Welfare official welcomes Place of Safety

Dominica’s Chief Welfare Officer Martin Anthony is welcoming an announcement that a facility for abused Dominican children will be commissioned next month.

Anthony, who has long been speaking about the need for such an establishment, is optimistic that children who are victims of various forms of abuse will be protected when operations at the ‘Place of Safety’ get underway in Jimmit.

The facility is expected to accommodate 32 children at any one time and also provides for “independent living”.

“A young person who perhaps is not properly secured and would need to settle in and then to move on,” Anthony has explained.

“We continue to live in a society where children are constantly under threat, threat through neglect, threat occasioned by being sexually and physically abused…we can’t wait more to have this facility officially commissioned,” Anthony said.

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  1. Cassandra
    January 10, 2011

    Although now owned by our govt. we should not forget to thank the NCH, (now known as Action for Children) and the donations from the UK public that largely financed this project.We do appreciate it!

  2. Observer
    January 9, 2011

    I do hope that those who have been hired are not abusers themselves and cause more abuse to the kids at that place. I do hope that there new hires have been checked thoroughly, and not have questionable things in their past. In the 1980s there was a similar place for boys in the Silver Lake area and there were many reported cases of abuse done by the staff headed by Lennox Abraham. So madame Minister please watch that place like a hawk.

  3. lasko
    January 9, 2011

    good job it was time and it will progress in securing the need of our children by protecting them from abusive parents and adults alike /well done DOMINICA

  4. Lizavier4Jesus
    January 8, 2011


    The only way we can love our children is to be constantly putting ourselves in their place.

    Job creation an so on.

  5. Karkabeff
    January 8, 2011

    Congratulations in order! This is great news for the country. Hail Mary Full Of Grace…

    • Lizavier4Jesus
      January 9, 2011

      But what is that expression of “Hail Mary Full of Grace” for, that you always write, anyway? Don’t you know that she cannot you? It is much more fruitful to say “Thanks for Your blessings of Love, dear God!” He can hear you, through Jesus Christ; and each time you say that He will manifest another blessing in your Life. Why don’t you try it!

  6. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    January 8, 2011

    We need to know what type of abuse as there are several ones.
    The parents concerned appear to be ignored. Based on the type of abuse, do the authorities communicate with the parents, separately from the children, to ascertain the household situation and what led to the abuse? There are times that children are disobedient and will not listen to parental discipline and advice. Consider parents being angry due to this.
    As their parents these children also need counseling. After determining the cause of the abuse and providing counseling to both parents and children, if all else fails then the children should be placed in such a home.

    • Lizavier4Jesus
      January 9, 2011

      I am with your sentiment. Before we decide that parents or guardians are abusive, we must make sure that they have received proper counselling, regarding child rearing. This kind of counsel should begin with new, and young parents to be, before it is too late.

      Take for instance those two young people of Indiana, fighting over facebook information, without considering the young child they brought into this world together. What if that knife stab from that jealous girlfriend on her boyfriend was fatal? Imagine the welfare of a small child, trapped in the middle of all that.

      Some of us spoil our children when they are very small. And by the time they are older, when we expect that they have grown out of our pampering habits, we discover that is the time they want this pampering demonstration, more than ever. The experience can be a nuisiance that everyone involved would rather do without.

      Getting involved in the lives of children, their home and family is one thing; doing it in the right or necessary way, is what is important.

    • ok
      January 9, 2011

      when all else fails ………….that’s exactly why facilities like these are needed. parents think they can do whatever they want to kids they treat them like property. well i’m happy to see athat the nation is finally helping the weaker and helpless ones.

  7. Mentally Handicapped and Godless
    January 8, 2011

    Abused children are a far less danger to society than the high number of mentally ill people in Dominica who are left uncared for, declared ‘possessed by the devil’ and wander the streets having been declared ‘paupers’. These unfortunates have no-one to turn too, are often the victim and perpetrator of serious violence against Dominicans and tourists alike. Notwithstanding, they are ‘blindeyed’ by the state, the Church and the welfare agencies.

    There is money available from international organisations – the EU, UN, WHO, for example- to provide for these ill people. Still a deafening and hypocritical silence from the state agencies reminiscent of the Nazi era in WW2 Germany.

    It is clear that the measure of a civilised society is how it takes care of its unfortunates – all of them. In that regard, Dominica presents a pathetic and uncivilised aspect for the world. Time for change, O Yes, we Can!

  8. Just an Observation, Sir
    January 8, 2011

    Congratulations are in order for whoever came up with the suggestion and making it a reality. The Government and people of Dominica should be proud of such an achievement. It’s a step in the right direction.

    I see a few things comming out of this place; while it provides shelter it also provides a few jobs and in turn will assist a few farmer an avenue to supply fruits, vegetables, eggs and other agricultural produce to the institution. We need several such initiatives to relieve the plight of the unemployed and less fortunate persons in society.

    Taking out one person from the street and providing such invaluable service in commendable. Hats off to you. This is one small step in the right direction and a move to the next level.

  9. very good
    January 8, 2011

    wow such good news, wish it was there when i was a teenager caus i definitely needed to be protectionfrom my parents but i had no where to go.

      January 8, 2011

      Dear Very Good

      I am sure that despite you childhood, you have turned out to be a very good member of society. I wish you luck in all you do.

  10. Advocate for Children in Texas
    January 8, 2011

    Lady response to your statement everything does take time, so I will mention that Gloria and her might be trying their best to put things in order. Mr. Anthony you are doing a great job but I will say that Mr.Anthony and the rest of the welfare department has been doing a great job in my time. I have been a welfare child and they did well by me and I am hoping that the Dominica public will be supportive in everywhere possible. Good job guys.

  11. EXCELLENT IDEA!!!!!!!
    January 8, 2011

    Taking these children away and protecting them from further harm from their abuser or abusers, giving a safe environment with their basic needs, counselling, support physical and physiologic and engaging them in various activities, will sure help those abuse victim. Great Start Mr. Antony.

    advocate for child abuse in US

  12. Lady
    January 8, 2011

    It was time! That place has been sitting empty for about a year now! Dont know what the Govt. was waiting for to open it. So long NCH hand it over Gloria and her people just their dragging their feet.

    • truth
      January 9, 2011

      its best to seek information if you dont know it..

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