Pont Casse to Melville Hall road repair to be completed next year

Construction works on the sea defense wall at Pagua

Minister for Public Works Rayburn Blackmoore has shed some light on works on-going on Lot Two of the Roseau to Melville Hall road project, which extend from Pont Casse through to Pagua.

Speaking at a ministerial site visit yesterday, the minister highlighted some of the more significant aspects of the roadwork that are already at an intermediate stage at various sections and gave some indication of what should be expected upon completion.

Blackmoore said, “You are going to see, upon completion, improvements to the road network from the roundabout in Pont Casse to the [Melville Hall] airport and that in itself constitutes 32 kilometers. When you add Lot One, from Canefield to Pont Casse, that’s an additional 12.5 kilometers. I would like to compliment the effort of the Government of Dominica and the people of Dominica, notwithstanding what is happening globally, financially, to really embark on such important physical infrastructural works.”

He continued, “You have seen Lot One and by the time Lot Two would have been completed next year, you will be able to fully appreciate the benefit of that road network improvement.”

The St Mary's Bridge in Hatton Garden will be reconstructed and better aligned with the roadway, for a much straighter road

The project runs concurrently with a number of other projects underway by the same ministry, including the West Coast Road Project and a sea defense wall being built in the Pointe Michel area.

According to the minister, the initial project has had to be expanded since critical sections of the road were not part of the contract signing and upon further examination addition funds were needed since sections along the route would require much more intense repair work than had previously been determined.

“The initial cost of the contract was $59-million but that excluded the number of bridges and curves and river-walls that we had to do so we have applied for, from the French, and we have received approval for an additional $19-million. So you are going to see the improvement of 14 bridges, including the one at Deux Branches and the one at Hatton Garden. The one at Hatton Garden is going to be a new structure and we are going to widen and improve on the approach at Deux Branches. We believe that if we are spending that much money on a road project, we have to protect the investment. That is why in some cases we have to build river walls and [on the Pagua end of the project] a sea defense wall. Lot Two will also have a better alignment and the road is going to be straighter than previously,” he said.

The contractor for the project is Emile Gaddarkhan et Fils Ltd, a French construction company and the consulting firm, out of the US, is The Louis Berger Group, a company dedicated to environmental responsibility and sustainability in the area of civil and structural engineering.

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  1. Nudibranch
    August 26, 2011

    road signs every 50ft, are unnecessary, especially when the bends they warn about are the opposite direction. Speed limit signs with no unit.
    the poor people in the Antrim valley having their property and livelihoods almost destroyed due to ill advised dumping of waste. the drainage there is going to be an environmental and engineering nightmare, if ever it gets completed. the road can sink as much as 30cm a day.
    Ray you dont have a clue, so stop trying.

  2. carib child
    August 26, 2011

    14 bridges,Mr. Blackmore?? We hope you included the one leading right infront the Airport..

  3. dominican abroad
    August 26, 2011


  4. L.I
    August 26, 2011

    Happy to hear that roads are being constructed in DA..We all know that the roads in DA need to be better and safer in order to make traffic flow easier and quicker..

    I leave abroad but from what i’m getting
    when i read certain comments, it seems that the Chinese are not doing a great job on the west coast..I remember 2005 election the dlp use to boast about west coast highway, they even made a song bout west coast highway(by the way im a labourite)I use to picture a 4 lane road in my mind, with traffic lights and road signs, the impression i’m getting rite now is that the chinese are just resurfacing the road..I think if we are doing something we should do it rite and think bout the future..In this modern world there are more vehicles in DA now and 10 years from now it’s gonna have twice the amount, so the west coast road should have more lanes in order to ease the flow of traffic and for people to get to their destinations much quicker..

    I have nothing against the chinese, but if u all are building a road for us, give us something of great quality that will last long and that will improve the lives of Dominicans.
    I think the government should see to it that the chinese gives us something of high standards and not just a re pavement and 2 years from now the road is gonna be in a bad condition..

  5. dominican abroad
    August 26, 2011

    I would like the goernment to asked the Obama administration for some infracsturtore road building help, I think there request would be granted if the proposal is written properly, base on the caribean basin initiative[c.b.i.]we need roads more than any thing els roads roads and more road to the villages in the interior of the island.

    • The truth
      August 26, 2011

      i think mr obama has enough home issues right now. plus america is broke. officially

  6. Road Hog
    August 26, 2011

    Building that sea defense wall at Crame (Pagua Bay) is a classic example of wasting other peoples money(OPM). A better solution would be to move the road to higher ground where it would less likely wash away by the constant pounding of the surf in that area.

