Alkaline may get different treatment from Tommy Lee Sparta

Alakline is set to perform in Dominica on May 2
Alakline is set to perform in Dominica on May 2

Controversial Jamaican Dancehall artiste, Alkaline, is set to perform in Dominica on May 2, but he will probably be treated differently from his fellow artiste, Tommy Lee Sparta.

Based on remarks by Attorney General, Levi Peter, it seems Dominica has learnt a lesson from the matter which gained attention both locally and in Jamaica.

Tommy Lee has threatened to take Dominica to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) after he was deported from the island last year one day after he arrived for a concert in Portsmouth.

The government said he was deported in the interest of public safety.

With the news that another controversial artiste was coming to Dominica, Peter was quizzed on the matter on Tuesday.

“It’s not me who decide if he is or isn’t permitted to come in,” he stated. “Like everything else, if there are lessons to be learnt from the Tommy Lee Sparta matter I expect the state, as all of us as individuals, we learn as we go through.”

He added, “if it turns out that the matter should be handled differently then I assume that, that’s what will happen.”

Meanwhile, one of the promoters of the show, Dane ‘Danejah Dane’ Smalling said Alkaline will headline a concert at Saaman Gardens in Canefield on May 2, along with Asa Bantan and Colton T.

“Everything is organized, we are just respecting the Lent season, so we have not been giving it the maximum push,” he stated. “So as soon as the Lent season finish, the show will be in full swing.”

He said the concert’s intention is to highlight Caribbean talent.

“It is something to highlight the local talents as well because it’s not Alkaline alone,” he noted. “It’s three artistes in concert so it’s not Alkaline alone. It’s a show to bring Caribbean artistes together to create a bigger platform. It’s more about networking to give the local artistes a chance to see where they at presently, put them on the same stage with international artistes.”

Alkaline, whose real name is Earlan Bartley and who caused a stir in Jamaica in 2013 when he tattooed his eyes, will arrive in Dominica on April 30.

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  1. Lisa
    April 3, 2015

    i dont see the point of all this trouble…. didnt jah cure come to dominica? there was no questioning his coming but he went back and say dominicans are thieves because we stole his watch….. same jah cure came back….. innocent jah cure. dont judge a book by its cover….alkaline talks about young people getting job and surviving… yes he has a dirty mind but at least he young and before he got fame he struggled too…. listen to the lyrics and not the way the person looks

  2. April 2, 2015

    alkaline don’t need to come dominica to make a dollar. He sings of poor people struggle our everyday that why his music will sell. before running your mouths please try to understand the living conditions of a Jamaican who is from the ghetto. please understand a man’s culture before nailing him to the cross . alkaline is a young man give him a chance , remember brother was too big for dominica

  3. uk Dominican
    April 2, 2015

    Good morning Dominica. You guys are doing this on purpose why are we bringing in these Jamaican artist do you guys get invited to Jamaica Barbados Trinidad they see as brainless. Please we have enough talented people of our own

  4. The Facts
    April 1, 2015

    Some people love evil and to perform evil works also to make money. Be reminded what Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “You cannot love God and money. You will either love one or hate the other. “
    Are you on the side of God, faith, morals and principles? You compromise your faith for evil works.
    You should think twice about that and in future. Use your own artistes.

  5. The Facts
    April 1, 2015

    Therefore, these will contract those types of dance hall artistes to perform, not caring how their presence/performance could affect and tarnish minds of those whom they perform to especially the youths.
    Others will be elated and look forward to their performance. Watch out! You are also not operating in the interest of Dominica. Do you care anything about morals, pride and principles?
    We pray the Our Father: “. . . And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen!”
    Do you not know the meaning of the above prayer? Do you not think that God will hold you accountable for allowing such types of people in D/ca to perform and especially to the youths?

  6. Anonymous
    April 1, 2015

    This hypocrisy in Dominica in unnerving. If you don’t support the guy’s music, don’t go to the concert. Don’t send your children. Seems simple enough to me. Believe it or not while many people did not want Tommy Lee to come to Dominica… many people did. The same applies to Alkaline. He’ll be in and out long before the wrath of God descends upon us, since that’s what some people think will happen. We’re part of CARICOM and so is Jamaica. We cannot simply decide to follow some parts of the agreement and ignore others or else the same shall be dealt to us.

    • The Facts
      April 1, 2015

      You are joking. Taking God for granted? The wrath of God could come at anytime. It is amazing how patient God is.
      This guy was invited. They went out of their way to seek him out. He did not invite himself. So what are you stating about CARICOM?

