Miss Dominica Pageant lacks professionalism, organization, fairness – former contestant

A former contestant in the Miss Dominica Pageant is calling for better organization among those planning the annual event.

The former beauty who spoke to Dominica News Online on the grounds of anonymity said there appears to be not only preference within the organization “but it is also as if they pick the queen before the show.”

She explained that there are certain girls that would be given priority over others by some individuals.

“I remember during my year there was a certain girl that everyone was set on from inception. She eventually became queen but that was the idea from inception. She would be informed about video shoots before all of us giving her ample time to prepare. It is almost like they pick the queen before the show,” she explained.

The former constant also claimed that even after the pageant, there isn’t much room for the queen to do much.

“It is almost as if they hiding the queen. Before the pageant you hear about public speeches, appearances, after the show you hear nothing,” she said.

She said she wants to see better organization, fairness and more professionalism when planning the pageant.

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  1. Tall is her body
    January 5, 2012

    First and foremost DA has 21 constituencies why not draw from that. They should have shows during the year then from that chose the girls. Then have two or four more shows during the said year to narrow the competitors. Therefore it become competitive and has sponsorship. Private business are not sponsoring because they have felt too much injustice has taken place that is why the Carnival committee has to beg and if thing don’t turn around soon young ladies will not be interest and also business. I myself stopped going a few years now but would like to return hoping this year bring much joy as it did over eight years ago. The young lady whoever she is please remember Dominican’s don’t forget therefore please do not reveal yourself.

    • Hem..........
      January 6, 2012

      All yu still there writing on all you self. You normally judge others based on yourself. Looking for a way out of the guilty self. Take hid – The stone that the builder want to reject always comes back to be the corner stone of the action. So as the story moves down the ladder, let all let go of our hate, jealouse, backbitting, discrediting. The poor people who are now organising the Queen Show trying – let thm be
      and we with all the suggestions put it in writing and stop that nonsence on who to bring back and who will do what. Queen Committee 2012 All the best.

  2. real talk
    January 4, 2012

    my girl! pull they pull string for u too win cuz u wasnt not the best!! at all! so while u talking about fairness please think back on ur perfomance last year and tell ur self “was it really fair?” i was present and the joseph girl shud have won thats all im saying

  3. Observer
    January 4, 2012

    In my humble opinion, 2006 seem to have been a show organised by people with creative minds and a great sense of pageantry…however they lacked the true meaning of fairness…Never before have I seen results taking two hours plus at a show!!!That year was certainly a great year with 9 beautiful intelligent women who were promised lots of prizes, and at the end only the winner walked away with everything and the others with mere cash of about $1000…This was my last year of attending queen show! The blatant biasness of the committee in this era was unheard of…I clearly remember this queen show being subject of discussion for well over two months, with contestants dresses arriving late, dresses arriving on the same day and not fitting, along with many other complains.Hearts off to Miss Bruno who had indeed represented our beloved country regionally and did so well, but on the night of the show, that doesnt mean she was the one who was suppose to win. We have yet to receive an explanation for a 2 hour recess before a result.
    I think the DFC should dissolve the existing committee…place an add out and conduct interviews for a new committee…There are alot of creative people out there and you never know…maybe the past contestants who were treated unfairly among others may just make a difference.People like Kamala, Claudia henderson,Regina Walsh and former contestants may just form a dynamic committee.

    • Annabelle
      January 5, 2012

      You are critizing the 2006 Queen Show but some of the ames you mentioned were involved in 2006. Check your facts. Its amazing how you all write and express yourselves. What has the present committe done, based on what I have seen and heard they came in at a time when the DFC has to beg for sponsorship etc, they are trying their outmost. You all are giving all names who can run show – have you al checked how prudent they are in dealing with finances, check it out first and then tell me if you still want their services. Ha ha……….

      Someone has an axe to grin against the present committee amn trying to discredit the people. Please people leave the QSC alone and focus on how we going to have a grand time its our culture let go.

      Give ideas and suggestions and stop critizing you have motives.

