Work to resume of Cabrits Resorts and Spa after ‘temporary delay’

Work is expected to resume on the hotel
Work is expected to resume on the hotel

Work is expected to resume at the Cabrits Resorts and Spa funded by the government of Morocco, Parliamentary Representative for the Portsmouth Consistency, Ian Douglas has said.

According to a report by the Government Information Service (GIS) work on the facility was “temporarily delayed due to changes which were being made within the Moroccan government.”

“That [the project] is managed and handled by the Moroccans. The funding is like a gift to the Government of Dominica by the Moroccans,” Douglas told GIS, adding that “the Moroccans came to Dominica about five weeks ago to look at the project. They had a thorough tour of the facility and I sat with them to discuss the future of the program. They have given the commitment that they will come back in short order to complete the project.”

He stated that the Moroccan Government has pledged for the project.

“They are now at the stage where they are looking at things like the interior décor, the color and type of tile they will be using and the painting they would like,” Douglas told GIS. “They are also discussing whether they want the hotel to have a West Indian or Arabic feel. I think it was a good discussion and they have gone back to Morocco and they are looking at the materials that they would like to purchase.”

Actual work on the hotel began in February 2011.

In October 2012, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit said the hotel would be completed in October 2013 and “not one day later.”

At a press conference in June 2013, Douglas said the project was nearing completion, and concentration was being placed on “electrical, tiling and plumbing.” He also said at that time that five individuals had expressed interest in managing the hotel since the government has no interest in running it.

In October 2013, Douglas, who was also Tourism Minister at that time, announced that a management team from Bonaire was expected in Dominica “to see if we can reach a happy medium as far as what the government would want and what we can expect from them managing the facility.”

In November 2013, then Trade Minister, Collin McIntyre said the government was still searching for a team to manage the hotel. He said the hotel would be opened ‘sometime next year’ (2014) and the government was “recruiting staff and training staff for the hotel.”

When it appeared construction had stopped for a period of time at the facility, Douglas was questioned at a press conference in May, 2015. He responded by saying the project was experiencing “a slight setback” but was still on stream. He said a team from Morocco was expected in Dominica “to deal with the issues of décor, such as fixtures, lighting, tiling, and painting.”

At the same press conference, Skerrit, mentioned that the Morrocan Government has changed the contractor and architectural team for the project and they have been “very delayed in addressing the replacement.”

Two months later, in July 2015, Douglas blamed ‘administrative changes’ in the government of Morocco due to the Arab Spring for delays in the construction of a hotel.

The hotel was originally expected to be built in Melville Hall but it was later moved to the Cabrits on the basis that the location was more economically viable and the move was based on ‘sound analysis.’

The 50-room hotel is expected to comprise of seven major buildings including a conference facility to accommodate 200 people, duty-free shops, and a Spa and has been touted by the government as a ‘generous gift’ from the government of Morocco.

Construction of the hotel began in 2011
Construction of the hotel began in 2011
What the hotel is expected to look like upon completion
What the hotel is expected to look like upon completion

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  1. April 14, 2016

    As a frequent visitor to Purple Turtle Beach in Portsmouth, I’ve seen the so-called Cabrits Resorts and Spa up close on numerous occasions. It looks like an abandoned building!!! The foundation appears to be sitting in what can only be described as a swamp. The dishonourable Ian Douglas should be ashamed of himself for this obvious attempt to mislead the Dominican people. The Cabrits Resorts and Spa is the epitome of poor construction planning and lack of foresight! The only real solution to this quagmire is a total demolition of these buildings! The place now stands as a mosquito breeding farm which, in light of the new Zika virus epidemic, poses a serious threat to the health of the Portsmouth people. The idea that work will be resuming on this phantom hotel is actually ludicrous. Ian Douglas appears to be, once again, thrown under the bus with the responsibility of explaining its failure. I pity this man!

