Twenty-five students in Dominica have benefited from scholarships valued at a total of $50,000, courtesy of the Melissa Skerrit Foundation.
The scholarships were presented at a ceremony held at the Dominica State College (DSC) on Thursday.
It was made in collaboration with citizenship by investment (CBI) specialist and developer Montreal Management Consultants Est (MMCE).
The scholarships include school supplies, books, uniforms, shoes and transportation allowance.
“This year is an exceptional one as we are now able to give more college students scholarships than previous years,” Skerrit said while addressing the ceremony. “We are able to provide 60 scholarships to students from the Pre-Schools and up to the college level, and today we will provide 25 scholarships to students here today.”
She said that she has decided to include students from the Goodwill, Tarish Pit, Gutter, Fond Cole, Stock Farm as well as the Roseau Central area.
According to her, this comes on the heels of a visit to the Roseau North area accompanied by Dominica Labour Party (DLP) caretaker of that constituency, Miriam Blanchard during the delivery of relief item after Hurricane Maria.
She stated that she knew right away that special attention had to be given to residents of this area.
Meantime, Skerrit said that she recognized the struggles that the students faced Post-Hurricane Maria and she commended them for finding ways to study.
“For those of you who are here today, who struggled with no electricity after Maria but still found a way to study I commend you for being here, if you come from a broken home where education is not viewed as important, I commend you for being here. If you must work a full-time job in order to pay for your college education I commend you for being here…,” Skerrit noted.
She wants to copy Imelda Marcos.
She wants to be another Imelda Marcos? Maybe she did not read that history or does not even care?
We are so easily fooled and having being fooled we then go on our campaign to bring down others who are naturally suspicious of those who try to fool us.
There is good reason to be skeptical about this move,many questions should be asked ,We cannot just blindly accept that this Foundation is acting out of goodness.
There have been too many shady activities going on in this country .
So bold face to say that the money is coming from the CBI that means from the sale of Citizenship of Dominica.The quantity of money we hear the Prime Minister talking about it seems to me that the College should have a comprehensive plan to take care of the needs of all the Students and Special Scholarships for the Students that excel.
Not just a wishy washy Scholarship we do not even know how much each Student received.
This is great for the students. However, the article did not mention where her foundation gets it funding from? Where does she get that kind of money and who is funding?
I am not trying to be biased, however, just asking.
In reading, the source of the funds implied it is part of CBI MONEY; which therefore, is really stating the state money unless that CBI is referring to countries like Antigua, St.Lucia etc. etc. or other countries like C for Canada, B for Barbados and I for India making that contribution.
Those of you who have excoriated those who dare to call out Mrs. Skerrit for this blatant political stunt are simply disingenuous. The DLP shamelessly used the hurricane relief materials as election bait. Now funds, directly or indirectly., from the CBI, are being used precisely for the same reason in the form of scholarships. When there is no transparency and accountability, it naturally leads to speculations. Melissa Skerrit is like a stay over tourist. She overnights in Dominica occasionally, then off she goes again to her real opulent home in the US. Be weary of Greeks beating gifts.
But wait? Where does this woman get her money from in the first place? Does her legal employment allows her to make so much money until she becomes a person’s who ends up giving people scholarships???????? But wait ner… what is really goin on in this place.. skerite wife is now in active politics? This woman now playing politics with the people .. so no one is investigating this woman to find out where and how she gets the money to do these things.. this is crazy! From a school feeding program of pancakes to now giving scholarships. .. to her being someone to verify people with birth certificate issues and all sorts of things… wow that country currupt…. I mean don’t you people see that sKerite his wife friends and familly are ripping this country off?? I mean how dumb can a people be? You people allow yourself you be in the bottom of the barrel while these people parade as the most wealthiest people in the country. They get sick they visit top class hospitals and you can’t?
@Franky October 7, 201
Educate your mind! A Foundation does not solely mean that people take money from their pocket; yes, there has to be some form of financial resource to start the process of the foundation–mainly coming from the purse of the Founder, but after that, the process of that Foundation comes from “outside resource”. as it gets bigger and bigger for its purpose–not for the pocket of the Founder.
Read the news article again, and you will see that it says: “It was made in collaboration with citizenship by investment (CBI) specialist and developer Montreal Management Consultants Est (MMCE).”
