Alleged deforestation angers environmentalists

Wiltshire (left), Bellot

Alleged deforestation of the Pond Case area being carried out reportedly by a local businessman has angered environmentalists on the island.

According to Bernard Wiltshire – the leader of the Waitikubuli Ecological Foundation (WEF), businessman Frankie “Crazy T” Bellot has been cutting down trees in the area, a development Dr Wiltshire says could affect that water catchment area adversely.

The WEF official says the Planning Division has confirmed that Bellot wrote to them for permission to clear the land, and that permission was refused.

“The man went to Planning – he wrote to them, Planning refused him permission, and yet he went regardless,” Wiltshire alleged.

Dominica News Online has not been able to confirm that independently, despite efforts to reach Chief Planning Officer, Annie Edwards.

DNO also tried to get a response from Frankie Bellot, who hung up the phone on our reporter the first time he called, and accused DNO of “harassing” him when we tried a second time.

“No Comment” was all he was prepared to say officially.

Sources close to Bellot said the radio station owner was in the process of building his house on the Pond Case plot of land that Wiltshire and other local conservationists insist should not be developed, in the interest of safeguarding an important water catchment area.

“The Pond Case area is our principal watershed.  You cut down the trees in Pond Case and build housing and you are finished with our rivers, you are finished with Layou River you are finished with Rosalie River, you are finished with Dominica,” the WEF official warned.

Attorney Wiltshire, wearing his environmental hat, told DNO that the area concerned had been made the subject of an area protection plan.

He is suggesting that the Physical Planning Division should take Bellot to court to “make an example of him”.

“He must be punished, and he must be compelled to replant those trees – he must be made to pay and obey the laws of the country,” Wiltshire insisted, arguing that being a strong supporter of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and owning a radio station did not make the businessman “above the law”.

The WEF official dismissed suggestions that his intervention in the matter may be politically motivated, and said WEF would be looking at the legal situation to determine whether the Foundation itself could act on the matter.

“If Planning doesn’t do their work, then I believe that we can do something about it,” he told DNO.

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  1. patriot
    June 1, 2012


    • awa wi
      June 1, 2012

      dat sounds just like what a slave during slavery would say ‘allyu think d master easy escape and allyu will find out!!’ lol lol lol behave urself eh boss crazy is God in dominican man?lol

  2. Torre
    June 1, 2012

    Mr Wiltshire, The Pigs a Trough it’s a feeding Frenzy. I will let you remember birds don’t built nest with one sprig.
    Dominicans are being irrational, illogical, bias but political. The love of political drama trumps the love of country and civil pride. With are dire need colike water and it’s preservation, you would think persons would have an honest and meaningful dialogue but no let’s shoot Wiltshire, let’s dissect the political connection and let us go on and on with the personal attack.
    When are we going to put D -Daring ,O-Opulent,M- Magnificent, I- Intriguing, N- Natty, I- Incomparable, C- Complex, A- Astute.
    Are we ever? Look what happened when the Pitons were threatened? It’s about Love of Country, our children’s future, being desperate about protecting our heritage.
    They say we backward, but they cannot tell us cover the toilet, only after doing #2 you can flush.They say we are the least developed but can’t say we are not green. But if we keep up our “fight down “attitude, worse will be said about us and we will continue to eat our dinner in the morning. Shalom :idea:

  3. Anonymous
    May 31, 2012

    please tell me seeing that he did not get approval to construct his building,and in fact he have not started doing any construction on the area except that he his clearing the area,what law has he broken,it could have been he changed his mind and started clearing for agricultural use,is there any law that prevents u froming clearing your agricultural land.

    • doro
      June 1, 2012

      OU PACA TAN NO AGRICULTURE NO BUILDING NO NOTHING IT WILL CONTAMINATE OUR WATERSHED. THINK CHEMICAL IN YOUR SYSTEM WHEN YOU DRINKING WATER. Anonymous, the only solution for the man is to trade the property with the government for somewhere else to put his home building. And i hope all the trees he cut there will be replaced, so our watershed do not dryup.

