No quick fix solutions to Dominica’s economy – PM

The meeting was held in the Kalinago Territory on Thursday evening
The meeting was held in the Kalinago Territory on Thursday evening. Photo: gov’t press attache

There are no quick fixes to Dominica’s economic position, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, has said noting that the island will be flirting with danger if it develop policies beyond its scope.

He was addressing the second of a series of post-budget town hall meetings at the Salybia Primary School in the Kalinago Territory on Thursday evening.

“I believe we flirt with danger if as a nation, we embark on policies beyond our reach and scope in this volatile economic environment,” he said, adding that candidates seeking election in the international arena are finding it “very difficult to navigate issues relating to the boosting of the economy.”

Skerrit revealed that the reason for this is “very simple.”

“There are no quick fix solutions that can be employed in this economic environment and these are large mega economies we are talking about,” he said. “Consider therefore the plight of small, open, vulnerable economies such as ours.”

The Prime Minister took a swipe at those who he say throw out project ideas without showing how they are going to be financed.

“That is why we scoff at the attempt by some in Dominica to just throw out wild project ideas without detailing in anyway how they would be financed and maintained in the medium to long term,” he stated. “If we are being told that we should not impose new taxes and we should not borrow at beyond concessionary rates, then apart from the mild increase in revenues which we have projected in certain any key areas, how are we to raise funds to finance the billion dollar projects which others are proposing?”

The Prime Minister insisted that the government which he heads continues to implement plans and policies designed to properly manage what he described as “our slender resources.’

“We do not consider that we have a monopoly of resources and ideas and remain open to continued constructive dialogue with you on issues of concern as we move forward with the process of nation building,” he said.

Skerrit noted that small economies, like Dominica’s, do not have the “elbow room to do some of the fanciful things that the talkers in our midst are espousing.

“We are committed to maintaining the gains we have made and improving the system, however and wherever possible, but we shall not become wild and reckless with the limited resources of this country,” he said.

He is also giving high praise to members of the public service, who he said are often criticized in parliament.

“In addition to the members of parliament that you elect, Dominica is privileged to have a very competent public service comprising trained individuals who know and understand the dynamics of doing business in today’s Caribbean and today’s world,” he said, adding that when “others” stand in parliament and “criticize me and my ministers, they are also criticizing the hundreds of public officers who would have contributed to the formulation of certain policies and who would have determined in their own wisdom the potential impact of them on the economy.”

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  1. Observer1
    August 16, 2015

    After reading all this, I came to the conclusion that all the skeptics congregate here. I see a Dominica that is morphing into a butterfly. I agree with Joe Hy above who said that the economy has to change from a Mono cultural system to multi sectoral. That takes time and effort. For those who want it now without pain, you are fooling yourselves. Personally, I believe that if you want to get different results, you cannot keep doing the same thing. in conclusion, I say to put God first in your lives and go to work. “Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.” James 2:18. God bless.

  2. anonymous2
    August 16, 2015

    After all this time, every other week he is actually getting real. However, he helped largely to create this mess for which he has no solution. Borrowing money is not the answer.

    August 15, 2015

    Among other things:
    1. Stop bobbol and corruption.
    2. Cut the cabinet size to 8
    3. Sell the villas and put back money in treasury
    4. Sell the house and put back money in the treasury
    5. Sell the overseas home and put back money in the treasury
    6. Sell the state house and put money in the treasury.
    7. let the charges on 60 counts go through
    8. reopen the land transfer case.
    9. Do not interfere with the justice system
    10. Stop prostitution anf let the money go to the treasury.
    11.too much duty free for the boys and the gals.
    After all that is done, stop the 15% vat and open a multifunctional industry to create employment and revenue. Get the correct approach from Mr Fontaine and lady Monelle for customer care.
    The monies will be coming in so fast and furious that Dominicans will need the FBI to keep and eye on you. Got it?

  4. Dan Tanner
    August 15, 2015

    There’s no long fix either. Agriculture is a dead end because the country is too rugged for mechanized agriculture, it has no decent roads to get product to market, and is too small to exert leverage. Tourism is a non-starter because of the ruggedness and lack of beaches, crime, pollution, and government corruption, plus lack of an international airport.

    Even though the country is English-speaking, service jobs (not sales jobs) over the Internet are non-starters because of the dialect and lack of decent education and job training.

  5. kalinago
    August 15, 2015

    Have we forgotten that the P M said the three pillars of the economy are loans grants and taxes, he has completely ruled out foreign exchange, The people who formed the government have absolutely no clue what government means to the nation except to beg, to lie, to bribe, to fatten their bank accounts, have we forgotten Mats News paper headline that stated $5000.00 salary Million dollars asset. that was just the beginning
    Can any one tell me which section of the country’s economy the P M has concentrated on to develop and to create some earnings for the country, why do we continue to vote for puppets that cannot stand up to reason but drag the country into, a lawless , broke, dependency, lazy, opportunistic, and bias against intelligent people who do not stand for all that crap,
    See what is happening to the people of Salisbury, wake Dominicans SOLIDARITY!!!

