Contract signed for $6-million Newtown Primary School

The contract being signed while officials look on
The contract being signed while officials look on

“A promise made is a promise kept” were the words of Parliamentary Representative Ambrose George of the Roseau South Constituency to the students, teachers and other members of the constituency on Wednesday 9th October, 2013.

George made those remarks at a ceremony to mark the signing of a contract for the construction of what has been described as a brand “new state of the art” Newtown Primary School.

The school was promised to the constituency by George but construction was set back for various reasons.

newtown1Speaking at Wednesday’s ceremony George said, “this new Newtown Primary school that is to be built for the Roseau South Constituency and beyond is a promise which is being kept. I believe it is very fair to say that there was a very high level of anxiety in the Newtown community, the PTA, the staff and students of the Newtown Primary School because we met on several occasions and we were given dates upon dates and as we progressed the anxiety built, but today is a new beginning.”

According to George, the school building now being used has had its challenges but great effort was put in to maintain it in a manner that was conducive to learning.

He noted further that the new school comes out of the generosity of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, since it was originally intended for Thibaud. However, the original plan was changed since the Prime Minister saw the need for an upgraded school in the Newtown area.

George added that he is very satisfied that the features presented in the design of the school will meet all requirements.

“It is going to be a state of the art building and we know in terms of the quality of work, the speed, by our great friends from the People’s Republic of China we can expect nothing less than a magnificent feature in terms of a state of the art primary school. One of the important features of that school is the installation of an elevator for the physically challenged students,” he noted.

Meanwhile Education Minister, Petter St Jean, said that the deteriorating structural condition of the present school was a constant reminder to government of the dire need for a new structure that is both comfortable and conducive to teaching and learning.

He stated that the new school, which will be constructed to the tune of $6-million, will be equipped with a principal office, secretary office, 14 classrooms, science lab, library, sickbay, art room, kitchen, washroom facilities and staff room.

There will also be reconstruction of the roadway leading to the school, parking lot and hard court. The school will also serve as an emergency shelter for the community.

Prime Minister Skerrit endorsed the project stating that as Prime Minister he has the responsibility to look at the needs of the entire country and thanked the Principal and staff for their patience.

“This school should have been in my constituency and I am sure my constituents may be upset but as Prime Minister I have the responsibility to look at not only my constituency but also the entire country and I felt that Newtown had a greater problem than my constituency and I handed over this school,” he said.

The school is a gift from the government of China.

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  1. Thibaud to the bone
    October 14, 2013

    As a student of Psychology, Hon. Skerrit should understand that ensuring adequate access to education is key to sustaining the prosperity of a nation. Also literacy is the cornerstone in order to partake in the global economy. As well as raising the standard of living of a society.

    I am reading this now, and I am not only disappointed in the way the PM treated Thibaud which is part of his constituency, I am extremely pissed of at the lack of respect he has for the Thibaud people. This is saddening to the poor kids who are humiliated and feel rejected by the same system that should be there to enhance their learning and give them an equal opportunity to be the best that they can be. What message is he sending to the children of Thibaud? Has he lost hope in their ability to be educationally sound? Did he give up on our children? I am very fortunate that I had a top notch education that got its roots in the Thibaud Primary School. Without that building which represented so many things to me, I would not have been able to pursue my educational career. I feel that it is vital to children’s development to have a school that they can learn in and feel proud to walk into.

    I really want the PM to do the right thing and give Thibaud the school they deserve. What he rather do in Thibaud is to give toilets, money, and throw children’s parties. Yes, these hand me outs are great, but we need the infrastructure, and a school is a great way to start. Hon. PM Skerrit we await our school patiently!!! I have been a devout supporter and a true friend, but this one is breaking my heart and I feel for our kids. Newtown and Sansauver should not have been secondary to Thibaud if the monies were in fact slated for Thibaud School. Do the right thing!

    • Thibaud to the bone
      October 14, 2013

      I meant that Newtown and Sansauver should have been secondary to Thibaud.

  2. Value Engineering
    October 13, 2013

    I have a concern about the installation of an elevator in a school which is less than the minimum requirements by code to install elevators in New York which has one of the most stringent building codes that patterns the International Building Code (IBC) in a few areas; when NY Building Code and IBC are reviewed for identical building items they are almost similar and in some cases NY Building code is more stringent for certain things. Therefore, I would suggest the use of a concrete ramp and stairwell combination design for the school. The later does not require the maintenance as opposed to the elevator when it breaks down. The serviceman to repair the elevator will be called frequently especially when you have school children doing horse-play in and out of the elevator. Therefore, this can be a recurring cost compared to a one-time cost for construction of a concrete ramp.

  3. phsyco
    October 12, 2013

    Roseau South Constituency People so stupid that Ambrose can give them a sweety to vote for him they will do so after they sayin he not doing anything eh.