  7. west bank crew
    April 1, 2015

    Allu think allu so rightous..allu. pm done sell allu to secret free msson ….that why allu love allu pm ..bunch of hypocrite live n let live

    • Anonymous
      April 1, 2015

      Birds of a feather flock together. You are almost as illiterate as Alkaline himself.

  8. west bank crew
    April 1, 2015

    Allu think allu so rightous..allu done sell allu to secret free msson ….that why allu love allu pm ..bunch of hypocrite

  9. The Facts
    April 1, 2015

    DNO, please ensure that you moderate my writings ASAP. You do know that the D/can authorities read the comments. Please do not deprive them of reading and knowing how D/cans feel about this man being invited to Dominica and of his performance.
    The feasible comments could determine if he should be welcomed to perform to a Dominican audience, especially the youths.
    Thank you!

    • Lisa
      April 3, 2015

      Why you don’t stop commenting. You annoying! Is for when you travel for them to deny you entry. The man is a performer. Let him perform. Is not your family he coming by. You paying his ticket? No! You paying his hotel? No! If he evil or whatever all you saying, he dont have to come dominica to do it. He can do it in Jamaica. Annoying piece of….!!!! I read all your comments and i hate them…stupes

  10. April 1, 2015

    Performer have been stopped at the American – Canadian border, as have professors coming to lecture at universities etc. Governments do this for various reasons such as lyrics that promote the wrong things, a criminal record, a person known to have an undesirable bias or discrimination, a lifestyle that might be a stumbling block to the youth, etc.

    People who identify with the individual who is being turned away see it as being judgmental and end up being equally judgmental against the government without understanding the reason. Hopefully before an entertainer is refused entry the authorities will look at the aftermath of his performances in other places. They should consider the effects of his concerts and take into consideration the results of what he does.

    Music has a powerful influence on people for good or bad. It plays a big role in advertising for that reason. It is used in church services to move us towards God.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

    • The Facts
      April 1, 2015

      Our Canadian government is not a wimp. They have heard and read of the reputation of those performers. The government reserves the right to welcome them or prevent them from entering the country. No world organizations can prevent the government from doing so.
      Hats and laurels to them for at least trying to protect Canadians and the youths of all from such types of performers, their lyrics and lifestyle.

      • Lisa
        April 3, 2015

        but not coming to dominica or anywhere else doesnt prevent people from listening to Alkaline

  11. Concerned Dominican
    April 1, 2015

    Sounds like the Attorney General is admitting that he acted like A NOVICE on the matter with Tommy Lee!!!! Wonder if he can actually say that to the people!!…… Yes, i am a novice learning as I go along!!

    • The Facts
      April 1, 2015

      What he probably meant is that this is the first time he experienced such a situation. Give him credit for that. There is always a first time. The second time around, he should know better.

      • Lisa
        April 3, 2015

        is that situation that make a lot of people know there is a tommy lee. so whilst bashing alkaline name you actually promoting his name and music.

  12. Ivory...
    April 1, 2015

    AHA I guess that’s a test between two Countries… even if we close our eyes or faces can still be visible to the world… and standing in the middle simple means we see only one thing…but step out for one minute and there, the world is bigger than we can imagine, cause others will be looking…

    We should not destroy or nation with out wicked intentions. Nasio Fountain…

  13. Is so........
    April 1, 2015

    A few Cabalists, who would not want the world to hear our best calypsonian sing his songs of choice, e.g”It’s time for Change” ordered King Dice to sing ‘Old road match songs’ in the WCMF 2014. King Dice, in song, exposes corruption and Bad Governance. Informs and warns of quick enrichment by politicians and their ilk. Dice sings of respect, love for self and country. Lyrics, coloured in whatever musical genres must be uplifting, encouraging and add to the forward movement of our culture, in general.

    Our forefathers used the art form, music, etc. to chant oppression, enslavement of the people continually, while entertaining.

    Now some Dominicans complain about too much politics in calypso. Too much positive lyrics in song?????

    Alkaline lyrics instead??? On top of all the corruption, increase in crime and violence, illegalities, disrespect, screwed moral values, sweeping our beloved Nature Isle?

    Our Cadencelypso, Calypso, Reggae, Bouyon rhythms/lyrics…

  14. grell
    April 1, 2015

    Our people are so stupid now,many of them will pay to see this fool and the following day will not have no food or money to feed themselves and the poor kids,this fool i would never waste my time,but our poor people dont think.How many of our locar artist perform in jamaica.Boycott the show.