    August 15, 2015

    :?: Is’nt this the same Skerrit who said during the campaign that Linton can’t find money,that he Linton does not have friends overseas to get money from and only he Skerrit who has friends he can get monies from?These ignorant foolish naive people who believed Skerrit,how blind could they be?No friends,countries owes us any money,but it’s a govrnment’s duty to develop the productive sectors such as agriculture,by building and repairing feeder roads and making lands available for production.All the capital projects like those loaned monies from Chines,instead of giving back the jobs to the Chinese,the people of the island should be the ones employed to do the works,so that the money can spread in the economy therefore generating employment.This illegal government of Skerrit needs to go by any means!Skerrit you are now confessing that you and your incompetent cabinet can’t do the job! :oops: :twisted: :mrgreen: :?:

  7. Affa
    August 15, 2015

    There’s a QUICK FIX for the PM, boost agriculture heavily, or die trying! to fix this economy.

  8. August 15, 2015

    The problem with Dominica professionals,is they continue to react to statements from pm skerrit or o.l never see proposals of their own from which one can the us for example you dont see economists and developers reacting to statements from the president,they present proposals of their own from which the people could learn and benefit.i am not trying to tell any one how to make their contributions.i see the postings of a lot of intelligent Dominicans,i would love to see their proposals on a way forward for the Dominica economy.their contributions would benefit the entire Dominican people.

  9. Looking in
    August 15, 2015

    Strange, Dominica’s economy is in shambles, yet all them ministers prospering.

  10. empress
    August 15, 2015

    thats not true… .people are dying for direct flights back home than having to go through liat who is always late…

  11. The Real Facts
    August 14, 2015

    Some of you expect miracles from the government as if the PM is a miracle-maker. You want him to be transparent and when he does, telling you like it is, you criticize him. You are not blest and can never be with such an attitude.
    Keep dreaming and think with any government it will be better. You are living in dreamland, a fantasy world which you create for yourself..
    When every able-working person commence paying their fair share of taxes, the situation may be better. Therefore, those of you who owe the government back taxes, pay up. Dominica needs this revenue.

  12. Tampa
    August 14, 2015

    You mean to tell me that after 15 years in office all the PM can say is that “there is no quick fix solutions to the economy”? So Mr. PM you are telling us that we need to give you another 15 years in order to fix things? This is total incompetence. While the PM is telling us that it is difficult for them to fix the economy, he and members of the cabal are having quick fixes to their personal economies. Wake up people. We are being taken for another ride at our expense by this government.

  13. memoi
    August 14, 2015

    Take that voters. After making everything look nice and dandy just for a vote, now the PM letting you know it was all for a vote. I do not know how Dominica cannot see this administration do not know what they are about and clearly the cannot run the country. If we did not get all those loans from china and being fooled by Venezuela, I wonder where we would be. All them fellers know how to do good is full their pockets. They have no Idea what to do so the PEOPLE not their click “THE PEOPLE” to see their way. But it is what is it and let us see what will happen in the next general election. Sad times in Dominica, sad times.

    • The Real Facts
      August 14, 2015

      Be careful what you wish and hope for that it does not backfire on you and those as you. These things have a way of catching up with people as you. Be realistic.

    • Shameless
      August 16, 2015

      Could not have said it better. Hopefully all those who were shouting Labarrrrrrrr Kar Twavaye will take it like real men one by one. In the meantime the cabal fat in their heads and bank accounts. Passport money flowing like tower. But, tanto, tanto pasquerr shack coeshon nee samdie yoe! 8) 8)

      Assertive, NOT Aggressive! :twisted:

  14. tru d bino q la
    August 14, 2015

    Government is a business and as such. the one at the helm should not be an on-the-job-trainee and the leadership philosophy should also not be ‘two-for-me and one-for them’; thus the one billion-plus debt.
    In order to avoid surprises, let’s not forget that a house is not a home when there is no one there.

  15. LawieBawie
    August 14, 2015

    I can no longer be fooled. This mode of deceptiveness and excuses have been going on for too long.

  16. new kind of slavery
    August 14, 2015

    Skeritt is extremely incompetent.. He very, very, very often does not speak the truth, contradicts himself. saying one time the economy is doing good, and another time says the opposite. He actually believes the lies he spews. Sympathisers, Party supporters have no time to question or verify statements made, but blindly falls for his trickery and deceptions.

    Offices they set up all over the world to sell passports. Even in the Middle East, Dubai. Think of whom, with money, could by our passports to do whatever.

    All kinds of companies, here and abroad, all kinds of people, well established in a network of businesses selling our passports. Millions they making. Dominica not seeing those $$$$$$$$$$$. Investment, forget that!!!!!! Dominicans being fooled by Skerritt again and again. Expect more Tax.

