Experts say geothermal plants safe

Geothermal expert Sam Abram (left) makes a point while Energy Minister Rayburn Blackmoore looks on

Operations Manager of US-based Geothermal Resource Group, Sam Abraham, has said that geothermal plants can exist close too, even in, populated areas.

However, he said strict environmental controls must be exercised.

“A geothermal plant can exist in a populated area safely once it is within strict environmental controls,” Abrams stressed.

Abrams is one of many experts brought into the island after residents of the Roseau Valley raised concerns over the government’s geothermal project in the area.

“We are very confident in terms of the technology that we have, the expertise that we have and the monitoring system that we have that this can be done effectively, safely, and for the betterment of the country,” he said at a press conference on Friday.

Abraham reassured residents of the Roseau valley that a geothermal plant will not make the area harmful to reside since any gases from the wells or the plant will be piped away.

To drive home his point he stated that a geothermal plant is being built in a national park in Kenya and it has had no effect on the flora and fauna there.

Meanwhile, Power environmentalist, Etorre Romagnoli, indicated that measures such as using silencers on the machines a the geothermal plant will be used to reduce the noise that may be generated.

“The noise, which is a major concern of the people who live nearby this kind of plant, can be well managed and kept below a level which is the standard for residential areas,” Romagnoli stated.

According to him the most noise occur during drilling phases and this is temporary.

“The effects of extracting the necessary fluid from the earth to produce geothermal power can be well managed by taking all the measures to reduce its potential negative effects such as separating the steam from the liquid phase which is most harmful and injecting it directly into the reservoir,” he said.

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  1. Country Man
    January 21, 2013

    Admin – my comment has been waiting moderation for 3 days now
    What is missing from all of these argument is a copy of the pre development EIA. This will help clarify/mediate alot of the concerns about this project. From where I sit it seems the plan calls for deep drilling for steam which will present a few challenges for a geothermal power plant in Dominica. Although the technology is available the chemistry of deep drilling and mitigation of H2S gases will add significant cost to geothermal development in Dominica. A drill rig(s) will have to be monetize in the project to keep the re-drilling the production holes due to chemical effects on the bore hole pipes (maybe every 4 – 6 yrs), then you have to keep pipes available in inventory to limit downtime. There is also the issue of access to the chemicals for H2S abatement and there cost given that non of these chemicals are produced locally. These things can also create logistic problems. These things may seem simple but they can create high development and O&M cost for a steam geothermal project – that translates to a higher cost of energy (COE). Now this approach may not result in the expected savings that Dominican are expecting from the development of geothermal power. With all respect the geothermal development for Dominicas demand should be shallow wells utilizing hot water resources suitable for running a close loop binary organic rankine cycle(ORC) geothermal power plants. These are much more environmentally benign to begin with and would provide I am almost certain a lower cost of energy than these proposed steam power plants. The lead time for ORC geothermal power plants are also much less than the steam power plants.
    I am certain that all the experts that spoke today know all of this, but I think they may have other interest (maybe consulting work, financial, who knows)

    Reply to this comment

  2. Laudat
    January 21, 2013

    We the people of Laudat and the valley do not want geothermal. Take it to Vielle Case instead – there are volcanic activities (sulphur etc…) in the area. I guess the government wants the people of the areas to never vote for them. They are messing with the people’s livelihood. Skerrit please take the plant to Vielle Case.

  3. watch dog
    January 21, 2013

    People development comes with a price.

    • ................
      January 21, 2013

      What is that price?

  4. Who cares?
    January 20, 2013

    Remember, before EIA, before villagers of the Roseau valley knew what was happening, it was alledged that about $2,000,000.00 went into the coffers of some “Top Guy.” The facts and evidence are there to prove. The revelation has not been denied by any Cabalists. Not a cent has gone to the villagers, but more and more stress and treatd with contempt.

    They told Dominicans that the asphalt plant would have no effect on the health of the villagers. Everything would be OK. Planning Division still gave Gardakhan permission to build the Asphalt Plant close to the village, even after equipment was ordered and came in before Planning Division had given the OK. Planning still back down. But locals PWC was denied to build their asphalt plant in the same area.

