Catholic priest speaks of importance of protecting Mother Earth

Fr. Hill said the earth is special and must be taken care of
Fr. Hill said the earth is special and must be taken care of

Catholic priest, Father Peter Hill, has said that children must be taught the importance of what he described as ‘Holy Mother Earth.’

Speaking at the 13th Biennial Conference of the Dominica Association of Teachers (DAT) earlier this week, he said, “We need to teach our children the importance of Holy Mother Earth, the importance of respect and most of all the importance of loving it.”

“When we stay indoors, when we don’t enjoy what we have, then what happens? We don’t respect it as much,” he stated.

Hill questioned whether schools can be made a place where nature is cherished and treasured.

“Can we make our schools an environmental place where nature is appreciated, where nature is beautified, where children can run around bare feet, enjoy the soil, enjoy the worms, enjoy the grass?” he asked.

He said these are the simple things that God has blessed us with and they are free.

“As Dominicans we believe ‘Apres Bondie C’est Laterr’, the earth is special to us, let us take care of it,” he stated.

Meantime he called on persons to pay attention to their lifestyle in order to protect Mother Nature.

“We need to look at our lifestyle. Mother Earth is ours, it is our homes but we are destroying it if we don’t pay attention to our lifestyle,” he warned. “In terms of lifestyle we can be very individualistic and we cannot be as communal as we used to be… We use a lot of garbage, can’t we look at our lifestyle in terms of how we throw away a lot of trash? Can we get a compost heap together and put all of our recyclables, all our organic trash together and have a compost heap, use it for manure later…?”

Fr. Hill said it is no surprise that people pay a lot of money on electricity bills but a simple thing as changing light bulbs to LED can help save the environment, save on cost and save Mother Earth.

The DAT conference was held under the theme ““Impacting Behavioural Change to Combat Global Warming.”

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  1. eat em
    April 6, 2016

    The Vat is paying all his bills and allowances, so he must get something to say beside saying mass.

    • VAT is not Good
      April 8, 2016

      You missed ‘satanic’ in front of VAT.

  2. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    April 5, 2016

    “Nowhere in the New Testament Our Lord mentioned the name Jehovah and that we should call Him by that name.”(Facts).

    Lady, you are a damn fool, you need to get lost, and for the first time I would like to suggest DNO should block you from their site: You are now defying God himself!

    In Exodus 6:2, 3. ” And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the Lord:

    And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them. Again we read in Psalm 83:18 “That men may know that thou whose name alone is Jehovah, and the most high over all the earth.

    In Judges 6:24 I learn :Then Gideon built an alter there unto the Lord, and call it Jehovah-shalom: unto this day it is yet in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.

    First of all there are books in the New Testament that was written before the old Old Testament. You do not know what you are talking about, you are stupid, you are mentality ill, you are indeed 52/50, you…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 5, 2016


      First of all there are books in the New Testament that was written before the old Old Testament. You do not know what you are talking about, you are stupid, you are mentality ill, you are indeed 52/50, you are a raving lunatic! Your catholic crap is going to take you to hell along with pope and priest who taught you all that pile of feces! Go away you are becoming more than a nuisance now!

      The Bible teaches that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If you say there is no place in the New Testament God told us we should call him by his name Jehovah, tell us where in the New Testament he told us not to call him by his name Jehovah!

      You see how stupid, and ignorant person you are?

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 5, 2016

        “You do not know what you are talking about, you are stupid, you are mentality ill, you are indeed 52/50, you are a raving lunatic! ”

        And that should be 51/50, which is a code psychiatrists used to medically identify dangerously mentality ill people who are a danger to themselves, and the public; that woman is mad!

  3. Annon
    April 4, 2016

    I understand and support saving Mother Earth. But …. …of all the things this young man can become, …a catholic priest?? duh, no answers please :cry:

  4. marie-claire
    April 4, 2016

    Father looking sexy whosssssssssss 8-O

  5. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    April 3, 2016

    Now the only holy earth I learn about in the Book of Revelation 21 is this one:

    “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

    2. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for a husband.

