Death penalty debate

The Dominica State College and the University of the West Indies will go up against each other in what organizers say will be a “neck to neck” debate on the use of the death penalty in the Eastern Caribbean.

The event which is carded for Monday is expected to stir the public’s interest on the issue which has been deemed a “hot topic”.

Former Magistrate and local attorney, Tyanni Behanzin, will moderate the debate.

He says an internal debate was held on Thursday morning at the Dominica State College, to select the students who will compete.

“The DSC students have produced their team and they seemed ready to go,” he said.

According to Behanzin, the debate coincides with a vote at the 3rd committee of the United Nations looking at human rights issues.

“Normally we have a very poor record of voting at the UN and the debate is meant to stir a bit of interest from the population,” he said.

Behanzin pointed out that while the death penalty is not a sentence that is passed routinely in Dominica, it is part of law.

“It’s something that’s active on our books. It’s something for which our judges are able to exercise discretion to pass such a sentence but we don’t use it,” he explained.

The event is carded for 7:45 pm at the auditorium of the University of the Open Campus on Monday.

The judges of the debate have not yet been made public.

Winners will receive cash prizes.

The death penalty has become a matter of public interest as some say there has been a surge in crime in Dominica recently.

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  1. Anonymous
    November 26, 2012

    i thank indianashold have a death penalty

  2. Prophet2
    November 11, 2012

    Most Dominicans are soooo backwards, all they want to do is kill even if it’s by their stooopid government. The EU has abolished that crap so you better jump on board or stay behind in your 19th century mentality. Evolve or fade into history. Don’t toy with Karma.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 12, 2012

      The EU is not the West Indies and the West Indian islands. The EU is not Dominica. The EU diplomats do not reside in Dominica. They set rules while the world situation is getting from bad to worst.
      Let me further inform you, I would not be afraid to challenge the EU about it. I lived in Dominica when there was hardly any murder and for years. What happened in the past few years? Why are there so many crimes/murders in Dominica? The majority of them are committed by young men.
      When I was born and grew up from childhood to adulthood in Dominica and residing there, people were unemployed. They were not fortunate then as the unemployed are today to receive government financial assistance. Dominicans of today are more fortunate than those of yesteryear. If they were unemployed they were dependent on their parents and other members of their family. They did not receive a cent from the government. They did not turn to crimes and murders. They were docile, obedient and possessed other godly virtues. The majority of them went to church unlike today. They did not complain and not to the government. Today, some are complaining that it is due to unemployment that crimes are committed and some are selling marijuana. I call it a downright lie by people who do not think beyond. It is due to godlessness, greed, idleness, laziness and wickedness of the heart why they commit atrocious crimes. No one can tell me any differently and I will not swallow it. Years gone by Dominica had petty criminals who committed petty crimes unlike today.
      So they abolished that crap? You call it crap, you fool who has no common sense based on what you stated. Are you one of those lawless people? You sound like one.
      The government of Dominica and the police authorities must not allow these crimes/murders to continue in the land. Enough is enough. Who is in charge anyway, lawless people or the government? It is imperative that the government do something about it to curb lawlessness, crimes/murders. There are too many.
      You better conform your life to the Holy Will of God. A punishment and an eternal one is awaiting those who do not, who are disobedient, rebellious and godless. This will be worst than being sentenced to prison even for a lifetime. Eternity is forever.

  3. DESIE
    November 10, 2012

    Some of you hypocrites really praying at night asking god for help?

    The same god that say turn the other cheeks the same god that ask you to forgive the same god that suffered on the cross for our sins.