You people need to read carefully, what is printed before you, lest you make those stupid or senseless comments .
The purse of the founder you are saying?? And where would she have that kind of money from? From a small shop in Roseau and a Husband on PM wages?? I rest my case. You just admitted that this pair must have another source of income and I wonder what this could be? Finally a leading DLP mouthpiece admits to the PM income not ‘above board’. Have you finally seen the light like other previous comrades?
My hope and dream is that a new government will be elected, there will be investigations and prosecutions, and people will end up in jail. Period.
That’s exactly what I’m hoping for. People need to pay for the crimes they commited.
What is going on here? Melissa Skerritt foundation, is really some kind of system to make poor people look bad. Don’t know why should Dominicans make themselves look stupid by falling for such cheap political games. 50,000 dollars playing big shot n making poor folks look stupid. This foundation is just another branch of red clinic….. OHHHHH, WHO are the donors to this silly foundation, if dats what you guys call it….
This is pure politics Mrs Skerrit,and you know that just as I do….You seem to be smelling the DLP defeat.. Your husband has failed this country full time,and he will soon be shamefully discarded by the electorate together with this lazy Blanchard lady who thought that sharing ration after Maria would bring her love from the Roseau North constituents …She too is on the cusp of being discarded by the voters of Rosesu North… In fact this Blanchard lady might not even be the candidate, because her job after Maria did not go down well with many Dominicans… It is a blatant sin to use food or building materials to gain votes….More Votes For Danny!!!More Votes For Danny!!!More Votes For Danny!!!!
Skerrit Must Go
Skerrit Must Go
Lazy Skerrit Must Go Now
I take a dim view of promotions being dressed up as charity. Doubly so when the donor uses money, which apparently is derived from the sales of state assets. I would have appreciated it more if the benefactor had spent her own money and not used the opportunity for a public photo shoot. I’m sorry Mrs. Skerrit but this is cheap and does you no credit.
Lady, go back to NY and buy a new Gucci bag. You don’t want to be here anyway.
P.S.: Don’t forget to take your husband
Can someone please tell me where that CARETAKER of constituency idea came from? The lady said she visited Roseau North accompanied by the caretaker of the constituency following hurricane Maria. It appears this is all political. I would expect that the MP be the one to be involved in these kind of manouverings regardless of which party is represented. No wonder there is so much division in our country. People must take note of these things very seriously
You are right,these people are so rude and bold. Roseau Northdoe not have a caretaker but a proper MP.That is Danny Lugay. You dot have to like him but obviously most constituents do because they vote for him.
That’s precisely my argument. Your comment is so succinctly put, Sugar Coat. For a country to achieve its fullest potential, all hands must be on deck. There must be mostly harmony and cohesion in society. Inclusion and fairness must be our watchwords’ Exclusion, discrimination and victimization should languish in the cemetery. I could NEVER support any government that uses exclusion and political division and mischief to hold on to power. This severely stifles national progress and pushes too many people to the brink of survival. The influential business people, pastors and civil servants in powerful positions are complicit in giving tacit support to this rogue, degenerate and nakedly corrupt regime. For the gross mismanagement of the country’s affairs, Mr. Skerrit, all his Cabinet misfits and his closest advisors deserve the collective scorn of the citizens and residents of Dominica.
This Foundation should be able to stand any scrutiny test since it uses the finances of the State which is patently wrong. As per usual, this regime operates under the cover of darkness. Transparency and accountability are words that this nakedly corrupt government frowns on. Dominica is truly unique. Where else in the Caribbean region the wife of the Prime Minister uses government funds to fund her charity foundation? Dominicans are too docile, malleable and deferential, much too easily accepting. Nothing a government enjoys more than the apathy of the public. Until Dominicans learn to stand up in the face of blatant wrongdoings by this sleazy regime, their future will be blighted for generations yet unborn. This administration is like expired goods. Their time is up!
Well Dominicans not easy at all HATERS kneel down and PRAY for our CHILDREN.
This is more sign of corruption in this regime. Next will it be Reggie wife giving books to students in Portsmouth/Cottage from a foundation supported by another CBI agent.
DLP GOVT stop disrespecting the poor people of Dominica.