  4. big
    October 11, 2013

    that’s a trick :roll: :roll:

  5. Rastafari
    October 10, 2013

    Were there Dominican contractors biding for this contract, or was it illegal for them to participate in the bidding process, since it’s a “gift” from big brother? Just asking!

  6. October 10, 2013

    Well done , School is needed in the area , But Ambrose George Must Go , he have failed the people in his constituency . Give way for Mr. Francis .

  7. lot
    October 10, 2013

    DNO I believe y’all are anti government.. A simple comment I post about Dominicans too like to complain and they even complain when good things r happening, y’all didn’t post my comment.,,Everyone deserves a chance to express their opinions and concerns on there…Y’all should be happy people coming on y’all website to read news..So please give everyone a fair chance to voice their concerns as long as it’s not derogatory..

  8. Listening!!!
    October 10, 2013

    Skerrit is almost like a man who will not help this man who is dying. Then Skerrit finds out he(Skerrit) needs this bush to survive and the dying man is the only one who knows where to find it.

    Suddenly he then does everything to make sure the dying man stay alive so he could get him the bush. And in the meantime we want everyone to praise him for his compassion and sincerity for helping the dying man.

    That is exactly what is happening in Dominica.


    • me
      October 11, 2013

      I wonder if you really believe that or you just have to go along with the foolishness.

    • Papa Met!!
      October 15, 2013

      Ver well said Listening. You hit the nail on the head.

  9. Nudibranch
    October 10, 2013

    “equipped with a principal office, secretary office, 14 classrooms, science lab, library, sickbay, art room, kitchen, washroom facilities and staff room.”

    Yes so what, all of that is expected inn ANY SCHOOL!

    Secretary office – secretary required
    Science lab, – science teacher required
    sickbay – nurse on hand, there isn’t now

    Who paying for them????

    Will it have solar panels for assisting in lighting reducing electrical costs and ensuring the students learn about alternate energy at school too. I think not, after all the state palace doesn’t.

    All smoke and noise, Thibaud school is a very large building with how many, 20 students? it should be turned into a technical school for vocational learning, same as all the other school buildings being left to fallow, welding, auto mechanics, construction, all these buildings could be put to use.

  10. just saying
    October 10, 2013

    6 mill for one school wat about the calibishie primary school which is presently falling apart brick by brick yet parents are being told a small ply wood building is to expensive to build in order to relocate student to have the old building demolished. the school is what we call a death threat cause it can just collide any day.

  11. Anonymous
    October 10, 2013

    6 mill for one school. I personally have no issues with a school being built bt 6 mill for one school bt wat about the Calibishie Primary School which is presently a death trap. The building was tested and was told it had to be demolished but is yet to be and children are being told not to pass close to a building which is falling apart brick by brick. Parents have been crying out for help bt instead of a solution for the safety of children’s lives, exit doors have been installed as of last month in the event that a landslide helps to bring down the already falling apart building. but how can a child run out from an exit door if the building has collided on them. the Calibishie Primary school is in a disaster waiting to happen. parents have been told that a little ply wood building is too expensive to build in order to relocate students temporarily to give space to demolish the building before it kills children. some money from the 6 mill could have been used. im just saying.

  12. I am out!
    October 10, 2013

    As a Thibaudian and a supporter of the DLP, I am also very upset with the PM for building yet another school at our expense. I mean u closed our school down and told us u would build a new one for us only to find out you sent the money to San Soveire instead. Sunday you were in Thibaud and promised us heaven on earth and told us NOTHING about a FREE gift of $6 million dollars you got from China for the Thibaud School and now you sending that money to New Town while our children are boxed like sadines in tin, in a building that is not conducive to learning? Why do that to us? Have we not given you good enough support? Or is it because of something else? It had to take Ambrose George to brake the news to us?
    If Ambrose’ revelation of the money was a crushing blow to us laborites of Thibaud then you must think of the insult we further felt when Mr. George also said the following: “According to George, the school building now being used has had its challenges but great effort was put in to maintain it in a manner that was conducive to learning.” Mr. Skerrit, in the case of our School, no effort was made to maintain our building which has been closed for many years now, and unlike the New Town school, where our chidren are is not conducive to learning as being reflected by our children’s poor results during the common entrance.
    Yes Mr. Parlrep you have used us, abused us, neglected us, embarrassed us and insulted us, and I will not use my hand to allow you to continue to destroy my village. I am out and it’s over.

  13. Anonymous
    October 10, 2013

    I think the Government should provide some form of transportation for these kids. Not rich kids going to that school either to adjust to this movement. More money to pay.

  14. Anonymous
    October 10, 2013

    Six million dollars is way too much money for a small school like that. Around three hundred children hum……… A secondary school with more student sure can understand. What is it are they doing in the primary school to entail such a budget for a primary school.

    • just a thought
      October 10, 2013

      that comment is so nonsensical it gave me a headache.

