DCHS holds school-leaving ceremony

Twelve officially left the Dominica Community High School (DCHS) yesterday, after years of study at the institution.

“My Attitude determines my altitude” is the theme which guided the school-leaving ceremony held at the DCHS for ten males and two females.

The students did not leave the ceremony without being given prizes and awards. Nickel Cuffy got the prize for steady application and awards for Caribbean History, English Language, French, and Social Studies. Jonel George obtained the prize for Tenacity and awards for Agricultural Science and Integrated Science. Damian Fontaine obtained the Excellence in Agricultural Science award, and prizes for Geography, Integrated Science, and Mathematics. Elmac Gachette got prizes for French and Social Studies and awards for Geography and Speech and Drama. Conrad Phillip got prizes for English Language and Principles of Business and the Mathematics award. Clifford Morancie obtained the prize for Caribbean History and award for Principles of Business. Garin Charles got the prize for Human and Social Biology.

Delivering the feature address, Sherma Desire’, a past student of the D.C.H.S called on the school-leavers to think about their attitudes as it can determine their standing in life. She told them it can have a direct effect of their career and health.

“Many of us suffer from having a negative attitude. We do not appreciate the damage it is doing to us. Without realizing it, we are leading ourselves down the dark alley of life,” she said

She continued, “Attitude is far more than smiling and having a happy demeanour. It is deep-sitted belief that forms a way of thinking. If you like, it is something we are programmed to do. It is a belief in ourselves.”

Minister for Youth, Sports and Culture Justina Charles represented Minister for Education Petter Saint Jean at the school-leaving ceremony.

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  1. Nathaniel Peltier
    May 12, 2011


  2. Nice nice
    May 12, 2011

    I was at that graduation for my son which i’m proud off.. But that featured speaker was good. great speech girl…. well done. hats of to the principal for chosing you me. Desire’… She couldn’t have done it better. well put together.. It touched me.

    Congrats to all

  3. Vicey
    May 12, 2011

    Well done students

  4. Optimist
    May 12, 2011

    Congrats to the group especially Damian Fontaine!

  5. Amazed
    May 12, 2011

    Congrats to the bunch!!

  6. Grace
    May 12, 2011

    I am proud of the twelve men and women who stood strong and made it to the end. I congratulate you all! May God be with you and you your families as you continue to make a positive, lasting impression in every thing you do and say.

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