Crazy Catholic!

Sheldon ‘Crazy Catholic’ Narine

One individual has responded to Bishop Gabriel Malzaire’s call to raise money for the Cathedral renovations.

He is Sheldon Narine, a Deacon from Trinidad & Tobago, who is also a comedian and famously known as the “Crazy Catholic.” He will be performing at the Arawak House of Culture on Friday, July 27 at 8:00 p.m. and the Portsmouth Church Hall on Sunday, July 29 at 7:00 p.m.

Sheldon is the only clergyman in the world that is a comedian and has been making people laugh for the last 28 years. He is totally committed to restoring family values and, as such, does not resort to profanity to entertain his audience. He is also a certified Youth Speaker and will be working with youth attending the Youth Series hosted by VF Inc., some of whom will be participating in the comedy production.

Bishop Malzaire said he’s delighted that a member of the clergy has responded to his call, “Fundraising activities for the renovations have to be ongoing so we are grateful to members of our congregation who took the initiative to invite Sheldon to Dominica to put on a show for this cause and very thankful to him for responding positively. He has directed over 100 plays and focuses on family theatre so this is a show that entire families across generations can attend. It will be an evening filled with laughter so we’re inviting everyone to support this effort.”

Chairperson of the Cathedral Fundraising Committee and CEO of VF Inc., Dr. Valda Henry, was elated to learn that his trip would coincide with VF Inc.’s 2012 Youth Series. “As a Youth speaker, he will be working with participants on their self-esteem, self-confidence and motivating them to be the best that they can be so we are very excited about his participation and the fact that some of the youngsters will be part of the Show.”

Tickets are available at Fadelle’s, VF Inc., members of the Cathedral Fundraising Committee and the Portsmouth Parish Church office.

For further information, please contact:
Marie-Antoinette Mora
Tel: 1.767.613.0220
Tel: 1.767.265.0800
E-mail: [email protected]

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  1. History
    July 19, 2012

    Bishop should get a petition signed by all the church members in Roseau and send it to the Pope, to ask for the roof money, in retribution for the slvery the catholic church brought to the Caribbean.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 20, 2012

      @ History

      What history? Are you sleeping or do you have your head still in the sand searching for what you do not know? You know nothing about Dominica’s history. Consult Lennox Honeychurch. He is an educated historian and has written about the history of Dominica.
      Putting it only mildly, your comment is a stupid, senseless and ignorant one. You are in dire need of education and to learn the history of Dominica, in case you learned nothing at school, your brain could not absorb learning or you were a school dropout since elementary school. Your ignorance of Dominica’s history projected itself in your words. If you are a Dominican, you should be ashamed of yourself for making such a statement. Were you dead and have now come to life? You should have stayed there. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:
      Was it the Catholic Church who brought slavery to Dominica?
      What about the white people from France and Great Britain who bought the negroes, uprooted them and took them from their homes in Africa and brought them to the islands in chains and shackles? Who thought that their white-skin was better than dark-skinned Africans and that they were on a higher level than them? Along the way they were ill-treated and given very little food and water. Some of them starved. They were dehydrated and died along the way. Their bodies were thrown into the sea as if they were pieces of garbage. Those who survived were fortunate. Those slave masters owned them as property. They had to wait on them hands and feet; they were forced to. They were insulting to them and beat them over and over again. This is only a part of what they suffered. Your ancestors were among them. Your ancestors on one side of your family could also have been slave masters. You better take your head out of the sand. It appears to be too deep in it and so you cannot think rationally.
      This is why I do not dwell on this because whenever I think of it, it saddens me and makes me angry and to think that on one side of my ancestors in those days were slave masters. I do not hate them for all this is now history and is past.
      Furthermore it is none of your business from whom and where the moneyto repair the Church will come from. We know that it will not come from you and your pocket. In any case, you may be too poor to have anything to give. Stay out of the affair of the Catholic Church. God knows that you are not a friend of this Church. Mind your own business. God knows you have enough of your own business to mind. Concentrate on that for your own good. Some people leave their affairs and mind the business of others. You are one of those. Those who do will stay behind. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  2. joan
    July 19, 2012

    Dominican the Catholic Church has given D.A. A cathedral which is a tourist attraction which should be renovated by the govt. of dominica the church has given you all the credit union the church has given you the best schools in islands the church has ra ised 75 percent of your populatio and continues to do so They do not ask for 10percent of your weekly salary and build mansions and drive the latest cars they continue to serve .see how they are treated.i will pay my share cause i am because God and the principles instilled from church and schoo l

