PM wants more reading, less talk shows

PM Skerrit said the Dominican culture is not a reading one
PM Skerrit said the Dominican culture is not a reading one

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit wants the education system to produce more well-rounded, knowledgeable students, and not those who cannot differentiate between news and gossip on talk shows.

Skerrit, who was speaking on the occasion of the opening of Black History week at the Dominica Public Library on Monday, said the Dominican culture is not a reading one.

“With the advent of talk shows and, of course, we are not a usually reading population, too many of us do not read in Dominica,” he said. “So when you listen to the talk shows, for example, every caller calls to react to what the previous caller said, not to draw to our attention something that he has read and he would like to educate the masses and likewise most of the talk shows hosts, they themselves are not well read.”

The prime minister stated that talk show hosts introduce a topic not knowing anything it, and the little that they know, they are not in a position to share it with the listener-ship.

“So we are going down a very dangerous road where those who are supposed to educate us through the mass media themselves are not reading and if you are not reading how are you going to educate us? How are you going to inform us on new things and how are you going to guide us on the way forward?” he stated.

He called on students on the island to pay more attention to being a well-informed individual, rather than being worried over Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) results.

“So as students these are the things that you have to look at. How do you differentiate facts from fiction; how do you differentiate news from gossip?” he noted. “So it is important that the education system pays particular attention to these things and not necessarily be too perturbed about the CXC results and how many Ones we can get and how many Twos we can get but ensuring that we produce students who can stand the test of time and who can withstand all of the pressures out there in the world, Dominica included.”


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  1. Bushmaninda
    February 13, 2014

    This is rather disingenuous on the part of Mr. Skerett. When one considers that Mr, Skerett obtained and continues to hold his position because of the ignorance/ immaturity of the electorate. If the majority of the voting population was well read on such matters as good governance and right of the public to know, Mr Skerett would have been removed form office some time ago. The fact that Mr. has been the very best at playing on and to the public naivety makes his statement all the more galling.

  2. Ambassadoring
    February 12, 2014

    PM are you referring to Tomato, Jael, Giselle, Carlisle and Degallerie? Is it because they as not as level headed as those on DBS and Kairi. One thing with Kamala, she checks both sides of the coin with dignity; non egoistic.

  3. February 12, 2014

    p m you need to have a word with you man in la plane .he has failed the children,is he the education minister? peter pepper?

  4. Anonymous
    February 12, 2014

    U can read so well and up to now you doh graduate, hmmmm.

  5. Mike
    February 12, 2014

    The prime minister stated that talk show hosts introduce a topic not knowing anything it, and the little that they know, they are not in a position to share it with the listener-ship’.
    Well Mr. Well Read, Travelled and Spoken PM, why don’t you teach us with a debate against your opponent Mr. Linton? That is a sure way to educate the masses and share with the listener-ship what you know.
    Skerrit boy you are not easy. This is such mockery

  6. lang Mama
    February 12, 2014

    ” He called on students on the island to pay more attention to being a well-informed individual, rather than being worried over Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) results” Really Really!!!! Why the change in direction. If I was the PM I would tell the kids shoot for the stars – go for highest grad in their exams.

    Well it seem like the PM is asking the students to be like Lennox Linton , Charles Saverin , Cecil Joseph, Mervin Paul, Emmanuel Nanthan etc – be well informed and don’t worry about high school grades. Well I guess the propagandists on Kairi and Arthley Aaron will can no longer talk about Lennox High school diploma.


  7. spaniard
    February 12, 2014

    Yes sir. The children will be doing some reading for the Saturdays calypso talk period. Topics – English, Logic and Psychology; with emphasis on the use and understanding of the English language.

  8. Change is a must
    February 12, 2014

    This is a clear case of “pot telling kettle its bottom black”…what humour..

  9. Roseau
    February 12, 2014

    Has Skerrit take some time and listen to himself on the radio? I advise him to do that , even he will learn a lot by doing that.
    His words formation is shameful.

    • Native
      February 13, 2014

      I said so when I first heard him om Radio. As a Dominican I was ashame and 14 yrs later it has multiplied 100 fold the guy cannot speak his mothers tounge,elish .creole not even DA english.
      Is this the best we have? No way.Boy get off the stage foolish.

  10. Morihei Ueshiba
    February 12, 2014

    Thompson Fontaine hold on, i am voting uwp because of U, Dominica needs u.

  11. Views Expressed
    February 12, 2014

    Largey langue nous: let the tongue out….lets exhale, lets get it out.
    Skerrit did this at the Pubic library where black History Month was celebrated and rather say something nice and encouraging, he let loose his tongue again with unsubstantiated garbage.
    If this illegal Prime Minister wants us good citizens to be on the streets protesting then we will and not express on radio.
    Skerrit is the last person on this land to talk to, lecture us on decency in language on radio talk show programmes. His tongue and his demonstrations are dangerous and is loose…”Go to hell….etc” did he read, comprehend the impact of this statement….? NO! He is unable to…he allowed is tongue and immaturity got better of him!!!!
    He must have been listening to scouts on the Animal programme, intelligent as they are spill out spurious language because people hold a different view to his. We will continue to express ourselves the way we feel to. Skerrit is NOT THAT ROLE MODEL WE WILL LISTEN TO.
    “None of your damn business……” did he thought of the impact of this irresponsible statement let loose on the Dominican people….? no, he behaved irresponsible…..

