After 21 years “I’ve brought it back!” – Miss Wob Dwiyet 2010 (photos uploaded)

Nadege Roach is Miss Wob Dwiyet 2010

Commonly known as the “cultural capital” of Dominica, some would say that Grand Bay has lived up to its name.

Nadege Roach of Grand Bay, an 18-year-old chemistry, biology and physics major at the Dominica State College, told reporters following her victory in Thursday’s Miss Wob Dwiyet pageant that she had confidence coming into the competition because she began preparations in 2006.

“I always think it’s all about mind over matter so I came into the competition, [even] before I registered, saying that [that title is mine and I’m taking everything],” Roach stated.

“… In 2006, I went up for the Miss Convent Wob Dwiyet, won there, and it was my backbone to come up for the show. I wanted to go up last year, but my school work was a little bit overbearing so I decided this year  I’m on break, I’m taking it all,” Roach said frantically.

The youngest in the competition this year, Roach proudly said: “It’s been 21 years since we brought that title back to the south. I’ve brought it back!”

When asked what gave her the edge over her competitors. Roach jokingly said: “My little sister will tell you that once Nadege comes out on the stage there’s a twinkle in her eye, so I guess that twinkle in my eye caught them.”

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With her entire show’s presentation themed on issues relating to the environment, Roach impressed the judges and audience and evoked massive cheers when she presented her rendition of Tarina Simon’s calypso “Alas” in the performing arts round.

She displayed props which highlighted a garbage disposal problem in Dominica, which she believes needs to be addressed.

Roach told reporters that she may appear on the calypso scene in 2011 if she can secure a good song.

In the spectacular wear round, the new Miss Wob appeared in a costume which she conceptualized and constructed entirely out of garbage bags.

According to the citation which preceded her appearance, the costume was designed with the intention to show that even garbage bags can be used to make Dominica beautiful if disposed properly or recycled.

Her presentation sought to stress that it is everyone’s responsibility to keep Dominica clean and green. Carlton Henry and her mother also assisted in making the costume.

Roach gracefully paraded the stage in a black and yellow flowered jupe which won her the Best in Wob award.

She told reporters that though she would love to compete in the national queen pageant she will not as she is not comfortable with the swimwear round of that competition.

She spoke of her highly cultural upbringing and told reporters that she hopes to pursue a career in forensics.

West representative Cindy Larocque who placed second, presented a choral speech presentation centered on the effects of poor garbage disposal, as global warming and other environmental issues in her performing arts round.

Third-place winner Rackel George, representing South East, did a drama piece on what she believes are the consequences that Dominicans pay for neglecting their culture.

George gave examples of persons abandoning their culture by their inability to speak the Creole language, and their neglect of local foods for fast food. She spoke of the growing franchise food culture which results in an increase in non-communicable diseases. This presentation was done in the performing arts round.

George also spoke against young person’s neglecting meaningful cultural music for foreign tunes which carry no real message or substance. She also spoke against local musicians and bands which place smut in their lyrics.

Among other highlights of the show was a rather comical presentation from Savanne Paille’s Amirah Joseph who represented the North. She portrayed herself as a mosquito who migrated from Antigua and found herself falling in love with the Dominican environment which she considered luxurious and suiting for her existence due to rampant water and land pollution.

In between rounds, patrons were entertained by the Swinging Stars Band. They also provided musical accompaniment for the event. Tarina Simon, Tradibelle, the Paix Bouche Drumming Ensemble and King Karessah also graced the stage.

The show was organised by the Division of Culture.

Sponsors included Ross University, LIME and Dominica Coconut Products.

Cindy Larocque, first runner-up
Rackel George, second runner-up

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  1. BS
    November 5, 2010

    this is why Dominica cannot prosper we engage our selves in too many negative things,something great happenend we should all have something positive to say bcuz its not easy being up on a stage.

  2. bias
    November 1, 2010

    @the ambassadors son: First of all you need to go learn to spell before you come and criticize…. If you were so good at judging you would have been a judge. STOP standing on the side line and make your statements…. That was a well deserved title, NO because you’re backing somebody to say that they were good just because that person was your friend…. GET OVER IT

  3. loyal
    November 1, 2010

    finally 2 hear someting gud comn out of grandbay

  4. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    October 31, 2010


    It never ceases to amaze me how some people as you can be so critical. Look for the beauty. It probably is that you are not aware of the types of different dwiyet wear that our ancestors wore in those ancient days. Appreciate their beauty, graciousness and their outfits. I do think that they all looked beautiful in their outfits and see nothing wrong with them.