  15. octo
    October 10, 2013

    When any project has begun the following comments always come to the fore:
    -it is being done because elections coming.
    -what about this other community?
    Does it mean that one year before elections the government should stop working for fear of being accused of electioneering.

  16. dafriend
    October 10, 2013

    Boy aren’t Dominicans doing well! If only they where so lucky all the time. The problem is, it only happens shortly before elections as part of the DLP vote buying scheme. These guys are pathetic. Having said that, they have got a bad record of keeping their promises anyway.

  17. Ted Lewis (posie)
    October 10, 2013

    As long as a school is being built that’s good for us in dominica. We all know that this is to help HOn Ambrose win but we appreciate it better late than never. Election should be every two years and the place will be good.

    Mr. Prime Minister may I remind you that on the 17th September you mention that at least 500 new jobs will be created by 30th September. I commended you on your effort but now I think the country is in need of an update.

  18. Morihei Ueshiba
    October 10, 2013

    If u love Dominicans so much why u build those big villas and state palace on our backs. :-x

  19. charles joseph
    October 10, 2013

    personally i giveing the brother a chance to take out shame in his eyes.for the amount of years the brother neglected the roseau south constituency now that mr francis has put some peps in his steps i cannot help but work with him. the school is for our children and there children’s chidren.It’s late in comeing but better late than never

  20. Justice and Truth
    October 9, 2013

    DNO, are you prohibiting “thumbs down” for your favorite Party? If so, this is not fair. It is not the first time this has occurred. You have allowed many “thumbs down” for the present government. As a Media, do not practice preferential treatment towards the Party you favor.
    I would not dare try “thumbs up” for fear it works and it is not my intention to give thumbs up to critics of every government’s assistance and projects who are especially vindictive who have projected they are in favor of the other Party.

    ADMIN: We not not prohibiting anything and we DON’T have a favorite party. If you think we playing favoritism then you are free to go another site. We won’t be lectured by you.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 10, 2013

      I never stated that. I tried more than once on different comments and I was not successful. As I stated, this was not the first time. It occurred previously which caused me to make this comment and other.
      I am not lecturing you. Why should I? I simply found it strange that I could not do so as stated.
      I am not the only one who has commented, some worst, in various ways, than I have stated.

  21. Islandal
    October 9, 2013

    Don’t matter what the pm. Do You guys will be happy

  22. Islandal
    October 9, 2013

    Don’t matter what the pm. Do you guys will never be satisfied

  23. Fairy Tale
    October 9, 2013

    Looking forward to the new school. Skerrit is just a human being. I have never seen so many people jealous of one man. Lennox Linton will never lead the Dominica. Someone needs to form a new party and please put educated people on it.

  24. Looking in
    October 9, 2013

    Election really around the corner papa

  25. The magic in you
    October 9, 2013

    Thank you Joshua Francis! I heard it from the masses that your candidacy is causing Ambrose to tremble on the eve of election but now I have proven that for myself. Ambrose has suddenly wake up from a long coma. What a deceit. We are not taken in by white rat bait. So we ae going to vote him out and welcome the honest every day, better way Joushua Francis. And Joshua I expect more excitement. That is the wonder of your honest team.

  26. trolol
    October 9, 2013

    Btw, Dominicans are to incompetent to work on such projects. :-P

  27. October 9, 2013

    that is good pm god will bless u when u are sleeping k :-D

  28. Erasmus B. Black
    October 9, 2013

    ..Another big erection spurred by the election. In Newtown.

  29. ht
    October 9, 2013

    very good that is just the beging pm.

    • straight.
      October 10, 2013

      if after 15 yrs this is just the beginning, well i think we’ll have to wait another 15 to get something else. Don’t be fooled Dominicans, political schemes.

      • haha
        October 10, 2013

        loool… but wait a minute na… wat workers do when they were there?? plz refresh my memory cuz i seem to have forgtten.. :-|

      • atl
        October 11, 2013

        get a life …realy! what do u all want…..this pm is doing so much the country…GOD WILL CONTINUE TO BLESS HIM,AND BLESS THE BEAUTYFUL ISLAND OF DOMINICA

  30. Neg Mawon
    October 9, 2013

    Residents of Thibaud, should give him good a** whooping for treating them like this….Jousha have them going like crazy!!!

  31. Neg Mawon
    October 9, 2013

    Murder!!! Boy something really happenin in Dominica with Labour, never heard of things like that!!

  32. Enuff
    October 9, 2013

    Is this a “Chinese only” project or will Dominicans be employed.

