PM promises relief for those affected by recent floods

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit (right) address a press conference with Ambrose George (center) and Raybrurn Blackmorre, Minister of Public Works

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerritt has indicated that more than $800,000 will be spent to bring relief to those affected during the recent floods linked to the passage of Tropical Storm Ophelia on September 28.

At a press conference on Monday Skerrit said that the relief efforts included earmarked funds for direct relief as well as for the complete reconstruction of 15 homes.

“Over 170 homes were affected on the West Coast from St Joseph to Checkhall and we have to provide assistance. We have identified some assistance that we will provide, direct relief to the homeowners. Because in some cases people lost all their household appliances, clothing and so forth and the Government certainly has to provide assistance to some of the people. There are 15 homes that we have to reconstruct in their entirety, particularly in the Mahaut-Massacre-Canefield area and the Government is committed to doing that,” Skerritt said.

He added, “We have set aside, for relief for those home owners, about $800,000 that we made available to people almost immediately.”

He emphasized that these funds fell outside the scope of the budget but that the increased expenditure was necessary to ensure the safety of the people of the affected communities.

Skerritt affirmed, “We did not budget for that, and of course we did not budget for the construction of the river defense walls in Massacre, in Mahaut, in Les Pointes and in St Joseph. But we cannot continue to have the people’s homes exposed to future occurrences. In Bena Ravine we’ve started some works there. We did a road there and it was washed out completely. We’ve been asked why would we spend 1.5 million dollars to build a river defense walls for these people, but they are human beings and we all have to ensure that we can care for every single citizen in this country.”

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  1. October 26, 2011

    when is there gonna be a general agreement on something?do we oppose because we doe like him? or doe like her?or doe like it? or we just like to see our post?we must agree to disagree people.where are we going? where do we want to go.Dominica like a grand father clock; talk talk talk talk talk

  2. time for truth
    October 26, 2011

    Waw, the storm hit us on the 28th of September and it took the government that cares one month to indicate relief (not even promise)? Boy I am happy that did not happen in Marigot and Salsbury where UWP won because he (Skeritt)would have completely turned his back on them.

    Why did it take mr so long to indicate help nou man? Oh maybe he was hoping Gaddafi would have survived the wrath of Libians and end up somewhere in the Windward Islands with a briefcase! Sorry skerro and better luck with Chavez

    • STUPES!
      October 26, 2011

      You guys are really creating a mess with OPPOSITION in this country. Whilst I have my issues with the Skerrit led administration you guys in the opposition are not responsible nor accountable and have no RIGHT to question anything the government does. You have failed to legitimize yourselves as an official opposition in the house of assembly! I personally feel that this is indeed a travesty and a situation that will only further harm the UWP.

      You are here questioning the government’s response to flood victim and talking crap that it happened since Sept. 28. In other words you can say that it happened in Oct, the month has not ended yet and the government has already assessed and quantified the loss and not even that but has also identified the financial resources to address the immediate need and to mitigate loss in the future. This is not something to question but to APPLAUD! You people are hypocrites and instead of questioning this ask the opposition when will they settle down and stop docking the house seatings, “if they can’t take the roughness, doh come in the jam”…. They should resign AMASS and give way to more sensible and responsible men and women to be the opposition (government in waiting). Hector has allowed these men to drag him down a slippery slope of disgrace with this FAILED TATIC. He’s losing much needed political experience by being truant, where as he could seat in the house and see how it is done. I mean how long will this continue in this country. I can tell you I voted them fellas in 2009 and it is just a darn shame the way these grown men are acting “crying foul”. If you are boycotting the house in PROTEST why accept the SALARY as Parliamentary Representative and Opposition Senatior who fail to show up in PARLIAMENT. Protest all the way and refuse the salary from this month with a view of reimbursing the treasury for ALL monies collected from the genisis of this foolishness of a BOYCOTT!

      October 26, 2011

      Even when good deed is done, uwp act like cayants and complain and bitch like little dogs

    October 26, 2011

    Dominica is full of natural resources……at the moment there is enough sand at layou to build and repair all properties on the west coast that were damaged by the passing storms and still have left overs for the massacre and Mahaut bypass roads…….

    it appears that the brunt of the damage was bared by those who really couldn’t help themselves……the people along the ravines….

    When people cant afford property they squat…..anywhere……even in ravines…..that is a threat to life….Planning Division knows this.
    our riverbanks and ravines should not be bare of tees and vegetation……cutting trees along riverbanks should be a no no….
    the authorities knows this

    Giving out money is good….lives need to be brought back to some state of normalcy…..but….
    the administration needs to act…..NOW
    PH Williams should be properly monitored….waste material should not be dumped anywhere near any natural watercourse….perhaps they should be fined…..les point looks like a disaster from the road all the way up to PH williams site….Bena Ravine and Mahaut and Massacre need to be redesigned. if you absolutely need a crosswalk over a ravine to access pedestrians i think it should be constructed like an arch to provide an unobstructed flow…..this is not rocket science……t
    his is called strategic planning…..where is the foresight from our local leaders and Administrators…..we have to order that from China? LORD HELP US

    this is just my 2 cents for now

  4. Pappa Bondieu
    October 26, 2011

    What you all don’t realize is that the monies that will pay for this is monies that you have paid into taxes. So I’m not giving him any props. Just say thank God government finally see they need to help.