  3. Justice and Truth
    July 19, 2012

    I have heard that God has a sense of humour. It is OK and acceptable that this Deacon has one. How many of us do not like to hear some good jokes and to read them? I bet none. I am no exception.
    If there is one show I would love to attend it is this one but I am miles away from Dominica. Now that I am aware of him, probably someday we Catholics could invite him to Canada. It is a good idea. We, the genuine Catholics will be too happy to support him in this holy cause. I am certain not only Catholics will attend but non-Catholics. His program is for everyone in general, for their good, with no exception, adult and children alike.
    Fellow sincere Catholics come out in hundreds to attend this special cause.

    • Valda
      July 19, 2012

      The tickets costs $30

      • Justice and Truth
        July 20, 2012

        @ Valda

        The cost is not bad at all. What is the cost of attending carnival shows, the queen shows and the other shows? I bet the cost is only a fraction of the cost of those secular and entertainment shows.

  4. elle
    July 18, 2012

    how much are these tickets?????????

    • Replier
      July 18, 2012

      $30.00 ec plz come the church needs it and i hear it will be worth the money

      • Justice and Truth
        July 20, 2012

        @ Replier

        Just think how much you will laugh. You will go home happily and get up happily. Think too, God’s Holy Spirit will be present.
        Laughter is the best medicine. To laugh often and much. It is a therapy.

  5. Anonymous
    July 18, 2012

    please don’t give the them no money where is the mother church if it was 7 days the mother church could have come up with thee money

    • giving
      July 18, 2012

      that is how u people think, look around and see what the catholic church is doing for our country, i don’t even have to list them do that on your own, then read your comment again

      • Anonymous
        July 18, 2012

        Oh yes! Please list them because I certainly want to know. Because the dominant religion is Catholicism and the country surely isn’t getting better.

      • jealous
        July 19, 2012

        hmmmmmm @Anonymous u must be a animal

    • Justice and Truth
      July 19, 2012

      @ Anonymous

      You are in dire need of God’s blessing and graces. Two of them are love and humility which you are badly in need of.
      How could you make such a statement? What type of heart, mind and soul do you have? Your hatred is projecting itself. This is what is imbedded in your heart and mind. Your comments generated straight from the jaws and interior of Hell. One day you will pay for this. As God looks on and saw what you wrote, in time you will not get away with it.
      Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “Vengeance is mine! I will repay! Keep this in mind.

  6. Observing
    July 18, 2012

    Some of the people here are true Dominicans…forever waiting for handouts to do anything in this country…Chinese must build school, Venezuelans must provide petrol, Vatican must renovate Church…smh.

  7. Woodford Hill Girl
    July 18, 2012

    Am I missing something here?I don’t know but I didn’t see where the Catholic church was seeking financial assistance to help the under #Ijs

    • Woodford Hill Girl
      July 18, 2012

      Help the homeless and needy.The rest of my previous comment was missed.

      • July 30, 2012

        As a young child, I was forced to take cmnoumion before I was ready. My grandmother was methodist and was a shut-in. I stayed with her often and when the preacher would come to call we all had to take cmnoumion. I remember being a very scared little girl being told this was blood and flesh it was eerie. AND I was in church. I just didn’t have the background to understand it all.Even to this day, as a 33 year old woman, I still sorta cringe when it is time to take cmnoumion. I know that sounds silly, but it’s true. I just think about those days as a kid when it was forced and I was not ready. I have 3 kids, ages 10, 7, and 6. One has been baptized but she has never asked to take cmnoumion and I’ve never forced it on her. We attend a contemporary church and cmnoumion is given every few months or so. It is not an every Sunday occurance. Most Sunday’s she opts to be in the kids service so they aren’t exposed to it as much anyhow.Good questions.Lindsey recently posted..

  8. Smh
    July 18, 2012

    Onething Catholics know how to build their empire.Richest set of people in Domnica ; Catholics !

    • Joseph Connery
      July 19, 2012

      Hmmmmmmmmm they must be hard working people.

  9. Hear Ye
    July 18, 2012

    Why did the Catholic Church think it was a good idea to put this article on DNO? I could have told them that because of all the hatred out there, putting something about a COMEDIAN coming to do a SHOW would get more than its share of negative comment on DNO! And why not, DNO dat dere wi.

