Local musicians told to market talent more professionally

MFR (Music For Real) on stage at the 2009 World Creole Music Festival in Dominica. *Photo William Farrington

Local artistes should take advantage of the significant levels of exposure that will available at the upcoming 14th World Creole Music Festival, according to events director of the Dominica Festival Committee (DFC) Natalie Clarke-White.

At the final press briefing yesterday, the DFC events head said the local musicians will be exposed to not only international media but also managers and close associates of acclaimed performers like Jah Cure, Luciano and popular Mas Compa and other artistes.

She advised that the artistes market themselves more professionally and stop waiting on others to do it for them.

“Compile your portfolios and present them to the right people professionally. Have business cards and photographs ready,” Clarke-White advised.

She said every artiste owe it to themselves to create their own avenues especially in the absence of a manager.

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  1. GCY
    October 25, 2010

    Bouyon has plenty plenty prospects. Remember CK 1995 -96 album? …..With big n hot tunes like Dock Walk, Tou Sho Tou Flam and many more?
    Well since then vocals have taken a back seat and give way to “beat”, which Machel Montano, Flames etc borrowed from. But when Lead vocals and composition and market segmenting make a come-back to the fore front, like Gordon an dem did picking the French market, for instance; Bouyon will make claim again to it’s rightful place. Trust me!

  2. Not Nice
    October 24, 2010

    if you want musical exposure , get away from here.

  3. Boss Man
    October 24, 2010

    @River Street: Wow is correct speak to many caribbean folks they share the same sentiment we just dont get it period,we tend to hit and say nothing…thats what is the ills of dominica we havent provided a class product period because if we took our time as artist to reflect on our output and where we want this product to reach we would think differently..

    case in point look at flames just up the road north of us in Antigua didnt their product reach miles past ours….didnt flames play at Bill Clinton inguaration back in 93 we need to think deep in Dominica thats our major issue….

  4. AA
    October 23, 2010

    Dominican artist should learn to produce more of their own lyrics instead of taking bits and pieces from international artist. Come out with their own stuff and help promote our Dominican culture.

  5. River Street
    October 22, 2010

    @WOW: Just ridiculous .I wonder what you know about music.People like you just never seem to appreciate your own. While it is true that we need a big leap forward, pirating of music in Dominica, the failure to have a positive music curriculum in schools , proper management and promotions are all contributing factors,to our failure to be on the world music stage.Joker dont cry down BOUYON . Whats your music taste? Dominicans we have it in us we can do it.

    October 22, 2010

    @STUPZ: i agree with you my darling i agree with you come better than that. Make Dominicans proud of you, coming with an old dancehall

  7. FancyNancy
    October 22, 2010

    I agree we should be more professional. That being said, how many schools invest in music classes for the students? How many music stores in the island, especially the north the heartbeat of music? Again, we should stop waiting on others and start to act for ourselves.

  8. Island_Accents
    October 22, 2010

    @ the person that say bouyon music is nonsense.It is amazing how Dominican music and musicians are criticized,belittled really and years later the same music is stolen and presented to a large audience and it is embraced as groundbreaking.

  9. No Name 2
    October 22, 2010

    @DA Man: you have good ideas but workshops have been done before…bottom line is it takes money, money, money to make it in the business….a first rate myspace page, an epk, well-written bio, posters, business cards, demo cds, cost of mailing cds and epks to venues and promoters media etc…it takes serious money……

  10. mwen meme
    October 21, 2010

    @stupes: mister was never band leader…doh fool yourself

    October 21, 2010

    Well said.I agree with you 100 Percent on that.
    Grand Bay Man Garford.

  12. Missy
    October 21, 2010

    We can start by adding music and poetry to the school’s curriculum. We should not blame these guys. Most of them are playing music for the fun of it, since there is little or no money in the music field in Dominica.

    They need our help, still we critisize them. @ qstorm78, if Lil Wayne came to your area today, even if you don’t understand a word he is saying or can’t even dance to his music you would pay for the over priced ticket, wouldn’t you. We always find it hard to support our locals. That is just something about we Dominicans.

    Mrs. Clarke is right, they need to do more to showcase themselve, but they should have the finance behind them. Some of these bands can’t even afford a place to practice. Some of these guys that is their second venue of putting cash in their pockets. Come on man people. Bouyon is our music. We have given up Cadaslypso are we going to do that to Bouyon too?….SMH…..

  13. GCY
    October 21, 2010

    But after 14 years it’s past due for WCMF to give back in the form of sponsoring or scholarship(s) each year for young aspiring Dominican musicians to persue music studies, some taking music lessons locally or elsewhere (very important). Kudos to the youth for coming up with de Bouyon beat…well CK ect…I just love da beat.
    Ms Clarke sounds professional and experienced, doing a good job so far, good festival line up, it’s exciting this year as I write. As far as turning a profit, I don’t know but this is great stuff.
    Nuff sewo!