    I hope all you know that no sin is bigger than the next and i know we all have sinned but we are still not being hanged for our wrong doing

    • Justice and Truth
      November 11, 2012

      @ Desie

      You are a hypocrite, one calling others hypocrites. You are misinformed or not well-learned in these matters. You should know what is contained in Holy Scriptures. What type of religious teaching did you get?
      Although you should know if you are a Christian and are spiritually enlightened, I can tell you there are some sins that Our Lord Jesus Christ will not forgive. It is left to him (not us) based on their actions, conscience and their hearts if He will forgive them.
      In the New Testament: “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling for our God is a consuming fire.” We know what it takes to live a godly life and to obtain eternal salvation, pleasing to God. Some of you lack this learning and understanding.
      Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect”. We are to strive for mortal and spiritual perfection.
      St. Paul said, “Nothing defiled will enter Heaven.”
      You should know and/or be reminded that there are some people (souls) in Hell and I bet thousands, if not millions B.C. and A.D. If you comprehend that, Before Christ and After Christ to this day and more to come until Judgment Day. It depended on how they lived and will depend on how others live. Our God is an impartial God.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 12, 2012

      @ Desie

      The third sentence of your comment, ‘no sin is bigger than the next’ is totally wrong. You have greatly erred. You have been falsely indoctrinated. You do not deceive yourself. This is why some of you think, only say the sinners’ prayer, say God forgive me and read the Bible, they are saved. What false teachings there are in the land and in the rest of the world. All sins are not one and the same; they cannot be. Whoever taught you that has erred. Use your intelligence if you have any and think. People who go about saying that they are converting and saving people and who teach such falsehood will be severely punished by God. They are leading their followers astray and keeping them in ignorance of the truth. Those types of teachers are ignorant of the truth.
      There is Venial Sin and Mortal Sin. Mortal sin is deadly. You should know what that means.
      Break and enter, theft and murder (even all at the same time) are worst than if someone hits another, not harming them. Quarreling with others, calling them names as a few examples cannot be compared with what those young men did which I need not repeat. Pray to God to know the truth and to be enlightened.

  4. Rebekkah
    November 10, 2012

    As much as I think killers should pay with their lives, I have one serious issue with the deathpenalty. What if the wrong person is convicted? With a life sentence, if new evidence comes to light, the person can be exonerated if serving a life sentence. If they have already been killed, then what?

    • Justice and Truth
      November 11, 2012

      Did you not read the other article? Who else do you think harmed her in such a manner? Are you of little or no understanding? He is downright guilty.
      From what I also heard he also slashed her wrist. If this is true, when a person’s wrist is slashed, they are liable to die from loss of blood.
      He premeditated the murder. He wanted her to drop the case against him which is before the Court. She said she could not do that. Therefore, he planned to murder her so that the case would be quashed. He wore a face mask and she pulled at the mask which identified him. He no doubt kept stabbing her. This is the height of wickedness to a person (from what I also heard) was kind to him and tried to help him be a useful person and to lead a law-abiding life. He murdered her. So much for helping people who turn around and robbed you, slashed you and murdered you. What ingratitude.
      ‘Conspiracy’ to commit murder. This means he plotted, schemed and planned the murder – to kill her. She suffered at his hands and died a horrible death. He did not want her to live; he wanted her dead. He deserves to be hanged.

    • frenchii
      November 12, 2012

      they definitely should be given life sentences..all of them…no exception. and if they are caught in the act like the case at giraudel….straight to the electric share mr.

  5. J.J.John-Charles
    November 10, 2012

    A servant of God asked Him this question.
    “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” Genesis 18:25.
    And of cause, He always does.And it is he who said If someone takes another man’s/woman’s life,(Remember we are talking about premeditate)This person should be put to death,Not on circumstantial evidence and certainly not by the testimony of one witness.There must be at lease two or three people who witnessed the crime. And last of all, the witnesses are the ones to cast the first stone,pull the trigger or turn on the switch in other to put the electric chair into motion.