    • July 19, 2012

      Not true at all,the problem is not with the Comedian,it is with Rome not helping us.I cannot believe the amount of money the Catholic Church(Vatican)spent on covering up rape,abuse,sex scandals and all the cover-ups.We all know them,there is no playing com-c-d.So you mean to tell me,Vatican cannot help the Cathedral? I am a Catholic,but i not in dat one eh?

    • Justice and Truth
      July 20, 2012

      @ Hear Ye

      Thanks to DNO for the advertisement. You should thank DNO as well. I am pleased to read it. Furthermore, it brings out the good in some people and the evil in some of them. It is good to know this. We know who are genuine Christians and who are not. We know who is on the side of God and who is on the side of Satan. Everyone has shown their true colours, some good and some bad. This is how we shall know who are the true Christians.
      As the hymn, “…And they’ll know that we are Christians by our love…”
      As insincere Christians, by their hatred. People cannot hide their true self and what is imbedded in their heart and mind.

  10. July 18, 2012

    All the money the Church has spent on sex scandals and or out of court settlements could help build the church.I am a Catholic,but let the fact remain the truth.When is the Vatican going to help us?

    • Observing
      July 18, 2012

      Money doesn’t grow on trees…when you empty your pocket and send it to the Vatican, they will send it back to us.

    • giving
      July 18, 2012

      how much a catholic are you ???

      • Anonymous
        July 18, 2012

        Interesting you should make that comment, Observing, seeing that the Vatican is one of the single wealthiest empires in the world. People do empty their pockets and hand it over. It never ceases to amaze me that people remain dirt poor all their lives but remain devoted to going to church and still giving their hard earned cash to a body who does nothing for them in return.

      • Justice and Truth
        July 19, 2012

        @ giving

        Oh to be like Jesus! It is good to at least try to be like Jesus as He taught and as He expects of us.
        This person cannot be a genuine Catholic and one in good standing to make such a comment like that.
        Our Lord said: “By their fruits you will know them.”
        This will tell you about that person. There are some Catholics who call themselves Catholics but should not be Catholics. They are traitors, heretics, great pretenders and hypocrites. They are of no use to the Church. They do not support It in any manner and do not defend It. They will use It for there own means and when it suits them. They might as well leave the Church and cease worshiping there. The Church can do very well without one more Catholic turned enemy and worst yet those who pretend to be practicing Catholics. Since nothing is hidden from God, He knows who they are.
        Our Lord said: “Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah say. These people honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me. In vain do they worship Me…”

  11. FAIRNESS!!
    July 18, 2012

    Very cute!!

  12. Toosense
    July 18, 2012

    i believe the catholic churches around the world make enough money to help each other in times of need. In addition, the vatican should donate some funds for these projects when churches need help. People already put money in collection so they should not have to donate any more money for church repairs. That’s my toosense!

    • Observing
      July 18, 2012

      Collection is to pay bills

    • Lapo L'ai
      July 18, 2012

      Let me start by saying i’m not catholic,but i see nothing wrong with the church raising funds for much needed repairs.What does the vatican have to do with that?It’s every church members responsibilty to donate to the reconstruction fund.We should welcome the deacon with open arms and hearts.On the other hand my friend it doesn’t matter how stupid your writing sounds i will be the first person to defend your RIGHT TO BE STUPID.

      • Toosense
        July 19, 2012

        Lapo L’ai my opinion might sound stupid to you but it makes sense to me. It is mine isn’t it; so before you call people stupid take a good look in the mirror.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 19, 2012

      @ Toosense

      “Two sense’. Your toosense does not make any sense at all. It may be that you have no sense at all.
      How do you know that the Vatican and other Churches do not help? Some of you make some silly comments without first thinking. Think before you write and ensure that what you write is correct. This is the mark of an intelligent person.

      • Toosense
        July 19, 2012

        it was my opinion and everyone it entitled to one. If you do not agree then put yours and stop hating. I do think you are the one with no sense. You people only see the bad in peoples’ comment and not the good.

  13. July 18, 2012

    And?? if it was the group from wherever that was coming to help the whatever churches alu would have nothing to say, same woman from africa coming nex month with one song, alu going to see the amount of our hard earned money she going to leave dominica with but a project is going to remain here for our children and children children were talking…. shate dominicans, leave my church alone, doh matter what alu say, is from it alu break away, come back home and alu will do better

    • Observing
      July 18, 2012

      Amen Hallelujah!!!!!!!!