    Layou people cried, pleaded to Govt. to listen to their concerns. But to no avail. Villagers protested. They were worried about the plant spewing cancer-causing fumes, creating serious health risks. But who cares about the poor, disadvantaged people of the communities? The Big businessman came first before the health and well-being of an entire community. Who had done the EIA?

    Residents of the Roseau Valley are concerned about the negative environment impact and their health. They do not trust that inefficient DLP Govt. Where is the EIA? Is it a secret? Was a comprehensive, independent EIA conducted? What informed that EIA? The process has been seriously flawed. If the people of the area were part and parcel of the project from the initial stages, we would not be in such dilemma. The people of the valley have not been receiving all the information necessary re. economic, social/cultural impacts. A professionally done EIA would address those concerns – land question, health risks, evacuation, benefits, pros, cons,disadvantages/advantages, relocation etc. etc.

    Dominicans must fear no more and make their voices be heard for their own health and development. The people are being fooled too often. We are witnessing the wickedness being done to the powerless villagers of Layou. Toxic fumes envelopping their community. They could do nothing about it. No one in authority is willing to come to their rescue. Shame. Shame. Shame. The same disrespect awaits the people of the Valley. They do not care about the plight of poor people.

    • Anonymous
      January 21, 2013

      What about the other asphalt plant are you going to ask for that one to be removed as well.

  5. My name
    January 20, 2013

    I think that this man is a fake expert; Just like the fake monitors in the last general election.

  6. Annon
    January 20, 2013

    I think this will be good for the country. I still am baffled by the absence of hydro, but even hydro has potential of causing flooding, there is always risk but we must move forward. It is safe enough. I wasn’t at this presentation but I do hope they showed examples including the plant in Gwada.

    Most of all the oposing views are in reality only concerned that this padner Skeritt will be credited for this great endeavor. Although I am not his supporter I think someone has to be credited for such big things. Next he should tackle Hydro generation.

  7. St Thomas
    January 20, 2013

    Abraham “Sam” Samuel
    Sam Samuel is our Operations Manager. He works as a project coordinator, also as a drilling supervisor on-site during drilling and workover operations. Sam maintains well records and analyzes drilling data for efficient drilling practices, and makes recommendations to clients’ management teams regarding drilling and operations.

    His experience includes geothermal drilling engineering and well design work in New Zealand, supervision of geothermal mud logging operations in Indonesia, and work on high pressure and high temperature wells throughout Southeast Asia. He also has experience coordinating and implementing HSE policies during drilling operations, maintaining a RIMBase database, and preparing and analyzing final well reports.

    Sam holds an MS degree in Petroleum Technology and a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry as well as a Drilling Supervisor Certificate – Surface BOP Stack. He has also completed Mud Engineering School and a Drilling Practices Course. He is a member of the Geothermal Resources Council, Society of Petroleum Engineers and the American Association of Drilling Engineers.

    I read Sam’s portfolio and i am not seeing anything saying where he is saying to the American people that Geothermal Plant is safe

    Why is he coming to DA and telling us that it is safe, yes he worked and design reservoirs, but scientifically he is not a scientist

    All them people are sheep in wolf clothing, period

  8. ()
    January 19, 2013

    @ B.E.B It’s not none of your dam business where the environmentalists are: Go to Hell, Go to Hell, Go to Hell. No Law no even the constitution will let you know Where they are.
    On the other hand, i wonder why noone went to jail for the bin bobol? Why some people are so scared of the IPO.Why some leaders can allow their names to be in the gutter and landfill to such a sickening extent, and cannot take legal actions against those who are doing that.OMG…Hope that satisfies you.

  9. hmmm
    January 19, 2013

    Abrahm nwill always say its safe..after all he is being paid by the government.

  10. Anonymous
    January 19, 2013

    BEB geo is the way to go i agree but i guess the issue is not what but how and where……just wondering!