    3. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them , and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

    4. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

    If there was a holy mother earth, would replace it?

    Now if we search the scriptures the entire dimension of the New Earth to accommodate all who God allow to enter is there in plain view. Give me thumbs down all who wish, I simply try to…

  6. Face the Facts
    April 3, 2016

    Most human beings are negligent and non-caring. They lack appreciation of what God created for our sustenance. Some do not even appreciate good and caring people and what they state.
    They do not care about Mother Earth. In the same manner some will neglect to eat fruits and vegetables, in general nutritious foods for what is not.
    They will also not grow them but some are bent on growing illegal drugs and distributing them. These contribute to ill health and an early demise.
    These also do not appreciate certain comments which they could learn something from. This is humanity all over – some of them.
    Imagine how God must be saying with especially sadness and disappointment, these foolish people.

  7. Catholic priest, Father Peter Hill, has said that children must be taught the importance of what he described as ‘Holy Mother Earth.’–News article

    Mr. Priest Sir, I realize that the theme of you conversation is not about God; and I am not surprise, because the idea of controlling nature–you all’s “GLOBAL WARMING concept–is of the philosophy of man, who has rejected the authority of God–the One and only Supreme Controller.

    At Genesis 3: 17-19 God said to Adam

    “Cursed is the ground for your sake;
    In toil you shall eat of it
    All the days of your life.

    Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you,
    And you shall eat the herb of the field.

    In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread
    Till you return to the ground,
    For out of it you were taken;
    For dust you are,
    And to dust you shall return.”

    • I can accept the Earth being called MOTHER for it was through her that God called for all His creation of Life–including the physical body of man, himself–that was why He said to Adam, dust you are and to “dust you shall return”.

      Therefore to my understanding there is nothing HOLY about the NATURAL THINGS of the Earth. Being Holy means being DIVINE and there is only One Holiness over man and the naturals things around him–that Holiness is from One God –His name is Jehovah, the I AM THAT I AM of ancient Israel–He is the Lord Christ Jesus of today–we cannot refer to the Earth as “Holy Mother” –God made man to dominate her direct production–he is not holy; how can he think of what is below him as being holy?

      The concern of man is to return to the Holiness which should have been in him all along, but he defiled his body through disobedience; that disobedience continues up to today–the nature of things will always remain–God’s Will be done.

  8. April 2, 2016

    cont. you all.

  9. April 2, 2016

    You all people are so crazy it’s not funny…
    How about some of the folks in all the dogs and cats that they could find then turn to the leaves on the trees consumed that and ultimately had nothing left to eat probably just the dirt of the ground the U.N had to rush food in there,people were literally staving to death…
    My sustenance comes from JEHOVAH THE MOST HIGH GOD…Our FATHER which art in heaven,Hallowed be thy name..( give us this day our daily bread ) (1) I know of a FATHER not a mother. (2) When Adam fell everything that GOD placed in his care fell to the deceiver,that’s why when he tempted YESHUA (Jesus) he offered it to HIM if only HE would fall down and worship him,and many of you know the rest of the story.When JEHOVAH lead the Jews through the wilderness, where did their food come from???The earth is GOD’S creation but for now everything is messed up until HE returns and restore it to what it’s supposed to be..Again you’ll are mad people..may GOD help…

  10. Estate of mind
    April 1, 2016

    We need to first start protecting our young girls and boys

  11. April 1, 2016

    take care of the earth it is the only place we know as home.

  12. out of south city
    April 1, 2016

    I am not a proponent of politics or religion but when one says something that makes sense, I do support it. The priest was just using a figurative speech when he compared the earth to a mother. A mother gives birth and nourishes, protects and provides for her children. The earth, in comparison, does the same. I would like to think that the earth was at one time ‘holy” or pure, before humans started to contaminate it. When someone submits something on DNO, we must not get carried away by our ignorance but rather try to understand what the writer is trying to get across. He is admonishing us to take care of the earth. As he mentioned, “Can we make our schools an environmental place where nature is appreciated, where nature is beautified, where children can run around bare feet, enjoy the soil, enjoy the worms, enjoy the grass?”
    We came from the earth and we need everything that it provides to sustain us. Truly, the children need to do as he mentioned.