    • Hem..........
      January 5, 2012

      Sounds familiar – You wish.

  4. 4progress
    January 4, 2012

    I say forget about Judging Panel, LET THE PEOPLE VOTE, since the winner actually represents DA wherever she goes.

    • 4progress
      January 4, 2012

      There will be less complaints, better representation, better support and participation by the people and true transparency

  5. Name
    January 4, 2012

    All the readers in here asking for the young lady to reveal her identity are just idiots…dislike all you want I don’t give a damn. To the young lady who wrote this article I suggest you try to get on the committee. You’ve been there done that so talk to the contestants and ask their opinion on the committee. Don’t let these folks in here discourage you. If you can start your own orgainzation…nothing big start small. Google starting your own business. Get a killer business plan and shop around for investors. You’ll be surprised how much help you’ll get…reach out to Dominican associations in the VI, FL, GA, etc. Keep your head up cause Dominica people can be cruel espically when they don’t know a damn thing…..

  6. Anonymous
    January 4, 2012

    I say “Do away with it” It is time for Dominica to focus on the high intellects we have and allow them the opportunity to travel and showcase their beautiful brains! I’m not saying that the beauties are “mindless” but too much emphasis is placed on their bodies in these pagents! Dominica needs to start paving ways for our many youths and what better way to do that than to display their inventions and creativity! What is the ‘return on investment’ for having those pagents? hence, if we take another form of pagent and give Dominicans the opportunity to represent DA in inventions/creations, our “return on investment” will be far greater! I’m so sick of these beauty pagents!

  7. repping hard
    January 4, 2012

    the Queen show in my opinion is not all bad. i believe its human for the judge to be inclined towards a particular girl but as far as saying that the queens are pre-chosen i do not conquer. however it is my view that the intellegence aspect is badly off. these girls basically bite their tongues and cannot come up with quality sensible and professional responses even if the question is an easy one. cannot help but remember the news airing a few days ago of the queen show pre-show where this girl was asked to state the worst lie a man ever told her and the answer was horrible! they need serious training from september to january. all in all i think it does help some young ladies better themselves.

  8. Nature's Market
    January 4, 2012

    Queen contestants should be chosen form March with eliminations and judging segments done from onset. As much as 15 girls could be chosen with only five taking part in the final show.

    The girls should be introduced to public speaking events, charity or outreach programs and other areas throughout the months leading to the following Carnival, where not only their character will improve but there ability to feel comfortable in any situation.

    The lack of preparation by the team is seen every year. As for the fair factor, every year we hear about special treatment and favoritism in not just the pageants. I think this will be felt every year no matter who judges these shows. Someone will always feel that another is being treated better. Focus on your performance and less on your competitors, you only put down yourself when you do.

  9. me
    January 4, 2012

    hmmm this past contestant needs to go back to school she can barely put words together to form a proper sentence”is like they hiding the queen” and she wonders why she didn’t win. give me a break tan.

    • Blackie
      January 4, 2012

      Al is said and done. The Chaperones are the ones who make the ladies. If the Chaperones are tardy, dishonest, showoff and like gossip they will instill such traits in the contestants and brign her downfall.

      This is why Chaperones should be honest and accountable in all aspects. So ladies before you think of going up check out the character of your chaperones. This started in 2006 and some of them carry that bad habbit everywhere. See you all at the 2012 Queen Show. Nice Pre Show Congrats

  10. Anonymous
    January 4, 2012

    It is not a myth that the committee picks their queen before the show, it is actually true. I am a former queen contestant and I remembered they had given us a listed of questions to study, in rehearsals they would ask us a question from the list, when they realized the their chosen queen could not handle the questions, after weeks of studying these questions, the committee informed chaperons to discard the questionnaire and on the night of the show had the judges ask simple questions like, what would you do if you were to be crowned Miss Dominica or what was it like growing up in Mahaut, come on……

    • Beauty
      January 4, 2012

      That was the year of the same people they want to bring back you see what I mean. You are so right

  11. Sammy
    January 4, 2012

    To me those commenting now and sharing there grievances are those you are looking for the VIP pass and want to have ten thousand people backstage and I think this is not acceptable in what ever competition you enter, We seem to like to bring down what is ours and not support it. If you have a valuable contribution it does not hurt to ask to be on the committee. There is a new boss, she does not have horns, or even you can go to the bigger boss in charge of her. Going back and forth with those comments will not solve the problem.