  33. Man on the Ground
    October 9, 2013

    i ask that evey community that is in need of something to build or develop in their community now is the time to ask the P.M. have him running al over the country trying to put something in every spot that he belive that he can get votes. so my Dominican brother and sisters keep the pressure up call the P.M tommorow tell him a quake just pass in your village have him run over to bring you a wall in his brifcase weighing 1000 lbs such a monkey poor boy. run run run P.M

  34. COT
    October 9, 2013

    Nothing will ever please Dominicans!!!! Too many complaints people!!! The government is going to build a new school which is very much needed and was promised and u all r complaining..I mean there are times the government should be criticized, but in this situation I honestly don’t see the need…

  35. Jaen Thibaud
    October 9, 2013

    “He noted further that the new school comes out of the generosity of Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, since it originally intended for Tibaud. However, the original plan was changed since the Prime Minister saw the need for an upgraded school in the Newtown area.” Thanks very much Mr. George for informing Thibaud people. But at list the PM was in Thibaud last weekend he could have told that to us eh.
    Thibaud People, can you all understand the ping pong you going through? It is over 5 years now the PM closed our school which was our only community center and emergency center. During the 2005 elections he went on national radio, and informed the nation that he had received USD $1 million for the construction of a new school in Thibaud only to find out months later he took the money to build a new school in Sansovere (Castle Bruce Constituency) instead. Now it seems as if he got $6.6 million to build another school in Thibaud and Ambrose George broke the news that the money was for THibaud School but again money had to be shifted to Newtown. Thibaud people, let us have a direct and honest conversation here. Would the Hon Pm do this thing to Vielle-case people and expect to get a vote from them? Would he have done this to Penville people? Indirectly he is publicly insulting our intelligence and making all of us look like fools. Folks, this is not about Labour or UWP but about a person that is bent on insulting us. To even magnify his insult on us, just this pass weekend he was in Thibaud keeping his show and that was the place he found suitable to declare his war on “pit latrine” and promised to give us 20 new flushing toilets, as if Thibaud is in so bad shape. My people, it’s time to open your eyes and see who is for you and who is against you. It was the mighty Sparrow that once sang “The one who you love never marries to you.” Please stop being fools and accept defeat.
    I only want Thibaud people alone to respond here

    • Jaen Thibaud
      October 9, 2013

      correction I meant to say $6.0 million and instead I hit 6.6

    • village first
      October 10, 2013

      So very well said by @Jean Thibaud. I thought all of our true heroes were gone and we had no one to help lead us again. I think of leaders like the late Mr Hugh Fabien,and Arbo, (Mr. Abner Alexander) who stopped a carterpillar from going to another village to ensure that the foundation for our school was dug, and of late Mr. George who stood for us and with us, to ensure that our playing field was not taken when the DFP tried to destroy it to give the Armour’s an access road for their nor dead tractors . But I am very encouraged again.
      This is not about politics but the community. I have been voting DLP since I first voted up to the last election. But Alas! enough is enough Mr. Skerrit. I mean you closed down our school, have our children boxed up in a little cage like smoke-hearing, you inforned the nation that u got USD$1million from Mr. Gadaffi for a new school in Thibaud. You then shifted the money to another village just to win a seat. Yet your tally of votes increased in Thibaud. Now China gave you a free gift of $6 million dollars for anew school in Thibaud, according to Ambrose George and confirmed by you, again you sent the school to New Town while you rewarded us with 20 toilets as if our village is the worse one in Dominica. If you were concerned about Thibaud then not spent at list $1.5 million on our school and give Ambrose george the rest?
      I know you said that you know your constituents will be upset with you, but I want to let you know in no uncertain terms that I will show you how upset I am with you by using my vote against you as all villagers should.

  36. Anonymous
    October 9, 2013

    Everywhere de poll show that dey not strong, dey putting something down! Way lay lay!
    Mark you after 14, yes 14 years of neglect in those areas by the present administration.

  37. stupes
    October 9, 2013

    joshua francis for roseau south…all u can break ground from newtown up to girudel…. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  38. Not a herd follower
    October 9, 2013

    Ambrose George said ”the new school comes out of the generosity of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit.”

    Roosevelt Skerrit said ”I handed over this school.”

    I thought the school was a gift from China. The Ambassador seems to think so.

  39. Jbfox
    October 9, 2013

    A goverment working for the people.

  40. john bess
    October 9, 2013

    Wow thats great but i still wont vote for ambrose,i change to workers already !!!

    • Justice and Truth
      October 9, 2013

      May you not be disappointed.

  41. YES I
    October 9, 2013

    when last did you visit your child SCHOOOL ….if you had money is not GSS you will send your child

  42. Mee3
    October 9, 2013

    Election is around the corner, lets see how many Dominicans will work on that school. I really try to wonder why ALL political parties wait until election for then to start all kind of project. That is not unique to this party.

    • October 9, 2013

      The only way that sort of pratice will stop is for D’icans to send a message to the political parties that is so strong that they will never continue any more.. D’icans stop them from using you you have been disrespected for years by the DLP and enough is enough they are looking for votes at all cost it’s time to give them there marching order. D’ica is a laughing stock in the region and worldwide.