    The days these slaves drivers, despots, corrupt leaders, dictators etc thought they could shut us, we the citizens up (chabe langue nous) are gone. In addition to expressions from Belle, quadrille, poetry, short stories, Tim Tim, we have moved on and express ourselves through radio and corrupt leaders, Skerrit and his government happily and immaturely provide the opportunity for us to do so.
    What happen, Skerrit wants to shut us up and demonstrate on the street? if he so wishes, we will.
    Let the tongue out…….freely express yourselves.

  12. Possie Youth
    February 12, 2014

    I want to read the MOU with China in its entirety.dony hold it in your backpocket and call us dontscat.. Then again the water as reached your chest and you are grabbing at everything floating.. Even your supporters are admitting how your legacy as PM is quickly leaving you.. How long? Not long!

  13. February 12, 2014

    “Be well Informed and don’t worry about c x c :?: :?: :?:

  14. 4CARS
    February 12, 2014

    Skerritt is surrendering! open all you eyes people! Is the illiteracy of our people that has caused Skerritt to rule and over-rule our Country. Now he is surrendering cause he doesn’t have another chance to continue collecting gifts and grants and “soft loans.” Therefore, he is saying to you all, “wise up.”

  15. 4CARS
    February 12, 2014

    Let’s give the young people more credit than is presently given to them. First of all, Skerritt should be the last one to suggest the direction of our youth. He is no damn example to them. Our Children are asking themselves this question: How did PM Skerritt amass so much wealth on the backs of our parents and our Country, when his salary as Prime Minister does not add up? Put that in Skerritt’s pipe and tell him to “smoke that.”

  16. Cecil Joseph
    February 12, 2014

    I love my P.M, but sometimes he does not think before he speaks.I have always told him to have his facts before he addresses the people of Dominica.

  17. Too Late
    February 12, 2014

    Mr PM hopefully we don’t hear you on the animal show any more then.Set the example.

  18. February 11, 2014

    Though matter how many thumbs down I get but its the real truth. Even the PM: knows is the gospel truth stop the dummy talk. Even your spelling on this sites make you look dumb. If you wants to sound at list a percentage smart list use your punctuation signs and use the right words.

  19. John Paul
    February 11, 2014

    LOL I am pretty sure that this utterance of the Pee M was triggered by the comments and questions of Delroy a Youth Representative! He abviously is well read and questioned Mr. Meade’s brushing aside allegations made about Mr. peter.
    The Youth are wide awake and very knowledgeable about current events and What I think Mr. Skeritt is saying to the Ministry of Education “Hello we are losing the support of the Youth,let us step up our propaganda and make sure the Youth are brainwashed .They have failed the youth because education should culminate in employment and since there are so few jobs You can understand the educated Youth are disappointed with this Administration!

    • John Paul
      February 11, 2014

      It all boils down to Jobs Jobs jobsand Skeritt has had 13 or more years to create them.Well He has created some but mostly for Chinese Nationals and a few Temporary jobs (Half half) at Clear harbour!

  20. ____________________
    February 11, 2014

    Mr Skerrit i read a lot, especially newspapers. It’s only ‘The New Chronicle’ that i no longer buy or read.

  21. T
    February 11, 2014

    Skerrit how often are you a host on The Animal Show?
    You do not read but that’s where you exhale all your gutter politics, since you have a weakness in communicating.

  22. A perfect Idiot
    February 11, 2014

    Now we can all understand and appreciate why Mr. Graneau said last week concerning the PM and pit latrine as the “greatest ideas that ever came across over the last decade”. Compare what Graneau said last week to what Skerrit said today one must understand why over the past decade and a half eradication of pit latrine was the greatest idea they had. You can see they are tired, bankrupt, confused and out of tune.

    Let me quote DNO here: “He (Mr. Skerrit) called on students on the island to pay more attention to being a well-informed individual, rather than being worried over Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) results.” Let me quote Skerrit now: “So it is important that the education system pays particular attention to these things and not necessarily be too perturbed about the CXC results and how many Ones we can get and how many Twos.
    Ok, Is this not the same Skerrit that chastised Lenox linton for not having a degree? Isn’t he the same person that said concerning Lenox that without a degree he (Lenox) would not be able to stand in front of other Caribbean leaders? Off course he said all those things before he was exposed by Angelo for not having any degree and he lied to Dominicans. Today this very same Skerrit is telling the young people that they don’t need to be perturbed about not having CXC and ones and twos. So indirectly Skerrit is saying that CXC is not important. You talk about a confused and forgetful person? My father always use to tell me to practice speaking the truth because when I practice to lie I will forget what I said the last time.

    Another thing. Skerrit is now promoting well roudedness instead of CXC? Well folks does that not expose him and promotes Lenox Linton? Folks, whether you like Skerrit and hate lenox, who do you believe is more well rounded? I will leave it for you to answer.

  23. Freethinker
    February 11, 2014

    I agree that reading is something we do not do enough of in general here, but there are two things to be said about this:

    1) This announcement clearly masks politics with “the importance of reading,” since our PM refers less to books than to “gossip” and “talk shows.” Skerrit cares, it would appear, less about Dominicans picking up a novel than about what is said about him on the radio. Perhaps he would rather we read than listen to radio accusations about him at all–and this is obviously a political manouever.

    2) We could be more of a reading culture if we *actually* had bookstores that sold a decent amount of books! All we have is a few stores that sell random books and textbooks, hardly even offering new books or books by prominent Caribbean authors. It can be hard to even find novels by our Dominican authors, Rhys and Shand Alfrey, in the bookstores, which is a disgrace. We need more–or, at least, better–book-buying options to begin with. The new public library, though, is a good start, but we still need to get people away from the stigma that libraries–and books in general–are somehow “uncool” or only the province of the educated.

