Daddy Chess (Chester Letang) – product of a musically specialised family

Daddy Chess

Born to June and Esmond Letang on January 6, 1974 and biologically named Chester Letang, it wasn’t long before the realization hit that he was a product of a musically specialized family.

With a father (Esmond Letang) who held a solid 12-year drumming career (1959 – 1971) with the Swingin’ Stars Orchestra, an uncle (Norman Letang) who was a notable saxophonist and manager of Swingin’ Stars for over 30 years, a cousin (Peter Letang) who is also a reputable saxophonist for the Music Lovers Government Band as well as the lead keyboardist for Swingin’ Stars, and an aunt (Valena Letang) who holds the coveted title of musical director of the Music Lovers Government Band, while still balancing her duties as a music teacher at her private music school, this only said one thing –  Chester was destined for musical stardom.

In 1990, he discovered his fascination with the drums and what began as a childhood hobby became the invention of the largest lapo kabwit band to hit the streets of Roseau, the Boo Boo Lipsters, who later introduced a popular element of bouyon music, the keyboard tone derived from the conch shell.  After three years of holding the reins on the snear drums with his lapo kabwit band, Chester the teenager had now been shoved into young adulthood.  But there was one childhood trait that lingered on into his adult life – the high school teasing nickname of Daddy Chess.

In 1994, the Swingin’ Stars Band faced Daddy Chess with his greatest challenge yet – to assume the responsibilities of the band drummer and in addition, be fully prepared for a grand show to be held in two weeks.   Despite his lack of professional drumming experience, his will and desire to excel allowed him to acquire a self-taught drumming knowledge while standing firm as the band’s drummer for the next six years, including drumming for regional artists and calypso legends like Super Blue, Mighty Sparrow and Baron.

But Daddy Chess would soon find out that there was more to him than his drumming ability.  From 1995 onward, he began to explore with his composing skills by writing many singles including the hits “Wave Jam” and “Giddy Up”.  He also became a vocalist for the band, while remaining as the band’s main drummer.  [youtube][/youtube]

In 2000, he decided to further combine his composing skills with his natural singing ability which resulted in his calypso debut with two self-written songs, “I’m in Chains” and “Rosy Mango”.  Daddy Chess shook the calypso arena and left calypso veterans fearful of what to expect from this fresh ball of determination.

Daddy Chess, after analyzing the calypso game, went back to the drawing board and in 2001, hit the calypso airwaves with another self-written song entitled “Your Destiny Depends on You”.

[youtube][/youtube]Immediately, calypso analysts labeled the song as “The Best Calypso for the Year” and Daddy Chess knew right then that this composition would be and remain his personal favorite.  However, it was not smooth sailing just yet.  With such high stakes placed on his first song, he was placed under compounded pressure to release a good second song.  He sought the expertise of local composer, Pat Aaron, who brilliantly penned the masterpiece, “Somebody Have to Pay” and this double whammy was more than enough to award him the titles of 2001 Calypso Monarch and Stardom Calypso King of the Tent.

Some might say mission accomplished, but for this self-driven musical ambassador, Daddy Chess still yearned for more.  In the years following, he worked collaboratively with many big composers in the biz, including Calypso Legend out of Barbados, Red Plastic Bag, former vocalist of Roy Cape All Stars and former multiple Trinidad Soca Monarch, Kurt Allen and reputable Dominican composer, Pat Aaron.

But although the excitement and challenge of the calypso competition was fun, the ongoing calypso politics became very discouraging for Daddy Chess.  Following the 2003 Carnival season, he decided to take a break from the calypso ring and took that time to assess his musical career and the way forward.  However, he could not ignore the cry of his fans to return to the calypso arena.  So with renewed vigor and a whole new attitude towards the game, he decided to give the calypso arena a second shot and focus on the bigger picture: launching Dominica’s musical product to the world.

In 2008, Daddy Chess felt a calling to make a grand contribution to Dominica’s Reunion Celebrations.  He had a vision to compose a patriotic song, where Dominicans all over the world would be proud of their nationality hence, giving them an anthem during the Reunion Celebrations.  It was then that “Forward We Go” was conceived and his dream of moving thousands and creating a ground-breaking impact with one song became a reality.  This song was awarded 2008 Road March title and Song of the Year.