      • Justice and Truth
        October 9, 2013

        Dominica? All of Dominica? Laughing stock? Does it look like it? I think it is all in your mind.

    • Papa Dom
      October 10, 2013

      I fully expect to see quite a few Dominicans working on the project if it really gets off the ground, after all this is a vote catching exercise. We are likely to see many young men from the Newtown area employed on the project. Those persons though will be the ones who will take frequent breaks, arrive late, be under the influence of drugs and leave early. They will be the ones who will say they are not slaves, not wanting to work hard, while the persons who genuinely want to work hard are not employed because they do not sing the skerritt song.

  43. Truth
    October 9, 2013

    Government gone wild. They are now like (ravet dovant poul). Only now Skerrit? Well too little too late

    • October 9, 2013

      He was not in existence when we were going to school. Nothing is ever too late. “Better late than never”.

    • well
      October 9, 2013

      This government has done more projects than any other government in history.

      • haha
        October 10, 2013

        exactly!!! tell dem greedy never satisfied dominicans dat!!!!!!

      • charmz
        October 10, 2013

        we originally accepted quality over quantity….

  44. Lougaoo Mem
    October 9, 2013

    This is another zero trickledown to our local workers and tradesmen, continuation of high unemployment due to bad governance. The politricksters go constituency baiting, a symptom caused by election fever. We have now been inoculated, not fazed by the tricks and shall not fall for them any longer.

    And may I say “Congrats to Roseau South?” That will not heal the pains of the high unemployment that’s plaguing our youths though. Therefore, all things considered, this government must be swept out of office come next election. The people have seen and hear enough.

    Thank You!

    • Dori D
      October 9, 2013

      Excerpt- “He noted further that the new school comes out of the generosity of Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, since it originally intended for Tibaud. However, the original plan was changed since the Prime Minister saw the need for an upgraded school in the Newtown area”. Wow! I see it now.

    • October 9, 2013

      The 14 classrooms will require 14 teachers. The Principal needs an assistant. The Science Lab will need at least three science teachers. The Library need employees, how many I do not know. The secretary should have an assistant, and other areas of the school will need employees. Students should not have to clean the school; therefore, they will need at least three janitors.

      GO APPLY FOR A JOB BEFORE THE COMPLETION STAGE. If you ALLOW the Chinese to employ their own you will have NOTHING to say. All the Chinese have done so far is FUND the project and you know THEY, the Chinese, will be OVERSEEING the progress.

      By-the-way, ALL the teachers need AIDE, teacher’s aide.

  45. take your time
    October 9, 2013

    So the government must just stop working now that election is near?

  46. octo
    October 9, 2013

    I am aware that this building was a long time in coming( at least 3-4 years). At last it is becoming a reality. I expect a lot of people will say that is because elections is coming. To the Staff and pupils and parents we now expect in the next 14 months we will have a school to enjoy.

    • Creative
      October 9, 2013

      I wonder why all of a sudden there are all kinds of projects all over Dominica, school that was delayed for years, housing, toilets, land allocation in Possie, and on and on. Those needs have always been there, why all of a sudden they have become priority. What was happening before? Dominicans open your eyes and use your head. It sounds as if these projects are personal gifts from the PM and the government. I wonder what they using tax payers money to do.

      • haha
        October 10, 2013

        haha so how comes all of a sudden lennox promising free education.. so all of dem not d same?? wats ure point???

    • Papa Dom
      October 10, 2013

      You are wrong my friend, the promise of a new school was made more than four years ago. From what is being revealed now it appears that this was just a promise and nothing else. One would like to think that the promise to Roseau South was made on the basis of an identified need as was the one made to thibaud. What is the responsibility of the promissor in the face of conflicting priorities? I think the people thibaud should have been informed before and should not have only heard that at the groundbreaking ceremony.
      Now let’s look at the mechanics of this proposal? Is the new school in Roseau South being built from a blueprint for one in Thibaud? Are the plots of land the same size, what about the terrain and soil type? Is $6m going to be spent no matter where the school is built ? Will it cost more or less to build in Newtown than Thibaud? There are so many questions to be asked and answered . So dear friend if this is not a political ploy than I don’t know what is.

  47. Morihei Ueshiba
    October 9, 2013

    Aye las 3rd time skerro breaking ground Linton for pm have u working hardddddddd but u will still lose the election :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • October 9, 2013

      That’s why I say D’icans get the kind of Govt they deserve all PM have to do is go around spread some money make some promises just before election time and the people fall hook line and sinker and they tell themselves that he cares he is working for the people D’icans you are all for hand outs no matter what so how can the Island delevlop in such a way .
      Dont you want better for yourselves and children .

  48. brainn
    October 9, 2013

    Nothing you do PM they will never be pleased….At least you are taking one step at a time :-D GOD BLESS OUR COUNTRY AND THE PRIME MINISTER

    • haha
      October 10, 2013


  49. Anonymous
    October 9, 2013

    The new UWP candidates not eeven in the house yet but they are forcing the govenment to spend money where they would not have neccessary spent it. Thanks to the United Workers Party for all those projects that were promised this week and last week. If they working o much in opposition, consider what they will do in Government. Way to go workers.