  24. Simply the Truth
    February 11, 2014

    The PM is one hundred per cent correct. He meant what he stated and well for the children/youths.
    Education and reading begin from youth.
    Parents have much to do with this as well. I recall those days of my youth and how I loved reading even the newspapers. If I got a financial bank report with relevant information (whether I comprehended it or not, I would read it. :) after my father read it. :) He placed all the papers on the centre table and we, his children would take turns to read them. This helps and tells in latter years. It also helps the spelling and writing.
    Children read, read, read educating books! Less of talk shows which consist mainly of gossip and listening to the life stories of people, most of which are immoral. There really is not much you can learn from them. I hardly ever view those shows. Actually, they bore me.
    My favorite is listening to Catholic programs which are much more, highly enlightening and learning more about God, what He wants for us and of us that we might live a relatively happy and peaceful life and obtain eternal salvation.
    Do not waste your time listening to immoral garbage which serve no useful purpose.
    At present I am listening to a program, “Divine Mercy”, based on the life of St. Faustina Kowalska of Poland. No wonder my writings are always long. :) God ordains all to be.
    God bless you!

    • February 12, 2014

      @Simply the Truth February 11, 2014

      When it comes to the Church we don’t normally see eye to eye–for whatever reason, but I agree with most of your other comments–such as that one above.

      I imagine that people here are going to rate me, just as they have rated you; but I do not care about that, for they don’t know what they are doing–that is something I know for sure.

      The Prime Minister has said it right on!
      “Dominicans are not a “reading people” it is as if reading is not part of their culture; and because of that flaw in them, they cannot express themselves in speaking, much worst for them to express themselves in writing. I see now that they are using one alphabet or a number to replace a “word”–that is because they cannot spell either.

      Just look at the comment from “Anonymous” right below yours, at this moment it 10-1 for half a stupid line; yours is 1-8 (that 1 is mine) for speaking sense into the minds of people–it is quite possible that none of those who gave you the “thumbs down” read even one line of your message.

      I am a teacher, a writer, a preacher/speaker, and a leader in my Church; without my reading practice from the time that I can remember myself, I would not be able to play any of the above roles today. Our young people are the future of tomorrow–what will that future like with the majority of adults unable to read and comprehend written information?

      Throughout my studies I had no choice to read every book that would enhance my level of learning–today I have people on DNO who is always complaining about my comments, as the say it is too long to read–a comment that is not more than 6-8 short paragraphs.

      And so the Prime Minister has a good point in his saying as quoted below–there is no question against this:

      “So we are going down a very dangerous road where those who are supposed to educate us through the mass media themselves are not reading and if you are not reading how are you going to educate us? How are you going to inform us on new things and how are you going to guide us on the way forward?”

      • Simply the Truth
        February 14, 2014

        I have always stated that reading educational books is an education in itself.
        Furthermore, consider when in certain company. Those who are not well-read in certain matters when in company have the least to say or nothing at all. They are bored.
        I overheard on a Toronto TV Channel. Educated people have more to say than educated ones. How true!
        All those who criticize the PM for informing the youths about reading, are off their rockers. :lol: It is habitual of them to criticize the PM and those who compliment him and stand up for him. It is as if they make a career out of it. :lol: They will not change.

    • Woosh
      February 12, 2014

      you sound like one of those holy rollers whose head is always in the sand keeping you from seeing things the way they really are.

    • Anonymous
      February 12, 2014

      Garcon you missing the point “PM 100% correct?” why u so upset with the truth for eh; all the people trying to tell you is boss “SATAN CANNOT CORRECT SIN”. We learnt that by reading and listening to TALK SHOW; put dat in your pipe an smoke it.

      • Simply the Truth
        February 14, 2014

        Thank God everyone does not think narrowly as you do.

  25. Anonymous
    February 11, 2014

    Start by discarding de animal farm program

  26. February 11, 2014

    PM: You are so write, I am a constant listener to dbs and when I has friends over that is not from dominica I turn my computer off so that they can’t hear how some of these people sounds,to say truth I wonder if they really listens to themself,it can be really embracing for your country… And I really believe more reading would definitely be a great help.

    • Not a herd follower
      February 11, 2014

      Are you serious with your misspellings and poor grammar? You must be joking.

      • February 12, 2014

        Tell me one word that is being misspelled, that’s why some of you will never learn because you fail to addmitt the truth. I don’t even think you can see the truth in front of you.

    • Freethinker
      February 11, 2014

      “so write”–you should be the first to open a book.

      • 4CARS
        February 12, 2014

        Everyone makes mistake.

    • Pestle
      February 11, 2014

      well you must check your cobwebs first wi, cuz all now u well tie up in urs.. haha smh

    • Admirer
      February 11, 2014

      My woman Tri-State Beauty would say ” say pas tuchway moune too sel ki moddarah”. No you didn’t!

    • Too Late
      February 12, 2014

      New Jersey, it seem that the pm’s message was meant for you

    • February 12, 2014

      Spelling,also… :(

    • Anonymous
      February 12, 2014

      @new jersey this statement suits really suits you and you have every reason to support him because your spelling is really horrible.

    • awa wi
      February 12, 2014 have auto correct…u really hopeless

    • Possie Youth
      February 12, 2014

      You good.. Humour is the best medecine… From New Jersey with small n.. Lolol

    • Frenz
      February 12, 2014

      Wow now you are a real embarrassment people – you can’t see the errors in your grammar and spelling . Papa Bondieur oyyyy. Frenz leave New Jersey in ignorance. No wonder Skerritism is for people like you.

      Let me give you a hint to start off RIGHT.

      The next just say it was a typo. Sakwais sort.

