22 join Massacre/Canefield Girl Guides

Recently, 22 young girls of the Massacre/Canefield Primary School decided to join the sisterhood of guiding.

The efforts of Principal of the Massacre Primary School Ms Morvan, the Parent Teachers Association, Mariet Canoville  and returning Dominican/Canadian  Monique Parillon-Jones made this a reality.

Since the registration, the girls have given service to the community by making visits to the Dominica Infirmary, the Children’s Ward of the Princess Margaret Hospital.

The girls have been involved in activities which are aimed at assisting them in their personal development.  Some of these activities are kitchen creation, which includes activities such as creation of menus and cooking, sewing, arts and crafts.  They are also involved in outdoor activities, some of which included a hike to Middleham Falls on Dec.19, 2010.  The girls described it as a challenge.  According to Zilter Antonie “the rain made the slopes slippery, some girls fell but it was fun.”

Other girl guides on the hike, such as Nadezka Sandford and Annick Francis, said it was a treacherous  hike in which some girls fell in ravines; it was a hike one can never forget.

In January the girls will receive their hikers, kitchen creation, computer and craft interest badges.

The captain of the unit  described the girls as an “exciting bunch”.  They have also hosted the radio program Guides in Motion on the Dominica Broadcasting Corporation (DBS).

The look forward to camps and entertainment for the new year.

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  1. from Canada
    January 8, 2011

    While a Girl Guide/Brownie leader from Canada – Millbrook (Ontario) in 2004- 2005, our units participated in the Canada -Dominica Twinning project. Lovely to see the Guiding movement continue and expand in 2011. Sadly in Canada we had more girls then than we do now. 8-(. On a personal note, my family still speaks fondly of our visit to the Emerald Pool and other delights in Dominica way back in 1999!! Jill Stocker [email protected]

  2. Just giving my Two Cents
    January 4, 2011

    Massacre school will always continue to produce some of the brightest and best young minds. It’s amazing to see that this school is continuing to produce great things. We’ll continue to rise and represent Dominica as best as we can.

    Thnaks DNO for some positive news on Dominica.

  3. Community Spirit!
    January 4, 2011

    This is indeed something for Massacre School to be proud of and ofcourse the Guide Leaders who have given their time and effort to bring this group to where it is. Most times when I used to drive past the school area on a Sunday arround midday, I would often see them and the leaders and I felt really happy to see the formation of something good!
    Massacre is part of the St. Paul Parish and there are persons from other Communities within the parish and on the outskirts who I know were instrumental in the formation of this Group. In the 80’s Mahaut had a vibrant Guide troop and Massacre had a vibrant Scout troop but it seems like there is a swith in 2000. Mahaut now has the Scouts and Massacre the Guide. I hope and pray that the young ladies will keep up the good work and be a beacon of hope and spread the good news to their relatives, friends, and the community by extension. Ms. Cannoville, Mrs. Morvan, Camo, Parents, and all others whom I may not know of and are contributing their support in one way or another, thanks very much and keep up the good work! The young men need to follow, Mahaut Scout or Cadet core will welcome you. Scouting is fun, I can attest! (1st Massacre Scout Troup).
    There is hope for the young people. Parents give them the support!
    DNO thanks for highlighting something positive from my community so that people who are out there like me can feel that sense of joy!
    I am proud of you all young ladies! Keep up the good work!

  4. Basking in the Possitive
    January 4, 2011

    I am thrilled that the Girl Guide Movement is thriving in Dominica. Hats off to the leaders who are serving as role models to these young ladies. I have many treasure memories from being a Girl Guide/Brownie Leader in Grand Bay. I am so pleased that these young ladies can get the chance to chanel their energies into postive activities. However i am disappointed that the we Dominicans have not really commented on, or congratualated the community, the leaders, or the youngladies on taking such a possitive stand. I guess this story is not controversial enough. If we do not pride ourselves in Highlighting the possitive things that happen in our country then who will. So as the Guiding Moto says lets (Be Prepared )To Highlight The Possitive and learn from the negative. Love D/a and Grand bay every time

  5. Texas
    January 3, 2011

    This is wonderful, good things do happen in DA, thank you DNO for bringing it out. We as a nation need to acknowledge the spirit of volunteerism and stop depending on the gov’t for help. Thanks to the young ladies who have displayed great volunteerism and leadership by taking on such a project. I would like to see some young men also display such spirit and do the same for our young boys.

    We should see the gov’t as a governing mechanism, responsible for policy making and all the other things that gov’t is there for, not as an agent of do-all and give-me-all. There are so many things that the people can do on the own and not wait on the gov’t to do. This is how nations progress and develop. Community day of service was a good example of volunteerism on the people’s part, it was sad to see the gov’t turn it into a day of ONLY planting flowers, what a shame.

  6. Dee
    January 3, 2011

    Congrats to all the young girls, thir parents and the principal and staff of the massacre/Canefield Primary…Being a parent of a student of this school, I am myself very proud of your accomplishments..ocntinue to make a name for yourselves, school and communities…way to go!!!

  7. the artist
    January 3, 2011

    Congratulations to these children… And to their parents for seekin an avenue where their children can learn and do positive things while they grow up

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