The name Daddy Chess has become a household name and an inspiration to young people through his positive melodious messages and exemplary character.  He also became noted for his high energy, fast paced and often unpredictable on-stage performances, very elaborate stage presentations and unique wardrobe selections.  This dynamic performer, notable composer and tailored musician in the identity of Daddy Chess can definitely be described as a triple threat, ready to take on the world.

With a personal goal to represent Dominica internationally, Daddy Chess embarked on an international tour, performing all over world including London, United States, including New York, New Jersey, Miami, Houston and Atlanta, and the entire Caribbean, including the Virgin Islands, St. Lucia, Trinidad, Barbados and Antigua.

His home achievements were also quite impressive.  He was able to capture the title of Calypso Monarch (2001), Stardom King of the Tent (2001), Road March King (2008), Stardom King of the Tent (2008), Soca Monarch (2008) and Soca Monarch (2009).

He was fortunate enough to represent Dominica at World Creole Music Festival various times, St Lucia Jazz Festival, OECS Soca Monarch (St. Lucia), International Soca Monarch (Trinidad and Tobago), Headliners Tent (Barbados), Calypso Spectacular (Trinidad), toured with Soca Spectacular (Trinidad and Tobago), Nottinghill Carnival, Caribana in Canada, Labour Day (New York)
Daddy Chess has clearly made his mark as a Caribbean star after sharing a stage with just about every top artist in the Caribbean, including Mighty Sparrow, Baron, Sugar Aloes, Super Blue, Lord Nelson, Swallow, Chalkdust, Calypso Rose, Red Plastic Bag, Iwer George, Machel Montano, Destra, Faye Ann Lyons, Bunji Garlin, Rupee, Kevin Little, Edwin Yearwood, Ricky T,  Shurwayne Winchester, Alison Hinds, Beenie Man, Freddie McGregor, Glen Washington and Beres Hammond.

In his homeland Dominica, he became a walking message for the youth, performing and mentoring in schools all over the island.  As a seasoned artist, he now understands that, in order to be a good role model, you must live by example and with strong family-instilled spiritual values, he is willing to do just that.

With that said, Daddy Chess has earned his place as a true magnate, an artist who has truly made Dominica proud.  He is a great example that hard work, perseverance, will power and determination will reap only good benefits in the end.  Some may ask, “What’s next for Daddy Chess?” but Daddy Chess has unfolded a whole new chapter in his career and is ready to explore many other avenues of entertainment and ways to re-invent his stage persona.

His latest dancehall/soca release “Hotter than Hot” features Peter Ram, Barbados and has skyrocketed onto the airwaves and clubs.

As a role model, Daddy Chess’ message to all aspiring artists is, “With great achievements comes great trials, but once you can look back and be satisfied with your experience, then the journey was well worth it!”

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    February 18, 2011

    YO chess waz up happy to see you doing well hope to link again one day bro. 8)

  2. Anonymous
    December 6, 2010

    Way to go Daddy Chess, the journey has just began. Your best days are infront of you.
    Keep persevering and you will get to the top of your game. I see you going places, you have the talent and the drive. God Bless you.

    #1 Fan

  3. smhman
    December 6, 2010

    that picture og him looks suspicious. Take a better pic man.

  4. chess fan
    December 5, 2010

    BOY BOY!ever since daddy chess surface i’ve been in love wit his music and performance he cause me to like calypso, i just love to c mister perform, he send s chills thru my body. CONGRATS daddy chess teh sky limit go for watever u set for urself

  5. withtears
    December 5, 2010

    As i sit here and read this Bio of daddy chest tears came to my eyes, i dont know him personally i just seeing him at shows and had the oppertunity to take some pictures with him and yes indeed this young man is a very humble and pleasent guy, i really admire him along with his music including wild, wild west & forward we go these are some powerful songs, i would like to see him explore in his music i do beleive he will be more than our king Sparrow, muntana, Rose, bigee man and all the others if we push him and stand firm with him, Now about my king dice he will be forever be my calypso king no matter what because i can never forget those power song which everyone is seeing they coming to pass in Dominica, like Animal farm, puppet master,help my brother for me, i eh friad no one, and the list goes on and yes while i will agree with others that Dice need to step up and show the youth of today where he was and look where he is today he need to do that in a very positive way and that i would really like to see him do, but as one of our celebrities we need to carry him up not bringing him down inspite of his short coming i just hope & pray he make a big different in his life and everyone who is around him because it never to late to learn but for you to learn you have to be a good listener and he has to be one so he can learn from his mistake so our children can look up to him better, but i do love him so anyone see my post and read it please ask king dice to read it so he can know someone is out there looking out for him and just want him to do better in life, may God bless him and daddy chest :-D