  12. voice from maroc
    January 4, 2012

    is first time nur??? sttps. every year is the same thing. i shall never forget the year MICHELLE PAUL participated and that crown was stolen from her. from that evening i never partronized the carinval queen pageant. total unfairness!!

    • Beauty
      January 4, 2012

      That was another Committee. Please take note

  13. voice from maroc
    January 4, 2012

    is first time nur??? sttps. every year is the same thing. i shall never forget the year MICHELLE PAUL participated and that crown was stolen from her. from that evening i never partronized the carinval queen pageant. totally unfairness!!

  14. refree
    January 3, 2012

    dominchen amie gomai avec un et lot
    some bloggers never take time to comment on a story just an in fighting going on with another person’s comment, name calling and foolish remarks make these blogs very distasteful to read

  15. Anonymous
    January 3, 2012

    Only one year I saw this show conducted in a professional, classy and Queen manner . This was the year Marcella ,Natalie, Sharon and Sammy did the show, with the red carpet on the bay front , pre show ,ect. Every year you are hearing the same things where the girls are not prepaired, there is a bias to girls ect. change the committee. too much family in this thing they needs fresh heads new ideas . They hate to take advise from others, and the results always ends with disgruntled people.

    • SYMES
      January 3, 2012

      HA hA HA all you really jealous of people well join the family and come on board. its time we \dominicans stop hating people and spreading rumours. All those without sin throw the first stone. Like Daniel in the Lions Den the Queen Show \committee will conqur over those negative and unindustrous people who are bent on discrediting people and the work they do.

    • TRUTH
      January 3, 2012

      All committees have their corruption, biasness etc. The same persons all you want to bring back is the same people the year they were on the committee chaperones like Mrs. Henderson and well known chaperones retaliated signed a letter which was on the newspaper. because the Committee then had their queen. they actually gave attention to one girl . They sealed the swimwear results and on the night of queen show the results was somethingelse. The young lady who won won then was the Committees favourite. The committees after have really eliminated these biasness, Ask Marcella, Sammy, Sharon and Natalie for their report – what was the expense etc. So do not attack the people – you all have motives. I think the QSC should not even read those comments nor respond – What happen to GO GIRLS ASK THEM TOO

    • Celia
      January 3, 2012


    • John
      January 4, 2012

      Clearly you do not know the fine details of the queen show committee when Marcella ,Natalie, Sharon and Sammy was in charge..hahahahah there was alot the pubilc did not see re the bureaucracy of the JOB!!! Remember not all who that glitters they are not gold…they to (too) had their queeen lol the private classes, the missing dresses all thing you would not hear…SPEAK ON WHAT YOU KNOW

      • Tammy
        January 4, 2012

        What happen to the famous queen show committee of 2006. As the newspaper to reprint the letter signed by Chaperones re the behaviour of the same committee all you want. This was the worst in the history of pagenatry.

      • Anonymous
        January 4, 2012

        are you saying that who is there now is perfect? that is a mighty laugh, what is known is that the job was better done then, and if not they then other persons can be chosern as well to get the job other than who is there now.. THE SHOW WILL BE A WHOLE LOT BETTER. CHANGE THE COMMETTIEE PUT FRESH MINDS…

      • Beauty
        January 4, 2012

        Those five ladies even was on queen show committee and they were giving private practice to one contestant. So stop accusing the present trasparent committee of what you were , they moving to good for you all. Some of us display bad characterin public and pretend we are the best who can run a show. All that glitters is not gold.