    • April 4, 2015

      You are a democracy.

      You do have the power to boycott the show.

      My wife and I are big fans of black gospel. When we were ministering in the Caribbean we enjoyed the singing in the churches. In Jamaica some of their largest churches honored us on our last night by bestowing upon us a mini concert featuring a selection of the songs they knew we loved sang by the best of their own local artists. It was directed to us and it seemed such a beautiful way to say ”Thank you and goodbye.”

      There are enough wholesome musicians in the Caribbean to use without bringing in somebody who is questionable. Besides Dominica has some fine budding artists. I know because I have read about them or hear them on D.N.O. These should be encouraged. I hope you will not allow commercial promoters – especially from abroad – to steal the stage by bringing in low life ”talent” with no consideration of the aftermath.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  15. Thorbjørn Jagland
    April 1, 2015

    Free World Boss…Free World Boss… Alkaline perform America, Germany, France what is little Dominica? Our people to backward, leave de man alone. If you don’t like his music stay at your home, I will be there, It was wrong to stop Tommy Lee, De youths fe eat food like everyone else.
    GaZa Me Sey! :-|

    • April 4, 2015

      There are evils in America, Germany, and France you would not want in Dominica.

      The Government of Dominica is responsible for Dominica not America, Germany, and France.

      Celebrate your independence and sovereignty!

      These kinds of artists sometimes leave more behind than their music.

      The people in Dominica who are pulling for this kind of entertainment in your country are people who do not care about the lives of the performers or the influence they will have on the youth. All they care about is having themselves a good wallow in the mire. It is the type of entertainment they crave because it feeds
      the emptiness in their depraved hearts.

      Like attracts like. We want to be around people like ourselves. A close look at the people who work the most feverishly to bring in such characters and promote their low life messages (in example and song) will reveal what good people do not want to be part of.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  16. Dominican Taxpayers
    April 1, 2015

    who stopping GX …. can somebody explain that to me ? it seem like allu want Mahem in Dominica for a week try that stunt and allu will know what time of day it is ……..realise this show was sceduled previously for December 6th ….

    • RastarMarn
      April 1, 2015

      Dude or chick whoever you are, these guys never really “perform” they only come to sing to a recorded track [no live band with Man hitting drum, playing guitar, and holding a base-line, playing real music] for about 5 minutes or little longer then they are shuttles of stage and shrugged away back to their hotels,,,

      When these local promoters really ready to help guys like Asa Bantan and Colton T, they will make efforts to get them on the international forums like these:,,,

      Bringing these Jamaicans like Sparta, Alkaline and the likes to Dominica is not going to advance the Dominican Artists to the international level as the promoters may try to convince!!!

      • The Facts
        April 1, 2015

        Dominica does not really need them. I do think their presence debase the D/can ca;ypsonians/artistes. They should be kept out especially such types.

  17. Dominican Taxpayers
    April 1, 2015

    It really seems like some of allu out there that dont Like them Jamaicans really Interesting in increasing allu Monthly VAT Experience ::: Look at it this way by the regional treaties signed unto by Dominica any move to ban Alka will result in allu tax money paying court fees etc when the guy would come perform his concert done and go and likewise watch closely the TLS Matter the same players are involved when comes to the Jamaican side of things so play with caka if allu want ::::: hope allu ready to take offering in church this weekend to support government

    • The Facts
      April 1, 2015

      It is not a matter of not liking Jamaicans but not liking the evil lyrics of these people (who have a bad reputation) which serve no fruitful purpose. Furthermore, I have previously stated that prior to contacting those people and having them sign a contract, the authorities should first conduct an investigation about them. The government should be notified and should decide if they are fit to perform to Dominicans.

  18. The Facts
    March 31, 2015

    Whoever stated that the government learned a lesson about Tommy Lee? The wording is totally wrong.
    The organizers are to be blamed why Tommy Lee came to D/ca when they, as well as Tommy Lee, knew very well that he was not welcome.
    The same organizers went ahead and invited this man who is called alkaline – battery. Was the government informed, in advance of their invitation to this man? He should first be investigated.
    So what type of people are you that you invite all Tom, Dick and Harry to perform for D/cans and teenagers at that? You have a severe moral and spiritual problem.
    Are there no better artistes who you could invite to perform in D/ca? You guys failed again in your choice of an artiste to perform for D/cans.
    You stated that after Lent you will be out in full-force to promote this man. So much for you who are especially Christian Catholics. Our patient God is watching from above and will be taking note. You will be held accountable for this.“