  6. truth be told
    December 4, 2010

    The sky is the limit Chess. I know you take your talent serious and with a level of professinalism so you can make it once you have the right people around you. I know your parents will give you nothing but the best in advise so look to them always for guidance too. You have taken your talent to the big stage and you’ve been preparing yourself for that for the past years but just remember that its a lot of hard work out there. I agree with those who say that you have talent that can rival or surpass that of the machel montana’s and the rest but these guys put their all into what they do and they have the support of their country folks so you will need the support of dominicans all over too. You have to create that fan base that will help you grow. Without the support of the trinis machel would not be where he is so you have to look to the dominican folks but mostly those on the outside because thats where you can get the larger population of dominicans. That being said the dominicans on the outside have to help as well because remember the trinis promote their own

  7. mr. wung futin
    December 4, 2010

    good luck Daddy Chess you a man i know will make it big you just have to stept into it. you have all it takes in dominica’s standard. just don’t wait to late to move. don’t worry about tomorrow there is no tomorrow, is to day do it today doe be afraid to fall doe worry about that at all use what you have and have and you will go through any wall.i hope that expose mean that you stepting out ? i hope so you have my support and blessing.

  8. Triumphant
    December 4, 2010

    Daddy Chess and Billy Doctrove are my two favourite Dominicans as they both represent DA so effeciently on the international stage.I tired of hearing old political talk in my head and want to see these two gentlemen given the opportunity by the Ministry of Tourism to get more involved in officially promoting Dominica all around the world.When we have good people we must not let their abilities and talents go to waste

  9. Anonymous
    December 3, 2010

    They got the talent from Mrs Letang the pianist .Daddy Chess grandmother

  10. Anonymous
    December 3, 2010

    Man your head needs to be warm again by another Calypso crown. It is almost 10 years your fans are waiting for another calypso crown.

    D fans in town , want you to wear a crown….

    A song of Baron that just come to mind.

  11. Kish
    December 3, 2010

    Go Chess …you’re my favourite of all time !!!!

  12. Q95
    December 3, 2010

    Chess you need to get back to writing…you have great vocal delivery.

    With no lyrics, you will just be another Bouyon wanna be like WCK, Tripple K and the others

    So take this from your boys on the Third Side of Virgin Lane…you can make it Tres Big

    • mouth of the south
      December 3, 2010

      how dare u call W.C.K a bouyon wanna be,,, i take offense,,,u talking bout the band which brought about ‘bouyon music’,,,,if u find the lead singer don’t have lyrics,,,put his name but don’t break the goodwill name of w.c.k,,,,,,,,

      • Master Bait
        December 4, 2010

        Thats quite silly for Q95 to even suggest WCK is a bouyon wanna-be when this band is reknown for having been the pioneer of bouyon….he needs to research Dominican music before making such silly remarks. I too take umbrage to that statement.

      • mr. wung futin
        December 4, 2010

        true say mouth of the south; tell him man! tell him ;opps he just put his foot in his mouth.

      • Q95
        December 5, 2010

        Correction, its not Bouyon wannabe…its Bouyoun Coshonie

    • starting to get upset here
      December 3, 2010

      how wck can be a wanna be when they are the one who originated the damn thing? Boss go back in ur hole and chill out.

  13. MangoSweet
    December 3, 2010

    This is like a golden with many jewels shining in the pure Dominican sunlight.

  14. donna richards
    December 3, 2010

    daddy chess i hope you give up the day job in the bank, and do what you have the most wonderful talent for, entertaining, dont waste it, put dominica on the map world wide and show everyone how fantastic you and dominica are…….you are a star, as well as a swinging star

    All our love and wishes from the UK my friend, hope to see you in notting hill carnival next year 2011

    • mouth of the south
      December 3, 2010

      music is a full time thing,,,,,u meddle first n when tings get bright u go in it full time,,, i have always said daddy chess set back is the lil job he hugging unto,,,,,maybe he tryna secure a pention,,,,,or when he leave he wanna get a big fat cheque,,,,,,who knows to each his own but in the laws of the industry,,,,chess supposed to be in dat full time,,,day n nite,,,supposed to sleep eat n breathe a music career,,,, that’s why i find dice letting down,,,,cuz dice supposed to be a full time musician but he seems to be making dem ‘boyz on d block’ take up his precious time,,,,the career don’t come only @ carnival season,,,it’s a year long thing,,,,sooner these guys realise that the better they’ll become,,,,i will give charessa a pass cause he’s an older man,,,,n i don’t see him having the charisma to branch off into different musical fields like chess or dice,,,,,so yeah charessa better keep his job though i think he is the best n realest calypsonian