    • Shut Up
      April 14, 2016

      SHUT UP… We like it so. Is Labour we voting just like that :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. LYO of Dominica
    April 14, 2016

    After all this crap, should we wonder why Dominica is the laughing stalk of the Caribbean?
    The mission of the government is to have Dominica competing with Haiti for the unenviable spot of the Caribbean’s least progressive state.

    • Me
      April 14, 2016

      Laughing stock (”’stalk is the stem of a plant).

    • smdh
      April 15, 2016

      just because you laugh at dominica doesnt mean others do. no we arent as advanced but many many countries admire us. hate when people say that crap. maybe you are just not patriotic. that like you telling your own mother she is a laughing stock. no shame.

  3. Me
    April 14, 2016

    You are not in charge of this project Ian! tell us about the status of your geothermal development instead.

    April 14, 2016

    Not at ALL surprised with this government’s ineptitude and lies galore. After all, Dr. Philbert Aaron told us some years ago that politics is NOT ABOUT TRUTH so what do you expect? I can’t, for the like of me, understand WHY the citizens of this beautiful place continue to allow themselves to be taken for so many rides and lies!! we want them to TOTALLY destroy Dominica first??

  5. LearnToLoveIt
    April 14, 2016

    Such a beautiful piece of property, I hope it does not go to waste!

    • Dominican
      April 14, 2016

      It’s already gone to waste Built in the wrong place .I remember an investor from Trinidad wanted to build a marina there some years ago but changed his mind when a soil test report apparently showed that this area is not all of the same stable subsoil and huricanes can swamp that land from one side of the sea to the other. Nothing should be built in that spot, it is too low and vulnerable plus it clogs the road to the Cabrits.

  6. Anon AGain
    April 14, 2016

    Nice work, DNO, giving the background and the many promises and conflicting stories giving by the government. But I want to challenge Francisco Dods Telemaque who writes as if he is in total command of the information he shares. He said: “several Hundreds millions of tourist visits Vegas each year”. But according to the Las Vegas Visitors and Convention Authority which is responsible for visitor numbers, 42,312,216 tourists visited the city in 2015, 2.9 per cent higher than 2014.
    ” yet Las Vegas is one of the cheapest places to live in America.”. Yet, according to Numbeo, Consumer Prices in Las Vegas, are 42.96% higher than in Reno, rent is 9.6% higher and Groceries Prices are 54.65% higher. “What about places like Barbados, Jamaica, Bermuda, the Bahamas”. Clearly Dods knows nothing about Bermuda and Barbados where prices are up to the roof. In Barbados, locals are being priced out of the market. I do hope Dods stops this practice of giving the impression that he is smarter…

  7. April 14, 2016

    Grand-mama always warned \”Free-ness will bring you Sorriness\” Is it not strange that the Moroccan Government representatives were here no one was told that they were here and for what reason? Did they come by submarine IAN? Since the project means so much to the people of Dominica and will boost our economy (according to DLP) why was there not a statement by the visiting team? at least they owed that to the people of Dominica. Tell me IAN have you now been assigned the Ministry of L-I-E-S and PROPAGANDA as a new portfolio? Save face DLP for once just tell us the TRUTH.

  8. Anthony P. Ismael
    April 14, 2016

    A five year delay for a 50 room guest house is considered temporary. Way to go guys. You’re doing a great job!!

  9. Tj
    April 14, 2016

    Is Ian Douglas still mini9ster for tourism? Where are Carnival cryuise lines Ian? And what is temporary? Three years is temporary Ian? Who knows your master didn’t sell Cabrits to Lap Seng already and you don’t even know.

  10. April 13, 2016

    DNO, that was a very good report. Keep it up.

  11. Cabrits to Porssie
    April 13, 2016

    It is quite shameful that these guys in the Labor Party administration spend so much time thinking of the next lie or cover up. From my humble observation there is a serious structural threat and problem at the morocco hotel site and I get the feeling the liars are to embarrassed to state the problem.
    Those of us who know this area know that it is a swamp. The buildings were desperately placed in the area without design considerations for the high water table. Now the water is sipping into the basements and this spells trouble. Seemingly the reason for the abandonment

    This is what Echart the German knew why he just built a bungalow on a thick slab at the very same site.