  11. Anonymous
    January 19, 2013

    Sir nothing is wrong with the population but the terrain and slope issue

  12. jj
    January 19, 2013

    stupid people man

  13. Aye Dominique
    January 19, 2013

    If an EIA was done, why not make it public. You see, when things are being done in these shady manner, then people have no choice but to put their guards up. What’s the secrecy about if it’s safe.

    Or is it just the normal modus operandi of this administration whereby no regard exist for the people of the land and disrespect is the only form of treatment that we deserve.

  14. January 19, 2013

    I think that Dominicans want fossil fuel energy to pay more on electricity. When they start to cry for clean energy I want god to block their mouth with a hard slap.

  15. Doc. Love
    January 19, 2013

    Residents of the Roseau Valley,please dont be fooled by them fellars.You should put pressure on the Skerrit Labor Government to use an independant expert. The picture tells the story,look at the smiles on them fellars faces, especially Blackmoore. An expert will not travel to Dominica to speak on behalf of the Government with Minister of Government right in his face and tell the truth.What should be done is to seek assistance from one the those environmental agencies in order to get an expert with no ties.

  16. Anonymous
    January 19, 2013

    Ok, what exactly IS the expertise of this Sam Abram….or is it Abrams or is it Abraham??? Who does he work for, and what is his title? Same question for Romagnoli. I believe they are experts, but experts from where, what entity?

    Also, in Mr. A’s quote, “…any gases from the wells or the plant will be piped away.” Where exactly do they intend to “pipe it away” to??? And by what pipes? The ones that will forever alter the landscape of our beautiful valley? Where will these gases end up? In the air we breathe?

    Furthermore, this “monitoring system”, and these “measures” in place……why have we still not seen the EIA, explaining these measures and systems which are already in place???

    And, lastly, I’d like to comment on the following statement:
    “A geothermal plant can exist in a populated area safely once it is within strict environmental controls”. Who is going to make sure these “strict environmental controls” are in place, and what exactly will they be, who will monitor them, and how do we know if it is them, that they will tell us, the people, the truth? They never do.

  17. Anonymous
    January 19, 2013

    Operations Manager of US-based Geothermal Resource Group, Sam Abraham. SO? Who is this man exactly? Becasue he is based in the US doesnt mean he is hired by the US government or any other government of a developed country, to manage the building of geothermal plants.

    So until his CV and references are supplied I dont care what he thinks.

  18. forkit
    January 19, 2013

    best solution.

    5 wind turbine delices, 5 grandbay, 5 pond casse, 5 penville, 5 stowe, 5 petite sahvanne…

    only wind no drilling, and enough power to run dominica also dams at all major rivers around dominica,,, clean energy

  19. forkit
    January 19, 2013

    how can you get an independent assesment or people who have actually live and suffer with this geothermal plant in their backyard…

    this sam or samuel guy makes his money from installing these plants… its his passion blackmore, you expect him to say it safe…what if some line get blowoff, you going to tell trafalgar, laudat, fond cannie, wotten waven,bath estate, elmshall, silver lake and roseau to evacuate?. to go where, ..

  20. forkit
    January 19, 2013

    dem man look like government sponsor mouth piece.

  21. January 19, 2013

    why would a u.s base geo-expert use third world kenya as an example .what about your own backyard .dont you have them back home .why not?

  22. Jaime Lewis
    January 19, 2013

    Could this representative give us a list of geothermal plants that they own in the US? Maybe some Diasporans could check them out to see if they are legitimate and if the government has placed any restrictions on them.

  23. Anoushah Alie
    January 19, 2013

    Of course, I expected them to say that! If I had a great salary and project that will probably give me a promotion, I would say anything to make sure that the project goes through. Furthermore, who cares about the locals, whose will see a rise in sinus related problems, or eczema; there’s money to be made, so let’s not worry about the positive well-being of humans! #Sarcasm#

  24. Met Yo
    January 18, 2013

    There is no “Sam Abraham” who works for Geothermal Resource Group. The Company has a Mr. Abraham “Sam” Samuel listed as Operation Manager….I can only hope that these two gentlemen are one in the same and that this was just a typographical error……..

