – we have moderately priced hotel rooms. Plus if you come home often enough, you will be able to register to vote.

    See how the PM is smart? Whether or not he graduated from college, our PM is a psychologist.

  10. nigel
    February 22, 2014

    Some people on here are just ignorant and retarded. Like the PM said Dominica is one of the hardest countries to manage because we are broke. Half the people are lazy and rely on the government for everything and the other half are not motivated to do anything. Its like they are waiting on someone to tell them to do something thats going to benefit themselves.
    Dominica needs investors and these investors are using there own money to build these hotels. So what is the issue I ask? These investors are going to have to market dominica and that can only be best for the island and the people. More hotels, More people coming in, more money and more jobs created.

  11. February 22, 2014

    Roosevelt, when are you going to renovate the Health Center in Vieille Case and put the Post Office back where it belong?

    A Health Center should be just that, and a Post Office should be that too. Clean up Vieille Case and do an UPGRADE while you are in the process of making contributions.


  12. Janice
    February 22, 2014

    The PM seems to be implementing The Shakland & Cox Tourism Development Plan. An excellent plan adopted in the 1970s (it included an airstrip to accommodate large aircraft) Hope he means to implement the 2007 Strategic plan re Health and Wellness which covers Medical tourism/Wellness/nursing and Elderly Care/research and Diagnosis/Retirement Tourism. A hospital would be necessity.
    Dominica has the labour force and the Educational facilities in place to educate it.
    Should we put politics aside we could embrace these initiatives. The Dubai hotels are outstanding.

    • February 23, 2014

      Wait, you will see hotel. Haven’t you been fooled enough?

  13. Help
    February 22, 2014

    I pray that Cardinal a Felix will pray for Dominica as

  14. puss
    February 22, 2014

    i see the international airport coming

    • February 22, 2014

      It should have been underway.

    • Anthony Ismael
      February 22, 2014

      Me too. :mrgreen:

  15. February 22, 2014

    Dominica not in need of a hotel right now it need proper health facilities like an up to date hospital or a good jet landing . I’m tired of coming home and it’s a pain where sun don’t shine all this is employment

    • me
      February 23, 2014

      Soon come.

  16. charmz
    February 22, 2014

    If you claim the hospital to be a “gift” why borrow US$50 mil????????? Should a gift even come with a cost…. Is it a gift to Com of Dominica or a gift to Skerrit.

    • Dorian David
      February 22, 2014

      The Roosevelt Skerrit government is doing a wonderful job in helping Dominica to develop into a modern and wealthy country.

  17. forreal
    February 22, 2014

    man skerrit every dog has it’s day,this dominica’s time,beat the iron while it’s hot,do it bro,you are a dominican to,do it for our children,to hell with what the power hungry wanna be’s have to say.

  18. birdy
    February 22, 2014

    the farmers of Dominica in very recent history use to bring to the island 100 million dollars plus in export we all over 25 years know that, but it was the influence voice of the DOLLAR MINISTER then he was firmly insider the gorvenment,who said ( agriculture is a HAS BEEN ) he proceed to open several food outlets to include K FC,
    and SAVE A LOT and others
    the cons price lives on

  19. The Comadien Show
    February 22, 2014

    Hotel, hotel, hotel and yes, more hotels! Where? In the north especially in Portsmouth. Who is building them? The Government of Dominica. I wonder if is the government or the name of the government like those villas. Have you guys ever visited those villas of PM Skerrit? Aren’t they beautiful? However, ONLY professors of Ross are allowed to rent there. Ross Students are NOT allowed! The other interesting thing is, Skerro and his spiritual advisor, who built a mansion right on the way to those villas, with a section reserved for professors, are competing too for professor and the owner of the villas winning! The owner of villas was able to put a very attractive package out and swept all of his spiritual advisors tenants. His spiritual advisor now is left with NO professor and he is RED vex. HAHAHAHAHA!

    • The Comadien Show
      February 22, 2014

      I meant The COMEDIEN Show. Who competing for Ross Professors again? The TRUE OWNER of VILLAS and HIS rightful spiritual advisor. So far who winning? The True owner because he is able to flex his muscles and put out some packages / prices that his spiritual advisor cannot offer. Maybe his spiritual advisor will stop giving him spiritual advise and will switch to business advise with the view of knocking down his business. HAHAHAHAHA!

  20. birdy
    February 22, 2014

    april the first is yet to come people , the international fools day

  21. Isse
    February 22, 2014

    Mr PM I heard that plans are underway to build a pipeline under the sea pumping crude oil from Caracas to Rockaway. Is that true and will it be built before you call the election?

    Wow the UWP have you doing rain dance like the Indians in Arizona. Skerrit ‘Barzoodee’ and does not know what to say and when to say it.

  22. No sense
    February 21, 2014

    100 hotels and 10 tourist ?? How are these businesses going to grow when they don’t have customers skirret best you ask Claudias and Lennox what to invest in cause right now u just doing things like mad ,,,,, change must come we are not fooled too much poverty in Dominica we need real jobs not election gimmick national borrow a job programme after election no one not going to have the jobs ,,,,, change is a must

  23. Simply the Truth
    February 21, 2014

    Some of you are crying no jobs. You want jobs. Ask yourself, if hotels are not built, what other type of jobs will be created in Dominica?
    Now a new hospital. Utilize your common sense if you have any. This is a beginning of better things to come for Dominica and to create jobs. Have patience. Be confident. Give these a chance.
    More jobs created, more work and more tax revenue contribution to the economic growth of the country. You should know what goes around comes around.

    • February 22, 2014

      Only now? Where were they for those fourteen years. Where are all those ground breaking ceremonies projects including the coast guard base in Belle Hall, Portsmouth? These are all election gimmicks. When our people should be employed, foreigners were employed instead. Change is a must and Team Dominica will manage Dominica better. Again, these are all election gimmicks. So many projects were promised and where are they?

  24. February 21, 2014

    Its MR fix it The Magician has arrived an all is so much better.The PM is the magician lol.Were ever he goes things get better not true.

  25. silver sliver
    February 21, 2014

    Why are the locations of these hotels a secret? Is any of them planned for Georgetown in Glanvillia?