  17. GHQ
    August 14, 2015

    “There is no quick fix to the Dominican economy” After hearing these sorry excuses for a horrible national debt, not even one Dominican stood up and ask Skerro what his plans are to “FIX” the economy because I have kids growing up here?
    I wish Skerritt had said some outragious thing like , the Gov’t cannot and will not be paying salaries for the rest of the year. I am sure there will be some who will eat fig and dasheen only , just to satisfy their P.M.
    While all the ministers have 2 and 3 houses and buying land everyday, the poor man is left on the way side , wondering what is happening to my country.
    There is a good saying that goes ” When the peoole lead, the Leaders will follow.” Dominicans wake up!

    • The Real Facts
      August 14, 2015

      Always criticizing. You do this very well and will die doing that.
      Some of you are not smart. When will you ever learn?
      Every government of the world will say that. Sensible nationals will comprehend that. Those who do not say that are non-democratic governments and rulers of the people, where the people are harnessed, have no freedom of speech and movement. Their human rights and dignity are taken away from them. Those governments govern everything. Even the people’s pay cheque and they cannot say a thing about it.
      You ever heard Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Russia and the likes make such a statement?
      Put on your thinking cap. You are too fortunate in Dominica and you blind your eyes and deafen your ears to it all.

  18. UserName
    August 14, 2015

    So between the lines Hon. PM you suggesting YES TO NEW TAXES & MORE LOANS!! did you really say that…..“If we are being told that we should not impose new taxes and we should not borrow at beyond concessionary rates, then apart from the mild increase in revenues which we have projected in certain any key areas, how are we to raise funds to finance the billion dollar projects which others are proposing?”

  19. Ambra Battilana
    August 14, 2015

    OMG u getting paid every month by the Dominica people and u produce nothing, look at u and the woman in black at the front, how do u people sleep at nights? The Dominican people paying you for misery :-?

  20. oh well
    August 14, 2015

    Hmmm , Skerrit don’t know what to tell people again I suspect . I mean what brain does he have ? During the elections he forget all the great things he said he can and will do ? has he forgotten man ? I cannot imagine that people have forgotten too . I cannot say more . I am so tired of hearing those lies and excuses . And the people who voted for him are staying silent.

  21. Roseau
    August 14, 2015

    It has been just a few months since elections. The same people who were jumping high and low with their red shirts last year are the same ones I am now hearing complaining about how things are getting harder and harder in Dominica. When I see so many civil servants going overseas to buy everything they need to cook a meal for their families and to buy material to build their house, I must say that those people are so wicked becuae they are the same ones who just a few months ago were saying “De country sweet I votting for Skerro.” This is such a shame that we do not have serious Dominicans who want to go in the lime light to efeect change in this land. Some may do it but they have to get burnt or sidelined by the DLP before it happens.
    I am saying to all Dominicans do not wait until they kick you out of the party , but to go out there and express your disapproval now. Elections are too far away, We may soon be like Greece begging for a bail-out from the IMF, EU and others.

  22. Anthony P. Ismael
    August 14, 2015

    In that case Mr. Prime Minister, how do you explain the stoppage of the Lindo Park Project? We know that the project was financed through the Australian High Commission. Shouldn’t you be happy that the Parliamentary Representative for the Goodwill constituency sought financing on his own without government’s largess? How can you call for unity and a willingness to work together, when you harbor such childish behaviors for one “Daniel Lugay?” Why are you behaving like a petulant little child who lost their puppy?

  23. Zbigniew Brzezinski
    August 14, 2015

    Why are you going up for prime minister if u know u cannot make Dominica a better place? So u went in there to get RICH man. The people should sue u for all the lies u told during election, u lied to the people, in there faces, u claim u would create jobs, and Dominica doing better than Antigua, now u saying completely new things, u are a LIAR. I voted u and think u should resign. :-x

  24. Weeping
    August 14, 2015

    “Quick Fix”? Dominicans have been waiting 15 years for the economy to improve. What’s quick about that? Is it only now that the government realizes that there is a problem?

    It time to change our dance partner.

  25. August 14, 2015

    Any government that is elected would be dumb and stupid to attempt to reverse the process.

  26. the fly
    August 14, 2015

    DORIVAL, most people go’s to Barbados just for sea and sand have a good time a week or So then back to the UK, EU or US, Canada they are call snow birds mountain hiking is out of it and i know what am saying

    • Tjebe fort
      August 15, 2015

      Fly you are a dimwit. The point is that these people are spending there money in Barbados.

  27. August 14, 2015

    I concur the government have not been to clear with some of its utterances on the economy, too many contradicting statements.just tell the Dominica we are in the midst of a struggle to build a new economy,and this processed is laced with pain,difficulty,and time.
    Build a new economy is never easy,cause you have to build new infrastructure ,social development framework,mobilize your national development capacity in sector where they never existed.All the legal ,financial.,technical and administrative frame work must . put in place so productive activity ,can begin to take place within those new sectors.the problem with the government they have spent too much time in Roseau,not going out to the people around the country,explaining the problems that is confronting the country.the government must also visit the constituencies represented by the uwp in their quest to discuss the economy.

