Find new approaches to create employment among youth – Youth Minister

Minister for Youth, Hon. Justina Charles. * File photo

Youth Affairs Minister, Justina Charles says Dominica and other nations must resort to new ways of creating employment among their  young people.

Charles, who spoke at a Dominica Youth Business Trust (DYBT) Entrepreneurship Forum on Monday, said the state of youth unemployment is making it even more important to seek new means of finding jobs.

Citing entrepreneurship as the cornerstone of economic growth, the minister said government will continue to support the promotion of micro, small and medium size enterprises on the island.

“In this challenging global economy, we recognize the constraints and continue to address them through financial and other tangible and intangible support systems, to include the DYBT,” she said.

According to her, the saying ‘necessity is the mother of intervention’ is becoming more visible in Dominica.

“Today we see many young men and women seeking means to develop genuine enterprises. We see them seeking training programs, persuing educational ambitions and creating jobs for themselves and others,” she added.

Coordinator of DYBT, Ceasarena Paul, reminded students that they should be prepared to encounter challenges when operating their own business.

The forum was held to commemorate Global Entrepreneurship Week, an activity which is geared at improving knowledge about the benefit of entrepreneurship as a career option.

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  1. Grand Bay
    November 14, 2012

    The Prime Minister once said those “Pal Reps”
    who were ineffective would have to be replaced
    Nothing personal.but she needs to go.She is not
    qualified for this job.She was elected because of her husband.She won the election on emotions not qualification.

    • Ok then
      November 15, 2012

      She and every other minister in parliament.

  2. Domerican/Possie
    November 14, 2012

    Nice speech Madame minister but what plans do you and your minsitry have in place to assist these young people.

  3. Justice and Truth
    November 14, 2012

    Encourage them to learn, to be diligent in their studies and to remain in school and graduate so that later they could obtain a good, legal paying job. Satan finds some mischief for idle hands to do. I will also state idle feet.
    Teach them discipline, love and respect for others. Some of them are sadly lacking in those godly virtues which will enable them to live in harmony and peace with others and to respect lives.
    Do not blame the government for their shortcomings and if they failed.
    Dialogue with their parents and get to the root of why they are disobedient, not learning and not staying in school or not completing school.
    The strategy is to primarily assist them while in school, in their youth. When they leave school it may be too late which is why Dominica is experiencing such a dilemma of drugs, murders and other crimes. It is a crying shame!
    Politicians must do more for their constituents. They must meet with them, visit them at their homes and have a heart to heart talk with them. Get to know them. Hear their views and concerns. Take note and act accordingly. This may assist in eradicating crimes/murders.

  4. Grand Bay Girl
    November 13, 2012

    Really? I am still trying to make some sense of the article.She is not qualified for this job period.Her husband was great for the country but she would better serve Dominica as a nurse.

      November 14, 2012

      sad but true…

  5. dummy
    November 13, 2012

    i doh no where you see young people trying to setup geuine business, from my neck of the woods is drugs and illegal activities i seeing. allu give the chinese our economic power and destroy our farmers and cause all our little finice to be exported to china and you talking crap, famme aye lavez

    • Anoushah Alie
      November 14, 2012

      Exactly! Tell her to first ask the government to have a loan program designated for the youths. Through business training, and collaboration with other youths, entrepreneurship can happen. Silly “fregging” DA government, and the puppets they hire to speak nonsense! So frustrating to watch; looks more like a horrible, cheesy Hollywood movie, where all the actors lack credibility!