  5. Chrissie
    October 31, 2010

    Congratulations Nadege!!!! Ignore the negative comments, keep your head up.

  6. Sout Man
    October 30, 2010

    Congratulations, Nadege!! South City is really proud of you. Congratulations to all the other young ladies. You are all cultural ambassadors of Dominica. Thanks to all those doing the coaching and choreographs .

    Ms. Roach, why not work with the Mighty Chubby to secure two winning songs for 2011 calypso competition? I am sure that he would like to bring the crown to South City. A crown he has been denied several times. Whatever you decide, you are a winner and a trail blazer.

    I am even more impressed with your major in chemistry, biology and physics. Girl, you rock! May God continue to guide and bless you.

  7. prissy
    October 30, 2010

    Let me say congrats to all the beautiful ladies who represnted their communities, especially Cindy
    from Dublanc. What i would like to know is why all these flowered material and jewleries? What ever happened to the mouchier type material that was worn for dwiyet. That type of material made the girls look like they were at an Indian rehearsal or a Chinese New Years Day parade.
    People please do not let our culture disappear. Thank you.

  8. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    October 30, 2010


    No matter what there will some people who will oppose the choice. As the saying: “What else is new?” It is impossible to please everyone. There are those who will be disappointed that their favorite person did not win. In any competition, only one person can win the first prize.
    The verdict was in. She won the first prize. Let us not deny her this golden privilege and honor. Yes! The winner must be congratulated and graciously.

  9. proud grandbayrian
    October 30, 2010

    Nadege won fair n square ah ki fache kwachey… big up to grandbay congrats nadege

  10. Lioness
    October 30, 2010

    applause and congrats to Ms Roach on her spectacular performance….u brought personality and everything….!!!!!!!!!!!!!muuuuuuuuah

  11. SOUT
    October 30, 2010

    FINALLY !! compliments to a true talented grandbarian who gave the judges no other option victory.. big up nadege

  12. Grand Bayrian
    October 30, 2010

    @Anonymous: LOL bring me back to those days, wow. First I would like to thanks DNO for broadcating the show live online. Secondly I think we all should congratulate all the ladies for participating in the promoting our culture. And last but not least, I would like to say Thank you very much Nadege for showing the world that how we do it in Grand Bay. Thanks for making our community proud, The new generation of leadership are taking over.

  13. concerned
    October 30, 2010

    you know what we in the north should start making our own shows and just stop paticipating in Roseau things.. thats y it was so difficult for them to get people to participate in the queen show..
    we need to be fair..
    grand bay deserved to win but she did not deserve all the prices she got..
    cindy deserved first place but the girl that got second place wasnt good at all

    October 30, 2010

    I missed the talent round but watching the pics on DNO confirmed that Nadege deserved her crown. Her talent and her spectacular wear flowed into each other so perfectly. Wow and I was told she did Tarina’s song justice.

  15. MIA
    October 29, 2010

    Miss Roach you have me and Grand Bay proud. After all the hard word you did it and continue to excel. Grand bay will always remain at the top. Miss Wob Dwiyet 2010 and FOREVER. Congrats girl

  16. seed
    October 29, 2010

    cindy u did your best i just think u should have gotten best in wob congrats

    October 29, 2010

    congratulations nadege

  18. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    October 29, 2010


    You have every right to celebrate.

  19. Grand bay to the bone
    October 29, 2010

    First I would like to thank DNO for broadcasting the show live. Thank you! Everyone did well but there must be a winner and Nadeje is the winner, take it or live it. She did not force the judges to give her the win but rather she earned it.

    Can someone please form DNO delete ambassadors from this forum, he makes absolutely no sense.
    Boy go wash your feet and drink the water after, you have no idea what you are talking about.

    Congrats to all the women but Nadeje you deserve it.
    When Grand bay is in the spot light for doing good, give us a chance to enjoy and savor the moment.
    Way to go Cuz!

  20. anonymos
    October 29, 2010

    Shernzz u were awesome they find it was hard to give it to the northeast againn but don’t worry with that life must go on

  21. farah
    October 29, 2010

    u can do it go poisse

  22. c
    October 29, 2010

    @the ambassadors son:

    You must not breed negativity. How many judges were from grand bay in the panel? Call them out. And further more the Grand Bay Girl was the best all through. anybody cannot come and sing a song because singing is a natural talent. coming on stage and talking is not talent it is called talking. The Grand Bay girl was graceful in her dwiyet and she glided on the stage. As for her spectacular wear. it was creative it was not like the others where they just stick leaves on a clothes. where is the creativity in that. you did not see that creative headpiece, the garbage bin? that is creativity, so please stop hating. Congratulations to all the girls but special congratulations to miss grandbay. the show was well judged.