    If jobs were of importance Why wait on benefactor morocco for 4 years? why not use the passport money to finish that one hotel instead of giving our passport and money to a guy for another hotel. The fruits of a corrupt regime. Never seen such madness in Dominica.

    See how fast the villas were done…

    • Discombobulated
      April 14, 2016

      JFK airport is built on a swamp. Orlando airport is see land. Water right next to the runway. Don’t play with the possibilities and capabilities that man possess. If designed correctly swamp or not, the structure will be solid

      • April 14, 2016

        If you read with intelligence you will notice that I use the term ” Design Considerations ” I did not say that it was impossible to build at the location.

    • other side view
      April 14, 2016

      ———I think ,
      ——-It’s a money problem between morocco goverment / king Hassan #6

  12. truththe
    April 13, 2016

    An Election must be close, everybody talking the same stupid talk , like election is two weeks. My people take note don’t be fooled. This time not five more years but ten more years of salt and water. Its talk and more talk, no jobs, workers are sent home, bills cannot be paid, obesity on the rise, crime excalating, honesty, value, morality gone and corruption runs the country, God is out , for Religious leaders compromissing the truth. Alas!

  13. April 13, 2016

    DNO all you making me laugh wii. DNO you could have avoided all that writing and just say – ” What a bunch of liars”
    But DNO you forgot to mention that Ian said that the delay was due to a change in the Moroccan power and ruling class system. Less power and clout fron the monarchy.

    But Lang Mama heard recently that the Morocco Hotel is now going to be used as a lab to create more mosquito borne viruses. When all you see people signing documents and they doh tell all you what it is they signing all you too Kopawaszon.

  14. Silver Sliver
    April 13, 2016

    But why is Ian talking, the morocan hotel is not in his constituency! I understand that the fact that he has not done anything for his constituency has him trying to get some credit. Stuuups! There is also lots of question about the quality of the work that has been done so far.

  15. Silver Sliver
    April 13, 2016

    But why is Ian talking, the morocan hotel is not in his constituency! I understand that the fact that he has not done anything for his constituency has him trying to get some credit. Stuuups!

  16. Aloes
    April 13, 2016

    Ian stop it… you are not the parliamentary representative for Cabrits,,,Reginald Austrie is. and you are not the minister for tourism, Robert Tonge. Mind your business instead and tell us possie people when the Bay front boulevard promised moons ago going to get started, when you going to fix the indian river grain… oops groin… and stop talking about hotels in the sky souplay

  17. upon that swamp they shall.................
    April 13, 2016

    DNO be praised. A well researched, truthful article regarding that Moroccan hotel disaster.

    Remember, it was that same hotel that had to be built in Marigot? Because of night-landing, pilots and other crew and/or passengers could rest-up in the hotel in Marigot, instead of travelling all the way to Roseau or to villages far away. So the Cabal told Dominicans.

    Plans change. Place change all of a sudden. Hotel brought to Portsmouth. What did the EIA, that was submitted for that project, that hotel, say? Cabrits site OK? No negative physical environmental impact?
    Isn’t the area a swamp?

    Many, many questions, which the cabal will not answer seem relevant to ask. Is it really a hotel, given by the Moroccan Gov’t or some kind of secret deal with some ……… we do not know about? So is 1st. time Moroccan Govt. building hotel? Excuses after excuses galore.

  18. Zhikelli
    April 13, 2016

    Good chronological reporting. We need similar reporting on the abattoir and Roseau rehabilitation project.

    • Stone for
      April 14, 2016

      Until the roads are repaired and sorted out the abattoir cannot really open. Plus the abattoir is built in the wrong place! Plus we have lack of pigs and chickens to slaughter and a very small population to sell too. A lost cause and a total waste o money!