  26. Looking in
    February 21, 2014

    I wonder who will be occupying these hotels. Things that needs attention are not getting, yet hotels are coming up one after the other. Eh las, our priorities are all mixed up.

    • angel
      February 23, 2014

      Unfortunately, nobody (or virtually nobody) will occupy these hotels – assuming they even get built. The kind of tourists who struggle to visit Dominica (and it is a struggle getting here) come precisely because we DON’T have big hotels like those that are so prevalent on neighboring islands. If the government was serious about tourism they would take a look at the hotels that are truly successful in Dominica – like Secret Bay and perhaps try to learn and try to understand that “small” is successful in Dominica, not big. Another few hundred tons of concrete is not what Dominica’s tourists are looking for.

      • Ales
        February 24, 2014

        I am an European tourist who visited Dominica a few times. It is exactly those reasons why I have chosen Dominica – no large hotels. If you would build so many large hotels I will just choose another, more developed island. No sense in coming to Dominica to see the same things others have better to offer.

      • tina
        February 24, 2014

        I am another European who says no thank you to 1000- bed- all inklusive- concrete nightmares! But also consider that not every visitor can afford a breathtaking beautiful place like Secret Bay. So many nice small places to stay in Dominica!!! I will come again to stay at several guesthouses all over the Nature Island.

  27. John Paul
    February 21, 2014

    Skeritt gone wild!This is the same land they had the ground breaking ceremony for the Coastguard base!The same land that tests were made for a marina and now Skeritt has a MOU with one Mohamed.Is this development in the Cabritts National park or was the boundary of the Park moved?Remember that this park has marine boundaries that is to say the boundary extends out to sea!I wonder how Dr. Honeychurch feels about this deal? On His fa eBook page he said that he was asked to show some investors the layout of the land and by the time He got home he saw that the MOU was signed according to an article online!Needless to say he was a bit shocked!I wonder how He feels about that kind of thinking outside the box?

  28. The Comedian Show
    February 21, 2014

    “The challenges are many and the resources are extremely limited or even non-existent.”

    But off course Skerro the resources have to be non-exixtent. One thing we can all see where the resources went to especially in the last ten years of your leadership. We can see your mansion in Veieille case, we can see you giving individuals $100,000.00 for basketball court without consulting the Minister of Sports and those employed in the ministry of sports; we can see your backhoes on the road working, we can see how your ministers got rich; we can see how your attorneys got very rich; we can see how your spiritual advisors got rich etc. So yes we can understand where the non-existent of resources on the island went to.

  29. February 21, 2014

    People the PM wasn’t talking about another hotel it’s the same hotel he was talking about DNO please get your facts right and making the PM look bad come on man make sure all post this

    • Frenz
      February 21, 2014

      Did you listen to the clip Student. If not then go listen to the clip and come back

  30. Dr.Phil
    February 21, 2014

    This thing only gets better .Right now i can confirm the skerrit is a damn idiot that trying to hold on to power .”look into my eye and we will know when is election” he quoted .He is so twisted that he is running out of rabitts in his hat.Skerrit get a damn grip cause your days are numbered .

  31. As it is
    February 21, 2014

    Dominicans open your eyes for once, nuh?

    The Morocco hotel, Dominicans do not know about the deal, the operations, the arrangements.

    Skerritt recently went to China, signed a loan. Is it US$300,000,000.00? surprisingly not from the Govt. of China. DA Govt. getting money for Chinese to build Hotel in the Public works area? Dominicans have to pay back that loan?

    Chinese construction Co. to build hotel, while locals remain unemployed? No debate, no discussion in Parliament? Did Skerritt and his DLP Govt. sell, lease, or give the land free to the Chinese to build their hotel in PWC area?

    If sold, how much, PM? If the hotel is not ours, why should you take loan from the private Chinese financial org. for the Chinese hotel, and we have to payback, yet no jobs for us, PM? Why do those things to your own people?

    Public Works, the local workers. that have served DA for decades disrespected, slowing being pushed out, do not know what is going on. They butter Dominicans mouth with a bus stand and children’s playground on a highway.

    PM, you think those kind of one-man operations will last for long? People have a right to know about and to participate in the governance of their lives. PM, you yet to understand that is we who paying you and your cabal to render proper serve to the benefit of all the people?

    $$$$$$$$$$$$. Quick wealth by all kinds of dubioous means. Selling passports black is white. turning, twisting the facts the truth is all they care about. The few are laughing at the majority all the way to the bank. Corruption are plenty.

  32. Dominican overseas
    February 21, 2014

    Mr.P M we want the next hotel in the South and the whole South will vote for you not your representatives. Change is a must.

  33. LuvNY
    February 21, 2014

    The only person on this board who made any sense is the one who said he hoped that the hotel be built in Melville Hall. Building the hotel either in Marigot, melville hall or Londondary makes perfect sense…..the rest of the people on this board are a bunch of fools.

  34. anonymous
    February 21, 2014

    hotels an more hotels how about airport

    • Anonymous
      February 21, 2014

      The hotels will justify the International Airports in Marigot, Portsmouth, Salisbury, and where else all you want another International Airport again? :mrgreen: zor d zor sot.

  35. Anonymous
    February 21, 2014

    I suspect Emile Zappatos is Simeon Albert trying a ting. Lol!

  36. February 21, 2014

    After 14 years now u want to build hotel and hospital its to late ma boi time up

  37. cc
    February 21, 2014

    So what happened to the international airport the PM promised?

  38. MAD!!!!
    February 21, 2014

    Right now I am really fed up of all these political gimmicks…..The least the PM can do is complete one hotel and get it up and running before he plans for another….”A promise is a comfort to a fool”….PM you fool the people some of the time but you cannot fool the people all the time…even your supporters must be concerned about your sanity right now…you sound like someone who has lost it….that is why change is a must not an option!!!!!

    • Emile Zapatos
      February 21, 2014

      The PM is not building hotels. HE is trying to get companies to build them And try as you may you and your friends will not get him mad. All the comments I have seen is about things that he is doing. The man is working!

