Hyacinth says NECS will be ready for new school year

Steve Hyacinth

Chief Education Officer Steve Hyacinth said that despite “challenges” at the North East Comprehensive School (NECS) it will be ready for the commencement of the 2012/2013 school year.

“We are ready. We just have two challenges at North East and we have ordered the windows from Barbados … although we had delays we wanted to ensure it was good given the area the school is located,” he said.

Parents whose children attend the institution have threatened protest action if major problems at the school were not addressed.

But Hyacinth said the the school will receive all necessary attention it needs. “All the windows did not fall out,” he said. “They were vandalized and the North East will get the necessary attention which will be completed by the end of September.”

He went on to say that even if school begins, workmen will be doing necessary work after school hours and he expects matters to run smoothly.

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  1. *
    August 30, 2012

    All of all you in this Ministry need to be dismissed. Lazy!

  2. Anonymous
    August 30, 2012

    The chief had all of summer to fix the problem and now that school is reopened he talking about men working after school. Bet if is a play he had to put on it would not lapse. WHERE IS HIS INTEREST?

    • FACTS
      August 30, 2012

      If it was a play it would not lapse because he takes his own decision. He is not the Permanent Secretary he is the CEO so he cannot lapse, Find out the Structure of the Ministry before you write. Why you all do not ask where is the PS this man is the only voice u hear do you hear the voice of others. His interest from what i see is his JOB. So do not be jealous of the skills – jealousy is bad you know.

    • Funny
      August 30, 2012

      You see people like Anonymous they need help to understand fiscal policies – went to school in august what the man skills in writing a play and doing his job very well have to do with the windows your children destroy – small minds

  3. strange
    August 30, 2012

    there is no accountability in the education system. students vandalized the windows y is government that have to replace them? y the school cannot hve fund raising activities? thats y we cannot c progress in small islands like that. we depend heavily on central govt for everything. what is the opportunity cost of replacing these windows? that money could hve gone to something else like a scholarship.
    dominicans if we keep doing these things we will not progress.

    • FACTS
      August 30, 2012

      Tell them political fools that

    • BOB
      September 1, 2012

      my dere ignorant friend.. we dont seem to understand the situation at all. the windows were in the beginning – INFERIOR… and after weathering the harsh dominican climate(rain and sun) not to mention the seablast, the windows literally started falling and coming apart from day one of school operations.. poor windows are not the only problems.. teachers cannot get to their classes because the walkway linking the staff room to the classroom block is not covered.. you can only imagine what happens when it rains – the classrooms flood, the staff room floods, teachers and students cannot get to their classes… its just unbearable! and all because the school is yet to be completed.. so my friend when you dont know anything, dont talk! by the way , all funds raised by the school in the last year went towards covering the school auditorium (also unfinished)… we must be informed before we embarrass ourselves so…i really mean you ;)ignorant people like YOU keep DA from making any progress, NOT A SCHOOL TRYING TO EDUCATE ITS STUDENTS IN A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT… BOO YA!

  4. penny
    August 30, 2012

    Does nobody realize that civil servants can only spend monies approved by policy makers when it is available?

    If there is no money NECS will not get windows until money is available to pay for it.

    What does being lazy have to do with that?

    Do you people know how much work goes into running a school system year round? The blanket statements are not helping the situation.

  5. #thinkb4hand
    August 30, 2012

    Smh… Granted that some of the windows were indeed vandalized however majority of them fell out due to acts of nature. Regardless, is it not the job of the MOE to ensure that the school is properly set to accommodate the students? What about the uncovered walkway? What of the unsafe doors and the uncovered roof? Are the students, of which most have left school already, to be blamed for these damages too? I do agree that students should be sensitized about causing damages to the school but by God they should not be blamed solely. Remember people that works on this institution was never finished to begin with.

  6. Positive vibes
    August 30, 2012

    lolllll…woosh…look ro ro in DA …im sure that when those children are in school.is when the workers are going to come and do the repairing, they are going to disturb the students…this govrnment needs to start using their commonsense..this problem should have been fixed long ago!!!!!!

  7. bougla
    August 30, 2012

    can a security guard be employed to stop the destruction.

    • BOB
      September 1, 2012

      like seriously? really? u want a security guard to stop the destruction? i really want to see a security guard arrest de rain and sun and sea last.. whooooooooooo! mi sot

  8. Kal
    August 30, 2012

    It has been two (2) long months almost three and now you talking about the school? . The govt is talking about education for all especially in this area and nothing has been done to a building of that magnitude .
    What the ceiling , pluming etc. I say shame on the education dept , the govt . It is they give you chief education officer PS IN CULTURE that where you strong to make a play ON THE PLY OF NECS SAGA

  9. Nudibranch
    August 30, 2012

    What about the building site that the Newtown students and staff will have to go back to? No work has been done there all summer.