    • Titiwi
      August 15, 2015

      “We are in the midst of a struggle to build a new economy”, Pray, what economy?I ‘m looking around very hard but don’t see any. Soundbites won’t get us there my man.

  28. jang
    August 14, 2015

    i think that the PM is finally being honest now he just agree that he cant do the job so the next best thing is to get out and let those who can do the job do it you are just a big failure get out you

  29. jonathan st jean
    August 14, 2015

    More divide and rule by this man.Now he is trying to turn public servants against whoever criticize his government ministers and cabinet’s poor decisions.Civil servants are order takers,they know that and we know that,so when bad policy decisions are made,its not the civil servants who are responsible, and lots of time they don’t have the necessary resources to complete the task at hand.And who is the minister of finance?. “We do not have the elbow room to do the fanciful things…..”. All ideas should be on the table and on their analysis, based on government’s priorities will see the light of day or not.Don’t discredit ideas like that because they are not your priorities. Repairs to feder roads,not done over a number of years don’t sound fanciful to me.Your son is an American citizen so he won’t have to repay the hugh debt you are saddling the future generations with,so do things in Dominica which will benefit the productive sectors.There is too much reliance on taxing the…

  30. Jack
    August 14, 2015

    There are no quick fixes to our problems, sir you speak truth to power , dont be afraid we have to build a new nation together. Remember the word opposition means to oppose , that’s the other side job not to agree with any thing, but at some point you think facts and common sense would apply to proggress. The country belongs to every one, its in every one interest to see a new nation built. After slavery they created bottom feeders fighting for scraps . No one taught us to build a new nation we have to find out a way to do that our selves.

  31. Petyr
    August 14, 2015

    Really Mr PM ? After 15 years and counting that is the best you can come to the Dominican public with ?
    As your employer, after doing your performance review
    I give you an F

    • Is Meadrd losing or lost it?
      August 14, 2015

      From 2004 after Pierro’s death I new we were in even more trouble.
      Pierro visiting me here in the US told me he was running a country like a car without spare tires and those he had on were boldheads. I went on to joke with him as we always did over the yrs dating back to his sr days in high school when I was his jr by 4 yrs. we were in the struggle together DLM days with Parra my buddy and mentor so were my cousin Dr.Willy etc Afew of the guys turned out to be disappointing ,jokers opportunists add urs reader they know selves.
      The reason am stating that I knew DA was in trouble from that point on was when evil events took place late at night to early morning hours and appointed a shit head as P.M.
      The guy reminds me of Eddo who in his first independence speech said ” We are on stage and incharge.” I knew DA was screwed and they went on to prove my point.
      Then came the first Roosevelt a friend of mine who got caught up in a quagmire and had to invite the planter class…

      • Aquick fix suggestion
        August 14, 2015

        and a few house slaves to form a gov’t. Poor guy died quickly after yrs of struggle. Then my friend took over with his hands tied behind his back by opportunists. with human faces.
        Those who became ambassadors sr.(new0counsels passport agents today are responsible for Da’s fate.
        Now it can be corrected quicly by just a take over arresting these infidels jail them same day no trial any time soon. confiscate all assets even their under wears that will send a clear message to all and sundry. we often wonder why there was a grenadian a Cuban revo, the Talibans isis etc that’s why.

  32. justice
    August 14, 2015

    Prime Minister Skerritt is hooked on hotels construction on this unspoilt which is now spoilt island. Tourism goes hand in hand with Agriculture. This island of DOMINICA has resources that can assist our economy. What are we exporting? We need Agro-processing which would create jobs particularly for our young men. Our fruits are wasting , What about WATER – this can be our main export. Skerrit and his Ambassador and others are more concerned becoming MULTI-MILLIONAIRES by the sale of our passports Oh My Lord! HELP US!.

  33. Drake Tony
    August 14, 2015

    Bram! Bram!

  34. Analy Thomas
    August 14, 2015

    “There are no quick fix solutions that can be employed in this economic environment and these are large mega economies we are talking about,”
    I totally agree that the economy cannot grow overnight; however, I was under the impression that the economy was growing and doing well! How then did it come to this? The Island is in a deficit of 1 billion dollars …… more than before……. will it continue to increase?
    “In addition to the members of parliament that you elect,” And yes! members of parliament that Dominicans both here and abroad have elected to do the job of a Government to build the economy with lateral burden. “ALL SHALL EAT” I will continue to criticize constructively until I see progress.

  35. Not a herd follower
    August 14, 2015

    There is something disturbing about Mr. Skerrit’s personality. He regularly contradicts himself without any moral compunction or regard to the people of the country he leads. Consider his utterances on the economy, for example:

    Dominica is doing so much better than the advanced economies like the USA that Dominicans at home are sending money abroad/there are no quick fixes to the economic stagnation being experienced by Dominica

    The global financial crisis of 2008 had no or little impact on Dominica’s economy/the economy is still suffering from the global financial crisis, which explains the poor performance

    The DLP Government’s plans will produce 5-7 per cent growth rate (see his last Budget Address)/the UWP’s target of 5-7 per cent is pie in the sky

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      August 14, 2015

      So I’m not crazy after all. I read the same inconsistencies too. In the land of the blind, One-Eye-Jack will always be king.