  6. AHAHA
    November 13, 2012

    All this talk talk talk does not in anyway help us young people and our self employment ideas. We are not in anyway going to succeed until you the government actually allow the banking/financial institutions here to make it possible for us to make a head start for ourselves. Come Come you say there is funding available for all projects. We go to the DYBT training get certificate and all when we get to the bank ROAD BLOCK. WHY because we don’t have deposits or someone to co-sign for us. Didn’t you know that the strength of the DYBT letter doesn’t work with the banks. The bank wants you to come with all money plus other security out of God knows where to get five thousand dollars. And they tell “well that’s what the government saying, but the bank have policies and procedures eh”. You think policies and procedures can do anything for me without a job but willing to whatever I can to be gainfully employed. What you need to look at is a real measure that could hold us accountable for the money we take say for example part fund the project in such a way that we can start without deposits and insurance which we can’t afford in the first place. Incorporate in the payment plan the insurance and what the deposit would be, give us a reasonable grace period such as about three to six months depending on the project, have an on hand bank project officer to help us not just come every month end for the money but to help us and encourage us that we are not feeling like out in the wilderness,not just forbe us off and say well you have to come up with the money. Please. At least try something like the NCCU they actually have a measure in place to assist young people. I”m if the bank said ok come up with the $250 we’ll work out a business plan with you and work with you to advance yourself bla bla…Where’s the incentive and access to the funding that the AIDBANK AND NBD have for young people nothing!!!!!!!!

  7. Drake
    November 13, 2012

    12 years now I am not convinced that this administration can find and impliment new approach to job creation. You guys could not even find the old and contemporary ways of creating job much less to find new ways.

  8. hmmm
    November 13, 2012

    good idea youth needs more job since october i graduated college up till now i cant get a job interview smh … the government should make another calls center come dominica

    • langsal
      November 13, 2012

      if you a woman it easy to get, it harder to get a job as a man.. all you have to do is pass it.
      check reggie,skerro, or blackmoore.. de port have more space

  9. Anonymous
    November 13, 2012

    good idea youth needs more job since october i graduated college up till now i cant get a job interview smh … the government should make another calls center come dominica

  10. Very concerned
    November 13, 2012

    What is she talking about? Dominica’s biggest problem is a pack of incompetent government ministers. Minister of agriculture, Trade, Housing, Health, Education, Finance, Community Development, Youth, Culture, National Security, Public Works, whoa, how can Dominica ever move on with so much incompetence? This is backed up with incompetent statutory board chair persons at AID Bank, DOWASCO, DASPA, IDA, what a shame.
    We do not need any new approach to job creation, we need competent people to lead.

  11. Francisco Telemaque
    November 13, 2012

    ” Dominica and other nations must resort to new ways of creating employment among their young people.”

    The emphasis should be the Dominica youth, and Dominica, this other country concern is simply empty talk!

    Which other country are you talking about, in other countries the economic stages are already built, so all the more intelligent youth has to do is play on the stage.

    When we talk about entrepreneurialship, what level are you talking about?

    Are you talking about people with sound scientific knowledge, and background who can go into research and development (R&D), producing products to sell in the global market which you spoke about?

    Even if some youth in Dominica would like to go into the manufacturing of apparel, cloths that is, the product they produce would have to be of very good quality in order to compete in some market outside of Dominica. When you suggest entrepreneur, you are forgetting that you do not have any training facilities set up in Dominica.

    Indeed there is a two year collage, however, we do not even have one single technical collage, where the high school dropout at some time can return and learn a skill if he or she wishes.

    Talking big is the cheapest thing to do, we need to be realistic, and implement some sound cognitive thinking before we indulge in simply sweet sounding words, which after we leave the podium produces sweet sounding nothing!

    To be a successful entrepreneur takes resources, that financial must be available, and since there are since 99.999% of the youths in Dominica might be existing below the poverty level according to world standard when we define poverty we find that the greater majority of our people in Dominica exists in poverty.

    So, what plans may I ask do you have financially to help support your call for entrepreneurial youths in the country?

    And just incase the definition of the word entrepreneur, or entrepreneurialism evades you, note that it means: one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business, or enterprise.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • November 13, 2012

      that financial must be available:

      The above should read ” that financial help must be available.” also remove since in front of 99.999%

      that may clean it up oui!



    • Gary
      November 14, 2012

      A man doesn’t know what he knows until he knows what he doesn’t know, this is exactly your is so funny that you said that talking big is the cheapest thing.