  4. Observer
    May 31, 2012

    I am deeply flabbergasted when i see the events unfolding at Pond Casse. i have my reason to be surprised because i can recall a few years ago i submitted a plan to build at Sultan estate and i met with much resistance from the Head Huncho at planning. I was told that this area is sensitive because it is between the Layou And Belfast river Ccatcment area. The housing lot in question has no forest trees, it is far from the heritage sight but i was given such resistance from the Head Huncho that i swore i would never be able to build my house. So i hope you readers understand me when i say i am shocked by what i see going on at Pond Casse. i mean i was told that according to planning policy i was not supposed to build there. Mrs Annie Edwards where are you? all the meetings you all had in the Sylvinia area talking about land zoning what became of it. My advice to LAND OWNERS IN THE AREA IS TO GO AHEAD AND BUILD YOUR HOUSES. IF KRAZY T CAN WHY NOT YOU!!

  5. forreal
    May 31, 2012

    if it was not politically motivated,why did not no,t just take the man before the courts,why come in the media and make a big stink,involving the government,it is plain to see that was his intentions,dont they have the green light to prosecute anybody that is violating,i am getting sick of these guys,who act like uppertunist,they jump at everything just to bring down the goverment,everytime you bring down a government in dominica,you set the country in backwards motion,wiltshire and these guys wanted to bring dominica under cummunist rule years ago,same time as grenada,did they have dominicas interest at heart back then,do they really have dominicas interest at heart today,do what you got to do about that situation and allow the country to roll forward without politics.

    • forreal
      May 31, 2012

      typo error:why did’nt they

  6. nature Girl
    May 31, 2012

    Got one comment! Venezuela is funding a 10 million slaughter house in Layou Park. With everything that is going on the Layou valley and the beautiful Layou river is no longer a beauty spot! We already have a tarmac plant at the beginning of Layou valley so now with everything that is going on Layou has gone! No more tourist attraction here and the river can be no more!! Folks this is progress????????????????

  7. bigger
    May 31, 2012

    Here goes Wiltshire again isn,t he the same guy that protested about the cutting of the trees at the Botanic Gardens? see how beautiful this area has become this guy is hell bent in seeking publicity for himself

      May 31, 2012

      It is very interesting that most of individuals commenting do not own land in this area. I own land in this area and before the 2008 land use plan was put in effect I was denied approval for building a dwelling home in that area. Subsequent to that I attempted to get a land exchange. The result was that I was given an unfair offer of a housing lot less than one tenth of an acre and was still required to pay a difference since my land at pondcasse was given a poor evaluation by the same authorities. I had no choice but to reject the offer. To date the property lies as forest. I am all for conservation but also fair compensation. The pond casse area in question cannot be priceless to the state but worthless to the owners who would be happy to have fair compensation or land exchange.

      • doro
        June 1, 2012

        well watch out for wat is going to happen to the man in question and make sure you get your rightfull price. is a good thing you did not take the offer at the time. KEEP YOUR EARS OPEN LIKE A HAWK

    • tactical
      May 31, 2012

      Bigger learn think BIGGER: focus should not be on Wiltshire; stop tackling the messenger and check the message; Did he obtain planning permission? is he encroaching on the National Park? is Forestry and Parks in approval? is the Environmental Coordinating Unit staisfied with that activity given all the issues of Climate Change? what about the Office of Disaster Managment were they involved? what about the Isaac Baptiste consultancy report and recommendations for the area is this activity contrary to the recommendations?these are some of the critical issues not Wilthire! if these institutions were not consulted and given an opportunity to examine the pros and cons then something is wrong with the system.further more If he did not obtain planning permission then what he is doing is down right illegal- and therefore he is the one bringing publicity unto himself. In fact he should be stopped immediately;and I am in full agreement with the suggestion that if the institution responsible do not want to stop him we the people should stop him by any means possible not ec
      excluding court action, this is going much to far now those guys are not above the law whether they say no law no constitution can prevent them then the people will have to stop them. enough is enough!!!

    • 1979
      May 31, 2012

      and ur hell bent on getting thumbed down??

    • smoke screen
      June 1, 2012

      all you need to do is READ. Illiterate fool!