When people are talking about “Foundation” here is an example based on what one such foundation for the past eighty (80) years has done. If we research the activities of ” Ford Foundation” we will discover the billions of dollars given away all over the world.
the resources used for the purpose did not come from any corrupted source: Dominicans should be weary of Melisa and her gimmick, she should disclose the source of her money!
The Ford Foundation is an independent, nonprofit grant-making organization. For more than 80 years it has worked with courageous people on the frontlines of social change worldwide, guided by its mission to strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement.
With headquarters in New York, the foundation has offices in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
The Ford Foundation is an independent, nonprofit grant-making organization. For more than 80–Telemaque
And you think that you are smart to write this no doubt. After 80 years do you believe that this person “Ford” is still drawing out money from his bank account to hand out to the World?
Those people do nothing more than to advertise their business through the “media” it is no different from the man who started as a poor man and is now the great evangelists of the day, with their mansions and great airplanes to fly them around the World and to make more money from the ignorant poor
non-profiting you say!
The same goes for your so-called “Ford Foundation”, and you know it! But you think that you are speaking to the gullible–of course, it is so, because they swallow the garbage that you write.
But there are those who know that you are speaking rubbish, so to rebuke your stupid contention, I am one of them–you stupid fellow!
The students and their parents are being used as pawns by the PM ,his wife and the DLP. This act is a blatant and vulgar manipulation and abuse of the State’s funds for strictly political expediency. This is corruption. This action is tantamount to the bribery of the electorate. This is such a clear cut case of electioneering. To those who are supporting this sleaze, if this were done by the wife of Mr. Linton, who happened to be the Prime Minister, would you have endorsed it? You don’t have to reply. Let your conscience answer. The election machinery is in full swing. Don’t let them fool you this time around. You give them five more years in office and in exchange they give you five more years of HARD LABOUR. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me again and again and again and again, shame on me.
What foolishness you talking?! Where you see government money in that? Melissa is doing something that no other prime minister’s wife has done. She has her own platform and, through her foundation, is doing all the good she can. I am proud of her.
@Peace – What’s the source of funds of Melissa’s foundation?
Is she using her own personal funds? If so, where did she derive these personal funds from? What is her employment history prior to and post-marriage to Skerrit?
Or are these funds to her foundation from donors? Who are these donors?
Very pertinent and pointed questions, Channel 1. The source of funding apparently is coming from a Middle Eastern businessman who has direct links and dealings with Dominica’s CBI (sale of the passports). This regime has handcuffed itself to opaqueness. One will never get answers to those questions. This government plays jigsaw puzzle with public information. Only the very gullible, ignorant, parasitic, dishonest and greedy people swallow their poisonous lies and deceptions.
@Channel 1 October 6, 2018
The process of this Foundation may have come from Mellissa’s purse since that Foundation I in her name. But like most Foundations, their production is always from donors–no matter how rich the Founder is, no one is simply giving away their money.
So here is what the news article said, at the third paragraph–“It was made in collaboration with citizenship by investment (CBI) specialist and developer Montreal Management Consultants Est” (MMCE).
It seems as if no one is reading, as usual, but is quickly responding to the headline of the article, that is not very smart
Typical of Dominican man, those who choose to belittle Mrs, Skerrit are those Male chauvinist…… Disrespecting Your Mama again!
Really, the way I see it, she belittles herself.
your comment is rubbish
Why are Montreal Management Consultants based in the United Arab Emirates. Along way from home. Was it designed to deceive?
A foundation like that is normally a registered tax-exempt charity. I doubt there is a public record of this foundation showing details of its cash flow. Who knows, it may have been the recipient of any donation made in respect of our parrots’ transfer to Germany. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary we are allowed to speculate.
Where is the Minister of Education? Such a presentation should be made by the Education Minister. This pretentious propaganda show by Skeritt and family, is just another way to rally his votes for the upcoming elections.
Rather than asking where is the minister of Education, you should be asking where the resources of this “Melisa Foundation” derives!
For Example in America when one hear about the Ford Foundation, or i.e The Clinton Foundation, or Bill Gates Foundation, we can trace their money and know where it came from. We do not know the source of Melisa money; the recipients can become accessories to a crime!
And that’s all I have to about that!
