Pound for stray cattle to be established in Portsmouth

Portsmouth residents have agreed to establish a pound for stray cattle.

Their decision follows the death of a 24-year-old man who was killed when he collided with a cow.

Residents of the north have been complaining about stray cattle on the road for several years now.

The Glanvillia Improvement Committee held a meeting last week to decide how the community should deal with the problem.

Chairman of that committee, Nichols Andrew, said the Parliamentary Representative for Portsmouth Ian Douglas said by Christmas, a pound will be set up at One Mile in Portsmouth.

“They said that any cow found wandering around will be impounded and they will go from there. Until that pound is set up there is nothing we can do,” he said.

He said the community will have to seek further action if the facility is not established by the said date.

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  1. remember
    December 1, 2011

    just tell people to take those cows and u will see how fast those cows will be out of the road . i ready to catch mine . one cabouyah in de neck and down it go .merry christmas to aii who catch one

  2. me
    December 1, 2011

    It is about time but could have been done sooner before a young man had to loose his life. I could bet if that was in place years ago, you would see 1 cow there.

  3. Anonymous
    December 1, 2011

    If the cows have no tags or are not branded, how are the owners going to show proof of ownership when they come to claim? I say if a pound is built, kill the cows and distribute and or sell the meat. Town council should be in charge with whatever moneys they make going back into Portsmouth.

  4. Woy
    December 1, 2011

    Good idea put all those cows in one spot so that Jackeyeboss and other cow lovers can have fun. Is now Wesely and Marigot fellas will travel to Porssie with there cow climbing ladders.

    • December 1, 2011

      so true

  5. December 1, 2011

    kill cow eat cow afterwards the owners will listen.

  6. dealated
    December 1, 2011

    Doe day is i dat say!

    Sometimes people see “Ross” students untieing dose cow and setting dem free because dey feeling sorry for de cows tie up in de sun all day! Dem cow owners need to put camera on dere cows.

  7. 1979
    December 1, 2011

    It seems that for issues to be addressed in Dominica, someone must lose their life first…. Didn’t the problem exist and require attention before the young man lost his life??? Look around, there are other issues needing attention, like the sale of my childrens citizenship for the enrichment of a few. How many of us will have to die before this issue is addressed???? There will never be peace on earth, because there is no justice.. Raping my country citizenship to no benefit of the citizens.

    December 1, 2011

    That cow sure looks like “MISS SEXY” without the pink glasses. Hope that’s her twin. :lol:

    • December 1, 2011

      this cow seems to be pretty sad hope double six not working it from behind wat a man he will never change lol

  9. Gr8
    December 1, 2011

    That’s the role of the police and the ministry of agriculture. The ministry of agriculture has a department already set up to rare animals. This is just additional cost and resources for the city.

  10. me
    December 1, 2011

    D/can need 2 stop being reactive.Be proactive people!!!

    • Man in Dominica
      December 1, 2011

      I see this in business all the time too, and people lose money for nothing. People don’t get it, that it’s better to take a little time to avoid problems than to suffer a lot of costs and losses later when you have to fix something.

  11. Alleyne
    December 1, 2011

    Justice and Truth, I totally agree with you when you say that the cow owner should be charged, I am a family member of David the young man who life was lost by the cow. Can you believe that is only a EC$100.00 or 14 day in prison that is the charge for stray animals. The law needs to be change

  12. Ftezy
    December 1, 2011

    SNOW where is the sexual cow with the thongs and glasses bug.if they put all those cows in one spot is now those okay Bedford fellas on porssie will be happy. It like setting up a house of rising sun for jackeyeboss.

  13. way papa
    November 30, 2011

    tell george and osbornne to tie the cows.they know is that causing all those dabar there

  14. Reality
    November 30, 2011

    what is going to happen, when they are impounded?????
    i think they should be sold,.. so that the population will not grow…

  15. bighead
    November 30, 2011

    i well want to start a cattle..PDC (Pass d Cow) nuh

  16. bighead
    November 30, 2011

    pound for cows….that’s a dumb idea.

    • Man in Dominica
      December 1, 2011

      What a persuasive and well thought out comment. You should run for Parliament.