  19. vanette Valentine
    April 13, 2016

    and to think poor people children even spent money to go college and learn tourism wew, so that they can get a job in that hotel; at least thats what the PM said, “if you want a job in that hotel you should go to the college and learn some sort of tourism related field and i can assure you that you will get employed” well papa god that degree stale already, what was learnt already outdated,,, they will have to go back college to learn updated materials when that hotel ready to open papa

  20. fredry
    April 13, 2016

    Bul mr them lieing that coolay… coshony gov.. get out u wicked fools.

  21. To who do I write my application.Im looking for a job.Supervisor or manager of a ection is good enough for me.

    thanks u.
    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

  22. cameron
    April 13, 2016

    Skerrit stop the liesand also Ian,this is a doomed project,water is coming up from the foundation.Stop fooling the poor people.This so called hotel should have never been built on wetlands,guys take your failure.Now Zika is on the rise and it will be destructive.

  23. Shaka Zulu
    April 13, 2016

    The construction of hotel by Morocco sums up skerrit and his puppet ministers leadership of Dominica for past 15 years. I guess Venezuela funded projects will be no more. Skerrit to busy trying to get into the music industry. For years he has been playing the a and now he is a maestro at it his attention has turned to influencing stage performance in the music industry. After all he has just been awarded a doctorate in Punjab for his world stage performance. I am suprised he has not taken over belfast yet and turned it into a school for beggarman diplomacy manufacturing lies and criminal diplomats. As long as a Douglas represent Portsmouth that place going no where. Here is why I am convinced these people are a bunch of idiots. If Ian and Skeritt were convinced that this hotel would bring jobs why not complete it ourselves with local investors with our own design so people can get to work. Morocco already start less money to put in, instead of 5 yrs of BS excuses.

  24. LuClu
    April 13, 2016

    Sorry that is not a hotel, this looks like a motel 6….we need to stop accepting mediocrity just because it’s free!! That’s a disgrace and a stain on Cabrits!

    • Face the Facts
      April 13, 2016

      Wait until it is completed.

  25. Floridian diaspora
    April 13, 2016

    These hotels are taking so long to complete that by the time they get done they would already need renovating!!!

    • Holiday Island Boy
      April 13, 2016

      Count your lucky stars that this hotel will be completed. In other Caribbean islands , many hotels have been started and after many years still are lying abandoned in vines and bush .The next step may be to demolish them.

      • ATKINSON
        April 13, 2016

        Right that in other caribbean islands, not in dominica

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 14, 2016

        Why are you so lie. Name one single place in the Caribbean where you know people commence construction on Hotels, and the never get completed!

        Dominica is the only place in the Caribbean that happens.

        Have you no shame, lying is a sin, how can you tell a deliberate lie like that! The reason why nothing gets done in Dominica, is all due to corruption, your ministers of government always want some money from under the table, honest people; business people are not accustom to that sort of thing and when confronted for kickbacks and corrupt deals, they simply walk away!

        You have no shame you are a liar!

      • Starr
        April 14, 2016

        Wow. Look around your island and see how many defunct building s are around. You spend dollars you don’t have on stupid stuff,your government is not doing any good to you guys :lol: complain more get rid of the PM clean house start a new Dominica. :?:

    • Face the Facts
      April 13, 2016

      Since you appear to be an expert on these matters, they will contact you to help them with the renovating. In less than no time you will complete it for them. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  26. enough is enough
    April 13, 2016

    Mr Douglas, can you be serious at least once in your life ? can you stop to talk to people like they are really stupid ?
    “They are now at the stage where they are looking at things like the interior décor, the color and type of tile they will be using and the painting they would like”
    so the construction start more than 5 years ago and today you try to figure what color to put on the wall? what will be the décor?? what a joke !!! 2 option either the morocco people do not have a clue of what they are doing ….I doubt !! ( when you see the level of class their Hotel carry in Morocco) or you as a minister have not an once of respect for the people who put you where you are and you should stop talking non sense to us !!!!!

    • Face the Facts
      April 13, 2016

      Let this take its course. You are not able to assist them in anyway. Why waste your time?

