November 21-25 is Drug Awareness Week

November 21-25 will be observed as Drug Awareness Week in all or Primary, Secondary schools and other learning institutions.

The Theme for the week is THINK HEALTH…NOT DRUGS.  While all categories of drugs will be discussed more focus will be placed on the dangers associated with tobacco use.

Here are some facts about tobacco. Tobacco is an addictive drug.  Smokers have ten times the risk of lung cancer and two times the risk of heart disease of non-smokers.  Chew, dip, or snuff users are four times more likely to develop oral cancer than are non-users. Children exposed to second-hand smoke have a greater risk of reduced growth, respiratory problems, middle ear infection, and asthma. Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals.

Schools are encouraged to incorporate the issue of drug abuse during assemblies and in the teaching of subjects such as Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Arts etc.  Students are encouraged to write poems, create posters and perform short skits highlighting the dangers of drug use and abuse.  Students can also march around their schools and neighbourhood chanting slogans or singing songs to send their message.

Resources persons such as parents, policemen, nurses, fire officers and other district officers can be invited to talk to students. There is need to build their self esteem, values and resolve in an effort to delay first use of drugs.  Such intervention is expected to help curb other activities of substance abuse like drug trafficking.

Staff of the National Drug Abuse Prevention Unit will be visiting schools during the week.  We are encouraging parents and guardians to engage their children in discussing the topic.  Use the internet to locate suitable material for the appropriate age group and don’t be afraid to talk to your children about the dangers of drugs in particular illicit drugs. Check out  get the facts and be informed.
Every day should be drug awareness day in an effort to fight the scourge of this monster among us.

What can you do? Play your part.


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  1. Abu Sulayman
    November 16, 2011

    Why the double standard and hypocrisy in our society? You say that marijuana is illegal and wrong to smoke as it has effects on the mind. Fine! Although I think that a scientific approach should be taken with marijuana especially for its uses in making clothes, bags etc for secondary production. Additionally, marijuana is known to address respiratory issues as well as glaucoma. Thus it should be studied rather than holding unjust contempt for it.

    Secondly, this society knows the harms from cigarettes and alcohol, why the hell are we still selling them? Marijuana causes problems to the mind, cigarettes and alcohol are slow suicide, why sell them? All should be illegal pure and simple!

    Lastly, many youths do not listen to the call to cease the usage of marijuana for example because of the double standards in our society.

    • yea sure!
      November 16, 2011

      Let thy herbs be thy medicine…..Give thanks

  2. WTK
    November 15, 2011

    Drug prevention is not high profile work, and the efforts of the National Drug Prevention Unit under Jacinta Bannis are not really felt by those not affected. But the addicts who go to her; the parents and brothers and sisters of those addicts who suffer from the affliction of their children, siblings, relatives or even friends personify the old adage that “those in the fire feel the heat.” God bless Ms. Bannis and her small staff who labour valiantly in the vineyard of us the paros and the alcoholics. Yes, God will bless you before you die. Thank you.

  3. yea sure!
    November 15, 2011

    Say no to drugs, except when prescribed by a doctor……hopefully you won’t run into Dr. Conrad Murray….

  4. forreal
    November 15, 2011

    brothers you chose drugs,you get no hugs,simple as that,so chose well.

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