Gov’t donates $15,000 to Sewinal Festival in Atkinson

The presentation was made on Wednesday

The government of Dominica has donated $15,000 towards the hosting of the 5th edition of the Waraka Annual Sewinal Festival in Atkinson under the theme “Strengthening Culture and Togetherness through Christmas Cheers.”

The festival will take place on Saturday, December 17, 2016 and donation was presented to the Chairman of the Atkinson Village Council, Lyroy Williams by the Minister for Kalinago Affairs, Casius Darroux at a ceremony held at the Ministry of Kalinago Affairs on Wednesday.

Darroux said Atkinson, over the past years, has been making great strides in developing and presenting the Christmas Sewinal Festival.

“Atkinson over the past years has been making great strides in developing and presenting the Christmas Sewinal Festival, of course it is the home of the festival and over the coming years we expect it to be bigger and better,” he said. “We believe, from the Ministry of Kalinago Affairs, that there is great potential for short-term and long-term economic activities in the beautiful community of Atkinson which will benefit the immediate residents.”

Darroux said he is convinced that the event can become a big national event.

He appealed to the community that while they celebrate, to ensure that the less fortunate and the vulnerable are cared for.

“Let us ensure that they are fed, let’s reach out to the community to share the spirit of love peace and happiness,” Darroux urged.

He also called on the community to support the activity, “because it is one of our very own.”

Darroux went on to say that over the years the government of Dominica and the Ministry of Kalinago Affairs have always play their part in ensuring that, “we empower our local communities and especially paying attention to the activities that is happening around the country.”

“The government has always contributed whether big or small for village feasts, social events and other community activities,” he added.

Performance of traditional Séwinal

Meantime Williams said this year’s programme is a packed, family-oriented one.

“This year promises to be a big event… we extend an invitation to patrons across Dominica to support the activities as we pursue to develop and preserve our Sewinal Culture in the area,” he noted.

He thanked all the sponsors who came on board to support the festival.

“Without the sponsors, the festival is almost impossible,” he said.

There are two components to the festival: the Sewinal concert which will begin from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm and will feature the traditional, Sewinal bands and related performing groups and individuals.

Following the Sewinal concert, there will be a street party which will feature the Swinging Stars, Extasy Band, DJ’s and Club DVD Sounds. This concert is expected to continue until daybreak, in keeping with the Sewinal tradition.

Sewinal is one of the fundamental aspects of the Christmas celebrations in Dominica. It is a serenade involving a group of jing ping musicians and singers who go from house to house at nights, singing and playing local Christmas songs and well-known Christmas Carols.

Sewinal coincides with the period of advent in the Catholic Church calendar. The groups start making their rounds from the last week in November, and this continues in December and climaxes on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

The Sewinal tradition exists in most Caribbean countries.

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  1. December 17, 2016

    Here goes our Tax dollars again; so what happen communities in Dominica no longer have what it takes to raise their own funds to to support their village programs; every thing must be from the money garjo who holds the public purse and think it’s an inherent right to give it away as he see’s fit.

  2. me
    December 16, 2016

    Is that Live & Die on the gwage?

  3. December 15, 2016

    Sewo,Sewo, in the spirit of Christmas lets all sewo, Money flowing, lets sewo, please do not forget us, when election time comes around. To whom mush is given, much is expected. I in that!! one love.

  4. EnfantDiable
    December 15, 2016

    The central government in 1996 to 2000- gave us “Toopatooism. They virtually took over the functions of village councils by paving all village tracks( couwae, ’twass’),changing street lamps, replacing garbage bins,etc.etc.
    The present central government is now sponsoring sewinals . They will also be required to sponsor all village fetes, conte competition, happy-hours etc.etc.,
    Dominique in indeed a unique country. Give the folk what you think they want. Give the Elites the Lion Share.

  5. December 15, 2016

    The festival will take place on Saturday, December 17, 2016. The Sewinal concert will begin from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm and will feature the traditional, Sewinal bands and related performing groups and individuals.
    Following the Sewinal concert, there will be a street party which will feature the Swinging Stars, Extasy Band, DJ’s and Club DVD Sounds. This concert is expected to continue until daybreak!!!! I HOPE YOU WILL BE THERE.. I WILL!!!!

  6. Doc. Love
    December 15, 2016

    Ras Algie was on Q95 begging Dominicans for financial help in order to pay for his medical bills. Subject to correction, I have not heard of any help coming from the Government. During his appeal for help, Algie said, apart from being on the Bayfront bringing joy to the tourist by playing his drums, the small Dominican flag on the Prime Minister’s car number plate was drawn by him, therefore, Skeritt must know him. He asked the Government for help, to date, nothing has happened. Algie could do with a little of what Grerory and his group are getting.

  7. indira Ghandi
    December 14, 2016

    All you just selling passport and have de money doing sot.

  8. cult-chor
    December 14, 2016

    While the local cultural expressions are being swallowed up by disrespect, corruption, dictatorship trends, rubbing shoulders with foreigners, involved in all kinds of illegal acts, there are those who defend, protect such evils with open arms. They are no longer concerned about a cultural development that would condemn and fight against corruption, in all its form.

    Communities, like Atkinson, have been reeling under the neglect of agriculture, the villagers’ main occupation and way of life. Poverty has increased in the entire kalinago territory because of Skerritt’s DLP Gov’t policies.

    Many questions must be asked of those, who continue to support the demise of our rich, indigenous cultural expressions. The standards of living have declined considerably and so the positive social and cultural expressions of doing and defending the RIGHT against WRONG is fading away fast.

    Culture is about our holistic way of life. FREE and FAIR elections,, integrity,…

  9. R. Linton
    December 14, 2016

    Big Respect to Mr. Williams (A true Jean Bois) Gregory Rabbess and other members of committee for their proactive and negotiating Skills. I have always complained about Atkinson not getting representation from our Political Candidates for many years now. Cassius Darroux you have demonstrated some level of commitment to my village and this will be noted. To all Dominican we extend our welcoming hands to you… Come experience the Last of the original Traditional Christmas Experience in Dominica!! Sewinal with Accordion, boomboom, shack Shack, etc. House to House action!!, with black coffee, Rum and Viene Pafimeh Broth….Jean Bois Massives… We in That!!!

    • me
      December 16, 2016

      Well RUM dead in Waraka this christmas.@

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