    • October 9, 2013

      Really, that is what you believe? UWP did not pressure Roosevelt to do any work. The work needed to be done, funding is becoming available so he is doing the work.

      Well, if that is the case, the UWP will have NOTHING to do when they enter office. Then what? You will say they ‘UWP’ are not doing anything.

      Kudos to Roosevelt.

    October 9, 2013

    HES there like a saviour again

    • October 9, 2013

      It is about time VIEILLE CASE speak up.

      • bighead
        October 9, 2013

        I want triple AAA to speak out she is from Vielle case.

  51. October 9, 2013

    In other words it look like the south seat in problem lets give them the school fast to appease them.

    • October 9, 2013

      Where is the funds comming form now and why wasnt it used before to develope the Island, hear again the DLP is using your weaknesses to bribe u and we call it improvement it’s a dying man trying to hang on to power he wants so very much to become the first DICTATOR in the history of D’ica.. but we the people have to stop them we want our ISLAND back.

      • 101st
        October 10, 2013

        “he wants so very much to become the first DICTATOR in the history of D’ica..”-He already is the first dictator of Dominica….what he missing!

    • haha
      October 10, 2013

      south seat never in problem.. dont get it twisted!!! we dont even knw the rep for workers muchless to vote him

  52. John Jay
    October 9, 2013

    The vielle case constituency is not in need of a school that money was intended for that constituency and because of the pressure by the PM & Ambrose , the money is being spend in Newtown, hope the people of Vielle Case is seeing what happening so they can take action at the polling station , He believe he is sitting good and proper in his constituency so he took the money and spending it somewhere else open you all eyes and put him out.

    • October 9, 2013

      I think he said Vieille Case need, but he is using the money where it is needed the MOST.

    October 9, 2013

    This is great news, I hope that some Dominicans will be directly involved with the project. So that they may apply those newly acquired skills to other such projects in their community.

    • stupes
      October 9, 2013

      u seeing chiney dat signing contract u sayin u hope dominicans get involve. 8-O 8-O 8-O 8-O

  54. niceboi/#`
    October 9, 2013

    But but but, when will BLACK people ever reach in a position to help themselves and people of other races? We are for ever begging and taking, and never in a state of independence. And all you telling me that BLACK PEOPLE are not cursed? DNO just leave my comment alone! We have been on this planet as long as other races, or longer; and we are the ones always in need of a hand-out! I don’t understand that for a minute.

    • """"""""""""""""
      October 9, 2013

      The country has been impoverished by Skerrit and the gang, so begging must be the order of the day.
      THANKS GOD HE WILL SOON BE DISCARDED, and the people of Dominica will be free at last.

    • October 9, 2013

      BE INFORMED. Do you think China is not borrowing? Every corner of the Universe is borrowing from each other. Even Roosevelt is GIVING from what he do not have.

      October 11, 2013

      Dude your own ignorance is blinding you to reality… what’s happening is called money, investment and skills. The key to success is letting other people do the work for you with their money too… that’s why white people enslaved black people to do the hard work for them and stole all the Indian land on which to do it OPP (other peoples property. Now skeritt is applying that technique and you talking about black this and black that sot… sit back and enjoy the ride or get off your but and help steer the ship!!

  55. John Jay
    October 9, 2013

    Mr. Francis you haven’t elected as yet you and Lennox. You all making the supremo work like hell. Let them put what they had to construct here there and everywhere and vote them out.

    • brainn
      October 9, 2013

      Really……. :?: :?: where you that story :?: Politics really have rowrow……SMH

    • well
      October 9, 2013

      Because UWP do not have the funds nor the brains to bring projects and dreams into a reality like the DLP.

      October 11, 2013

      Recap, this one’s for you John!! your own ignorance is blinding you to reality… what’s happening is called money, investment and skills. The key to success is letting other people do the work for you with their money too… that’s why white people enslaved black people to do the hard work for them and stole all the Indian land on which to do it OPP (other peoples property. Now skeritt is applying that technique with the Chinese and you talking about labor this, UWP that sot… sit back and enjoy the ride or get off your but and help steer the ship!!

  56. Doc. Love
    October 9, 2013

    The supporters of the Skeritt Labour Government just cannot stand the truth. When I commented on the fact that I was informed of Skeritt’s lack of representation as regards the Tibaud village, someone writing under the pen name STOP LYING, commented that I did not have the facts. From Ambrose’s own mouth came the news that a school which was originally intended for the Tibaud Village has been given to the New Town Constituency. I commented that because of Mr.Joshau Francis’s presence in the New Town constituency the long awaited building of the school premised since the days of Miss Williams was back on track, today I am reading a contract has been signed relating to the building of that school. Mr. Francis must now concentrate in the Giraudel village.