    • Zandoli
      August 14, 2015

      Here is the problem with people who lie: sometimes they forget what they said the previous day.

    • Views Expressed
      August 14, 2015

      This government is known to be a habitual joke…….it comes and goes…and the leader speaks rubbish and poor people and rich people and blind people buy this Sh………

      The obstacle to this country poverty is Skerrit and his incompetent government. They cannot be trusted…

  36. August 14, 2015

    Dominica economic decline began in 1992 with the collapse of the banana reached. Its worse crisis in 2000,when it totally collapse.from 2000 the labour party government have been in a major struggle to build a new economy based on a multi sectoral policy,instead of the mono cultural system it was based on.the process is well on the way and and any government that is elected would not be dumb and stupid to reverse that process.Anthony.p ismael and Jonathan st jean two very intellegent Dom inican also know that as well.

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      August 14, 2015

      Well said Joe. My issue is not with this particular government per say, but rather their inconsistent statements and the surrogates who have been brain washed into believing that we the citizenry do not have a right to question things we know to be either untrue or very superficial. Ms. Blanchard’s report is a case in point. The ECCB’s annual economic report is far more sophisticated than simply outlining a .3% economic decline for Dominica’s economy, relative to its neighbors.
      Furthermore, the government should not make false statements to the masses that it is unable to finance. And with that, I’m still asking: “Where is the state of the art hospital that was promised to the citizens of Dominica?” Those who cannot fly to Martinique will perish and that is indeed troubling.

    • looking
      August 14, 2015

      The late Rossie and the Late Charles did not have the the heart to implement austerity and VAT on their people. They were noble men. This is what the DLP has done to change things. I am not saying the opposition would have done better but labor has been a failure. Its better to speak the truth and be truthful even if the people hate you, you will be remembered. when we lie it will come back and hit us in our face.

      • The Real Facts
        August 14, 2015

        I am assuming that you think Dominicans should not pay taxes. Then some of you people turn around and criticize the government for asking for outside financial assistance. You have a severe brain problem.
        Nationals of other countries pay their fare share of taxes. Why not in Dominica? Can a country function without nationals paying their fair share of taxes?
        How much tax do you pay to assist D/ca’s economy?

    • Views Expressed
      August 14, 2015

      Joe hy, who are you…the two names you called out openly says who they are, but you cannot…why?

      The message you just spew out here is so irrelevant and stupid that you are unable to be rationalise those thoughts you own. Are you in Dominica, are you for real???
      Please be advised this Skerrit lead government is a fraud, incompetent, visionless and worthless

  37. Is Meadrd losing or lost it?
    August 14, 2015

    , Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, has said There are no quick fixes to Dominica’s economic position, and that the island will be flirting with danger if it develop policies beyond its scope.
    When you did the blind MOU with China sold all these thousands of passports ,did not begin ur P.Mship on a good note( the land transfer deal wihout paying ur dues& it took a news paper article to have you comply) didn’t you know you flirting with danger if it develop policies beyond ur scope
    There is no quick fix for our economy? tell us why there were extremely quick fixes for you dishonorable bastards your agents who wanna buy every piece of property on island.Your personal economies got fixed over night. Now you want us to join hands? Man/little piece of ?????? go2 hel . Go 2 hell.
    bloody idiot.

    • Is Meadrd losing or lost it?
      August 14, 2015

      wasn’t you( little SH) who foolishly stated D/cans were sending money to people in the Diaspora more so those in the US? Man you are one SH! go to Hell and burn to thebone.

  38. Anthony P. Ismael
    August 14, 2015

    Why the town hall meetings weren’t held before your share arrogance implemented failed policies that yielded “Zero” economic return, to the tune of 1.3 billion dollars worth of debt? With all this debt, we do not have a decent hospital or an airport capable of accommodating larger aircraft on the island.
    I’m not quite sure what’s about to transpire, but I know something big is in the pipeline. After years of lambasting and victimizing people needlessly, there’s a more conciliatory tone during the last few days. Something’s up. Time will surely tell us sooner than later.

  39. Anthony P. Ismael
    August 14, 2015

    It was just two weeks ago, that Senator Blanchard touted her experience at ECCB and the IMF in a lengthy article, where she touted how well we were doing economically and the miniscule economic decline that we experienced (.03%) relative to our Caribbean neighbors. Those of us, who were not underneath the spell of the regime, were lambasted and labeled as “Dumb and having ulterior motives” on this very same medium, when we questioned the report. The regime also vehemently defended the 1billion dollars worth of debt that it has laid squarely on the backs of generations to come. Now the cat is out of the bag, you’re singing a different tune.
    I cannot fault you and members of the Cabal. Although you put out great information on DNO, the masses are so brain-washed by you that they can’t differentiate the forest from the trees.