  27. A perfect Idiot
    February 11, 2014

    Mr. Skerrit, as I type I am listening to a talk show host who is well informed on Q95. The name of the program is “Politics” and truly they have some very good advise for you and the minister of education. They talking about how we can get our young people involved in pan music which will help them cope with the pressure of life. The program is very educative and I hope you and others are listening so we could all help to educate the public.

    • Simply the Truth
      February 11, 2014

      How about a religious program be it a call-in show. The hosts are well-versed in such matters and give some excellent godly, religious advice. Their redsponse is enlightening. They bash no one.

      • Freethinker
        February 11, 2014

        They bash the non-religious, or those who are of a different faith.

      • A perfect Idiot
        February 12, 2014

        @simply the truth, you need to differentiate a religious program or person from a godly person / religious person. It was religious people that killed Jesus you know. So I don’t know what you trying to get at.

  28. A perfect Idiot
    February 11, 2014

    Although I am a perfect Idiot by admittance, and deserved to be seen as one, yet even me can see Mr. Roosevelt Skerrit is making a mockery of his supporters in particular and Dominicans at large. While it is true that most Dominicans don’t read enough so they could educate themselves with issues that really affect them, but who can deny that Mr. Skerrit is thriving on that ignorance and will do ALL that he possibly can to keep them that way because he knows very well that the moment people read they will understand the issues and they will vote him out. If the PM wants to get people educated then why does he not answer our questions? Why does he not call the press and allow them to question him even on selective subjects that he feels comfortable with? Why does he not face the media like Miss Charles, Mr. James, Rosie, and Piero did? Why does he not call public meetings and allow the public to question him like team Dominica did during their 21 in 25, their US trip and their UK trip? These are good ways to educate the public Mr. Skerrit, don’t you think?
    Look, your team mates have a show on Kairi better AKA “the animal show.” We have some of the brightest legal minds, government ministers, GIS big boys and even the PM and president of Dominica (though I have not heard him since he got his new office) have all been on this program very frequently. What a good opportunity to educate us Mr. PM if you really care about an educated nation. But oh God! How have you all failed and instead are using these precious opportunities to maypweezay people instead. Sostop exposing your base MR. Skerro because you truly feast on their ignorance.

  29. Del
    February 11, 2014

    Why not more public debate? That’s what a democracy is

  30. Possie Youth
    February 11, 2014

    Yet another googly (dooshra).. We know how to read ur mind anyway. We know Q95 hurting you all badly although you all have DBS,Kairi,GIS,Chronicle.. Change is a must.

  31. Dr.Phil
    February 11, 2014

    I think the PM just opened a can of worms .He wants us to stray away for the informative talk show and divert our minds in a different direction.Mr.PM this slavary mentality and dictatorship skills you are trying to place upon us wont work cause you are just too blatant and childish .I dere you to post a response on this article if you say you are a big man.

    • Simply the Truth
      February 14, 2014

      Gossip shows and immoral ones.

  32. livestream
    February 11, 2014

    Dominicans know what is freedom but not using there freedom.

    • February 12, 2014


  33. Ann Derass
    February 11, 2014

    What is Skerrit talking about? The most disgusting talk shows are on Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings on Kairi FM which Skerrit aid and abet, he refuses to hold a press conference with an open invitation to the media, he selects his propagandists to attend, he will not appear in any open discussion and now he is scared like hell to debate. Yet he is talking about reading?
    The only book I know Skerrit has read is “1984” by George Orwell, the same guy who wrote animal farm and Skerrit took all the teachings of Big Brother from that book.
    Those of you who have not read it please do so and you’ll understand where Skerrit picked up his dictatorship characteristics from.

  34. %
    February 11, 2014

    This man has spewed so much nonsense on The Animal Show on things he knows nothing about, and now he is coming out against Talk Shows?
    Mr Skerrit listen to Q95 and then you will learn to both read and communicate. I know you listened to “””Between You and Me””””” hosted by our eloquent Lennox Linton. He discussed villas, bobol, passports GON EMMANUEL,KICKBACKS, off Shore Banks, etc. This man is good, and i learnt a lot from him.
    I am sure that you too could learn from him.
    But you really need to call the election so that YOUR SUFFERING WILL COME TO AN END SIR.

  35. dafriend
    February 11, 2014

    Skerrit, since you have chosen to talk about reading – might I suggest you taking a few days off and read the constitution and the laws of the land. It appears to me you have never done so!

  36. Not a herd follower
    February 11, 2014

    Skerrit is not aware that he is losing credibility in the eyes of many, many Dominicans both at home and abroad? His growing loss of credibility is mainly self-inflicted. I sometimes wonder if minster is not suffering from bipolar disorder.

  37. straight.
    February 11, 2014

    By the way, I find the PM, has gotten very vocal these days. he is now confronting public issues (even though he continues to find scapegoats). I wonder what triggered such behaviour, I also wonder how long it would last? As well as who would actually fall for them gimmicks. PM, we know you are doing these things to regain popularity. Sorry this milk done turn. YOUR REP WILL NOT GET MY VOTE!