  23. lion
    October 29, 2010

    GRANDBAY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

  24. jbfox.
    October 29, 2010

    Congratulation to all the young ladies u were all great,special BIG UP to miss Roach u represent with pride and talent.

  25. Fair & Square
    October 29, 2010

    Thanks DNO for bringing the show. Truly appreciated.

  26. g-bay
    October 29, 2010

    congrats nadege

  27. SOUT'MAN
    October 29, 2010

    Way to go girl………………Grand Bay all the way!!!!!!!!!!!
    I’m rabid for Grand Bay. That is my mother village. I’ll give my life for it. When I see us triumph, I get goose bumps….we have major flaws, yes…we also have mega positives. In de DA, we run ‘tings, my brudda.

  28. No longer worried
    October 29, 2010

    I am so pleased to see that the top three places in the wob dwiyet competition this year are floral prints and not madras. That’s how I remember the ‘old’ ladies strutting to church on Sunday in days gone by…floral print or beautiful rich brocade fabric. Keep the culture alive and well.
    Congratulations to Nadege, representing South City, the cultural capital of DA.

  29. Anonymous
    October 29, 2010

    @mouth of the south: lol so funny

  30. Ma Procop
    October 29, 2010

    I have tears in my eyes reading this. Many people will not understand what this title means to those of us from Grand Bay. It has nothing to do with how notorious you perceive us as or what historians have written about us. It has to do with something that is in our blood. A pride in what is ours…our culture …island…our women…beauty and intelligence. We have been battling over the years to represent this ideology through pageantry and somehow it has evaded us.
    Mr. Roach, i think is gratifying as a cultural icon in the village to see this historic moment come to fruition through your daughter. It has evaded us for so many years…1st Runners up, 2nd Runners up…But an offspring of Tambata has brought it home. Nadege, i am happy that the sound of your father’s drums was kept alive in you and your eyes were still able to twinkle. I am very proud of you. Very proud for Grand Bay…Hope is eternal.
    Enjoy your reign my dear…

  31. tamrin balls
    October 29, 2010

    @Moi: No my dear. The Wob was primarily of a flowered material. The head piece of madras, the foulant did not have to match the main colors of the dress, but suitable to go with the whole look. Madras was an expensive clothe fro India. The poorer people could not afford it then. When we became more affluent we started having madras Wobs. But a real madras Wob has to be made to appear seamless where all the colors flow into each other and apparent that its made of “different” pieces of clothe from the same pattern.

  32. Anonymous
    October 29, 2010

    @Queen v. Wob Dwiyet: believe you me what u said there is so true

  33. Dominican and Proud
    October 29, 2010

    Way to go Grand Bay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grand Bay Mothers you taught us well. Cultural pride and love of heritage and country! CONGRATULATIONS you made us proud.

    May God Bless the Dominican People and God Bless Our Beloved Dominica.

  34. Debs
    October 29, 2010

    Congratulations to all the young beautiful ladies. You are all winners and are all DOMINICANS no matter what village you might have come from. I wish you ignorant people would stop posting all these negative comments on the sight. You have to realize the whole world are reading these comments and oh my!!! what must they be thinking about us when they read such ignorance!!!

    We should acknowlege how educated and talented our youths are and they make such great efforts to contribute to our culture. We should embrace that.
    I live in Houston Texas and when we dominicans have gatherings, we don’t see village,we are just so excited to be among our own, that sometimes we don’t even know whether you came from grandbay or castlebruce or Roseau. It just doesn’t matter. Our ambassadors don’t represent a village. They represent DOMINICA no matter what village they come from.

    October 29, 2010


  36. grand fond greatest
    October 29, 2010

    rackel u did ur best ur still a wnner my girl m proud of u boo

  37. mouth of the south
    October 29, 2010

    yah babes i can see the twinkle in ur eye,,,,i wish i could date u!!!!!

  38. Naomi
    October 29, 2010

    This year is Grand bay’s year for positive only. We have regained our real place in the hearts of Dominicans. That is what we know and that is what it will continue to be. bon gen gwann baie bon. Way to go Grand bayrians. I am even prouder to be from Grandbay after all these positives this year. Keep it up. Congratulations Miss Roach. Also good for you DuBlanc.