    • Lisa
      April 3, 2015

      so if the government was the one to invite alkaline to dominica it would be no problem…. you too hypocrite…dominica going to profit. stores going to sell clothes. drinks going to be sold. radio stations going to make money from adverts…… do not judge a book by its cover…. alkaline could be the nicest person and someone you think is nice could not be so stop your garbage…. everyone dont like alkaline and everyone doesnt have to but there are people who do. come to dominica or not he still gonna continue his music career. i hope you help pay if he sues if he is denied entry. annoying!! change your name. the facts is not right

    • April 4, 2015

      Wow :!:

      After lent they will be out promoting this man!

      It is obvious lent did them no good. You have people ”giving up” things during lent they should not be doing anyway. Most of the things people give up for lent are things genuine Christians – men and women who are saved (born again)- do not do at any time of the year.

      The Bible says ”Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

      This demonstrates well the difference between having ”religion” and having God’s salvation :!:

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  19. Independent
    March 31, 2015

    Lord, help us. Please.

  20. Socio
    March 31, 2015

    Who are you to judge the creature? God!! He’s human just like all of us,he breathes the same air that we breath…….. Therefor stop judging the guy. Let the most high be the judge and not you

    • noooooooooooooo
      March 31, 2015

      no one is judging him…. were stating the truth about him what we know….. and dat guy dont belong in da

    • The Facts
      March 31, 2015

      It appears you do not know the difference between judging and stating the truth, to remind and teach others. Many make that mistake.
      You missed the moral and spiritual point of the matter. In this era some people have either lost it or they never had it. They must be informed. Those who do are obligated and within their rights, for the love of God, for others and their souls. Do not blame them. They are concerned about the welfare of your soul.
      Your adverse reaction is not from God. If you do not pay heed, as the saying that will be your funeral, if you know the meaning of this.
      God will judge you too. Therefore, be careful what you state, what you view, what type of show you attend, who, the types of people you support and pay your money to listen to and exalt and praise. Hope it is your money that you worked hard for.
      If you are informed/warned and you still do not pay heed, woe to you.

    • April 1, 2015

      When I last checked satan is breathing the same air to! so what’s your point?

    • Hmmm
      April 1, 2015

      Osama Bin Laden was also a human lol

      • April 15, 2015

        Hitler was also human. :twisted:

        He was racist. He had a sex problem. He had an un-Biblical world view. He thought it was O.K. to kill another human being if it brought him closer to the realization of his sick national dreams.

        But guess what? In the beginning of his insanity the German people thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. An elderly lady who lived in Germany at the time told me when the German people heard the bad things the outside world was saying about Hitler they did not believe them.

        Before he committed suicide he was responsible for the murder of six million Jews.

        It is not unloving, unkind, or unfair to recognize an evil man, to judge him for what he is, and reject him before he does damage to a nation. How do we recognize such a person?
        By his or her attitude towards the Bible and the commandments of God! By the kind of influence he has for good or evil especially upon the youth.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

    • Tjebe fort
      April 1, 2015

      With respect bro. but to me he is is trying desperately hard not to look and act like a normal human at all. Is he doing that to himself, no me or you because the man sick for attention and when we give him bad vibes you object? Give me a break please. That young man needs help from Dr. Benjamin.

      • April 15, 2015

        He might benefit from Dr. Benjamin’s attention. I am worried that there may be something there that is beyond medical science. He is not beyond God’s grace. If he has an encounter with the risen Christ he will be a new creation! Please read 2 Corinthians 5:17. If that happens he is not going to appreciate those who attended his concerts and encouraged him in his old sinful life for so long.

        Please remember he is some mother’s son. He has a soul that will live in heaven or hell throughout he countless ages of eternity.

        Right now he is…

        Just a piece of driftwood
        Cast out upon life’s sea.
        All he needs is Jesus,
        To no longer driftwood be.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  21. AKB
    March 31, 2015

    We all listen to his music…..Dominicans need to stop being so ridiculous. His performance does not mean that we have sold out to the devil. If officials have accepted him to perform so what!!!!!!!! Come on!!!!! Its the individual’s choice as to weather or not they attend the show…..There are too many self righteous ppl out there…Grow up!!!