  14. STUPZ
    October 21, 2010

    How can i acknowledge them singers when they are not even proud where they come from(this certain individual). He talks like a Jamaican i was listening to DBS about two weeks ago and they even had to ask him where was he from if he is from somewhere else and he just base in Dominica. They even sing nasty songs like … and tolly you mean to tell me that all you want to perform for foreigners. I want to hear that in my head then? Them little children that jumping up to their nasty tunes that fooling them but not big people like me. Then they saying who ever just stopping them and asking them to perform for people. I wouldnt pay you eh my boy. Step up all you game and all you can get a chanc. People like caribbean vybz, fanatic these are bands i can sit down with my foot up and blend with the music?

  15. WOW
    October 21, 2010

    @DA Man: Thumps up…keep the proffessional image going…

  16. sad
    October 21, 2010

    @Anonymous: you just a foolish person sad to say you extremly ignorant…..so what you saying Sir George Martin, Quincy Jones,Phil Ramone etc the list goes on

    what foolishnes are you speaking about,,,,even thought its a midi and digital music industry the fundermentals are still there…..tech has to do with the sound processing but instruments are still played…so please inform yourself before you speak rubbish….

    Music when put out globally has to have a standard which breaks barriers and reaches souls all over…..rubbish slangs and poor vocals dont create impact…

    thats why the industry votes highly on song writers and compossers etc….

    please used the http://www…….seek and he shall find….please be informed ok….

    Standards must be upheld at all times in Production in what ever field or sector worldwide!

  17. Anonymous
    October 21, 2010

    Its all about image and very little about talent. Look at most of the major hip hop, reggae etc artist. Their lyrics are stupid, use drum machines, cant play instruments, and definitly cannot read music yet they become stars because they can move a crowd and have good beats. Its sad but thats what music has come to. So if local artist can move a crowd, show up for festivals etc and have beats that sound good they would do better a broad.

  18. DA Man
    October 21, 2010

    Our real musicians who could or have gone international are long gone. Our current talented individuals lack the vocal ability, melody, performance and writing skill which are all necessary in this highly competitive music industry. To be successful no longer depends on how the artist sounds on his or her CD, but on his or her ability to entertain people. The marketing aspect comes with how well they can deliver the art. This is the first audition before getting signed with any music label. Fellow musician, music is a profession and a business; not just some part-time gig. I have heard a constant plea from DJ Wadix to our musicians to take this art seriously and it seem that his advice seem to have fallen on deaf ears.

    I would suggest that the DFC sponsor music workshops (vocal, melody, theatrics and writing) including the business aspect for our musicians and produce some sort of local band or solo competition and at the end reward the winners. The reward could be an opportunity to showcase their talent at one of the future Creole Music Festival, among others. The local competition could be an annual event – a child of the DFC. This could potentially open other avenues that can generate revenue for all those involved.

    Just a thought……..We have potential individuals who simply need assistance and training.

  19. Anonymous
    October 21, 2010


    stupes! wa u talking a bout na. how much actual producers/artistes can read music nowadays na?

    Its vibes/feelings of music that does sell nowadays and most of the programming does be done digitally. No music theory required!

    Give our guys a break!

  20. qstorm78
    October 21, 2010

    @WOW: U could not have said it any better. I live in the tri-state and I don’t attend any Dominican events whenever those bands are playing. It’s usually disorganized, over priced and a load of noise and nonsense. Some of them sound like they’re barking to be honest with you..

  21. Truth, Justice, Love and Peace
    October 21, 2010

    If calypsonians can afford it they need managers to professionally assist them. They should keep the lyrics clean, devoid of unbecoming words and sing in such a manner that they could be understood so that when they are marketed, they could be quickly sold. If they hope to excel or win a prize they should focus on these important factors. I wish them good luck.

  22. WOW
    October 21, 2010

    Our Musicans in Dominica espically that so called Boyou music is just complete rubbish totaly

    sorry ms clarke no international promotor,producer or agent will get any postive vibe from that stuff.

    lacking,in good song writing, poor vocals poor arrangement,poor musicanship in terms of instrument talents…and sadly but truthfuly many of the so called kind of boyou music cant read music sheets and notes…..THATS THE TRUTH!!

    They need to go back to thr drawing board to understand the basics and fundermentals of music then gradually take paces upwards…by looking at artist around them and globally do much more reading on the music industry to help them improve..as musicans you cant just make your product for a very small percentage of locals and caribbean folks…your product will never be notice and hear by they the real Proffessionals in the Music industry worldwide..

  23. Reader
    October 21, 2010

    Great advice!! I hope our local artist take heed and do all they can to show what they are capable of.

  24. timbok 2
    October 21, 2010

    @mwen meme: i totally agree…i mean this band was giving triple kay and wck competition but petty greed and personal fued messed the band up. I mean you guys have fans all over the place. dissapointed fans…but then again is possie start and cyah finish..we need to change such attitude…

  25. stupes
    October 21, 2010

    d ban leader going KKK.hahahahahahahahahahaha

  26. mwen meme
    October 21, 2010

    Boy who killed MFR? the guys came out as the first band after such a long time to produce real music with actual musicians…no drum machine and shit. They started off with tracks that addressed real issue the people could relate to like “state of emergency” and somewhere along the way they got lost. Such a shame that a group with the potential to really make a mark for DA and they just allowed themselves to get sucked in the hype and loose focus.

    BTW…allu creole in the park debut was the BEST performance in the park ever!

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