    God Bless Dominica!!!!

  5. hot pepper
    October 26, 2011

    hmmm…all of a sudden skerrit in dominica… all d time we couldnt track his movements..

    is it because…
    a.gaddafi is dead
    b.chavez is sick
    c.he fall out with his friends in Barbados
    d. we cant get more money from china
    e. all of the above

      October 26, 2011

      Why not try, f. Because Hot Pepper is an idiot

  6. big boy
    October 26, 2011

    All the monies all u taking about go and pay Public works the debt all u owning so i can get my salary Friday.

      October 26, 2011

      Another 1979 Lives and the other names associated and linked

    • .!!
      October 26, 2011

      79?..Boy you still on the Island?..Thought you left?…garcon…wat happened?…they did’nt fix up up man?…Boy it look like we really have to do something about your pay man?…
      Don’t worry am’mo talk to them for you..we’ll see wat happen…..

  7. CIA on the watch
    October 26, 2011

    A human and well thought out idea, the parl reps for the constituencies must be complimented.

  8. Tomian
    October 26, 2011

    You so negative. I am sure that the insurance companies in Dominica does not cover flood since we have had no or little flooding in Dominica. This is great that the government is trying to help people affected by the storms. I am sure if it was u steve you would want help too. I sure hope u are not related to anyone there.

  9. Way Out There
    October 26, 2011

    Why shouldn’t the government help poor tax payers? In every country, which has experienced natural disaster, they have helped its citizens.

  10. Bull Crap
    October 26, 2011

    though i feel for the people effected,don’t get me wrong am not saying they should be abandoned completely but this is what happens when their is no home insurance.what happens when this happen again, we’re u going to spend money you don’t have. this is a slippery slop that the government is going on. you cant head this way. this government need to make it mandatory to have home owners insurance in this country.thats what their here for to help in times like this. The Pm just said they did not include disaster in the budget so where is this money going to come from. we already do not know the countries debt.

    • LawieBawie
      October 26, 2011

      Your post makes a lot of sense. However this has the potential of becoming highly political in the event that government assistance is not offered. The opposition and their supporters have shown that they will use any and everything as political weapons in their efforts to unseat the present administration. Our government knows that if these measures are not taken, we will be hearing about it on various political platforms in another two years.

    • J Henderson
      October 26, 2011

      you gave your self a very nice name BULL CRAP clog

  11. Steve
    October 26, 2011

    Can the government get out of the insurance company business. It is the home owners responsibility to obtain insurance and make their payments. The government is setting a precidence they will not be able to maintain.

    • Jespen
      October 26, 2011

      While i am in agreement with your point, i am not sue that now is the right time to be talking about this.

    • Seeing Clearly
      October 26, 2011

      Even if they get insurance the insurance companies tell them that it is an act of GOD and they still end up having to rebuild on their own pockets. i think it is commendable that the PM sees it fit to help these people who have lost everything. put yourself in these people shoes come one

    • I'mWondering
      October 26, 2011

      Honestly… are you for real! When disasters occur in other places, do the government stay out of things? Stop being an A…

      Not everyone is priviledged in Dominica to afford home insurance…. you are talking as if the government was offering to help other people… shit – it’s DOMINICANS.

      Do you think they all had insurance or some could afford insurance?

      Do you tell the American Govt and other big nations, that it’s the insurance job when they are donating monies to people who suffered in a diaster?

      Statements like this just piss me off…especially those made by people who because they can afford better condemn those who can’t, those who stigmatise poor people, those who do have, but won’t share….

      everyone deserves some pride, respect, humane treatment etc….

      In this place called Dominica – one thing becomes evident – the government is DAMNED if it does and DAMNED if it doesn’t.

    • DA@NYC
      October 26, 2011

      Dude I think some of you people living in “Developed Countries” tend to parallel the Dominica situation with your adopted countries.

      Dominica is a small “poor” developing country,with no so called “natural resources.” Despite what we may tend to think our system of government has been and will continue to be Socialism. And rightfully so.

      It is the moral responsibility of Government to reach out to those of us who end up in dire situations through circumstances that we have no control over. Obviously that come with both social and economic limitations. And yes ultimately Government assistance should guide our citizens to eventual financial independence.

      But in a country like Dominica there will ALWAYS be the NEED for Government direct
      assistance at some point. And that’s just reality.

    • Buwo
      October 26, 2011

      Dude, I know nuff people living in the US who cannot afford flood insurance muchless people in Dominica. Do you have flood insurance for your house? lmfao

      October 26, 2011

      Yes we should insure our homes from all events, but can we all afford to. NO.

      This move by the PM is not new, all over the world governments step in to help when there is a disaster.

      I certainly dont begrudge anyone who benefits from government assistance after a disaster. Remember its not just monetary help, but peace of mind for those receiving that help.

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