      • February 22, 2014

        Are you,serious? Where is the Public works hotel? This is not the first time projects have been promised. All you are seeing is promises which is a fool’s paradise. Aren’t you ashamed to even say that the prime minister is working? Where is the work in all this. MOU does not mean any thing. Where is the MOU for the new hospital so many years ago. Where is the new hospital. Our medical care is in shambles. Many people of all ages go in but do not check out. What is the priority for Dominicans- jobs, medical care,etc. How have we been treated? Everyone has been made poorer by the incompetent DLP government. You might be benefiting from them so you are singing for your supper but you know that Dominicans are crying out- no job, no money, little food, etc. So don’t be fooled;just tell yourself that this is another promise. This has been well planned by the DLP. Do little and in the year of elections just do something and sign projects, give them handouts and bribes and we will win the elections. Not this time, Emile, God is watching. He will rescue Dominicans from these men who have taken government and Alba resources to build their homes and family homes and have enriched themselves. They are aware of what they have done. That is why they are so mad and doing all kinds of evil to stay in power. But change is a must. Emile, you know that but maybe you are benefiting from them and so you are singing for your supper. God is not asleep. ‘Fret not yourself because of evildoers for they shall soon be cut off.’

      • me
        February 23, 2014

        Plain and simple

    • February 21, 2014

      The Pm is just again playing with the minds of my people the man is mad.

  39. Ben Dover
    February 21, 2014

    BREAKING NEWS: Skerrit said oil found in the north.

    Skerrit has said oil was found in the north and negotiations and an MOU will be signed soon.

    OK blind bats…it’s just a joke. No need to salivate.


  40. flyonthewall
    February 21, 2014

    Don’t know why Dominicans have not realized that is the rants of a mad man. Dominicans is not the pm fault. He is raving mad to get power. Power has taken over his soul. Don’t blame him. History is full of examples of men who have allowed the greed of power to envelope them. The country is being led by a mad man -a lunatic

    • Shubert
      February 22, 2014

      Well said Flyonthewall..

      To name a few of history`s infamous men, Ghadafi, Sadam, Hosni Mubarak and one that is probably releveant to us, Robert Mugabe

  41. a nice guy
    February 21, 2014

    I am looking at this from a different perspective as a project planner and the multiple MOU’s or whatever for hotels makes perfect sense.

    1) MOU for possible int’l airport. (not when all these people come, where will you put them?? go to #2

    2) MOU for multiple Hotels (with the completion of the airport, comes more people, hence there will be hotels to put these multiple people

    3) Job Creation, more people, more money, more jobs.

    4) More Marketing for Dominica (these hotels need to attract visitors to full their rooms, hence they will have to market the island which brings dominica more marketing

    5) hotels need attractions and events for their guests (possible business ventures for locals, more money flowing into local bars, craft makers, bus drivers, tour guides)
    Remember these are stay over visitors, which means they have more money to spend than the cruise ship visitors

    LASTLY, privately built hotels have to find a way to book their rooms, and they will do it through marketing. it is not our business who is going to full the rooms or how they will be filled. why? because is not our money we spending to build hotel, it is a risk of the investors. if they cannot get people to book their rooms, they will just fail nuh, there money they losing.

    SO TELL THEM BUILD AS MANY HOTELS AS THEY WANT…. because all we as dominicans need is the trickle down benefits of them making sure their investment is viable

    • Emile Zapatos
      February 21, 2014

      Hey Nice Guy. Let us hope and pray that these hotel investors are very serious. Those people who are laughing have the same attitude as those who always laugh at anything someone tries to do. They do nothing and encourage no one. All they do is gossip.

    • Just Blaze
      February 24, 2014

      Same thing I said on the article of the first hotel. If a private institution coming to build a hotel with their own money and responsible for their won marketing how can people be talking about PM priorities wrong. Its not his responsibility to full the hotels.

      Admin I think you need to make sure people have at least 5 cxc’s before they comment on DNO because some of these comments are so ignorant.

  42. St.Joe
    February 21, 2014

    Soon Skerrit will tell us that they discover oil in the north.
    What a Joke!!
    How can Dominicnas, who I know for a fact, are some of the smartest people around, have allowed themselves to fall for such crap!!??

    • Papa Help Us
      February 23, 2014

      I agree with everything except “some of the smartest people around” :roll: But even so, no person should be dumb enough to support this man

    • me
      February 23, 2014

      He discovered it in the Roseau Valley. It’s called geothermal. That is the game changer.

  43. Massacre
    February 21, 2014

    Skerro, what else is in the “Pipeline?”

    • Shim
      February 21, 2014

      Just stay tuned and be patient.

    • Is That
      February 21, 2014

      Well he giving toilet which I think is the first step towards privatizing all our beaches!!!No more free up :lol: I am surprised the opposition have not figured out that up to now and call for a massive protest and say how this man wicked to have poor people paying for water and how this toilet thing is a trick to get Dowasco new customers for water and sewer connections.

      Then old people cannot wash plates anymore because of fraydee so dishwasher is a must before the election.

      All school children going and get tablets to go to school with – no more carrying of textbooks and exercise books and yes free wifi internet aces all over Dominica because Chavez before he died pay China to build satellite for Alba members

      • Toomatoe Tomato
        February 22, 2014

        Is that wee!

  44. dominican
    February 21, 2014

    Skerro build them and the same people that are complaining ask each and every one of them for a dollar towards the airport see how many of them would help to make a better Domìnica yo pier

  45. Castle Comfort
    February 21, 2014

    Insanity is discribed as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting diferent results.
    Dominicans we need to decide now , what is it that we are expecting from our leaders.

  46. Truth
    February 21, 2014

    IN the abundance of water ,a fool is thirsty
    You fool me once , you are a fool ,
    But you fool me twice, then I am a fool,Skerro , Not all donkeys are asses

  47. Mwen
    February 21, 2014

    Wow, DA is now on another revolution!
    This one is the Hotel Revolution!

    • Shim
      February 21, 2014

      And even you, too, will benefit. SO, get with the program and start singing praises.