  6. Justice and Truth
    November 10, 2012

    Crimes and murders, the likes of which Dominicans never experienced in the past must cease. Nearly every few weeks there is a murder in DA. What is happening? Why is this occurring?
    Dominica is not what it used to be in the past. There are too many crimes and murders. The death penalty must be applied for those who murder.
    If I recall (hope I am correct), the last person who was hanged in Dominica was a man who entered an elderly lady’s home, went into her bedroom where she was lying, attacked her and raped her. She fell from the bed and broke her hip. She died. I believe that she was either in her 80’s or 90’s and was alone at home. I also recall the name of the street where she lived in Roseau. I knew the lady and her family.
    That man was a nuisance and a menace to society. When I was a student at the CHS, I recall one evening that same man scaled the walls of the Convent and entered there. He was a habitual criminal.
    Note what this 22 year old did. He broke and entered his victim’s home three times. The last time he attacked her viciously which led to her death. This man does not deserve to walk the streets of Dominica. He deserves the death penalty. No mercy for him. I hope this will be his lot.
    Why keep them in prison at taxpayers’ expense? Those who break the Law and in such a manner are useless to society. Habitual criminals, those who willfully murder, premeditated murder, warrant the death penalty.
    I have noted that those men are bold, wicked and dangerous and young people at that. They have no feelings for others as their victims. If they knew that they would be sent to the gallows and hung by the noose, they may conduct themselves better as law-abiding nationals. They are beyond rehabilitation. It is time to commence hanging them. Hopefully, others will learn a lesson from that and live a law-abiding life. Otherwise they shuold meet the same fate through their own fault.
    I am praying that one day, those types of crimes and also murders will be eradicated from Dominica. I would love to see this happen in my lifetime. May Dominica, the government of Dominica, lead the way as a model in eradicating crimes.

    • Kool cat
      November 12, 2012

      Hey I understand your concerns about the nature of the crime,but taking bis life is not the answer. Life in prison should mean just that,and that what he should never to see the light of day again. To many times people are given life in prison and before they could spend a good twenty years they are out committing more crimes. Remember the bible say thou shall not kill,but two wrongs does not make a right. Let us live peacefully with each other read Malachi 2: 10

  7. lucky
    November 9, 2012

    Unless if is self defense hang dem man, cuz dey like d sweet life of jail to much…

  8. Anonymous
    November 9, 2012

    hmmmmmmm…………….a lot to take in. everything in life has a positive and negative effect.

    • Funnay
      November 9, 2012

      is the public invited?

      • Public invited!!
        November 11, 2012

        The entire public is invited , but the auditorium only seats 90, so those who want to attend the debate should come early. The debate will last about an hour followed by a panel discussions on the use of the death penalty. The media will be there to record the event, but if you wish to ask questions, you must be inside the hall. There is a lecture in the hall which finishes at 7:30pm, so those wishing to attend are asked to assemble between 7:30 – 7:45pm. Light refreshments will be served after the discussions.

  9. Anoushah Alie
    November 9, 2012

    I don’t believe in the death penalty, because EVERYONE loses in that battle. The judge who sentences the person to death,the executioner who administers the injection or has control of the hanging cord, plus the people who watch, with revenge in their hearts/eyes; all of them will suffer the consequences of allowing this inhumane act to happen. “The world is a cycle,” so everyone needs to be careful with the energy that they’re releasing into the world.

    • siffleur
      November 9, 2012

      Anoushah Alie, You are writing lots of words wit little Lots of words with little meaning.

      What about the person who has lost his or her life because of the greed, violence and hatred in their atacker’s eyes? I guess according to you that’s o.k., so long as the killer gets his chance to live his life to the maximum and kill whoever he feels like in the process.

      Look! Enough is enough! It is since these people have been gettig off that they are killing at free ill like this. Hang them, I say. Dont waste money on bullets. Just hang them.

      • Anoushah Alie
        November 9, 2012

        Well, it is safe to say that you are one of those with hate in your heart/mind. Someone by the name of ‘Rastafari’ summarized what I meant cleary; “Do we want more blood on our hands?” is what he posted, and I agree! Life is a tricky matter; it doesn’t matter how much pain someone has inflicted upon you, the best thing is to let God or universe(whichever you believe in) to deal w/ that person, because they will reward them with whatever energy they’ve released. My heart always aches for the victims; that woman in Giraudel did not deserve those stab wounds, but those 2 fellas are doomed with evil, because they chose 2 do an evil act.