  8. 1979
    May 31, 2012

    OMG I EVEN FORGOT…..HAITI DID THE SAME THING, AND LOOK HOW THEY PRONE TO FLOODING NOW>>>>>deforestation is a muther…..SMH when your neighbour house catch fire, MOUYAY SAW……

  9. pink thong d kiler
    May 31, 2012

    as i see it, mr wilshire is you dont want people to build where they want then work with the government in making the complete area a national park and pay people for their lands… some like by the sea and some like the cool fresh mountain breeze…
    but to go and ask government to arrest people for cutting their trees on their land is madness

    • Observer
      May 31, 2012

      if you were aware of what going on in dominica you would have known that president liverpool has land in the general area which was repurchaesd by goverment but they never saw it fit to buy the lands of the other poor people in that area but at the same time you telling them that they cant build

  10. Anonymous
    May 31, 2012

    Dominicans are poster children for the KKK. We prove them right on a dialy basis.

  11. hmmm
    May 31, 2012

    well i saw it on the tv…mr. wiltshire is definitely up to something!

    • MN
      June 1, 2012


  12. Balanced
    May 31, 2012

    Mr Wiltshire, emotion is one thing but facts are equally, if not more vital. The fact is that the land in question belongs to Mr Bellot. Mr Bellot asked the Planning Division for permission to build a house on the land and he has not received permision. A study of the watershed in the area recommended that hundreds of acres of private land should be protected and Government requested from the Plannlng Division an estimate of the cost of compensation to the landowners. Millions of dollars are required for compensation. The question is where is that money going to come from and a decision on the land proposed for protection has not been made.
    DNO, I advise that you visit the area and you report on your findings. You may be in a better position to guide your readers.
    Mr Wiltshire has a history of seeking to tell others how to do their work, but he needs to advise himself accordingly.

    • Anonymous
      May 31, 2012

      Yes where is the money going to come from but until it comes no building can occur. It’s very simple. Zoning is enforced all the time in civilized countries.

      Also when did Krazy buy this land? If it’s watershed area there must be laws that are clear as to what can be done. It’s also up to the buyer to research any governing restrictions as ignorance of the law is no excuse so there may not be any compensation due to him. He took the risk and failed. For those who inherited land before such zoning issues become part of the country’s dialogue and laws then it’s just tough luck for those who must wait to get paid if applicable, but lucky when the millions do come especially considering they inherited and themselves did not invest.

    • Jacky Chan
      May 31, 2012

      I have to be blunt.People lime you are the ugly side of humanity. You defend a 27 Million dollar state house but can justify the destruction of the watershed area through government misconduct and neglection of the duty to insure that the basic himan needs are protected. You do all this to protect one man or a political party. This is not just vexing but just unbelievable. You homed in onthe messenger just to avoid dealing with the reality of the message. ALL FOR A PARTY.

  13. big
    May 30, 2012

    I want they rain to fall and flood dominica that country need a bath.

  14. Anonymous
    May 30, 2012

    Bernard may not want to take the matter to court, lest it turns out the same way as the Layou asphalt case.

  15. The hills have eyes
    May 30, 2012

    This deplorable act is happening in the Buffer Zone of the World Heritage Site. Information out of Paris, France indicate that UNESCO is considering placing the Morne Trois Pitons National Park on the list of World Heritage Sites in Danger!

  16. Anonymous
    May 30, 2012

    Why oh why was land sold for housing in that area in the first place. Please tell me. Everything in Dominica upside down. As long as you have clout, you run tings. It so difficult for me a young person with a good job to get a ‘cwas’ piece of land but land in our national forest is being sold. Blame those who sold the land. You see those ministries of Housing and Lands and Surveys!!!! Doing what they want. Hmmm.

    • Correction
      May 31, 2012

      Zey Zey it was not sold for housing it is AGRICULTURAL land…. that is not saying that the owner couldn’t decide to build a house on it but that is where Planning comes in!

      I have no idea why you Dominicans are so BLEDY INFERIOR one would swear only in Dominica negative things happens… smdh!!!