  48. dissident
    February 21, 2014

    I doh even stop laughing yet and you coming with another hotel comedy
    I notice that within 2 months you guys have been really pushing some PR……trying to throw us off guard and steer us away from the wave of consciousness created byTeam Dominica….you are a Johnny come late my boy…….choking on UWP smoke……you are now forced to make pronouncements of brighter days for tourism…….3 massive hotels in the north but no talk of international airport……. not even a marina at Prince Rupert Bay…….I waiting to hear about a marina soon…..I giving you ideas now
    Still you fail to say where in the north…….negotiations are underway you say… it Ville Case, Penville,Portsmouth?????
    I notice all de hoopla about de Morrocan Hotel has dies down……. instead of telling us when it will finish… diverting attention to 2 new hotels for the north……it depends on who you fooling
    Just because Lennox and Thompson in de race you suddenly come out
    You not proud enuff that DLP works speak for itself? I’ve already switched my allegiance clear away from you and your DLP……….you trying hard eh but both you and my parl rep Timothy have failed me, my family, my constituency stock farm and Dominica

    PS: I go thru the news websites and I see that the significant majority of comments come squarely against you and the policies of your failed administration

    • Toomatoe Tomato
      February 22, 2014

      Try to keep up. This is a working government.

    • me
      February 23, 2014

      You mean the wave of dishonesty by the uwp?

      DLP is building a lot of hotels, so before one is finished they are negotiating for another that tells you they see the need to have many more hotel rooms in DA. If you read the right articles you will see that Dominica has moved up in the standings as far as employment and poverty are concerned and is now ranked no. 8 of the wealthiest nations in the Caribbean. I guess in the abundance of water, the fool is thirsty.

      Comments against DLP will be in the majority on dno because dno is a uwp medium and this is where the choose to launch their smear campaign. We will still attempt to educate the people despite these adversities.

  49. John
    February 21, 2014

    All that talk about hotels, where is the bloody International Airport to bring in the tourists to full these rooms? Without the International Airport the hotel rooms will be empty, we simply CANNOT rely on Liat and this small airport we have. We urgently need an INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Mr PM. I do hope that announcement is soon coming and act on immediately.

    • LuvNY
      February 21, 2014

      Would you mind telling me where in hell you plan on building the international airport? Oh let me guess Morne Diabloten? And how do you plan on maintaining the airport without raising taxes? Hating Skerrit is one thing but you are a complete idiot.

      • John
        February 22, 2014

        You are living in the past it’s time you wake up and smell the coffee, guess you know nothing about economics. How will SVG maintain their International Airport or how is everyone around the world maintaining their airports? PM builds hotels who will full the rooms up? Tourists, how do they get to Dominica? on the banana boats? no by air and without international air access to beautiful Dominica these hotels will be empty practically all through out the year, so wake up.

    • Toomatoe Tomato
      February 22, 2014

      Ask the opposition to get some contacts to help build and International Airport, get the investors and bring the contacts to Parliament. They are part of Parliament aren’t they? Tell them show us what they can do for Dominica.

      Why is it only if they get in government they will be able to do anything. So long we waiting for the opposition to bring some investment in Dominica, nothing, nothing! and they want us to give up on the DLP? A hardworking government for what? Day dreamers? For something we cannot see?

      PM, we the people of Dominica are with you and your government all the way.

    • me
      February 23, 2014

      The tourists need to have place to stay before they come.

  50. Morihei Ueshiba
    February 21, 2014

    It easy to give dem toilette. 8)

  51. Ohhh well
    February 21, 2014

    But wait Skerro u finding it easy to Negotiate for hotel to come why US fifty Million one way plus Morrocan the other way et why didnt u just Negotiate these resources for the International airport INstead my boy your brain small ehh

    • me
      February 23, 2014

      Well, elephant brain you can try to negotiate for what you want but you cannot tell investors where to invest their money. they will always invest where they think it will be more profitable to them. Someone wants to come and build a hotel in Dominica with their own money are you going to say no?

  52. Hagley Laglee
    February 21, 2014

    Skerro :twisted: ……we want a hotel, marina, port and stadium in Grand Bay……announce the MOU signing quick…. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    February 21, 2014

    Good job PM.Put things in prospective for the BIG ONE..while they talking and touring you working.Let them know one cannot invite and accommodate people to their home if they don’t have a house.So let’s hope Dominicans gonna hear of the BIG ONE soon when AA,JET BLUE,AMERI-JET,Virgin Atlantic and the rest alike will soon be dropping Booked In passengers.

  54. SMH
    February 21, 2014

    Only now you saying PMH is not acceptable, why didn’t you build a hospital instead of a presidential palace. You talk so much nonsense. We all know elections coming just now, you cannot fool all the people, only the desperate who are receiving money from the red clinic or the people benefiting from the corruption, your cronies and ministers. Get a grip on reality, you cannot build a country on sand you must build the infrastructure first, in order to get people to come to a hotel don’t you need a reliable airport and airline? Your thinking is flawed you just are no not living in reality.

  55. Ann Derass
    February 21, 2014

    DNO do your readers a favor, well not really a favor, but assist in the education of your clients, find out when the next elections are legally due. It is 90 days after the first parliament after the last general elections.
    My calculation has it as 10th April, 2015. In that case Roosevelt Skerrit has a maximum of 413 more days in office. He can take advantage of all of it or he can reduce it by calling elections before that date.
    Please DNO put a time ticker on your site to remind Skerrit that the clock is ticking and his days are numbered.
    What other hotel Skerrit seriously wants to build in the north?
    Just make a call to find out what is happening to the ATLANTIC View in Anse Mai, what is happening with the Morroccan Hotel for which the Government cannot find an operator. What is happening with the Public Works Hotel?
    This is madness and total lack of vision.
    If Skerrit does not want to debate the Dream TEAM, will he accept a public discussion with me Ann Derass?
    DNO please use your influence to get Skerrit to discuss the development of this country where he will get real advice because who ever is advising him now is more blind than him and they all seam to have a seriously affected by VISION impairment.
    Don’t forget to put the election ticker.
    I’ll not charge you for that free consultation.

    February 21, 2014

    Skerro,I like your shirt!lol.. you got them chocking.Is initiatives like this,that have them(BLUES)bursting blood vessels and come spewing their infectious venom on Q95 believing they can harm you.But they don’t know…

    • Amarossa
      February 21, 2014

      Fast N Furious, you have to be several kinds of idiot to make a comment like that.