    • out of south city
      April 1, 2016

      I remember when we played marbles, walked bare-footed in the mud and when we went in the rain looking for mangoes. We need elements to survive and many are found in the plants around us. Without the earth, we would not survive. We have seen a lot of changes taking place in the earth and as that continues, a lot of diseases and illnesses have become profound. Even the way we ate before and how we presently eat has changed and many are suffering because of poor diet. Many have adopted an unhealthy way of eating and as a result have succumb to sickness and disease.
      We really need to make conscious efforts to return to the earth instead of progressively eating our lives away.


  13. Lange Kabwit
    April 1, 2016

    Why do you all Dominicans have to change everything into something negative. Whether the earth is a mother or not the priest was making a lot of sense. Don’t focus on these little things but the broader picture. If we don’t take care of what we have, we will live to regret it. Thanks you Fr Hill and continue the good works.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 1, 2016

      You see; to you he has made a lot of sense, because you do not know better, and only see the nonsense he has spoke. Who made the earth “Holy Mother Earth?” Is there any such thing as a holy mother earth?

      The earth is created by God as any other planet, it is planet God created to be inhabited by humans, God never said any place in his Holy written word the earth is holy; so who is right and who is wrong. The sinful man putting on a show; or God Almighty who said in his word: “Let God be true, and every man a liar!”

      If this earth was holy, wouldn’t Jehovah, God, or his Son Jesus Christ have told you? Are you suggesting this guy is god, therefore his philosophy supercedes the word of the Creator of all things under the sun and in the heavens which The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ created.

      If it is not thus saith the Lord; and is found in the Bible, and we are not dealing with human educational science it is absolute nonsense!

    • April 1, 2016

      “Holy Mother Earth” is a figure of speech intended to make a point, not a statement to be taken literally.

      It is a “mother” because it sustains us by providing everything we need for our natural lives. The earth is a “mother” because we depend upon it for everything!

      It is “holy” because it was created by God for His glory and to fulfill His purposes.

      The priest is saying that children should be taught to appreciate, respect, and enjoy the earth, not damage it.

      There is much we can learn when it comes to being kinder to the environment, and making it a better and more productive place to live. One of those things is to be less critical of our leaders who seek to share their insights. When they make a suggestion we should ponder it, not shoot it down, or try to do one better.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist. :-P

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 1, 2016

        Mr. Hill I wish you note the man said “Holy Mother Earth” that goes far beyond simply a figure of speech or to make a point. People involved in colts and false religion do say mother earth, and worship the earth, you cannot deny that. Whereas he is deliberate in saying “Holy” has an religious overtone, and that is where false doctrines come into it.

        “Holy Rosary?”

        Have you ever seen the word rosary in the Bible, have you found any place in the Bible where God told people to roll rosary beads in any form of ritual making belief they are praying to God. Can you quote any part of scripture where God in his word reference the earth as “holy” or ordained a holy rosary?

        The have ritual they claim to be saying the “holy rosary” if you are able to view EWTN Television Channel 261 as it is in Los Angeles you can see for yourself. I ask you does God have any part in such things?

      • Reverend Hill, yours motivated me to comment on this news article. I beg to differ, in that there should be no need for a lecture about the said “mother earth” even to speak holiness about it–that cannot be

        Yes, nature or the said “mother earth is God’s creation”–just as man is His creation–so if man is not holy, whom God gave authority over the rest of His creation; and if man is above the rest of nature how can he pay reverence to it–for that is the demand of being Holy.

        Holiness maintains a Divine nature–which is of God alone–it is God that we should worship; not the nature of things; otherwise we are leaving Him aside to give reverence to His creation–He is not in favor of this.

