New CXC exam for primary schools coming

The Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) is developing a Primary Exit Examination, Professor of Research, Measurement and Evaluation at the University of the West Indies’ (UWI) School of Education, Mona, Dr Stafford Griffith, has disclosed.

Speaking at a luncheon hosted by the UWI for dignitaries attending the 14th CARICOM Presidents and Governors General conference in Jamaica on Tuesday, Professor Griffith said the exam will focus on pupils in primary schools in the region, acquiring the skills which will enable them to make a “proper” transition to secondary education.

He said the move is in response to multiple requests from CXC member countries, and is guided by a study in which he served as a lead consultant.


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  1. Outrageous
    November 27, 2011

    this initiative is simply a money making affair.

  2. Travaile
    November 27, 2011

    this exam is called the Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA). I think it’s a brilliant move. However, it requires alot of commitment on both the children, teacher and parents paart. Currently we are piloting the programme in the country where i live. Its a bit overwhelming but its good. Our pupils are lacking critical skills that are necessary in high school and in the workplace, this assessment exam is giving them the basics as to what is expected of them at the secondary and tertairy level. Wish i was exposed to that in my days. the assessment has two parts: course work- which will include the following; a research project (group), a writing portfolio, and two book reports. Course work 40%. for the exam they’ll have multiple choice questions only (core subject areas) and that carries 60%. Much like college and university. that’s a good venture.

    • namich2008
      November 27, 2011


      This sounds very interesting. Can you provide me with some more information on this programm. How can I get this moving in our school system. My contact:[email protected]

      Please drop me a line when you get a free moment.

  3. HMMM
    November 26, 2011

    AS a high school teacher all i can say is that i hope it is a better evaluation than the National Assessment..and that universal education thing does not work in Dominica because a lot of the children cannot handle the first form work and are not adequately prepared for high school. Hope this new exam is not geared only at making money but also at preparing our children for a better future

  4. joy
    November 25, 2011

    i hope we will not support with a blind eye

  5. Hmm
    November 25, 2011

    If it is really geared to properly get the children ready for high school then I’m all for it. Universal Secondary Education in Dominica is nonsense. As a high school teacher I see children get into first form and they can’t even read. Many can’t perform simple Math problems and reasoning is terrible. They are not all properly prepared in primary school and are pushed into high school.

  6. crazy jack
    November 25, 2011

    it is a very bad idea because i am in first form and i can tell you a national exam makes you very nervous and i would not want to do a regional exam;that would multiply the nervousness(if that is a word) times ten.i got a scholarship and i think tthe chances of that would be decreased beacaus all that would be in your mind is that all grade six students iin the caribbean would stay in your mind and will caus you to make mistakes and costly ones too.and what kind of education system does barbados have.the only test chijdren on maths and english that exam is not fit enought to see if children are learning enough to go to high school

  7. Excellent
    November 25, 2011

    this is a great idea. and the current exam is call National Assessment.I am hoping that this new exam will benifit the students as they transit to high school and make teaching easier for the teachers.

    • Anonymous
      November 26, 2011

      how could teaching possibly get easier for teachers? They have a workbook for each subject these days.

  8. mouth of the south
    November 25, 2011

    ‘new cxc exams for primary schools’ but when read… u see it says primary exit examinations hhhmmmss… who writes those headlines nuh!!! i’m wondering but there was never a ‘cxc exam’ for primary school…. so how is it a new cxc smh….

  9. T. Winston
    November 25, 2011

    In my opinion ever since successfully passing your Common Entrance stopped barring students from entering high school the whole educational system took a significant dive. If a child is too slow design special classes to speed them up don’t hold back an entire grade level because a few students can’t do the work. Start summer school. I looking at high school students that can’t read properly and want to correct my English with slang and all i can do is SMDH

  10. Think Again
    November 25, 2011

    that makes no sense for 2 basic reasons.

    1. Universal Secondary education has already maginalise the role of the common entrance(grade 6 assessment)
    2. CXX at 5th forn is already a financial burden why go waste money on something you can get by with a free alternative.

    • namich2008
      November 27, 2011

      As a parent who has three kids in high school and primary school, I am very interested in see how I can help them succeed.

      In this regard, can you elaborate a bit more on the alternatives you mention in your post.

  11. FED UP
    November 25, 2011

    After all that preparation, when the children are ready to go to the US, North America etc. to further their studies their qualifications are still not recognized. Most kids are put one grade back.

  12. observer
    November 25, 2011

    I need to hear from our Ministry of Eduacation, the Schools,Teachers,& Parents alike. This is going to affect our CHILDREN!
    Why the deafing ear? Please wake up and tell us something.The school year is almost upon us.This is the future of of children .

  13. I see
    November 25, 2011

    Read this article yesterday on a different news site and I am amazed because the entire article is about CXC contrary to the heading. WHen is this taking effect, how is it going to be administered? What subjects will be assessed since I am very aware that for example in Barbados, common entrance exams are just English and mathematics? I remember at least two years ago this was mentioned in St Martin school and it is my understanding that this year was the last year of common entrance as we know it. One term of the school year is already over so I am hoping the students won’t be taking this exam next year.

  14. concern
    November 25, 2011

    When is the preparation for this new exam for our children going to get started? The present children in grade 5 are the ones to
    start this.I hope this is not an exams to marginalize our children!

    Very Very CONCERNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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