  17. ????????
    May 30, 2012

    It’s a lawless country. A country with no law no constitution.
    Had it been Wiltshire doing this madness, he would have been stopped ages ago. That’s why i cannot and will not associate with some of our so called leaders.This country is far gone.

  18. Cza
    May 30, 2012

    If u want DA to turn dry or wonder what it would be like just go st croix.

  19. Cza
    May 30, 2012

    The thing is when people doing that we think yah DA bless that not gonna do anything but it does. DA people need to start speaking up against destroying the green we have

  20. Cza
    May 30, 2012

    I against it cause if he build then more will follow an we Cannot make DA turn dry like other countries tha wish they had a river.

  21. Eggleston
    May 30, 2012

    These are issues that the Skerrit cabinet should look hard into. This cutting down of trees in that area is just not good for the island. Dominica is too soft on things like these, overall Dominica is too soft. Too many people walking around doing what they want. We have laws but these laws are not being enforced. . This is a serious matter which needs urgent attention. The PM needs to step in and take the lead if planning or whoever is not doing their jobs. This is serious my people.

  22. Flea Buster
    May 30, 2012

    You play with dogs you get fleas. Some Dog Fleas are very difficult to dispose off. An attempt to dispose some kind of dog fleas will result in an embarassing and revealing exposure of the host. DNO leave my comment alone cause I know what I’m talking about- I erradicate Fleas for a living.I throw me corn but me no call no fowl

  23. kkkkk
    May 30, 2012


  24. 1979
    May 30, 2012

    OHHH zor, whats wrong with a little sewerage water in our water supply??? and is krazy own never the less. well GOLD might flow from our taps soon… I can’t wait.

  25. 4progress
    May 30, 2012

    Land should divided into 4 main functions.

    Commercial, Industrial, Protected and Residential.

    Once every D/can are aware of these, laws can be better enforced, Gvnmt can build infrastructure accordingly and the people know what and where to build/invest

    Is this too complicated or sophisticated ???

    When will we ever learn ????/

    • Luke
      May 30, 2012

      Also Institutional (courts, police stations etc)

      May 30, 2012

      This is zoning and most developed/industrialized countries are set up this way. Are we too late to do this.

      I think we can, but some loud mouth Dominicans like to cry dictartoship for everything, so this will not happen.

      • Portsmouth
        May 30, 2012

        PROF WIKILEAKS YOU Naive and Ignorant apologist, Dominica has zoning laws even before you could go by the bayside in Portsmouth.It is because of the zoning regulation that there is a construction mOratorium for this water shed area.It is the reason why people are upset that one idiot can go over the head and rules of the Planning Division. I guess this all part of the No Law No Constitution movement. Are you afraid to acknowledge the truth. You are such an arrogant soul that you can’t even recognize how much you make a fuool of yourself.You need to do some reading , enlighten your mind and stop pretending like you know. I pitty you who don’t even know that you don’t know what you think you know. esn’t

      • Yes I
        May 30, 2012

        DNO you have to put a low comment rating on this one wee papa. Boy Mista ignorant.

      • ...........
        May 30, 2012

        @ Wicked leaks….You are really an accomplished idiot.It’s clueless fools like you this failed regime can get to defend it, but alas you are such a moron!

        May 31, 2012


        I am naive to say that we need Zoning laws. Lets take some establishment and see if we really do have zoning laws.

        1. Just take a look at the amount of Auto Repair Shops in an around Roseau

        2.That we can have a major Tobacco producung facility in the middle of Roseau

        3. The Ross University was built and a major Highway is in the middle of the school

        Please help yourself by asking how could they have build this here…

        So go on your rant about Krazy Tee because of his political affiliation and see how stupid you look.

        Not becaause you are Anti-Gov’t that makes you to be an idiot…Grow up

      • Portsmouth
        May 31, 2012

        PROF WIKILEAKS I must congratulate you for representing the parochial , ignorant and Naivety organization. Obviously you do not understand the term anti Government. I think that you meant anti DLP. I have been consistent throughout and so have you. I continue to be objective and you continue to be subjective. I owe no loyalty to any politician or political party. I carry my own load my friend. I call it as I see it.