    • Change is a must
      February 12, 2014

      The trigger is lennoxism…never underestimate the power of your opponent…

  38. %
    February 11, 2014

    This is the reasoon why i can never support this mad man’s party. Too many talk shows? But you are often hosted on “””THE ANIMAL SHOW”””” the worst, ever talk show in Dominica and the Caribbean.On this show Dominicans are often referred to as animals, and you are part of this filthy conversation. YOU ARE A TRERRIBLE EXAMPLE SIR.
    I know the pellucidly clear signs that you have already lost the soon to be called general elections,HAVE YOU GOING LOCO, but at least i thought you had a modcicum of comnmonsense left sir.I strongly believe that MORE READING would be a good thing for you. It would boost your confidence, and just maybe you as the PM of the country could engage the opposition in a debate sir. Are you not ashamed that you are running away from a debate as head of government?
    Well the two very clear signs as far as you Skerrit is concerned are

  39. proud dominica
    February 11, 2014

    really…. what an insult…. we are not a reading population….. thats what you think of your people mr PM… its obvious you must think that cause you keep on taking us for fools to believe your BS mr PM…. BUT WE READING YOU QUITE WELL SIR… all your lies and deception….. YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE… AND YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR ARROGANCE AND IGNORANCE SIR….. SHAME ON YOU… AND AGAIN SHAME ON YOU SIR.

  40. dissident
    February 11, 2014

    If only you would name those particular talk shows that you referring to……….we know you not referring to Kairi……you statement is directed at Q95 and i will bet my last 25cents on that.
    You forget who are de main actors on de radio man…….that’s why i refuse to listen to your next level program with all its gossip and lies….Tony Astaphan, Lennox Lawrence, Kamala and her husband……hahahaha …….talking about gossip
    A talk show is a talk show and a news program is a news program. I am certain our youths know how to differentiate between the two.
    I have heard all kind of talk on de KairiFM talk shows that never make the news to give it some credibility………what you talking about?
    Tell us who you attacking directly because i know you not attacking de programs on Kairi.
    Talk about reading……..I have been online and I HAVE BEEN READING up on Francesco Corralo, David Cheng, yesterday i was reading an associated press article about the de silvestris… husband was once head of DEUTCHE SUISSE……WOW SKERRIT!!!!!!!
    is that talk show gossip sir?
    oh and the couple claims to have made charitable contributions to your Government and as a result they were GIVEN citizenship…..although they never asked for it…….on top of that they decline to say which charity they donated to nor the amounts…….hahahahahahaha
    Shed some light on that for de Dominican public nuh? usually you would be proud to boast about de kindness of your friends…

    And you forget you was once a teacher…….are you discouraging our youths from taking their academics seriously? because you want to BRAINWASHt hem with your jargon…and political ideology……….

  41. Doc. Love
    February 11, 2014

    My Granny always use to say, “do so never like so.” When de senior citizen from Kings Hill call the Animal Show on Saturday nights and Kamala show in the morning and lambaste Mr. Lennox Linton and Dr. Thomson Fontaine, as far as he is concerned, those shows are an educational shows, but when supporters of those two gentlemen react on Q, we hear to much talk shows. :mrgreen:

  42. Rainbow
    February 11, 2014

    What my pm want? more people to read? but if the labourites read he in more trouble SINCE THEY WILL STOP SUPPORT HIM.

    What you can do mr skerro pay workers to read the chronicle to your supporters. They are the ones you are referring to.

  43. Ebeh weh
    February 11, 2014

    “With the advent of talk shows and, of course, we are not a usually reading population, too many of us do not read in Dominica,” he said.
    You accusing Dominicans of not being a “reading population but this doesn’t sound like a statement from someone who is well read.

  44. Razor
    February 11, 2014

    Well spoken, PM Skerrit. In Dominica, fiction has greater value than truth, beff and fabrications are more important than truth, and who needs to read when a talkshow host can feed us with “facts” all day long? I feel your pain sir.

    However, if i were to take your advice seriously and started reading the blogs and news papers, i would be forgiven for thinking that your party is non-existent and the blues dominate the media. So, be careful what you ask for sir.

  45. Rule
    February 11, 2014

    So you’re blaming Dr. Fontaine for questioning the ability of the CCJ to effectively rule without influence from politicians, and here you are at the library saying that the Dominican culture is NOT a reading one?
    All these students who are attending high school by the record numbers, are you saying they never read prior to attending high school. Seriously Skeritt! have you listened to yourself speak and your sentence structure.

  46. Opinionated
    February 11, 2014

    Mr. Skerrit, while I concur regarding the importance of reading and being able to separate fact from fiction, could you kindly lead by example by firstly – debating national issues with Mr Lennox Linton who has requested a debate; a debate Mr Skerrit will demonstrate that you have done your research into national issues and it will demonstrate that you lead by example.

    Secondly Mr Skerrit, is it after 14 years you realize that your population has literacy issues? Can it be concluded that your administration does not truly value education since $27 million dollars was invested on a State House rather than a state of the art library?

    Thirdly Mr Skerrit, why appoint a “Minister of Education,” waste thousands of dollars of tax payers money then at the end we have nation suffering from literacy issues?

    Mr Skerrit, if this article is accurately reported then you have shot yourself in the foot! :lol:

    • 007
      February 11, 2014

      Very well put.i agree

  47. Expired cabinet pill
    February 11, 2014

    You are so correct Mr. Skerrit. Here is a perfect example sir. On Christmas morning 2010, I heard of the unfortunate fire bombing of MR GON Emanuel and I was very disturbed by it. Strangely enough, some persons I thought that were in a position to educate us and uphold the rule of law, were the very ones on a radio show accusing innocent people and you could tell the wanted to keep us in the dark. I then listened to a talk show where once again, I expected to get answers and to my surprised the hosts of that show really behaved like…you what I am talking about. I listened to Hon Charles Savarin, who was the then minister for national security, and as for the sake of his office I thought he would have educated us on during that Christmas day disaster, but ALAS! He went on calling names and up to this day the police never questioned any of the names he called. But shockingly Mr. PM, he was promoted by you to president. Also Mr. PM, I heard SC on that same show during that same time calling names and none of the persons he accused has been arrested. So yes, those that are supposed to be educating us are working hard to brain wash us and I hope you are not guilty as well Mr. PM