    • The Facts
      March 31, 2015

      People have rights. Careful what you state. Weigh your words and your reply. Expect that others have their personal opinion, pro and con which is everyone’s right to like or to dislike just as they do when others comment on this Website..
      Not everyone listens to his songs. They are played over the airwaves and enter the homes of even those who are not interested to hear them. There are D/cans who would prefer that they should not be subject to listening to them and who will not purchase them.
      Even though you enjoy these types of songs, there are others who will not. It is the prerogative of those who are displeased with such types of songs to object to what enter their home through the airwaves. It is also the same when they object to such people being sought out to play for a D/can crowd which also consists of teenagers. Therefore, keep this in mind.
      God gave everyone a free mind and will. It is the same which will either save them or condemn them.

      • The Facts
        March 31, 2015

        Continuing . . .> See to it that you do not criticize others who teach and remind you of these things and what type of concert hall artiste you should go out of your way to listen to.
        It pays to be righteous. If in the eyes of God they are righteous, their souls will be saved through their righteousness. It is something to keep in mind.
        Everyone as you would do well to strive for righteousness. Life is short. We know it will not last forever; when our number will be up and we are called In the end, Heaven is assured for those who strive for godliness/ righteousness and will have obtained it, they will be happy that they did.

      • April 4, 2015

        The Facts:

        You are so right about this.

        The problem is when people decide to do or promote something sinful they do not care if it is right or wrong. They only care if it puts money in their pockets OR satisfies their depraved cravings.

        I do not want to hear singing that depicts infidelity, encourages drug use, promotes violence, uses profanity, or pushes people who are depressed to commit suicide. Yet I have been subjected to this in a park, a diner, a barber shop, and from the next apartment. Studies have shown people can hear things while they are asleep or unconscious that can have a bearing on
        their mental or physical health, and can influence their behavior in he future.

        Governments have a responsibility to protect the the youth who are prone to adopt the values, habits, and lifestyles of their entertainers.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

    • Me
      April 1, 2015

      You sound like a typical school kid justifying their demand or action by saying “but everybody have one, everybody doing it”, No, not everybody is listening to this depraved kind of music. Are your parent, grandparents, teachers listening to it? Grow up.

    • Fire man
      April 1, 2015

      we all ? you experiencing things for me man my boy.

  22. RastarMarn
    March 31, 2015

    What Motivational or inspirational messages can these doofuses bring to the inhabitants on Dominica???

    These Lyrics from these so-called artists have no benefit to the people and should be all banned from performing not only on Dominica but anywhere else where the struggle continues,,,

    The people should send a message to all these guys and their producers and promoters: The World would be Much Better place without these concepts of “Art” Two lines into the songs there is verbiage about explicit conduct between Man and WombMan, so disrespectful to females!!!

    Linton where are you this is a violation of the National Security of the peoples on Dominica because all these guys are coming to do is Spew out more trash about filthy, disrespectful acts onto the Ones whom possesses the “Fountain of youth”,,,

    • March 31, 2015

      Oh, please. If you don’t like the music or what the artiste stands for, then don’t go to the show. There’s no justification for telling everyone what they can and can’t do.

      • Malgraysa
        April 1, 2015

        Steve, normally I would agree with you. However, this is scheduled to take place in an open air venue, which is not even designed for events like these. Apart from safety, security and health issues, the general public will be exposed to a type of entertainment, noise and lyrics, which many may find offensive, whether they like it or not. It certainly will impact on a residential area, Canefield. If aficionados of this genre of music want to be entertained by all means but I would suggest they do so in a closed venue, like the Cove or Krazy Kokonuts for instance and not force others to be inconvenienced or offended. I would not want to dictate what people listen to but one should always be considerate of others.

      • RastarMarn
        April 1, 2015

        Would expect no less from concepts like yours, concepts like your opine is what have this realm in so much con-fusion,,,

        You are half correct, although you may not be able to tell individuals how to conduct their affairs, where to go, what enter-tainment to seek, One, with a pure heart and soul would make their outmost efforts to properly inform and properly educate the masses of any metropolis with public forums and topics which would ultimately better advance their social conditions and comforts in living conditions,,,

        RastarMarn only listen to man like Spear, Bob, Bunny, Tosh and the likes, cause theses souls really brought messages and comfort to combat the struggles of the African descendants!!!

        Sprata, Alkaline the likes have no talent, all messages they bring seems to be as mouthpieces for the Ones whom will never find their true origin as they have no concepts of the Sons and Daughters of The Gods!!!

      • April 1, 2015

        Okay, Malgraysa, that sounds like a reasonable compromise.

      • April 11, 2015

        Good grief :!:

        “There is no justification for telling every one what they can and cannot do.”