        Most people who do not believe in God, worship the Earth–God grieves over that attitude and conduct..

      • Yes, nature is all a creation of God, He is taking care if it–for the sake of us, mankind, we whom He created as well to dominate the rest of the nature of the Earth. Since the Earth is the Primary producer of most of God’s creation –then the MOTHER THING can be acceptable, but not the HOLINESS THING; once again there is only One God and He alone is Holy.

        So why don’t we focus on worshipping God in all the ways He wants us to do so–STARTING WITH OUR OWN BODIES which He made to be His Temple–not the body of water, neither the mountains and the hills—; no one can change or remake the rest of His creation.

        We need to love and appreciate what God has given us—-but we cannot remove Him from that equation; Him alone is Holy and there is no other but Him–how do we give reverence to the things which He created as we ignore His love for us? But that is what mankind has done, even if they have heard of what Jesus did on the cross on their behalf

      • viewsexpressed
        April 2, 2016

        Well said Rev. Hill, well said, it is that simple to swallow by sme, but not digest by all.
        The message is clear, may have eyes, but unable to see, many are educated but can`t comprehend and analyse.
        I appreciate when religious people from different faiths agree fundamentally on matter of God. Let us rise above our human frailty and to that of God`s message.
        Bless Your Father Hill, young and inspiration and Rev Hill, forever I am reading his messages.
        Can you imagine, two spiritual Hills……..
        God Bless us to protect for Mother Earth for our children

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 3, 2016

        “Earth. Since the Earth is the Primary producer of most of God’s creation –then the MOTHER THING can be acceptable,” (Elizabeth).

        That is all rubbish, another bunch of baloney, spoken by one of Satan disciples, if that mother earth thing is acceptable, I am challenging you to find the word ‘mother earth in the Bible!

        I do not need to tell you what God said about people who add or take away from his words, you are infamous for that, you like to say you warn me but play with Gods word and you will be destroyed!

        The Bible teaches all things are created by Jesus Christ; so how can you say: “Primary producer of most of God’s creation.” Who created the rest according to you? Jesus Christ is God, so who created the rest of the unnamed?

        You see how God exposes your kind when you try to use sweet sounding words to try to play smart to deceive the unsuspecting!

    • Face the Facts
      April 2, 2016

      They are not smart and are showing their ignorance and disdain. This is why some of them give sensible comments thumbs down. They never like to hear what is good, enlightening, uplifting and encouraging that they could learn something. There are some other people as they in the world. It shows what they do not know.
      The earth has been called Mother Earth/Mother Nature from time immemorial. In French, it is also “feminine”; not masculine.
      God our Heavenly Father created earth. Earth is our Mother and we should really take care of it/her and for generations to come, as each generation does its part. Today, I would expect that these people would be wise or wiser to know that.

  14. lightbulb
    April 1, 2016

    Fr Hill positive message, but who is your barber.
    Serious big ups.

  15. Channel 1
    April 1, 2016

    Save Mother Earth? 8-O

    Since when the Earth is a mother nuh. Who is the Earth a mother of?

    People need to be careful with these erroneous statements. We need to take care of our surroundings and not willfully engage in bad practices such as littering but I mean come on, all this Mother Earth foolishness is a bit over the top.

    No living or none living thing was created by this inanimate entity called the Earth – all creation is from Father God Almighty.

    • viewsexpressed
      April 1, 2016

      I am sorry, you are tuned to Channel 1 for too long that you have missed the bigger picture.
      It is the warmth and gentle caring of a mother to comforts, breastfeed, nurture and posses all the love and tender care for her child(ren).
      The earth offers all of this natural protection and like our mother if the earths resources are abused to resort to climate change and on earth a mother cause her child to be abused in anyway, that child will be damaged and in pain forever

    • @Channel 1 April 1, 2016

      The verses 1 @ 2 of Genesis 1 says: ” In the a beginning b God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”

      Another term which can be used in the place of VOID is BARREN which means non-productive–so that is the way the Earth was before God called for Life–or production, through her–that includes the physical body of man..