  40. Francisco Telemaque
    August 14, 2015

    Here is the deal: nothing Skerrit said in the quote makes any sense: “noting that the island will be flirting with danger if it develop policies beyond its scope.”(Roosevelt Skerrit).

    Skerrit is simply an incorrigible individual, who’s mind has become politically bankrupt of ideas a long time ago. In any event when people follow and operate on the ideas, and bad advise of other people the result is exactly what we have been experiencing in Dominica.

    This man is not saying anything when he babbles about policies beyond scope. What does policies have to do with deciding what should the government invests into that will attract industrial investment into the country. Policy is defined as; management or procedure based primarily on material interest, we can define that to mean a definite course or method of action, selected from among alternatives. Although that can be applied in different ways, I would like to say we see no action taken by the Skerrit to get involve in any…

    • Francisco Telemaque
      August 14, 2015

      It is one thing to talk about policies, but policy is not what is needed right now, what is needed is action, and not impossible action like the butcher shop proposed for the killing of pigs, and chickens.

      We need industries large and small, to create employment; employment is what it should be all about. Someone identified Antigua as one of the fastest developing island in the Caribbean, there is a reason for that. St. Kitts is booming, has always been even way back in the days when Dominica born Paul Southwell of Castle Bruce was Premier of St. Kitts during the West Indian Federation.

      It was Southwell idea which caused St. Kitts to have an International Airport, the Birds of Antigua of that day in 1962 try to discouraged Southwell, he did not fall into their trap as Skerrit was fooled and got trapped by Ralph Gonzalez.

      Skerrit friends the Chines told him, the only way Dominica will begin to make some progress is when we build an International Airport!

  41. Anthony P. Ismael
    August 14, 2015

    Can someone at home, anyone please accompany the Hon. Prime Minister to the psychiatric unit at the Princess Margaret Hospital, before the close of business today. Where I live, it’s called a “Welfare Check.”
    Didn’t Blackmoore promise the construction of a Cruise Ship Birth in Canefield? Didn’t Tim, Tim promise us a state of the art hospital donkey years ago? Didn’t Ian promise us a 50 room guest house in Portsmouth five years ago? Didn’t Kelver promise school children “Sticky Tablets during the last election campaign?”
    Didn’t you promise to improve Roseau and build a bus terminal during the last election campaign too? The architect gave his rendition in an hour long video that’s now on the Internet for all to see.
    No one promised wilder project ideas without financing for said projects, than your own administration. Those of us with common sense, not degrees, knew that they were “Vote Catching Schemes.”

  42. grell
    August 14, 2015

    Skerrit this goes to show your incompetent and you cant fix the economy beause of your bad ideas,Look @ Ian he looks lost and willing to give up,and your comedian KELVAR,and Justina which sold her husband legacy.

  43. lisa charles
    August 14, 2015

    i thought all the passport selling was part of the quick fix economic problem, the sad thing is Dominicans wanted this situation because they voted the labor party big time i don’t care how many people came down from overseas to vote, if we here in Dominica had voted in large # we would now be in a reform, rebuilding and regrowth stage right now with the UWP

  44. jojo
    August 14, 2015

    I’m beginning to think that Labour should stay in power.they create that mess let them find a solution to fix’s like here in the US.the bushes created a mess and expect Obama to fix it sooner that possible

    • The Real Facts
      August 14, 2015

      They will have more time to do better and hopefully fix matters.
      Dominica will be a better place under their governance.
      At this point, because you do not support them, some of you do not give them a break to do good. All you do is to debase them.
      Let me further inform you, nothing is one hundred percent in the world and never will. Surely you should know that. Are you pretending that you do not know?
      Is everything perfect in your personal life?

  45. Man kind
    August 14, 2015

    If there is or are no quick fixes in your opinion then may be it’s time to let someone else lead may be you are out of ideas .
    Antigua is right now the fastest growing economy in the region .
    They do not have the resources we have .
    We are more richer in resources than a lot of countries out there who are doing better than us .
    You like to compare our small Dominica to the mighty USA why don’t you pick some country our size or half our size example ST Kitts .
    Then tell us what we can or cannot achieve .
    The electorate did not vote for you and your party say what you saying we need to develop and fast

    • Massacre
      August 14, 2015

      Don’t forget that the people of Antigua were smart enough to see that they needed change in government and went ahead to vote the old one out.
      But we in Dominica are like crabs in a barrel and as such will pull any one down when we see him trying to get out in other to lift Dominica up.
      Dominicans are a special breed, they cannot see themselves in any international development roles. Where are the airports, the seaports, the roads, industries both agricultural and tourism? These are the areas that boost any country’s economy. Do we have these things in Da? Goodness NO!

      • The Real Facts
        August 14, 2015

        Tell us how the Antiguans are doing and are they fully satisfied with their government?

  46. Trevor Fabien
    August 14, 2015

    The partying and the Sewo is finally over. It seems to me that everyone’s awaken the following day to some serious hangover. Now they are complaining that they ate and drank too much and are wanting to give all excuses why they can’t come to work and aren’t fit for duty.
    Never hang your hat where your hand can’t reach Mr PM. Now get on and do the work of the people and stop complaining of a hangover. No one asked you to party and sewo so much on December 8th and prior.

