Be proud of your country – Dr. Carrissa Etienne to students

Dr. Carissa Etienne

Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) Director General-elect Dr Carissa Etienne, has implored Dominican students to be proud of their country and where they came from.

Etienne addressed students of various high schools on Tuesday morning at the Arawak House of Culture where she said they should “be proud because it is your country, you are the ones who distinguish our country from the rest of the world.”

Etienne, a Dominican, was recently elected to serve as Director General of PAHO. She was elected on Wednesday 19th September, 2012, during the 28th Pan American Sanitary Conference.

She is expected to officially take up her position on February 1, 2013.

She implored her audience to build good habits and develop a strong sense of morale and service. She added that they should always seek help and never accept failure.

Dr Etienne gave the students a short history of her journey which she described as a tough one. According to her she lived in Massacre and had the privilege to receive an education. “Education is important, make the most of it,” she said.

She reminded them that self-confidence and hard work are key factors to success. “Choose proper role models and always be optimistic,” she stressed.

She encouraged students to be willing to accept challenges and believe in service and urged them to always have a relationship with God.

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  1. Anonymous
    October 31, 2012

    Why everything has to be about party politics? The Dominican gave a speech. Is there anything we could take from the speech. I wish to learn from the good that people have done. And regards role models – those who write that there are no role models – are they saying that they themselves are not role models – great that you are not, but I am.

  2. imjustsaying
    October 31, 2012

    it is so easy to offer such sentiments when you have arrived at the top of the todem pole – the reality good doctor is that many young people in Dominica are very fearful for thier future –


  3. Ambrose
    October 30, 2012

    I expected the Doc to tell the students to call up those leaders of the country who are not exempliary in their leadership style, she should also tell the students to take note of the governance style of the country where senior citizens are abuse by the fire bombing of their homes on christmas nights and the hand of justice seems to be slow, Dr. Etienne should implore the students to reject the corrupt practices of governments who use the resources to benifit their political party hacks. Dr Etienne we are aware that you must have known of all the events in Dominica and we are very much suprised that you did not caution our future leaders on the ills of our political leaders currently in office

  4. dom
    October 30, 2012

    I am proud to be Dominican, such a beautiful island but not proud of the way dominica is managed or governed. Great island nice people, poor leadership uwp,dlp, dfp poor!!

    October 30, 2012

    There is a lot one could say in commenting on the good advice from Dr Etienne. However, in this season of national celebration, expression of pride in self and country, I shall simply allow my deep respect for the good doctor to dominate my thoughts.

    We should all embrace the humble advice to continue our contribution to the development of our society, building good habits and a strong sense of morale and service to humanity.

    It is worth internalizing the good advice of the good doctor that we all, particularly our political leaders should never accept failure, accept challenges and continue to render service to the country in a manner that is noble, honest, lawful, constitutional, efficient and corruption free.

    Thank you Dr. Etienne for being a good example of what we should strife to become as an sincere, honest, hardworking and God-fearing Dominican citizen

    Roseau Valley

  6. Everline
    October 30, 2012

    This was one of the best Speeches i have heard .. thank you Dr.Etienne for Educating Us as students with the Knowledge and Understanding of your Talents ..A special Thanks from the Teachers of the St. Martin Secondary we really Appreciated this effort as we were all educated .. once again Thank you !! :)

  7. lisad
    October 30, 2012

    I am a proud Dominican.

  8. Everline
    October 30, 2012

    This was the one of the best speeches I had .. Thank you for Educating us through our Journey in High school .. A special thanks to the Teacher’s and Students of the St Martin Secondary School .. once again thank you :)

  9. Proud
    October 30, 2012

    Dr. Etienne, you are an inspiration to young women! Thank you for giving us a tangible picture of success! Best of luck in your new role! With God all things are truly possible :)

  10. De W
    October 30, 2012

    Its amazing how someone like Dr Carissa can break it down so simple and reach out to kids in tht manner.
    And to the hater Morihei Ueshiba.
    Do u knw Dr Ettienne? If u did u wud knw that most of her years was spent at the primary health in DA,and she haxs served her country well, you hater.

  11. Morihei Ueshiba
    October 30, 2012

    How can we be proud of our country when so much wrong things pass as right? If u was not director of Paho i am sure u would not live in Dominica, that is why u left! :lol:

  12. Anonymous
    October 30, 2012

    I would be proud of this country if it wasn’t filled with back-washed zombies-like tribal people who wouldn’t take time to actually learn something rather than going with what’s hip and cool by their peers claiming that their individuals and no-one is like them, which would be true in the case of looks but that’s where the individuality ends. It’s like having a pet rock and painting with feces cause that’s the in thing.

  13. Anonymous
    October 30, 2012

    Oh please! Be proud of what exactly??? choops! Yes tell them help build it but build it because today there is absolutely nothing to be proud of and its up to them to change it for the better!!

    Choose proper role models. Interestng. The lack of morality and integrity and the complete dismantling of the institutions over the past 2 decades have left a population of youth that only know corruption and dysfunction. So I am really curious to seee who they would hold up as role models.

    All this diplomacy crap! Forget that! Dominica is steaming hole of crap and its up to the young people to change that. Time to call it as it is!

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