      The MOTHER and FATHER name is given to everything that comes forth–which ever way they do, naturally–that is why the Earth can be looked upon as being a “MOTHER” since God used her to cause Life to come forth, but the HOLY THING is a no! no!.

      Man is not Holy, he whom God gave dominion over the rest of creation, what is below cannot be holy against what is above? God expresses His wrath through nature– the production of His Holiness, only God is Holy.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 3, 2016

      Let them critique you, as much as they wish, you see the devil has his disciples also, and he uses such things to confound those who do not have a firm belief in his word.

      There are lots of people who pretend they are Christians, but have no clue of what is written in the word of God. I am going to say something, and that will generate some thumbs down, but here it is, I do not care:

      There is no place in the Bible where the word joke can be found, because God makes no Joke, when a priest or any preacher say something as that man said ” holy mother earth” he is serious; he should chose his words more carefully to coincide with the word of God those people who do not know the scriptures will not adapt his philosophy talking crap about hole mother earth.

      What he stated is not a figure of speech, he has not missed-spoken, what he said he meant it to the letter, and that is false doctrines!

  16. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    April 1, 2016

    “Catholic priest, Father Peter Hill, has said that children must be taught the importance of what he described as ‘Holy Mother Earth.(Peter Hill).

    I know there is a dictionary term “mother earth” defined as “the earth considered the source of all its living beings, and inanimate things.” True or false that sounds more like the philosophy of men, and not found in the word of God.

    There is no place in the Bible where Jesus Christ, his father Jehovah, nor any of the prophets, and disciples taught of the earth as “holy mother earth.” Philosophy or an impromptu thought from any preacher is nothing more than false teachings!

    In the first place every, and any so called theologians who studied the word of God, if they have should know that the earth inherited a curse from the moment Adam sinned, and will remain until the new Heaven and the new Earth, the Jerusalem descend from heaven. All of that crap in the quote is nonsense!

    • ??
      April 1, 2016

      Steeuuppppppp…….. man go find something constructive to do…

    • viewsexpressed
      April 1, 2016

      Francisco, This is the first time I give you a thumbs down. I am so disappointed in your narrow minded response. Please try again. I mean we say lets go natural, lets protect our rain forests, rivers, pristine water and the term mother is symbolic of a tender caring mother who initiates all of these values and motherly love and caring to us.

      • @viewsexpressed April 1, 2016

        This is not to defend the ONE YOU HAVE CHALLENGED, because you are both my enemies; but I must show you where you are not being fair .

        You thumbs him down because he has spoken what is not in your favor, but when he speaks what is of your favor you thumbs him up–too bad that it is the way with you; in that you do not go for his sentiment itself, but you are looking for yours in his.

        I am saying that a person cannot speak the same sentiment all of the time. For you, speaking against the ruling government is your SATISFACTION, but speaking against the particular topic here, by the same person, is your DISATISFACTION–now do you see why the world is in such a mess.

        We cannot only want the things that is comfortable for us, we need to give others their comfort as well–now it shows how much you are in the group of IT HAS TO BE OF MY TASTE OR NOTHING AT ALL–this cannot WORK in no society whatsoever.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 3, 2016

        Thanks for your thumbs down.


        As long as I know that what I’ve said is not contrary to the word of God that’s what matters.

        I do not ride on the band-wagon to be popular, one have to be truthful, and defend the truth. I can see it in no other form, that man believe the earth is holy. If he believes that then he is not serving the creator, he is not into the word of God, but he is into the philosophy of Rome which has no relevance in the life of anyone. Just because a saying is popular does not make it right.

        Hear this one “cleanliness is next to godliness!”

        I’ve heard preachers rattle off that many times, but is that any place in scriptures?

