Seven to vie for DSC Mas Jamboree 2017 title

The contestants were launched on Tuesday
The contestants were launched on Tuesday

The stage has been set to host the 8th annual Dominica State College (DSC) Mas Jamboree 2017 and seven current students will be vying for the title.

The seven contestants are Tanisha Augustine, Natalia John Baptiste, Shyanne Dorsette, Daina Peltier, Tonilia Elie, Lacresha Wallace and Norma Benjamin.

The rounds that the young ladies will contest in include; The Thematic Wear round, Performing Arts round and the Swimwear round.

Reigning Miss Mas Jamboree 2016 Christline Tavernier in her address to the audience, spoke of the many opportunities and challenges that she has had under the title that she held for the year 2016. She encouraged the contestants to not “allow the challenges to alter your goals.”

Tavernier said that she is looking forward to working with the contestants as they “embark on this new and exciting chapter of your lives.”

Miss Mas Jamboree 2017 will be held on February 23, 2017 at the Fore Court of the Windsor Park Sports Stadium at 5:00 pm.

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  1. Grammar Queen
    December 7, 2016

    SIT** at the tables. Correct your grammar before criticizing.

  2. Observant
    December 7, 2016

    The Dominica State College should be training the next generation of women will lead not only in the homes but also in public. This competition will not teach these young women to become the next generation of , accountants, business women, doctors, lawyers, parliamentary representatives or Prime ministers. They need the training that will allow them to seat at the tables where the very decisions that affect their lives are made, at the businesses and government institutions as CEOs and BOSSes , not as pageant queens!.

    • MI
      December 7, 2016

      You for real man. so u are saying that persons who take part in pageants wont become accountants, business women and all the others u name. You must be living under a rock. Old ppl boi hmmm

    • Dominican
      December 7, 2016


      • December 8, 2016

        shut your mouth

    • Just Me
      December 7, 2016

      Amen to that! It would be interesting to see what the past contestants and winners have achieved since the pageant

    • Pageant Girl
      December 8, 2016

      Lol They cannot do that without self confidence and ambition in other fields.
      How many unsuccessful Miss Dominica winners do you know? Not many because they all became everything you listed.

    • shay
      December 8, 2016

      Every where u go has these pageants..and I believe one way or the other it can teach these young girls something positive to carry on with them the rest of their lives.

      But I do hope that in order to run for this pageant they have to qualify by proving their grades. And not just from current classes but from the beginning of their enrollment.

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