        This would reduce the need for many of the laws and by-laws we have. It would do away with the need to issue licenses and permits. It would make it unnecessary to teach ethics, morals, and values. Actually, it would pretty much remove the difference between civilization and the jungle.

        As long as the difference between right and wrong exists …

        As long as there is good and bad …

        As long as some things are beneficial and other things are harmful …

        As long as it is the duty of parents to protect children and the responsibility of governments to
        act in the best interest of citizens …

        it will be the mandate of Christians and church leaders to be the salt of the earth and the light of he world encouraging some activities and warning against others.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  23. AG
    March 31, 2015

    I saw him perform in Conneticut wearing a lucifer tshirt he worse than Tommy Lee.

    • The Facts
      March 31, 2015

      These types of artistes are no good example and serve no fruitful purpose. For playing to crowds, their pockets will be filled with money, the almighty dollars which can be the root of all evil. They cannot even sing inspiring songs with dignified lyrics.
      Little do they know that wherever these types of so-called artistes perform, the enemy of God and of our souls is always present. They bring him into the country and on nationals. Worst yet, on the organizers who lack spiritual enlightenment and invite them to play in D/ca and also on the attendees who gleefully applaud them. Know that their family and household will also be affected.
      They leave the evil spirit behind. Know also there are many of them roaming the world, seeking those whom they may devour. This is the result of having such people perform in D/ca.

  24. IG
    March 31, 2015

    @ Sunday Islander. The government can’t even stop themselves from being kleptomaniacs far less to stop a show.

    • The Facts
      March 31, 2015

      Be careful of stones that you throw. When you criticize the government and make such derogatory and judgmental comment which warrant your arrest and to prove what you stated, keep in mind that D/ca is a small country which is the reason why the government may say nothing. However you do not know what is taking place behind closed doors.
      The Canadian government prohibited Chris Brown entry to Canada, due to his reputation as all of us have heard about. These organizers do not appear to care two hoots about who they invite to Dominica. Their concern is only to make a lot of money from those who attend.

      • proudjamaica
        April 1, 2015

        Chris Brown was prevented from entering Canada because he has Criminal Record. I don’t care for Alkaline and his ilk, however you guys signed unto this CARICOM nonsense so you must respect the rules.

      • Rastafari
        April 1, 2015

        The Facts

        With such a name you should at least get the “facts” straight!!!

        Chris Brown was denied entry into Canada because he is a convicted felon (domestic violence)

        Ans, that is the reason why his application for a visa to enter Canada was denied by canadian immigration officials, due to his past criminal record.

        In this case, these artist: a) do not have criminal records, b) to not require visas to reave within CARICOM c) artist, journalists, and other prescribed person a entitled to travel within CARICOM free from harassment under the Treaty of Chaguaramas

        Period and of Story!!!

  25. Tjebe fort
    March 31, 2015

    Man, I’m for freedom but that screwed up guy even has his eyeballs tattoed, serious, is the devil in there and no respect for women. Is that the next level we aspire to, lewd crude lyrics that pass for culture for our children to learn from. Go and listen to that in your bedroom in private but don’t make everybody suffer for that unadulterated crap, don’t stuff that filth down our throats.

    • The Facts
      March 31, 2015

      As God will be seeing, looking on and hearing, woe to those who invite and encourage such a person to perform in D/ca.

  26. Lucia
    March 31, 2015

    The government of Dominica is a bigger threat to dominica than the Jamaican artists………………let them people be. if you don’t like them, don’t go to their shows……full stop

    • The Facts
      March 31, 2015

      Watch your language and judge not that you may not be judged two fold.

  27. Dominican
    March 31, 2015

    Is that the best we can do? Come on !!!!! Alasss. You mean thats the standards we setting for our youth? What a role model, WOW!! MA GWAY SA. Papa God you are Lord of Dominica!

    • real possie
      March 31, 2015

      Dominican you still running your mouth after you hear we have to pay big money, is people like you that cry down the man like say well we any better than these artist. These young people you speak of drinking rum from so high, like I said at the time I would not let the man perform it was in a closed environment so who wanted to attend could do so at their free will. The problem I had was that you were told to return to your plane and you sat there and refused to listen to the officers, if that was in the U.S you had tried that you would be in jail all now. But one thing we love things the hard way, with those angels we have in church in DA swear they more holy than God.