        Again Dominica has zoning laws but politicians override regulations to appease special interest persons or groups- the tobacco factory is no exception. Because you are so Bias you choose to highlight the Tobacco factory in Roseau , the auto repair shops and Ross University simply because you figured out that these entities were no installed during the DLP administration. Guess what, this is the move of an amateur , someone who is absolutely clueless. I hope brevity helps and I sincerely hope that you do some reading before you run your mouth or should I say fingers. Here you go : Do you know the difference between a highway and a Freeway?- Go research. The location of Ross University relative to the roadway, did not and does not violate zoning regulations.

        Again you are obviously naïve about the differences between zoning and codes (building,transportation etc). Since you’ve decided to highlight what “you think” are “ZONING VIOLATIONS”- did you think about the Asphalt plant in Layou; What about the KFC and the drive thru on the same picard highway; also take a look at the KFC drive thru in Roseau; what about the decision to build the Windsor Park Stadium with disregard for parking, emergency access and egress. I expressed the same concern with the UWP plans for the stadium at the Windsor Park location. What do we have now? A city without a recreation ground for the young people.
        How did you miss those PROF WIKILEAKS? – are these projects so distant in your clouded and convenient memory?

  26. Claron
    May 30, 2012

    when I wrote the following line Planning passing his plan does not mean turning his property down. A house plan with an error should not be confused with private property, I meant to says ..Planning not approving his plan does not have anything to do with his actual property(Land)

    • frenz
      May 30, 2012

      What the are you saying Troll. If you cannot say something meaningful zip it. Did anybody mention about plan approved or not for structural reasons. Stick to the issue – that is why we are so backwards – people talk all kinds of rubbish to justify wrong or misconduct.

  27. Claron
    May 30, 2012

    While I understand where the lawyer is coming from we still cannot prevent the man from building on his property. We cannot tell him to give up property he held for so long to buy expensive land in town to build. In addition there must be confidentiality in the Ministry of Planning. People business go out to easiliy.Planning passing his plan does not mean turning his property down. A house plan with an error should not be confused with private property. If he cannot build on his property then no one else should be allowed ti build up there and Goverenmnet should take the houses and lands from people living there before. This is another plotical move to get at Frankie or the Governmnet. The Lawyer has a passion for the environment..that’s one. well…

    • Anonymous
      May 30, 2012

      All of you talking nonsense about politics maybe you are not understanding the issue. If Krazy builds in the watershed then all of his toilet flushing will get into our water supply which you will then drink and bathe in.

      Is it that English is your second language so you didn’t understand when Wilstshire spoke of septic tanks etc? This has nothing to do with politics.

    • Malatete
      May 30, 2012

      Claron, just because you own land does not mean you can do with it whatever you like. Look at what happened in Haiti, where they stripped the land clean of trees and the soil was washed down on no time leaving but bare mountain sides, note ven fit for planting a single banana tree.
      Iit is about time that planning regulartions are enforced, regardless of the “status” of who owns the land in question.

    • My Imput
      May 30, 2012

      If is so you thinking then what is the point of having “planning’? What is the point of having any organization or law or anything to keep a country in check? Maybe everyone should just do what they want….don’t you think Calron?

    • EMILE Zpatos
      May 30, 2012

      you can be prevented to use your land if the preventer has a M O U and has legislative powers over you which they got in elections.Or maybe they have dictotorial powers over you .
      Is Dr Wiltshire a Dictator or as a lawyer can he take the matter to court .
      Or is he seeking a confrontation .Or looking for some excuse to creat some mischief.
      Does the W E F operate under acticles of association or a POLITICAL PREASURE GROUP seeking victims.

    • Mr Gouty
      May 31, 2012

      Caron the government can stop any one from doing some thing that could go agains the envirnment even its on ones property.

  28. Dubique767
    May 30, 2012


    We are forgetting that Dominica is an environmentally fragile island. Its ecosystem is very complex and vulnerable. If we are not careful, over-development and environmental degradation will be the death of this island. People from other countries and islands crave to have the beauty that we have. Just go next door to Martinique and see what they have done to Forte-De-France. They have turned it in a concrete slab.