  27. April 13, 2016

    Mr Skerrit I am a beat suspicious, if this so called Hotel, Spa etc is being funded by The Government of Morocco as you are leading us to believe, can you explain to us what is the reason for the stop in construction etc?. Skerrit the last I heard a few years ago was that the Interior Designers will be coming to Dominica to put up Curtains etc. Skerrit as far as I am aware, whenever a Government is funding a project wherever on the Globe the monies for the said project is already allocated for. AND WITH CONTRACT SIGNED, there is a said time for completing the job. Skerrit this project is not funded by no Morocco Government, this project is funded by none other than another NG Lap Seng, keep on lying to Dominicans some will swallow your lies but not all, Skerrit there are people in and around your circle who is spilling the beans, Skerrit you will change all the Dominica Law to accommodate your Corruption, for sure when the FBI ready for
    you, you will not change the USA Laws, TWT

    • Face the Facts
      April 13, 2016


  28. April 13, 2016

    Thanks D.N. O. For pointing out how many times this project has been stalled. Reading it makes me want to vomit. I am sick, sick, and sick, with the spin, and inuendoes without regards and the respect of the intellengence of we the people. We say when things are not done professionally in the real World, Heads will roll. If i were to run my Grand Mother`s business the way our Lovely Country is being Run, i would ask her to fire me. SMH, when persons all over the World those we say we are trying to attract to visit our Country read and watch how we do business in 2016, they must being saying, # W.T.F is wrong with those persons given the responsibility to take care of the affairs of our beloved Country. Please dont get twisted, i am not bashing Dominica, and i am not just talking, but making a difference, which some are quick to take credit for. I rest!

    • Face the Facts
      April 13, 2016

      Does it really matter to you?
      It is not your property.
      You did not purchase it.
      You will not be financially contributing to it.
      You will not be assisting to build it and put on the finishing touches.
      You will not be employed there.
      You have no suggestions and feasible ones at that.
      So, really, what is your concern?
      I suppose it gives you something to comment about and criticize. Much ado about nothing on your part. This is all what it is to you and means to you. It is nothing to you unless you plan to spend a night or two there upon its completion.

  29. Blogg
    April 13, 2016

    When you begging and dependi g on freeness you have no choice but to take what you get, when you get it and how you get it. Neither Skerrit nor Ian have a say in what is going on down there. All they can do is raise the hopes of Portsmouth people who placed them there, only for those hopes to be dashed away. Same as the hospital… These Portsmouth people must suffer heavily for their conservative attitude. They will get several hotels but these hotels will play host to vermins and wildlife, unless the people of Portsmouth reliases that they have voted themselves into a 4th world so called town. Mark you everything in Dominica except those of the prime minister and his inner circle remains like Portsmouth. Is it not time for Dominicans to rise up against this cancer? If not now then when?

  30. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    April 13, 2016

    A lie is exposed!

    If the GSI is correct, then one of the explanation is a lie, so either Ian Douglas is a liar, or since this recent information originates from the GSI, it would appear the government is lying to the nation!

    Some may remember late last year, Ian Douglas told DNO the reason the that thing was not yet completed, was all due to the Arab Spring, which informed people know to be a lie since the Arab spring had nothing to do Morocco. There was no uprising, no terrorism activity in Morocco relating to the Arab Spring.

    The Lie is so obvious any idiot can see, lying about government changes in Morocco: man in such places governments do not make arrangements, starts projects, and because government change or made changes projects comes to a halt; that’s a lie!

    What happened to the money that was allocated for the project in the first place!

    • Face the Facts
      April 13, 2016

      God knows the number of lies you told in your lifetime and will continue to lie as long as you live.
      I suppose you never cheated anyone.
      The pot always calls the kettle black.
      I really do not know why some of you make such a big issue of this. It is one for the government. It is its concern; not for you especially that you reside all the way in California.
      Stop putting on a act as you always do. Learn to be positive and encouraging.