  57. mosbo
    February 21, 2014

    Skerrit i really lv to see the colour of ur shirt. I hope ur supporters now see ur colour.Can i now ask u a question, why is it that hotel building is now all we hearing from u? exlpain to us what is ur goverment doing along side these so call hotel building of hotels so that we can get people here to fill the hotels. let us know what u doing about the airport. U seems to be putting the cart before the horse.

  58. Seriously?
    February 21, 2014

    PM — these initiatives would make great points at an electoral debate. You can point to these and other great plans alongside what UWP candidates are offering. THESE are the types of issues Dominican’s should be discussing to determine which points to a better future for them.

    So will you participate?

  59. linky
    February 21, 2014

    and the funiest thing in all that is the people who believe all what skerrit saying nest week he will anounce another one

  60. .
    February 21, 2014

    The one he help finance in anse de mai and have the two banks and the owner cant sleep he doesnt realise he putting more pressure on the owner millions in flames poor aid bank

  61. The Comedian Show
    February 21, 2014

    “But I can tell you as the person who has been in charge of the leadership of the country for the last ten years, Dominica is no easy place to manage. The challenges are many and the resources are extremely limited or even non-existent.” HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Skerro,you have been in charge of the leadership for 10 years; Dominica is hard to manage? …Resources are non-existent? So Skerro, if what you saying is true then please answer the following question:
    1. How much money you had on you bank account when you started ten years ago?
    2. How much money do you receive as salary from the people of Dominica each month?
    3. Can you please show proof of all your loans?
    4. How much did it cost you to build your mansion in Vieille case?
    5.How much did it cost you to build your villas?
    6. Besides your mansion and villas we know you own, can you please tell us what else you own in terms of property?
    7. What is Mr. Skerrit’s true value today, ten years after becoming leader of Dominica?
    8.How rich were your attorneys when you began 10 years ago? How rich are they today?
    8. How rich were your advisors 10 years ago when you started and how rich are they today? For example: A. Your spiritual advisor? B. you other advisor from possie connected with cricket? You three main advisors from Vieille case?
    9.What about your government ministers?

    If the true figures of all the above show an increase of over 200% increase, then it would be fair to conclude that in the last ten years while you have been trying to tell us how difficult things have been in Dominica you, your cabinet ministers, attorneys, advisors and friends seem to be enjoying life on in another planet.

    • Ba Yo Bwa
      February 21, 2014

      Based on the sentiments you proffer, Dominicans should be wary about people such as yourself who cling to the law of jungle as the only way to rule. Seems to us that much of the issues you now raised have been addressed, in one form or another, by the courts. Yet you can not let go. Give it a rest, for the sake of the nation, if not for the sake of God.

    • Bogoroy
      February 21, 2014

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
      Yea, you are a real comedian, fada!

  62. Morihei ueshiba
    February 21, 2014

    “We do things, and because we do it so well it appears to the world that is easy work but I can tell you as the person who has been in charge of the leadership of the country for the last ten years

  63. roseau
    February 21, 2014

    We are building more and more hotels yet the present hotels we have are struggling with low occupancy. What a joke, its like building the house before the road, Skerrit what are you trying. Instead of building the airport for tourist to get here to fill the hotels you building hotels which no one will stay in as a result of lack of access, and guess what they will all be failures. It is high time Dominicans wake up and get this comedy show out of office, because what they do is just laughable.

    • Asterix
      February 21, 2014

      @Roseau: Not only are we building more hotels but have you noticed that all the hotels are somehow located on the North? I wonder why? Now to the people who live on the North don’t get me wrong, it’s just that I find something about that to be questionable. Who will be the operators of such hotels? That would be very interesting in finding out. What about assisting the existing hotels that struggle and even those who have been unable to stay open because of sluggish economic activity in the hospitality sector. Why is it that it’s only hotels that the government sees fit to invest in? How are these hotel rooms going to be filled? Why is the government competing with other hotels? Are these additions to villas already built? Just questions

    • clarisha
      February 21, 2014

      I agree. What a stupid thing he is doing.

    • Ba Yo Bwa
      February 21, 2014

      Did you read what you wrote before posting? One the one hand you ridiculing the PM for building hotels; then on the other hand you calling for building “the international airport” for tourists to come. Well, if you do the latter first, where do you put the loads of tourists to live. Duh. Why don’t we take a more constructive approach in our analyses? Why does everything have to be articulated through some political lens. Its as if, no matter who is in government, Dominica’s problems, social, economic and all, do not remain.

    February 21, 2014

    Fooling the people is their business…elections will be soon!

  65. APACHE
    February 21, 2014

    dno i know you will not post this one but i observed that almost 80% of the comments are bashings from non gov’t supporters.i a m a suporter of non of the political parties.

    • Emile Zapatos
      February 21, 2014

      APACHE, I notice that too. When the white man wanted Indians land the Indians were called savages and were killed. Since the last election the blue vex people have all kinds of negative things to say. Hoping to drive labour party people out of their minds. The name calling and fun making is on a new high. It is ok to challenge the party you do not support ,but do you hear people from other countries calling their countrymen small poor, mad, ignorant, small minded and stupid.The want to bully people into agreeing with them.
      Do not blame DNO ,they are a business. But they like Q95 will soon realize they are just being used.

      • Emile Zapatos
        February 21, 2014

        Oh yes they like to laugh at people to make them feel small and the feel like victims , just like the contributor who calls himself “The Comedian Show”

  66. DA
    February 21, 2014

    LABOR !!!! with an excellent track record

    • Emile Zapatos
      February 21, 2014

      When I was hiring or recruiting people , I looked at their experience and qualifications. I never paid attention to unproved allegations. I also check for criminal activities in their last jobs or police record —..Their track records.

  67. Ras
    February 21, 2014

    anything to distract us from what really going on. they see it they know it. change is a must

  68. Anonymous
    February 21, 2014

    boy those workers will get hart-attack. All they doing is talk, talk, and more talk but Skerro all he doing is work, work, work.

    • Red Clinic Baggai
      February 23, 2014

      You cannot even spell heart. Stay supporting Skerrit papa, we don’t need dunce-cats like you on our side SMH

  69. Kamchatka
    February 21, 2014

    Last year, Skerrit was promising 100s of jobs left, right and center……….(jobs that yet to show up eh).

    Now Skerrit promising hotels left, right and center eh…… :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    When you see a man desperate, these are some of the things you can expect from him.