    • Slyma
      January 4, 2012

      Ask the people you all are calling back to hed the Queen Show what happen in 2006????????Investigate. What happen to GO GIRLS???????ha ha hemmm……

    January 3, 2012


    • Chaperone
      January 4, 2012

      This is totally untrue about this committee…i am working with them now and i can tell you they are very professional….stop trying to tarnish people image

    • Anonymous
      January 4, 2012

      I’m guessing you didn’t win? I can see why. Don’t you know that in internet etiquette, caps lock is interpreted as SHOUTING? You use caps lock to emphasize ONE word out of a SENTENSE or paragraph. NOT USE IT IN THE WHOLE DAMN THING!!!

  17. t savanne/ grand bay
    January 3, 2012

    i am a queen already so i dont need to walk on a stage to be judged as a queen or not…those who wanna go on there irrespective of the bad judging that go on there…

  18. amen
    January 3, 2012

    could not have been said better!!!i agree

  19. OK BOY
    January 3, 2012

    From time immemorial, we know that QSC chooses their queen. The only way that person looses is if she does something really off that night. We go through the same punishment every year. And guess what, there are always a line of willing participants waiting to get disappointed. Well, I just cannot fight for you anymore. Boycott the show for a year and see. These people hold on to power and will not let go. The people have spoken. QSC needs a shake up. And even if they deny it from now to kingdom come, we know they are biased and always have their queen picked out.

    January 3, 2012

    I don’t know, but if the Queen Committee picking the queens before the show, then they have been doing well lately: Bruno (2006), Lander (2007), Walter (2008), Baptiste (2010. This girl and her drama party are just sucking on sour grapes. This “they pick their queen” crap has been said since I can remember…grow up kiddo!

  21. sexy Balaw
    January 3, 2012

    Past Queen contestant before the Dominca of Today I would say I understand what you are saying but I do not agree. I want to tell you that I understand and fully agree with you. Critics mention of independent view and independent vote is just a sharade. If you want to understand how this works examine how a jury is selected. They are interviewed for biasness. I dont think I would be a good pageant judge and I am frank enough to recognise this and decline the offer to judge. I have a preference for people who are jet black so the darker one is I would have to remind myself to be objective. I hav a preference for girls from the east I find them less vain, I do not like people who pick a future career base on how it looks and sounds. So for example, a career in mass communication, medicine and law do not tickle my fancy. A woman needs meat on her body so if she is too skinny she does not take care of her self. Skinny does not mean fit. I want to see definition not smooth body so show me the hard bilch (carf or Gwa Jab)and for a aresponse to a question I doh want no rehearsed recitation. Make some mistakes say a few ams be human, stop and start again. In the real world when we go to interviews we have a few people facing us and we always begin nervous, far more for young girls most of whom have college as their highest education level.

    About objective judges may I ask who pick them? Who are they working for? what is the wishes of their employer – they know it even without being told. Finally in Dominica we see how our courts operate some judges vote for their sustainability.

    that is a particular complexionI understand what your are saying

  22. carnival lover
    January 3, 2012

    So what? Ck yourself

  23. carnival vbe
    January 3, 2012

    You see, sometimes they think they know best.Just looking at some of those judges, gives you the creeps. Some can hardly dress, so what are they judging. Look for competent persons to judge these girls. The chairperson herself is afraid to talk. I Looked at her at Pre-show. Maybe Ferdina should have been given the job. Kamala looked like a real queen.Cant touch her!!

    • Carnival vbe 2
      January 4, 2012

      Do not go there! Come on board with positive ideas it will be better for you. You jealous. Some people have different stlye stupes…….rest in peace.

  24. Sharon
    January 3, 2012

    Well said Cee. It does not matter who is on the committee there will be still confusion. Because there was a year that there was committee with the names of certain individual mentions and that was the the year that there was utter confusion and I can say it was.

  25. tiny
    January 3, 2012

    Ashton nobody needs to post their name if they don’t wany to including the author of the article and commenters alik…it surely don’t mean they have low self esteem .that may be the reason for some but definitely not everyone…not every one likes noticing like you……youwrite your name on a public forum so you like attention right..