    • WHAT
      August 30, 2012

      You are being personal why call the man name. You are a parent help in what area u need to see that needs repairs etc, Help the school you are a teacher help your principal Shame on you

  10. St Andrews Alum
    August 29, 2012

    Students’ must learn to take care of the things they benefit from. Although the area may have a lot of sea-blast, I am sure it is not the sole cause of the problem.
    Parents want to protest but their children are the ones destroy and vandalizing the property…..blame the ministry of education for everything….smh at some people

    • BOB
      September 1, 2012

      smh too… at your stupidity.. hha.. need to get facts straight b4 u speak

  11. Mamizoo
    August 29, 2012

    Steve I understand your situation. What else can you say. Steve I know you are a perfectionist but a man can only do so much. You guys are just waiting for the proper window huh. It is now 7 years and you guys are now waiting for the proper window. Steve about 4 months ago you and Gow said that the situation would be fixed and ready for the school year.
    Steve you know and others know that the real problem is bad management from the finance ministry down to the minister of education. This should be fundamental yet it seem so difficult to the ministry of education.
    It was so easy to give LIAT 8 million dollars. Bondiue what does it take for Dominicans to realize that we have a cumatose government.

    • Family Member
      August 30, 2012

      Why you all cannot leave the man alone and focus on the issue at hand, he is not the Financial official he cannot approve money and money must be available to do repairs etc.

      So becareful with what you all say. I am tired of those personalized comments like all you have jealous of him why are you all not calling the names of the people in the department responsible for such repairs. Some of you are Government officials in the system just making comments and playing politics its time the weed you all out of the system

  12. SusanMae
    August 29, 2012

    It is time that people are changed from positions when they become too comfortable. I think that when the job is not being down, there needs to be a reshuffle, not blaming anyone but the school system is getting worse every year, the building are in poor conditions, the students are becoming frustrated and yet people are always on television boasting of things being done, they write articles like they are doing the best job ever, but really, something is not working.

  13. Andrea
    August 29, 2012

    I just don’t understand this. Can someone please explain to me, how can a new building be in such bad condition? After all, they moved from St. Andrews High to a new location, a brand new building.. what is the problem there. What went wrong? Did someone deliberately destroy the building or was it bad architectural work and cheap construction… I am trying to understand.

    • BOB
      September 1, 2012

      my fren, the school was NEVER completed.. it has sat un touched and un attended to for a number of years.. and you know waat happens to a place that is not attended for some time.. it starts delapitating on its own, with the help of the rain sun and sea blast… so now its really getting to a point where its unbearable..

  14. August 29, 2012

    I have one word “Utter Rubish” do so call educationist really think all dominicans are stupid? the man is contradicting himself, in one breath he s saying the school will be ready, but there are challenges and work will be finish in september month end what nonesense is that? These repairs and challenges should have been dealt with a LONG TIME AGO. Now that the parents are threatening to protest they talking ” crap” I am sorry i am usually very peaceful and optimistic, but i am quite upset right now.

  15. jay
    August 29, 2012

    it seems like you guys take the people up north for fools but we are not. Stop playing the blame game

  16. _____________
    August 29, 2012

    Ministry of Education. The laziest of all the ministries.

    • WHAT
      August 29, 2012

      You know the meaning of LAZY – then check it out before you make such statements. These people work so hard – that is the only Ministry your hearing people talking so check your facts first and go help the PTA and the Principal to teach the children not to destroy you sound like you went to school in August

      • TRUTH
        August 30, 2012

        This is a blatant lie. They leave important documents lying on their desks for months, refusing to send them to the necessary departments for processing. If this is working hard then ‘damn!’ These people are indeed overwork. The Ministry of Education is the must laissezfaire Ministry I’ve ever known

    • Distured
      August 30, 2012

      Ministry of… the most useless of all things in existence.

      Oh wait, sorry, they take ur money in tax 1st, then become useless. :-|

    • ?
      August 30, 2012

      Don’t talk about the LAZY employees that are employed there doing absolutely nothing.

      • FACTS
        August 30, 2012

        If you know of any produce the names or maybe you are one of them eating my tax money

  17. Francisco Telemaque
    August 29, 2012

    Mano; according to your words, the windows are on order, so how come you manage to deduced that the school will be open for commencement?

    By the way when we relate commencement to a schools collages or universities, we associate the word with the ceremonies, or the day for conferring degrees or diplomas; though the word also means an act or an instant!