    • to par to
      November 9, 2012

      that’s crap lady

    • joseph theophille
      November 9, 2012

      WHAT A PACK OF CRAP….you mean he kill my mother and he cannot be killed? where was human rights when he killed my mother?

      • Anoushah Alie
        November 10, 2012

        Ok, well if that’s is what you believe, that is fine,,,somewhat! Life/God does not reward evil with goodness; it doesn’t work that way! Those two guys are doomed to face evil anyways, because they chose to do evil; their days will be tortuous, because of this terrible act towards your mother. To wish hate on them will only bring hate back to you, and that’s what I’m trying to preach! Life teaches us constantly to be of good hearts, because there are dire consequences when we choose to hate, or do evil things. Evil can become a domino effect pretty easily, especially if you believe in the death penalty. I understand your pain, and your mom did not deserve those stab wounds; no doubt it was heartbreaking to read about her final moments, even though I don’t know you guys. Just remember the famous proverb; “you reap what you sow,” and know that releasing hateful energy towards those guys will only make things worse! Finally, that is why we have such a chaotic world; it’s because we’ve been rewarding evil by partaking in it ourselves.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 10, 2012

      Anoushah, this is utter nonsense. It is not a matter of not believing in the death penalty. Believe in God and not the death penalty.
      You are thinking of the murderers and giving them consideration, not the victims and their families. Think of the victims especially the latest occurrence in Dominica whereby there was a loss of life on a healthy person who could have lived some years to come. I do not have empathy for murderers. The punishment must fit the crime. I also say, hang them. They will then deserve what they get.

  10. Rastafari
    November 9, 2012

    Do we want more blood on our hands? Just send these punks and punkettes to the US army to fight on the front lines, so we won’t have to wash dirty blood from our hands. You people are INSANE!!!

    • siffleur
      November 9, 2012

      Good idea but th us army would not accept them.

    • joseph theophille
      November 9, 2012

      why do you want us to send our dirty linen for someone else to wash? it is time we take care of our own, and solve our own problem

    • Bird
      November 9, 2012

      For your information they do not accept murderers, criminals etc in the US army

      One need to have a clean record to enlist in the US army, navy etc, you rude jack know your place

      This concept you people have in Dominica saying that losers, uneducated etc are the only one joining the army this my people is not true as a retired service man your comment is an insult to me and all the other service men in the USA

    • Anoushah Alie
      November 9, 2012

      I agree!

  11. crime
    November 9, 2012

    make an example of a few of them. Break some necks to get a point across.. :twisted: :-x

    • Penelope das me
      November 9, 2012

      In other words, stoop as low as they themselves… NOBODY has the right to take another life, not a person, and not a government. Murderers should be severely punished for their crime, but nobody should have the authority to kill another person.

      • siffleur
        November 9, 2012

        No, we are not stooping to anything. We are standing firmly for our rights to life and safety when we say hang those who come to steal, kill, and destro. Hang those unlawful, sneaky, plan-for-you, jump-you-by-night killers. Let it be known that Dominica will not tolerate this nonesense. We have borne enough! Enough is E-damn-nough!

    • joseph theophille
      November 9, 2012

      i agree 100%

  12. Rabbit
    November 9, 2012

    Come on Rabbit what are you saying

  13. November 9, 2012

    get rid of these guys who killed that lady

  14. Doc.Love
    November 9, 2012

    A senior counsel associated to the Skerrit Labor Government once said that he is not sure if it is something he ate but he is going mad,sometimes I believe that many of Skerrit’s supporters are on the same path.We heard Ambassador A, the GIS boss and the productive manager, who are close to Skerrit, on radio trying to convince us that Dominica was not ready for debates. However, we are told that the students of the state college and UWI are going to be engaged in a debate.Maybe, what they were infact trying to tell us was that Skerrit doesn’t possess the necessary capabilities or skills to debate. My advise to Skerrit is to attend the debate inorder to learn something from these brilliant young minds.