    Dominicans only need to take at look at other islands like Haiti, Barbados, Antigua, VI’s, etc. What careless development, or lack thereof (depending from which angle you look at it), has done to those islands is appalling. I was in Haiti a few years ago, and could not believe how Haitians destroyed their island by way of deforestation…said, indeed. Tourists don’t find the other islands as appealing as a result of over-development…over-development kills beauty.

  29. NEMO
    May 30, 2012

    But what is it that keeps Wiltshire going? Undeterred, he keeps championing causes. Here he takes on Krazy-T on an issue which clearly is a serious matter that Government needs to act upon. The man is fearless. True grit…True Grand Bay.

    May 30, 2012

    My people, let’s not be quick to attack the messengers because of who they are or which political party that we think they may be sympathetic to while we are prepared to ignore the message.

    My main concern is the allegation made by Mr. Wilshire that the gentleman in question requested permission from the Planning Division and although his application was allegedly rejected, he ignored the planning authorities and proceeded.

    After hearing the allegation on Q95 this morning, I had hoped that DNO would have been able to seek confirmation from the relevant authorities and obtain comments from the person accused. This would have afforded us the opportunity to make a fuller, fairer and more balanced assessment of the matter.

    Nevertheless, if in fact the allegation is correct, then this is not simply limited to the irresponsible and indiscriminate destruction of the natural environment, which we claim to be our main eco-tourism asset but it must be considered as a violation of the law for which there ought to be legal repercussions. No one, not even the PM, should be made to believe that he is above the laws of the Commonwealth of Dominica.

  31. Nassief
    May 30, 2012

    Wiltshire leave Krazy alone so many people build houses in Pond Casse u singling out Krazt, what layba party do u so?

    • Drake
      May 30, 2012

      Everything that is wrong you laborats find all kinds of silky excuses to justify wrong doings.

      • JOJO
        May 30, 2012


    • Dominican abroad
      May 30, 2012

      Nassief you are a JAC go back where you come from.

      • T
        May 30, 2012

        @Nassief. The comment of an idiot. Wiltshire is doing it for fools like you.

      • May 30, 2012

        yeah its like these people have no DAMN brains in their heads

  32. wooly wooly
    May 30, 2012

    Why the government cannot stand up for the people against people so possessive . Is it because these peopleand have dirt on the government so much so that government has no moral or legal authority to say no. Every indtitution under government control seem to be compromised. What a shame.

  33. us
    May 30, 2012

    Government must have policies in place to say where and plp should build with the absence of proper planning you cannot tell a person not to build on his property. yes the environment is affected but that’s what we get for not having our house in order. this is a wake up call for all of us.

    • Gee
      May 30, 2012

      Yes but in the we all have a responsibility for the betterment of our country! We must all be conservationist in any little way we can…… otherwise where will “nature Island” be in the next 30 years!!

      • Dubique767
        May 30, 2012

        I could not have said it better. We need to look beyond instant gratification. I want my children and grand children to enjoy the beautiful things that I enjoyed.

    May 30, 2012

    SO I spoke to someone in planning and he said he has no idea what these angered men are talking about

    • Met Yo
      May 30, 2012

      Dominica hard, People wanna keep their jobs. Don’t come with that. You know how it goes in Dominica, victimization galore, what else you expect them to say??? stupse

        May 30, 2012

        You all are so shallow, you all didn’t see the sarcasm in post.

        I spoke to someone and he said….isn’t this what the angered men are saying.


      • Met Yo
        May 30, 2012

        Wikileaks…garcon…come out there your none sense…the country tie up..look 66 jobless.

    • Grand pa
      May 30, 2012

      Who did you speak to at planning sort :lol: i spoke to someone at planning whi know about the case and confirm that permission was denied. But we know that your arrogant self would eventually shoe up to defend the asinine act of destroying a watershed area and pollutiin of our water supply. What will you stand for young man.

      • 1979
        May 30, 2012

        ABSOLUTELY NIL.. I don’t think this person is a Dominican. well when krazy flush his toilet we will just bweh some afluent nuh??? maybe wiki have cistern on his house so e pAH MELE!!

