UWI graduates told to stay clear of unethical behavior

The ceremony for the graduates was held on Wednesday
The ceremony for the graduates was held on Wednesday

Attorney, Noelize Knight Didier, has advised graduating class of the University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus Dominica, to steer clear of what she calls the erosion of the moral compass of society.

Knight-Didier was delivering the keynote address at a Graduate’s Recognition Ceremony at the Fort Young Hotel (FYH) on Wednesday where 32 students received  diplomas in the area of Social Services, Bachelor of Science Nursing post RN degrees, Bachelor of Education, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science and Social Services.

The Dominican Attorney said it is unfortunate that Dominica’s moral values are being eroded.

“Do the right thing,” she told the graduating class. “Unfortunately the moral compass of our society seems to be going further and further off course with each passing day and this is not only in Dominica, I am speaking of the world at large. Honesty, ethics, morality are being eroded by lies corrupt activities and deception; usually the motivation would be more money and or more power.”

She stated that “simple” actions such as asking your secretary to tell a customer or client that you are not in office or on the phone, when this is not the case, to accepting a bribe or payment under the table to unduly advance whatever may be the cause or requirement of the benefactor of that bribe.

“Friends, the world is not as it used to be,” she lamented. “Technology has brought us to the point where nothing remains a secret anymore. Unethical activities do eventually come to light. The partakers of these activities are left to endure embarrassment, disenfranchisement and loss of respect, at least from the persons who matter. But this ought not to be the primary reason for staying away from such activities.”

She continued, “We need to stay away from these activities simply because we ought to. Simply because it is the right thing; simply because if we are all unethical the world will fall into chaos. We should do it for our own self-respect, comfort and good conscience.”

Using herself as an example, Knight-Didier disclosed that she has lost many clients because of her choice of practicing ethical behaviour.

She urged the class to do the same.

“I encourage you graduates that no matter the repercussion, to stand your ground and refuse to be a part of unethical activities,” she said. “At the end of the day, it simply would not have been worth it. Loss of self-respect my friends will destroy your life.”

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  1. May 11, 2015

    The decay of morals and values should challenge every institution of higher learning that is preparing men and women for the future.

    Noelize Knight-Didier’s message should impact graduates in the coming years. We live in a time when “a little white lie” is considered good diplomacy but when it is found out it can cause the individual to lose credibility. Lack of good ethics will harm people in every walk of life. We’ve seen it hurt governments, damage businesses, and bring down professionals. A person may not care how you treated the other person but they want you to be honest with them. If they’ve hear you are unethical they will take their business elsewhere.

    Whether it is in government, business, or professional life honestly is the best foundation to build upon. No amount of education can compensate for the lack of a good reputation when it comes to being truthful in all your doings.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  2. jaja
    May 10, 2015

    congrats to all the graduates. keep reaching for the stars.

  3. May 10, 2015

    When is things like that people has so little to say. Come on people stand up and applaud, lets give a big hands or lets say let us hear your comments. If it was stupid politics your voices would be heard.this is much more important and your comments are so hold back.what a shame on you guys you know uour self because you will give a thumb down.

  4. May 9, 2015

    Job well done congratulations to all

  5. ggrieving
    May 9, 2015

    And how can a young graduate know what is ethical behavior? The word of God establishes the right values, because only He knows the perfect path for our ultimate good. We cannot be as good as we ought to be by our own strength, but only by submission to God through salvation in Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  6. Hmmmm
    May 8, 2015

    Congrats Ms. Thomas

  7. smh
    May 8, 2015

    because women are more interested in their education than the men.. its as simple as that. its nobody’s fault but their own

    • May 8, 2015

      Congratulation to my sis miss thomas of the St . John’s school you make us proud.

  8. Marigotian
    May 8, 2015

    I see a man at the back. Congrats Sir.

  9. Hope
    May 8, 2015

    :lol: It is always so nice to see my people excelling! Congratulations!

  10. Lang Mama
    May 8, 2015

    Lang Mama is very concerned that every time there is news about students graduating at tertiary level there seem to be no men at all. Now some people may take this wrongly so let me say “Ladies I am proud of your ambition and achievments”. So what is wrong with our mm en. This is serious cause for concern.

    • Just saying
      May 9, 2015

      Are you able to see ALL 32 graduands? The men do not like posing for pics, while the others are graduating in the technical and medical field and some have already graduated

    • NYB
      May 11, 2015

      There is a man in the group all the way to the back the very ambitious, Abri!

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