  26. January 3, 2012



  27. ashass we
    January 3, 2012

    vote ashton looking for so

  28. me
    January 3, 2012

    Ashton stop sitting infront of the dictionary to get words to comment just to make people think u r so smart

    • pops
      January 4, 2012

      Thumbs up sorry..oops

  29. Off beat
    January 3, 2012

    You see is a good thing you did what you always do, DNO, you give every body their fair share, most of them that want the person who make the comment to put their name,do the same when it suits them. Doe go whitch hunting now, take note and come proper this year. The truth offends I see, it’s time we focus on the
    message. Take a poll and you will see.

    January 3, 2012

    The QSC has no respect for chaperons and the contestants, this is why there is so much chaos every year. This commitee knows nothing about pageants nor grooming contestatnts. To me, the committee at present is a family business. Just look at the organisers of the event and you will see what I am talking about. Furthermore, Marcia and other queen contestants taking part in regional pageants have nothing to do with the QSC. After the queen show passes, they leave the Miss DCA hard and dry. We need a clean up of the queen show committee. We need persons like Kamala Jno Baptiste, Sandra Bobb, Nathalie Marshall and perhaps a few of the other queen contestants on this committee in order to give DCANS a show with competition, class and value. At present it lacks all this. DFC, please hear our cry and clean up this committee. I can guarantee you that an improvement will be seen.

    • Haters
      January 3, 2012

      Haters all you want to be there ask some Chaperones or persons??????why they cannot be Chaperones or Committee members. Its time the DFC defend its people and put out the information to the public. Haters, Jealous of those people. all you not easy nor! Shame on you. Apply to be members. Put all you there and is more choas! Crazyness. Shame! You all make it so clear who make those statements because all repeat them in circles. Hemmmm…..

    • truth
      January 3, 2012

      I totally agree the cmmittee knows nothing about pageants, grooming or fashion. I look at the makeup, outfits, hairstyles and I ask Myself where do they buy these clothes for the contestants. The outfits don’t complemnet their figures, there is no co-ordination, their shoes dont compliment what they wear. It is time to remove these people who state that they are organisers and get a mixture of education, makeup artist, stylist,fashion designers. put our queen pageant back to the standard and class it had before.

      • TRUTH 2
        January 3, 2012


    • Haters
      January 4, 2012

      Ask the Chaperones why there is no respect for them. Duplication of bills for payment etc………when committee take action they vex. Becareful can of worms will soon open up……..Its time they investigate some Chaperones

    • Gail
      January 4, 2012

      You want Sandra, Natalie ????????etc ha ha ha. Look story.

  31. Expected
    January 3, 2012

    Ikr? They are always so biased in this competition, Even though they are not FAMOUS… Still won’t give smaller people a chance.

  32. Sandy
    January 3, 2012

    The fact is she made an excellent point. Too many times the committee chooses their queen. I worked closely with the queen show committee in the past, and people would be surprised to hear certain comments made by some committee members. The messenger is not important, once the message is passed

    • Chaperone
      January 4, 2012

      The committee of the past is not the committee of now…..

      • Today's News
        January 4, 2012

        True the Committee of 2006 was the worst crop of persons I have come across. They had flair and show, but they had that unfairness in them. Ask them what happen, why Chaperones retaliated against them and went to the Newspapers. And all you want them to come back and do what do exactly what they are accusing the present committee of using the present committee as scapegoats. This people are honest and professional, they know what they are about and people do not like them for that. Clean all you back yard first, all who have no sins throw the first stone. Leave the QSC alone, they are very tranparent.

  33. January 3, 2012

    if so many are concerned of the former contestants name… then it is my belief that the decision to remain anonymous was a good one… for she sure would be ridiculed

    • January 3, 2012

      are you knuts MOTS?… SHE WOULD BE CRUCIFIED!!!!!!!

      you are absolutely right MOTS, but next time use the right word please or i will have to fire you

  34. Candid
    January 3, 2012

    Well said. That show has fallen to the pits. It lacks everything particularly pageantry elegance. Not even a live band they have these days. What utter nonsense.