    Now if you are getting it ready for graduation day; I do not know, nonetheless, I advise you not to give any assurance about anything in Dominica unless you know for a fact it is about to happen.

    my sentiments here should not be construed as offensive.

    If anything consider it provocative, which is also not intended to arouse your anger, at lease I do not know you as one who ever gets angry!

    I am the King of Wesley, the one and only king of the mud.


    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque (Son).

    • Dictionary
      August 29, 2012

      com·mence·ment   /kəˈmɛnsmənt/ Show Spelled[kuh-mens-muhnt] Show IPA
      1. an act or instance of commencing; beginning: the commencement of hostilities.
      2. the ceremony of conferring degrees or granting diplomas at the end of the academic year.
      3. the day on which this ceremony takes place.

      It would be nice if we use the same internet to check the meaning of words before we start correcting others.

      Talking of the dictionary:

      collages; plural of col·lage (Noun)Noun: 1.A form of art in which various materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric are arranged and stuck to a backing.
      2.A composition made in this way.

    • Interesting
      August 29, 2012

      The students destroyed the school and its property/ Parents should be made to assist to do the repairs. Look at the school in the Territory you see them destroy nothing yet – they taking care of the school – look at the principal at Dos Dane she manage to get student and parents to paint her school. Francisco Telemaque why you eh volunteer to give some windows. Parents talk to you children for them not to destroy the property of the school – this is a new school wha papa all you not easy – as they put the windows them children going to destroy again – remember how they stripe the old St.Andrews High School, parents and people from the north area, all you now all you self – bring the material back. Shame! Shame students

      • concern citizen
        August 30, 2012

        I love that one,Francisco Telemaque yet to comment on the windows was destroy by the students themself.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        August 30, 2012

        Why should I volunteer to donate some windows?

        Everybody seems eager to blame the children; even a sister of mine in New Jersey slammed me on the canvas, and told me that there are children who go to school in Wesley drunken, and in their drunken state they damage the windows.

        My response to that is simply this; if they were drunken, and on a quest to destroy the building; by now it would be broken down to the ground.

        It would be much simpler to set fire the building and burn it to the ground!

        Simple commonsense would dictate that; and if drunkenness, and no ambition is the case perhaps, the principal, and the rest of the faculty also go to school drunken, because I do not understand that the principal, and his/her subordinates who are supposed to be in control of their students simply stand and watch the children do damage to a government institution.

        In my opinion that is not likely!

        And as for your gesture that I donate windows to the school, that is not likely to happen, the last time I donated money to help a cause in that same school, the person whom I sent the money to when the time came to extend appreciation to all who donated including me, the credit went to one man, ( and I doh calling him name eh, cause he is me cousin ) and I do not wish to rock the boat over spilt milk, and cause him any embracement.

        There was another occasion when hurricane David devastated Dominica, I had recently returned from Europe to my home in Antigua, I collected medication, including lots of antibiotics, and hyperglycemic medication, among others, and took them home, paid my way home to ensure I deliver the medication in the hands of a professional nurse in the village who has since passed, and was also a diabetic.

        Months after I left I got the news that ( talking about Wesley people now) ‘ they aint want the medication I brought because I go poison dem oui ‘

        Now my grandmother ingested some of the same medications, they did not kill her, thus she lived to age one hundred and three years old, and died of natural causes!

        My grandmother, the late was the woman called Ma John, Yevonne-Dods Robin was my mother, she also used the medication I delivered, and did not meet her demise due to the medication.

        I went home to my late father funeral, I took along with me a few glucose monitors; new the way the manufacture package them to be sold and gave they away, I suggest to the recipients when they ran out of test strips all they have to do was contact me, and I would send them replacements.

        Only one person called me and requested strips, and that person was my late sister Barbara, who died this past February. Again they say and this time not in Wesley, that I gave them ” ting that doh work”, they did not say that they do not understand how to operate the monitor, due to their literacy.

        One of the poorest woman in the village of Wesley is my only surviving sister by my mother, my priority is to ensure that she has at least food to eat, as long as I live, and she and my nephew, the one with the withered arm have a need I will endeavor to fulfil their needs.

        Whereas I view the issue at the school as a political one, something calculated in order to suite a political purpose, I prefer to distance myself from it okay.

        Other than that; I conclude ” once bitten twice shy! ”

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Distured
      August 30, 2012

      I dislike royalty… for all my years.

      However, I like ur statement. good point. and i back it in the Offensive~ cuz that’s the only way they will listen.

