Antiguan company’s removal of derelict boats in Portsmouth halted

One of the derelict boats on the coast of Portsmouth. Photo credit:

Government has stopped the work of an Antiguan based company currently in Dominica to recycle derelict boats in Portsmouth.

General Manager of the Dominica Air and Sea Port Authority (DASPA) Benoit Bardouille said the company had been performing outside of the legal ambit required for undertaking such project.

“The company had to be stopped but they were informed that in order for them to continue they would have to get the necessary legal mandate to continue operation,” he said.

Bardouille said while DASPA wants to ensure that the wrecks are removed in Portsmouth, the provisions of the law should be complied with.

“We want to ensure that everything done is in keeping with the law. We want to make sure that the company complies with regulation. The company has been informed and instructed as to what is required,” he added.

According to Bardouille, any person who requires undertaking work in Dominica needs to ensure that they have proper documentation and the legal authority to be able to pursue their line of business.

“If that was not taken into account before the work started then the company has themselves only to blame in that respect. The company has to undergo the right steps, follow the right channels and respect the laws of Dominica,” he added.

He said the company does not have any legal mandate to operate.

Meantime a source close to the matter said that permission was granted by the Portsmouth Town Council in February this year.

“The stoppage of the project is costing his company. The jobs of 15 of its employees have been affected. The government handled that matter unprofessionally,” the source added.

The source claimed that Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit held discussions with company officials. However, the meeting ended with no definitive response, and the company is uncertain whether they will continue work in the area.

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  1. Anonymous
    August 6, 2010

    portsmouth man

    what is the palrep and mayor saying about that does’t the town council have a level of responsibilty in cleaning up the town. yes the law is for all but what law was broken we need to know Mr DASPA.

  2. August 6, 2010

    Imagine we talking about tourism is everybody’s business, ‘we clean and green’ ‘keep Dominica clean and green’. Apparently tourism in Portsmouth it’s not an ‘all a we’ buisness. Guess where they want to put a MARINOR? in Portsmouth. Tourism is everybody’s business my ($$$)

  3. doc
    August 6, 2010

    I mean, It’s understandable that this must be done withing the law. Seeing that we’re on the topic of law, isn’t Mr. Skerrit breaking the law by being PM? I’m certain that Dominica Law prohibits a Prime Minister from having dual citizenship, if we have to enforce laws, lets start there please! No man is above the law

  4. strawberry
    August 6, 2010

    I dont know what you all talking about, but we want those boats out of the habour. So Badwill or Bardouillee better fix things up quick. Everyone look for their pocket.

  5. SMH
    August 6, 2010

    @Nat: I agree with you %100 look i notice Picard is taking the same trend. Both sides of the road in Picard has 2 vehicles can pass there no more.

  6. dangie
    August 6, 2010

    this is bull crap y stop the men from doing a job for free when dominica was charged 250’000 us to remove these boats and would still get the waste matel my source told me and we could not afford it here comes tis company doing it for free but yet still here comes mr bad deal and stop them it looks like his cut was cut out .well mr bad dael go find ur cut else where and let the men do their jobs ok

  7. John
    August 6, 2010

    they’re removing the boats for free!!! the minister not to long ago said its going to cost the government alot of money to remove the wrecks… now here comes a company removing them for free and they’re being stopped!! why? you didn’t get pocket change mr.Bardouille? I guess you cant charge 150% on that huh?

  8. HM
    August 6, 2010

    Dengue outburst? Blame the boats in Portsmouth. Government should remove these wreck boats by all cost.

  9. Dos
    August 6, 2010

    We couldn’t go to Antigua and be doing such work without proper documentation.So good job guys make them get their s*** together.

  10. August 5, 2010

    Since February the people working and now they find to stop them? The machinations of Government/Politics in Dominica never ceases to amaze me.

  11. ManMan
    August 5, 2010

    Why didnt the responsible authorities – DASPA or whoever it is, made sure beforehand that everything was done accordingly? Why now, after they started working? Toooo much koshoni !!!

  12. Grand Bayrian
    August 5, 2010

    We talking about nature island, and the government of Dominica, past and present have not done anything about these derelict boats in Portsmouth? This is a joke, such an eye sour. what an environmental embarasment. Why don’t our government bring charges against the owners of these boats?. Do you think they could do that in the US, Canada, or any other developed country and get away with it?… Not a chance.

  13. August 5, 2010

    i just cannot belive it does not have a company in dominica to cut two old boat into pieces in or country. we dominicans need to do more than just sit back just get up and do something to help develop or country. we the people are depending on goverment to much. we have to get up and do more to help ourself i know a foring company should never had to come to dominica to do that at all. jobs like those the gorverment should annoced it and let the skill people who deal with those type of projects awar of what is going on.i konow we have steal workers in dominica that could cut up the old boats

  14. BJ
    August 5, 2010


  15. charmer
    August 5, 2010

    I do hope that things work out so
    Portsmouth could be free of all derelics.

  16. Nat
    August 5, 2010

    Hello Dear Mr. Bardouille

    Well i must commend you for doing your job in making sure project like that are carried out within the right legal frame work, however i must tell you that its just a shame that for so many years these derelict boats in the Portsmouth habor. we’ve had so many change of government and none seeming is interested in doing any thing about it so if the Portsmounth town councel gave this Antigua base company the green light to remove these obnoxious looking boat from its habor so be it some one had to do something .

    I remember asking minister of the Labor party about that and his answer was that there is a Canadain company who was interested in the steel and that they would be doing the job in removing these boat from the PortsMounth habor , my question is what happen to that

    Oh while we talking about the PortsMounth town councel I do have a question for them . Why can’t they have the police remove these trailer that is park on the road side leading to Portsmounth from the Mile area , that is such a danger the drivers

    August 5, 2010

    what happen somebody not getting their CUT or wat ummmmm?

  18. Cracking up
    August 5, 2010

    yes , rules are ok , but why h as the government not moved to remove the boats themselves by their own rules?
    Portsmouth people deserve better.. fugg the rules remove the wrecks!!!

  19. Eyes Wide Open
    August 5, 2010

    Hmmmm, I don`t understand why they would begin this project without ensuring that they satisfied all standards and regulations. Very strange. While the removing of derilict material from the islnd is a good thing for the environment, did our ministers and environmental officials ever consider contacting outside companies who pay big for this kinda thing. The world is turning more to recycling old material, and scrap metal such as what these old boats are made of is very valuable on the outside market, for example there are some companies in Canada that pay big bucks for this.

  20. Beff LA
    August 5, 2010

    Good Job

  21. August 5, 2010

    jim you must learn to spell k you took the L from follow and give the L to over your comments before posting

  22. jim
    August 5, 2010

    well done every thing these days sould be done in compliance to the enviroment and country law and every one should folow the rulles

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