        Absolutely not! Another popular one is this “God Bless You.” when someone say to you God bless you, you had better careful which God they are talking about, because remember Satan is the god of this earth, and that person who wish you Gods blessings may not be referring to the trinity:…

    • Janu Smith
      April 1, 2016

      Really.. my gosh.. some of you people take your religious belief to another level.. why don’t you just appreciate what Father Hill was trying to say which is the importance of protecting the Earth.. He speech is in line with our current Pope who is also concerned with the environment and protection of our world…

    • Danziger
      April 1, 2016

      @ Telemarcologie put a BABY BITTER in yr mouth so you will sucé better. Grand nomme pa ka HONTE.

    • Face the Facts
      April 1, 2016

      The Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ is called: “Our Almighty Father” as Christians call Him. Nowhere in the New Testament Our Lord mentioned the name Jehovah and that we should call Him by that name.
      Furthermore Our Lord said, “The Father is in Me and I am in Him. Whoever knows Me knows My Father. All things are handed down to Me by My Father.”
      When you and others stand before God for their judgment, no one will call Him Jehovah.
      Let me inform you further, you have all the wrong words, saying and advice which are not worthy of adopting. Get with it and keep your non-Christian-like attitude to yourself. Cease spewing your satanic venom on us. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:.

      • @Face the Facts April 1, 2016

        But what does all of this which you spoke here, has to do with the topic at hand?

        The priest says:“We need to teach our children the importance of Holy Mother Earth,” but he did not mention one word to refer to the only One who is Holy and that God Almighty, Eternal Spirit who is Christ in the Son of flesh and bones–His name is Jesus.

        So what is your contention here?

    • Face the Facts
      April 1, 2016

      There is much in the Holy Bible as, you shall love others as you love yourself and you shall not fornicate. Examine your conscience, you ignorant person. God knows you and your lifestyle.
      I reiterate that Our Lord never called His Heavenly Father, Jehovah. He did not teach Christians to call Him by that Name. It is not in the New Testament.
      Christians are the people of the New Testament.
      Cease quoting Our Lord Jesus Christ for you have exhibited that you know nothing but are only putting on an act. You cannot deceive the faithful followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
      You greatly err. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    • Telemaque the response of the audience to yours is God’s rebuke on my behalf. There is a lot of truth in what you spoke here–even if I refuse to thumbs you up–so do you see that people do not care about the truth or the false, as long as you speak their minds?

      So your UWP comments will always get the high thumbs rating–while mine is the truth, which the audience will not accept, while they bow down to yours, because you are speaking the same futility of their minds. But I will always have the open victory! Think about that.

      Anyway, Earth can be regarded as a “mother” because through her God caused Life to be conceived–including the physical body of man–there is a lot more than simply believing God created everything; the Bible presents the Message of Life and we don’t receive that message by simply reading the Book itself, alone–we have receive the conviction from Holy Spirit.

      But there is no way I can accept the “Holy Thing”–not at all!

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 4, 2016

        Since this nonsense about mother earth, you have been hounding me on DNO even harassing me when the night come on me computer. I much as I curse you out, you still coming back for more!

        What is wrong with you? You need to go to sleep and dream about when you taught school at twelve years old, when you should be getting an education for yourself.

        You did not finish elementary because you were to smart, that is why at twelve you know what you did. You never went to secondary school, you never stood on the steps of a college or university, never mind glimpsing inside of one, yet you on DNO trying to humiliate me.

        I messed you up every time, all you can do is come back for more trashing: I done with you, you doh have no feeling nor shame afraid you oui!

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 5, 2016

        You are talking on both sides of your mouth, with the hope that will generate some thumbs up for you, the reality is I don not care about thumbs up or down, I enjoy the fun of writing, and when I do it must be something of substance which makes sense.

        You on the other are always trying to compete with me, whereas my purpose is not competition, I simply respond favorable to peoples comments when they are correct, however, when they screw up like that priest, I will come out and condemned what is false!