    • WHY
      January 3, 2012

      live band? where else do you go to a pageant and see live band?

      But the show has had a live band up to this year actually, FYI.

  35. Pichelin Massive
    January 3, 2012

    Give the name of the contestant. She should be brave enough to stand behind the claims that she is making. Her name should be published. If what she is saying is the truth, she should not hide behind the cloak of anonymity.

    • Tenderloin
      January 3, 2012

      I concur…Not only that, she’s contested already, so she has nothing to lose. Why hide??

  36. Belle beff
    January 3, 2012

    This is just what it is, her opinion, she knows what she is saying and alot of people agree. If she post her name you defenders will not dispute that statement, but attack her as we know how these shows are conducted.
    No name no warrant: Yow yow!

    • kicks
      January 3, 2012

      You are so correct.. they would jump on her like vultures to devour her. Typical Dominican, not too concerned about the message but attack the messenger.

  37. z....
    January 3, 2012

    I believe her 100%. Its the same unprofessionalism, disorganization they have going on now. The way they have those girls prancing around nothing like how Shannon V, Francillia A, Giselle F, Kamala era time of queen show use to be. Voleh show since time!

    • Avery Johnson Taylor
      January 3, 2012


  38. Cee
    January 3, 2012

    It is my opinion that this “choose their queen before” theory is a total myth.

    The final decision lies with the judges. And that is a fact.

    The girls AND THEIR CHAPERONS approach the queen show as if it were their one opportunity to get involved in high drama.

    They thrive on the drama. Very little of the drama is created by the people in the QSC. Most of the tension comes from the chaperons who insist on filling their contestants’ minds with conspiracy theories. In a competitive environment, the girls get drawn into this and it’s downhill from then. Drama Central!

    Furthermore, people need to understand how this works. All the QSC does is (voluntarily) plan the show and assist in preparing the contestants for the show. The decision making body, re: monies, appearances, photography, venue, stage, sponsors etc is the DFC.

    Also, the reason why there are chaperons and assistant chaperons is to ensure that the girls have a support system that can ensure they are prepared for the pageant, that they look good when they go out in public, that they present their best self at the pre-show etc and that they are surrounded with the right resource people to ensure their readiness.

    And finally the onus is on the contestant to make sure that first she is ready for the demands of the competition even before she signs on. Can you answer a simple question? can you string two or three thoughts together? Do you even read? Why is it that YOU thought that you were a suitable candidate.

    AND DNO, I still think that was a weak story, sans substance and credibility. Even if you did not publish my initial comment.

    • Watching
      January 3, 2012

      If the final decision rests with the judges, why was Michelle Paul crowned in her year when she was judged best in each round? The Committee knew jolly well that she was not MEG when they approached her to contest. She went to all the preps and the night of the show she was too fat? Now tell me if that was not a decision of the committee rather than the judges.

    • dominican in miami
      January 3, 2012

      man get real are you for real the organizer they are the ones who pick the judges that’s all i have to say the young lady knows what she is speaking about

  39. Sharon
    January 3, 2012

    In 2012 we do not remain anonymous come out bravely and revel yourself. We sometimes say that the committee have their queen and that is never the result. The contestant who is more focused and has her head on her shoulder always becomes the winner. A contestant has to be alert and do not think that they are in war when in the competition. They all have to unit and work with each other, especially the chaperones, they are the ones who cause the big fight between the girls.

  40. ya
    January 3, 2012

    i agree on 100% on dat….

  41. Inspector
    January 3, 2012

    That’s why I never waste my money to watch such crap! That will be better spent at Krazy kokonuts drinking two whisky!!!

    • Peeping Tom
      January 3, 2012

      :mrgreen: Or some barbecued pork at “I Sho” in Checkhall!! :mrgreen:

  42. lisa
    January 3, 2012

    In my opinion your reasoning is poor and lacks substance. If you are going to make a statement and remains anonymous, give us more information that could help us in forming an opinion of you and the organisers. Right now it just tells me that you are one of the contestants who cant answer a simple question on social security or on feeder roads.