    • looking in
      May 30, 2012

      You spoke with your imaginary friend in the cupboard again? sakway manteh! why would any professional just to answer your question refer to anyone as being these angered men? stay there still and make up stories in defense of wrong.

    • Shameless
      May 30, 2012

      Garson ou toe sort! You really expected a different answer from planing after the bomb don burst? I will not be surprised if all of a sudden paperwork show up showing that Crazy-T received approval. Anyone refusing to sign the document will loose their job too. But the god I serve is NOT a Dominican Police Commissioner.

      • Dubique767
        May 30, 2012

        I was thinking the same thing. When you fund someone’s campaign, the person has to wash your feet. The washing feet will come in the way of an overnight approval…

  35. Hate ignorance
    May 30, 2012

    well well well. lots of issues here. The size of the house doesnt matter, if one person is allowed to do that destruction for just one house then how are you going to stop others from continueing the practice. Secondly it depends on the quantity of land the guy has up there. it may be intersting to note that if a persons owns a certain quantity of land which is termed “Estate” they dont need planning permission to develop it , thats the law at least as far as i can remember (it might have changed recently). If the law hasnt been changed then i dont think he is doing anything illegal if the land falls in the “estate” category. Is it a moral issue i dont know but this guy will do anything for a dollar and so i am not surprise that he went against the advice of planning. Birds of a feather flock together , who is he associated with ? Can they tell him anything if they are doing worse than him i dont think so . Alot of business men dont think from the heart they are just greedy and dont care about the future of people they may be hurting years down the road.

  36. hope
    May 30, 2012

    Sir i agree with you…….. i will join you if Planning will not do their job. I am a believer that we must do something now or else oour children will have nothing to enjoy in this country! I stand with you Sir.

  37. May 30, 2012


  38. SMOKEY
    May 30, 2012

    wow and why he want to build there and not in his own place i hate when people just cut trees down and leave the place to fend for it self if thats true i hope he pay and the govt should do something about mr

    • Hate ignorance
      May 30, 2012

      he is the government , lol

  39. Collin Allan Thomas
    May 30, 2012

    Our Environment is a gift from our Creator.Dominica is a unique country in this whole world and we in Dominica fail to grasp how precious a gift we have.
    We must not jump to conclusions before we assertain all the facts.If the business man owns the land,then noone cannot tell him what to do with his land.As a former Assistant Environmental Health Officer,I am concerned about “watersheds” and “water catchment” in the said locality.The businessman can build his home with an environmentally friendly project.He needs AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT.
    Once politics is involved,then emotions hang high.If the Planning Division refuse him a permit based on Environmental Laws of The Commonwealth of Dominica,then he is breaking the law and needs to be fined or arrested,based on the penalty requirements of the Environmental Laws.It all depends on how strong and concrete our Environmental Laws are.

  40. Asterix
    May 30, 2012

    Photos of the alleged deforestation should be provided so Dominicans can see the evidence for themselves. I do know for a fact that planning have stopped people from building in that area and they have had meetings with people who own property in that area with a view to educate and enforce their no building proposal

  41. joanbacktoblack
    May 30, 2012

    Please….No More Tree Cutting!!

  42. Met Yo
    May 30, 2012

    Let me say a big thank you to Mr. Franky Krazy Tee Bellot.

    Sir, it is well known that you are a close associate of the Dominica Labour Party and more specifically, Mr. Roosevelt Skerrit. This you have confirmed on record on your radio station many times.

    You have ignored Planning’s disapproval sir. Good Job. Let those who have eyes to see, see…and ears to hear, hear!

    • Dominican abroad
      May 30, 2012

      Its really unfortunate that politics comes to play a part in every damn thing.But its such a reality in DA

      • Met Yo
        May 30, 2012

        U can saaay whaaaaaaaaaat you waaaaaant!

        We all knoooow that the man will do what he want because of who he aligned to!

        Stop playing hypocrite. It was another set of POLITICIANS in office, he would NEVER try that!

        OK? Kairi is the DLP Propaganda MACHINE…..Need I say more?


