Wesley native releases debut CD

Schelina Richards

Dominican singer residing in Canada, Schelina Richards, popularly known as Schely, has released her debut CD.

The new CD entitled “It’s Christmas Time”, features ten songs.

The album covers an array of musical genres ranging from jazz, reggae, and R&B.

The CD opens with one of the Christmas song classics “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.”

It is followed by “Jingle Bells,” “”This Christmas, and “Chestnuts Roasting.”.

Other songs includes “Mary Did You Know” sang together with her cousin Lenny Robin, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” together with her cousins Lenny and Swave (the rapper), and “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.”

Schely began singing in public at the age of 6 at her church in Wesley before moving to Portsmouth where she continued singing.

Over the years she has matured into a wonderful artiste. Now at the age of 19, Schely is looking to showcase her vocal talents in her own unique style.

Schely comes from a family of rich musical heritage: The Robin’s from the village of Wesley.

Her gift was later refined by her cousin and musician Osborne Joseph, popularly known as Ifield, formerly of the renowned Swinging Stars band and now owner of Paco Recording Studio in Ontario, Canada.

Ifield, who has performed with great singers such as Nasio Fontaine and Glen Washington of Jamaica, was so impressed with Schely’s vocal ability, that he took the initiative to produce the CD.

Schely is in Dominica for the Christmas season, visiting family and promoting her new CD which has been getting a lot of positive feedback.

She performed before a welcoming audience as a guest artist at the annual DBS Christmas Song Contest on Friday, December 21, 2012.

She said her style of singing departs from the “Jingle Bells and old Saint Nicholas style” of presenting Christmas songs, reminding listeners of the birth of Jesus.

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  1. SM
    January 8, 2013

    Schely has come a long way to release such album and put herself and her vocals out there to be judged. Yes its her first album but be mindful she is showcasing her vocals. Other people’s songs we know that, the goal was to get that young soulful jazzy voice out there and be recognized and for her to know what the critics like yourselves are saying. For those in Toronto if you did pay any attention to Q93 then you would of known she had a showcase, informed listeners of her Facebook page and twitter, but then again I guess you did not or just placed a deaf ear when it comes to Dominican talent.
    There is more to come from Schelly and you must come out to support her, support you Dominican talent. Even though we are so few in Toronto we are so far apart when it comes to supporting our own. Check her out on Facebook schelina Schelly robin …both her personal page and group page…. Keep supporting this young rising star and your feedback is much appreciated.

  2. Supporter
    December 28, 2012

    I agree with some of the critiques that she need an original album but an artist does not necessarily have to debut with originals. The test now for Schely is to do originals that are on the same level as the vocals and production with the Christmas album. I believe that she mentioned on her DBS interview that she is starting her gospel album and I am assuming that she means originals as well. I guess we will have to wait and see what she comes with next before we read too much into this first CD

  3. Toronto general
    December 27, 2012

    I live in Canada and have never heard about this up and coming star.She needs some kind of exposure.

  4. Ontario Massive
    December 26, 2012

    There is no question she is talented based on the people she has performed with and I wish her every success, however I must agree with an earlier blogger it would be more to her advantage to release a debut album of at least some original work.

  5. Family
    December 26, 2012

    God has bless you with a gift,the world will hear about you my dear cousin. The orginals is waitng for when you get back to Toronto. She could sing the phone book,its fantastic that Dominica has accepted you. See you when you get back Schely

  6. Voicemail
    December 26, 2012

    well DNO add a sample so we can listen

    Admin: We’re working on that

  7. Affection8
    December 25, 2012

    Congrats Schely. Good things can come from Wesley. I am so proud of you. Anthea mum keep the nose up she has made you proud lol. Keep on serving the Lord my dear and he will continue to bless you. Don’t lose sight of God as you move up.

  8. Observer
    December 25, 2012

    I listen to the CD over and over. Such beautiful voice! I believe she can represent DA internationally.

  9. but
    December 25, 2012

    I’m sure she’s talented but you are releasing your debut cd singing other people’s songs? How many ways can jingle bell be sung differently? What about some original work to showcase your true talent? Before her supporters jump on me because that’s how we function as Dominicans take a minute to ponder on this what really has she done differently and unique enough to piece a market already saturated with super talent?