  39. yeah yeah
    October 29, 2010

    Girl u had all that was needed for the title. wush wush u had too much.

    Too much joke ……………Too much joke >>>>>>>>>>>> Too bad for the people who are huffing and puffing.

    Cogratulation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you made your entire family proud.

  40. yeah yeah
    October 29, 2010

    to ambassador son

    consistency , grace and poise. Miss wob rock the stage with that. Were u blind.

  41. Dread!
    October 29, 2010

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! TO THE SOUTH! WE TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. dominica massive
    October 29, 2010

    cindy you,re a winner judges rob you your were the best

  43. franso
    October 29, 2010

    ambASSador’s son would u plz shut up already..nadege has won…and plz locate a dictionary

    October 29, 2010

    show was wonderful but jugdies need to be fear any cindy is our mis wob wonderful job lupper

  45. concerned
    October 29, 2010

    @the ambassadors son:

    Weh!!!weh!!!weh!!! ou jalousie. I understand that we must respect our respective towns and representatives, and we will feel a little disappointed that our won did not win; but when the vote has been decided, you congratulate the winner. I need you to apologize to her.

  46. Proud Dominican
    October 29, 2010

    @ Moi, if u followed the Miss Wob show, u would know that flowered cloth should be used for the Wob, not Madras!!! And @ Ambassadors Son, i dont know if is behind Nadege they send you but she won fair and square and she was certainly not like a robocup in the Wob, she had grace and poise. And a Talent is supposed 2 be something you can naturally do (GOD GIVEN) and anybody cant just come up on stage and sing, you’ve got to have the talent. And her Spectacular Wear was absolutely gorgeous and she moved very gracefully and though Cindy’s own was beautiful too, i guess the judges have seen the use of such material before. So please, stop being so negative and accept the results. Sout City did it in grand style.

  47. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    October 29, 2010

    I regret that I missed part of the show on DON. I was able to view the last three contestants including Miss Woodford Hill as they danced on stage. I thought Miss Woodford Hill was excellent.
    When they appeared for the finals I thought every one looked just great.
    Congratulations to the winner Miss Grand Bay. You must have captivated the judges with your beautiful smile, your outfit and other qualifying acts.
    I enjoyed the music especially the one, “Sweet Dominica, the land of beauty, the land of cocoa, grapefruit and orange, the land of rivers and plenteous sunshine….” Yes! I felt I was in seventh-heaven. Listening to it made my heart soar. My family and I danced to the music. How it brought back fond memories of when I resided in Dominica. I felt homesick.
    Dominican Musicians! As other local tunes of yesteryear, the medleys, do not allow this lyric to die out. Keep it up and going! It is a beautiful tune which will also warm our hearts, especially those of us who knew it since childhood in Dominica! I do think everyone in general, no matter what age including visitors will enjoy it. It is a welcoming traditional song and worth playing over and over again. I would love to have a copy of it. It would be one of my Number One local songs/music at my gatherings.
    Thank you DON for broadcasting the Show on your Website. I was able to see the beautiful ladies contestants which helped to make me feel that I was physically present; no exception those of us who reside abroad. No exception others as I who reside abroad.

  48. Anonymous
    October 29, 2010


  49. franso
    October 29, 2010


  50. South Side
    October 29, 2010

    congratulations Miss Roach!!!! U made us proudddd!!!

  51. Good Reader
    October 29, 2010

    The show was good, however the results was not. But I would like to thank DNO for the live stream.

  52. jai
    October 29, 2010

    congrats to you miss roach for winning last night. miss larocque and miss george was good as well.thanks dno bring live so people live away could listen.i really miss dominica around this time.

  53. St. Thomas Crew
    October 29, 2010

    South city u large and in charge long over due……

  54. dprincess
    October 29, 2010

    @the ambassadors son: ummm…the young lady you’re all gong ho about that should have won…lost with grace and poise…y don’t u do the same…and have some dat grace and poise now…can’t change the decision…so…shut up!!!!

  55. Anti-hate
    October 29, 2010

    @the ambassadors son: Lol plz tell me English isn’t your first language or else your grammar and spelling is simply deplorable!

    How can u expect ur (very biased) views to have any credibility if you sound so illiterate?

    After every show there’s always some people like u trying to rain on the winner’s parade and start bashing. I’ve nvr seen the point of bashing a contestant. They don’t do the judging, they all work their azz of in practice, conquer their fears, brave the crowd and in the end hope they did enough to win it…

    So in closing i think you and people like you should STFU!!