    • Malatete
      January 3, 2012

      Ha, ha,ha! You expect beauty queen to answer questions on social security or feeder roads? We have enough ugly people with brains to do that. Seriously, why complain? You do have a choise: keep your self-respect and don’t take part in this demeaning spectacle in the first place.

    • January 3, 2012

      Lisa you a full of horse d,d,d, this was someone who was on the inside she’s not speaking out side the box and I do believe that more need to speak out because that’s the only way organisers will clean up the process the young lady dont have to give her name to please you that’s not the issue What we need is fairness in everything we DOMINICANS are involed in and I do believe you a the one who is lacking substance in your comments,
      I always say if one is going to make comments if its not going to be constrctive shut up so this is your turn.
      We want young people to be leaders give them a chance all we ask for if fairness.

  43. Bella
    January 3, 2012

    Please identify yourself and tell us which year you are speaking about. If what you are saying is true why are you scared to identify yourself.

      January 3, 2012

      @ Bella
      Does that information touch a sensitive spot? Whistleblowers should remain anonymous until after investigations. These allegations must be investigated. There is no smoke without fire!

      • Anna
        January 4, 2012

        Positively Dominica! You seem to be verse in those traits I suspect we. They touch a nerve of yours. Wel lets go with investigation you seem to know alot. I suspect. There is no smoke without fire. You keep changing your name

  44. Anti-hate
    January 3, 2012

    I’m not much of a pageant guy…but the past few years…Queens like Marcia have been doing quite well in regional shows…which to me indicates that the national show winners were quite good in reality and probably deserved their crowns..

    So I’m not really buying the pre-chosen queen argument..And honestly without a name attached I see no real reason to attach credibility to these comments..It’s just some anomymous person’s opinion.

    • January 3, 2012

      MARICA might be the exception but dont base you opinion on one individual follow the the Show from begining to the end of the show and do attend the SHOW, sometimes part of the problems as far as I am concern are with some of the people they selected to be Judges their are a lot of factors that need not be present in the process all we want is a clean and just SHOW
      And as for credibility you shouldn’t need to see a face or know who is making a statement just as I dont want to know who you were to respond to your comments

  45. Peeping Tom
    January 3, 2012

    “The former beauty who spoke to Dominica News Online on the grounds of anonymity said there appears to be not only preference within the organization “but it is also as if they pick the queen before the show.”

    This may be true (or false) but it does not explain the individual decisions of the individual judges.

  46. Ashton Riviere
    January 3, 2012

    This is simply an illustration of the lack of self esteem and confidence among not only the queen contestants but our youth in general.

    I believe that if you have certain convictions you should stand by them. i.e put your name out there express yourself and be ready to take credit for your opinion.

    To remain anonymous devalues the comment that you are making. This is pervasive within our society and speaks of a society always fearful of victimization as it is ingrained in our consciousness that we should not trust each other. Such a sad state of affairs.

    On another note…. I don’t support the idea that the Carnival committee must schedule all the appearances for the queen after the contest. The Queen knowing the terms and limitations of her contract must engage the public and private sector to maximize the value, commercial and otherwise of her crown.

    If the case is that the contract does not allow the queen to operate along those lines then this needs fixing and the debate should surround that.

    The terms , conditions, limitations and expectations of the contract should be made public.

    As with everything else, human beings will have preferences and bias. The mature folks who manage the Queen pageant should seek to mitigate against those biases in an effort to ensure that the results of the show are always fair.


    • Creole
      January 3, 2012

      Totally agree…thumbs up.

    • is mine
      January 3, 2012

      ashton just like noticing

      • Ashton Riviere
        January 3, 2012

        Trust me … you should look for some yourself instead of wallowing in the ignominy of your own inadequacies. Your intelligence can only be augmented by intelligent discourse… and puerile, myopic minds like yours will continue to discuss individuals rather than concepts and ideas. Next time put your name to your post so that everyone knows you for the imbecile that you are.


      • @
        January 3, 2012

        he like noticing for true

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