    • Anonymous
      February 11, 2014

      I see what u did there lol :twisted:

  48. Uk blogg
    February 11, 2014

    An advice for a people to promote reading is good but to twist things in this way is arogant and disrespectful. The era when Our people were not reading has long gone and you PM will find that the populace are more well read then before you entered office, thats why our voices are heard more clearly. Talk shows are only a platform to vent what the people have read and heard. Its good to listen as well. READING ALONE MAKES ONE MUTE. EXPRESSION OF WHAT ONE READS GIVES THEM POWER.YOU LACK RESPECT FOR YOUR PEOPLE AT YOUR OWN PERIL… The talk show hosts are well read individuals because they continuously unearth some real duggy dealings.take it or leave it you have to read to investigate certain things.

  49. @liar
    February 11, 2014

    You wont even have a political debate to discuss major issues, you disrespect candidates who have gone from running car rentals to law school, and you go on the animal show every week to throw mapui for educated politicians,

    you in cabinet with a man who insulted a former judge by telling him lock himself in the toilet in Belfast, Now you are calling dominicans illiterate.
    I am so SICK of this man and a new set of foolishness everyday.

    I think I will be taking a break from DNO for a month because everyday SKerritt getting me more upset with these ridiculous statements.

    • Simply the Truth
      February 11, 2014

      Those with common sense know that the debate would not be a fair one but a one-sided one. The intention would be to debase him. Why should he waste his God-given precious time? I do not blame him at all. Any other politician/leader but…

  50. You know
    February 11, 2014

    So how you can have a man like blackmoore running de party.
    You not ready?
    Uwp needs to be focused to get these ppl out of our lives.

    • February 11, 2014

      How we quick to forget UWP was there already only one term what did the do I want to know that’s why we took them out Skerrit will still win

  51. Student
    February 11, 2014

    Apart from the fact that, Skerrit now wants Dominicans to buy the New Chronicle because this Newspaper is now owned by the LABOURTY PARTY, Skerrit himself is definitely in need of some coaching, as far as the English Language is concerned. Skerrit definitely needs to ready more, improve on his diction, improve on his articulation, expand his vocabulary and generally needs to have a better command of the English language for someone who holds the office of Prime Minister and supposedly has a degree in English. Mr. Skerrit I hope you take the lead on that initiative so that those who will be mentoring and coaching you can be proud at the end of the exercise. I’ll be listening

    • February 11, 2014

      I’m so happy that young people are speaking out I hope a lot more will follow dont allow the PM to get away with his nonsense.

  52. Expired cabinet pill
    February 11, 2014

    “So we are going down a very dangerous road where those who are supposed to educate us through the mass media themselves are not reading and if you are not reading how are you going to educate us?

    Mr, Skerro, you are right about that! However, I have two questions for you: 1. Who are you referring to? I know you cannot be referring to the Q95 talk show hosts because we all know they read a lot so much so, they getting secrete information that neither you or your attorneys have been able to challenge 2. What exactly you want us to read? Many of us use to read the new chronicle but we understand it has been sold to a team of millionaires and therefore we can no longer trust the information that will be published by them. I even hears that some government ministers have shares in it. Can you please educate us on this very important subject so we don’t listen to gossips?

    February 11, 2014

    PM if you want more reading build libraries in every Parish and in every village then you will see the youth rising. Make those libraries stand out, building new police stations is one thing but at least for example in Laplaine use the old station as a library, we need education not incarceration.

    • Razor
      February 11, 2014

      FYI, the government has already been busy building “resource centers” across the island. I suppose you did not receive the memo because you have been listening to the wrong channels.

        February 12, 2014

        a resource center is not a ‘library’… a ‘Library’ is a place for free thinking, independent learning, research and to share like minded ideas. A resource center is just that …. a resource center. i rather go to the Library than the resource center because the books in the library are donated, contributed, shared and exchanged by participating libraries. books if there are any in a resource center are similar to text books and dictated buy the people running the center.

  54. Coco Town
    February 11, 2014

    Is it the same Skerrit who during the 2012 Independence speech made a commitment to more conversation and more government interaction , more honest discussion with Dominica. Well since that speech what have we seen – more lies, more hiding, more condescension and now two press secretaries – one out of St Kitts and Daryl Titre. We have seen more gutter politics – from attacking Bow Bow to put your hand between your leg, lock yourself in a toilet, half and half, – we have bombshell , car rental operator , who owing bank. Isn’t that what we hear from them. Well somebody tell me ah lie.

    • February 11, 2014

      Skerrit was teacher and once a teacher always a teacher the is right we put our children in front the TV and dolls and cars for start buying good books well said PM

  55. Away
    February 11, 2014

    I can recall while teaching mathematics back in high school, there was a little character(drawing) which said: “All POLITICIANS are LIARS.” It’s so SAD.

  56. Morihei Ueshiba
    February 11, 2014

    Skerrit change your diet and start running up vielle case in the morning, Geez man u looking sooo old & Fat!

    • February 11, 2014

      You can be his motivator

  57. hy
    February 11, 2014

    stupes :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  58. Not Me Alone
    February 11, 2014

    “So we are going down a very dangerous road where those who are supposed to educate us through the mass media themselves are not reading and if you are not reading how are you going to educate us? How are you going to inform us on new things and how are you going to guide us on the way forward?” he stated.