    • Justice and Truth
      July 19, 2012

      @ possive massive

      Well said! You are to be commended. They will spend money to hear certain people who will take the money and depart from Dominica but helping the Church which has always been there and always helped people, they find it difficult to do to the point of criticism. Those critics are possessed by no other but the Devil.
      God is taking note of their words. He will take care of them in His own good time.

  14. Anonymous
    July 18, 2012

    I thought the Church is “US” the people. Why do we have to wait on hand-outs from the Vatican. It is either we want a comfortable church to worship or we do not. The non-Roman Catholics or non – practising Roman Catholics should keep their mouths shut.

  15. Watching
    July 18, 2012

    I have made and will continue to make contributions to this project, because I believe in the role the Church (not the Catolic Church but the Church in general) plays in the lives of our people. However, I do not believe that the Bishop and his congregation should be begging for funds to rebuild this building while its head, the Vatican, Rome, the Pope is sitting on wealth. It should be a done deal that Rome should have taken up this project or at least contribute most of the funds and the locals make a contribution. See how Portsmouth Church still there in the struggles. Magway sar!

    • Anonymous
      July 18, 2012

      So you all really believe the Vatican knows about the catholic church in Dominica. Last time our Bishop visited the vatican, he had to take a map of the world to show the Pope where Dominica is located.

      So think is church we will get from the Vatican. Its all on us.

      • Anonymous
        July 18, 2012

        Vatican has enough gold from Africa and property from both the rich and poor to build a church for DA. Even here in DA Belfast have a hotel

      • Watching
        July 18, 2012

        Then if the Vatican doesn’t know about the Roseau Cathedral in the Commonwealth of Dominica, then the Roseau Cathedral should make its self known to the Vatican. Besides, who says the Vatican doesn’t know about the Roseau Cathedral?

      • giving
        July 18, 2012

        lolololololololol i like that one

      • Justice and Truth
        July 20, 2012

        @ Anonymous

        You have stated this before and I had replied, can you remember or have you forgotten or that your head and brains were somewhere else that the late Pope John Paul II had visited St. Lucia with its entourage? St. Lucia has an international airport. Dominica does not have one. Otherwise, the Pope would very well have visited there. If he knows about other islands, he knows about Dominica.
        They are fully aware of Dominica and where it is located. Where there are Catholic Churches they are aware of that.
        Soon you will be saying that God does not know where Dominica is. I expect it of you. Your little simple, limited mind cannot fathon this and think beyond. Wake up and smarten up! :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

    • Anonymous
      July 18, 2012

      Has the plans of the church been presented to the Vatican? Or has it just been the Bishop a committee
      that decide to renovate the church and totally leave the Vatican out. This institution is rich enough to sponsor the building.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 19, 2012

      @ Watching

      When you give, you give for a cause. You do not give with two minds and regrettably. God will not bless your help.
      St. Paul: “…For God loves a cheerful giver…” He will reward all those who gave joyfully, willingly and without counting the cost.
      Cease attacking the Vatican.
      I repeat that you do not know anything about what is occurring between the Vatican and the Hierarchy of the Roseau Catholic Church, called St. George’s Cathedral.
      You will do well to pray to God for enlightenment and discernment prior to making such a statement.
      It is said: “Be sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear.” It also entails, “before putting your fingers to the keyboard and hitting the send button.”

  16. Hmmm
    July 18, 2012

    Very good initiative. I will be there supporting my Church!

    As for the non catholics and even sadder the non participating and uninvolved catholics who speak with fallible and dated information; That’s kool. We will rebuild the Roseau Cathedral with the Grace of God and his faithful people.

    God Bless.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 19, 2012

      @ Hmmm

      God is in control and will see that it happens.
      If God is with us who can be against us? Every good and perfect gift comes from above, the Father of Light. God will not forsake His Church.
      All those who help It with that godly spirit, He will say to each in time, “Thank you, my faithful and sincere child.” Know that your good works will be written in the Book of Life, never to be erased.

  17. toujour Domnichen
    July 18, 2012

    i think the Vatican should donate a couple million to our country, with their hundreds of billions in wealth and assets. Dominicans are now smarter and are a more researched people thanks to books and the internet– information that the Vatican would have us killed for in the past. The kingdom of heaven is within you my friends.