    • Bogoroy
      February 21, 2014

      What do you call teh Clear Harbour 400, plus those already created by the NEP through it various components? Wha happened, the pace of development is dizzying you?

      Brace yourself, there is more to come.

  70. CIA on the watch
    February 21, 2014

    Is that a continuation of negociations with this same group of investors when Yvor Nassief was Minister of Tourism working for $1.00 a month?? Just something to remember

  71. The Comedian Show
    February 21, 2014

    “I keep saying to my colleagues one of the biggest problems of this Government is that we do not explain sufficiently to the people of Dominica how difficult it is to manage the affairs of Dominica. We do things, and because we do it so well it appears to the world that is easy work but I can tell you as the person who has been in charge of the leadership of the country for the last ten years, Dominica is no easy place to manage . The challenges are many and the resources are extremely limited or even non-existent.” HAHAHAHAHA! Are you serious Skerrit? Yes you need to do a better job informing Dominicans how you doing things but you just cannot! Too many questions to answer and accountability, transparency and integrity are Skerrit’s greatest enemies. HAHAHAHAHA! How laughable!

    • wantie wantie
      February 21, 2014

      Oh shout the hell up, you want all that you say the PM have that’s the reason you want him out nothing less, you all are just the same want to run the country to get rich so hold your so called comments of greed you greedy too. Now take that fool.

      • pantie pantie
        February 23, 2014

        You that is the fool, Skerrit and his cabal getting well rich on the heads of stupid fools like you STUPESSSSSSS continue adn we’ll see where Dominica end up

  72. Views Expressed
    February 21, 2014

    This is what Skerrit is alluding: This man is a joke eh:
    “I keep saying to my colleagues one of the biggest problems of this Government is that we do not explain sufficiently to the people of Dominica how difficult it is to manage the affairs of Dominica……”.
    Skerrit, it is because you do not sit and plan and see the bigger picture of what development is all about. “You behave as if you manage a Fast Food government chain” …..and this is bad for our health and for yours too.
    You are sickening the public with your nonsense talk and instant coffee programmes… Grow up –exit office

    • Shim
      February 21, 2014

      Lol! Doh burst a vessel. Take dat!!

      Skerro boy, you have dem blues really blue vex now. Woiiiiiii! Skerro, you have dem dying. They have no response.

      • Anonymous
        February 21, 2014

        Get your scorecard ready…… One a week…… Something coming

  73. Not Me Alone
    February 21, 2014

    Skerrit is nothing more than a BIG TIME Comedian. All he can do is entertain people and make them laugh while he is drowning the people to death. Who is he building all these hotels for? Is it for mosquitos? Or is it maybe for Red ants? What else do we have coming to Dominica? No doubt people would love to come to Dominica. But will they get there? by sea? Sounds good, but he lost our biggest sea tourism vessel – Carnival boat. If you are serious about creating employment Skerrit, why don’t you concentrate on a jet airport? Work on a plan to increase on visitor arrival and stay over and the private sector will build hotels. Why so many government hotels? Very laughable sir!

    • Bogoroy
      February 21, 2014

      Patience, Not Me Alone, to be sure, these hotels are all part of a larger plan. You can read this plan if you search for the recent updated version of the GSPS. Look on the government’s website, you might see it there. The “plan” is all in there.

      SO, patience. Just sit back and enjoy progress. You will still be blue. You will still be blue vex too. But you will surely quietly applaud what PM Skerro will do for me and for you! :lol:

    • Emile Zapatos
      February 21, 2014

      Nothing is preventing “The Private Sector” from building and managing as many hotels as they want. The PM is inviting foreign private companies to invest in the tourist industry. We have banks in Dominica and anyone can do local borrowing and local investments. You sure can too. Foreign hoteliers have knowledge of the markets and local hotels will profit by their promotions and marketing activities .Its a win win for all. This is not a laughing matter.

  74. sugarcane
    February 21, 2014

    A hotel for the North. It must be in the sky in the North. Why not say which community. Who Skerro think he fooling?

  75. Whistler
    February 21, 2014

    But if Dominica’s Regime has some much money to building all these so call hotels worth millions, why isn’t the public servants demanding a increase in salaries..

    this juvenile leader has really fooled all dominicans inside out..what a joke..

    that’s why dominica is rated a fools paradise, and the poorest in the eastern caribbean.

    dominica has no media a few folks try to say thing but it gets lost in the wind..

    dominicans have never being serious about issues of governance, they are proud to be ignorant.

  76. Vanya
    February 21, 2014

    Someone needs to tell me, how are these “High Way” Type projects going to impact the issues of circulation of money in the present dominica economy on the eve of a election..

    any electorate who can read and understand will see between the cracks and no it’s a vote catching medium this regime is trying to do, to fool the voters into a false hope.

    this regime needs to understand that looking at the taxes and overall running of the island’s affairs are key, cost of living is too expensive, why not reduce vat on certain goods grow the economy….building these hotels should be for private investors with their funds….the monies for the passports should be used to re vamp the existing local hotels etc…

    but again dominica is known to be a fools paradise
    they drink water and sleep all darm day!!

    • Bogoroy
      February 21, 2014

      “Someone needs to tell me, how are these “High Way” Type projects going to impact the issues of circulation of money in the present dominica economy on the eve of a election.”

      Huh??? And you still have the guts to refer to people as “fool”? Vanya, go take a zaid and sing a calypso!

  77. vieille case
    February 21, 2014

    put a hotel at la paille and penville

    • Emile Zapatos
      February 21, 2014

      A 5 star hotel at Savanne at lower Penville with golf and tennis would be a great idea. The view all the way to Marie Galante is just fantastic . You will see the Atlantic in all its glory. That area has a lot of tourist potential. People from the area at home and abroad should organize to develop the area.

  78. Cza
    February 21, 2014

    Yes a new hospital not that current one Mann tha thing now is like just a big health center :D

  79. ArAb
    February 21, 2014

    Please keep in mind that, it is not just about putting up rooms in a hotel. It is about providing jobs. So i hope that the hotels are equipped to provide enough services and entertainment that it will cater for those who want to see Dominica and those who want to relax in the hotel and enjoy the services provided.