  7. blacker
    August 26, 2011

    this project is a waste of money and time and the road is not of a high standard :twisted:

    August 26, 2011

    Why no drains in this high rainfall area
    as the Canefield/Pond Casse section?
    Thats a recipe for quick deterioration of this road

  9. Born Free
    August 25, 2011

    Keep the progress reports to the People coming. Very good. Also ensure that there are no cutting of corners and no inefficiencies on these road projects. Concerned Dominicans are watching and waiting to see the value received.

    August 25, 2011


  11. August 25, 2011

    I was in D/ca back in May/June and had the opportunity to take some pictures first hand of the roads all over. I must say, I was most impressed with the road from Canefield to Pond Casse. The company did a good job. They could have done a little better to eliminate some of the curves. But it was a bit impressive. THere was another piece going into the Roseau valley and a portion from there that also went to Goodwill. I was not impressed with the work the Chinese are doing on the West coast road, It seems all they are doing is repaving the road… no widening, no realignment.. nothing – just retaining walls in a few places. They call it ‘rehabilitation’… Maybe I can send some pics to DNO. Hopefully if I go back next year, they’ll impress me. But to save these crazy drivers from killing themselves and others… all these major roads should be 4 lane highways… that way no need to overtake on those nice stretches of road.

  12. Ted Lewis ( possie)
    August 25, 2011

    Great work being undertaken on the roads by the government of dominica . I drove that road in june and i really love what i see. I must say , a job well done .

    Oh, before i forgot Mr. Blackmore please informed the people of dominica that the initial amount was indeed a “LOAN” OF 59m and has now increase by 19 million to 78 Million. i get the sense the word loan was willfully omitted.

    By the way the article forget the currency .

    Admin – can you please provided the currency for the stated LOAN amount.

    One more thing people , we have now borrowed 78million ( i think its USD) for a road. Can the road payback for itself or how much sustainable employment will be created after the road is completed.


    French loan -French construction company. when Trinindad Pm talk everybody vex.

      August 26, 2011

      When is Grant Ted says its begging, when is loan Ted complains we have to pay for it. Ted you have to make up your mind and mischief is not part of making up your mind little child.

      • Ted Lewis ( possie)
        August 26, 2011


        Its seems that your intuitive interpretation skills seems some what wanting.
        I see nothing in my comment that would indicate to you that i am complaining. I am very happy with the road works and i have no problem that the funds were borrowed. In fact i am one that believes small economies like dominica will have to borrow in other to accumulate that level of capital goods that will generate a sustainable growth / standard of leaving for its people. ( i don’t encourage borrowing for recurrent exp)
        however i think it could be a smart move on the Minister behalf or who ever writing the article not to mention that the funds are borrowed.
        The later part of my commnet relates to the fact that when i speak to individuals about the Int’ airport they keep saying that the airport cannot payback for itsself
        My point is why don’t they say the same thing with the road.
        I don’t expect a road to payback for itslef because i see a road as being a facilitator of economic development . The same with the airport.

        You also mention that i have a problem with grant. Again intuitively i was articulating that the government current policy is lean towards grant( i said begging or a better word should have been solicit) for eg over 90% of the government PSIP is funded by grant. No body , In this world would say that this is a sustainable model.A country who cannot finance half of it PSIP in my opinion is loosing its Sovereignty .
        Moreover , most of the grant ( exception of those after natural disaster )came by soliciting and the low gdp ( yep we are listed as a low income country) makes us qualify to access some estblish funds through world bank and EU. Nothing to be proud of .

        My question for you is this , after roads are completed – how many sustainable jobs would be created. List two ongoing project that will creat some jobs after its completed.

        If you think asking legitimate question is being mischievous then i will leave you for your on conscience . Guess if i was saying No to international airport , no to sustainable jobs, No to increase manufacturing, no to finding new markets for exporting products to include fish, no to transparency and accountability , good governance and yes i love my eyes being red then i would not be mischievous.
        33 years with a 7 year old daughter and an independent mind . I am not a child you joker.

    • Wat Out There
      August 26, 2011

      I have one question, “Do you build the house first or the access to get to it?”
      I would rather spend 78 million of that particular road, which has been way over due, than a State House.

      • Ted Lewis ( possie)
        August 26, 2011

        i did not raise an issue as to which should be first or second- i see this as being very debatable. For eg by the time you think about the airport the roads might be in need of rehabilitation again. so what you going to do postpone for a next ten years!
        Think my brother.

        i was basically asking y can’t we view the airport as a road which may not be an income earner but a faciliator of economic development. Meaning not for its direct impact but more for the indirect impact.