      • Face the Facts
        April 13, 2016

        “an”. This system changes words and embarrasses writers.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 14, 2016

        Facts, I refuse to dignify your gutter rhetoric with a response excepts to say if you are hoping I will support corruption, and thievery and lies in support of a vile reprehensible inept, and incompetent bunch of people in Dominica who call themselves honorable ministers!

        You will be long dead before I could begin to think of supporting corruption of any kind! Lying is not in my plan, you I am one person if I say to you I have a glass half filled with water, when you measure the contents you will find the glass half full.

        I am a very visible kind of Individual, there are Dominicans residing in Los Angeles who know me, they read DNO everyday, I would like to challenge anyone who knows me to describe me my lifestyle or contradict anything I say which pertains to me which I cannot substantiated.

        Facts even in Canada, people identify me by my name. I dare you to write your name on DNO!

  31. Dan
    April 13, 2016

    All this desire to attract tourists makes me think you people are crazy.
    I visited Dominica for one day in 1999, and I’d like to retire there. I think the place is fabulous! One thing I love about it is the relative lack of tourists like me. Has anybody noticed what happens to local people when the tourists move in? I’m willing to bet there are Caribbean islands where the natives can no longer afford to live in their own countries.
    There are people all over the world who would, and do, pay lots of money to spend a few days on Dominica. You get to live there for free. I’m also willing to bet most of you don’t need medications for high blood pressure.

    • Blogg
      April 13, 2016

      Understand exactly what is happening here please. This tourism excuse is a farce and a front like these drugs businessmen and women. It is the pass to peddle the countries passport sale money plain and simple. Why do you think that the pm would abandone the country to so aggressively promote the sales of Dominica’s passport? Why? These corrupt, greedy and inept government don’t care a toss about tourism in Dominica.

      • Face the Facts
        April 13, 2016

        Speculating and assuming again, a trait of some people. You do not have this surety of what is in the mind of the PM. Some of you make this grave mistake.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 13, 2016

      Whoever you are you are talking nonsense, you have no idea what tourism is all about!

      For that reason I’ll give you two related definitions: tourism is as the commercial organization, and operation of vacation, and visits to places of interest.

      Tourist: simply defined as a person who is traveling, or visiting a place for pleasure.

      I have ben a tourist; let us talk about Las Palmas, and places such as the Canary islands, places such as Cuxhaven in West Germany, are tourism heavens, I lived in Cuxhaven and could afford it.

      I am Dominica Born residing in the City of Los Angeles.

      I can take you to a poor country as Mexico where millions of people depends on the tourist visiting for their survival, the surroundings never get too expensive for the native to live. The great United States, Hollywood thrives on tourism, poor people live in Hollywood,

      Let me acquainted you with Las Vegas, several Hundreds millions of tourist visits Vegas each year, yet Las Vegas is one of…

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 13, 2016

        I actually intended to write “acquaint you”. Most of us Dominicans know that Dominica is a nice place, however we much prefer to reside out of Dominic for obvious reasons such the bad politics in our country.

        Secondly, the lack of progress, the lack of employment opportunities keep us out of the country. Finally, some of us do not wish to live in a place where we know the first time we get a heart attack we will die from it. I can tell you personally if I lived in Dominica, I would be long dead, in view of the medical issues plaguing me!

        I do not discourage you from going to live in Dominica, we all find our comfort zone somewhere in this life on earth, whereas I found mine in Los Angeles, your comfort might be found in Dominica!

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 14, 2016

        “he fair I will what corrupt deal he makes in Vegas.”

        Don’t correct me Facts, the word is fear!

        In any event, maybe if he come to visit with his Almost Nearly Cousin, he may forget he has two brown paper-bag full with money he won in Vegas eh, and believe I accuse him of doing something corrupt to win oui!


        Who know since he like to buy people perhaps he could have bought a dealer to make him win eh, de man is a master of buying people, but he (doh can) buy this boy here eh!

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 13, 2016

      Let me acquainted you with Las Vegas, several Hundreds millions of tourist visits Vegas each year, yet Las Vegas is one of the cheapest places to live in America, housing are cheap, home owners in Las Vegas do not pay property tax!

