UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem to visit Dominica

Dr Natalia Kanem Photo: UNFPA

Dr. Natalia Kanem, the Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is set to embark on a significant mission to Dominica, scheduled for May 23-24, 2024. During her visit, she will engage in a series of official activities aimed at fostering dialogue, advocating for policy changes, and exploring collaborative projects, particularly focusing on the rights and well-being of indigenous peoples and the advancement of sustainable development goals.

One of the highlights of Dr. Kanem’s agenda is her meeting with government officials, including Prime Minister Hon Roosevelt Skerritt. This engagement signifies a crucial opportunity to discuss matters pertinent to Dominica’s development agenda, including climate resilience, megatrends, and the rights of indigenous communities, ensuring that no one is left behind.

Additionally, Dr. Kanem will undertake a site visit to the Kalinago Barana Autê, immersing herself in the local culture and gaining valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by the indigenous community. This visit aims to inform UNFPA’s efforts in establishing collaborative projects that promote sustainable development, cultural heritage preservation, and climate resilience, aligning with the organization’s mandate.

A key component of Dr. Kanem’s mission is her participation in an Intergenerational Dialogue, a dynamic platform bringing together individuals from different age groups to exchange ideas and foster collective action. This dialogue seeks to harness the innovative ideas of younger generations while leveraging the wisdom and experience of older generations to address pressing issues such as youth investment, health, and climate resilience.

The objectives of the Intergenerational Dialogue are threefold: to facilitate reflection and exchange of ideas between younger and older generations on topics such as gender, health, and climate resilience; to empower young people to actively participate in decision-making processes with a creative and data-driven approach; and to identify strategies for integrating youth perspectives into climate action and policy-making.

Expected outcomes of the dialogue include the development of actionable recommendations for stakeholders, a deeper understanding of youth involvement and participation, and the recognition of synergies between different generations towards building a healthier and more resilient society.

Overall, Dr. Kanem’s mission to Dominica underscores UNFPA’s commitment to promoting sustainable development, protecting human rights, and advancing the well-being of indigenous peoples, in line with the organization’s mandates and principles. Through dialogue, advocacy, and collaboration, the visit aims to catalyze positive change and create lasting impact for the people of Dominica.

Dr. Natalia Kanem, the Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), appointed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres in 2017, brings over three decades of strategic leadership across diverse fields including preventive medicine, public and reproductive health, social justice, and philanthropy. With a background in academia from Johns Hopkins and Columbia University schools of Medicine and Public Health, Dr. Kanem transitioned to UNFPA in 2014 as the Country Representative in Tanzania, later becoming Deputy Executive Director overseeing programs.

Prior roles include founding president of ELMA Philanthropies focusing on African youth, and work with the Ford Foundation pioneering women’s reproductive health and human rights in West Africa. Dr. Kanem holds degrees from Columbia University and the University of Washington and is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard University. Under her guidance, UNFPA aims to address the unmet need for contraception, reduce maternal mortality, and combat gender-based violence and harmful practices.

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1 Comment

  1. if we knew better
    May 24, 2024

    “This engagement signifies a crucial opportunity to discuss matters pertinent to Dominica’s development agenda, including climate resilience, megatrends, and the rights of indigenous communities, ensuring that no one is left behind.”

    Our young boys are being left behind.

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