Students urged to play part in national development

Boyd-Knights believes students have a role to play in the development of Dominica
Boyd-Knights believes students have a role to play in the development of Dominica

Speaker of the House of Assembly, Alix Boyd-Knights, has challenged secondary school students to refrain from looking to others and make their own contributions to the development of the nation.

“You have to now see how you can make your contribution, because you have a contribution to make,” she said at the end of a Youth Parliament on Tuesday. “So I am imploring you all, don’t ever feel that it is up to others, if it not up to you, then it’s up to nobody.”

She urged the students to take interest in the operation of local government as part of getting to know what is going on in the country.

“Each one of you has a village, town or a city council, take an interest,” she noted. “Are you aware, that members of the public can go and sit in on the village council meetings? I don’t think people are aware of it but it can be done. If they are having a special meeting and they don’t want people there, they can say so. But for the most part, go and as the saying goes, ‘make your eyes boil your peas.’ Go and see what is happening.”

According to Boyd-Knights it is important that students know what is going on in the country since it will eventually affect them in the future.

“Remember the bottom line for you all is that you are going to be taking over,” she said. “Whatever is happening today will have an effect on you when you come tomorrow. So you have a voice, don’t ever think you don’t have a voice … so think about what you see.”

She also urged the students to always think first.

“Get your brains in gear before your mouth,” the speaker said. “Always do that because I find a lot of the time people just talk and then think after. Get the brain in gear first, analyze, read, speak from a point of authority…”

The Youth Parliament was held as part of Commonwealth Day activities.

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  1. truth
    March 14, 2014

    did she also tell skeritt to respond when the youths asked for a debate between he and the opposition leader?does,nt she think its healthy for their upliftment also HYPOCRETE

    March 13, 2014

    YOU THE BEST speaker of the house I n the Caribbean island Job well done keep it up! I loved the way you control the house thank you may the Lord bless you ! Love you!

  3. LazaL
    March 13, 2014

    IMO, she lacks authority and ingenuity :wink: ( the quality of being clever, original, and inventive, often in the process of applying ideas to solve problems or meet challenges.) Wiki..

  4. Views Expressed
    March 13, 2014

    DNO…What’s the hold up nuh…..moderation for so long.!!

    Speaker Boyd’s Knight says:
    “Get your brains in gear before your mouth,” the speaker said. “Always do that because I find a lot of the time people just talk and then think after. Get the brain in gear first, analyze, read, speak from a point of authority…”


    You are addressing potential members of the House and at the same they witness your poor judgement, DISGUSTING ATTITUDE, distaste and poor leadership in House administered by you to those members who are elected to represent we the people. When were you elected Madam Speaker.
    Having been rejected by the voice of the people to be elevated to President you were officially DISCARDED. AMEN.
    Dat ole speaker does not seem to be an example.
    “Get your brains in gear before your mouth,”


  5. Emile Zapatos
    March 13, 2014

    Sometimes I think that there is no hope for Dominica’s future. When a message is positive we have to degrade and devalue it. If it is coming from people who we think is not sharing our political views ,we see no merit in it. That is the mind set that the UWP is propagating. They think this will give them a political advantage.
    I think Alix Boyd -knights have made a wonderful contribution in a motiving speech.

  6. you serious man
    March 12, 2014

    DNO why did you guys change the layout of the front pay of DNO. It is stupid. I don’t like it. Please leave it the way it was. Come on we are not going backward. Come On.

  7. anonymous
    March 12, 2014

    Get past the messenger and the message is valid.

  8. Blackie
    March 12, 2014

    Hmmm, what this lady is telling the students is far from what she practice. Smh. Are you real? Local Government? Is she for real. Left for these people Local Government would be out of the picture completely. When my uncle was chairman of Penville Council; the Council got money presumably for the community, the Parl Rep, PM started giving him orders how to use the money; he said he has to discuss it with his supervisor meaning the Local Govt Officers. The Parl Rep told my uncle, “what Local Government you talking about? I don’t want these people in my business.” No respect for authority. SMH.

    • Emile Zapatos
      March 13, 2014

      The lady is very real and you should shoe some respect. Her contribution was positive and motivating. She had nothing to do with your Penville issue, you are just attacking her because she is a woman. She is not the one who made you ashame of your roots and made you afraid to let people know that you are from Penville.

  9. Francisco Telemaque
    March 12, 2014

    Get your brains in gear before your mouth,” the speaker said. “Always do that because I find a lot of the time people just talk and then think after. Get the brain in gear first, analyze, read, speak from a point of authority…”

    And you are very correct; and that is why, I have always like you! You have spoken the truth, and that has caused me to like you even more.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Simply the Truth
      March 12, 2014

      Telemaque, Alix means every word she says. I endorse her. You know she wants what is best for D/ca and the youths of all, the future adults who will take their rightful place in D/ca. She would not have returned to D/ca from England if she had no love for it and wanted to do something good for it, to build it up and enhance it.
      We were in the same Form at the Convent High School. I will always support her for I have known her since we were teenagers. Granted people change but to me she is still the same person. When I was in D/ca a few years ago I visited her. When I visit again I will ensure that I visit her. She is a disciplined, nice person. As for discipline, it takes one to know one. :lol:

  10. Doc. Love
    March 12, 2014

    Analyze, read, speak from a point of authority, the students she was speaking to, must be asking if this is the same woman who heads the Parliament or the same woman that was rejected as a nominee for the Presidency of the Commonwealth of Dominica. Always think first , members of the UWP in Parliament must be pulling hairs from their heads when they heard that statement.

    • ah ha
      March 12, 2014

      only one member was present…. so much for supporting the youth huh?

    • Emile Zapatos
      March 13, 2014

      An other attack on women. The lady was not rejected but withdrew because of personal attacks on her by the UWP. She was even afraid for her safty. She would have been the first female President in Dominica and would have made world history and would have been a role model for those fighting the war against women.
      Doc Love ,you have joined the UWP, the gang of women haters . Just see how quickly you removed Jesel from your political lineup.
      You should be proud that we have a lady Speaker.

      • Emile Zapatos
        March 13, 2014

        The UWP women haters only see women as baby machines.

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