      • The Facts
        March 31, 2015

        It is a good thing that, that Tommy Lee did not perform in D/ca. Consider what the situation could have been like.
        Why then invite this man who calls himself alkaline – battery? Inviting him is wrong. Hoping whoever feel like attending could do so? Do you not know it is a sin to encourage such a person knowing that his lyrics are inappropriate for a listening audience and a Christian one at that? Some people have lost their sense of godly spirituality as they go to Church and say they worship God.
        Look at it morally and spiritually. Whoever cause others to sin and cause them to be in the way of harm and lose their soul, have sinned and will bear the consequences, the price of this sin. They know what the lyrics of his song is and yet they invite him to perform in D/ca? I feel sorry for those organizers of all.
        Worst yet, they have sinned against God who they obviously offended. In time, they will pay for it. They better re-consider inviting this man to Dominica.

    • The Facts
      March 31, 2015

      It projects their standards. If they were high, they would not invite such a person to perform for their fellow D/cans.
      Many D/cans disapproved of this Tommy Lee and now this one which they also disapprove of. Those organizers are in for a rude awakening.

      • real possie
        April 1, 2015

        The facts you are wrong, not all music has to have a positive message just like actors they sing what they feel or what they think might sell, so to make it seem like they have to sing to please you is wrong. You all set in you all old ways will only kill the ability of young people, who are you to tell me what is right or wrong to listen to? Your way of life might not be mine.

    • The Facts
      March 31, 2015

      It is a real scandal to allow such an artiste to perform in Dominica.

  28. Lang Mama
    March 31, 2015

    DNO when Donny Mcclughlin was paid to come perform before a mass of people who at the time were anti Christian in action,behavior and belief wasn’t that a national security concern. After all Donny supposedly came to sing about truth ,morality,to cast out lies and deception, to chant down abuse of women etc . At the same time the crowd or audience was sympathetic to lies and immortality – wow we averted a real riot.

  29. Truth be Told
    March 31, 2015

    What ever happened to tolerance, human rights, freedom of speech, freedom of expression and free movement of Caribbean people in Dominica? This country just keep going backwards in their thinking!

    • The Facts
      March 31, 2015

      In case you do not know it nor have yet heard it, as stated by Pope Francis: “Freedom of speech has its limits.” I could not have stated it better, briefly and to the point. It is a message for us all worldwide.
      The Power of the Tongue. If you are a Christian you would not have made such a comment. Because you have a mouth this does not mean you can beat it up on people and say whatever you feel like.

      • proudjamaica
        April 1, 2015

        Relax. I am Jamaican I don’t know any songs by this guy. However I am sure he is not going there to Evangelize anyone. He already has his constituency of thousands who listen to his mess in your Beautiful Dominica. So relax and get off your high horse.

  30. A Doubting Thomas
    March 31, 2015

    I am sure the AG is aware that IN England he would be gone as chief legal advisor. It is a joke that he is telling us that he is not the one to decide. when the Sparta issue was hot we heard the lying senior counsel blessing the deny entry to Sparta but what is so ironic is that one need not have a law degree to know that the decision was wrong

    Interestingly when the St Kitts gun man was caught on his way to Dominica guess who his first phone went to – need I say more. Hmmmm but is thee same lawyer that blessing decision to bar Tommy Sparta on grounds of national security.

    • The Facts
      March 31, 2015

      Do you not think that Tommy Lee knew that many D/cans did not want him? Yet he, with the blessings of those organizers came anyway? Recall the letter he wrote as posted on DNO. If you know you are not wanted in a country would you still go there? The organizers are the ones to blame for that. They encouraged him. Now he wants money from the D/can government?
      Personally, I would not give him a cent. Those who should pay him are the organizers who encouraged him. They placed the burden on the D/can gov’t, and are depending on the gov’t. to compensate Tommy Lee
      Their cellulars, other phones, Internet records and whatever else should have been seized for investigation.
      Do not blame the government. Blame the organizers who again, are contracting a man like that to perform to D/cans.
      Did anyone out there took note of what I had stated on this matter? THE D/CAN GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT GIVE TOMMY LEE ONE CENT.
      The government should investigate this man, alkaline.

  31. 19794eva
    March 31, 2015

    alka should sing that song “HOW IT FEEL????” for those hyper pious people trying to stop the good vibes…..let the riddim flow I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rhattid

    • Tjebe fort
      April 1, 2015

      Come on Eva, Anal sex that warped artiste is promoting. You want those lyrics to blare out all over the place? There are laws against using profane and indecent language in public for a good reason. Let the man come to Dominica as a visitor no problem. I’m not religious but to let him perform his stuff in public is a danger to public order. I don’t know why the so called organizers of this event want to antagonize people so, just sticking two fingers up to society!