  47. Doc. Love
    August 14, 2015

    Is Skeritt really serious when he tells the people of the Kalinago territory that their is no quick fix to solve the economical problems in Dominica. If so is the case, why did he tell Dominicans he could produce 3000 jobs after the UWP said they will produce 5000 jobs . Why did he tell Dominicans that he could grow the economy by 3%, when the UWP said they could grow the economy by 5%. Why did he tell Dominicans, they will be living in a better Dominica because of new Hotels to be built, an Abbatoire, a coffee processing plant, new hospital and the savoir for Dominica, the Geothermal Project. Three individuals have brought Skeritt to court for treating, having realized many of what he said during the election was just to remain in power, no wonder he wants to prevent the case from going to court, as he already said that case could lead to serious consequences to him.

  48. Nacinimod
    August 14, 2015

    It might be instructive for our policy makers to take a close look at St. Vincent’s 2013 – 2015 National Economic and Social Development Plan at:

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      August 14, 2015

      Thanks for sharing.

    • jonathan st jean
      August 14, 2015

      A very comprehensive document to serve as a blue print for the national development of the country.Note that the government sought the participation of a very wide cross section of persons,through consultations at home and abroad.Thats how you do it and I hope the current Government of Dominica is taking note.The Sum of the parts is greater than the whole

    • Revolution
      August 16, 2015

      Even if u show it to them they cannot read & understand all they do is victimize and Bobol

  49. Trevor Fabien
    August 14, 2015

    No stuck fix solution? By
    What a statement,15 years and counting and this. … is talking about no quick fix. Well I suppose Dominica will take it’s own set time to get where other countries were 15 years ago. It seems to me this chap wants an eternity to fix the failing economy, like leaders such as Fidel, Mugabe

    • The Real Facts
      August 14, 2015

      Is there perfection in anyone’s household? This should tell you much.

  50. Shaka zulu
    August 14, 2015

    Taking the deceptions and lies to the people. An audience of idiots. You can have a town hall meeting full of preschoolers and one full of college educated experienced individuals or party sympathisers. The facts still remains that we are down the drain put the by 15 years of neglect and fraudulent policies.

    • \”Taking the deceptions and lies to the people. An audience of idiots.\” Shaka zulu words.

      And you would want as you stated \”an audience of idiots\” to vote your party in power? Why? So we could agree with you and the name you call us?

      They say \”it takes one to know one.\” But I am beginning to doubt \’they\’ because the Citizens of the Commonwealth of Dominica will not in their own best interest remove an experience hard working individual and replace him with a person who has told us and warned us that he is a novice.

      We have accepted your party leader honesty and chose to remain with the experienced PM who has proved over and over to us, that he is the right person for the job. If you want to call us idiots, that is your prerogative but we know the difference between \’experience and novice\’ and at this time of worldwide economic crisis, Dominicans cannot hand over running the affairs of the country to a novice. Then we would maybe…

  51. Zandoli
    August 14, 2015

    I have a sign in my office that reads “No Excuses”.

    I really do not want to hear the reason why you cannot get the job done. You were elected to do a job. You claimed you were the best man for the job. Just do it and quit with all the excuses.

    • The Real Facts
      August 14, 2015

      Do not be hypocritical. Does everything go well with you at work and out of work?

  52. Malgraysa
    August 14, 2015

    I would respectfully suggest to the P.M. that if we can not raise new revenues easily we should look at cost reductions in order to cut our deficit. For a small nation of barely 70,000 people with a very narrow revenue base I think that our head is bigger than our body.
    We should look at cutting out dead wood and practices that are not absolutely necessary for our survival. Look at the per-diem system for instance and ask whether all the travel and money spent on sustenance is really necessary. Why do Govt, officials use public vehicles for private use? – I see them sometimes parked out side private residences overnight. We have to become more disciplined and set an example. Is first-class travel absolutely necessary? What do we suffer if we scale down apart from injury to ego? Time to cut our cloth according to our means.

    • August 14, 2015

      Thank you for saying this, I couldn’t agree more. Dominica needs to synchronise its revenues and expenses. Taxes are too high already, and we’ve borrowed too much as it is, so cutting spending is the only avenue left.

      • 2 Steve the Denizen
        August 14, 2015

        and we’ve borrowed too much as it is, so cutting spending is the only avenue left.
        Steve please! I beg U pardon? We’ve are you included? U are a denizen always remember that.
        We my foot!

  53. eyes opened
    August 14, 2015

    And let me guess…the crowd didn’t turn up in an uproar of laughter. They actually believe this nonsense…that a government and ministers who financed Beres Hammond, Donnie McClurkin, Destra, and Tasha Cobbs all in one year, now have such slender resources we can expect our already tiny economy to stay the same or get worse?

    Dominica is truly full of fools if you guys can go to every other island in the OECS and see growth and development while Dominica’s leaders are still making excuses.