    • Anonymous
      July 18, 2012

      3 comments for one post! You must be one of those haters promoting hatred rather than peace. Don’t let how other people live churn your inside like this! We will pray the following prayer for you and for continued protection of our church (this prayer is the reason no one can destroy that church):

      Saint Michael the arch angel, defend us in the day of battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and sneers of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou oh prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust down into Hell Satan, and all the evil spirits who wonder through the world for the ruin of souls Amen.

      • Justice and Truth
        July 19, 2012

        @ Anonymous

        They are haters but they expect to go to Heaven. They say they are pleasing God. They know nothing about what is contained in Holy Scripture and the Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: “Love one another.”
        This is from the powerful Psalm, words of which are taken from the beautiful song:

        Oh my God, I (we) trust in Thee. Let me (us) not be ashamed. Let not Thy (our) enemy triumph over us.

  18. Anonymous
    July 18, 2012

    Has Tripple Kay donated any funds. As you all have been praying for the good work they been doing leading the youth of Dominica into you know what with there music.

  19. Friend
    July 18, 2012

    Do you know that the catholic church has it own bank? Rome has enough money to build all the churches in the world. Things are hard, stop taking the little money the people have to build the unnecessary fancy churhes or better yet, sell some of the church properties that are not in use all over Dominica.

    • toujour Domnichen
      July 18, 2012

      why are people disliking this comment when the reader in mainly stating a fact ?

    • possie long time
      July 18, 2012

      rome isn’t responsible for anyone salvation but theirs..We must build our own church..we are responsible for our salvation..if they choose to assist fine…

      • zor sort
        July 18, 2012

        dummy church dont give you salvation,,,

      • ca mem
        July 18, 2012

        Church does not save you my dear.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 19, 2012

      Some friend you are. :twisted: :mrgreen:

    • Joseph Connery
      July 19, 2012

      what about those pastors building their private houses on church money.. :lol:

      • Justice and Truth
        July 20, 2012

        @ Joseph

        They seemed to have overlooked it but wickedly so hit on the Catholic Church. It is easy to know and to see which ones are the enemies of the Catholic Church, a Church which has done them nothing. If they were practicing true Christian faith and possessed genuine love, they would not make such a statement. As I always say, their day is coming. They will pay for their words.

  20. toujour Domnichen
    July 18, 2012

    Alas- we poor,mostly uneducated sons and daughters of slaves, marginalized indigenous people, and colonists — We yet fail to acknowledge the 2000 year old stench of tyranny, exuding from the Vatican (The Most Corrupt- world Dominating, blasphemous mafia maybe in existence).

    • Anonymous
      July 18, 2012

      you are probably a poor, uneducated, son or daughter of a slave or a maginalized indeginous person, but most dominicans I know are not. You sound like someone with a chip on their shoulder, an ignorant fool and you speak with hate! May the Lord Jesus Christ come down upon you and give you peace!

      • Lookie
        July 18, 2012

        Why insult and patronize the individual for speaking what is written in the history books? Come on now, at least you have read of more than just the Crusades right? Jeez

      • Morality
        July 19, 2012

        Anonymous,go read the truth and stop fooling yourself.This institution or church as u would want to call it has nothing to do with the true and living GOD.GOD’s name is only used on the surface to control people like u.How could the roman empire be your church or represent your god?Do some reflection and soul searching.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 19, 2012

      Toujour Dominichen

      You have just condemned yourself. :twisted: :mrgreen:

  21. Anonymous
    July 18, 2012

    lets support our Cathedral roof renovation project and have loads of fun. Great cause.

    • langbeff
      July 18, 2012

      a church that owned slaves and exploited them in building that mansion which is filled with idols and wicked men like de president of dominica and supporters of white collar criminals and their ungodly ways…

      • Justice and Truth
        July 19, 2012

        @ langbeff indeed

        I suppose that you never exploit anyone. You must think that you are one perfect person. Perfect people do not reside on this earth.

    • Justice and Truth
      July 20, 2012

      @ Anonymous

      God grants happiness and peace in doing so. Those who criticize the Church and the Vatican deprive themselves of God’s blessing, graces, happiness and peace. If they continue in this state, also eternal salvation.

  22. dom
    July 18, 2012

    very good

  23. Nac Vibes
    July 18, 2012

    Who has more money than the vatican, rome wouldn’t even miss the couple of dollars it would take to fix the church.

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