        The reason they have given me all the thumbs down in this case is because that man is called father; well he is not anybody father, for God is my Father even Christ. And the rest can be found in Matthew chapter 23. I call no man on earth father, nor reverend, or Rabbi for my Father in heaven prohibits me from doing so. Now there are earthly father’s and mothers, they become mothers and fathers when they bring forth children into this world.

        And so the Bible teaches to honor thy…

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 5, 2016

        And so the Bible teaches to honor thy (earthly) father and mother, that thy days may be long on this earth. That is different from calling a sinful man father, reverend, or Rabbi okay!

    • Face the Facts
      April 2, 2016

      Talking a lot of crap as usual. You do not impress anyone. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  17. Dominica_Is_Ours
    April 1, 2016

    Why say this in Dominica we are not industrialized? Go to Italy or England?

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 1, 2016

      Not many Dominicans will appreciate you spoke the truth. Dominicans takes pleasure in speaking nonsense, we talk about situations as if we are an authority on the subject, even if we cannot do anything about what we are babbling about!

      The chief offender where it pertains to Global Warming and prolusion of the atmosphere is China, followed by the rest of the industrial world, the only contribution Dominicans can make in the reduction of Global Warming, and the polluting of the air is to stop using fusil fuel in the country.

      To accomplish that all motor vehicles on the island would have to be abandoned. Sometimes our people simply talk to be heard, as someone claim that Hill is a visionary, I suggest if he was he would have stated a resolve in Dominica specifically. One should ask him what sort of R&D he is into to resolve the issues he has argued!

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 1, 2016

        “the polluting of the air is to stop using fusil fuel in the country.”

        I erred, the word is “fossil fuel” and not fusil!

        Not: fossil fuel are natural fuel such as coal, or gas formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.

    • Face the Facts
      April 1, 2016

      All the garbage which is strewn over Dominica affects the environment, Mother Earth.
      Today, some people have computers. I wonder what type of education they have. This is why you never heard of Mother Earth and Mother Nature and criticize what the Priest stated. Life is a learning process. Learn from your ignorance. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 3, 2016

        I’ve had it with you facts: to argue with you is to degrade myself lower than your level of intelligence: Again my father long before he died warned me never to argue with a fool!

        He taught me the reason I should never argue with a fool is because the fool cannot understand anything that did not originate within the fools own mind! You are beneath comprehension, you can only understand your own thoughts you lack comprehension, and the ability to think cognitively.

        You try to operate off instincts, you lack mere commonsense, only the lessor species operates off instincts. I am not sure but I do believe there might be some place in Canada you can still find and get some kindergarten education; try and make use of that.

        In America we go to school at any age, we can even start kindergarten at a hundred (100) years old!

      • @Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque –April 3, 2016

        I’ve had it with you facts: to argue with you is to degrade myself lower than your level of intelligence:–

        Telemaque it is not a coincident that you have spoken about yourself here, on my behalf–the only difference for me, is that you have no intelligence whatsoever, far more to have a level. For what level of intelligence is that of an individual’s who can only surpass his fellow rats, mice, lizards and cockroaches? But those are the only ones you can surpass–maybe even worse than them.

        Again my father long before he died warned me never to argue with a fool!—

        Are you talking about the BIOLOGICAL FATHERE who asked his wife–YOUR STEP MOTHER–to call the police before he shoot you, if you did not get away from his presence? Man you have been a sorry creature from the day you were born–it is apparent that you cannot deal with it; but stop trying to plant it on us–we have no ground for misery.

  18. Wheel again
    April 1, 2016

    Fr. Hill always has a positive and dynamic message to share. He is such a visionary.

    I pray that the Father keeps him away from harm and takes him to higher heights.

    God bless you Fr. Hill.

    • Face the Facts
      April 1, 2016

      I endorse your comment. God bless you! In fact,
      He already blest you for your thoughts and words.
      The critics are so ignorant that they do not know they deny themselves God blessing and graces. Could state more.
      My urge is to write a book and more to expose the ignorance and unloving attitude of some people. It will occur in time with the help of God.

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