    • Observer
      December 26, 2012

      While original is good for debut, she is a singer, not a writer. So judge the singing. And when you said ‘other people song’ look at the number of times these songs have been re-recorded, and then consider how many singers sing songs that other people wrote.

      • MY 2 Cents
        December 26, 2012

        Observer I don’t think BUT is so wrong for making that statement.If you think of it most of those people who are singing these songs over and over have already released several albums. People know them and their work. Nothing wrong in asking why she didn’t put out her own original work as a DEBUT CD. Don’t bite me, but in this dog eat dog industry let all ideas contend, it’s fair commentary for her to take on. It’s not about singing songs other people have written, most singers buy songs, however that is different from singing silent night holy night or something like that over which has been done before as a debut CD. It’s just about showcasing herself and introducing the public to what her presence will be. I find as Dominicans we are too quick to get bruised when someone makes a constructive criticsm. You want to stand out not fit in!

    • Family
      December 26, 2012

      Judge her on the vocal range. She delivers with ease and extreme comfort. Her range is exception and it matters not if she cover a song a sing an original you cannot take away the talent she posses. Schely you are gifted and what the lord gave to you no one can take it away.

    • Sick of Criminals
      December 26, 2012

      “But” you good too wi.. Mind the person people don’t say is jalou you jalou wi. I gave you a thumbs up because I see your reasoning and is something I myself always find strange with Caribbean artist in particular.

  10. aye
    December 24, 2012

    babes you released in time for next year.

  11. X mas is not biblica
    December 24, 2012

    December 25 is not the date for the birth of the SON. Rather the pagans kept a festival called Saturnalia to welcome the return of the SUN after the shortest day of the year called the winter solstice . Why go into debt for something unscriptural?

  12. December 24, 2012

    We have it all!

    Country and Western Singer Michael Andrews, a former School Principal who did some recording in the 1970’s; not forgetting Wendy Robin cousin of this young girl who is big in here own rights, she is very big in places such as Singapore, and the orient.

    We no longer hear about Take 2 Plus, the Valmont boys, and Thomas. The Royalty Band, based in New Jersey, of which my brother is the originator of the Royalty Band.

    Not forgetting Eddy (Reginald Hings) who played lead guitar with Swinging Stars in the late 1960’/1970’s

    Eddy is her cousin also, his mother; born from the great “T” Klan is Robin too.

    If the kid a is chip from the Robin family, indeed her musical Background must be sound: Musical geniuses they all are including my late dad who played every musical instrument known on this planet. In the days of the RBO, (Robin Brothers Orchestra), Greenfield Robin, musical mystro thought music, and I mean written musical notes in the village at one time.

    By the way the Robins’ originated from the master race, ( I know who they are but I doh talking eh), anyway glad she is a product of Wesley, and is connected to the Robin kaln I wish her well!

    He talent reminds me that whereas Wesley is capable of producing something more and better than murder, and I suggest the criminals who dwells among our people hiding in holes like rats who surface under the cover of darkness to steal kill and destroy and bring our village reputation, find something more constructive to do with their live!

    He wanted me to play the tenor saxophone, but the kid did not have the talent for that: (Ah still trying to learn how to pull some base strings though, but ah so cheap, I doh want to pay anybody to teach me how oui)!


    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • same
      December 28, 2012

      I hope you bought a few CDs!

  13. Wesley's Own
    December 24, 2012

    Soo proud of you Schely !!!!! way to go !!!! I can’t stop playing the CD – what a voice :-)

  14. diamond girl
    December 24, 2012


  15. Supporter
    December 24, 2012

    The CD is available for download on numusiczone.com under the gospel category . Nice article

  16. 100% rational
    December 24, 2012

    Kudos! Stay positive. Wish that you will continue to use your talent to convey decent messages and that your voice will command respect from the listeners, teaching young people that music is meant to be meaningful.

  17. Neg Gwanbay
    December 24, 2012

    Where can we listen to the music.www….?

  18. Family
    December 24, 2012

    Schely you’re blessed with a beautiful gift, continue to use it honor and praise the lord. Love you lots.

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