    If there are no people coming to Dominica to sleep in these hotels then in the end the only jobs that would have been provided would have been the construction jobs.


  80. Trevor Fabien
    February 21, 2014

    I don’t even know where to start, ha ha.

    Skerrit Quote:“If we do not go and negotiate a gift of the hospital from China how would we be able to borrow US$50 million which is equivalent to EC$135 to build a new hospital because quite clearly we cannot in the second decade of the 21st Century have the PMH as our premier hospital,” he said. “We have to do better than that.

    This is 2014 people and this presidential palace was built in 2012 or something like that at a cost of millions. Surely this money could have been taken to start building a new hospital in phases with the most important department being built first.

    And where are the other ministers and what are they doing? How come its always the PM speaking on every issue? Is this micro management gone mad or is this a classic case of Jack Of All Trades and Master Of None. Someone please help me to make sense of this ,if any sense can be made of this debacle

    • Shim
      February 21, 2014

      Alas, Trevor, you really do not ever have anything pleasant to say about that Skerrit and his work for us, huh? Didn’t you say that you are a Diasporan? How much have YOU invested in Dominica lately? How are you currently helping to build up your native community? How much do you truly KNOW about Dominica?

      Trevor, whether you can stomach it or not, this PM and the DLP will be buulding Dominica one village/hamlet/community at a time for at least the next 10 years. The sooner you get over your bellyaching, the easier Dominica’s successes under the DLP will be for you to stomach.

      Now, doh touffay…i hear Skerro has another big announcement coming up in teh next few weeks. remember…doh touffay eh!

      • Trevor Fabien
        February 21, 2014

        Well according to you Shim, it will take the Skerrit and his merry men 24 years to give Dominicans a basic standard of life. I am guessing you are quite happy with such sluggish development.

        Yes I do live outside the country but you know nothing about me. I do what I need to do to help contribute to this country but I do not go calling the radio or writing to the newspaper and patting myself on the back for contributing like some of these politicians do.

        I don’t go around like some politicians seeking praise and support because they have done what the people expect them to do.

        Work for us, what work? How can there be work when the report by the central bank clearly shows that Dominica needs to address this chronic employment problem.
        Please do some reading and keep up with current affairs before you start blurting out bubbles .Thank you

      • Ba Yo Bwa
        February 21, 2014

        Yours is an appropriate response to Trevor. All the critics, including Trevor, seem to want to throw the toilet bowl at the PM, no matter the issue. In the words of Branker de Brakes, “Yo … to pa to.” Meanwhile the PM appears intent and focused on bringing relief to the average man, woman and child.

        It would be interesting to see, if these guys would demolish the State House were they to gain power. You have to marvel at their unwillingness to accept what is and move on. Whatever the PM does or says, is never good enough, even as they can not point to a single instance of philanthropic work being executed by their much ballyhooed Team Dominica.

        As far as we are concerned the UWP has showed its had clearly. As a veritable Dominican institution, at 25 years old, what can the UWP point to so as to indicate its work on the ground and how it assists with improving even a single Dominican community or cause? That, for us, would be very instructive and would allow us to draw some conclusion about where the UWP’s heart and mind is.

        Dominicans, be careful what and how you choose. Given its track record, in and out of government, the UWP would be hard put to convince us that the genuinely care about Dominica. As they say in America, “Show me the money.”

        To the UWP and its supporters, “What have you done for Dominica lately?”

      • Shim
        February 21, 2014

        1. Development is a continuous process, Trevor. It moves from one objective or level to the next. You clearly cannot grasp this. I hope Linton does better than you.
        2. I asked you “what” and “how». These questions require specificity. Yet, you respond with mambo jumbo rhetoric. Would you like me to repeat the questions?
        3. You speak of a “report”. What report, Trevor? You would not happen to be repeating the same koshonie that Linton and the gang sold you, right? State the # or the name of the report. I am sure that u will not need to read far in that same report to read of the developments under PM Skerrit.
        4. Btw, does it surprise you a wee bit that notwithstanding your foolish claims, this DLP has grown in popularity while the UWP has floundered? Clearly, Trevor, something must be wrong with your sources of information, your reading, or your understanding. (OR all three.). Read widely.

        Stay tuned, Trevor. And…..doh touffay!

      • Emile Zapatos
        February 21, 2014

        Hey Shim. Please tell Trevor Dominica does not have a central Bank.
        If he is the Trevor I know he was against building the national bank and night lighting the airport. There are other goodies on him but I am refraining from saying because I am not blue vex like him.

      • Trevor Fabien
        February 21, 2014

        Your words Shim

        1. Development is a continuous process, Trevor. It moves from one objective or level to the next. You clearly cannot grasp this. I hope Linton does better than you.

        This is clearly not the case with Dominica. I wish I had the energy to explain to you how development really works but unfortunately I am unable to devote my time to educating you my friend. This would take me a lifetime based on your idea of development. So I am afraid I will have to accept that you are a lost cause.

    • Anonymous
      February 21, 2014

      the laughable thing in this quote is how does one negotiate a gift and still have to get a loan? :mrgreen:

    • LawieBawie
      February 21, 2014

      Trevor you live in the UK. You don’t know anything about whats happening in DA.

      • Trevor Fabien
        February 22, 2014

        Hi LawieBawie

        I do know his. That whenever I visit home from the UK I spend about $400 upon arrival and leaving. And you know why that is ?
        Its because I have to spend extra time in other Caribbean Islands like Antigua, St Lucia, Guadeloupe or Barbados .

        Now just imagine 1000 Dominican families/tourist coming from just the UK over the year and think just how much money Dominica loses out because of a poor transport link to Dominica. The figure is $400,000.00.

        I am not asking for an international airport, all I am asking for is to be able to get home in good time and spend my $400 dollars home as oppose to spending it in some other country every time I come home.

        So please stop being small minded LawieBawie

  81. Skerrit_For_Pm
    February 21, 2014

    Yawn :roll:

  82. cc
    February 21, 2014

    Just an election ploy for votes.

    • Emile Zapatos
      February 21, 2014

      It is a good ploy. It is action not words.

      • Emile Zapatos
        February 21, 2014

        It is not stealing from a charity account and putting it in your account

      • Channel 1
        February 21, 2014

        @Emile Zapatos – Yes, action with his mouth mainly.