      Your majesty~ =_=

    • Wesleyman
      August 30, 2012

      Son, first you have to realize that the people in wesley who know you are the senior citizens, I am 51 years old and had to ask someone who Francisco dods telemaque was, dont call the guy Mano, thats a family name, stop showing off yourself and first of all COMMENCEMENT means beginning or to start, so you are so americanized but want to be the king of wesley. I get the point the guy is making, understanding that while he is the chief education officer he is not the minister of education nor is he the prime minister, he is echoing what the edu. minister said earlier, he just expounded on it because the edu. minister gave the assurance that the work would be done.
      Dont personalize this just so everyone know that you know Mr. Hyacinth personally, make your comment about the issue, not everything is about you, stop hogging the stage, you are a wesley man that left in 1969, the people in here are the children of people born in 1969, so they are not impressed with your antics.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        August 30, 2012


        You see how you all like to interfere with people you do not know business; if anybody can call him Mano, I can since you have determined that it is a family name.

        Well a family name would be his surname: ” Mano ” is not a family name, because it is not a surname, that is a pet name his mother Ellon called him when he was a kid and by the way his father taught me in elementary school in Wesley, he was also my scout master.

        Ellon became Defoe by marriage to Matthias Defoe okay; another relative of mine through his grandmother, the woman you all called Ma Joseph: who’s biological name is Elsie Telemaque


        You see the ditch you got yourself into because you want to be Mano family, well is family talking here you see, according to how you all say it in Wesley, ( doh give me no roro whatever that means).

        But anyway, Ma Joseph is the mother the late Mildred Robin, who is the mother of all the Robins in Wesley, including those who migrated to Canada, and the united States, all the Robins are indeed Telemaque.

        You see I am Mano’s family; how close, his grandmother, Emilyn Linton Timothy is my father the late Hector Telemaque biological aunt, thus making her my biological aunt also.

        His grandfather, the late Saywell Timothy was born to a woman Who’s surname is Telemaque, they called here Mama Pretty, she was an immaculately beautiful woman I am sure that you know Arnold Telemaque, well she was Jones Telemaque, Arnold, and the Rev., Ruben, and the late Bernice Telemaque father.

        So deal with that if you can, and mind you I am not much older than you are, and seen that I have visited Wesley on many occasions in the past, I do not know where you’ve been hiding hence preventing you from ever seeing my face.

        Finally, Mano grandmother, and my grandmother, my father’s mother are sisters, she is the last of the Linton lady Klan surviving in Wesley, she is also the aunt of the one and only Lennox Linton father, Meshach!

        So come firing at me only when you know what you are talking about, ask Emlord if he believe it is safe for you to tangle with this kid, Emlord is Mano’s uncle too.

        You cannot talk to James because he took himself out of circulation, and out of this world last year or so, I would not doubt that you do not know me, since there are people who went to school with me, up there at the old broken down school house near the Methodist Church, and cannot recall who I am even when I am standing in front of them.

        If you remember Vincent Peters, brother to the lady we called teacher Chorale, she is Kessie Joseph wife, you might know him, though when I spoke to him in Canada last summer he too could not remember the kid.

        And by the way I can call of their names because they are all related to me; you see Maggie Linton the late was my aunt, and is also Kessie Joseph father Egbert, mother and learn this Egbert’s wife Vida biological name is also ” Telemaque” okay, so be very careful when you attack me on this family thing in Wesley.

        Thread softly!

        Now my family on my mother’s side are all the Valmond’s those who are known as the Dodds (Dods), and all the Alfred, so there you have it, all the children of Marie, and Barbara are my nieces and nephews, I left no stones unturned, I hope I am no longer a mystery to you or anyone else.

        Finally, all of the Edwards in Wesley came out of ” Telemaque ” You know Mascolle Ducreay; if you call him Telemaque he will answer to that also, since his father mother was born ” Telemaque ” do not mess with people unless you know who you messing with!

        Take that you Wesley mud boy, search carefully and if you discover my blood runs in your veins feel free to inform me.

        Here is my E-mail Address: [email protected], if you want a number where you can reach me in Los Angles, feel free to request one I am not fake and very visible.


        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  18. "O" STRESS!
    August 29, 2012

    Hyacinth!sell me the Roseau bridges for $5.00 and I will pay you next year.??????????

    • Principal 2
      August 29, 2012

      Go and work hard and train your children not to destroy what is not theirs and life will be good for you – because its the tax payers money that have to replace what student destroy

  19. Crazy
    August 29, 2012

    Every time school has to open, there is roro. Government like to wait last minute to put things in place. If you want chaos and bachannal, just go to schools when they open on Wednesday to see the number of schools without teachers.

    • Principal
      August 29, 2012

      You leaving out of DA man first time I hear that

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