  56. Browneyez
    October 29, 2010

    Congratulations to all the ladies who participated especially my home girl Shernella Davis…i am so proud of you because even though u didnt win u proved that you have courage, determination, perseverence and ur not afraid of challenges. I hope u learned alot from this experience and that it may make you even stronger!! Much love Sherns!!!

  57. Former neighbour...
    October 29, 2010

    I’m a bit disappointed that the title didn’t include GRAND BAY’s name but CONGRATULATIONS Nadege!!! Good, Talented, Beautiful, Smart people come from Grand Bay too!!! WOO_HOOO!!!!

  58. Moi
    October 29, 2010

    Why all the flowers thought it was supposed to be madras??????????????

  59. the ambassadors son
    October 29, 2010

    i am so pissed off doe even ask 4 costume,najed custume just had colour but no style and that that fool the judges but cindy own just hear the name cinderella of the caribbean ,that was so beautiful and after when results come you hearing fam sala win ,

  60. the ambassadors son
    October 29, 2010

    part 2
    and in the wob dwiet,the won they say that win there, huh, i dont knowif is me that hear wrong when othelia was explaing grace and style in de wob,but the grandbay one, the woman was moving just lik robocup,but cindy, OH MY GOD’, she had poise and style,grace and accentuality she moved so delicate she held her cloths well and used the wob as told.

  61. Die Hard
    October 29, 2010

    Rackel u should have taken ur practice much more serious. Had u done dat u would be victorious.

  62. the ambassadors son
    October 29, 2010

    can you believe this untolerable nonesence, which occured at the wob dwiet show. i cannot believe that persons could be so hard hearted to rob a person of thier own rights in this case the crown. in last nights performance most of the girls did exceptionally well, but from all of them one girl stood out the most ,miss cindy laroque. her talent was first of all original and i stand corrected it blew you away. but the girl that get best talent there ,thast was so funny, she just come on stage, with a kind of cloths and start singing a song, anybody could sing a song, it was not creative at all and it had NOOOOOOO originality in it because first of all is not hers, but those judges are so biass and inobjective, there have no what so ever criteriation. i dont know who are the persons in charge of the cultural commetti or who who manages it, because it seems they maybe went and pick up all dog , cat and crab on the side of ‘GRANDBAY’ road to come and judge,and mine me, i knoiw were i get my facts from.

  63. friend
    October 29, 2010

    i not surprise, i didn’t even need to pay attention in the show cuz i no Nadege had wat it takes to win the show. Congrats. love you. remember those high school days and all the ”Gam” you always have. Congrats again…………………. take care.

  64. Anonymous
    October 29, 2010

    They say the fiirst shall be the last; you’ve proved them wrong. We knew you were first and would remain first. Congratulations! Many people do not know,, but your win is a continued legacy. Sheryl did it over two decades ago, Johnny is a founding member of Tradibelle, when you hear Tambata you hear Bodo, and Ma Babyson – Isidore and Carnival, so it’s something in de blood. But even moreso, it was us, the Grand Bayrians that led Dominica to Independence. Congrats John, Monica, Khan, Lizanne, Lettitia and of course Didin and all those who have been working with Nadege. They didn’t know that you registered for that show since you were 14, over four years of mental preparation.


  65. kal
    October 29, 2010

    I knew you would win. You have gam! And a sweet smile. Big up from your old time neighbor from Lawee Deyeh! ;)

  66. dprincess
    October 29, 2010

    yes i nadege…u de boss…u won it…nice nice

  67. sensible Dominican
    October 29, 2010

    Job well done South East Representative Rackel George.

    We love you.

  68. library
    October 29, 2010

    Congrates Nadege and the people of South City.

  69. baby l;
    October 29, 2010

    my sis thebn beat she just had to wuinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  70. congrats
    October 29, 2010

    I don’t know about primary school but since Convent High we had confidence that you could make it in shows like Ms Wob Dwyiet. Now.. its unto queen show for you! Remember: “Labor Omnia Vincit” – Hard Work Conqurers All. Congratulations!

  71. Ragboy
    October 29, 2010

    Congratulation to Nadege and to all the people of Grand Bay! We are proud of her outstanding accomplishment. And on behalf of the Grand Bayrians overseas, we say THANK You for a job well done.

  72. Sami
    October 29, 2010

    Congrats congrats congrats…. I am soo proud of you… you did it once and I had no doubt you could do it again……. I know you must have made your dad EXTRA proud of you… Again Congrats ………. It was thepower of St Agnes

  73. chemist
    October 29, 2010

    Congratulations Nadege!!