  15. Distured
    November 9, 2012

    No one has seen the truth behind this “debate”. Sigh… Since my people are of little brain lemme tell u all.

    1) The people in power are afraid to decide themselves, due to the cattle (people’s) thinking, is along the lines of “hoping the band wagon”.

    example. 1 side is for the death penalty has more for it now and in 2 yrs, when voter’s support is required, they are then against… wonder what will happen then.

    2) These youths doing the debate will be used as the scapegoat for the decisions. “hey, there was a debate recently and it was decided…”

    3) This is another tactic to get some ppls pockets a little fatter, at the expense of youths thinking they doing something ground breaking.

    4) Despite which side wins, the descission has already been made, with the hope that the right side emerges victoriously.

    There are many more possibilities, ima just leave it to whoever reads this to figure the rest for themselves.

    That’s your preset news… don’t really care which ever ones happen, riots and the like work just as fine. Carnival too. =_=

  16. November 9, 2012

    “THOU SHALL NOT KILL.” Killing in any form is still murder. Who is going to kill the one that kills? Life sentence without parole is more appropriate. Got game? Put the prisoners to work throughout the Island to feed themselves. The Island is DESPERATELY in need of CLEAN-UP and SERIOUSLY in need of REVENUE to make the MUCH NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS.

    • Penelope das me
      November 9, 2012

      Yes sir I agree. Make them work for their country and community – and then maybe they will have some respect for it!

  17. Dominican767
    November 9, 2012

    I’ve got one thing to say. Caribbean CHRISTIAN nations KILLING criminals.. How does that make any sense?

    • Grace
      November 9, 2012

      Who has a right to live, the one who took the life or the victim, who had life, hopes and dreams and everything was stolen in an instant. You know what God told Cain who killed his brother Abel, “Your brother’s blood crieth to me from the earth” Blood is life and when blood is shed by someone, a curse begins on that persons children. So you see what the death penalty does is stops that curse from continuing to the next generation.

  18. T mama
    November 8, 2012

    bring it back and the cat-o-nine tails…

  19. November 8, 2012

    Nice move, Mr. Behanzin.

  20. 100 % Dominican
    November 8, 2012

    The organizers should attempt to ensure that it is televised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  21. Ras Fatha
    November 8, 2012

    How can we have death penalty when 85% of cases that reach the court are dismissed?

    You all not thinking of this?

    The people who are in jail right now are those who have been there maybe since 1999

    Dominica is a real lawless state.. I think everybody have to take their own death penalty with their own hands… Bcuz the state not helping us

    • him
      November 8, 2012

      I endorse your statement 1000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00000000000000000000000000000% ….. When i am fattening my pockets you believe i have time to help you. Only thing i will tell you is Go to Hell Go to Hell Go to Hell.

    • concerned
      November 9, 2012

      Love this comment..I’ve been saying the same thing over and over again. The justice system is no help at all and the lawmakers are doing nothing to help. A real lawless nation indeed.

    • Distured
      November 9, 2012

      I agree to a certain degree… But i still do enjoy a good state sponsored killing.

      If my decision were to be represented by a flipping coin, it would land on its side.

      Now you would think initially, its indecision, but it may be something worse than either choice.

    • budman
      November 9, 2012

      foolish and irresponsible comment

    • frenchii
      November 12, 2012

      haha…i kno alot of people are thinking the same….if nothing is being done victims families will definitely take the law into their own hands….and we dont want to be like the arab countries… do we?
      the people behind the law books need to work on this fast….things are getting out of hand….and the criminals are laughing….what am i saying..satan is laughing… with murder there should be no bail and it should be lifetime jail no how much years so and so….lifetime or hangtime…

  22. siffleur
    November 8, 2012

    Hang them

  23. shortboy
    November 8, 2012

    i want it back too much killing in the caribbean!!!