    Boy who is the PM referring to when he says, those who are supposed to educate us through the mass media themselves are not reading? Is he taking a short at DBS staff? Or GIS since they are both paid and run by the government? To me they are the ones that are suppose to educate us. Maybe Skerrit is disappointed with them. Let’s go a step further because on Kairi FM, they (government officials) have a program AKA “The animal Show” and maybe Mr. Skerrit is finally telling them to read more so they could educate the people because Q95 is doing a very outstanding job in educating listeners. Well Mr. Skerrit I give you a big thumbs up this time because most times we have people that suppose to know better on that show and they should use it to educate the public especially the younger generation. When you have the likes of CS Tony Astaphan, PM Roosevelt Skerrit, Mr. of Tourism Ian Douglas, SC lenox lawrance, Communication Minister Austrie and many more big names on that show, why shoul they not educate the public? But arey? Are you all Mr. Skerrit? Why is that program referred to as not relevant by a senior citizen? So yes sir, I understand your language because as a Pentecostal I know how to interpret messages spoken in tongues like you are doing now.

    February 11, 2014

    I read the article with a sinking heart. Are you questioning the intelligence of the youth Mr Prime Minister? Would you prefer to spoon feed the youth your propaganda? Sir one should glean knowledge from every available source and no one should try free our hands and chain our brains.

    Mr Prime Minister would you prefer to drop us leaflets and one page document so we can conform to your regime? No Sir we live in the age of enlightening, a time when we can see thru the blinders you are trying to put on us.

    Sir you want us to read: provide us with the agreements you signed with the Chinese government and with ALBA.. That would make good reading.

  60. roseau
    February 11, 2014

    Hahahhaha skerite geting fedup with mat iddn the morning.those people that runing the animal show he should tell that too.close down the animal show lol and stop talking in tongue.he trying to tell young people not to listen to matt but he doeno how to say it hahahhahahha. Mr skerit the young people are well informed about the crap aand bullseet

    • straight.
      February 11, 2014

      Roseau, you sound like a streetwise person however, you stand as an example why we should read. Reading is essential. The now prime minister, taught me at sixth form (English), and honestly, he did not stand out as an exemplary teacher neither did he appear too comfortable with the subject area. I had two misconceptions cleared up or corrected in university based on what he taught me. Read, PM please.

  61. Mamizoo
    February 11, 2014

    I do agree with the PM that we Dominicans need to spend more time reading. I am not sure that the Labor Party really wants that since their plan of action and their MO is to appeal to ignorance.

    So now that Skerrit has made such a statement it would wonderful for him to step up to the plate and challenge the opposition to debate. If we are calling for more intelligent conversation on the radio why not be the leader and get on the debate podium.

    Sometimes I wonder whether skerrit and his advisors really fully explore the repercussions. But then again when people, institutions operate purely on deception the task of consistency is a very arduous one. Essentially liars don’t walk around with a reliable data bank cause the data changes every second- ask Tony Astaphan how difficult it is to be peddling deception- the accounting and the balance sheet go haywaya. If you walk around with honesty and sincerity there will be synchronicity.

    So as leader of the country why not take the lead and ask your animal show hosts to start having intelligent conversations – stop the hatchetting and “mepwuisaying”. Let us start talking about local economics and world economics – how we can position ourselves to become relevant in the global economy. Let us explore the issue of the polisario front which by the way your radio mercenaries labeled as a terrorist movement.

    Pawol en bouche ce pas met Roosevelt skerrit. I am hopeful that father Sharplis will teach you concepts of the beatitudes.

  62. For Richer Or Poorer
    February 11, 2014

    Alas PM I am a strong supporter of yours. And I agree with you totally about reading because I normally give my children books as gifts rather than toys and encourage them to read and understand what they read. And I love to read. I read everything I can put my hands on because I like to come to my own conclusion about things and do not depend on hearsays. I agree here with you too.

    But when I read some posts here on DNO I have to glance at them and pass them straight quick.

    I just cannot read some of them. You will understand won’t you?

    • Hans
      February 11, 2014

      Does the PM himself read. 14 years in parliament and his intellectual skills are lacking.

    • Uk blogg
      February 11, 2014

      This is a nice comment. One thing he wont understand… you have to be clear and to tbe point for him to understand.

  63. Not Me Alone
    February 11, 2014

    Another move to keep the people ignorant. The man realize that more and more people are listening to Q95, where the hosts are well informed and deeds done in the dark are being revealed, so he took a swipe using reading as his bate. What do we read in the absence of transparency Mr. Skerrit? I would like to take my time to READ what is on the MOU that you signed with China, but unfortunately it’s a secret between you and China. I would like to read the facts of the last loan you signed with a Chinese company last year in the name of building international airport, state of the act hospital and hotel; but again it is not available except what the Chinese group put on their webpage…but the maths does not add up. I took time to read (not gossip from talk show host) about your official trip expenses, but you spoke to us in tongues to confuse us. You yourself put information and figures out that makes no sense. You never told us which currency you were talking about because in most part regardless of the currency used, the maths still did not add up. When we ask you ( we did not ask gossipers on talk show)to tell us where your party getting campaign money from, YOU TOLD US “It’s not your damb business…go to hell, go to hell, go to hell.” Is that how you educate us? Mr. Skerrit, as a former teacher, that was a very good opportunity to educate the public because the question was relevant. But how you educated us by teaching us to curse people that question us!

  64. Lang Mama
    February 11, 2014

    A person who is well read does not have to tell you that he or she is but their actions and reactions will. Roosevelt Skerrit you are not a reader. Skerrit yours action and reactions is very much indicative of your lack of reading. Besides that I know personally that you are not a reader.