    Ask Skerrit if resources are so slender, then why was Brisbane villified when he highlighted the WASTE of funds on the $27M state house. Anyone with half a brain could see this was a misuse of state funds, but here we are now dealing with increased taxes, an insane debt load, and nothing to look forward to in terms of growth. Couldn’t that $27M been invested in a fleet of vessels to export our goods to neighboring islands, or other export-oriented industries?

    • Wait....What???
      August 14, 2015

      Excuse me…have you not heard of the unprecedented amount of foreign revenue that we are collecting from pictures taken of our State House???
      Economist around the Globe have hail this as one of the best economic strategies and soon even the great USA is going to charge people at the White House also.
      Laughter is Cheaper than Medicine!!!!

      • Views Expressed
        August 14, 2015

        I think you should really wait and exhale a big what…
        Are you serious with this ridiculous statement. What tourism we have to generate any funds to buy a bulb let alone maintenance and electricity…..
        What on earth is wrong with Dominicans like you.?

      • Ambra Battilana
        August 14, 2015

        @red clinic beggar, what tourists? Our tourists in decline, less cruise ships coming unless de pm paying to take pictures in the statehouse with savarin.

      • PiPi
        August 15, 2015

        Yes, tourists taking pictures of the state house with paros in front of it to send home to say how quaint Dominica is, tale of two cities.

  54. DFR
    August 14, 2015

    Of course there is no elbow room ! The country has a one billion deficit to deal with . How is it going to extricate itself from this position ? If the Government is going to take credit for the positive things it should not complain about fair criticism as to how the finances got in such a bad shape ! It comes with the territory . Are we collecting all the taxes that are due ? Do we have good plans in place to grow the economy without putting a burden on the poorer masses .

  55. Nacinimod
    August 14, 2015

    Not a very encouraging message to Nation building.

    Dominica will never move forward if we maintain the status quo–begging and depending on hand-outs from nations that are even more impoverished than we are. We need a leader or leadership who can articulate a bold vision of growth and development that all Dominicans can aspire to.

    The greatest risk to the economy is to do nothing. There is a relationship between risk and reward. If we are too cautious (a common tendency among black folks) then we are doomed to perpetual stagnation.

    • Well Said
      August 14, 2015

      Great Risk = Great Reward!!

    • the fly
      August 14, 2015

      Yes you are right Dominica will never move forward, if monkeys like your lots just sit on the wall all day criticizing the Government, but be careful what you lots wish for you may not like it marked my word.

    • joe
      August 14, 2015

      So Nacinimod are you saying we should pay more tax?? What is your BOLD VISION OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT??

      Well the DLP Vision is to exploit our abundance of Geothermal emery to make the country fossil fuel free for the generation of electricity, this will bring down our energy cost. The Abattoir and Coffee Factory will assist our farmers and with the 5 start hotels on stream via the Citizen by Investment Program, our vision of Dominica being the envy of the Caribbean will soon be realize!!!!

      A university Graduate in every home, Yes we care for the elderly, $200 for those 70+ without any form of income, free hospital care for 60+ and 18 and below, new state of the art hospital soon to commence….


  56. Thorbjørn Jagland
    August 14, 2015

    1.3 billion dollars without an international airport look margie, if Dominica was Greece boyyyy things that would happen to dem fellas.

    • joe
      August 14, 2015

      What will an International airport do? Bring gold to Dca?? Barbados has Int’l airport and they had to lay off over 10,000 employees so what’s your point??

      • Dorival John
        August 14, 2015

        Barbados has an international airport but what does it has to offer? We in Dominica have much more to offer tourists than Barbados. Think of our lakes, rivers, mountains, hiking…if Barbados had all that, they would be having a field day with their international airport.

      • LANSAL
        August 14, 2015

        click on the blue icon over Barbados and then do the same to the blue icon in dominica…
        then you will understand what an international airport can do to your economy,-59.29/5

      • Tjebe fort
        August 14, 2015

        Dorival, yes we have all that but what good is it if people don’t come to share it with us and spend there money? That is so infuriating man, it drives me crazy! We need someone with balls who can market that and not some dry prune at the DDA.

      • The Real Facts
        August 14, 2015

        And there are poor people and beggars in Barbados.
        Every country is experiencing some sort of hardship. Most of it is financial.
        People’s income is stabilized. Due to the higher cost of fares, some people are not traveling as they did in previous years. People are filling the pinch.
        Some D/cans do not think. My conclusion is they do not support DLP. These people are biased. Therefore, everything the PM and his ministers state are subject to criticism from them.

    • A. George
      August 14, 2015

      people who like lakes, forest, and the things you speak off are generally not bothered that we dont have an international airport… thats part of the ‘adventure’ 8) :lol: :lol: :-D

      • sam
        August 15, 2015

        Where you get your facts from, don’t be stupid we are all concern when it comes to flying….

      • anonymous2
        August 16, 2015

        I guess that Dominicans really don’t get how expensive it is to get to this island for travelers. It isn’t only DA that is having a financial crisis.

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