    • Penelope das me
      November 9, 2012

      So the solution is to allow the state to kill? 8-O

      • frenchii
        November 12, 2012

        i am so for this….those who kill should be killed…we cant have them on the street because they just go back to kill victim number two. all the murders and rape committed this year the criminals are out. from the raping of the tourists to the credit union robbery, to those who do crime in groups…they are all out…and u see them at functions harassing people with weapons. what is this place coming to…the government need to put their foot down and meet with the judicial system or whatever or whoever deals with the law..the police the court the lawyers and magistrates…..the books they have now…is a waste of time..tighten up the law….take us more seriously….let the tourist see that we are a friendly people and this is a safe haven. come on..i am not only fed scared

  24. Be Real!
    November 8, 2012

    I voiced my opinion on that the other day and my coment was not posted. Good move by the state college, and Mr. Behanzin, I know that is a good start. We also need to have someone spearhead a petition and get it in the right hands so our voice will be heard, Unless the murderers don’t attack the families of those who can help stop that type of crime the move eleminate them will not be made.
    We have to take control of our country and respect each other’s life.

  25. peace
    November 8, 2012

    Who is going to do the hanging job? Some deep christian person I guess…. And after with the bible straight to church… Wow , I cant believe this!

    • to par to
      November 9, 2012

      You know that the death penalty is justified in the book of Leviticus, where God instructed the children of Israel to kill those who shed innocent blood, why, cause others will fear and think twice when they decide to take another life.

      • peace
        November 10, 2012

        Thats why I believe that most of the wars in this world are caused by religion/church!

    • frenchii
      November 12, 2012

      then blame the bible because it did give permission to destroy who destroyeth….are u contradicting the words of the almighty one…

  26. rescue 911
    November 8, 2012

    and please do it in the roseau market about 12pm when everybody can see

    • budman
      November 9, 2012

      want the kids to see it huh? steups

    • joseph theophille
      November 9, 2012

      i agree……….

  27. Dos lobos
    November 8, 2012

    Our students can debate the death penalty issue and our politicians cannot sit down and debate our every day issues.

    • ...............
      November 8, 2012

      Ha! Ha! Ha! You are so very right… Because is that kind of KOSHONYEE we accept as a nation… It reflects in the state of the country. But remember one of them said that we do not have the infrastructure for debates. INSULTIVE!

    • ,
      November 9, 2012

      The politicians who are afraid have too many dirty deals that will be questioned during the debate.

    • gwanbay
      November 9, 2012

      for example the bail act. you are so correct.there are two plitical parties, kairi fm and q 95.their campaign never ends.

    • frenchii
      November 12, 2012

      blame it on the opposition who act immature and cant keep a conversation without blaming tom dick and….a set of jokers….

  28. Yam Babawoolais
    November 8, 2012

    DNO are they offering free flights on our 8 million dollar LIAT to witness that debate in the Dominican Republic. I wish Arthley Aaron, Mervin Paul, Parry Bellot and Karmela book an early flight to see that debate in the DR so that we can get some ideas for a debate in Dominica.

    • &
      November 8, 2012

      These are the ones saying ‘NO’ to debates in Dominica… I am so happy the DSC has seen it fit to engage in this debate days after the comment was made by these fools.

    • budman
      November 9, 2012

      what the hell are you rambling about now?

  29. ?????????????
    November 8, 2012

    After the insult by this man which caused me to be so outraged, i am happy to see this item on DNO. DOMINICANS CAN DEBATE, and we do have the infrastructure for debates.

  30. lifestyle
    November 8, 2012

    i not for that helll no papa

  31. >>>>>>>>>>>
    November 8, 2012

    After belittling the country re debates,something i have always known to alive and well in Dominica, i wonder whether the man who insulted the nation re debates will attend? JUST ASKING!