    Now that you touched the issue – why not present your so called degrees. Prove that the talk show host is wrong

  65. Doc. Love
    February 11, 2014

    Typical Skeritt, like Blessing would say, “speaking in both sides of his mouth and whistling down the center.” Every week a different gossip or allegation shows its head, sometimes on Government’s policies or personal. Skeritt has refused to address the situations, whether it be at a press conference or debate. In resent times, we heard of allegations concerning his cabinet by a foreign press, to this day he has not denied the allegations. It is very easy to put the talk shows and gossip to rest, answer those serious allegations. No sooner Mr. Thomson Fontaine opened his mouth concerning a statement made by a youth as regards to violence, Skeritt was all over him. Again, he made a statement as regards the CCJ, Skeritt’s opposition to Mr. Fontaine’s statement, was reported by CANA. In my opinion, the only manner Skeritt can control many of those allegations or gossips, he must either have a one on one exclusive interview with DNO or Q95, the animal show or DBS will not help.

  66. Rice Again
    February 11, 2014

    Mr. just want people to read the propaganda Labour Party Chronicle.

    Even my Labour Party aunty feddup with it already

  67. shaka zulu
    February 11, 2014

    Good advice Mr. PM i agree with you on that. I also hope you do not go on silly talk shows and you also see it important make sure that all the information is available, accurate and current so the young ones can see and analyze for themself. If they do not have that info they cannot read.

  68. Kamchatka
    February 11, 2014

    Somebody, tell Skerrit we want to read the contents of the MOU he signed with China.

  69. sstupes
    February 11, 2014

    i dont understand…y we criticize it wrong for the prime minster to encourage us to be well read…d man tlkin bout ur future not jus bout now…allu really tink is skerrit yall doin a favor by readin…its only for the betterment of urself…

    • forkit
      February 11, 2014

      the prime minister was referring to people like you, read a little more and you will get you spelling right.

  70. WS
    February 11, 2014

    Alas we have to pray for this man. I used to be angry at him but now I just feel so sorry for him.

  71. grell
    February 11, 2014

    Mr. PM i think your geeting it twisted talk show,why should talk shows prevent people from reading.You talk about democracy and you do not like being critized,man up and bare a hard back.

  72. Diasporan
    February 11, 2014

    DNO your article title is misleading. You’re becoming extremely partisan. Report accurately instead of interpreting speeches incorrectly. I listened to the P.M. and that was not my interpretation of his address. Even the quote from in your article does not support your title. He was actually admonishing some talk shows to read or research more about their topic of discussion before presenting to their audience so that they can be more factual about the information they disseminate.

    • Expired cabinet pill
      February 11, 2014

      @Diasporan, I listened to the speech as well and I agree with you that the title DNO used does not agree with the speech Skerrit gave. I think a better title should have been “Skerrit wants talk show host on DBS, Kairi and GIS to read more and listen more attentively to what is said by Q95 hosts so they could defend him better since he himself cannot.”

  73. 007
    February 11, 2014

    is it just me or did the Prime Minister just call the people of Dominica illiterates please correct me if I’m wrong

  74. beholder
    February 11, 2014

    While frustration is inevitable with this veiled criticism of the voice of the opposition and the disingenuousness of of the PM is apparent, it would be good to demand of the PM something to read.

    How about letting us read the agreements between our government and the government of China regarding loan guarantees, grants in aid, etc? How about letting us read the balance sheet of our Petro Carib partner? How about giving us a reading lesson using the ALBA treaty, with particular emphasis on our rights as a sovereign under its terms and conditions?

    I do, however, take issue with merely throwing one bum out to get another. Dominica needs a new movement, not just a new color. Dominica needs a leader who can rally all parties around an organizing principle focused on fiscal responsibility, that puts the welfare of the people first, and that includes the health and well being of our fragile and increasingly threatened environment.

    So far I haven’t seen a candidate that fulfills these criteria. We need someone who can get beyond: I win. You lose. We need a leader who can let us all win for a change.

  75. i must speak
    February 11, 2014

    it just so funny i want to laugh :lol:

  76. Diaspora
    February 11, 2014

    Well Mr. PM in the absence of transparency and accountability the people speculate. So if we go out on secret moves and deals what do you expect. Be honest with us, be open with us, less secret deals and the talk show hosts with discuss the appropriate. But thank God to the talk show hosts we got information on so many things that otherwise we would be in the dark.
    Are you saying that those who sing your praises are also giving us fiction and not facts.

  77. Secrets Kill
    February 11, 2014

    We sank $27M into a state house, while across the street an outdated public library waits for renovations…then we complain citizens don’t read enough?

    • Helium&Beryllium
      February 11, 2014

      briliant observation

  78. i lookin
    February 11, 2014

    ohhhhhh Skerrit i feel sorry for you . You that prime minister, you are so twisted. You want us to read what your people writing in your papers . well we will have open minds to listen and read all . One can get and should access good knowledge from every available source, talk show, interent , books word of mouth etc. One last thing lead by example , you stop going on the animal talk show .

    • Serious thing
      February 12, 2014

      Since that New Chronicle change ownership I stop buying it….

  79. Castle Bruce
    February 11, 2014

    I am so fed-up of Skerritt. That I can’t even look at his picture.
    Just call elections and shut-up!

    • straight.
      February 11, 2014

      You need to educate the rest of Castle Bruce ppl. It’s like the blind leading the blind there.

  80. linky
    February 11, 2014

    like the animal show

    • Channel 1
      February 11, 2014

      @linky – Roosevelt is getting more and more confused as the days go by. Dis man has appeared on that talk show of utter nonsense, yet he wants to come here talking about fact and gossip…..


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