      What is it with you believing that people who are poor cannot arise to be Entrepreneurs and achieve something in their lives.I say this because of the silly statement you made referring to the poverty among the youths in Dominica.Where did you get that percentage figure of 99.999%. Why are you reckless with your facts and why do think that the greater majority of people in Dominica reside in poverty. It bewilders me as to the kind of things you say and think.Oh by the way, have you not heard the coined phrase by the Rev. Jesse Jackson “You were born in the ghetto but the ghetto was not born in you”.

      False facts are highly injurious especially to those who it was attributed to,your own People but false views,if supported by some evidence, do
      no harm if it is intended to show a beneficial effect or solution to the problem of job creation and employment for the youths in our Country. The closing paragraph of your comment again shows bow boastful and sarcastic you are.

      • November 14, 2012

        “What is it with you believing that people who are poor cannot arise to be Entrepreneurs and achieve something in their lives.” (Gary).

        Based on what you said in the quote above: ( I have quoted you verbatim), if I loose my head to argue with you based on what you said in that quote, someone perhaps you should declare me 51/50 ” fifty-one fifty! ”

        And because I know that you have no clue what is meant by 51/50, let me educate you by disclosing that is a code which identify’s raging lunatics, people who are crazy and is a danger to themselves, and others.

        In California when you a declared to be 51/50 by a psychiatrics, you go into the luni bin: the mental asylum, the crazy house!

        You are put away in order to protect you from your own self eh, so watch out eh:

        I have no intention of even visiting with you in your kingdom the crazy house!

        So, even though I see you have not understand what I conveyed, it would be futile for me to try and engage someone who can only understand what originate in their own mind.

        One of the hardest lessons my late dad taught me is that I should never argue with a fool, because no matter what the fool will always win the argument:


        And that’s all I have to say about that oui!

        Learn to read, and understand what you read before you humiliate yourself indulging in erroneous comments and rhetoric which makes no sense!

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  12. Jayson
    November 13, 2012

    Deal with the port and customs, deal with vat and most of all deal with those f0ckers domlec, then what you’re saying will make more sense.

  13. November 13, 2012

    Here goes another failed minister that does not have a clue about her ministry, let alone to deal with unemployment. We have a bunch of round pegs in square holes who call themselves minister.
    Mrs. Charles, I have an advise for you madam. Stop playing stupid politics by trying to solve the proplems of other nations and instead, think of your one small nation called Dominica. After all, you are not the youth affairs minister of other nations, but only Dominica. Deal with your problem in Dominica and let other nations deal with theirs. It is young people of Dominica that are leaving the country on a daily basis to seek employment elsewhere. Infact, had it not been for our young people that are migrating like winter birds, other islands like Antigua, Tortola, Guada,USVI, Anguilla, SLU and the list goes on would be in a better position to take care of their young people. But because our people keep running from DA to seek employment elsewhere hence those other nations are being burnt. So to say that “Dominica and other nations must resort to new ways of creating employment amoung their young people,” is misleading and indirectly you have admitted that your government has failed to create employment for young people. Thaks for your honesty even if you tried to cover it up!

    • him
      November 13, 2012

      She still won’t understand that. Ha! Ha! Ha!

      November 14, 2012

      very true..

    • Shameless
      November 14, 2012

      Right on :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: !

      Assertive, NOT Agressive!

  14. oo
    November 13, 2012

    So what exactly are you doing as the Youth Minister to create employment for the young. What is your government policy on that

  15. cynical
    November 13, 2012

    Great idea….however..not every one is driven in that direction and not every one can bear the brunt and challenges of owning or managing their own businesses, nonetheless, i am convinced that this is the way to go,we just need to fuel our young people with the right precepts and instill in them an independent mind set not after they have graduated from high school but even before they learn how to hold a pencil.

  16. wiseup
    November 13, 2012

    The last thing i would advice a young person to do right now is to invest in a store/restaurant etc. Not in this economy. It wont last! Watch!

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