    • October 9, 2013

      Yeah, he did say that money was supposed to build a school in Thibaud.

  57. bighead
    October 9, 2013

    Things are happening but Joshua is coming to cut those ribbons.

    • haha
      October 10, 2013

      who is joshua???? d ppl dont knw him!!!! i wont vote him for sure.. i dont like ambrose george but i wont vote joshua!!! idk who da heck is dat.. tell him get to knw his ppl.. sh8 man

  58. pure Dominican
    October 9, 2013

    yes i

  59. concern citizen
    October 9, 2013

    Thank you very much.

  60. '
    October 9, 2013

    and they let parents buy new uniforms we for so long and they still have those children in that school which is not condusive to learning, y didn’t they let them change uniforms when the school is almost complete. boy look sort.

    • October 9, 2013

      The students will already have their uniforms. You do not need a building to learn. You need a teacher, your brain, and supplies. I had several classes under trees and in the church yard. I learnt, I NEVER stayed back in any class.

      • ok
        October 9, 2013

        itassi you have problem you are suffering from skerittice such your self

  61. me mem jean kingshil
    October 9, 2013

    oh, so is now de contract sign? uh! ELECTION AROUND DE CORNER AGAIN years a ago when my daughter was in grade 4 they promised that work will progress during summer and in September there will b school by shift and by the following year in april everything will b on track. year after year is a different story. allu fink we stupid. only when election is coming allu want to push work and then stop. i hope that the work will continue. now my daughter is in 3rd form and i hearing contract sign, so all along contract didn’t sign when allu said the following year work will b completed? uh? smdh. anyway i waiting my two year old waiting to start school in newtown primary so doh make her go to school in the school as is, a promise is a promise. ok? i waiting.

    • October 9, 2013

      Send her to another school if this one is not completed in time.

  62. harlem massive
    October 9, 2013

    Mr Ambrose u stand corrected-A promise is a comfort to a fool

    • ON POINT
      October 9, 2013

      Not when it is a reality

    October 9, 2013

    Skerro do ur ting
    they can call it what they want, politics or politricks.
    Cause we were promised an international airport by uwp rite b4 election to try to fool us

    • October 9, 2013

      Correct me if I am wrong, but I heard that the property was already purchased in Woodford Hill by the UWP to build the International Airport. Are they holding that property and the paperwork hostage until they go back in office?

      Where is the Deed to that property? PERFECT SPOT for that International Airport.

    • October 9, 2013

      That’s something you should follow up on,first ask the PM what happened to the monies that the UWP began collecting and which was left in the Treasury after we voted them out and who paid the people for their land, and what happened to that land who it belong too i it the Govt? That should be your home work and let us the public know what you find out that’s if you have what it takes to ask PM the questions.

    • haha
      October 10, 2013

      and now dey promising free education smh

  64. One Love
    October 9, 2013

    Native Dominican Contractors I hope?

  65. cohenval
    October 9, 2013

    The school children are being moved to Bath Estate.The children of Newtown will have to walk the two miles to the JSP building in Bath Estate. What happens when it rains? What about the very young school children?

    • Big
      October 9, 2013

      Please suggest a better alternative.

    • me mem jean kingshil
      October 9, 2013

      didn’t know that. wow, well where u want them to put them/ they must find somewhere, unless u want them to rent ur grandmother cella.

      • haha
        October 10, 2013

        hahahaha lmao!!!!! i caya understand dat!!!

      October 9, 2013

      So walk to take a bus! You want the government to provide umbrellas too when it rains and toilet paper when nature calls? gimme a break! The government is not your husband!

      • brainn
        October 9, 2013

        No they want everthing on a silver platter :lol: Dominicans not easy…… :mrgreen:

      • ()
        October 9, 2013

        @UDOHREADYET But they are providing TOILETS, so why not provide TOILET PAPER?

    • Papa Dom
      October 9, 2013

      I am not in favour of this vote buying antics of skerritt, let me make that clear. However I don’t see any problem with the students walking to bath estate, in fact that is exactly what they need a good walk before school to burn up all the excess energy they storing.

    • October 9, 2013

      We ALL walked in rain, and some of us walked further than two miles plus hills. They will be fine. Do you want transportation for them too? Drive your kids.

    • October 9, 2013

      D especially PM and Ambrose are using the children to gain political points and the parents are falling over themselves.
      But what prevented the Govt from taking care of the same school for the pass 10 years?.. Poeple schools are the resposibility of the Govt so what happen aa those years what is different now… ELECTION, VOTES, POWER, and that’s what it’s all about

  66. Lol
    October 9, 2013

    This is a working Goverment

    • dolla
      October 9, 2013

      they working when election close :lol:

    • makeit
      October 9, 2013

      a working government?now he seeing all kia ting to do cuz election build when he win the school will close :-D who have eyes to see let them see. :-D all of a sudden he fixing roads, newtown school.paying tuition for state colledge,paying salary for school in dublanc, building apartment in silver lake, giving handsout in possie,what next free passport? :-D

    • ????????????
      October 9, 2013

      @Lol Complements Joshua Francis in Roseau South. That’s why the people in Roseau South will reward him at the polls.