      • pro-tools tech
        December 4, 2010

        my boy i agree with u full time,,,,,u should be a manager

        • mr. wung futin
          December 4, 2010

          is long i watching you, you know mouth of the south; iknow you are an inteligent man ; and you like to chook people sometimes;
          you hit the nail on the head , with theses guys,i echo what you say there brother;
          with that said i still feel these two guys will make it big , with freedy fitzroy and cornel in town dem man just have to click ,hope dice can get disrespect to all the other fabulous artist just wish you all well.
          one love

    • donna richards
      December 5, 2010

      lmao, how can people dislike my comment, it was a good luck message, madness in dominica as usual,,,,,thats why i miss it, :-P lmao

  15. Anonymous
    December 3, 2010

    “but dice u still my favorite u represent d ghetto youts”. – mouth of the south. And how is he (dice) representing the ghetto youts? If he was the so called voice of the ghetto youts don’t you think he would live up to a standard that would equate that of Daddy Chess?

    If he wants to be a model or the voice of the ghetto youts he shoud listen to Daddy Chess message, “With great achievements comes great trials, but once you can look back and be satisfied with your experience, then the journey was well worth it!” That’s what will inspire the ghetto youts.

    • mouth of the south
      December 3, 2010

      i agree but u can’t expect dice to try n equate the life of chester,,,,, chester n dice came from two different walks of life,,,if u raise in the ghetto or the gutter u would understand what i mean,,,,,man like chess raise in home with both married parents,,, the environment is much different than how dice raise,,,,i mean u would see it in there associations which they keep,,,,,but i guess only when u raise in such lifestyles u’d understand why the ghetto youts love dice so,,,,,,go to any school and do a poll of who the youts prefer,,,,n trust me dice would get the overall vote,,,cause we the existing and former ghetto youts can identify with dice,,,, but if i have a child i’d like him to be more like chester no lie,,,,,but life experiences shape us up differently

      • mr. wung futin
        December 4, 2010

        true say mouth; this guy overlook the word ‘experience’ that the diffrence i hope he understood. i am an old man ;that raise in de ghetto and i feel dice from the frist time i hear him sing , and his ghetto cry is legit; is you that make me start writing on this thing again you know. u dosen’t care what they writing any way.

        • mouth of the south
          December 6, 2010

          thanks for the support man,,,,only those that have no opinion n uptight that will vex i writing lol,,,

  16. massacre
    December 3, 2010

    I have always loved your ,music its nice to see how well you have done

  17. wateva!
    December 3, 2010

    Hatts off to the writer of this bio! Its something refreshing to read…

  18. possie
    December 3, 2010

    oh this is a good piece nice to know all this keep up the good hard work daddy chess

  19. mouth of the south
    December 3, 2010

    my boy i always admire ur musical works no lie,,,u can make it man,,,i doh see nothing machel montano doing that u can’t do better,,,,u jus need to leave that job behind n go trini full time n hone ur skillz tighter,,,,,bring ur wife/woman with u if needs be,,,,,

    now mr dice,,,u letting us down boy,,,,u can be a megastar my friend,,,i find u too lax,,,,or maybe ur satisfied with the blessings of life so far,,,if so then that is good 4 u,,,i still searching for satisfaction,,,so u up n i down,,,,but the ghetto youts want u to do big tings my boy,,,u need some good management and u must learn to listen,,,,dem man on d block cah give u professional advice my boy,,,,,any way we want another win from u my boy dice,,,see how chester building anticipation but dice u still my favorite u represent d ghetto youts

    • DaMan
      December 3, 2010

      Dice need to live by example if he wants to be the voice of the “ghetto youts”. He should take a look at Daddy Chess journey. That’s what will inspire the “ghetto yout”.

    • mr. wung futin
      December 4, 2010

      true say mouth ihope dice can take your word in one day befor it to late i know he gonna win another crown soon, with dem two man there,is who have the better selection that can get the crown u know’ tell dem my boy. tell dem. doe stop writing i like to read your conte.

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