  13. The truth
    August 25, 2011

    I am happy the roads are being done. However I hope that all the corners and swirls between pont casse and belles is put as one straight road. Too much left n right and driving back on yourself for no reason. Not in this day and age. And please, when we fix roads and especially when we make new ones, MAKE THEM WIDER!

  14. wisdom
    August 25, 2011

    We also need to be sure that the employees have proper safety gear Mr Minister, while they are executing their assignment on the roadways Sir. We must also add this element of safety in the budget cost of operations.

  15. PWC worker
    August 25, 2011

    If the Public Works Company, a local road construction and repair Co., also engaged in other civil works, cannot be at least sub-contracted to participate in those major road rehab projects, that’s a severe blow to their ability to be financially viable.

    PWC recently bought new equipment for an asphalt plant, but the equipment is like a white elephant, while the French Co. Gardakhan & Sons, was given permission to build one close to the village of LAYOU. Now that Co. is producing asphalt not only for Gardakhan road projects from CaneField to Melville Hall. Who is providing asphalt for the Roseau to Portsmouth Road? Why is the PWC not given the sub-contract to provide asphalt for that project? Why such treatment to PWC? The authorities have failed PWC miserably, by not ensuring their involvement in those major road projects. PWC workers and their families have been feeling the pain for some time now. Those in power do not have the negotiating skills,to encourage donor countries to contract local participation as much as possible, since they have the capabilities. It is disgraceful, shameful to see the plight and sad state of PWC, a local Co., a household name as regards road works, that has served the country well. NO EXCUSE for any Govt. which neglects its local companies to the point of bankruptcy and posssible firing of its workers. what MADNESS !!!!!!

    • jeffro
      August 26, 2011

      I could not agree more.

  16. photos
    August 25, 2011

    Admin:When you do a report such as this one on road projects and so on it would be very nice if you put up some more photos of the project itself.

  17. fatty batty
    August 25, 2011

    great work being done.

  18. Tony
    August 25, 2011

    The road should be a good improvement and the government should charge a toll that could be used for maintenance of the roads. I recently visited Dominica and on my way to the airport from Pond Casse I was run off the road by a blue pick up truck which caused me to get a flat tire so any road improvement should help. Many of the bridges in Dominica are not wide enough. They should be able to accommodate two vehicle traveling in the opposite direction at the same time, Ext Layou Flat. I will Always love Dominica.(From New York).

  19. hmm
    August 25, 2011

    They should investigate why the new west coast road is so thin in terms of the new pavement, and why parts of it have ALREADY started to fall apart.

    • FORKIT
      August 25, 2011

      three lane highway, wait till you see the mahaut bypass. .. blackmoore words

  20. i can use my brain
    August 25, 2011

    If the government and its engineers had opted for the bypass route near Mr. Rolle’s residence just above Red Gully we would not have that soil slippage issue at Antrim which is largely due to indiscriminate dumping of almost half a mountain in one spot. I propose that if a bypass route is not considered for the wet area in Belles we will see a similar result. A project fully complete with serious infrastructural challenges left behind to guarantee Gardhakan will continue to work in Dominica indefinitely.
    I am not particularly impressed with the scope of works thus far. It appears that the hatton garden Bridge is the only bridge that will be be reconstructed. All other crossings and bridges will remain one-lane.
    Is that development to international standards???? I wait to see if that road will be drained right thru from Pond Casse to mevillehall like Pond casse to Canefield flat.

    Enlighten me!!!!!

    • Roz
      August 25, 2011

      Well reportedly the initial cost excluded the number of bridges and curves in the road. Really? It excluded the number of curves in the road?…oh well…how is that for “scope of the works” for you.

  21. only
    August 25, 2011

    How many years has it been now that they are working on this project? I will believe it when I see it. I hope it gets finished by the end of next year. Notice that there are no exact deadlines given.

  22. Respek
    August 25, 2011

    “Apres Bondieur c’est la terre” God Bless Dominica and all Dominicans

    • FORKIT
      August 25, 2011

      not the thieves and corrupt politicians

  23. yes sha
    August 25, 2011

    d country in a mess and look wat sumbody taking there time to write

  24. Comforther
    August 25, 2011

    After the completion this road will be the best piece of road in dominica. The guys are not the fastest but they pay attention to detail. The road from cane field was simply a resurfacing with new guardrails and unaligned reflectors…..

    August 25, 2011

    Great job

    • @ phillis
      August 25, 2011

      i dont believe u……..what job u talking about? I know u are not referring to this article.
      When was the last time u drove thru that area?

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