  43. DFR
    May 30, 2012

    As one of the previous writers stated it depends where this plot of land is located. However it is imperative that we exercise care in cutting down these trees. I am sure that many of us recall “DOMCAN ” in the late 60’s when logging caused severate erosion and we had to replant heavily to save the land.

    • Mac Vibes
      May 30, 2012

      It has nothing to do about where the land is, the law says he cannot build and that should be that.

  44. Wooly wooly
    May 30, 2012

    This is cause for a huge demonstration. It is 1979a all over again. A government so easily submissive is a sign of a government too corrupt to stand up for the people……. . Why is it difficult to say NO.

  45. Girlfrend
    May 30, 2012

    People you must past there and see for yourself, i went to San Sauver on monday and past through pond casse and it broke my heart to see that my god? isent there laws in place on selling or buying lands or building in that area of Dominica? and if the Prime Minister supporting that i finish with that Labour Party thing, time for those people to go. am upset now, are those people not thinking of our country and our children in the long run? :twisted: :-x 8-O

    • i am thine
      May 30, 2012


      • Met Yo
        May 30, 2012

        ya…cause a tru labourites accepts every and anything till death right? SOOOOT

      • May 30, 2012

        Boy you all are really foolish!!!!!!

  46. Piper
    May 30, 2012

    Bernard, I share your paint my brother. The problem is, no one has any respect for these types of laws. They will prosecute a person who shoplifts a pound of salt, but these types of infractions are don’t resonate with law enforecment personnel or the government.

    Franky would never do that in St. Thomas because he knows the US government would come down on him like a ton of bricks. But in Dominica anything goes without consequence.

    • Grand pa
      May 30, 2012

      I lived in St Thomas and I sipport you fully. Oneday oneday kanker day.

  47. look deyba papa
    May 30, 2012

    well well well is so ma dominique crying papa, doh do dat to we country nah people. all our rivers gone we! the litte rivers that a left for god sake let us preserve it nah :( ma dominique doors are open for all types of hooligans and babarians all over the world. But all i telling all you selfish dominican out there, wen all these god forsaken foreigners distroy this country and go back to where the come from we willcontinue to be the laughing stock of the world. :evil:

  48. Reason
    May 30, 2012

    Why anyone would want to build in the Pont Cassee area amazes me. The place is wet and damp and your cupboards and clothes get full of mold “cani”.

    All your septic tank seeping into the rivers. Others like Mr. Laurent was stopped some years ago, so why not Crazy Tee?

  49. A.E.W
    May 30, 2012

    I wish i could see the exact plot of land because Pond Case has a lot of trees…clearing out a few to build 1 house wouldn’t dry the country up of its rivers…this guy blows too many things out of proportion. there are lots of “environmental” issues affecting the island for example, flooding and garbage disposal amongst others. i just think some people need to look at the big picture and focus on things that really matter.

    • suitty
      May 30, 2012

      why dont’t you take a drive and see for yourself eh and this is not political it is a subject every dominican has to be concern about if such is the case and please do not compare natural disaster with our own people who is trying to destroy and contaminate our water and not to talk about destroying the beauty we all so enjoy. would you like to know that these man putting up a building and we have to face septic water in our system. STUPID. we must say wen things are wrong and wen they right. Oh by the way i forget that right is wrong and wrong is right. the new law in dominica.

      • May 30, 2012


    • Met Yo
      May 30, 2012

      The point you are missing is that PLANNING REJECTED THE PROPOSAL! Who is planning blowing things out of proportion? Is planning refusing to see the big picture?

      You see how wicked some of allu dominicans are?

    • Anonymous
      May 30, 2012

      you let one go, you have to let all go. 1 = little, All = lots!

    • Just sayin'
      May 30, 2012

      Not sure what “big picture” is more important than our water supply? You should see the exact plot before call this “out of proportion”. Here’s a hint: Hurricane David left that area in better shape.

    • Mac Vibes
      May 30, 2012

      The essential point here for brains is the law of the land forbids it and he wad refused permission to cut and build so you condone the trampling of our laws fir what purpose?

    • May 30, 2012

      and what cause flooding, you fool????????