      What about places like Barbados, Jamaica, Bermuda, the Bahamas, even Timbuktu in Africa, lots of tourist visits there, yet the local resides in Timbuktu.

      Keep you doom and gloom to you!

      • Dan
        April 13, 2016

        Please let me clarify… I LIVE in in a tourist area. All year people from Chicago, many of whom have too much money and don’t know what simple courtesy is, come here and demand to be entertained.

        “doom and gloom”? I think Dominica is so wonderful I’m exploring retiring there having spent ONE DAY on the island, 16 years ago. I just want to make sure I’m living there the day before the Dominicans start to understand what a great place it is, and close the door.

      • Face the Facts
        April 13, 2016

        Las Vegas, Sin City is a rich area. Las Vegas makes a mint from gambling and all those visitors all year round. The government gets ample funds from it. It is understandable that housing will be cheap and home owners will not pay property tax. This must be determined by the government of Las Vegas that has profited from its activities. Residents must also benefit from all that money which flows into Las Vegas.
        The other countries probably do not get as much as Las Vegas.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 14, 2016

        Facts, have you ever been to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side?

        I’ve been there, every summer I visit Canada, I go to Niagara Falls to gamble, and eat some good food! Sometimes when I go down to the actual falls, one have to be lucky to get a parking space, people walk shoulder to shoulder, the Canadian government is benefiting from the casinos, as much as the State of Nevada does from Las Vegas.

        And by the way it is not some of the residence who do not pay Taxes in Vegas, let me tell you how it works: as long as your property is completely paid for, you do not pay any property tax in the city of Las Vegas!

        The casinos give enough to the government to sustain Vegas, tell that to your boy Skerrit who commented that we do not need anything Vegas has to support tourism in Dominica.

        Ask him when he goes to Vegas how come he does not come to LA to visit me. man hiding from me eh, cause he fair I will what corrupt deal he makes in Vegas.


    • The Real Thing
      April 13, 2016

      Dan,Your visit to the island 16 years ago would have given you that good impressions.Times have moved on,before you make a decision on retirement come over for a month.You might change your mind

      April 13, 2016

      Well “Dan” your view is of a person, like you said visited for one day. If you had born, and reside in dominica until retirement age, you will have a new opinion. In 1999 you should have, gave up your nice paying job and life, and move to dominica, probably after 16 days,weeks, or months, you would have leave and never return.Ahh you just did a drive by for one day dan

    • Face the Facts
      April 13, 2016

      We, in especially Toronto have the identical problem. Cost of housing has skyrocketed. It is stated the Chinese and some other foreign nationalities purchase those properties/ houses at high costs because they can afford it. Therefore locals can no longer afford to purchase a house in Toronto. Someone told me that the government is trying to do something about it. I hope.
      I must write my MP/MPP about that, simply for my curiosity, satisfaction and to lend my voice in what concerns everyone who resides in this city/country. What concerns one concerns everyone.

    • Face the Facts
      April 13, 2016

      Dominica is tropical, relatively beautiful, peaceful, untouched and the people are happy. This was more so when I resided there.
      Today, everyone wants progress which is not bad. However, there is a price to pay for progress and you know, imitating the progressive countries. These are paying for it. The country has become, all ’round expensive.
      Dominica will not remain at a stand still. Even the criminal elements have increased since 1999.
      In all honesty, prior to making the move to Dominica and to retire there, conduct a research of everything possible in Dominica to determine whether it is worth-while and also relatively safe to retire there.
      Good luck and God be with you!

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 14, 2016

        “Today, everyone wants progress which is not bad. However, there is a price to pay for progress and you know, imitating the progressive countries.”

        Facts, you are out on a tangent again, the only price anyone should have to pay for progress, is that all should benefit from any progress the country makes. The problem is there is no progress in Dominica.

        The government ministers and the die hard supporters of Skerrit makes progress at the expense of the rest of the nation: there is no reason why Skerrit should have given Timothy, and Ambrose; my cousin Athena and Gloria a job after they lost the election.