  17. tasha
    November 30, 2011

    i need help with those cows because i am desperate at nights with cows in my yard. most people know me my house is on the sugar loaf high way i have repported to the portsmouth police many times qnd i tried talking too severel cow owners but all they keep saying is not thier cows. i cant grow anything in my yard the cows eat all but worst off all they crowd my land every night as if it belong to thier owners. please poeple of portsmouth lets try to get a solution for these cows and thier owners.

    • kill them
      December 1, 2011

      kill them

    • omg
      December 1, 2011

      i agreee with u tasha…

    • Rasta Man
      December 1, 2011

      eat de cows!!!! is meat is de owners dat wrong so dey can neva be vex! :-P

  18. Anonymous
    November 30, 2011

    A pound is the best way to go. I think these stray cows should be slaughtered and the meat donated to charitable institutions eg. Grotto Home, the Infirmary, Operation Youth Quake, PMH, Portsmouth Hospital and other senior citizens home on the island, the state prison. The milk could also be donated to the hospital etc. or the animals could be sold to butchers and the money derived from the sale of the cattle could be injected into the community of Portsmouth for further development.

    • Ti belle fille
      December 1, 2011

      Tell said. I totally agree!

    • Man in Dominica
      December 1, 2011

      Give people a certain amount of time to reclaim their cows, and then slaughter them for charity as you said. I think if that started being done, people would not only take better care to keep their cows tied and fenced, but would also start tagging or branding them so they could prove the cow was theirs.

  19. mouth of the south
    November 30, 2011

    is that Sally’s sister… it looking like it want sumting wii lol :lol: :lol:

  20. Justice and Truth
    November 30, 2011

    It is sad that a young man lost his life in such a manner. This should hurt every one who knows about this story and cause them to shed tears.

  21. confused
    November 30, 2011

    Are these cows owned by people or they are just wild cows roaming the area???

    • Justice and Truth
      November 30, 2011

      @ Confused

      Wild cows? Ever heard of such a thing in DA? Negligent owners are the cause of it. They should be charged if their cows go astray.
      They must ensure that their cows are properly tethered with a strong rope; not a long one but a short one and placed in an area where they can graze comfortably without harming humans.

      • confused
        November 30, 2011

        I only mentioned if they are “wild cows” because the i found it rediculous that the government claims that they cannot do anything until the pound is set up. How is it that they can’t do anything when these cows have owners.. aren’t the owners supposed to be held liable for the damages caused by their animals. These animals most be wild ones for the government to make a statement like that.. can they no implement if not laws but some form of regulation or fine? when they set up the pound the owners will then come and claim thier cow..

      • Man in Dominica
        December 1, 2011

        They’re as good as wild, as they wander on their own and feed on their own and breed on their own. Who can prove that one of these cows is theirs? There is no tag, no brand, and no sign that they’re actually caring for it. So if they can’t prove that they own it, that’s their tough luck. The cows are wild, I say, if they are left to run wild.

  22. Richie
    November 30, 2011

    It have certain man that must stay far from that place before the say is reverse the cows reverse on them.

    • cowman
      November 30, 2011

      who cowsen

      • Gaza
        November 30, 2011

        oh Brian…

      • Gaza
        November 30, 2011

        oh brian :mrgreen: ya cowson black boy

      • December 1, 2011

        lmao boy possie fellas have d most kix my partner checking cowsen .. u bad ehh in ur bottom lol

    • Anonymous
      November 30, 2011

      That man must be your father!

  23. cowman
    November 30, 2011

    trust me some cow meat will go down good after christmas blocko, there is a big black on i marking for so long now, u all better save it life…who wit me..its about time mr MP and mr MOYOR.. we deal with dat

    • Justice and Truth
      November 30, 2011

      @ cowman

      Please do not make me laugh. As the saying, “Finders’ keepers.” That should teach the owner(s) a lesson. :lol:

  24. Sunshine
    November 30, 2011

    That’s great, it is just sad that it had to take the death of a young man before they realize that something needed to be done. Is there anything else that needs to change before someone dies. Think about this..

  25. Cuscus
    November 30, 2011

    what christmas coming , is now I going to eat beef

    • Sot
      November 30, 2011

      One pound of flesh but not one drop of blood”

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