    • Creative
      October 9, 2013

      Working at what? Buying votes and fooling people?

  67. Mr. C
    October 9, 2013

    Wow…Another project???…Mr. George u think is so…….P.M might stay…but George you have to GO……Fehyah……………

    • October 9, 2013

      No, both must go

    • Anonymous
      October 10, 2013

      Ambrose George has been the parliamentary representative for the Roseau south Constituency for the last 15 years. Why all of a sudden he is so bent on the newtown school. Wasn’t that school promised so long ago. He broke ground already, cleared the land and now it has all grown back with trees. He and everyone else is just playing politics and it is unfair. Time for a change. We need representation for our roseau south and he has not done anything in that constituency.

  68. hmmmm
    October 9, 2013

    One Chinese company build; West Coast Road,New College,State House, Newtown schoool, and soon be to be hospital. I even leaving out the stadium. SO ONE SHALL EAT AND ALL SHALL STAY BROKES AND COLLECT LPO. so thats how my future gonna be.

    • October 9, 2013

      If you are not careful the Chinese might put you out. Imagine that.

  69. Malgraysa
    October 9, 2013

    Boy, Joshua is really making Ambrose work. About time too!

  70. Wesleyman
    October 9, 2013

    I I I, those are the Devil’s words….what happens to (We)as a government, this is really freightening to watch intelligent people allow themselves to be used a pawn and as people who have no opinion

  71. hmmmm
    October 9, 2013

    More Chinese to work on projects, sorry for them Dominican contractors, lol

    • burst toe
      October 9, 2013

      dacas to lazy and still want to come work when they want still be on phone wasting time all this things delay projects and cost xtra money to finnish it

  72. Anonymous
    October 9, 2013

    all these projects gonna be forgotten about in a while, they are a little too late, they look like political propaganda… do things for people in due time and stop the propaganda

  73. Me again
    October 9, 2013

    “He noted further that the new school comes out of the generosity of Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, since it originally intended for Tibaud. However, the original plan was changed since the Prime Minister saw the need for an upgraded school in the Newtown area”

    If that isn’t crass, political vote-baiting, I don’t know what is! Take note Joshua…

    • cohenval
      October 9, 2013

      The money for the school is a gift to the people of Dominica from the Chinese government. It insulting to say that it is out of the “generosity of the prime minister”.

    • St. Joe Massive
      October 9, 2013

      what is wrong with our politicians, they must think before they speak. Is that money coming from the PM’s pocket?

  74. waitu us
    October 9, 2013

    Now thats a working government!!!

    • time to go
      October 9, 2013

      smfh..stop mk a fool out of ur self…. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • chon
      October 9, 2013

      now that is a working government;
      Let’s have this discussion,a year from now.

  75. grell
    October 9, 2013

    state of the art tired and weary of this term,by labour.

  76. Deleoncourt
    October 9, 2013

    excellent work!!

  77. YES I
    October 9, 2013

    FOR OVER twenty five years GSS has been promise a new school when is that promise going to be KEPT…..YOU CANT fool the people all the time….POOR CLASSROOM CONDITION AT GSS…..Goodwill Secondary School we need money to build new school How long must poor people children have to suffer like this

    • Anonymous
      October 9, 2013

      One at a time

      • chon
        October 9, 2013

        so why now so many projects at the same time,and all you still not working?

    • burst toe
      October 9, 2013

      my child goes to GSS and LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING if youre poor my child and i are NOT

      • WAILER
        October 9, 2013

        you are certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

      • I'mWondering
        October 9, 2013

        Whya re you offended by the “poor people” statement?

        the issue was the state of the school.

        You as a parent of a student who attends should give your honest opinion.

        NewsFlash -Rich kids and poor kids do sometimes end up at the same school in Dominica.

        And besides… “poor people” self identify most times …so if you don’t good for you, but thee’s no assumption that only poor people go to that school.

      • YES I
        October 9, 2013

        When last did you visit your Child SCHOOOl ….if you had money is not GSS you will send your Child

    • dortyboy
      October 9, 2013

      One school at a time. Dominicans don’t want to pay any taxes and believe money comes from tree and fall down. The government can’t keep borrowing money to do everything. These funds have to be paid back and citizens need to make a sacrifice and give to the government what is due and owed to them

      • charmz
        October 10, 2013

        if the gov had made the right investments based on our country’s interest there would have been a better cash flow and we’d have no problem covering our taxes……… just saying…
        how much more can u squeeze us and still not give us something to feel accomplished about??

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