  74. Miss Lander
    October 29, 2010

    Congrats Nadege, God bless during your reign!!!!

  75. question
    October 29, 2010

    boy i do have nothing to say grand bay massive wat do u sayyyyyyy!!!!! we tak it again !!!!!!!!!! south side all the way.

  76. happy 32 Dominica
    October 29, 2010

    woosh congrats Nadege I knew u could do it

  77. Anonymous
    October 29, 2010

    Im soo proud of Nadege……Congrats to you…u deserved it……SOUTH CITY MASSIVE ALL THE WAY…we are the cultural capital…we got a reputation to uphold……

  78. Sir Letang
    October 29, 2010

    Nadege….what can I say. You’ve made me proud again like in the day of Convent Prep…Your family must be proud of you………….

  79. Anonymous
    October 29, 2010

    Great South City is a winner of something good and not recorded for the bad things. Lets keep South City on the map in a possitive way.


  80. m g raphael in San Diego.
    October 29, 2010

    congratulations Nadge & to all the ladies who also took part,&a special congrats to the Grand Bay people.

  81. Sout City
    October 29, 2010

    Nadege sweety, Congrats again… That’s your second crown and there are many more 2 come… Sout City is proud of u… High time they give us what we deserve… Sout City you large!!!

  82. Proud Dominican
    October 29, 2010

    Congrats Nadege!!! You made your supporters really proud 2nite… U swept the awards, das how Sout City does it, in grand style… Congrats again, Sout City’s proud of u…

  83. Modest from south
    October 29, 2010

    thats what i thought when i saw the contestants……………..nadege will win

  84. Jayne
    October 29, 2010

    Congratulations Nadget and to all the lovely ladies who took part in the Ms. Wob Dwiyet. I missed it but I heard it was a great show.

  85. FIONA
    October 29, 2010

    Cuz I am so proud of you. CONGRATS

  86. interesting
    October 29, 2010

    Congrats to Grandbay

  87. possie all the way
    October 28, 2010

    go amirah
    you can do it

  88. Dominica needs change
    October 28, 2010

    represent South city Nadge bring home the crown

  89. dca chick
    October 28, 2010

    Tawanna my girl!!!!!!!! hope you bring homethe title!!!

  90. Andrew Prosper
    October 28, 2010

    This morning I heard an advertisement on Q95 for Gordons Gin by the manager of DBS. It was nice hearing her as always on another station.I was inclined to believe things are becoming civil in media circles if i did not know better.
    Have you guys seen the Cranberry juice and blends ads on TV? There is a youth who always screws up. Everybody knows those ads. Now there is a recent one where they were advertising a fruit as an ancient food. The youth comes in again like the proverbial little johnny and comments on the expression ancient coming from the Paps in the background. The youth stated: (about the ancient fruit)” he would know!” lol!.Back to the Gin ad.It read Gordon’s gin is the best amongst gin.
    Apply the youth’s statement. lol! Get the drift?

  91. Anonymous
    October 28, 2010

    go sera-lee thomas … you can make it make us proud

  92. Charmer
    October 28, 2010

    I have huge confidence in Amirah (North) and Cindy (West). These girls got what it takes to make it to the top.

  93. Pichelin Cultural Group (former lead)
    October 28, 2010


    Always Put God First in EVERYTHING THAT YOU DO, then the task at hand will never be impossible to ACCOMPLISH!!!

  94. sensible Dominican
    October 28, 2010

    Just keep focus Rackel and make the South East proud tonight. Miss Wob Dwiyet 2010. Supporters: Grand Fond, Rosalie, Riviere Cyrique, Morne Jaune, Laplaine, Boetica and Delices….Hooray! villages with Lovely Dominican Ladies.

  95. T-DOT
    October 28, 2010


  96. Queen v. Wob Dwiyet
    October 28, 2010

    For some reason those Wob Dwiyet girls look much better than the Queen contestants…polish them up a little bit and a little weight loss for some and they good to go…I htink they need to switch contestants for the two shows…and the Cultural Division needs to give equal concentration to both shows…

  97. marshiebaby
    October 28, 2010

    go amirah baby… u got my support

  98. Dominican in Anguilla
    October 28, 2010

    Possie all d way lets go amirah i no u can do it.

  99. kal
    October 28, 2010

    Rooting for my homegirl, Nadege. You can do it!

  100. timbok 2
    October 28, 2010

    lets go amirah…u can do it..possie all the way

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