        Have you been hired by ‘someone’ to carry out actions with your fingers on a keyboard and type utter nonsense here?

  83. February 21, 2014

    Government should put things in place to attract visitors and more investors too come in our shores these hotels are more likely for visitors, without and international airport, marina and at list one casino in Roseau near the cruise birth or Portsmouth so then when cruises are in town some passengers will be able spend money their, our government really doesnt have plans to create jobs and also create revenues for our country.

    • tina
      February 21, 2014

      The government should ask the visitors (that stayed longer then just a few hours…) at departure why they came to Dominica and what they liked/missed at the Nature Island. Dominica is a pearl in the Caribbean- don`t ruin it with mass tourism (&casinos- discusting!). You want Dominica to end up like Dom. Rep, Jamaica, Cuba? All Inclusie hotels with no benefit for the inhabitants! The employees working 15 h a day for a tip? I hope this will never happen because then Dominica is just another island among many…

    • tina
      February 21, 2014

      AND by the way- what makes you think visitors come to Dominica to JUST spend their money?! I travel to explore a country, to get to know the inhabitants of that country and to support the locals by hiring a tour guide, by eating in small restaurants and by bying local goods to take back home with me. After my journeys I leave reviews on tripadvisor- a form of advertisment for a country-for free but never cheap! So don`t just see the money in every visitor!

  84. The African Lion
    February 21, 2014

    Labourites don’t be fooled even skeritte suspect charge is a must and is coming he even has on a blue shirt never before you would have seen any thing like that thank you skeritte for clearing the way.

    • defender
      February 21, 2014

      do not be fooled this is not workers blue you need glasses o want ot go and check ur sight. not even lennx wear workers blue

    • Dominican
      February 21, 2014

      Haahahaha.. good observation.. I knew something looked rather strange about that pic….!

      I don’t see the need to comment on PM Skerrit’s utterances. To say the least, quoting from the former Commissioner of Police Carrette – “one Word – UTTER RUBBISH..!”

      Each passing day, Skerrit continues to add new scenes to the comedy show…!-ALL EYES on ME!!

      • Ohhh well
        February 21, 2014

        We Keeping our eyes on you surely you trying to addopt the message of inclusion now trying to buy the image of an everybody type nation–Sorry Sir UWP–Team Dominica is ahead of you with that……and also they are genuine

  85. MAMIE
    February 21, 2014

    I hope you did not mix up hospitality with hospital since you refer to the the under the same breath
    Gud luck in your gimmick- those u have brains will understand, those you don’t will welcome your news. Try staying relevant by breaking hotel news

  86. i must speak
    February 21, 2014

    aye another hotel? they trying hard eh boy… talk talk talk or are they serious they want to dominate the hotel sector? some ppl are are having them on their tips and toes.

  87. Anonymous
    February 21, 2014

    de saying that is just mour lies we no Tha

  88. February 21, 2014

    Too little to late PM,with due respect.The Dominican people standard of living has got worse over the last 10yrs.At the other end the rich have got richer in Dominica.The problem is as the MP have got richer they have lost contact with the average Dominican sad but true.Election coming is now we will See them regular.What Dominicans need to remember is Who was there for them in there time of need. Mandela never lost the connection with the common person .This is the sign of a truely great person Jesus shows us this example in the bible.

    • .
      February 21, 2014

      Not according to the IMF, World Bank and average Dominican. Unemployment and poverty have substantially reduced and standard of living have been improved. That is why the people elected the DLP last election, by a landslide.

  89. Anon
    February 21, 2014

    A,A!! The even Skewwo turn blue??!! What should I do???

  90. beholder
    February 21, 2014

    And what of that 65 room hotel next to Cabrits? It is unfinished, unoccupied, and still has no management. If this were up and running with at least 85% occupancy these new projects would make sense. But it is not. So no hospitality jobs there. Now he is announcing another possible hotel investment also in the north of the island. If you add up the numbers of the unfinished Moroccan venture plus the Range project and yet another one the PM has just announced is in the works that is over 250 rooms in the north. Let’s ask the existing hoteliers how their business is doing. Are they 85% occupied? Could existing facilities be expanded and improved with offshore investments? The PM wants everyone to know how hard he is working for the country and how easy he makes it look. Really. Let’s ask the current business people what the climate is. Let’s ask the people how many are looking for work and can’t find any.

  91. Bogoroy
    February 21, 2014

    Good going, PM! I like your vibes: While they talk, you work. This is ONE of the many reasons why i will gleefully vote you and the DLP back in.

    By the way, i expect that soon enough there will be an announcement about financing the international airport. Ah waiting! Thank you.

    • Emile Zapatos
      February 21, 2014

      Good job P M . Take an A plus. You are showing your policy on tourist development. It is now for local investors to grab the opportunities your policies presents.
      Foreign investments in three hotels. Fantastic. And you are going to build a new hospital too. wow! Bogoroy I surport an international airport . If an announcement is made soon Dominicans will be carrying the PM on their shoulders

  92. hmmm
    February 21, 2014

    That great keep up the good work

  93. Stuppppezzz
    February 21, 2014

    hotels hotels hotels…. I am not hearing anything about the occupancies nor the measures that are being taken to ensure that these and the other hotels we have here can enjoy at-least 80% occupancy rate. I appreciate that there will be contractors employed however after the completion how will the employment be maintained?

  94. Ano
    February 21, 2014

    On fire!!
    Get the incompetent and desperate out of this government so we can reduce corruption.

    It is not a one man show and
    Get politics out of business.

  95. Channel 1
    February 21, 2014

    DNO, when you say the Moroccan hotel has been constructed, what exactly do you mean?

    I am aware that the shell of a hotel has been built……..but is any work currently ongoing at that site?

  96. defender
    February 21, 2014

    great job PM continue the good work you have our support and prayers we know it is not an easy job but if you do not steer the ship the blue bugs will not be able to and we will all be doom to sink so hold the strain we are with you

  97. Scared
    February 21, 2014

    I hope this one will be built at Melville Hall which is the area closest to the airport. An airport hotel at Melville Hall is long overdue.

  98. mandelyn
    February 21, 2014

    Show them PM ,you got that UWP

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