        Well, he fired Gloria, and is compensating her with a conscience job. There is no reason why one should be appointed Ambassador-At-Large in a poor country like ours with absolutely no say in international matters. When the youths of the country sees these progressive party members driving these expensive cars, and owning million dollar homes they believe Dominica is…

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 14, 2016

        When the youths of the country sees these progressive party members driving these expensive cars, and owning million dollar homes they believe Dominica is progressing, hence they go out and kill people for money that is not a price one should pay for Dominica’s kind of progress.

        Ambrose is a an old man, a washed up politician, it is time he stop living on the blood of the people, the same applies to Timothy, Gloria is also an old woman who should be resting with her grand children, surviving on her pension.

        Athena a few years younger than her should return to her job at the courthouse in Brampton, and finish working for her retirement.

        The man who claims to be a doctor is not much of a medical doctor or he would continue to practice until his demise, they are all sucking the blood of the country!

    • Dominican
      April 14, 2016

      Dan, you are so right. There is only one fly in the ointment and that is Roosevelt Skerrit. He spoils it for everyone, especially the native Dominicans.

  32. kisses
    April 13, 2016

    Stupes……here we go again “soon”…how soon?.. 3 yrs? 4yrs?5yrs?

  33. IamanIdiot
    April 13, 2016

    That’s a long temporary wi

    • Face the Facts
      April 13, 2016

      They were waiting for you, your financial assistance and your help! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      • Me
        April 14, 2016

        Facts, you are so ridiculous it isn’t even lauhgable.

  34. weh
    April 13, 2016

    Will be completed just before the next election

  35. watchdog
    April 13, 2016

    hahahahahahahahahaha. Gassa Douglas go and take a drink eh.

  36. Dorival John
    April 13, 2016


    Six years to build a 50-room guest house.

    Labour really ka twavay

  37. Dominica_Is_Ours
    April 13, 2016

    DNO, what about the 2015 survey on the economic contribution of cruise tourism conducted by custom market analysts Business Research and Economic Advisors (BREA) for the Florida Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) painted Dominica as a destination of unfriendly people, discourteous store employees and with little to see or do.

    The country placed at or near the bottom in passenger satisfaction with things to see and do, welcome on the ground, courtesy of store employees and taxi and transportation. Dominica was dead last when passengers were asked how likely they were to recommend the destination to family and friends.


    • Dominican
      April 13, 2016

      2015 survey? We are in 2016. And you even sounding really happy we lol move aside

      • Dorival John
        April 13, 2016

        The 2015 survey is valid till October or November 2016 when the new survey is done. So the person has a right to ask.

        And I am sure when the new survey is done, Dominica will remain at the bottom of the pile since I have not seen any improvements.

  38. Floridian Diaspora
    April 13, 2016

    Something’s telling me that in the rear event that this hotel gets completed it will be like a ghost town. No tourist to patronize them. Tourism is not only about building hotels. Other factors play their part. International airport, good roads, activities to keep them happy, night life, develop the already existing sites to look more appealing, cheap items, good manners, etc. So much travel Skeritt traveling, I wonder if his eyes doesn’t burn him when he see what the other Caribbean countries have so that it could make him realize what we’re missing.

  39. woodants
    April 13, 2016

    when will the trickery and deception ever end in Dominica…

    i don’t believe anything those guys say at all..
    all the other caribbean island have issue but they’re making strides well the Dominican Fools live, breath and eat..ignorance…

    whip them Jah!!

    • Face the Facts
      April 13, 2016

      When you stop tricking others. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  40. street side
    April 13, 2016

    Here we go again….another deception whilst the economy is “dead”
    but we dominicans are the ones to be blame for a non existing government…

    dominica is a unique and rather interesting island based on how the citizens get comforted with lies, tricks, corruption and totally unable to do the right thing..

    everyone is telling the citizens they need to re-think change focus but the evil which is existing on the minds and souls of Dominica only God Knows…

    but history will not be kind to citizens for crippling a beautiful island due them embracing the dark side.

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