  25. Realist
    January 18, 2013

    It would be interested to know whether these geothermal EIA experts were paid by the government or whether they are there in an ‘independent’ capacity.

  26. Country Man
    January 18, 2013

    What is missing from all of these argument is a copy of the pre development EIA. This will help clarify/mediate alot of the concerns about this project. From where I sit it seems the plan calls for deep drilling for steam which will present a few challenges for a geothermal power plant in Dominica. Although the technology is available the chemistry of deep drilling and mitigation of H2S gases will add significant cost to geothermal development in Dominica. A drill rig(s) will have to be monetize in the project to keep the re-drilling the production holes due to chemical effects on the bore hole pipes (maybe every 4 – 6 yrs), then you have to keep pipes available in inventory to limit downtime. There is also the issue of access to the chemicals for H2S abatement and there cost given that non of these chemicals are produced locally. These things can also create logistic problems. These things may seem simple but they can create high development and O&M cost for a steam geothermal project – that translates to a higher cost of energy (COE). Now this approach may not result in the expected savings that Dominican are expecting from the development of geothermal power. With all respect the geothermal development for Dominicas demand should be shallow wells utilizing hot water resources suitable for running a close loop binary organic rankine cycle(ORC) geothermal power plants. These are much more environmentally benign to begin with and would provide I am almost certain a lower cost of energy than these proposed steam power plants. The lead time for ORC geothermal power plants are also much less than the steam power plants.
    I am certain that all the experts that spoke today know all of this, but I think they may have other interest (maybe consulting work, financial, who knows)

    • Country Man
      January 20, 2013

      ADMIN – recently it seems my posts don’t make it through your system.

  27. January 18, 2013

    In the movie ” MY COUSIN VINNY” the prosecutor,s expert mechanic had his own version on the performance characteristics of the Buick but Joey Galore (Joe Peachier character) also had an expert willing to present the real facts about the Buick.

  28. January 18, 2013

    Decimeter intervention people. The Layout cloud is a message to Dominicans. Take heed people take warning.Don’t be fooled by corrupt politicians.

  29. CIA on the watch
    January 18, 2013

    The Dominica people must tell this minister to put his hand between his legs and make the EIA public

    • Anonymous
      January 19, 2013

      would thay say to the people of DOM-IN-CANS that its not safy lol come on its all about making money lol

    • ???????????
      January 19, 2013

      I agree fully. We accept too many insults from these arrogant, and disrespectful fools…Or he should be told to go hice in a toilet.
      Can you imagine that some people have these leaders as though they are role models?

  30. Agatha
    January 18, 2013

    O Boy! What a tangled web.

  31. B.E.B
    January 18, 2013

    What have happened to those environmentalists who were spreaching “geothemal is the way to go, geothemal is the way to go” They are now instigating the people of the Valley to demonstrate against the project.

    On an other note,what is the situation with that water project which was being managed by that environmentalist, has it become a ‘White Elephant?

    • punk
      January 19, 2013

      i hope they putting that thing where you live because i not living anywhere close… allu to like to politicize issues without research

    • %
      January 19, 2013

      Who is that environmentalist? Open you big, toothless mouth and come out and talk.Stop the hiding game.It’s people like you that have caused the country to be so corrupt and poor, as it is today.Do you know of any leader who prayed against corruption, and that leader is the captain of all nefarious and corrupt deeds today? Are you one of the accomplices trying to shield him. Well this is just for a time.GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK, and stop the crap talk.

    • Tojour Belle
      January 19, 2013

      He has realize that he may dry up the river and desroy what is left in the river

    • Dasheen
      January 19, 2013

      You are right. “Environmentalists” are best at telling you what is good for you. When confronted with what should be good for you, it is oftern not good for them. I really hope there is going to be a quiet coalition among the people of D/ca to build the geothermal power station and harness the untaimed power stored within the earth below your feet. If an oil-well would be discovered in the Roseau valley, would you tap it off, for the benefit of the nation, or would you just let it rest there, because of harmful emissons produced by using the oil? High-temperature geothermal resource like the one you have in D/ca is like an oil-well. Revenue just pouring out of the ground.

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