      • April 22, 2015

        It is alleged that in one of Alkaline’s concerts a young woman ran to the stage, dropped on her knees in front of the artist, and gave him oral sex. Some said it only ”appeared” that way.

        But Alkaline said if his fans were happy he was happy so he didn’t care what actually took place.
        Either the PM has not looked close enough at this artist’s entertainment package or he simply does not consider this a ”security threat” to the morals and values of his nation, especially to the young people.

        It tells us something about Alkaline, and his fans, the people who are attracted to his concerts.

        And like it or not, it tells us something about any country that lets him in.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist. (Pastoral Counselor Certificate)

  32. george Fontaine
    March 31, 2015

    This influx of Jamaican trash cannot be good for Dominica. The intelligent people of Jamaica have no idea who these people are. What a shame!

    • Anonymous
      April 2, 2015

      Mr. Fontaine there is one consolation. A Jamaican passport is rated even lower than a Dominican one. Perhaps that is why they are not in that citizenship programme as it is doubtful anyone would pay good money for a passport from Jamaica..

  33. Jane Doe
    March 31, 2015

    Why do we want a creature looking like that to perform in Dominica.

    • Dominican Taxpayers
      April 1, 2015

      #Queng excuse you are u defining yourself , as i suspect you are seeing that u lack talent and the command of performance that alka does smah…. u people are pafetic……. Aint no stopping this

    • April 1, 2015

      If young people like the performer and swoon at his lyrics often they want to imitate him, shabby dress, tattoos, rings in their nose, and all.

      It has been largely heavy metal rock bands that have promoted the drug culture in North America. Not all ”rock” is the same. But with some groups the lyrics all too often encourage sexual immorality, infidelity, Satanism, and even suicide.

      The adult world is divided between those who are fans themselves and those who do not want this influence touching those they love.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. international Evangelist.

    • April 11, 2015

      Those in Dominica who know about him and his music are divided two ways.

      1) There are those who do not like him. You don’t have to worry about them because they will have nothing to do with him.

      2) There are those who like him, enjoy his music, and will likely attend the show if they can.
      They will be influenced by his appearance and lifestyle. It is to be expected that many – the males at least –
      will adopt certain features of his dress and appearance. The lyrics of his songs are meant to grab the emotions and they do. If an entertainer sings songs that condone sexual permissiveness, inspire devil worship, encourage drug use, rebellion towards parents, and push people towards suicide, YOU CANNOT LISTEN TO THOSE SONGS AND LIKE THEM WITHOUT GETTING A FUZZY O.K. FEELING TOWARDS THEIR SUBJECT MATTER.

      We hope and pray the DAEC will stand by their Biblical principles and the government will act responsibly.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  34. JoJo
    March 31, 2015

    By all means bring that dance hall artiste from Jamaica but the planned venue is totally unsuitable for that, right there by the bridge and main road with such limited space. That is an irresponsible choice. No toilet facilities and impossible to control entrance there. Folks will spill onto the main highway, blocking traffice because there is nowhere else to go, no parking and poor residents of Canefield will be blasted out of their beds by the noise. Please, use sense and plan that for somewhere else because I predict mayhem and and chaos and an almighty mess if that takes place at Saman garden. Totally irresponsible.

    • Me
      March 31, 2015

      Well, all the people with business around there better get extra security because people following that kind of music are bad, out of control. Autotrade put a security around your place, Whitchurch, Brisbane and even Astaphan across the river , do, the same if you want to make sure that crowd don’t come into your place. For all your sake I hope it pisses with rain that night.

      • The Facts
        April 1, 2015

        Yes! It should also rain cats and dogs and whatever else. That would be something else. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • BEB
      March 31, 2015

      The public should boy cut that show, to show the dissatisfaction of the promoter’s choice. Why are they bringing such individuals to our shores. what one can learn from their lyrics? While it is true, there is freedom of movements, we can do better than that.

  35. karla is back
    March 31, 2015

    y are these junkies coming to our shores–: y lord y :oops:

  36. March 31, 2015

    Caused a stir when he tatooed his eyes….lmaoooooooooo these people have nothing to worry about

  37. Sunday Islander
    March 31, 2015

    The government cannot stop the person but can stop the show. :?:

    • The Facts
      March 31, 2015

      Yes! The government can stop the person due to his type of reputation, his lyrics and all.

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