  32. roof top
    November 8, 2012

    Well i am calling on the PM and all other in Dominica to put a hand in saying bring back HUNGINGDEATH PENALTY PLEASE. I NEED EVERY DOMINICA TO GIVE AHAND IN THIS ONE

  33. *
    November 8, 2012

    Ambassador A….We do not have the infrastructure for debate… Not me who said it. All you were MOO MOO when it was said, and all you are blogging YES/NO.

  34. Anonymous
    November 8, 2012

    If you want to cut down on the murder rate, insist on trail (within 60days), then do public hunging. Just see how fast murderers will come to their senses; and think before they engage in this act of killing others.

    • Penelope das me
      November 9, 2012

      Do you have any evidence or examples for your claim that reintroducing the death penalty will actually reduce murders? Your comment implies that murderers are rational people that will think twice about killing someone. Personally, I don’t believe that is always the case, and I doubt that many murderers assess the consequences of their actions before they commit their crimes.

      • to par to
        November 9, 2012

        Murderers do not assess the consequences of their actions before committing a crime, at the time they are fueled by hate, anger, revenge and thoughts of escape.

  35. ?
    November 8, 2012

    I thought a Labour party fool, recently said that we did not have the infrastructure for debate. I considered that to have been a national insult to thousands of Dominicans,and an international embarrassment to the country, but it is heartening to see that the DSC students will soon prove him wrong.
    When will the PM engage in a public televised debate, with Eddo, or Michael or Pappy? Can he debate any of the above? I ask this question because this is what i saw Romney and Obama doing recently.

    • frenchii
      November 12, 2012

      lol….u make me laugh….thats not the debate they were referring too…theres no need to throw stones…listen before u write

  36. Protect the Innocent
    November 8, 2012

    We should keep the death penalty. You murder someone who forfeit your own life. We should execute the murderers and protect with everything we have the innocent especially the unborn babies.

    We should be a country that maintains godly principles. No matter if the rest of the world is going to hell in a hand-basket. Do not follow them. God gave government, notice I said “government” power to execute the murderers, to keep society in check. Whereas He gave every human being the mandate to protect the most vulnerable and innocent among us including babies (born and unborn), young children, the handicapped and the elderly.

    DO NOT be the society who kills the innocent and protects the guilty because swift judgment from the Most High is sure to follow. And believe me Dominica will not be able to stand if that happens. Truth.

    • Freethinker
      November 8, 2012

      “Godly” principles, eh? I hope you don’t eat shellfish or clothes spun from two fabrics and that you stone disobedient children to death and execute women who aren’t virgins when they get married, since those are all “godly” principles, too.

      • colorblind
        November 9, 2012

        Well free thinker, the Bible does say in Genesis 9:6 “Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.”
        These other wicked acts are not usually found in Christian countries, but in Moslem countries.

    • Penelope das me
      November 9, 2012

      “God gave government, notice I said “government” power to execute the murderers”

      What on earth are you on about?! GOVERNMENT gave Government powers to execute murderers. When will people realise that religion and politics DO NOT MIX!

    • frenchii
      November 12, 2012

      i am definitely for the death penalty. what am seeing happening now is that all criminals go free therefore every criminal is taking it as a habit of killing someone because at the end of the day they know they will go free.
      Look at how the the tourism sector is getting from bad to worse….they keep updated on ournews and obviously are aware that the criminals go free;they rape and kill the tourists and they go free. what do we expect…why do u think the season is so dead..that is definitely a reason. the people who are in control of thelaw STOP hurting the country, be fair and protect our people and make our country the safe place that it use to be.

  37. A Voice
    November 8, 2012

    I rooting for the Death Penalty side. I hope we get a report on the debate and who won.

    • him
      November 8, 2012

      Remember it’s a debate. Any side can win.

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