Who wants to read the rest of what you have to say? Because all of is rubbish
Nobody might want to read my rubbish; but I am sure plenty people knows the meaning of the words corruption thievery, and know the penalty for committing a felony could mean up to twenty years or more in jail when they swindle government money!
You know fools gold looks like the real thing you know, and people like you do not know the difference between a bit of fools gold and real gold.
Pray and thank God, for the criminal, the felon she might give you some of her fools goal! Elizabeth, one day Dominica government is going change; and plenty people are going to jail.
Patrick John went to jail not for allegedly getting the KKK to overthrow Eugenia government; the truth is he went to jail because he could not account for three ($3.00) measly dollars, I am not talking U.S dollars; I mean Dominica dollars.
Will the most corrupted man on earth be able to account for his thieving wealth?
Telemaque I do not think that the Government of Dominica, right now, will reign forever, but that is not your plan, not mine–it belongs to God alone.
However, when and if He changes that Governing body, He is not going to fill that place with arrogant, godless, loveless, futile, evil, and wicked-minded men /women. Dominica must continue to move forward and upwards by the Godfearing men and women of her soil–as I write it, so shall it be done.
And one more thing, I pray that you will live to see that day, so to put your foot deeper into your mouth, because my perception tells me that you already have it there.
This is so wrong.Proceeds from the sale of our passports are being used to fund this foundation. Grace Mugabe also did the same in Zimbabwe. Time will tell. We did not learn lessons, when will we ever learn.
Additionally, this happens only in Dominica, in the Caribbean region.
I just listened to the young lady on the news…. and just as I thought the foundation is another DLP machine using money belonging to Dominicans. Giving back pennies, compared to the millions that are going in their own pockets. Good job Melissa. Help secure your husband place as PR for the rest of his life.
You see this is nothing but DLP rethoric and propaganda in the wake of an upcoming election. The monies involved are all monies that belong to the state of Dominica because it origins from the sale of passports which belong to the state of Dominica and not a Melissa Skerrit foundation or MMCE. This is Skerrits way to account for passport sales and his stupid supporters do buy that kind of nonsense. We want to see CBI accounts, not scholarships or donations. You can not fool me with your shaddy business and practises.
You hit it right on the head,pur propoganda for votes,the Skerrit regime has to fall like all others around the world.no these poor kids owe them a vote how absurd and disgusting this dlp regime is.
Ungrateful set of people, in everything give thanks
Ya if it was there son/daughter receiving the scholarship they would sing a different tune.
I’m not a person who can be bought for a few coins. In particular not when these few coins have been stolen of my country in the first place. But you keep on singing for your supper. Clearly that is your destination in life! You are a very sad individual!
Ungrateful to the Government for selling my birthright, using the proceeds of it to give me a pittance $2000?
We will take the money and still vote Labour party out.
Les Bans Mordarah!
turtle dove here, look a hand out for you. When that done come back for the next one. you know the vibes, just keep giving thanks and you will get more. you dont even need to work hard.
It makes no sense for anyone to try to fool a fool. That’s your kind(UWP),ungrateful Wicked People.
Grateful for what??? Some crumbs from your masters table. I don’t think so! I don’t need to sing for my supper nor do I support thiefs and liars. So you keep wallowing in your ignorance!
KID, I want you to be honest for the first time in your life. No ambivalence, jut simply YES or NO. If Mr. Linton were the PM and his wife used State’s funds for her charity foundation would you have supported it? Not even a Minister of Government should do such. Melissa Skerrit is not even a member of Cabinet. Your support of the indefensible speaks volumes about you.
Ibo, can you proove to me is State funds Melissa is using? No wonder the Privy Council had to make Lennox pay for his lying tongue. It’s you all DNA. Honestly I thought you more intelegent.
Who’s the donor to this fictitious foundation? This is money from a gentleman who is a major salesman of Dominican passports. Your blind support for a corrupt regime has rendered you intellectually impotent. I have never tried to live up to anyone’s expectations of me for that’s a sure recipe for failure. By the way, KID, before you cast aspersions on anybody be sure to work on your spelling and grammar. The word is ‘intelligent’ NOT ‘intelegent’. Go improve yourself instead of spending an inordinate amount of time on this forum trying to denigrate critics of your dictatorial master.